I Drank The BAD Minecraft Potion..

my new Minecraft world is looking great last time I used pretty much all of my brain to create my own farm from scratch and put the Villager next door out of business but today it’s about to get ominous can I survive the much harder ominous trial chamber oh my God I’m going to die oh no oh no oh no oh no let’s see how it goes because the upgraded loot you can get is crazy and make sure you stick around till the end because this villager I’ll tell you he’s up to something where is he going being serious oh and go on help me out you should subscribe a it’s all coming together look at this it’s so beautiful and soon to be an industry Empire okay I need to calm down things about to get wild today at least I plan them to it’s it’s to do with this and also to do with wherever I put it this thing I’m going to drink you and you’re going to enjoy it if I said I wasn’t worried I would be lying I am definitely worried I keep who what why are you fronting me up I keep seeing you I know you’re shocked what why are you fronting me up what’s going on I’ve just seen you tampering with my farm if this doesn’t work now you’re going to be a big trouble right I need to put this back I was making a thumbnail yeah if I said I was not worried I would be a complete liar I also don’t really have that much food is this thing done yet it’s not even started this however is looking fruity give me this give me all your stuff I’m thiefing that’s right I’ve turned the corner I’m putting it back though you don’t need this many seeds that’s crazy actually let’s have a quick look at the advancements I wish you could zoom out in this thing so we’ve got brushing protect a villager from an undesired shock without starting a fire yo what the oh we might actually do this by accident honey blocks read the power signal of a chiseled bookshelf okay we’re getting a bit crazy with this stuff oh I’ve just thought of like three other things we need to do oh man I’m getting ahead of myself okay so we’ve got wind charges this we need this the mace but this is the main one I’m looking at today unlock an ominous Vault with an ominous trial key uh that’s going to be tough man what are we wearing right now we just need a chest plate have we got enough diamonds for that we have 12 diamonds so we will have cuz I’m too lazy to do the maths four diamonds left if we do the old we have to do it we just got to do it I know this has got protection one but it’s still better look at that we tripped out we we’ve done it we have succeeded but we only have four diamonds left which is kind of wild oh we could put the bolt trim on this what would look good with iron I’m thinking now red doesn’t go iron would go but would look boring I don’t know what else you can put on this what is the block even called oh you can duplicate these things oh I had no idea that is so expensive though well you learn something new every day is it this the smithing table two iron and four planks I was going to say have I got no iron that would be crazy I don’t actually know how this works I’ve never done this before so let’s grab this and put it just put it here for now upgrade gear yeah so add a smithing template let me just grab this I’m not going to do it but take this uh let’s take this off that goes in there add piece of armor and then add an Ingot or a crystal so that’s what it would look like that looks shocking what goes with like teal greeny blue I don’t even know we’ve got copper can you do copper hold on a second there’s that that that let’s add Redstone let’s see what happens cuz I’m I’m sure there’s a red one yeah red that that looks better that looks all right but it’s is going to be tough to to choose which one we want to use all right back to business we’re dilly d going to need some more space where my chests at there they are give me an extra one of these that’s it more stuff in here more useless stuff right cook that up we got bread we got some more wheat as well yoink this looks like a good setup but I want to see what other we have more gold cuz I think golden apples are going to be great so we should probably craft some golden apples uh it’s going to be expensive but I I think is going to be o wait golden carrots as well H I can do two of these so let’s do two cuz remember the actual rewards from the ominous vaults are going to be way better hoping for a mace that would be good but I don’t know if that’s going to happen they’re pretty rare but for now let’s get some carrots going so for each Ingot we get one golden carrot right should I just use up all my gold 1 2 3 I don’t know I feel I don’t I don’t want to use all my that’s not even enough that’s not a lot at all is oh hold up give me why am I wasting all my ingots when we got these yeah this is going to this is going to work out 10 golden carrots so how many nugs we got left 46 I just need my farm to grow everything we spent a hard working time on last time it needs to come to fruition like uh well now really oh was getting there that’s done that’s done are they done I’m actually not sure I still can’t believe I made this I’m in denial so even if I don’t get enough golden carrots I’m going to have a lot of carrots when that is done let me get rid of let me put this in here I got some bread as well got some steaks got water buckets I think we might be all right let me go grab the spare Shield remember that I said we might be all right because yeah I don’t think that’s going to that’s that’s not going to stick for long I need these as well for goodness sake spare Shield I’m trying to think what mobs were in there there were cave spiders I don’t even they can’t be upgraded really the skeletons can be upgraded is that it and zombies and stuff what else can be upgraded I guess we’re about to find out I have no idea grow grow I need you all to grow not going to lie I did debate just sitting and staring at the crops until they grew but I got quickly bored and little did I know that we were on for one of the biggest adventures so far I hope you’re ready because it’s a good one you know what while we’re waiting for this why don’t we go below the surface because on my list of things I need to grab is just in general for this whole world is name tags I need name tags I need names for my villagers