I Played the NEW 1.21 Update in Minecraft Hardcore

today I’m updating my world from 1.20 to 1.21 this adds new blocks new Mobs new items a new structure and for someone like me that has so so many farms in the world one of the greatest additions ever the crafter this is going to revolutionize loads of my Farms I’ve got loads of ideas of what to do in this update but first of all there are eight new advancements and I’m going to complete them all most of them require going to the brand new trial chamber so I’m going need to trade with a cartographer to get a map I’m going to start by crafting a load of cartography tables and then I’m going to fly to my RAID Farm to grab a load of emeralds if only there’s a way to automatically turn these into Emerald blocks and not emeralds oh wait I’ll be able to use the brand new crafter to automatically do that and because we’re in 1.21 now my RAID Farm won’t actually work which means it’ll need a few adjustments oh another thing the size of the spawn chunks has now changed to go from this size all the way down to this and that means that all of these shers are no longer in the spawn chunks and are no longer always loaded which means until I move them nearer to here or build a chunk loader that constantly loads them I will once again have mobs spawning all over my world this is not something you see very often so yeah it is kind of cool it’s going to make the game a little bit harder and it will increase the chances of me accidentally blowing up something with a creeper anyway now it’s time to go exploring and I’m going to fly really far away in the nether so I can then build a brand new portal that takes me to brand new chunks from there I can head to a village and give a load of emeralds to a cartographer whoa okay I forgot about sorry sir okay yeah apparently I’m going to blow up his house as well I forgot what it’s like to play my hardcore world with mob spawning I can’t believe he slept through the whole thing do you think you’ll notice nah it’ll be fine you saw nothing that’s right anyway to trade with him a bit further I’m going to need some compasses compasses require Redstone Redstone is something that I forgot to bring so so I’m going to go mining for it oh man I’ve got to go mining with Mobs spawning everywhere this is going to be annoying better get my chest plate and my sword handy I don’t really ever wear my chest plate but I think it’s kind of cool looking isn’t it with all the gold yeah bro it’s it’s way cooler than yours mate and yours as well and you know what’s cooler than all of them the T-shirt I’m wearing available on sp77 DOD store in four different colors I’ve also successfully found plenty of redstone and just like I’ve got my name on my t-shirt you can add any name or gamertag that you want and I will edit myself on my fancy new t-shirt shirt printer guys we found a new arm why don’t you show your face there we go a new armadillo I actually never updated my world to 1. 120.5 so this is the first time that I can get them that is amazing I will be giving buddy some armor very very soon and for you good sir no what are you doing you’re not talking to him yes you good sir I’m going to buy loads of these Maps off do they stack okay fantastic I I just need to make more compasses I would give you glass but I’m an idiot and didn’t bring any but that should be enough for you to potentially offer me the trial Chambers map but yeah you didn’t I don’t know he had his chance and all I can say is be very careful when you go to bed tonight all right cartographer number two let’s try again whoa who okay I was try no you stupid that trap was not meant for you look mate you son don’t you go down there as well are you crazy anyway I’m going to need a load of glass as it’s a bit expensive to keep using compasses so I’ll mine a load of sand craft a load of furnaces oh no way you’re the wrong villager again I swear you’re going to do the you are the one that oh man I have just completely wiped this Village don’t you be going over that’s it yeah welcome to the team I suppose but yeah from there I can get busy smelting and successfully unlock the TR no it failed again this time I’ll make sure that there’s no mistakes and I’ll try again with you why do you all hate me other than the fact that I killed one of your children what have I done to you guys whoops s Daisy should have been more careful and finally we’ve got it thank you so oh no don’t die now not at this crucial moment save him I finally unlock the map and then he just dies could you imagine no anyway you are safe and the trial Chambers are just up ahead also because I’ve updated my world I’ve not only now got the armadillos but I’ve also got all eight of the new wolf variants too which will be very fun to collect this is the spot that I must dig down and we are in the chest plate can go on the sword can come out and all this glass can go in a Sher box I’ve just got no space and I think I’m ready there’s a cool ominous Vault there which is very nice to know about and we’ve got slimes slimes Galore I can’t wait to build a slime farm using a new oozing effect we also got not one but two keys and in entering the trial Chambers we got the first advancement let’s see what we get from here oh that’s the second advancement obtained I don’t expect to get too many amazing things okay well we got the ominous bottle which is good but yeah anything else that’s really good will probably only come from an ominous trial not the normal ones oh we got a music disc nice there’s three of them in total and that is the first one oh we found some Breeze nice a brand new mob giving me Breeze rods which I can turn into wind charges and then if I go ahead and take off all my armor and jump at the same time as using a windurst you’ll see I can get a big boost and do another advancement the reason you have to take your armor off is because netherite gives you knockback resistance so you you don’t really get affected by it and CU I’m in hardcore I’m going to keep my armor on I can also get another Advan P if I scrape one of these there we go lighten up and that means I’m halfway in completing all of the advancement the loot I’m getting is okay from these spawners but I want it to be better so I think we should drink an ominous bottle and then an ominous traal can start the mobs have better weapons and better armor and the spawners will drop ominous keys I can then use these keys on an ominous Vault and you can get all of these different items I will use it in a second but not before getting another advancement I’m going to get this guy into a boat then I’m going to hit him twice with my axe from there I’m going to once again remove my armor risky I know but this is for an advancement I’m going to go like this place some blocks and go underneath