Busting Scary Minecraft Seeds That Are Actually True

these are the scariest Minecraft seeds you should never test starting with a terrifying myth sent in by benero who says I found a dimension with a village that is super weird no one is here how did this happens man how did your grammar happen what the heck is the name of this file new dimension sit wait what are we doing here buddy okay we’re getting all we’re in this snapshot all right yeah the 20w infinite was it 20w 14 infinite I feel like we’ve done so much on the snapshot I almost know it by heart what are you doing here my guy all right so we’re going to make the portal so this is the seed or the seed but this is the version where you can literally name your book anything and then create these custom Dimensions wait what sit hit ugam or imlo I don’t dude I don’t know what this means I have no idea what that what oh it’s dark it’s super dark what wait okay this is crazy looking it’s so foggy in here wait that looks like an entity too what is happening oh B Ben are we just going to ignore the fact that you just look like something just took a chomp out of his portal and he doesn’t even notice it how dumb do you have to be did not notice something that’s happening in the background okay we have a house hello is anybody home oh the entire back half is missing too wait this actually kind of looks like what happened to his portal like it’s like a chomp out of the back of the house this guy’s not even panicking wait is there lava here too this is the are this version so crazy bro every single house looks like swiss cheese they’re all missing blocks no villagers Swiss cheese houses everything’s deserted there’s got to be something though I need to know how his portal just got munched this is freaking massive massively deserted what he sees a villager oh my gosh this is the king y wait does what okay why is the iron block un fire wait is it just me hold on me rewind did anybody else notice is this the only normal village house yeah this is literally the only one that has a villager and it doesn’t look like SS cheese okay does not want to communicate I respect that hold on wait a minute wait a minute dude did he not notice this what is that in the background that was not there whenever he went in and Ben can you do something about these ugly sleeves Ben I don’t think you’re safe here buddy now I’m almost confident this video clip this evidence is going to end with him dying oh yeah definitely going to end with him dying what are these iron blocks for like Iron Golems instead of using a pumpkin they’re using fire but this one over here is not lit no no no ah Ben I don’t think it’s a good idea Ben I would not do this oh how did you not see this thing dude this looks like a cursed Iron Golem I swear this is the same thing that was also in the window oh dude you can’t tell me that’s not the exact same thing all right now we got to test this huh now I I want to go explore this evidence okay we got to get a book and quill and get our little obsidian yes flint and steel strong Army no Flint come all right now I just got to name it this what d i i just like that naming was so wild okay he names it whatever this is huh huh all right so then we light the portal throw in the book and quill oh wait this looks almost the same color too oh yeah actually this looks identical literally the same color so we know this is the correct Dimension and if you don’t believe me all you have to do is go load into Minecraft on this snapshot name the book what I did and throw it in you will literally get the exact same Dimension and now we go oh this is crazy okay so now we need to find out where are those Villages where are the village houses uh what N I don’t remember seeing that in the evidence why are there silverfish what the heck what oh dude this is literally there’s an infestation somebody called the plumber well you know what I mean the Exterminator but same thing oh also the evidence in the evidence the portal broke so it’s still there I do I get to walk in F5 mode like he did I go like this and then boom no Portal’s Still there now this is weird cuz nothing’s happening huh nothing that happen Happ the evidence is happening hello I swear I saw something looking at me through the portal can you please rewind on 025 and tell me what you saw I could have sworn we saw something through the portal on the other side okay okay now we’re starting to get some now I’m feeling the creeps all right the Goosebumps or are entering my body a dude this infestation is driving me nuts okay can we locate The Village uh I think it would be I guess planes no um okay I mean there’s a lot of different desert oh this is not good a bad this is a bad sign I’ve literally gone through every single vill there there’s none all five types don’t exist in this Dimension looks like we got to do things the oldfashioned way huh little flying some door of the exploring oh oh that was that was a lot faster than I expected what the heck it’s a population of just golems in his evidence there was okay first of all the houses they’re not like swiss cheese they don’t have the missing blocks and I have so many Golems like in his there was literally nothing no villagers golems and I I feel like I might be the weakest person around is there something in the blacksmith house some Clues poppy wait why would there be an emerald in here it is strange we have we have a poppy and we have an emerald huh we have the favorite of the villagers and then the favorite of the Iron Golems wait this blacksmith house wait that one’s out of cobblestone this one’s out of stone wait