100 Players Simulate a Mythical HUNGER GAMES in Minecraft…

imagine spawning into a deadly ancient Minecraft world where there are unique special abilities rewards for killing each other and 100 other bloodthirsty players well over the next 3 days I’ll be trying to survive in this mythical world will I manage to be the last one standing or will I be taken out in my path to Victory well I was about to find out as I spawned into my hardest challenge yet oh no barel got something got something got something barrel barrel Lo Barrel bar no no there’s nothing like however just as I was leaving cornicopia I heard a player directly behind me n no no no no no no no no no no no no you get W now no no no oh no oh no oh this is not good this is not good Luke Luke Luke Luke l l l Luke Luke Luke Luke I’m going to kill you please please please I got you I got you I got you I got you come here Luke I don’t have a weapon I don’t have a weapon I got him I got him I got him nice oh bro oh my God I’m so low bro we need to find food thank you thank you I’m just grabbing some I’m just grabing some wood and stuff for the tree thanks to Luke I managed to get away alive and me and Luke decided to form a team what are we going to do are we going to I don’t really know what the plan is yeah we need to find a structure or something um wait there a I thought it was going to be a good cave so I decided to quickly grab some Stone and upgrade mys let’s keep it moving we need to yeah we need to stack more yeah yeah yeah this people are going to be a lot more stacked than us yeah watch out bit Dr first what oh by the way what a amulet did you get I got air fall damage I got I got I got speed I get I’ve got infinite speed one that’s crazy yeah and I don’t know what my other abilities do theal sness get a rush of speed and wait ooh there could be some Loot and stuff in there oh yeah let’s go wait Ru portal what wait oh you lose the ship wreck okay yeah yeah yeah you get the gold block ah it’s it’s looted yeah yeah I saw a crafting table down there as well we need to look out yeah be careful I probably should have grabbed the boat but I’m too lazy to go back and grab it now so yeah we should look out like yeah might only end up bad there’s definitely looted so just watch out so is me and Luke were be into these structures we decided to head underground and mine for better gear oh nice massive nice o iron iron grab all of this this is Lely this is so good for us we needed this this is yeah this is huge wa there’s more there’s loads of iron in here o what’s over here um o more iron oh this Cave’s massive Luke this caves massive Luke yeah this is just all we needed yeah this is huge yeah is a good thing that you’ve got the air ambulet by the way why cuz cuzz you died full cuz you know you missed the full damage yeah yeah no okay okay damn there is a lot of iron in these caves ooh o break this first Iron Bones nice nice oh my god oh what okay uh I need to go find I need to tell Luke immediately oh my God oh my God wait what okay what the hell Luke Luke Luke Luke yo look what I found look what I found what there was there’s a there was a spawner there was a spawner around there that’s so good bro bro okay I I’m going to I need to I need to yeah I need to look after that and make sure I don’t lose it holy bro you used all my iron bro uh yeah yeah this is crazy little thief so as me and Luke spent some more time in the mines it didn’t take long for us to find our first diamonds look what our founds diamonds yeah where oh nice nice nice nice is it just more than is it ah it’s more than one as well nice huge oh what how many is it four five six don’t forget we need diamonds and stuff I think for the recipes um so let’s actually check them let’s check them SL recipes as mentioned in this event there was actually three legendary weapons yeah okay so we can get an amulet Trader I’m assuming it means I can get a different amulet I don’t really want that I’m kind of happy with my current one um an amulet upgrader we need though we need two of them okay that’s a lot of materials um yeah it is oh we should mine redstone then yeah posid Trident uh okay there’s a trident I’m assuming that’s going to be from structure Zeus’s stuff we need a totem and lightning rod lightning rods which means we l need a lot of copper and a stack of blaze rods uh ly’s long sword ethereal cloak receive invisibility for 10 seconds that’s so good what still okay yeah I think if we’re going for any of them I kind of want to go for that one so so after looking at all the custom crafts in this event I decided that I wanted to go for Loki’s long sword this weapon grants the user invisibility