so I’m crouching and then he’s going to shoot me and I’m going to keep hitting it back and what on Earth silverfish you guys were not part of the plan take two I’m going to hit the wind burst that he sends at me back at him and if we can kill him when we do it yep we get the blowback advancement I don’t know who came up with that name but there you go there’s silverfish again it’s cuz I’ve got the infested effect and if you take damage when you’ve got it there’s a 10% chance silverfish will spawn and thanks to that we can make an insane silverfish and slime farm which I am very much looking forward to doing so let’s see what we get from the first Vault we’ve got another advancement by the way a not Chapel how awesome is that I guess I can put it with the other 100 ones that I’ve got and now the search for the heavy core can continue because let’s be honest that’s the real reason we’ve come here to try and get the mace the little arrow lingering potion thing that keeps happening has just giv me strength that’s that’s actually helping it was intended to make the mob stronger but it had the opposite effect these guys need all the help they can get I I can’t believe the game is making it easier another ominous key another ominous Vault and another disappointing bit of loot we did get the new armor trim though I’ve now run out of trial spawners that I can use but there’s still three ominous vaults that haven’t been able to open in this place let’s see if we get anything good here the armor trim again yeah it doesn’t look great does it but if I wait 30 minutes I’ll be able to activate all of these spawners a second time and from there I’ll be able to easily collect up more ominous keys and whilst I wait for the cool down to end I can also trade with this guy no okay he’s still alive and I canot get another map and so now I can trade with this guy to not get the map and so now I can trade with this guy to get another trial chamers map yeah I definitely got that first try let’s fly to it this right here is the spot I’m going to drink one of these bottles and then get to work Al these cave spides are a bit of a pain it’s absolutely crawling with them see what I did there crawling why are the webs every what is this stupid new weaving effect really does make things more annoying what good stuff are we going to get this time uh nothing I mean diamonds diamonds are for peasants but I’m going to take them anyway cuz sometimes they do come in handy I really can’t wait to build with the brand new copper grates pretty awesome block also the copper bulbs great for Redstone actually get a new Banner pattern which is kind of cool and another new music disc this one’s called Creator so now I have both Creator and precipice what the heck is this tree a cactus one I’ve never seen that it’s even meant to be like that it’s very very bizarre all of the spawners from the other trial Chambers should now have reset which means I can redo the ominous spawners here this is the final vault which means I’ll have to track down another trial Chambers and search that so I’m going to get to work [Music] [Music] yes finally I’ve got it I spent hours trying to get this and just look at it now I can grab a breeze rod and craft the mace can’t wait to use it just find me some mobs and I will take them down better if I drop on them isn’t it yeah that’s the whole idea of the mace just checking one last Vault didn’t really get anything of use and now I can build a portal and head back home it’s good to be back and now I’m going to take this mace into this room I’ve got loads of lapis I’ve got 13,000 levels yeah I’m going to keep using this until I get an extremely extremely op one density 5 is what I want because it’s the best enchantment that you can get there is also breach 3 which reduces the effectiveness of the person’s armor that you’re hitting but since I’m in a single player world I don’t really need to worry about that and you can’t have a mace that has breach three and density on it so yeah I’m just going to make a density one it’s so weird seeing mobs around my world not sure I like it now to go with the density I’m going to need mending Unbreaking and fire aspect from there it can all be combined together to give me this very very powerful mace it’s not maxed out because I can get wind burst from ominous spawners but after all of the ones that I searched I didn’t get a single book of that I will get it eventually but for now it’s no use I’m also going to try something a little bit risky here but I’m going to attempt to get the overkill advancement all I have to do is do 50 hearts of damage Oro to a mob all the way from here if I jump and yes we got it I tell you what I’m pretty good with the mace and that is seven out of eight of the advancements done and the last one is going to involve one of my favorite new items in the update not going to require many items at all there it is yes the crafter and the final advancement is probably the easiest one you see I can just go ahead and put some items into here like so to make a crafter shape but oh that’s why it’s got a crap but I’m not going to do it instead I’m going to go like that and there you go a crafter crafting a crafter gets me the last advancement now that I have this very powerful maze I am also going to use it to take down the warden yes there is a chance I could die but hey I’m not one to shrink back from danger but before that I want to actually add this crafter to some of my builds the gold Farm is definitely the most obvious One to begin with Pigman spawn and go through the portals and then the Nugget should come flowing through but for some reason they’re not I War you the last time I went through a portal into a mob farm I almost died oh my goodness but hey what’s the worst that can happen eh all right they they’re Landing down there and and and all surviving but for some reason the hopper clock was broken but it’s fixed now probably broken by the update or something stupid anyway it’s fixed now I can do my final bit of manual gold crafting and the items are flowing along nicely I’m going to start by removing this Hopper and then all of these chests the will be a hopper here but for now I’m just going to make it a gold block followed by two Crafters facing downwards yes they can face whichever way you’re looking these crafting tables can be taken away that’s that’s nice isn’t it and this right here is where all the items are going to Output to these observers mean that this crafter is constantly trying to craft and then for this one if I disable eight of the slots and put a comparator out it will give a certain amount of signal strength and that is the same signal strength as eight of these ingots so now they are even but if I add one more into this it will increase the