okay now this now now something fishy up in here Golems what have you been doing oh and this one is missing the emerald and the poppy are there more iron golems now bro I feel like there’s even more who how are y’all breeding I am like yo like this video if you feel like something corrupt is going on because this is nonsense why are there so many Golems even though this is so weird it’s nothing like the evidence and I will say I thought villagers made me uncomfortable but having this many Golems makes me way more comfortable and also more suspicious like I hate to say it but so far this one’s not even looking real I’m not going to give up just yet but is there not the Villager house oh it’s intact but there’s wait isn’t this wait this is the one from the evidence yeah this is the one that was missing its butt wait if this one’s here that means the actual village house that had the Villager in it which would be around the corner yeah look we have the deserted village the Swiss cheese Village okay so if we keep going we should find the one that’s not damaged at all wait what are you doing here wait this one’s normal wa okay it was normal until we saw the poppies on the inside now I swear these Iron Golems are connected I don’t know how but there has to be a connection is it something to do with the book name you know that we threw in to make the portal or the the dimension another normal house like this is wild what okay okay what who would do this this this is cruel and unusual punishment right here so there’s regular pumpkins here but then there’s carve pumpkins on the outside and emeralds on the inside now this is not making any sense man I know those villagers are greedy and they would never leave three emeralds in a chest one maybe three you’re pushing your luck okay now this this is not adding up guys yeah literally no pumpkins over here either okay but where’s the village house another normal house where was the house I think the house from the evidence that had the Villager in it is past this Lava Lake wait is this it oh this is it is he inside cuz this is the same house from the evidence but there’s no villager wait and there’s no iron or block on fire wait it’s just empty no villager no iron or block on fire why is my evidence different than his is this not the the same house now this is the same Lava Lake we literally flew over now this is actually the exact same house minus the Villager you could oh my God like this is literally the best comparison ever this house doesn’t deserve to stand huh this house literally does not deserve this huh cuz it’s literally just totally different from all the ones I’ve been finding oh no no obsidian what is happening did I really do something that wrong huh or am I just that big of an idiot like that house does not deserve to stand nor does it deserve to live so we’re going to go find out where there’s iron block were that had the flames on them and see if we can see if there’s anything going on with them oh there they are again dude like not adding up because I know from his video is the fire literally every single one on fire except for this one in the bottom right except all the mine have no fire do I offend I put deodor on this morning you know what I’ll like them all up myself then huh we’ll make it literally match the evidence even though I have to be the one to like them and they should technically be already lit for me I’ll go and do it freaking how’s the cave noise playing in a um another dimension hello great beyond oh I think I’m triggering something that I might not be wan to trigger this could be a can of worms that we don’t want to open I lit every single one except for the last one but we haven’t heard another cave sound this is it man this is the last one I’m lighting it in three 2 one watch until the end to see what happens next up is a myth sent in on the Discord by X pippy X Pippi am I going crazy or is the boat on this seed moving around this is not normal weird death after riding boat oh wow Mr pippy okay I love a man who sends evidence where we can see the cords right away this guy’s riding a noble Steed too buddy where are you going okay we’re just going to dock the horse here yeah what wait a second wait a second so we’re going to just ride our horse to this Lake okay remember they mentioned that something was up with the boats okay puts the boat in the ocean TNT sounds wait the boat just wait the boat explodes wait so was that sound was that a creeper exploding the boat or did the boat just set itself to explode okay so obviously he’s going to make a new one so he makes this new boat and wait wait his boat is back wait I swear I didn’t even notice that the first time I watched this video so he doesn’t even put the boat down wait why would you get in the boat that disappears and comes back this is not the Magic Carpet Ride from Aladdin okay but I mean it’s working fun so far the boat’s not exploding or anything oh look at the Cow hello Mr Cow yes we oh how did it die okay it either now did it die from loneliness okay now I’m now I’m really confused it’s almost like the cow died because he got close to it that wait that could be the freaking boat wait does it happen to the turtles oh he’s not close enough to them no the turtles don’t die wait then why would the cows die unless like the turtle shell protects them okay so we’re going to row to a village okay so we’re we’re coming a little hot here by Guy wait his boat broke wait I do I swear did they removed that a long time ago in an older version of Minecraft they’re not supposed to break whenever you hit like that yet he still