How Mikey and JJ Robbed Villagers in Minecraft (Maizen)

[Music] hey Mikey look at this it looks like there’s some kind of diamond villager over there what’s he doing give me your jewelry I’m going to make the ancient Spirit of dojima protect you all and your village what he says thank you for bringing him gifts he loves having you here thank you huh what is this nonsense what ancient friend hey a spirit doesn’t need thread and cobwebs a spirit needs jewelry gold and diamonds the spirit is angry so the Golems will take your life and hand it over to appease the spirit so it will continue to protect us that’s just awful what kind of crook is this I don’t understand uh why don’t we rob him look at all the cool stuff he’s got what yeah but those gums how are you going to deal with them I’ve got it all figured out I’m going to start yelling at them and they’re going to chase me I’ll lead them away and you decide what to do with the safe and get all the jewelry hey Mikey wait up something’s not right here hey you stupid clowns I saw your spirit was just a clown what are you going to do to me now take him and teach him a lesson bring him back here alive because the spirit has to teach him oh Mikey I hope you succeed what do I see it looks like that diamond dude just decided to lock himself in the safe well I have a gift for that I’ve got the drill ready to go I’m going to turn it on and then just destroy the roof of the safe and to knock this guy out I’m going to drop an anvil on him I hope he stays alive and just gets a little headache that’s it all right it’s like he didn’t even hear a thing hey buddy get a present from me and bring something for your spirit too great now I can wait for Mikey to lock up the safe wao that looks like a lot of stuff in there hey JJ it’s me I got them off but we have to move fast or they’ll be back oof this is bad enough but as you can see I’m all set and this dude’s just laying there resting on the floor so we can start Gathering resources hey JJ look over here I’m taking him with me what do you say what Mikey we came here for the stones take the diamonds and the jewelry why did you take this dude he’s worthless oh no looks like we got a problem looks like the Golems are back and we don’t have time now uh we can lock him in the well and then they’ll throw valuables at him that would be much more profitable that’s cool but look what I came up with I’m going to lock those stupid golems in the safe I’m not going to help you they’re going to crush you not so fast let them stay in that cage we’ll drop them there and get back to the village in peace yeah huh that’s a cool idea I actually like that what’s up it looks like we’re done and we can go home wait what are you doing with that guy H well look help me set up a place for him here he’ll stand here and villagers will throw money at him and we’ll just collect it don’t you think that’s kind of cruel we’re taking away a man’s freedom H well he’ll be okay because we’ll be there for him and there’s room down there to build a little shelter for us this dude’s going to be such a landmark in this Village and collect money and we’ll just take it the spirit of dojima will punish you it’s a 100% chance you’re going to regret this come on old man get in the well you don’t care where you cheat people and collect money all right man you’re going to be here for a while don’t worry you’re going to be fine I’m sure JJ let’s see what what’s going on here it’s been a while and this dude should have brought us something come on I don’t really feel that way I feel bad about what we’re doing we’re teaching the crook a lesson by his own methods so there’s nothing wrong with that especially when you look at all the valuables in here this is the kind of stuff you can only dream of yeah you’re right Mikey but I don’t want to hear your butt we did the right thing this is not the dude who should be worried about remember what he did to that villager just beat him up for bringing him cobwebs that’s terrible okay Mikey parks would like to believe that we are doing the right thing use the security cameras I installed them here whoa you set up the cameras to follow the dude jeez Mikey what if he tells people we’re holding him here oh look at his mouth he’s got a rag hanging out of his mouth I put a rag in his mouth so he can’t talk huh all right it’s like he’s doing his job and we’re just shoveling in his money ha that’s a cool comparison I think we can accomplish a lot with this kind of success that’s a great job well you and me trying to make money off of other people’s Misfortune G that’s awful well that con artist deserved it and look at this my god there are so many people here I still don’t understand why everyone is so excited about him and gives him so much jewelry hey what’s up look who’s coming over here oh no it’s those Golems but how did they find villager oh my God JJ you better hide or we’re done oh my God what are we going to do get a grip on yourself first Mikey cuz we’re going to make it let’s just jump down now we have nothing to do here yet oh my God they’ll find us and then what they’ll do to us is V be just awful we’re finished JJ Mikey quiet I said and pull yourself together I do not want to listen to your Panic I’m telling you that we’ll be okay how would you know did you see what they did to those villagers the villagers didn’t have diamond armor or weapons and I’m standing here right now making it for us so do me a favor shut your mouth and calm down stop panicking Mikey you and I have been in worse situations yeah that’s harsh but you’re right yeah I got a little excited and lost my mind okay then calm down and get a grip we’ll manage because we’re not weak especially since you manag to fight them off all by yourself I drove them off so you could steal everything so how’s it going with you are you doing all right I’m all set Mikey so get next to me and grab your gear wo thank you JJ I somehow didn’t even think of creating the exact same thing for a little while because you were panicking Mikey now I’m telling you to pull yourself together everything’s going to be okay so what do we do now we just have to attack them and that’s it yes we have to destroy them because they came here to destroy us so it’s either us or them well we’ll definitely beat them because if they do it’ll be a shame for the rest of our lives let’s not let these pathetic pieces of metal ruin our PL if we destroy them there will be no one left to free our hostage that’s the kind of mood you’re in I like that Mikey I can see you’re relieved eh that’s true Mikey if the Golems disappear that sorcerer or whatever he is will be left alone with no hope of Rescue come on Mikey nice work I think we got it yay hey JJ look what’s going on out there oh no looks like the villagers stole all the savings from that safe and what does that mean and why did they even decide to do this oh my God this is horrible ah the horror is in this safe right here look at this it looks like there’s nothing left in here oh no how are they any better than us God what a horrible nasty Village of Thieves they’re no better than us and we’re no better than that crook yeah DJ it’s a vicious circle everyone does terrible things because we live in such a strange world but that’s not what this is about I want to find the tracks tracks or Footprints what Footprints I don’t understand what you’re thinking if we find the tracks we can find the stolen property look at this it looks like there’s a trail of emeralds and it leads right into those woods Mikey am I to understand that you want to go there right now and see where it leads us uh kind of yeah we’re not just going to stand here and waste our precious time so I say we go into those woods maybe we can find something interesting there ah I think it might be dangerous and I have a strange feeling about it uh why you got scared come on it’s just a simple villagers people bags of Bones God they’re not even a problem for us a minute ago you were afraid of golems and now you’re so brave what’s up Mikey wao you see they’re not so simple anymore oh yeah JJ looks like they’re not just villagers they’re Bandits and they’ve got a diamond armor too we don’t need to fight them yeah you’re right we need to find a way to sneak in and steal the valuables in that chest a drill you have a drill right well fire it up we’ll drill our way in and get the valuables are you sure it’ll work and we won’t be seen H there’s a fire burning so they won’t hear us over it so fire up that thing and let’s go you know Mikey you were right I think it’s a pretty good way to steal the emeralds and all the valuables in the chest so I like your idea work in progress I’ve drilled pretty good we’ll be out soon Mikey we’re here but we can’t open the chest from the bottom we’re going to have to figure something out I can give you this punch a hole in the chest and all the diamonds and jewelry will fall right down here yeah Mikey I think I know what you mean I’ll put the chest here to fill it with diamonds and emeralds and then the process will begin you do that and I’ll stand guard and make sure no Outsiders come in here I know you Mikey all right we’ve come up with a super clever plan I guess if I put this thing under that chest the supplies will start falling into my chest yes great it looks like it’s working and I love it now I just have to wait a little longer yeah yeah and then those dirty Bandits will have nothing left we’ll take all the diamonds but then we’re no better than them JJ how’s it going in here what are you doing yeah Mikey seems to think we’re all set what do you think yeah but we got to get out of here cuz those dudes got suspicious well then grab everything and run we can’t stay here too long hey you you dirty thieves stop right there give back everything you took with you are we thieves you’re the ones who stole all this stuff that doesn’t belong to you so shut your mouth and get out of here in Terror have you lost your fear JJ Stop Standing There we need to get out of here so stop playing hero yeah Mikey you’re right I just got a little care carried away with them it’s like they want to take everything from us oh yeah of course they want to take everything from us what’s going on you don’t see them behind you nope I’m sorry they’re gone so it’s okay what