signal strength by one updating this Redstone to be more powerful and then the Observer will detect that this Observer will detect that it’ll power the barrel which will power the crafter and make a gold block go in here D that make sense I don’t know and I don’t care but watch ladies and gentlemen what happens when I put it in there it just crafts straight away into a block now then because this is constantly going off if I change this to be a hopper now items are going in it can only craft when it’s full and it instantly crafts when it’s full so as you can see it’s going in craft straight away now this is filling up and we can’t have this one going off all the time otherwise it’ craft them back into nuggets or It Craft them like into a pressure plate if it was like that and once this fills up as you can see straight away we’ve got another block and whilst that is nicely crafting away I’m going to go ahead and take out all these items and build three more of these in a line right here and there we go every single one of these will now be crafting me gold ingots which is great I love the crafter I don’t even need all of these extra chests now and I can even have a system that automatically hooks up to the gold ingots and sends it to the piglins then they could be bartering the world is my oyster so I’m going to spend a day just chilling here and see how many Gold Blocks we get enough time has passed let’s have a little look oh very very nice indeed it’s just compacting steadily Away really it’s just going to save me so much time crafting and I could actually make a way faster gold farm and easily be able to make a storage that could keep up with it so I know the crafter Works which is great going to build so many farms with that and yes I am going to one hit the Wither I am going to one hit the warden and I would one hit the Ender Dragon but I’m pretty sure spawning him in would ruin my entire end Hub which yeah considering it’s already been ruined a little bit I don’t really want that to happen so instead I’m going to turn my attention to two of the other additions to the game and that is the armadillo as well as the eight new wolf variants I’m not saying I’m going to get every single type of wolf right now but I do want to try and get at least one and I want to get some armadillo scoots so I can give armor to every single one of my dogs I currently have three dogs plus I’ll be getting a brand new one which means I need 20 scoots shouldn’t be a problem I just have to get some copper to do that oh by the way I’m above a swamp and swamps have the brand new bogs now I did run into the bogs in some of the trail chambers that I searched but this will be the first time I’ll see one in its natural habitat and there he is in all his glory I do think Minecraft should add more variants like this they’re probably really easy to add and they do just bring a little bit of life to the see you later B oh yeah they do bring a little bit of life to the biomes they make every single biome feel a little bit more unique and they basically take no time to add it’s a win-win also if you didn’t know you can Shear these guys to get the mushrooms has absolutely no benefit that I can think of because even if you were trying to get mushrooms in a super flat the bug only spawn in swamps yeah I don’t know what you sell have but I’ll leave it to the experts to find out also you’re a normal wolf not what I’m looking for on a side note I do need to get more bones whoa okay that was I was trying to get out the inventory I’m getting smacked in the back a creeper blow me up from one side but yeah my thinking was to grab a sword then I’ve got the Looting effect which means I’ll get bones way way faster don’t know why I didn’t bring my bones from a chest room I have an entire Sher box of them and I completely forgot to grab some let’s just get rid of Mr bling I reckon 41 bones will be enough and now I’m going to head to unexplored chunks and hopefully some wolves will spawn in and as a side now I don’t mind which wolf I get as long as it’s a new one at this point I will take anything armadillos I’ve spotted some well I’ve spotted one anyway I forgot that they also spawn in the Mesa biome and yeah there’s another one right here so if I want to get the scoots from them I’m going to need a brush a brush is something that requires copper feathers and sticks which I can actually get from these be great if I could find a trial chamers right about now that would have a lot of copper in it wouldn’t it although the same can be said about a dripstone cave they’re well known for having plenty of o in aren’t they Le they just got a stack and 13 only mind that tiny bit so what is the final mob that I need to find oh my goodness who buildt house up there bro are you crazy oh there’s nobody living here I’m not surprised I mean how is anybody supposed to get to the top you guys will literally build a village anywhere you see a spare bit of land AR you you’re crazy anyway I’ve successfully found some chickens you’re a parent I’m not going to offen this child you’re not a parent I’ll take your feathers also if I break loads of ferns to get seeds then I can feed them to this baby chicken and then very quickly he will grow up there we go and and I’ll no longer be offing him because I’ll be also getting feathers from him that’s one way to get out ethical dmer isn’t it I also reckon after this chicken I’ve got plenty of feathers and I do also feel like I’ve spent most of this video mining cobblestone just so I can make furnaces let’s craft all of those together and now little Lama wait you dropped a sco on your own okay lovely but now prepare to be brushed okay well that that that went quickly this is why we got so many of them look at them they’re just pouring out of him poor guy it’s going to have no shell left are you it is kind of oh I just punched him by mistake I about say it is very satisfying to do though isn’t it I mean look at this I can’t wait to make a scoop Farm I mean what am I going to do with all these well I’m going to make a lot of Woolf farmer that’s what thank you for your services little fell other than wolf armor I don’t think these have any other use but hey now the priority is to actually find a wolf we’re currently in a wooded Badlands they can spawn here at the moment all we have is creepers though You’ think when they add a new mob to the game they wouldn’t make them quite so obscure so far no success in finding one up there or up here all right let’s go and try and find them somewhere else well done Minecraft some great terrain generation there we’re definitely not going to find them in a desert you need to be in some sort of forest biome to find them so my best bet is to search where there are loads of trees although not not these trees okay