Mikey EMERALD School vs JJ DIAMOND School in Minecraft (Maizen)

all right let’s get started today Mikey and I wanted to show off something special JJ is right it will really be incredibly cool you will really like this friends let’s go as quickly as possible I can’t wait to show them look carefully this is a diamond and emerald school this is just unrealistically cool these schools are Elite and teach a lot of things that’s why today we will go to one of these schools JJ is right these are truly Elite schools and I hope we can find something to do there Mikey have you already decided which school you will go to I have already decided and am going to Diamond school I like the emerald School better that’s why I’ll most likely go there seriously I thought we would be together somewhere in the same school and have fun do you just want to go somewhere else well since we chose it this way and we like it so much let’s just respect each other’s opinions this will be incredibly cool you’re actually right about something here Mikey we just have to respect each other’s decision and continue to do all our things it will will be just incredibly cool I personally like the diamond one better that’s why I was going to just go ahead and do it come here and gain experience exactly JJ you like one I like the other these are really completely normal things this will not stop us from being friends unless there are some problems or competitions in all other cases we are best friends we’ll really have to show our friends our schools it will be just incredibly cool I am 100% ready to fight for my school oh Mikey 100% chose the emerald school I in turn will go to a diamond School let’s go as quickly as possible I want to learn literally everything they teach there suddenly it will be really very useful and we will be able to emphasize something for ourselves this is free education and even more so if we then help the villagers in defense you’re right Mikey but it’s time for us to go inside I hope there won’t be any problems with this we will have to see this through to the end bye JJ see you very soon we are still ENT ing this school I really hope that I can at least get some rest I don’t want to go to any competitions or fights in my diamond School absolutely everything is made of diamonds but I need a teacher who will show everything oh JJ is that really you they told me that you chose our school this is just incredibly cool only in our village everyone walks around with diamonds that’s why you will be Diamond too I really like everything so far I want to get this over with as quickly as as possible and get the job done it will be very cool I want to learn everything so I can fight against these Bandits they won’t be able to do anything against me Mikey and I will be very strong literally right away you shouldn’t go anywhere everything is very difficult for us with people like you no one has come to our village to rest for a long time I need cool weapons tools and much more where is the best place for me to get all this wizard you can take it from this chest this really has everything you need for an elite superhero wow there really is a lot here there are a lot of cool weapons here you must show me your skills so that I understand whether I can take you or not because you must represent our school and our interests to do this you must be incredibly strong I understand that perfectly that’s why I will fight very well I will pass all your tests and prove to you that I am an incredibly cool student the problem is that I have never been to such places before but I don’t think you’ll kick me out because of this I want to study at this diamond school so I will do my best to do it it will be just incredibly cool you’ve already made me a diamond JJ so I can say that you trust me this is already worth a lot oh that’s really true JJ everyone in the village knows that you and Mikey are incredibly strong what a Pity that you two didn’t go to our school yes if he came here it would be just incredibly cool that’s what I can say but now I’m completely alone JJ you showed enough of your skills I’m officially taking you to my school YooHoo we did it now we are studying at a diamond School your skills are simply incredible I really hope that you will help your school take first place in the tests and we will receive Awards I will certainly try to do this but you yourself must understand that everything depends on me on my own behalf I will do my best so you can relax okay then I need to leave now your further training will take place a little later so you can get ready and I really hope that you will really like it here yes thank you very much friends this is simply incredible I was able to do it I was able to pass the test to join this school I’m now a diamond JJ we need to go call Mikey as soon as possible tell him that I really did hm for some reason he doesn’t want to pick up the phone from me there is no connection with him at all it’s really very strange because Mikey and I were constantly connected if he doesn’t answer maybe something happened anyway I’ll go to Mikey’s very soon and check on him I really hope that they will let me in and talk to him at least a little now I need to prepare for new lessons this is the only way I will become stronger [Music] friends oh friends I’m finally inside the emerald school it’s all so exciting apparently this is the school director I need to talk to him as as soon as possible Mikey did you come to our school this