I’m feeling unattached I do want to feel less attached to some of them but we’ll get to that at some point but I want to have name tags so I can associate and disassociate with who I want so let’s do that let’s test if we’ve actually got what it takes to protect ourselves against Beast before we go back to the trial Chambers for a third episode in a row now I think you can find the chests in here I am going to need to grab some more iron and stuff as well so I’m just low on all that stuff I think you can find name tags in Min shafts mind you this uh this m shaft’s pretty small um I’m hoping we can find another little entrance to it we can also find diamonds in the chests as well I might NAB the mine carts too cuz I want mine carts in my like in my world doing work let’s have a quick rumage around and see what we can find I think these are all dead ends yo okay that guy’s been sharing wow I guess this is going to use up my food as well but hopefully by the time we get back we have plenty of carrots right we’re going under I think I’ve been here yeah this is a dead end fantastic oh wait there’s a way to get up we should we should do that oh and in here too how did I miss this one isn’t this where I saw the chest no okay let’s keep going we’re going we’re going like adventuring today we’ve got this then we’ve got the ominous trial which is going to be this is the worst kind of Adventure this one’s not good but the ominous trial I I think it’s going to be horrendous like genuinely horrendous and it’s funny the irony of not doing hardcore mode but we haven’t actually okay haven’t actually died yet yet that there’s got to be a a sweet irony in that wait there’s lava nearby let’s be sensible oh yeah here we go here we go this is the stuff you just hiding here the whole time huh you give me thank you two oh three four wo wao wo five is that six six in a vein isn’t the max seven okay that’s crazy I’ll take that any day we have just upgraded I’ll take that wow maybe today’s our lucky day actually that was pretty lucky I’m going to need some more not arrows I’m going to need some more torches so let’s make those could kind of do a well can definitely do a more coal now cuz I’ve just used a load of it what we got down here nothing give me chests chests dungeons anything I’m feeling lucky today okay at least these go further than I thought I can’t I can hear I thought that was diamonds that gets me every time oh look at this is that an Ender as well oh there’s a chest we want name tags really how am I going to find my way back home too I don’t know here we go right Enderman do I try and kill Enderman I might actually I’m just going to do it I’m not really critting him am I come here oh that was easy I got the Pearl as well whoa okay okay wait wait wait wait there’s two Creepers down there what we got iron name tag yes okay and the coal I asked for as well yeah yeah today’s my lucky day today is my lucky day I’m going to take this as well CU I want it we got this this is going to be easy going to NAB this that skeleton is going to take out that creeper and I don’t mind it do it no do it take out the creeper I want another disc no creeper come here creeper why you why you shaking your head come here do you want to blow me up sir I guess not can you even get through they’ll come through yes right blow him up shoot him can I just quickly point out out that this skeleton right here just whipped out the 360 no scope for no reason on his creeper friend it was Sublime that’s it oh we’re locked in no oh easy what did we get did we get the freaky one again sty okay I I thought that was going to be worse right come here you uh hello why are you they get stuck on Rails I had no idea that’s really weird right then that um that was more eventful than it should have been to be honest maybe we are in for a bad time in the trial chamber or maybe cuz I’m just holding this they’re like this guy’s a wrong oh where are we now oh gold okay this is a big opening grab you of course my inventory is now full of just stuff I can grab some more torches now sweet I’m out of coal now though oh God oh God oh oh God stop stop I just placed that torch oh my God there’s three yo back up almost almost killed the bat out of reflex right okay let’s deal with you I’ve been here before I feel like I’m missing loads this is a really randomly laid out mine oh yes another chest another name tag yeah um okay there’s lots of rails down here more torches I’ve got a lot of torches I thought I’d run out don’t need the Redstone Dust at the minute I can come back for these this is going well this is going really well the only thing I don’t have is an anvil so that’s why we need to collect more iron Jus in Q look at this I hear a slime the fact that we’re getting slimes this easy is actually mad where where is it we are definitely getting the gold levels back up as well look at this oh there it is oh it’s outside oh we’re back okay yeah this is definitely a slime chunk we have been absolutely G gied with that that is such a big gift cuz I don’t need to find a swamp full moon or whatever it is none of that nonsense just pure slime look at this slime balls slime balls give me them all the only thing I really need them for is leads and leads are actually really good for manipulating the mobs it’s a really hard thing to grab but for some reason we’ve been gifted with slimes I think that might be it there was nothing else interesting around here I don’t think anyway hey you know what that hole was pretty nice wait I’ve seen another piece it’s through here hold up okay I knew that was a reason I bought my sword with me right let me tackle this cuz you know this is a this is this is a mob I hate I hate this mob go away yeah take that suckers give your but flying in the air like that yeah go away okay never mind we’re not done oh yeah yeah yeah yeah there’s loads more well there’s at least some more more gold too I’ll take it oh yeah there we go we found even more I knew it here we go oh is this I feel like this is like a double shaft or something I feel like we’re on the verge of greatness today if you thought last time was impressive I think it’s about to get even better just to feel him a this one’s a dead end too that’s so mean going be all hyped up for what for nothing