not in a dark oak forest but if we can find a sparse jungle then we could find the rusty wolf hold on a second get excited ladies and gentlemen look at this fellow o bling I’m just kidding that’s not what we’re getting excited about look over here we’ve got a wolf look at him the rusty wolf look at me oh why you running away what so scared of oh there spiders everywhere okay he’s got a Arachnophobia like me my goodness I really had to lure them all over here didn’t I where where did my dog go technically isn’t my dog here I have 41 bones I brought 41 bones and you only took one really all that effort for nothing do something wolf help me I should give him the armor now before he dies should I I can’t Sprint either right let’s just fly away got to make sure I didn’t die all right you’ve also got to not die mate so there you go be armored up now get him that’s it don’t take anything from them that’s being said he’s all how can you reach me up there now I forgot in this update they have more more oh s SP half a heart you know what Rusty let’s just get out of there and and go home I forget how much easier I actually made Minecraft once I added the mob switch now as I understand I can take this off wait there’s another advancement sheer Brilliance guys I completely forgot because I’m only just updating to the armored Paws update there’s four new advancements there as well one of them is to repair wolf armor I’m sorry about this mate but I’m going to have to do something like that there you go it’s it’s not personal but we’re going to just smack my dog for no reason if we use wait how do we okay that is not how you do it allow me to get my trusty Anvil there we it cost One XP level okay you better appreciate that there you go I literally just did that why did it not give it to me how damage has it got to be I I will keep hitting you until it’s nearly broken all right I don’t know how many hits it could did I just smack you know oh sorry okay well that’s that’s the answer I guess I’m going to I feel evil but we have to test this armadillo scoot armor to the Limit Oh it’s like that you right click on him I ran out scoots to repair I’m sorry little fell and so the new goal is simple find an armadillo and get more scoots to get that advancement whoa why are you jumping off I meant to be repairing your armor stop jumping off cliffs there was also a complete waste of scoots to craft all of them was it really I should have just saved him for repairing his armor desert pyramid might as well pop in and have a wait where is he oh apparently I’ve left my dog behind well this is probably a good time for me to check it before he can teleport onto the pressure plate and blow us all up I don’t know what I’m going to find here that’s useful on unless maybe I got a not chle okay I found you don’t do that again to me Savannah Biome up ahead and I reckon this is going to be my best bet to finding some armadillos and chickens for feathers too not seen a lot of armadillos but I’ll tell you what there’s a lot of chickens I’m kind of just taking them out for no reason at this point I don’t need 40 feathers yeah maybe I should stop terrorizing them and and start searching again there’s that floating village again the armadillo had before is somewhere over it and so are my furnaces with the copper in oh it’s all coming together well what that little fell you weren’t brushed up enough before well this time I’ve got a new plan are you ready look at this I just pick up a new one it can’t even see it but I’m picking up a new one every single time that breaks this is so so fast indeed isn’t it look at him he’s just taking it like a man all of his all of his sh do they have shells whatever it is there’s a lot of scoots going right you can be free now there you go little oh and he’s had enough and I can repair you there we go good as new I thought I heard a creeper good as new apparently this guy makes a noise like a creeper every now and again but that’s brilliant so now the quest to return home can continue and when we get back I’ll give the armor to the other wolves and I’ll dye their armor so it’s all different colors it’s going to be great another floating village what is it with villagers and building their houses in the sky they’re just crazy aren’t they I actually think maybe I’ve been to this Village before yeah look at that I tamed a cat here oh that’s fantastic here we have the world smallest jungle and here we have the normal villagers that that decide to build the house on Solid Ground here we we are home sweet home yes that is a massive house and yes that is the world’s tallest house tell what it is nice to just be able to come home isn’t it I have forgotten you know 3 months being away it has been brilliant just to be able to fly back home anytime and welcome Rusty this is your new home now now don’t be shy okay are you are you going to come in or you just going to stand outside these other guys looking at him like what is he wearing yeah what what are you we this is what he looks like guys and I’ll be back you’re all going to get fancy armors it won’t just be rusty rusty needs a name tag as well so I believe yeah we just D it like that okay perfect technically all of these are related junior is Britney and Buddy’s son and uh yeah you’re a completely different breed aren’t you so let’s give you your blue color welcome to the family and your blue wool farmer very very nice indeed you’re looking quite cool buddy you’re now going to be safe for life all right I know I said I wasn’t going to speak to you for another 8,000 days but yeah you look a little strange Britney gets pink you know what I think it suits you and Junior well Junior gets white wolf armor yeah you can have lime green when you’re older if that is triggering the old CD of every single one of you then that is mission accomplished it’ be great if I could have a chess for armadillo scoots but as you can see every single one is taken up I think really I just need to expand this storage at some point because every time there’s an update I I just don’t have space to put the new items in I’m going to put I’m going to put the armadillo scoots with the turtle scoots I think that makes sense doesn’t it and if I go to the advancements you’ll also see down in husbandry there is an advancement to get the whole pack you’ll also see that there’s loads of old advancements I haven’t done that’s not because I haven’t done them because when I’ve downgraded my world I’ve lost all my advancements and had to get them again so that’s that’s the only reason for that but yeah I’m not going to get the advancement of the whole pack right now it’ll take a lot of exploring instead I’m going to buy a name tag for one Emerald very very expensive and then we can give Rusty his name tag there we go