for a short period of time oh Luke Luke Luke there’s so much there’s so many uh diamonds in here so we mined the rest of the diamonds we needed got enchants and then headed to the surface all surely we going to be close to surface right finally yeah surface surface right um I’m going to craft right uh craft I have my second upgrade on my amulet nice let’s go let’s go uh what what are you missing do you have the diamonds or not yeah I do okay uh take take that and take that you should be good to I have diamonds you don’t have the diamonds GG however just that I had crafted my first upgrader Luke saw some players in the distance however just before that I want to tell you about today’s sponsor calmont island calmont island is a free-to-play Minecraft server and mod pack that brings the magic of Pokémon into the world of Minecraft they have every single Pokémon in the Pokedex including the ones that the official Kon mod don’t have and for a limited time you can head to their store and get my very own plushy so if you’re someone who enjoys Pokémon or wants to get into it then make sure you head down to the link in the description join the Discord and download the one pack again special thank you to cmon Island and we’ll get back to the video over here there’s some over here look people people where over there over there oh no no there’s people there’s people there’s three there’s three of them there’s three of them there’s three of them there’s three of them wait wait wait wait yeah yeah not a chance wait wait wait are they are they Enchanted are they Enchanted I don’t think they’re Enchanted do we take this do we take this turn what the oh they oh my gosh what the hell oh my gosh they FY Shar oh no they’ve got gaps they’ve got gaps they’ve got they think they’ve got multiple gaps oh no no no no no no no oh shoot is good n you know what I kind of regret taking this fight um hey we’ll let you go if you give us some of your material D some of my material what do you mean need some diamonds we want some diamonds Diamond we need some of that upgrade Stu take everything bro well the thing that or your life bro come on I mean if I just keep running for 30 seconds until my cooldowns up and I also have speed so I can just keep running cuz I got the speed amulet wait where’s my team yeah oh wait yeah where is wait where is your team at hold on where’s your teammate at hey I don’t actually know this is not a good this is oh that’s your team that’s not my team that’s not my team oh no no no no no bro bro would you would you you getting not killing me drop the materials BR yeah give us some stuff bro bye what what and I’m gone oh no no no they still chasing oh no no no no no no no oh this is not good this is not good this is not good this is not good where’s Luke where’s Luke where’s Luke oh no no no oh no pleasee pleasee please please yes yes oh no no no oh my god oh no actually could oh no’s a so you want to give us you give us your stuff materials matal we leave you alone we’ll let you live we’ll let you live right now you’re in web hey you’re in webs you’re in web now all your diamonds all your IR I don’t have I don’t have diamonds I can drop you I can drop you all of my Redstone I gave everything to Luke I give you my diamonds my gold my lapis my raw there you go take that take take Co okay yep I’m getting it oh yes that’s good anything else I can give you a I can I’ll give you I’ll give you a heart I’ll give you a heart give us a I’ll give a heart I’ll give a heart give me give it to me give it to me and shark okay okay okay stop hitting me stop hitting me stop hitting me there you go you got the heart you got the heart got it I got it I got it I got it you can let me go now let me go now okay oh no yeah we can we can let him go doy hey it’s not it’s not a place doing business with you bro hey bro hey no swinging back bro swinging back what do you mean you just started attacking me bro no no no I a trying remember this bro hey hey remember us bro watch back hey yeah watch your back watch your back so as I somehow narrowly escaped death from the strongest team on the server or like you think about now was where Luke was nap nap Luke nap where are you where are you where are you up I think they’re right they’re right here they’re right here I saw them I saw them yeah they haven’t se me they haven’t seen me I’m just going to dig up I’m digging up to get out bro they stole a heart from me where are you where are you just head up just head up just head up oh my pickaxe BR my pickaxe BR yo y bro did bro they chased me into the cave they stole one of my hearts it yeah yeah yeah we need to we need to try and find someone