puts it back down again buddy get rid of this boat burn that in the lava find a blacksmith and burn it wait Did That boat just wait why is the boat on land wa he looks away then looks back and the boat somehow goes from literally right over wait hold on I got I’m draw screenshot the boat was literally like right here boom now it’s here did he just not notice it cuz he looked back so fast Pippi get rid of that boat man come on there’s got to be a blacksmith in here just put it in the lava Pippi I have anxiety for you because you’re not oh now I’ve got more anxiety did a villager just die in this house does that mean that the boat is killing things pippy look behind you the boat’s right there and it freaking kills him I swear it’s the boat how did you not notice wait is that the boat in the window no that’s the horse in the window dude this boat is cursed this boat yeah this boat’s actually cursed like just freaking drove by to kill him oh now we got to explod this for ourselves all right now we’re on the exact same seed that Pippi was on we’re going to grab a boat and I’m going to be a very terrified right now okay nothing so far doing a little inspecting all right okay this is good this is good we have normal movement can I crash it oh I can’t crash it see I told you they removed that they removed that but his boat like I’m going Max Speed yeah I’m not crashing it’s well it’s not breaking anyways breaking news I just made four brand new shirts and they’re available only for limited time at firem merge.com you know it’s never this easy in these myth busting videos huh we got to go to the exact coordinates we saw Pippi at the beginning of his video all right we have everything pippy had in his inventory he was in survival mode he summons a horse that you’re not the right horse I need a yeah you’re the right horse H sorry calm down don’t be like this right now come on just eat an apple Let Me Ride you come on I’m going to tame you one way or the other pippy did it so can I come on thank you okay now we can saddle him up okay so he rides the horse right down here kind of dumps the horse off right over here doesn’t even pay attention to him ever again just leaves him here Bo goes in the water looks back at his horse to feed him an apple now this is where the boat should explode from a creeper of course of course ours does nothing do we need to just spawn a creeper ourselves then okay get the creeper spawn egg I’ll put it down right here creeper yeah now this is just cruel unusual but this guy got no arms in a row good luck buddy all right and then we go this way back in survival mode just like pippy and our horse has literally left us oh there he is all right come back down here we what is that a cat what our creeper just died what killed the creeper oh yeah our creeper died I literally have gunpowder as evidence bat what did you do to the creeper no I’m spawning in another one we have to get the boat to blow up like the evidence does that count but why did the boat drop and the evidence the boat didn’t drop it just vanishes and then he goes and then goes and the boat there and my boat not there my boat is an item oh you know what what he does he does actually put the crafting table down let me see exactly where he puts it oh oh perfect Corner Pocket boom in the corner pocket goes over here makes his boat very slow like then the boat magically [Music] appears why why do happen to me this this is not okay this not okay my boat not there it’s just not looking good Mr pippy huh nothing that happened in your video is happening to me all right look we go the extra mile here on the channel huh subscribe if you agree look I don’t make the rules I just enforce them keeps driving the boat all the way this way remember then we’re supposed to see like a cow on this ledge and there is no cow on the ledge and I know it was right here like literally it’s just you can’t miss it cuz it’s a giant sand ledge oh we have the turtle though well one of them he had more he had like oh no wait wait the turtles are there but the cow’s not there should I get closer will they die of course they won’t you know what I’m putting plastic bottles back in this ocean for you buddy how does this make you feel I mean oh oh oh wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute maybe I just ain’t close enough come on man well my boat is not killing things like his is can we at least try crap what the the heck was that did I hit like a water spout okay that was weird like I hit like a water uptake anyways this is the dock where he crashes his boat oh Full Speed Ahead full speed come on that’s so lame that’s so sad I told you they removed that feature ages ago like literally a long time ago they removed that like so unless he’s doing something weird to fabricate his evidence I don’t know but he does continue to walk up this way right remember then he goes right up here jumps takes a look back boat is supposed to be right here but mine is not still where I left it do I need to open the door for the boat to teleport does it have anxiety I’m watching you buddy no it’s still freaking there look I don’t know how X pippy missed it and y’all keep saying in the comments pressing you miss in F5 mode I don’t miss things I’ve never missed things like I’m literally Johnny on the spot but I’m pressing also lot of vill oh wait this is the one the Villager died in well mine is just so boring compared to his no death no nothing did he not like in his evidence like I’ve got so many villagers did he have them in his evidence dude this guy had no villagers like absolutely none like there’s only the horse