I’ll never forget your name now and from there I want to brew the four new potions you see in my little Brewing room here in my house I don’t need a a bone one why have I got one for bones I don’t need a leather chest why why have I got one for leather I don’t even know what’s in this nothing why have I got one for paper there not even paper in it also don’t know why I’ve got an end pearl one I’ll leave it for now though and I wasn’t kidding you when I said earlier that I have loads of bones at home and and there I was trying to get them manually earlier and to brew these new potions I’m going to need slime wind charges cobwebs and stone yeah that that one’s quite easy let’s layer these along here they look quite good don’t they in the in the chest room the stone one does look out of place but I’m then going to grab a bunch of Nether wart I’m going to grab 12 bottles and fill them all with water then the Brewing stands can be filled and be Brewing away I’m quite excited to try this if I go ahead and put a cobweb in yes it’s going to start brewing the weaving ones now for the oozing one it’s actually not a slime ball it is a slime block that you must put in and it will start brewing oozing let’s try stone is that correct yep so that should make infested and for the final one it’s not actually wind charges that I need it is Breeze rods so we’ll go ahead and put a breeze Rod into here and look at that we’ve got him and and I’ve worked out a cool little idea if I go ahead and turn these to be Splash oozing then I can take the infested ones like yeah local Brewery apparently when I lost my advancements I lost that one and never done it since but yeah I can take the using and I can take the infested I don’t know what the wind charge one has a use for I don’t think it has any really and I’m also going to make the weaving Splash cuz I think that could be handy just as a warning guys this could all get a little bit messy but my plan is to grab a couple of Wither roses and also dirt probably need those to plant the Wither roses down and next and remember this is all purely hypothetical and bound to go wrong but if I drink an infested potion this is this is going to go wrong isn’t it but if I drink this I now have the infested effect if I then place down a Wither Rose and keep taking damage there we go we are we are getting silverfish okay very occasionally but every time I take damage I have a 10% chance to spawn one to two silverfish all right I’ve just got to keep eating so that I don’t die I could do with my chest plate on really couldn’t I can I can I do that quickly I reckon I can how did you die SP I was trying to farm myself for silverfish the way to actually do this is to use nay because they have extremely fast regeneration I also can’t believe my beacon doesn’t have regen I’ve got all of those other effects but sadly no regeneration how’s my armor doing by the way oh it’s pretty good all right operation get infested has worked there are now I’ve used a allall 3 minutes of it and now I’m going to attempt to kind of trap them all in the annoying thing is that some of them are going to hide inside my stone bricks that’s really annoying that my whole house is going to be infested you know I’ve had enough for this they all just keep going to places I don’t want them to go so we’re going to give them the using effect all right anyone else want the using effect come and get it then all right anyone else I don’t think so we’ll just throw it into the mix but now whenever we kill them yes slimes will SP how did you die B you were doing an experiment okay this is actually a little bit dangerous um I mean it’s kind of working I’m going to end up dying here if I’m not careful though I should go into the wall where it’s a little bit safer oh no they’re still going to follow me sp sp keep moving keep moving what am I doing with my life all righty well I think we’re okay this is a much better idea in my head to be honest with you but you you get the idea look at this slime slime for days and we actually turn this into a proper farm that doesn’t involve me farming myself I reckon we could be in a a pretty good situation I’m really annoyed that I’ve just infested all of the stone around my house by the way but I guess I guess if I don’t know they’re there it doesn’t matter too much just going to have silverfish living dormant in my house for years to come well up until 10,000 days anyway I’ll be I’ll be long gone after that and there you have it ladies and gentlemen the future of slime Farms look how much slime we just got we actually got over a stack of slime blocks which is pretty awesome isn’t it is an interesting one for you the silverfish have gone into the blocks and then when they popped out they’ve broken the blocks do you reckon you can make a massive silverfish mining machine where they keep infesting and then leaving the blocks like forget TNT tunnel balls you build a silverfish Miner how cool could that be all very hypothetical but yes those are the new potions bro do you live here no why are you acting like you do live here then you think he’s going to put that into my storage room oh right that’s that’s th what do you do don’t you dare put it in my house okay I’ve got enough random grass blocks lying around for more to be placed whilst I was out and about I also forgot to test out the new music discs all three of them are right here they’re a bit interesting but let’s listen to them anyway so this is like the start with a music box and it and yeah so it it starts like this slow and steady okay I think this one is just like this all the way through kind of not that exciting just a little bit creepy so that was creator for the music box let’s now have the actual Creator song starts the same this is the one I was thinking of here we go winding it up this is more like it oh yes now this say is a bit of a bit of a beat to this one and that is precipice so by Lena rain no that’s not precipice that is Creator and it just goes on like this kind of cool and finally we’ve got Creator which it’s a bit more like Jolly bells ringing which I don’t know I kind of like this one I think this might be my favorite one some people have the new update some people don’t like this one it’s not very minecrafty I think it’s kind of cool like listen to this look at it it’s got a beat drop and everything I’m loving it I’m going to leave it playing whilst I get some leather for more item frames just an absolute Vibe isn’t it I’ve also realized I never put Relic up I don’t know why I never put it up in decoration we’ll put it behind the little Penguin man there we go all the music discs are on this wall and what else was added in the update two new armor trims bolt and flow oh my goodness he did put it down in my house where are you I’ll find