a no wait there’s more up there too okay hold on there’s still hope what is this look at this I’ve never seen one that generates like this before give me at least give me one more chest I’m an addict please oh my god look look at the size of this and why is that just a square what is happening this one is really long and there’s diamonds and it’s just out so oh my God whoa I was about to say this is just outside where we came in but have you seen a space this big in Minecraft before there’s another slime over there oh my word is that is that Diamonds oh my God there’s more diamonds this is my this is genuinely my Minecraft lucky day man I don’t get this lucky there’s more M shaft down there as well oh who’s trying to kill me who was that look someone shot me in the in the dome who was that who’s trying to kill me I almost fell off the edge unbelievable I’m definitely not going to find my way home either oh yes little chest what the name tag okay why is there so many glowberries okay this is not the distraction I needed right now we are meant to be doing something way different way more important and now we’re here that’s Minecraft for you there’s no way that just happened I just uncovered diamonds underneath this oh I’m spoiled how many diamonds we got seven give me give me eight give me nine give me 10 oh there were more diamonds out here weren’t they we need to go get those are they out this way this seems very dangerous but yeah here they are that’s just how we live nowadays I haven’t got any oh no torches are running real thin never mind I’ve got 64 right here we’re good how many H here 1 2 three four more well at least we didn’t at least we made that Diamond Armor man what are you doing out here with a shovel did you dig this hole and get stuck in it I feel like that’s what a zombie would do okay what else do we have on this crazy M shaft you need to go stop I don’t have my shield my shield broke oh no comment no comment and I’m recording all this you know it’s real like this is insane two more diamonds for the gang oh another chest another chest got some iron another name tag I don’t think I need lapis right now to be honest I did not plan to be down here this long this is just mental there’s another chest down here as well light this up another name tag oh we got five name tags I’m going to have to take these for the for the food this is crazy I’m going to keep saying it it’s the luckiest M shaft I’ve ever been involved in think I need to remember how to get back to this epic Ravine so I can loot it properly cuz I don’t I don’t really have the time right now if I get the mace drop today from the ominous trials it will officially be the luckiest day ever look at the length of the structure here I’ve never seen that I’m seeing more diamonds yeah we’re going to have to come back and loot this at some point this is just crazy oh boy more diamonds how we getting this many diamonds I do not know so I came with zero and we’re leaving with 19 diamonds as someone who plays like from OG Minecraft this just seems insane to me this didn’t used to happen they used to be so rare he King chest look at this we got two more diamonds we’re up to 21 more torches so we can see a golden apple bread glowberries oh that’s a chest some gold next to it too just for I don’t I don’t know just for Giggles I’ve only been down here 20 minutes I think what I might do is go into that big Ravine but not explore it yet I’m just going to just cuz I want to do the ominous trial today cuz that was my whole point but I’m going to mine up to the ceiling and see where we end up cuz I don’t think we’re far from our village at all and we still have so much more of this to explore as well is this a new one oh it’s a new one torches bread another Golden Apple oh my God so how do we get down here without dying um I guess I don’t need to I just want to go up yeah maybe I’ll just go up from here let’s do it I’m heading to the surface this could actually be really dangerous cuz if there’s lava I’m dead water’s fine though I’ll take water oh wait wait wa wait no I won’t no I won’t no water stop I didn’t think this through this should be safe I think yeah cuz we can just dip into here well this could have gone better already is that diamonds that’s diamonds we need to get this they’re right here Don’t Mind If I Do Is there four more one two three four yoink okay please just still be water no Lava I guess we’ll see drips right if we’re in that mountain that would be so cool right more water yes wait wait wait where are we oh my God ow what is oh not a trident please not a trident we’re directly underneath the village directly underneath I’m going to put three torches I need to run this is bad why is it raining it’s always raining here okay this has been the best seed I’ve ever used Qui in in in in in in yes oh my God it’s right there we can just swim straight down to it I’m feeling blessed mine craft bless so now we have 29 diamonds all right 18 slow slow balls can’t even talk two of these we got sty we’re going to try that out in a moment we’ve got a lot of smelting to do but we don’t actually have a lot of coal I’ve just used it oh here’s some sweet I was lying put half in here smell up this gold cuz then we can make more carrots I’m hoping cuz we were in this like directly underneath the village that we can actually should I keep these I think I should keep the glowberries I’m not sure what they’re used for but I’m hoping that everything grew in our farm it’s looking like it cuz these grew and if there’s a day to try the ominous trial chamber it’s today if I’m just getting this lucky the whole time that’s what we’re doing look at this you all grown you’re not all grown yet there’s one two three there’s a few left let me do some sorting and then see if we can get back to do it 11 more iron as well more raw iron we got so much iron now see who needs a farm actually you know what I need an anvil let me look up Anvil I don’t think I’ll have the I do three blocks of iron is just it’s so mental one two three then we’ll take all this out and then we need this kind of and this Anvil beautiful so much stuff yeah who needs iron Farms man not me it’s time to choose names first off I’m going to just whack this music disc in and cuz I can’t remember what style sounds like I like this [Music] one yep Vibes absolute Vibes right we need to start getting some names so I’m going to use a random name generator I think I think that’s the best way to do this so we need a name for you so I don’t want to use all the name tags yet I need to choose a place to put this Amber as well I’m going to put it here for easy access did that shock you sir I’ve got a name in mind for you as well right we need a name for the evil guy I need to check if he’s in the nether still I kind of want him to come back oh no wait evil gu’s in here so we need a name for you and then I will release you so you can get up to more Antics we name for you name for you I’m going to double check the nether real quick is there a oh my God there’s two okay oh there’s three uh why do you guys keep coming in here what’s the point well okay I can save you go on go they just walk straight through now that’s that’s kind of interesting I might have to put a fence in front of this cuz for some reason they keep running through there who am I to stop him to be fair right random name generator have randomly found one that is like specifically villager name generator so 3 2 1 one generate Fungo Fungo it is well today is your lucky day sir you are Fungo what’s up Fungo how’s it going dude yeah you suit Fungo for sure look at you so now the other issue I have with this is I don’t actually know who my evil villager is I assumed that it was you but now that there’s villagers in the nether I think it might be one of them it feels like he’s building an army this is why we needed the name tags earlier how many of you are in here currently we’ve got one one oh yeah cuz they’re just going to die yeah I’m going to I’m going to name I I think it’s the one in the house it has to be here we go 3 2 1 generate rot rot I kind of like that that too r o Double T cuz rot is like a bad thing but also sounds like it could be kind of cool at the same time you are now officially my Nemesis and you are named rot now if you could kindly just get out that would be great all right I’m setting you free get out get out come on you can get out of there buddy don’t make it difficult for us get out rot leave oh it feels nice actually being able to call him something get out what are you trying to do why you got Sparkles I will push you out if I have to go be gone fix my house up there you go what’s up buddy don’t get up to anything weird all right and now that I’ve named them they will actually come up in chat if they die I think I hope so anyway not I don’t hope they die I just hope they turn up oh yeah look at this right it’s time to press the button it’s time to see if my hard work’s paid off sounds like it oh look at them go W okay so that doesn’t 100% work but here they are and they went into the Hoppers correctly oh my gosh we’ve done it there we go right I need to take some of these and plant them all oh my God I just realized how many carrots I’ve got woo let’s just plant them back in just like this some of you said it’s quicker to plant in rows these are rows right like this yeah there we go sweet so how many did we end up with there I’m going to I’m going to actually pull the lever so you give me them give me them give me oh it’s cuz it’s not crafting something man my whole invention for that is just terrible look how much we got from that two stacks of carrots I will take a bow much better now how many of these can we turn into golden carrots for our mission 23 uh let me grab whoo how did that make so many carrots give me golden carrots we got five more I’m going to go down to 10 and then see how much carrots we can make 22 Goldies you know what that is fine I’ve got more in here as well yeah I’m just going to do all these carrots woo look at us go we are thriving it’s insane we’ve got all diamonds we’ve got golden carrots and with the crafter I guess I could put the golden nuggets in there when I have them so I’m probably going to end up doing that and I’ve just got like stacks of carrots left after planting them as well carrots are definitely the way to go wow where’s my rival is he over here is this where you live no this is someone else is it you he’s running away from me he doesn’t want to see me yeah Fungo what’s up buddy you be careful all right I don’t want to see your name come up in the chat I can’t believe that worked so well we have now gone from starving not enough diamonds no name tags to some named villagers we’ve also got golden carrots and full diamond and we’re only five episodes deep what could possibly go wrong now I’m not sure but let’s go do some ominous vaulting shall we and see what we get I’m really sorry I can’t have you in the ominous trials it’s just I think I’m going to die so I don’t want you dying as well this is going to be I think catastrophic but I guess we’re about to find out so I think I need need to get rid of the active spawners that are here I’ve taken out so much of the ground here that I could be in trouble oh no never mind never mind never mind I should have drun drunk the bottle already I should have drunk it I’m just going to do it now and see what happens here we go I’m going to drink the bottle are you ready because I am not oh bad Omen look at the symbol for it 139 let’s see what happens I don’t oh oh oh they’ve changed yeah they’ve changed right there’s change to the bow we definitely need a bow oh my gosh okay so they’ve got helmets they’ve got nice oh yeah they’re just going to shoot each other idiots I love that right so I’m going to get you I’m going to wait for you guys to just kind of work that out and then it’s me and you baby me and you go away okay we got a little shortcut down here actually this guy is just stuck this isn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be so far remember I said that oh the noise is horrible what is that whoa whoa whoa who’s what have I got I’m wind charged what does that even mean who’s wind charged me who was that I’m not using my uh my shield at all so they got chain M armor with the cool things on it oh god oh they’ve got a way to get through to me as well how am I wind charged how did that happen What you get the like the skulls coming off you as well you see that and the skulls that are coming off the spawner too you’ve got an enchanted bow