no villagers but in mind I’ve got horses and I got villagers and literally whenever he goes up here this is like where he dies to the boat I’m going to check out the rest of the village make sure we’re not missing anything I don’t think we are though like we’ve literally checked everything and there’s nothing weird about hold up hold up now there might have been something weird over here I was looking at you guys whenever I said that hey yo you know the drill rewinding 025 tell me you saw something behind this door I think it was just a regular villager but it’s hard cuz they like blend in with the colors of the freaking houses but y’all got to rewind for sure let me know in the comments okay now I got a little bit more energy from that one but so far I I hate to do this but I think this one’s been a bust like pretty much every step of the way we haven’t had anything strange happen the only thing that could convince me otherwise is if our boat is not at the dock wait a minute was it sideways no no no no no no I know wait no you were not sideways now unless one of these villagers is messing with my boat I know I put the boat literally like this cuz we rammed into it remember like this I mean I guess the water could have moved it or the water could have turned it but I’m not dying and neither is anything else around me look I hate being that guy but I feel like this one’s just a bust like ain’t nothing happening with my boat that what am I doing wait am I shivering wait I’m I’m stuck I’m like spamming my space bar and my shift to I’m stuck laying down in my boat wa who whoa whoa does that mean this myth is true none of that happened in the evidence but it definitely freaking killed me sent me to a watery grave next is a seed that’s rumored to hold Minecraft’s new scariest item the myth of the Blood book now the only thing we have so far we have this rumored image which is how you’re supposed to be able to create or spawn the Blood book we’re going to try it out all right looks like we okay obviously we need Redstone I mean anytime you’re doing anything bloody you got to do it with this what else we need oh this time we need glowstone I feel like we don’t actually use a lot of Glowstone normally with these I’m down for this or sorry Redstone lamps my bad we need torches levers and a do need a bookshelf what the heck all right now we okay so it looks like it’s a 3X3 with the redstone blocks the bookshelf goes in the middle oh that actually kind of look pretty good wait this might work then we put our lever down here then we have Redstone that connects the Redstone torches I think this is everything if the rumor is true then this will actually summon us the Blood book in 3 2 1 again it just never that easy huh it can never be that easy o wait unless we have to go into survival mode and then mine the bookshelf to get the Blood book from it oh wait a second now we’re cooking no now we’re not cooking we got the that g oh wait no hold on hold on hold on wait a second wait a second you can wait if we go into creative mode wait yeah we can make a book and quilt well we can turn the books into a book and quilt we just need a feather and then I think an ink sack okay I actually have not made this in a long time is it like this it is maybe when we craft it will it be the Blood book nothing inside the book inside BL I don’t know why I thought that would work but all right well that did not work so we are moving on to something else all right so now I’m thinking like maybe we don’t summon it huh we need to find like where books actually spawn vanilla in Minecraft which would be a stronghold well they have a ton of libraries which it’s kind of weird cuz like why does the stronghold have so much libraries locate the stronghold oh no probably need do structure yeah come here stronghold oh well you are close yes sir hey yo wait a second okay there’s two down here but I kind of want to go to this one cuz it’s next to the portal all right so now like yes I could manually mine all of these bookshelves or we could go a little fun and blow them up because also maybe need to get the bookshelves to be upset and I don’t know about y’all but if I got blown up and I was a book of knowledge I’d be pretty upset now I’m just going to place a few yes come on we didn’t get a single book what am I am I lagging do I need to like close my Minecraft now we didn’t get a single freaking book okay I’m going to alt f4 and restart my game I feel like I’m lagging all right we’re launching back in huh look at this we got an armadillo now okay loading toon what okay okay well hold up now so magically I just have books now like I was relaunching my Minecraft cuz I was lagging not because I expected magical books to appear is this not like like a ridiculous amount of books for the amount of bookshelves like surely the TNT would have blown up a few of them like I expected a few to drop not like how much do I have who I have an entire stack look I I have almost two stacks of books are any of them blood books are they just literally regular boring books like they’re literally just all regular freaking bucks literally none of them are doing anything okay well that’s fine this didn’t work but I got one more trick up my sleeve now this is crazy but what if we got to put like a secret passcode in the book you know like blood well we kind of did that earlier that didn’t count uh like red sauce no that’s dumb okay maybe death okay now I feel like we’re cooking somewhere yeah but I death is creep but no more like oh oh murder Oh see now we’re cooking I’m just going to keep filling up kill die chicken no