and kill them cuz I need a heart pack so as I had just been robbed for all of my things we went on the search for more players that was until Luke reminded me that he had a spare heart from the kill right at the beginning they’re so stacked like what I still have bunkers hard that we killed at the start I can give you that you still have it yeah no I mean if you wouldn’t mind then yeah yeah oh thank you there you go bro thank you so much where is a structure open me he gos over there that’s so far away though did you see how far away it was no I didn’t check all it’s like it was like 3,000 blocks away bro there’s no point of huh there’s no point of us going there then yeah yeah let’s just maybe go to Z zero yeah just head back this way I guess yeah bro you seen how fast I go in my ability yeah that’s crazy bro bro look what the hell yeah it was so good for me to get away from them but then they just caught up to me and they got me into a web in I should also make my upgrader I didn’t even get the chance to make my upgrader yet I should also do that oh you should do that now actually so as I waited for Luke to literally take five whole minutes to craft his upgrader we then made a move n yo the question yeah quick yeah uh if I use my ability and I don’t have my thingy in my hand why have fall damage probably okay no wait wait crou crouch crouch crouch get him get him get him get him chasing him got my speed yeah nice nice oh get the heart get the heart yeah yeah yeah nice man really good did you get the heart no I got it I got I got it nice nice nice well that was such a good kill holy so as I was now at 11 Hearts things were starting to look up okay well I’m back up I’ve got I’m on 11 Hearts now so that’s that’s nice yeah I’m also on 11 hey nice nice let’s go I’m so scared of that impax your team though cuz they’re so strong they’re so yeah and so much damage to me they’re good they’re really good at the game they put me in a head they put me in a head web and everything like I couldn’t I couldn’t do anything bro this world generation’s so cool this is beautiful it’s so nice I think we should like create a base at some point though yeah we should you spend some time and stuff just creating a base and let’s try to find like one more team or one more person and then make a base yeah yeah know I’m down I agree however we wouldn’t have time for that I think it’s a better idea if you go wait wait wait wait wait wait wait that’s like right here wait we right wait Luke Luke Luke Luke Luke Luke it’s here I’m speeding I’m speeding over I’m speeding over yeah yeah spe there oh my God wait oh oh my God oh my God oh my God wait oh damn damn DN where’s Luke where’s Luke he’s right behind me get in go there’s someone here there’s someone here there’s someone here hi buddy Luke L Luke him no chasing back inside I got this guy I got this guy I got this guy nice nice nice nice nice nice nice go back inside quickly go back back yeah yeah yeah grab the grab the loot grab the loot oh nice nice nice nice nice this uh diamonds gold you want that armor we don’t need an AR oh um okay okay okay okay um not a lot else here uh there’s there’s oh wait War breathing potions Luke there’s so many good books as well wait there’s so much golden stuff as well wait fire protection mending not worth diamonds more bread wait Luke Luke Luke Luke Luke Luke what did you get what did you get look I got the blade fragments it’s for the weapon it’s for the weapon wait so good okay okay okay we need to be careful we need to be so careful cuz the last thing we realistically want is like a lot of there’s probably going to be a lot of people that are going to be coming to this location so yeah yeah yeah we have to be quick Gap Gap gold um fire protection I had so much goal on him I have eight gaps right now you want eight yes please please please please thank you take two however we weren’t about to be alone at this structure for long I’m by myself listen listen I’m by myself I don’t have a team I’ve just been running around listen I I’m not here more people more people nap get in just get in get in get get in get heyy it’s okay W it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay wo wo w w w w wo it’s fine it’s f e EJ come up here come up here come up here come up here us ran into a crazy Team bro we just ran into a crazy team who who who did you run who was it who was it it was climax’s Team bro they were stack right now that’s a lot of that’s a lot of people get the corner get the corner get the corner get the corner EJ follow us with us with us us wait uh leave your lead leave your team leave your team wait wait that little guy that stupid mushroom