I used to think Emily was really buff until I realized it was her sleeves

by zachattack3907


  1. Defiant-Software-451 on

    I don’t think you understand, those sleeves are to conceal the guns she’s packing. The people of Pelican Town aren’t ready to know how swole Emily is.

  2. She most likely still is, between her health food thing, very active jobs and lifestyle. Her sprite is also the tallest of the women in the game. She’s a giant standing next to Caroline (in Clint’s bush scene)

  3. MaisyDeadHazy on

    Realistically, I don’t think that’s her arm, it’s just the sleeve hole for her dress. Although I have to admit, this gave me the mental image of Emily having to forcibly escort Pam from the saloon after one too many.

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