Why JJ Want To DESTROY Mikey TINY CHUNK in Minecraft? (Maizen)

all right let’s get started today I was going to go see Mikey and find out how he is what why is my refrigerator running away somewhere stop now friends I don’t understand anything at all someone stole my refrigerator from my house and it is now running away from me I need to stop him as quickly as possible this will be right for us if I tell this to Mikey he definitely won’t believe me I need to track where my refrigerator goes friend this is all just incredibly strange but if that’s the case then I just want to finish and pick up my item as quickly as possible huh this is something very strange friends this is some very strange block wait what Mikey what did you forget there so you stole my refrigerator yes JJ it was me I need to build a house in my little chunk that’s why I’ll steal your furniture it looks really very strange you even assigned villagers to dig a mine what is going on why are you not happy with our village at all I decided that I would become the most important thing in this chunk but I have absolutely no resources to build anything here that’s why I decided to little by little take things out of your house and move them here this will be very effective and I will build my house and Village here Mikey why didn’t you ask me for permission to do this you take my things and take them for yourself you should have told me about this idea because I wanted to manage the village and the house completely alone you would be studying there in the village and here I am ma everything is really fair you stole most of the things and call it justice that’s stealing Mikey this is punishable you can’t do anything to me because I’m in my chunk now this is my real and best protection in the world we’ll see about that later I’ll go get my strongest weapon now I’m 100% sure that I can destroy Mikey’s chunk he will regret that he did not decide to take me with him he literally wanted to take everything for himself my things build my Village friends don’t do that and and that’s why I’ll punish him for it moreover he began to laugh at me and my Powers this is truly unacceptable and I will punish him I will destroy his chunk with my weapon once and for all with such a weapon I will definitely just blow up this chunk he won’t be able to get out and will regret his words I am more than sure of this the most important thing is not to give up and go to the end this is really very important and I hope that there will be no more problems I think Mikey should apologize and admit that what he did was very bad that’s why we can bring this matter to an end and punish him because we are stronger than him he has absolutely nothing now therefore we can take advantage of this and kick him out of this chunk this will be true for all of us you need to run to him as quickly as possible I want to take and destroy him in his chunk I will show him my true strength JJ I see you don’t even think about destroying my chunk this is truly the cool coolest place here it’s too late Mikey I have weapons of different strengths here they will destroy and blow up your chunk oh I need to hold on as tight as possible I don’t want to lose him that’s why I hope your weapon fails we go from the weakest weapon to the strongest therefore I will have many attempts to just break through your chunk you chose this path yourself you could call me and we could build another small village together then another one and so many times you really don’t understand what I want I want to make manage everything here myself be the real head of the village Mikey was tired of working apparently for the villagers that’s why he decided to organize his own small village right here this is just incredibly strange in any case the sooner we solve all this the better it will be I want to see this through and win this battle it is most important but for some reason I can’t break through his chunk this is just incredibly difficult excellent news you can’t break through my chunk I will remain the only one in charge here I’m not done yet Mikey I can definitely destroy you because I take a much stronger weapon this should definitely be enough to destroy it and blow it up get it you must understand that you simply have no other choice I just want to take this place and destroy it so that you return to our village no matter how much you try to kick me out I only want to be here more because this will be the safest place on Earth no one can get here or win Mikey you’re starting to make me angry I I will really do anything just to destroy you all over and over again you can’t destroy this chunk with your strongest weapon you won’t be able to kick me out of here either so give up as quickly as possible and just get on with your life I won’t disturb you or the village this is really very strange but Mikey is right I can’t destroy the block that was very unfortunate JJ end this as quickly as possible I want to mind my own business already Mikey you understand that you can’t escape from me you are locked in this BL luck I’ll get you just try it you won’t have a chance to stop me I’ll make my own village and be incredibly cool Mikey you’re really bad you don’t want to share this chunk with me that’s why I’ll just see it through to the end and win this battle do whatever you want but you can’t stop me in my actions in any case I will destroy you and see this through to the end this will be the most important thing now okay friends I need to come up with another plan I need to get inside