Stardew Valley (1.6 Update) — Part 103 – Hunting for Slimes

hello again everyone welcome back to stardew Valley my idium water can is ready it is uh the 9th Tuesday of uh winter should be raining yep weather report welcome to kzu 5 in your one source of weather news and entertainment now the weather forecaster tomorrow expect a few inches of snow tomorrow I I have I have just totally screwed over everyone in this area so so badly first it’s raining then we’re going to get inches of snow you’re going to get ice with snow on top that is so terrible oh man and our special forecast for the fign islands reach it’s going to be a beautiful sunny day tomorrow fortune teller welcome back to wellwick Oracle if you seek hidden knowledge of the future while you’ve come to the right place the spirits are in Good Humor today I think you’ll have a little extra luck oh boy maybe I shouldn’t have uh got rid of all that wine no no I got plenty of wine no don’t drinking perfect amount perfect amount nice all right so lots of cheese I need to make some more goat cheese for sure like this has to be freezing rain right so terrible uh let’s go ahead and get our hoe upgraded probably a good idea all all right down here all right we definitely want goat cheese actually let’s hold off and see what we get good I can make more uh more with that and I do see those wormies see that there’s some other wormies around as well oh wow all right let’s go grab some more eggs and then we’ll decide what we want to put in all right uh I do have enough uh void eggs that I could get some in need another duck egg to get a full set of duck eggs there we go we’ll do uh we’ll do that and then next time I get some more um goat Che goat milk I definitely would need to make that as well so that I have a good stack of them in the uh house okay did I ride my horse down here or did I walk down I walked down oh God so much is ready so much is ready uh let’s go check here first yep got to come back for that that’s fine you know I have energy tonics I got eight of them [Music] so I don’t need and unless I’m going to go to the uh um go someplace where I’m actually likely to get uh injured I don’t need to worry about uh Health stuff I think you in there as well just go ahead and sell those all right I might redo this area that’s a lot of stuff on me okay so we need to get out to the beach as well for sure sure okay we have all the Mystic trees done I have space I do have space I can remember where my thing is I think I need two more uh tabers nice coal still waiting on those guys to want more stuff all right so I got nine gold star red mushrooms 21 regular mushrooms 51 common mushrooms five gold star common mushrooms 15 SilverStar common mushrooms 10 Chantell uh 10 Silver Star morals and 15 chantells really good do need to catch a squid for Willie as well oops start collecting these again all right into town we go I also need to stop by Abigail’s house on an evening I need to remember how long after you uh propose the marriage happens I think it’s three days there we go oh yeah I think that that holds that much more water okay um I was thinking the hoe so let’s do the hoe process geodes anything good a pearl I’ll take that oh a mango sapling and a golden helmet takes 28 days to produce a mature mango tree bears fruit in the summer or all year around when planted on Ginger Island so that is every 3 days [Music] though okay so I need to get some regular geodes as well because uh that’s what I’ll get that’s what I can get the um thinging out of uh 100 teror Roots I thought I did the Prismatic jelly one what was a reward let me find out monster musk is the reward so do I have Monster musk no I guess I have not done that one thought I had um I know I’ve done the uh ectoplasm one yeah cuz we got the uh mini Obelisk I’m going to wait for the uh the terror r one I want to I want to get that at the beginning of a a season [Music] of course I I can see it in your eyes there be a special someone in your heart just so happens I’m selling a mermaids pendant give that to your intended and they’ll know exactly what you mean let’s go ahead and buy it of course there’s that as well okay back home actually real fast fill that up with salt water which is so terrible kids don’t water your crops with uh salt water don’t do it it’s bad it’s bad idea it’s a great way to not have crops anymore I saw that Holly but I don’t have space so it’s probably going to it would probably be a different uh level let’s get that Pearl in there I don’t know what I do with pearls oh I didn’t I didn’t cash in the prize ticket I’ll do that later I should go up to the um up to the mines uh let’s see just for now I’m moveing later okay to the mines there you go ah this reminds me of home not sure what the best way of finding a uh best way of finding the uh geod is going to be to just crack all the stone I suppose [Applause] well at least I’m getting a lot of uh bug me I should see where the Prismatic slime uh shows up okay so it just has a chance to replace any slime so [Applause] [Applause] another dwarf