is really very very cool we are currently recruiting students for the emerald School our school is not as popular as the diamond school but we will be glad that you chose us yes I would 100% want to be in this school this is incredibly cool either way we will win and Destroy JJ’s school I agree to this 100% it really makes me happy you’ve already got an emerald body therefore there will be no problems at our school we make real soldiers who will fight until the very end and they will take everything they want that’s cool I agree to this anyway I wanted to compete with JJ that’s why I’m very quickly ready to destroy him and not give him a chance to win okay I will now give you cool weapons and armor you definitely have to be able to fight this because you will become one of our best students thank you very much for these gifts I will definitely repay you with victories and our school will become one of the most pop popular but what do we do next friends just look how cool I am I’m truly fully armored an emerald Mikey come with me as quickly as possible we will have to go to one place and destroy the monsters there this will be your test if you can defeat the monsters without any problems then you can fight against the Diamond Golems and their magician yes I understand that perfectly no problem at all we Must Destroy all these monsters as quickly as possible I hope I won’t let you down since you’re ready let’s go inside there there will be really dangerous monsters there so be careful Mikey I’m not afraid of anyone no one can defeat me while I’m in this armor and with these weapons literally no one I want to say that I Must Destroy everyone as quickly as possible but stop teacher it’s like there’s no one here who should I destroy sorry Mikey but you will be closed here you fell into my trap hey why did you lock me here open it immediately and let me out you are one of the Agents of the diamond school do you think I don’t know you will sit there as as long as I deem necessary there’s no way you can get out of there friends I’m trapped I can’t get out of here at all it’s really terrible because I wouldn’t want to be here I need to try to find some other way out or destroy this wall that would also be very very cool but I need a new and stronger weapon I absolutely cannot believe that this is happening to me my friends at school shut me down I will never forgive them but now I have to do everything possible to get out I don’t want to sit in the basement I will never forgive them but now I have to do everything possible to get out I don’t want to sit in the basement therefore the sooner we find a way out the better it will be I will leave this school forever for JJ’s school I’m sure they don’t have anything like that there in any case I need to take and Destroy everyone who closed me and helped me it’s absolutely terrible to do that that’s why we will try to win on our own what a Pity that JJ is not here I would definitely ask for his help and he would get me out this is really very important I hope that sooner or later we will meet again I just don’t understand why they are so afraid of someone from the diamond School most likely they close so many who come to them perhaps this is another test that I have to pass but I have no interest in passing it I want to escape as quickly as possible because they forcibly locked me here and deceived me I won’t forgive something like that I’ll get out and beat them really hard for me it will be fair and no one will be able to tell me anything I want to get outside as quickly as possible and just relax I don’t want any competitions anymore I wish I had actually gone to school with JJ and had fun there I enjoyed learning and playing different games why sit here now even with the help of emerald weapons I cannot break through the wall apparently I just have to hope that JJ will save me but how will he know about this if I can’t call or write to him friends please pass this on to JJ he must save me from here and get me out this is really very very important I won’t give up trying to get out of here but I’ll rely on JJ to come and get me out this will really matter friends this is all very strange Mikey doesn’t make any contact I need to go to the emerald school as quickly as possible I want to talk to my best friend if I find out the reason why he ignores me it will definitely make me feel better because his silence makes me think that something happened what will you let me in I need to go see Mikey for one second friends this is a really big problem they don’t want to let me inside because I am a diamond and this is an emerald School apparently I don’t have permission to go in there but then how can I contact Mikey I must have some serious plan I want to take him out at least for a couple of seconds okay these Golems won’t open the door for me apparently I’ll have to do everything myself trying to find a way around how I can get inside but for this I need to prepare well I need better tools and resources I want to take with me diamond tools Diamond TNT and much more this could really help get Mikey out I want to talk to him in general it’s very strange that they didn’t let me in I thought we could go between schools and communicate I can certainly start to think that something happened to Mikey there but if that’s really the case I need to get him out ASAP that’s really the only way I can help him either way we must prepare for some kind of battle I want Mikey to go to my school this will