has been in my b too many oh no get him get him get him this one oh no oh no no no ah oh no even not dead got one nice nice nice nice nice got nap he’s running where where where where where oh my God one that’s you that’s sh sorry Luke get him off him get him off him he’s dead he’s surely dead he’s dead he’s surely got me dead soon oh no no I need you got him you got him you got him you got him you got him nice nice nice good job good job holy [ __ ] oh my God guys let’s go bro is that all of them did we get them all I think I think that’s all of them one run away one run away SL team I I’m going to invite you to the team BJ so as we now had an extra teammate as well as extra Hearts from this team attacking us things started to look up for our team and we decided that with all of our loot we needed a base like somewhere around here would be like a sick place to build a base cuz it’s like yeah tucked away Place nice on the river you could build a nice little dock um not that that’s too that’s too big um I love like falling into the water um somewhere like here could be quite nice I guess ooh here this is perfect that’s a really good spot yeah yeah I said we just do it here yeah let’s do okay nice all right well I guess we get start the digging I guess now that we had found the perfect place for our base we got to work and our base is done we we cooked I mean we we I mean we did cook yeah we did no you’re such a good Builder bro like this is insane bro it wasn’t even me it was all Luke like Luke’s the go one have you seen have you seen our have you seen have you seen been up to the Watch Tower we got like a wat Tower bit up here so can see this place much about the base it’s so sick then we we got I going to drop some stuff over in the storage room yeah right uh we’ll drop some I got got so much junk in my inventory wait I have so much raw gold wait I’m going to go to the smelting bit and SM some this nice smel that up and uh let’s go we also already got a nether portal I got just out of the base already made that’s nice the ne’s not activated yet so we can’t actually use it but when we actually do come to using it there we good yeah have you got any Flint I have a flint and Ste oh nice perfect perfect yeah I’ll however it wouldn’t be long for EJ to use the Flint and still wait wait light the pool light the pool light the pool light the pool yeah yeah nice nice nice nice nice nice go go I need some Gap I have two I’m okay I’ll give you some wait okay give me some uh uh take take take take take uh take three take three thank you thank you blocks bro the nether is so annoying to Traverse bro uh right uh we need a nether we need a nether fortress immediately for blaze rods and after spending time traversing the nether we finally found one well we need to find the spawner immediately wait wait wait is it’s up here they G wait it’s up here up here there’s people you guys are peaceful you guys are we’re peaceful as long as you leave as long as you leave as long as you move okay okay let’s just leave guys let’s just leave give give us your blaze rods give us your blaze rods give us your blaze rods we don’t have a lot we just give us the blaze rods that you’ve got thank you how about you guys leave us you know you can leave you can leave you can leave all we want is this all we want is this all fine fine fine get as long as you leave as long as you leave yeah okay we need to start fighting farming these boys cuz we need a stack of these so after we had farmed enough blaze rods for the weapon we decided to head out of the nether oh no I still need I think I still need like a couple more they’re coming they’re coming back yeah we need we to kill a couple more and then we can get out of there what is that what is that is that nap nap nap I have a proposal never propos what’s your proposal what’s your proposal what is it what is it I was wondering if we could like distance stay we will all M will speak M will speak to you guys thing is I have a looting sword I have looting on my sword yeah so this whole thing will go a lot faster if you let us help you get the blaze rods and we just want to be Allied in the future you know well we the thing is Right we’ve we’ve nearly got what we need from here so we don’t really need your looting sword we do need Hearts though yeah that is true I feel like that’s just point was to fight you know think about it having us as your future allies could benefit okay okay we can do we can do we can do an alliance until final fight but until that point if final fight just knowe if at the final fight if we if we survive and you guys survive just know I will kill you fight it out we don’t have a