which is wild and Enchanted armor too it sounds like an alarm it really does okay there’s someone down there let’s just make sure that none of them are spawning from here and then we just need to go down someone is throwing something is it a witch where is that coming from who’s doing this who’s wind charging me right let’s see what happens something’s going down down here oh they’re shooting each other hopefully that means there’s less oh God yeah there’s loads oh yeah little Mosh Pit that’s what I’m talking about I’m trying to get the one with the enchanted boow I don’t know where this is coming from unless it’s up there oh my gosh is it the arrows they’re surely not right guys we’re just going to have to I’m not hitting any Critical Hits yeah you’re throwing wind or is it a Breeze there’s a breeze somewhere maybe I don’t know this is this is okay so far I mean they have been fighting themselves mostly let’s do that I think we good we can take this guy on I want to see what loots we get from the normal spawners first yes where is that coming from okay let’s head up I heard the spawner give its goods oh is that a honey bottle yeah I take that if I didn’t you know steal all the blocks let’s take oh no it’s a potion of strength oh we got some beef as well seven steaks not bad not a bad stop and most importantly we actually survived let me see what the spawner down here turns into I’m hoping it’s not oh yeah it’s them okay it’s them okay okay okay okay okay chill this is bad actually this is really bad cuz if they get one shot on me I’m really in trouble I’m going to to think about this tactically cuz there’s so many of them whoa how did you follow me up here actually that’s a stupid question of course you can follow me up here cuz if they get me poisoned down to half a heart then what do I do yes gotcha I’m going to try and get some of them from over here oh I just nailed that one yeah there we go this is the this is the strategy here this is my new bow that I’m using so that takes two shots that’s worth noting there’s some underneath but they might get stuck I’m just oh worried I’m really worried where are you oh yeah this is easy you’re all idiots go away I can just get them from here oh this is perfect look at that don’t just give me string I thought that was giving me string as like my reward yes there’s no more right maybe there’s one hiding somewhere there is there there’s one more there’s one more and I heard another oh God I heard another one of them activate too there’s definitely that’s a breeze isn’t it it must be but I can’t see it where is this SP oh there he is he just died I don’t know how but you just died well the noise is horrible right you can go go away go away I dodged these guys are fully upgraded they got Dodge capabilities Y what the ah oh they’re coming out of the thing Y what I’m poisoned did you see that oh it gave me wait did it give me a potion oh I am so confused right now yeah I’ve got strength now it just launched a PO out of it what is this there’s another potion up there wa that has not happened before it’s just spawning in potions I got 42 strength I need to get this from somewhere I need to make use of this somehow I’m going straight in that’s right I’m doing it this could be a terrible idea but I’m doing it I got strength now boys that’s right you got Diamond Helmet I don’t care about it I’m coming in with my strength I don’t know if I can go back and get that by the way way over and over again oh yeah we’re low we’re low we’re low golden app golden app quickly just let them just deal with it I knew you come around the corner I got 8 Seconds of strength left got scared of these guys they’re throwing poison potions as well who’s doing that oh this is terrifying man baked potato I don’t want baked potato I want Keys give me Keys just Rand I think each of the vaults fires out a potion a good one if you’ve completed it and a bad one if you haven’t yo that has not happened to me before that’s crazy wait this one’s still active oh this one’s not this one’s not even done yet oh how how did that just happen so what is going on oh yes yes yes yes yes yes we got a key we got a key I so confused by all of these potions flying around but we’ve got we got ourselves the ominous key that is what we came for that’s what the loots are about how much bad we’ve only got 52 left still have got strength because it’s flying down from somewhere let’s whiz around this room cuz we don’t have a lot of time come on then that’s it Breeze time breezes I find to not be too bad but and I don’t know how there is any way that they can upgrade either unless they’re throwing poison at me never mind oh I missed this room before wait I didn’t go down here hold on a second no hold on let’s just get rid of these oh he’s going down there we go okay I definitely went down this part where is that coming from oh that was you that time oh my God they said you’re so high in the air and you can’t use a bow on him either okay these guys are actually a pain get out of it and I’ve got so many Breeze rods it’s crazy that’s not what I want I don’t want steak please right we go around the corner there’s a skele bone one around here that I remember activate that’s such a cool particle effect right I’m just going to get you all to attack each other just real quick yep it’s broken it’s so broken man skeletons with armor is scary oh they’re going to get me they’re going to get me they’re going to get me they’re coming for me where are you there you are oh they’ve got a beasty shot so I don’t know if they give you more mobs or whether they’re just more powerful they’ve definitely got higher armor because they’re absolutely I thought they’re going to Pummel me then they are outlasting me by a lot compared to before is that slime what are these guys doing are you part of this you’re not part of this then go away okay I’m hearing rewards I’m not hearing rewards that’s a diamond skeleton the noises are amazing I actually like them they make you feel so uneasy but that’s kind of the point come here you that’s it I don’t know how much damage he going to do with Diamond Armor I guess the same as he’s doing to me which isn’t a lot let’s pepper him up that’s it I’m just going in I’m going in got remember to use my shield this is a