scroll seems like pretty quiet level here not really seeing much else [Music] have I gotten any I have not gotten any uh [Music] geodes I know I can get them on higher level Sho there’s a geode I think slimes can drop petrified slime as well there’s a second one topaz all right [Applause] oh good they can drop the those as well so I need a lucky day and a level with lots of slimes really all right I think that’s good enough for now I’ll come back and look another day nice what rude all right go ahead and leave the mine back to the bus stop should have left that back there but whatever got another cherry bomb as well no space in here but I do want to take out the aridium sprinkler so there we go that’s some more tarot tubers wait I don’t have my uh I don’t have my uh hoe I turned that in I should have turned in something else I can’t do this oh all right something else that I can do iron bars is it one iron bar or is it two one good oh I also need to uh make some more tappers as well probably do that when we we get back to the um thing there we go okay there we go we can start uh getting that out of here pretty quick getting late that’s fine oh I can’t get you that is way too far I do wish that those would only show up in places where they are actually accessible like it really sucks to have those not be accessible nice I wanted one of those I need to find another place for some of those things I think so I don’t keep doing that didn’t I just oh there’s no space um all right what do I want to take out got things on that I don’t need to hold on to pale it well I mean it’s good for gifts so there is that right I don’t have any space in here either [Music] um I need to sell some of these things get the golden helmet in there I have no desire to wear that and and go to sleep for the night okay 27,000 money pretty nice so I do need to I do want to head back to the mines until I get the Prismatic slime and I get more geod hopefully it is Sebastian’s birthday I think we might have enough uh friendship with him to get into his room I’ll I’ll dou check that welcome to kou 5 your number one source of weather news and entertainment now the weather forecast for tomorrow bundle up folks it’s going to snow tomorrow and our special forecast of the fern Islands it’s going to be clear and sunny all day oh I see a glimmer within my scry orb A Shard of Knowledge from the future the spirits are somewhat mildly perturbed today luck will not be on your side it’s not great okay carp surprise I already know how to make it carp supre nothing there hi elonda beautiful day isn’t it yeah actually I brought you a gift it’s a sculpture I’ve been working on just for you oh thanks you received a Leah sculpture a Leo sculpture it’s called how I feel about elreda I hope you like it not sure if this is a compliment or not [Music] [Music] so I’ve got 10 aridium bars right now that’s about it um oh right I did also want to make another uh bone Mill [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I need to move my uh Stone and and wood out of that chest put it somewhere someplace else I think okay so all of the uh the crops are ready so I can do this anytime so as soon as we get our our hoe back I’ll go ahead and uh do that farm cave is ready the greenhouse is not [Music] [Music] I mean if you’re going to appearer right in front of me o Ruby [Music] [Music] there we go we can start working on this stuff uh really reducing it I think I need two of [Music] the two ters [Music] oh shoot did not mean to do [Music] that oh well that’s the way it [Music] goes no get it in there good Lord dinosaur egg yes all right we are making Dino mayonnaise gravy and Darkwing both uh have decayed a little bit so I don’t think they were at Max I’ll have to uh try and make a point of petting them a little bit more often all right uh I got enough duck I got enough void so I think we just do [Music] that grab one of you all right we do need to what we I think we do need to sell the uh oh you know what that I think is the dino mayonnaise okay that’s what that is I need to figure out what that is I don’t remember um that’s juice I need to remember to make juice well that might be a mango that’s a teror rout pineapple Cinder Shard and the uh already the um forget what it’s called it’s it’s a new um not the new but they it only shows up in the mines when um when the mines are dangerous mix seeds clay and sap I think just one will do that’s good though all right get you in there oh I got uh tree fertilizer out of that that is something that I should consider also what do I need for the blessing again Statue of blessing fiber sap Moss okay Stone I will have the fiber once all of this is done Perfect all right so we’ll start getting five of that I will eventually have to uh let it all sync up I mean I don’t have to let it syn up but I want to let it syn up okay other things that I want to do today um I need to visit Abigail after 800 p.m. [Music] [Music] sell [Music] that keep doing that all right let’s go ahead and uh leave those behind where have I put these don’t I