be really very cool I promise friends that we will become even better friends then I’ll explain to my school why I took all this if I take Mikey out of there that would be incredibly cool anyway let’s get this over with as quickly as possible I want to get Mikey out and make him go to Diamond school she will definitely be much better for him this is indeed a fact nobody should argue with this in any case we must send to the emerald school I really hope I’m right and there’s something going on with Mikey I want to pull him out and save him if I do it like diamond JJ then Emerald school will feel very very bad about it because I’m taking their students let’s go to the very end there’s definitely something there I want to make a small passage and climb inside the school if I I really succeed it will be just incredibly cool I want to see this through and win this battle this is truly the most important thing if Mikey is in trouble I need to get him out friends you are really helping Mikey and I become a team again this is just incredibly cool just look there there really is a secret passage here apparently someone has already tried to escape and did it successfully no one from the emerald school noticed this and and it remained here let’s go inside as quickly as possible I really hope I don’t bump into someone here I need to do everything very quietly and quickly I put you here to keep an eye on Mikey he must not Escape my trap he will help us destroy all the diamonds you just need to keep it there for a while friends did you hear that apparently Mikey is being held there somewhere I will need to come up with a plan to get past this emerald golem and save him I don’t want to act openly this means I need to set some kind of trap for him I want to lure him out of his post and destroy him this way I can get inside really quickly the most important thing is to do this quickly and efficiently so that he really believes that someone got here it will be very cool think I need to take fake diamonds and just throw them around this way he will notice them and run to check them out there I will destroy him already I really hope this works and we can get Mikey out because definitely didn’t deserve it he is my best friend and I want to help him if this really helps then I’m ready to fight with all the emerald ones that are here this will really be the right decision no one can stop us anymore if Mikey goes to the diamonds we can destroy this school once and for all think he will be interested in my proposal he’s clearly incredibly angry about this whole situation right now do you understand me or not po we’re finally done the Golem apparently noticed these diamonds as soon as he gets close to me I’ll just take him and destroy him with one blow he definitely won’t expect something like this on his territory great he’s coming this will really be very cool because with just one blow I will completely destroy him without any other chances at all do you understand or not I have to save Mikey as quickly as possible this is my duty as his friend therefore no one will stand in my way I will destroy everyone who interf fears with me Yoo friends we did it we were able to destroy this Golem that was guarding Mikey now you need to run there as quickly as possible and pull him out I don’t have much time their teacher could come at any moment and try to take Mikey away that’s why I have to use all my strength to get him out I will do everything possible and impossible to save my best friend JJ is that you have you really come to save me they locked me up here and kept me in the basement for a very long time I understand Mikey I’ll try to break these Emerald blocks now I have Dynamite here so I’ll try to get you out get me out as quickly as possible I can’t be here anymore it’s just incredibly terrible and I want to escape I understand you perfectly so I’ll try everything possible I want to get you out and have you join my school then we can definitely punish them all oh no Dynamite cannot destroy these Emerald blocks it will be difficult for me to get to you without a special pickaxe perhaps you will stay there JJ this can’t be use all your resources and get me out of here I can’t stay here for so long already I want to get out as quickly as possible and Destroy them all okay whatever you say Mikey I’ll put Diamond TNT here now all the blocks around will turn into diamonds and I can save you just wait a little blow everything up as quickly as possible wow everything here is really made of diamond blocks you officially attacked their school now there will be a big battle I’ll get you out now Mikey it’s only only a matter of time phw we finally did it I was able to pull you out and of course save you let’s run out of here as quickly as possible my friend I’m so glad to see you this is truly the best day of my life I am now saved and we can go to your school as quickly as possible I will help you defeat the emerald ones that’s really cool Mikey we should just go ahead and Destroy them all because they locked you up and didn’t let you leave it was really terrible and we need to stop it all as quickly as possible only you and I can do this that’s why friends we say goodbye to you bye everyone and see you very soon

Mikey EMERALD School vs JJ DIAMOND School in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters.

Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos!

Maizen – @maizenofficial


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