you I tell you just leaving a mess all the time and there’s one over there what is going on now remember why I have the mob switch on otherwise Enderman will systematically take my world to Pieces but anyway before I can apply the bolt armor trim to any armor I need to duplicate it so I’m going to grab a load of diamonds and I also need a copper block so then we can go ahead and we can craft a few of these so we can go ahead if I make it s have five in total that’s pretty good and I’m guessing for the flow armor trim I need a breeze Rod to duplicate it let’s have a look oh yes I was right I can predict these things um I don’t really need to to make any more of these cuz I’ve got quite a lot in the chest but depending on how much you’ve watched this world you may or may not know that over here I painstakingly collected every single look at the lag I collected every single armor trim combination we’ve got them all they’re all here well guess what we haven’t got them all anymore because there’s two new ones so I’m not today going to update this collection but I’m going to have to somehow rebuild this whole thing to make it so it can fit some more ones in I might just add them at the front something like that I don’t know but it it definitely needs to happen you know what else definitely needs to happen we need to take down the warden in one hit with the mace and we need to take down the Wither and I am going to do it but I have one issue my netherite armor is making it so that these wind bursts are kind of useless I mean just look look at them they they really are rubbish whereas if I take it all off and jump look how much better that is okay that creeper just kind of looked at me a little funny there but look how much better that is I can actually well if I if I get the hang of it right I can whoa no don’t blow him up okay careful but yeah I can actually use these and have fun with them so here’s what I think I think I should make some prop for diamond armor that I can then use alongside the mace I can use the wind charges to knock me upwards and then the mace to deal the damage now straight off the bat I’m not going to craft diamond armor using my diamonds cuzz that’s just a waste I have two options I can either trade for the armor which is a good one or I can find it in N cities trading from n cities will mean I won have to use as much xp up and since I only have 13,099 levels I think I need to try and conserve them you know I I don’t want to accidentally run out do I yeah I guess it is kind of completely unnecessary but you know what hey there could be some good stuff to find I’m also going to use it to get free ender chests cuz you know I’ve only got 19 I could always do with more look at that prop four and mending you see it’s all coming together oh very nice it’s actually a great way to get diamonds isn’t it now that I’m looking at it could have absolutely loads them every chest has like four in it I’m not too B about swords you know what it’s a nice breast of fresh air to actually do some exploring in my world like this cuz normally I just be like oh well I’ll just go ahead and use one of my 7 million Farms to get the armor with the enchant on but now I’m actually kind of I want to keep my levels I want to try and keep above 13,000 levels at the very least so because of that it is kind of worthwhile to in instead do a bit of exploring one thing I have got to be very careful of is that I don’t run out of firewor rockets and that if my elytra breaks I’ve got a spare one that I can quickly switch to like that because yeah dying in the void is not something I want to do well we’ve got a thousand days before that at this point I think I’ve got all of the armor that I need you’ll notice I haven’t got leggings but don’t you worry I’ll be getting those from somewhere else perfect and then Gateway and now it is to the nether to see a sheep what are you doing here yeah you you you’re definitely slightly off track but I’m actually going through the nether to go above the Bedrock and then I can use the gold Farm to repair my elytra next I’m going to follow this route right here it’s a little system that I use to transport the warden safely and that means it should connect to a okay I’m glad there isn’t a warden in here but yes we an ancient s okay I forgot about that let’s um let’s maybe just get rid do I get rid of it you know what I’m going to do I’m going to leave it alone now this is what I came for I’ve least just got them in the first chest leggings with prop four I do want Swift snip oh my goodness everything I needed is just in that chest I don’t know if I put that there a long long time ago or if I just got very very lucky I wouldn’t mind some leggings with mending on as well well I tell you what not to be greedy but maybe maybe they’re just a bit too common but yeah that was a very short trip to this ancient city wasn’t it if I ever come back I’m going to cover that up so that I don’t accidentally set it off next time and I’ll use this blue ice highway to really speed up my travel as you can see I’ve got loads of emeralds right here and every villager trade that I need for the boook to begin with the chest plate needs thorns and Unbreaking Unbreaking is easy and so STS as well actually is right here so that is my chest plate fully well there goes the Anvil but yeah that’s a fully maxed out chest plate and the exact same can be said about the helmet apparently I don’t have soul Speed 3 anywhere but don’t you worry that’s why I’ve got a bartering farm for just such emergencies I’ll first remove this fire so that everything doesn’t burn then I can take the gold blocks that my beautiful Crafters are producing and send them down to those guys let’s they’ve used up every bit of gold let’s head through and in theory yeah we should just have fire resistance boots and books straight away I’ve got what I need I’ve got two of them in fact I might I don’t know what I’m going to do with everything else actually I suppose one can be splashed on me and the rest can be burned I’ll put the two spare books right there and it is done used up quite a few levels but my mace armor set is ready so I’ve got my wind charges every time I jump I can then do that okay where are the mobs apparently there are not all right in that case I’ll take on you big fow yeah you think you can do this well get maed that was really evil and unnecessary wasn’t it but it it had to be done don’t worry guys you’re all safe I I can’t really jump that high in here oh wait I don’t need to shut the door now I could just be like all right close the door and it’ll do it from a how cool is this whoops Daisy left my front door up oh wait it doesn’t matter although I do need to actually go through it please please open thank you so I’m thinking on top of this