Mikey’s chunk somehow to to do this I have to find something special to get inside perhaps some tool that reduces will help me maybe the villagers know something about this and can help me if there really is something like this then I will definitely take it and use it I hope I can see this through and win this battle I need to go find out from the villagers what they think about this what if they themselves want to somehow get into Mikey’s New Village I need to go find out from the villagers what they think about this what if they themselves want to somehow get into into Mikey’s New Village hey have you heard about Mikey’s Village he calls literally all the villagers inside he said that you can get there with the help of Ender Pearls wow friends I apparently learned something very important you can get to Mikey’s chunk using ender pearls this is really very interesting the villagers exchange ender pearls and I can take them from them this actually sounds very very interesting I need to come up with a plan to take everything from them or just buy it any case this is the only way for us to get inside Mikey’s chunk this is really very very cool I want to sneak into the Villager home and pick up their ender pearls but it seems to me that it will not be so simple I want to get to Mikey and punish him for his actions and words he really allowed himself a lot and I need to punish him I think friends you will all agree with this we will be able to punish them very quickly and bring the matter to an end this is the most important thing you must do this is great the Villager completely closed his house so we’ll have to steal from his chest to do this I will build a special mechanism that will pull out all the things it might not be fair to the villagers but they would like to sell me all these ender pearls therefore we will proceed with a really serious plan this will be tricky but we will still get all the pearls they have there won’t be any problems and we can stop Mikey with his plans it’s a really complex mechanism which is why it will take me a long time to make it and to make it work this is the most important thing I want to see this through to the very end if we do this we will attack Mikey’s chunk and can take it from him or even destroy it from the inside so we’ll dig it right here we will do our best to pull out the pearls I really hope that we will be allowed to do all this because they could have taken them somewhere else in any case this is the only way out no one should notice what I’m doing because if we get caught it will be very very bad they will put us in prison and we will already be sitting there this is really very scary but I really hope that we can cope with all this in any case we have a lot of time there is no need to rush anywhere and we must see things through to the very end it is most important I want to win this battle and show myself the most important thing is to do everything efficiently to make it work and not have to go into the house at self this can be very dangerous but we must see it through to the very end okay the mechanism is done this means we can get everything out of the chest I really hope that these will be the right things and we can go to Mikey’s chunk there we will actively fight with him for control of this place I’ll have to wait a little to pull out exactly what I need it will be interesting to see what the villagers have to say about this in any case each of us does everything possible to achieve our goal I hope there won’t be any problems and we’ll just win for now we need to make sure that we can take out all the things without really leaving a trace because I can find us by following our Footprints you need to keep them to a minimum each of us does whatever it takes to achieve our goal Mikey is building a village inside his chunk I steal pearls from villagers everyone is busy it can really take a very long time we must be prepared for this this is really very important for each of us we must see this through and win this battle well friends I really hope that you support me and my ideas I want to stop Mikey in such a bad way please forgive me for this okay friends I’ll probably be here for a very long time so I won’t make the poet wait we can quickly finish the job and get to some point then I will show you the final result and we can solve all the problems I want to win this battle as quickly as possible in any case we simply have no other options this is the most important thing we must do after all we simply have no other choice yooo friends we finally got the ender pearls now we can definitely find Mikey and get into his chunk I really hope that there will be no problems and we can win quickly this is the most important thing so that we just take it and Destroy everyone Mikey wait for me I’m jumping inside you this time you will not be able to escape from me and I will destroy you very quickly I will kick you out out of this chunk and destroy it yooo friends I really did it I was able to get inside Mikey’s chunk now I need to find him and fight him because he laughed at me so much that I couldn’t get to him and destroy him hm strange I just saw JJ where did he go true good thing Mikey didn’t notice me we can attack him unexpectedly okay time to start building a house this will truly be the beginning of my Village JJ can’t stop me oh how very wrong he is for now we’ll just watch Mikey from the sidelines a little later we will attack and destroy it he won’t have a chance to beat me because I’m 100% ready he can’t