have a bunch of these somewhere what have I done with [Music] them did I accidentally sell them or something or did I leave them out on the um I might have left them out on the uh Island maybe that’s what happened yeah I don’t [Music] know uh it is Sebastian’s birthday [Music] today so let’s grab a frozen tier let’s go to the uh let me use a warp [Music] totem if I can remember where I put all these things [Music] excellent I can get in oh hey give me one sec I mean I know it’s a basement but but do you really need the scarf down here I’ll stay put okay sorry about that I just needed to finish what I was working on uh what were you working on I do freelance work as a programmer that was an instant message from Sam I guess he wants to hang out I don’t really feel like going out today oh hi Ela sebie I know you don’t like it when I come in here here but I ran to Abigail at the store and she said she was looking for you did you tell her I’m working I did but she said she’d probably stop by anyway no one takes my job seriously no one ever bothers Maru when she’s working at the clinic does everyone think I’m just surfing the web all day why don’t you want to see your friends I like having friends I just need a lot of time alone to balance out the social stuff Sam’s the opposite he goes crazy if he’s alone for too long maybe that’s why I like computers so much they’re engaging straightforward and unselfish quite the opposite of a lot of people I know I don’t know I’ve known a lot of very selfish computers well I should get back to work I need to get this module finished by tomorrow okie dokie bye-bye I can take a hint oh really I wasn’t expecting this it looks great though thank you hey don’t let me stop you from getting your work done oh you’re not if you aren’t busy I don’t mind if you stick around well too bad all right let’s see Gus Demetrius lonus Caroline Robin all maxed out Emily is maxed out for now Sam is maxed out for now where is Demetrius on there oh Demetrius is maxed out so is Robin where’s Maru could use a little bit more but she’s not in the room is she nope all right into the mines we go I’ll get you wormies don’t you worry will be mine one day uh let’s see pick up some more [Music] fiber there we go Dougies are good for that I do want more Stone so I got a cherry bomb two cherry bombs I will uh save those for another level nope not that it matters but all right I’m not seeing any slimes if I don’t see any slimes then I’m going [Music] to slaughter some uh of you guys well I got some other things oh I got goggles that just looks weird you know the goggles they do nothing I don’t need to kill those guys anymore but they do have goodies oh hello I will definitely take you I have the cherry bombs might as well use them oh nice ow ow oh more squid in that’s all F oh good rare disc finally got that all right nope I’m out okay let’s see I’m not actually sure if slimes show up on those levels probably not go there oh Prismatic slime well this level is infested and this is actually a pretty good place to uh try for them cuz there’s a lot of slimes here [Music] and I am not [Music] lucky however that is always going to be a [Music] all right what do I not care about I got enough mixed seeds I don’t need more dwarf [Music] Scrolls is that 40 or 50 was 50 caveman shirt did I already get one of these I think I did I don’t need more bat wings right now just s those bat wings this will also help me get towards the uh slime killing goal as well dang it feel like I got one of those already as well but I’ll I’ll grab it anyway all right get a lot of uh slime there um take you out you know what I don’t need these uh cherry [Music] bombs okay let’s go ahead and try it again I mean as far as I know this should theoretically work so that’s [Music] well don’t need the dwarf [Music] scroll it’s 11:50 p.m. unfortunately so let’s keep going until about 12:30 maybe might be able to get one or two more of these attempts uh we can do one more for dang [Music] it okay mine cart time back to the bus stop my horse isn’t here well that is unfortunate all right there’s stuff done but we’ll uh deal with that later we’ll grab that and let’s go to sleep for the night all right day 10 of winter we did not succeed in getting the Prismatic uh jelly but we do have a few more days to look for it so we’ll go ahead and try for that next time see you then everyone

Oh Prismatic Slime, where are you?


My new Stardew Valley 1.6 playthrough is best viewed from the playlist:

The Stardew 1.5 Update Playthrough can be found here:

My original Stardew Valley playthrough can be viewed here:


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1 Comment

  1. Rain during winter has to be the worst thing ever… i've had the pleasure of dealing with rain when there's snow on the ground… the sheer amount of ice is unbearable. i think i walked to a store that was like normally just 10 to 15 minutes away and called a cab home because i didn't want to walk home in the rain and the water/ice combo.

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