lot of people we have to team up okay well if I were you I if I were you I’d leave before we change our mind all right let’s just go so I fin had enough to craft the legendary weapon all right boys oh let’s go let’s go let’s go it’s so sick oh my look at that oh God damn that’s beautiful so as I now had my hands on one out of the three legendary weapons in this event we finally left the nether all right well the bay should be up here somewhere I think we’re close yeah uh I think this is it yes home sweet home yeah o we are back home I missed this place I’m need to get in and upgrade my my thing here get my amulet one more time well we’re back home uh have you got the stuff Luke yeah I just picked them up on the chest uh can I grab it so I can craft this thing there you go Jesus Christ how have you got so much iron I I killed the guy as I told you oh uh I upgrade all right [ __ ] of [ __ ] um 1 two 3 four five 1 two 3 four five five 1 two three four five two diamond oh two diamond blocks one two one two one two two okay nice uh there go I got maxed out thingy now uh wait is there you got enough uh wait I have enough you have you got um like six diamonds then you can get yourself you can get yourself a thingy as well you can go mining for a couple more diamonds yeah wait I want to go outside I want to test my ability what was this so oh okay so that’s what we heard when we were in the nether I guess so as I now had a maxed out amulet we went exploring oh yeah right here there’s a staircase on the side oh there we go just up here the issue is with my speed I keep speeding off and then I can’t hear you guys in voice chat have no idea what’s happening yeah okay be careful be careful there’s stairs here wait there’s bodies here what oh who is it right here right here right what that H I’m not really a fan of this I’m not going to lie oh no I’m missing all my hits what [ __ ] is this [ __ ] yeah lad run he’s he’s don’t Dr this is nice nice nice Luke’s being 2v Luke’s being 2 one oh no Luke I can’t get up Luke come down here come down come down way come down here come down here I’ll I don’t take this at we got to get out of here you ain’t going to kill us with this St Fe nah no no no no n I’m sorry cows we used to be teams what happens we went from friends to foes I’m sorry come on S we got to get out of here oh no he’s bamboo bro I’m Ming this easy oh are you s teammate’s boosting me that’s fine got that speed amul as well it seems yeah what have you got that’s so bad oh no oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no no no come here oh no no oh where my team where’s my team where’s my team Luke L where’s EJ where’s EJ yeah he’s where at he’s chill he’s good he’s good he’s good go back go back to Coria go back to cornia so is this team seem too strong to fight we went back to cornicopia to meet back up with EJ we have to get some more Hearts bro yeah we do badly where is bro we need to find EJ I was absolutely destroying s and don’t even think you’re going no just how many ARS he has yeah they’re right here they’re right here they coming back bro there’s a guy at Mid apparently EJ’s messaged me EJ’s messaged me saying there’s a guy at Mid be quickly be quickly yeah yeah y the guy I I chased him I couldn’t kill him guy there another guy up here okay did you kill the other guys n they got away way umn yeah they were too powerful yeah I nearly dropped one of them but it’s you you I think Luke’s on his I think Luke’s chasing him yeah I think he is as well he’s very quiet I don’t even see Luke I don’t I think he must this way I’s just hope he’s gone down this River instead oh he it y he someone the Dophin with ability so he just got a dolphin what like a ocean ocean ocean amulet or something yeah yeah that’s quite cool actually so is this player had summoned a dolphin with his ocean amulet it wasn’t worth the chase so we went back to cornicopia yeah yo yo someone’s on the left wait where who’s this wait I think we fight we take this take this fight this fight them fight them fight them fight them oh he’s got such a strong BL ah team abandon yeah yeah yeah they’re just running oh you’re not going to kill me I I am I am you get off of me but I’m trying to help my team get out help me help me help me help canot kill me any dead oh boring how’s he going to die they have so many hearts bro I told you we’re unkillable just popped a notch oh no how zzi no oh no no no no no webs bro just turn and fight turn and fight man oh no that’s the whole team yeah you better we don’t take this we don’t take this I’m full I’m out of food bro I’m out of food oh BR I’m out of food bro I can’t fight like this okay okay just leave