masterclass and take it down a Skelly let’s go oh there’s another one you are bog standard sir you are not living up to the reputation give me a reward one golden carrot and now they’ve poison locked me in here 49 minutes left well guess I’m going to have to walk through this now I am oozing oozing what huh what is ooze okay we’ve done two rooms that’s sick let’s go get another one while we are oozing this one was one of the hardest rooms I think there’s a breeze one up oh no it’s this way let’s go this way oh I didn’t even set my spawn point that was dangerous I’m going to set it just here yeah here we go here’s one they’re following me okay this this was a hard room I am I hearing an Enderman I’m definitely hearing an Enderman oh they’re quick you’re spider since when since when are you so fast this is really testing my PVP right now PVE everywhere I need to use this more they they seem to just like as soon as you block them they just get you after you put the shield down it’s going to make sure I have enough heals and I should be okay oh there’s definitely more spiders I’m getting something got swiftness now as well I don’t know where these boosts are coming from but I will happily take them right take this to the face and then after we’ll collect as many of the keys as we’ve got and then open them all at once look at all this swiftness where is it coming from yes another key my axe is in danger of running out we might be in trouble actually if it’s only these I might even have to go to like a bow only yeah this is not good this is not good I have got a sword I’m just going to try and use this for a little bit and then use my diamond axe when I’m in bigger trouble this is better at hitting multiple enemies anyway maybe this is where sweeping ow ow silverfish where are the silverfish coming from wao wao whoo wao what is happening here why have we got silverfish and also when we get to 30 minutes the spawners that we started with are going to start you know reactivating with the bad Omen boost as well that’s thing we need to be pretty careful about oh I’ve not got a lot left on my diamond axe I should have thought about this how did I not think about that right another Breeze hello sir let’s get you down here locked in take more swiftness thank you hey come here come here boy there we go more swiftness I’m so fast I was just about to try and shoot him but that’s a terrible idea there are skeletons somewhere I remember this being a skeleton room oh there is just in time just blasting the skeleton all over I’m going to take the breezes out because I can’t believe I forgotten my weapons I need more weapons I need to find diamonds somewhere oh my God okay this is getting mad this is getting mad oh my golden apples my golden apples oh no I’m in trouble I’m definitely in trouble golden app golden app let’s go I went out the wrong door oh what’s this I love how they’re floating like that it’s so weird but oh I’ve got I’m infested as well what are all these new effects I did not expect this whatsoever I even played a little bit of this with the devs and the the potions did not happen I think they could be bad ones oh there’s arrows as well the arrows just came down from the ceiling this is mental yeah look there’s an arrow look watch it come to the floor that’s mad no wonder I felt like I was getting attacked oh was oh please don’t break I don’t want this to break the axe is going to go down I’m going to be left with stone axe which would be terrible unless I get something good out of all the loot here I might have to open one of the vaults prematurely just to see what I can get what we’re looking for is the thing to make the mace but that is insanely rare both my weapons are about to die yeah I’m infested did you see that or is it spawning silverfish that’s what it’s doing it’s spawning silverfish this is a normal skeleton I can definitely take you out I don’t think you get crits with that do you I’m not sure how are we doing any other stuff we’re almost out of golden carrots that’s not good that’s fine got you there is a spider up here I’ve gained no don’t do that not with the water please I’m trying to pick up as many arrows as I can oh the water is bad give me give me hours give me hours I need to turn that off that needs to go off yo Breeze can you attack me again I want this to come back in please yes this is so crazy we have been lucky so far in the rest of this recording yeah there we go get you there can’t be that many left in this room but I also am not seeing many rewards God this needs to go this water’s making everything super difficult he might be the last skeleton oh no it broke it broke it broke I’ve only got my diamond axe and no arrows where is he I can’t see him there he is wa cuz the other room here is really difficult it was the hardest room last time yes oh that was crazy okay we got more beef not ideal what have we got up there golden carrots I will take some of those cuz I am running low that thank you oh I haven’t done this as a trial key yet okay we we’re going to grab this let’s see what we get what is that a banner emeralds emeralds are not ideal cuz I can’t use them to make anything any weapons whatsoever can I what weapons can I craft yo nothing the mace what else did we get more baked Tates I feel like we didn’t get loot from all of these spawners I think I’m going to have to go for a couple of these I don’t think there’s loads around so that should be fine right here we go our first ominous trial key is happening now yeah open that mouth here we go what are we going to get revolting o that’s a new trim some diamonds that’s good a book oh we got a lot from that okay so we got the flow armor trim three diamonds we can make a new axe oh we’re going in we got 10 wind charges and wind burst one which I think is for the mace okay this has just saved our life we can actually make a crafting table and go ahead and make a spare diamond axe the saviors I don’t believe it oh we got the potion of strength as well actually look how much my armor has gone down I’m almost out of Shield too right we’re on trial I’m 39 minutes I think we go to that one last room which was one of the hardest rooms oh we got slowness arrows as well and once we’ve done that we should head back keep our profits and stay alive