sorry my brain oh yeah actually cat that’s pretty terrifying is she going to read it though when there’s a bunch I feel like I’m just going to put in one okay it’s between kill and murder and I’m thinking kill is more creepy kill Oh what now what is this just coincidence no I don’t believe in coincidence I believe everything happens for a reason huh that’s biblical did you kill a spider wait there was wait why was there a spider and why was the zombie fighting it I’ve never seen a zombie and spider ever be mad at each other wait if I summon a spider will they fight summon spider sh no like the L the best friends okay wait this this is a coincidence then this means that my book did something right like my book might have made them attack hey yo now hold on how did you get over there when I put you down on here okay okay now I’m a little scared to pick you up but I’m going to do it don’t bite me now okay uh what did I write in the book book again oh yeah I just did Kill okay it didn’t turn it into the blood book but I feel like it turned into like the Death Note should I try something else wa maybe murder was better and murder no okay it does not like murder that’s not the passcode uh well it’s got to be next to kill so like what’s kind of like a I’m about to get a thesaurus out over here oh wait assassinate okay assassinate too long I understand lots of s’s okay what about oh wait what if I need to make it more specific kill with lightning there’s a little like death note now I’m lit not getting the Blood book and this one is going to be a buster confirmed based on my last and final tast I’ve exhausted my options you can see the different things I’ve tried and nothing has turned into the blood book I mean like this is an item but it’s not the Blood book I don’t know what else to do tell me chicken wise chicken how do I summon thy Blood book you can’t it is impossible Bozo yeah reject it we know this one’s busted but before we go I hope you’re happy for wasting my time I am quitting you are not real oh back to server I was on a single player world wait there’s a server wait how do I join back to a server I don’t even know I’m a part of okay I’m loading back into my world now don’t be looking at me like that now that was weird okay unless my Minecraft just glitched or had a bug all right but just in case let’s let it uh let’s roll those sleeves up and let’s let it know how we really feel huh you are useless pathetic and have no who who wait I I’m not even typing this what oh oh okay fool me once shame on you fool me twice that means it’s true I’m not logging back in that means this is real yeah I’m all that foring and finally what happened to the deserted village in 3 2 1 not even a cave sound Ben I hate to be busting your myth over here buddy but I’m just not seeing a whole lot of action why is there a hole now what okay now why is there a hole with a redstone wait not just one piece is that two piece now this was definitely not a part of his evidence but I mean we might as well go and take a look shall we he thought it just Redstone oh what yo yo what is this place oh man no no I should not have jumped the hole I should have just said it was busted and then left dude if benero didn’t die he would have found this this is freaking nuts what is this place do I even go do I dare go in this I mean I don’t even think I should dare to even be where I am currently oh no no no no no no no you were not there a second ago Emerald where did you come from where did you go C ey Emerald Joe I don’t want to do this bro there’s like a handsel gret moment you know where they leave the trail and then they eat the kids except I’m the kid dude okay there’s literally XP balls something died here and by something I mean this is like it literally looks like a like an execution Center for villagers cuz like there’s emeralds and XP orbs on the ground like this is normally where I would expect to die but there’s not been like an entity or anything else that looks harmful thankfully I genuinely expected to die here but there’s nothing that creepy okay I’m heading back to the surface head back to the surface before anything bad happens yes that is a great plan Preston yeah now we getting out of this one dude we getting out of this one oh thank God yo I normally die in these caves and I’m just thankful that I didn’t where where did my where where did the iron go that I lit in fire this is definitely where the last statue was that I lit I mean it’s evident the fact that there’s a dirt block here whoever covered their tracks didn’t do a very good job no no no what was that what okay now no now I’m being toyed with hey if you’re going to kill me just do it you don’t need to torture me like this now this is torture this is actual cruel and unusual punishment but not if I get away huh oh good yeah the Swiss cheese house this will really protect me good luck buddy huh oh I’m safe whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh no no the whole time I was literally just being marinated and if you don’t want to be marinated please click this video cuz I’m sick of it

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  1. Preston, if you don't watch your Minecraft myths after they're uploaded, then you'll see that you're missing things, because you go in f5 mode, things happen. Or when you go into f5 mode and watch. That's just what I would do.

  2. Preston ive never seen look at your keyboard before and you choose to do it at the worst time how do you miss that with the book and quil and when you were tiping it said STOP

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