armor I should have a netherite armor trim which in theory is a great idea but unfortunately I only have eight ancient debris and I can’t take some from the netherite beacon again seriously I’ve got to stop mining this up and destroying it so I’ll craft the two ingots that I can I’ve added flow to my chest plate and to my leggings cuz I just think it looks really really cool on those just the the Swirls and everything like that and in order to add stuff to the other two I’m going to need to go hunting in the nether also it’s a great way to clutch isn’t it oh what’s that mate you’re attacking me are you don’t even bother don’t worry little fell I don’t murder children considering all the resources that I have I’m starting to wonder why I didn’t just bring some TNT anyway on a positive note I have just found some ancient debris in fact two pieces for that matter three pieces oh brilliant who needs TNT when your sp737 eh and that’s another couple of pieces another three in fact wow that is perfect cuz if I can find just one more W lava oh yeah if I can find just one more well okay well we found it there we go I was saying I if I find one more then I can combine that with the single ancient debris in this Shuler box and as far as ancient debris goes I’ll be sorted having every single one that I need let’s quickly smelt you and then bolts can go on my helmet and on my boots let’s check out how how how do we look oh yes we look absolutely awesome I will ultimately have to put this armor into one of my Shuler boxes I’m thinking this one I’ll just have to make some room for it I don’t know why my first ever diamond sword called Diamond Sword one which is now netherite yeah I don’t know why that’s in there there was a spy glass there that doesn’t need to be in so yeah with a little bit of moving around I’ve managed to create more space and now I’d like to use the mace to battle the Wither and now this isn’t just going to be a one hit wonder battle no I actually want to battle it in a proper PVP setting and see how it goes some golden apples might be wise in case of emergency and I need to make sure that I’m far away from my house I don’t want it destroying the terrain nearby I’m also going to attempt to do it without using any bows and arrows Just Wind charges boosting me up and then coming down on him with the mace the wind burst enchantment would have been really handy but we have haven’t got that luxury I feel like this is a nice little plot of land to ruin sorry animals I know it’s nice and peaceful here but I think everyone should know by now that I SP sp737 I’m not a peaceful person I should say peaceful penguin let’s just stand back and then let’s do it all righty so we go like that where is it okay he moves up in the air as well all right this is this is going to be a bit tricky actually if he moves upwards when I move upwards maybe I do need to use the bow to do the first uh the first thing oh maybe not okay that kind of worked I’ve got to just time this really well yeah but I can’t get the smackdown I’m going to take a risk put the wind charges in my off hand and then yeah I can actually do some damage on him but it’s not very much damage at all time for Plan B use my axe all righty I can at least do a bit more damage when I do this is actually really really cool by the way look how high up he is he’s all the way up there it’s the no bow challenge it really is and it’s it’s not easy but once I get him down to half Health okay I’m actually going to be close to death myself though here I’m going to put that into my off hand I’m going to go like this I’m going to eat a golden apple and okay we’re okay the big worry is going to be that I take fatal damage without having my totem in my hand so I do need to be careful about that watch this ladies and gentlemen we go like this we climb up here we do the same oh but he just moves up as as fast as I move up he moves up time for PL me grab my sword and let’s do this properly it’s a slow process to do the needed damage but if I can kind of use the trees I can get the needed height can’t I as well oh yes my worry with this is that I’m just going to run out of these wind charges and ruin the whole thing it seems it’s it’s probably possible without a bow but it’s very very annoying so why suffer I say why not turn the tables yeah it’s not so easy now is it big fow yeah honestly if you don’t have a bow the Wither is is really hard but suddenly it becomes really really easily because now I can kind of get above him with the mze okay at serious mode nowb you’ve just popped a totem okay place blocks Place Blocks place blocks Dig Down Dig Down Dig Down Dig Down dig down I don’t know how I popped a totem there I was just kind of critt him with the axxe to get his health down a little bit and suddenly I saw the animation I was like no playing SP stay safe you know what I can do though I can kind of go like that oh that was kind of nice and guess who’s back right come on SP he’s stuck I missed I missed after all that I finally get above him and and I’m missed so my honest opinion is without wind charge the mace is absolutely rubbish like it’s just it’s rubbish like if I’m going to pop another totem here but if I was to use okay hold on hold on I got another totem here let’s use that quickly yeah if I was to to use my sword instead you’ll see how very very quickly I’m going to take him out so the mace against the Wither absolutely useless but don’t worry ladies and gentlemen there’s always a plan B there’s always more than one way to do something like this so this time we go for the one hit wonder will it work I have no idea is it dangerous yeah probably well the plan is simple I’m going to fly up pretty high above the Wither okay now he’s blown up I’m going to take this off temporarily and I’m going to try okay he’s gone over there so what we’re going to do is we’re going to try and come wait can we Glide down at him and hit him with the mace that might work should we give it a go so if I just Glide in on him okay I missed I give it another go though he’s after me and no okay I don’t think the mace really does any damage if you’re gliding towards something maybe if I take this off and okay I’m just going to pop a total Mana yes not great so when it comes to battling boss mobs I do feel like the maze he awesome I hit him I did it oh that was brilliant I take it back I take it all back I’d say that if you pull it off it is probably the most satisfying thing ever and it makes all the pain and difficulty before that oh you just forget all about it so we managed to one tap the Wither we can’t onap the ender dragon as I said earlier cuz it’ll just completely ruin my end but the warden the warden is definitely the most dangerous of mobs to try this on but that is what we’re going to