leave leave so as Luke was completely out of food we had no choice but to leave however after we’ Met back up with EJ wouldn’t be long before we were back into a fight yeah if we just continue this way uh hopefully we run into people soon cuz bro there’s not like obviously there’s that one stack team and like we just can’t fight it bro like like cow’s team they have way too much stuff and it’s just like definely is absolutely team team people from the library people from the library library fight this fight this fight this get him get him get him get him get him get him get him get over here NP watch out watch out watch out are you I’m on you I’m on you I can’t move I can’t move oh no no no I’m stuck where is this is this oh no is this oh the ability I’m low get over here oh no no no no no what careful careful careful EJ careful oh you’re not going anywhere Budd this is our video this is our video why me my event now bro get over here I’m getting really really low Oh no you’re this web bro oh no bro this this bro BR the hell oh that’s a shiny that’s a shiny little little little thing you got there pal where you got over there get over I’m going to go this way I have the same speed I have the same one oh no get over here why my this is my video now two of you on me why two of you on me it’s just me and you now K uh trash I am yeah I’m missing everything right now you nerd bro your webs these little web placements you little nerd oh my God yeah get comboed bro what you have whatever that sword is bro uhoh uhoh uhoh oh no no no where did you go what is this what is this Y what is that that’s not oh no where’s EJ where’s EJ where’s EJ oh no no no bro I’m running out of he bro I’m at two I’m at two bro I’m at two out EJ out go go go go bro I want that go go go go go go go go go oh no no no no no bro so many I don’t have the heels for this fight and after nearly completely running out of Hills we had to leave bro like that team Andre’s team like they’re going to be a problem like when it comes to like the cornicopia fight because of how stack they are um but I don’t know play play players two players two players wait they don’t have voice chat they can’t hear us wait they don’t have voice chat just go get them just go get them just go get them they don’t have voice chat bro what the hell let me let me get this one let go help the other one I’m going to we I’m going to wh oh this guy’s a drone oh this guy’s a drone nice we got him we got him nice nice nice nice nice Chase it nice nice nice nice nice nice good job good job good job you got the loot yeah let’s just go go go go after killing these players Luke dropped me some gaps and we made our way back to Corner Opia however we somehow managed to lose EJ so instead of staying at cornicopia we decided to go out and search for more kills fire over there oh where’s hej right behind us okay yeah be careful there there’s fire up ahead oh boy there’s a boat there’s boats on our right people wait Scyther H3 that’s uh team 54 team 54 yeah yeah they’re running they’re running people where wait Drive we’re getting third get back get back get back he’s too fast in the water yes I’m in I’m in [Music] go however because of the boat they were too fast and got away well there’s a shock drop here I mean it’s definitely probably led cuz we’re like What few hours into the event now so yeah yeah just have a look there’s not that many teams left however that strong team oh damn okay yeah be careful be careful oh oh no no no okay they got B triy on that’s not good okay uh I actually know what it [Music] so wait there’s a team there’s a team there’s a team fight this we fight this we fight this we fight this whoa he’s invisible this one’s we this one’s we nice nice nice nice nice oh my God he’s dead nice nice nice nice nice nice nice this guy’s definitely dead he’s got to be weak he’s got be weak he’s got be weak I’m Chas I’m chck him chck him not dead he’s got to be weak nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice huge huge huge let’s go trying to grab the heart yeah oh he had two hearts two hearts oh my God all right where’s Luke I don’t know I don’t know we need to find Luke where’s Luke where’s Luke where’s Luke where is he I don’t know I don’t know I don’t see him there’s blocks this way he might have gone this way he might gone this way there’s blocks yeah I think he might still be figh the guy yeah yeah yeah just be careful be careful yeah he actually go I don’t know oh they here here oh he’s fighting I’m n n I’m one for running this otherwise he’s going to run Luke I swear to God you better not lose he’s got totem don’t lose Luke come on oh he’s dropped his sword he