basically where is the other one though is it down here it was down in a room like this yeah look at this Arrow watch it that’s Savage that is insane that that happens while we’re here should we just do this ominous Vault up here I think we should I think it makes sense let’s go up here there we go right second ominous key this the only the second one we’ve had but the loot is insane we got another trim emeralds emeralds diamond block woo okay I’ll take that but I really wanted I really wanted something else flow armor trim is cool oh we got the banner last time as well the gusta it’s not what we wanted where is this room that I found before I can’t even find it and the other stuff is going to start activating soon it’s in this room it’s here okay we’re going down here we’re activating this one this is where the deep dark is here we go the last test the last room and then we’ve done the whole thing ominously my Cake’s still down here chilling right here we go let’s just activate them all let’s do it I’m feeling too brave why did I do that let’s take them out take them out as much as we can I like that we get these potion effects I like that there’s good ones and bad ones I’m going to need that Arrow please thank you we got lots of levels too there’s one of the devil arrows well that’s a poison arrow I didn’t even know they could do that either those two are fighting let’s take you out looks like there can be Buffs to the other mobs as well which is crazy to think about I’ve got you to take out don’t know what you’re doing but get down there I want to activate the other yeah this is good I think there’s only four 1 2 3 yeah there’s four okay cool I got no arrows you know what I’ll take these over the other ones I don’t want cave spiders in my life actually this room I think will be okay I think this room will be fine going take you out cuz you’re stuck in there just oh minding your own business this one’s invisible we have invisible spiders what look at it how are you doing that aren’t those really rare I don’t know if there’s like an invisible potion going around but I appreciate the speed right now let me see if I even needed the um the extra is there any arrows in here eggs eggs take the eggs eggs to the face thank you oh the silverfish are back that’s what that is it spawns silverfish near you that’s what infested is I’ve only got my axe left oh this one’s broken okay I need my other one so I it’s good that we got those diamonds and use them otherwise we would have been in trouble there’s a lot of potions coming down if these were all bad ones I would definitely be in trouble oh just got taken out he’s got diamond armor this guy trying to chase me huh I just need to make sure I hit the crits which is hard when you got lots of people bouncing you around I need golden carrot thank you I’m still infested right how are we doing I’m hearing some rewards up top maybe rewards rewards no rewards man stuck in that though I will take that how did you hit me from there stop it all right this is my I’m not going to eat my last golden carrot I’m just going to try and stick to these ones for now if I can where’s oh breezes why did you were you in here before I don’t remember breez is before in this one oh he’s just poisoning me he’s just poison me that’s outrageous right going to have to eat a golden carrot there’s someone in there too there’s two in there oh I’m stuck down here okay I’m going to have to think about I might golden apple and then just go in do it not think about the poison it’s okay where are they all come on I just popped a an Apple for you don’t look so confused buddy he’s in a dark corner thinking about what he’s done where was that little room where they were just chilling in oh there the is Breeze that’s it take him out beautiful take you out I’ve done these ones right done these vaults get you out of here cool this is working out well how do you keep getting stuck down here not that I mind by the way not that I mind I’m going quickly carrot and get stuck back in watch the arrows from above I can’t believe that is a surprise with the potions and everything I think it’s really cool but a massive surprise I had no idea that was a thing right what else we got here I need to go this way I’m not hearing the right noises I’m still hearing aggression it’s going a bit quieter though but I’ve got no more keys I’m hoping for some more yes keys keys keys one key here some beef of course I’m actually going to grab the beef oh poison arrow no thank you okay almost saved my life where did you go they are quick oh there you are you’re up here right this is the last one ow yes this is the last spawner what did I get I got regeneration 45 seconds I could have used strength but I don’t think I needed to is there another Spawner in here I’m still getting attacked andless it’s just the bad Omen maybe oh yeah there’s another spider wait we haven’t done the spider one yet where’s the spider there he is I see him you idiot come down what you doing oh there’s a normal trial chamber here trial Vault did all that for some spuds okay we did it we did all that we did last time ominous style right let’s see what we get from this golden app really good Enchanted axe okay what Enchanted axe is it un ficially Unbreaking that’s pretty good good actually get rid of these got some more honey which is good for our copper nonsense okay now we need to look for one more ominous Vault that we haven’t done because remember you can only use them once this is a regular one I’ve definitely done those these are the ones near the door they’re usually a bit higher up didn’t get to eat the rest of my cake either crazy where is the last ominous trial oh no they’ve started again it’s been half an hour already oh this one ominous vault his vault okay we’re going to have to do this and quickly uh you know leave we are praying for a core but I don’t know if it’s going to happen here we go put that in your mouth Breeze is that a joke you gave me two things you gave me emeralds and some more wind charges that’s all you gave me that’s Insanity oh I feel so ripped off what completing the ominous version of this entire trial chamber took me so long that things started spawning ominously again so I actually ended up doing the whole thing almost two more