about you Mikey no uh oh no oh my God look at this it looks like the cage is empty that dude got away but but how is that even possible I can’t figure it out wait the camera seems to be working we could see what’s on the footage if it’s recording what’s going on well come on then hurry downstairs and let’s see on the cameras what’s so interesting happened there oh no oh no it looks like we’ve been robbed oh my God it’s all turned against us oh my God it’s all turned against us we didn’t make easy money after all I guess not this time what’s up did you find any surveillance footage yeah Mikey look at this it looks like there’s this dude standing there who the hell is that guy AJ get closer isn’t that a villager yeah that’s right it’s just an ordinary villager nothing unusual about it but oh no it seems that he helped him with supplies and created a workbench it was easy to create the tools to break the cage and get out of there but jeez why would he do that God I mean why did he come down here because he wanted to steal what he could get his hands on well it’s a bad situation because he ran off somewhere and we don’t even know where but definitely in that direction towards the safe so maybe we can find him wait I don’t understand why did he run in there what’s so interesting about that safe I don’t know he probably wanted to go in there to get his savings uh Mikey something’s not right here that’s not why he went in there uh but then what you think there’s something wrong with that safe exactly what if that safe is something else zero what if it’s the entrance to a secret base uh come on where’s the entrance I don’t see anything here this entrance may be invisible but maybe look around and you’ll see something strange yes look it looks like there’s something down there or am I hallucina wa you’re right buddy there is something down here and is this really the passage cool JJ we’ve unlocked the secret that’s been under our feet all this time huh I see that this is a secret tunnel oh my God Mikey it’s the Golems again I’m not afraid of anything this time so let’s destroy that filthy monster that’s it Mikey that’s great I like your mood a lot better like this you’re doing great yeah JJ it looks like we’ve almost destroyed this clown but it’s not over yet huh what you think there’s more enemies out there uh I don’t know but uh we’re in the lair of a dude who has a bunch of Golems so it’s possible that there’s someone else here yeah you’re right Mikey we need to be very careful and look around carefully oh my God JJ look over there it looks like there’s villagers in there huh that diamond con man was holding the Villager hostage in here jeez I guess he’s not such a simple dude anymore let’s get them all out of here looks like there’s another room with them in it Jesus but why did he keep them here and what did he want to do with them I don’t know and we can only guess but I thought we should rescue them all because we shouldn’t leave them here lasers there’s lasers in here so be careful not to hit them yeah yeah I can see that it seems like the security system here isn’t so simple after all uh it looks like there’s more rooms so let’s get in there apparently this dude’s been holding a lot of hostages in here H yeah it’s awful but we’ve been through so much already I have a feeling he’s around here somewhere hey JJ yeah I think he’s around here somewhere we just have to be very careful maybe he’s setting a trap for us oh my God there’s a Golem let’s hurry up and destroy it hey I don’t get it what are you guys doing here who gave you permission to come in here and how did you even find my Hideout but my Golem will destroy you now so these are the last minutes of your worthless lives we came here to take what’s ours old man and that’s your life we’re going to need you hey stop it what have I done to you that’s so bad that you’ve come after me we just need you because we need the money so that’s why we came here hey wait we can work this out right we can share the proceeds how about that hi uh sorry JJ but this dude talks too much so it’s time to knock him out a little bit you did a great thing so what are we going to do with him uh the same thing we did last time I want it to bring us money so we’ll put it in that spot and collect jewelry so wait first of all look what’s here it seems like there’s so much cool stuff in here look at this there’s a huge pile of Jewelry in here so we’re taking it with us I thought so we can make this place our own I I don’t get it what do you mean ah look at this it’s a super huge Hideout what if we made this place into a new secret base for us woohoo and we’d have tons of jewelry I like your idea Mikey it sounds pretty cool that’s what I’m saying so we’re all set this place is going to be set up so we can live here we also have a lot of emeralds and precious stones so I think we have plenty of wealth and that dude he’s going to bring us money too so I think we did it today yeah I’m really glad we did it today

How Mikey and JJ Robbed Villagers in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – @maizenofficial

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