dropped his sword over I mean realistically it doesn’t matter it’s over anyway bro he has no sword nice nice good job wow that was a waste of time for him wait he had prop two I forgot about I forg go by AR there got snatched like that I didn’t get it wait how many hearts you want no [Music] um uh 14 okay I’m on I’m on 11 can I just take this yeah yeah yeah thanks I’m I’m on 23 gaps I got 23 gaps oh my God give me some I’m zero I’m on nine take them Luke and then take them thank you okay nice um right okay I think we just go back this way then and go back to cornicopia Border’s closing so there’s going to be more people around yeah and as we were on our way back to cornicopia Luke got a message from one of the players on the strong team we fought earlier wait you say you received a message from R what did he say yeah yeah um what he’s going to do he’s going to join um 59 oh with uh with Lely he’s with l oh right okay yeah what does he want a team with us then yeah he wants to team with us right okay that that would be huge that would be huge cuz if they can backstab them that team is absolutely stacked as well yeah if that team is a good thing for us no definitely BR the border is closing there should be a lot of people at corner C here now yeah should probably run into couple in a bit yeah oh I need to be careful of that I don’t have I don’t I I do take full damage unlike you yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo y get my team is really evil bro killing everyone they see right okay if we try and get into a fight with cuz we’ve tried fighting them earlier but they’re too powerful for us to take just three of us we try get into a fight with them and then if you guys if like you and L defly start attacking them and backstab them whilst we’re fighting that would be the best play all right okay I need to get back to my team try and get them to cornicopia do that oh that’s not good so we’ll them I think we have to fight this yeah okay fire go he’s just his ability guys just watch out cuz he’s got his his in oh it ran out it ran out of the bad time that ran out of bad time how it going guys oh no what is this I’m frozen oh no you can’t handle all the abilities can you oh no no no no no no no I can’t move I can’t can’t move I can’t move yo get him get him zi oh no no no we got him in can kill him here this is not good this is not good this is not good this is not good this is not good this is not good that definitely now would be a really good time for you and artti to do the thing I don’t know what you’re talking about yeah you do all right we got him get get him get him get him get him get him K the other guys are there as well the other guys are there as well yo yo yo wait you got the Trident wait that’s sick that’s sick you can use it out of water you know that right Yeahs they’re betraying the team yes nice nice nice nice nice s s s run run run s almost got him almost got him what do you call disadvantage now wait have you also got speed y oh this is sick this is sick he’s got about to die surely to God bro come on just die man how many Gs you got bro I don’t know bro this guy is just not dying he’s messing up his Blocks he’s taking so many how many hearts this guy on bro dead nice nice nice water is not where he wants to be with you right now bro you got Dolphins Grace right yeah he’s gone down wait he went down he went down a he blocked up he blocked up he blocked up I don’t know I don’t know get get back they run away they run away let me invite you to theam leave your team leave your team leave your team bro I nearly fumbled that so hard yeah you did I know cuz I bro you need bro you and L definitely nearly killed me bro no I know I was like I was spam messaging him to like do it now do it now doing 2 V ones and I was thinking when am I not going to get attacked you yeah what the hell no you came through who died who died oh definitely died oh no no no no that’s not good that’s not good okay at least we got another teammate so where’s Luke where’s Luke I don’t know I think he might have gone down with defly and the other guy but yeah I think he did okay well that’s not good cuz that means he’s One V oneing him one twoing yeah we need to try and find them where is Luke do you think yeah I don’t know I’m going to be honest I don’t know if Luke wins that CU it’s two like two of them and they’re both strong yeah I’m a bit worried for they said they had 20 Hearts eat by the way so what that’s why the Luke luk oh my God lukeo he can’t hear me he can’t hear me Luke l l l Luke yo oh my go bro what happened let’s go yeah we two you while we’re doy toing and he got full all drained and just died what