attempt to One Tap next all right so to one tap the warden this is how it’s going to go down first of all I will boat along to this portal right here taking me straight back into this ancient city next I must find a shrier a shrier that is perfect for the task you’re in a pretty good spot so I guess you’ll do from there I cover it in wool and then I cover the wool in obsidian and everything is now in position plus there oh my goodness all right there’s not chle in this chest don’t mind if I do strictly speaking that wasn’t part of the plan but I’m not complaining next I’m going to dig a hole upwards finding diamonds on the way of course I’d find them they’re so that they’re just for peasants once at the surface I I need to go home yes I need to go home to grab a load of redstone items then I can travel back to that ancient city fly up to the top then I’m going to build upwards yes I use gold blocks to build now that’s how rich I am then I’m going to build a machine that’s going to drop loads and loads of TNT one little Observer there and it’s off oh no the gold block I’m not that rich to waste them but yes this is now going to be blowing up all of the terrain for me and it’s a nice little ride for my amusement too eventually it’ll make a massive hole that is very very deep and the TNT will reach as low as it can go so next I can break it all and build another one they really are easy to build aren’t they off it goes again and with that done I’m now going to build it one final time careful SB don’t use up your totems I accidentally built it in the wrong spot which is why I’m building it again but it’s now ready I can now save ly mine up the obsidian and I’m also going to very quickly grab some wool which will make it so that the only blocks the warden can spawn on is these obsidian ones and now I’m almost ready but I’m just missing one very important thing some totems also I have no idea if this raid Farm is actually going to work I I guess time will tell well mobs are falling through so that’s a good start I’m just not going to get the effect again so it’s not going to work multiple times but hey it does get you another of these fancy little ominous bottles so technically it is renewable there’s obviously got to be like a better way to actually use it I’ll build a new raid farm at some point these are just so useful so I I definitely want to have another one and after a bit of further testing and thinking I’m going to see how my very first raid Farm works because this isn’t a stacking one it’s just a normal one well something’s happening the raid Omen effect has started so maybe it’s going to work I can hear Raiders I don’t know where they’re going to come from are they going to come from above they are oh look at this it it it has kind of worked although vexes have escaped yet you know what it’s a disaster Wai to happen if I properly use this one but I have got another bottle of this yeah I think next video I probably will build a new raid Farm since 1.21 broke all the old ones cuz I’m curious to see how the new ones work just use it a second time it it is working okay like it’s kind of semi-automatic the important thing is I’ve managed to get plenty more totems and that means I’m ready I am ready to take on the warden and try and one tap him I sincerely hope that nothing goes wrong because if I miss then I will be at the warden’s mercy and he’ll probably just be able to hit me and kill me so yeah I’ve got to be careful here let’s try and set this off so that he spawns here we go working as expected hello little fellow or big fellow should I say let’s see if this works so he’s currently right that he’s in a little bit of an awkward position hopefully he doesn’t move to the side too much here we go I’m going to drop down and Miss I missed I missed oh dear DEA and now another Warden is spawning somewhere over there yeah that that wasn’t really part of the plan was ITB you’re a little bit of an idiot the issue now is that when I try to hit him on my way down he’ll probably hit me at the exact same time and I I could be in big trouble but hey trouble is my middle name so take two why am I doing this to myself here we go I missed again oh stop going off shers please I’m pretty sure because I’m popping a totem if he hits me I’m going to be really low like you know you know if I pop a to and he hits me at that exact moment does that mean I’ll die I don’t know I mean I’m doing this from way higher than it needs to be I’ll tell you what I think I need to do I just need to get good at the game come on come on SP yes get wrecked oh no there’s another one spawning get out of here SP did somebody say back to back I just got knocked down this isn’t good hi um I got knocked off by a a phantom there didn’t I but hey you know what I’ve got no firework Rockets left there’s Warden spawning everywhere but you know what I did successfully do what I set out to and that was to One Tap The Warden and that means I’ve now killed five wardens in my world I tell what s SP you’re doing very very well and that ladies and gentlemen is the update so far in my hardcore world there’s plenty more farms and features to check out but one final one is the flow Banner pattern there is a gust one as well but look how cool that looks I shall put it onto a shield and here I am ready for battle in 1.21 if you want look as cool as me don’t forget to check out the cool t-shirt on sp77 store you can customize it with your name or gamertag and it’s in four different colors The Shield can go in there and next episode we’ll explore more stuff build new farms and reach 9,000 days

COOL NEW T-SHIRTS – Help me test my new printer!
Penguin Chest Logo Unisex T-shirt

►STARTING OVER IN HARDCORE: https://youtu.be/XpLLUS4eI1g
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In this Minecraft video I survive over 8933 days in a Minecraft Hardcore world. Here are all the things I accomplished, and all the adventures that I had.

More 100 Days Episodes: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWJikipm2MTbf7lS_Ncd7W-Y88KOSKAof


  1. Sb do u know what new armor trims mean? U have to expand ur armor trim collection where u put every single armor trim on every single armor

  2. Small thing about the wind charges, the reason you get no knockback is because of the blast prot on your armour, if you have armour without it that's netherite then the wind charges would work just fine

  3. SB737, at 5:15, wind charges are not cancelled out by netherite, they are cancelled out by blast protection, which is on ur netherite armour. Try using the non-op set.

  4. The way you need to make a raid farm is add a auto brewer that turns the ominous bottles splash and use a dispenser (if the can be splash raid bottles)

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