defeat me it’s literally unreal anyway I need to do something to teach Mikey a lesson I need to prank him somehow so that he understands that he was wrong already then I will destroy his chunk and all the blocks inside he’ll really regret laughing at me because I will 100% come up with such a plan the sooner we do all this the better it will be he will have to be ready for a real battle and I will have to punish him this is the effectiveness of everything I do Mikey finally started building a house I won’t interfere with this now so let him do it and think about what we should do next the whole problem is that we will have to somehow stop him this is a really big problem but we simply have no other choice I want to defeat him and destroy him this is the most important thing we will have to do he has no chance of winning this is is simply impossible I need to find at least some useful resources thanks to which I can destroy Mikey and his chunk now I don’t have that now I only have cool weapons but this will only allow me to destroy Mikey I need something powerful for example cool TNT it’s so good that I finally Clos myself off from JJ he won’t interfere with my cool plans I will become the coolest and most important in this Village I just want freedom and I got it it is indeed very difficult but I can say that we will be able to effectively get through all this without any problems this is the most important thing now I just wanted to find something I need to find a mine where the villagers are mining something maybe they have some very important resources there for me I have to go around Mikey and Destroy his house this is my plan for today I need to move this refrigerator I’m going to go to JJ again and steal his stuff I really hope that none of this will happen if it does I’ll just be incredibly angry I will destroy everyone and I really hope that we will be able to stop and fix all this Sho we really did it I really hope we can punish JJ for all of his deeds because he constantly prevented me from doing something now I am independent and I am waiting for the villagers to get a lot of blocks then I will start building houses for them and making my own village this will be very very important great this is the cave villagers mine or here I need to see what cool things they can have for me perhaps there won’t be any problems s and we can bring everything to its logical conclusion this is the most interesting and fun because we have to stop Mikey apparently the villagers are not particularly interested in the fact that I am here let’s see what’s in the chest maybe it will help me wow there is some very interesting TNT here we’ll probably have to use it I don’t know the effect of this TNT but it seems to me that the explosion from it will be simply incredibly strong we will definitely be able to destroy everyone one now I need to make a trap for Mikey he must get into it I will do something really interesting and unusual Mikey will hit it and I will win this battle I will destroy this chunk along with its ideas now I need to go upstairs and see what’s going on I really don’t know what problems I might have or what ideas I’ll have the faster I organize all this the faster I can go relax and have fun I want to bring Mikey back to the Ordinary World so that he can enjoy everything that is there but don’t eat here Mikey has already completed his cool house so I’ll make a trap right in front of him I really hope he doesn’t come out and notice her we have to prank him without him realizing it was me it is most important when he gets caught I will show myself to him and tell him that it was me everything is very simple and logical we will definitely have to defeat him and force him to admit that everything is very very cool in any case the super sooner we do all this the better it will be I want to complete the job and Destroy everyone who will interfere with me JJ did I fall into your trap did you really prank me yes Mikey it just had to be done I wanted to destroy everything that you have built and will build here I have TNT that will completely destroy your chunk nothing will save him you must understand that don’t you dare use it this is my home and I have already started building everything here leave my chunk as quickly as possible and don’t come back this really sounds terrible and I just want to destroy you do you understand me or not sorry Mikey but I will really do it you yourself started playing all this and we must bring it to the end I will blow everything up here and free everyone from this world I will put a lot of TNT and blow everything up here there will be nothing left of this block and you will return back to me back to the Village Mikey it will be incredibly terrible I don’t want to go back I like it here better than in the Ordinary World don’t start doing this it’s too late YooHoo we actually managed to destroy Mikey’s chunk as I said you have returned to my world therefore friends we will say goodbye to you see you very soon and bye everyone

Why JJ Want To DESTROY Mikey TINY CHUNK in Minecraft? (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters.

Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos!

Maizen – @maizenofficial


  1. I all was watch I was a kid and I watch mikey and jj because I dream them for a year ago and I was a baby I watch it to okay Don't kapi my dream okay I am 9 years old now and my name is tequila have corse I all weise subscribe them have corse all the year

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