L deathly yeah that’s not good I see I see a Tex over there I see Tex there they I think they’re fighting over there fighting okay go go go go go let’s go how do we get down oh up cake go go go wait they’re on horses yeah fight oh oh oh no thank you block blocks what is happening what is happening what is happening I don’t know I don’t know on the left where where where yeah over wait someone down there wait axial’s team axial’s team we fight this we fight this we fight this what what the oh no oh no no no the bamboo the bamboo oh no no no oh no that’s not good that’s not good that’s not good that’s not good that’s not good back up oh no no wa why you be careful be careful careful get away from I can tra I can tra I can traaaa oh [Music] my what the is happening it off they it off get get xqu xqu oh he’s oh no no oh no no no oh no no knock come here oh no no no h you good oh I’ve been we I’ve been we what is this bro I’m stuck in a block inside of a web it just doesn’t make S it oh no no no get get get get what is that weapon yo yo I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m getting out I’m getting out yeah yeah yeah how many gaps you want how many gaps you want 21 can I grab some seven oh my God bro EJ you’re good oh was on like three hearts FL is insane oh we need to get up oh no no yeah be careful be careful or doesn’t she closing to here oh there’s a team on the left team on the left so many people yeah yeah yeah we might have to make some allies yeah they’re so strong uh we might have to Ally with Team us kows yeah yeah yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo friendly friendly friendly yo yo yo we need to we need to we need to do some kind of an alliance bro against flame frag team they’re so strong everyone bro they’re so strong like we need some kind of an alliance here I’ve only got four cook pork chop left that’s what I got oh we’re good any of you perhaps get wait Luke Luke Luke yo yo yo yo yo y yo bro we we yeah we have to alliance against this team bro they’re far too strong they are one of their people I think Oh I thought one of their people died but they didn’t okay so that’s the boy started to close in this was it this was the final fight oh you can’t oh no no no they’re fighting they’re fighting they’re fighting bro wait what the [ __ ] shotguns doesn’t take damage and come oh no I’m stuck what is that oh wait oh wait we’re chill we’re chill we’re chill we’re chill we’re chill what do you mean your CH what do you mean get get na get get get na oh no no no no oh yes you do get over here nap oh get over here you’re mine you’re mine you’re absolutely team wait oh sorry sorry sorry sorry sharks yeah let’s go sharks let’s get him hey Scyther oh bro they do damage they do damage they do damage not would it be mad if the weather don’t you D I think everyone weather yeah oh no no no oh no no no no no no no why do they do do it do it do it it’s great what wait Crim’s dropping I’m not dropping I’m fine oh no no you’re not dropping Crim uh-uh come here nappy boy get over here get speed is so annoying bro the speed is so annoying he no no no no no oh my gosh somebody somebody oh my God that sword does damage bro get [ __ ] off me my God what the sword does damage bro nap sword does damage bro this is chaotic oh no I’m getting enough I’m get enough I’m not good enough I one get get she’s weak she’s weak no thank you I’m fine I am I’m perfectly fine just the way I am just the way I am you little freaking yo help help help help come back here you can’t place lava boy get over here shoot I’m in flame oh no wait oh oh no no no no no no no com Gap I got Gap I got gaps I got gaps I got no Gap either how are you not dead I don’t even know who I’m fighting at this point though what [Music] you’re Lance why you going for I’m here I’m dead here I’m dead here and that was where my journey ended if you want to play events just like these then make sure you scan the QR code on screen now or click the top Link in the description also please sub we want to hit 50k this year so thank you I will see you soon

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🎬 Edited by ► @KnappYT With help from @MindOfNeo

Team mates ► @yesluc @EJfell
Massive thank you to Wepwawet Hosting for sponsoring me and my Event server, find there link below and use code KNAPP for 20% of your first cycle!


Video inspired by @Sword4000 and @MindOfNeo

Some shots have been filmed after the video for the sake of story telling, do not send hate towards anyone in this video as this is for entertainment purposes only!

#minecraft #100players #Hungergames #minecraft


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