times in search of more ominous keys to open more ominous vaults I won’t show you all the gam playay again because it’s pretty much exactly the same thing but we had some close calls oh and he’s coming up since when can they do this oh my God I’m going to die oh no oh no oh no oh no I’m going have the golden apple Golden Apple Golden Apple quick he’s going to shoot me oh I have to drink this oh God I’m stuck in the water the water’s actually messed me up right go away and it’s safe to say I wasn’t getting the best loot from these ominous spawners potatoes I don’t want no potatoes but eventually I finally found one yes key please yes okay we finally got one no more bones we got plenty of bone meal that we can use got 12 minutes of trial Omen left we’ve used like the whole hour and a half give me sign good what’s it going to be no no no no the triple Emerald 29 to 50 is pretty crazy but that’s not what I needed I didn’t want another one of these oh wait they’re different never mind okay that’s fine but also not that’s not what I wanted as you can see I wasn’t best pleased with my loot so I decided to take on a load more ominous spawners to try and get one final key and try and get something better and finally finally I got one yes we got another key got another key grab that somehow don’t need the bottle anymore we’ll take a key oh this is a normal one oh no I thought this was ominous anyway we’ll take it unlock it diamonds trim an iron okay not ideal H is there a v oh wait there’s one here I think it’s he’s an ominous boy too yes okay we got one more chance one more chance spin the wheel what’s it going to be Banner emeralds arrows oh oh he’s got a diamond chest plate uh what’s this one this is flow oh I need to get rid of something it’s got to be do I want two of these I don’t need two flow Banner patterns arrows of slowness I’m going to get rid of this Unbreaking two Diamond chest plate give me that was worth it okay I genuinely think now that is everything done I don’t think there’s anything else we can do here we have pillaged everything and things is going to start reactivating so I’m going home doggo I made it I made it oh no oh no oh no not now not like this not like this I forgot okay I’ll put my boots on jeez if I have died then I’d have been so embarrassed let’s go home this way right doggo keep this place safe for me I’ll see you soon I’m going home I’m sorry I feel oh God I feel really bad now oh we return home battered bruised but no arrows anymore I can’t believe the state of our armor now that is just crazy it almost took an entire Diamond set of armor to get through that but we got the upgrades Unbreaking two that’s crazy can we combine these to repair it a little bit actually let me just get rid of some of this stuff first we got so much in here right more iron 10 more diamonds we’re up to 39 diamonds but we are going to have to craft the new set of diamond uh everything pretty much we have got two more armor trims so we got the flow one and the bolt one we got some more wind charges we’ve got 23 we actually need to use some of those at some point we got some banners I might make like an achievement wall or something I think that would be cool so we can put up the banners that we’ve got from specific places let’s get the string out there we’ve got so much of it we got a windurst book some potions some Honeycombs let’s put the Honeycombs in there strength potion why is there a potato 39 Breeze rods what can we use the breeze rods for I think it’s just the mace right in capital letters yeah what else can we use the breeze rods for I I don’t really know I think that was a pretty successful run where is rot where is rot gone his name didn’t come up so where is he rot rot where are you it’s not him cuz he’s stuck up there for eternity he’s up to something or he’s gone through the portal and the other guy too he’s disappeared as well let me check in the Nether and see what’s going down is it him is it him it’s him he’s here R you got to be careful man where are you why are you running away where are you going rot where is he going being serious I am so confused he’s proper like what where is he going with such purpose oh hold on he’s going to get himself killed he he ran off quick right all right let me make it a bit safer for you around here what the where is he going where is he gone I’m pretty sure his name will come up if he if he dies what the what just happened he genuinely just disappeared wait there’s another one if that’s him I’m going to I’m going to lose my mind okay it’s not him where’s your friend gone though he went tearing off I’m very confused I need to get out of here cuz he’s got a name tag he won’t despawn but he was he had some business to attend to I’m actually I’m speechless what happened then that was so weird I have worked with Minecraft villagers almost every day for years and I have never ever seen one move like that before four something weird is going down I don’t know what it is but I guess we’re going to have to go and try and find him next time if you watch it to the end of the video you are awesome thank you so much leave a like subscribe if you’re brand new and I look forward to bringing you another episode as soon as possible see you

In this DanTDM Minecraft video, I’m playing my brand new Minecraft world and go back to the new Trial Chamber, but this time it’s an OMINOUS Trial Chamber..

Edited by: Me, DanTDM

00:00 Intro

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/DanTDM
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/DanTDM


  1. u got some oozing effect while fighting breezes lolll
    The Oozing effect is a status effect that causes a player or mob with Oozing to spawn two slimes when they die. and infested is the same thing but they spawn silverfish and in the water room there might be a secret

  2. 10:49 stal means Stalin I think 🤔🤔🤔🤔 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷🤷🤷🤷🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️🤷🤷‍♀️🤷🏿‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷🤷

  3. yesterday i was doing the trail with my cousin, a bunch of baby zombies with swords came and killed my cousin and stole his diamond armor and once we kill them it didn’t drop

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