🔴 LIVE ASMR │Chilling & Tilling in Stardew Valley

[Music] for [Music] [Music] hello hi NE hi gilo good morning good morning good evening or good afternoon welcome to the stream glad you guys could make it um it’s been like two weeks since the last stream I I didn’t stream last week I think yeah cuz Elden DLC dropped hi Justin oh my gosh you’re on a boat are you fishing or like uh are you doing like a survey thingy it’s been 84 years no but I have fun stay safe I hope you can swim if not wear a life jacket and stay away from the edge of the boat but that sounds fun Justin oh don’t get sunburnt wear your sunscreen oh what else don’t don’t be don’t be um attracted to the Sirens If you hear singing don’t don’t join in it hasn’t been that long it’s just been two weeks speaking of how has everyone’s been two weeks been it’s almost July my gosh and for some reason summer still hasn’t come to Washington it’s been hot cold hot cold hot cold so it’s not it doesn’t feel like summer it feels like spring or fall and they give you the boat yeah boat party uh with Justin but anyways um I was thinking and then I lost my train of thought because we had boat oh my last two weeks um I want to keep it a surprise but the electric Tex is coming soon I’m going to drop it soon it’s a surprise though um but yeah sorry about the delay that was one of the reasons why I couldn’t stream last week Texas has been Texas weather it’s like raining um what’s it called briskets and gravy over there Texas weather yeah it’s very hot I told kilo once it was really hot and it was only like 77 and then like a true Texan he was like well it’s almost like 90 here I’m like okay in Seattle I Wish It Would Rain um CU it’s always raining here french fries so I just open my mouth and catch french fries just have a bottle of ketchup or barbecue sauce oh barbecue sauce my mom’s been obsessed with making ribs lately and she used sweet baby RIS barbecue sauce the sweet one not the original and it’s so good it’s so good I usually don’t really like wet ribs I like dry ribs but the Sweet Baby Ray barbecue sauce just it’ss different it’s just so good now I understand why people Americans love ribs but I think I’m just gonna get started on stardo Valley because it’s been a while and I’m really excited I kind of wish I played Super Market today I didn’t realize Supermarket had the customization update until it was too late and I wanted to check that out but there’s always next week we could check that out together yeah have have barbecue sweet it tastes so good sweet I usually like my barbecue Savory cuz that’s like what I’m used to so I was like when I try the barbecue the sweet barbecue in um restaurants it it doesn’t it but I guess like Mom’s homemade cooking it’s just different or it’s like she adjusted it to our taste bud so it’s actually really good because I think in restaurants they’re way too sweet and they’re like the like um I don’t know I can’t get meat with sweet it doesn’t like register in my brain sometimes I just which is funny I guess cuz I’m Filipino Filipinos have a bit of a sweet tooth not all of them but um I think a lot of our desserts are really sweet which is like which is why like my um my aunts who don’t like sweets or are like really old so they can’t have sweets anymore they like uh Japanese desserts cuz Japanese desserts aren’t too sweet let me make sure that the audio is St to Valley and it’ll be a black screen for a bit sorry guys but it’ll it’ll it’ll go back to normal soon there we go oh you like stuff like A1 uh I prefer my like I prefer my meat like good without any additives like if it’s a good steak it doesn’t need sauce in my opinion like a good steak is a good steak a good piece of meat is a good piece of meat she has textile ribs all Texas is the land of meat I I like to think kind of like I think Washington is the land of seafood cuz we’re next to the Puget Sound let’s check if not not a good mining day today let me know if the audio is okay oh okay I don’t know I just think it’s good me it won’t need anything but I’m like the opposite with seafood I love putting lemon on Seafood I just like my Seafood sour citrusy like last night we had baked salmon so we had like paprika pepper mayonnaise and lots of lemon on it you just put that in the oven at least that’s how we make it everything sounds good have you ever had Rockfish I don’t know if I have I don’t know if I have I’ve seen it at the um gosco the rock fish but I don’t know if I’ve had cuz sometimes um like let’s say I’m eating at someone else’s house I’ll just eat it without asking like I’ll ask is this fish that’s it I don’t really go details unless it’s like um very exotic then I’ll ask not exotic that is not a word for Cuisine hi VRA welcome to stream also welcome born to stream why wait why do you ask about Rockfish is it good do you recommend it I’ve had yet bungos which is the milkfish um salmon tuna Birch trout um I think that’s Cod I’ve had Cod I’m not really a fan of cod trying to think what else I’m blinking but those are the main ones I eat I me mly eat like tilapia BOS and salmon though and then that’s just fish we eat a lot of seafood in this house it’s my mom’s favorite I think my favorite I don’t know if a shrimp a crustacean oh speaking of crustaceans I had my f I tried so um raw soy marinated crabs for this first time like the they have in Korean dramas it’s actually sweet I didn’t I didn’t again register like in my brain but I liked it it was my first time liking like sweet seafood and then there was like the spicy marinated rock crabs but that one gave me the runs it was too spicy so yeah but I like shrimp shrimp’s my favorite shell fish I like a good shrimp cuz like shrimp’s versatile barbecue it steam it good oh my gosh like the poisonous Rockfish I couldn’t do that I couldn’t do it just curious about it before it’s pretty good uh okay I’ll try it it’s at Costco I don’t know did you have it fresh cuz the ones in Costco are frh Frozen most of the things in Costco are frozen I prefer my fish really fresh cuz it just tastes good it tastes fresh but most it’s really hard to get the without spending too much unless you go fishing the reason we are able to get fresh fish is uh we used to go fishing and then um my uncle goes fishing lot with his brother and they sell us their catch and that’s how we get like fresh fresh til up yet I don’t know if it’s fresh up yet fresh Birch sorry eat first then ask oh well I ask at least of me I don’t really like eat first and ask I don’t I think it’s also the fact I don’t have any allergies so I don’t have to worry about dying when like you know eating at someone else’s house I don’t think I have any allergies or like diet restrictions and yeah and then I was kind of raised we were raised poor so we were like raised out to be picky so I’ve always just had a curious appetite but it my big thing is smell if I can’t handle the smell then I can’t eat it cuz like you’re old factory they’re uh connected your nose and your taste bud so like taste is uh smell is a huge factor and if you can taste something and yeah I can’t that’s why if your nose is congested you can’t taste anything okay I think that’s it I don’t think I have to water anything else I am going to go St haly today or not stock haly Court Haley today so we are gonna go uh oh we should bring this to the oops we shipping this and then the gon today’s Tuesday what is this rice Sho these are in the spring just checking my inventory spring again um I think we’re good we’re gonna go look for Haley oh wait we should say hi to our chicks because we have new checks so we’ll have like four xegs today yay hello hello hello hello go ahead and check here maybe we should save up for cows I think I’m gonna sh save up for a barn new go Barn we have minis cool go ahead and sell these and then I think did we water our dog I had it fresh and cooked with lemon butter and Dell sauce oh sounds so good there we go I don’t know I again lemon and seafood just goes well together my Jes I thought it was an egg you guys I thought my geod was a giant egg I realized too late cuz I clicked so fast but I I was counting and it was like one two three four and I was like five okay well I guess we’re just going to the museum today no G no um blacksmith we’re so good at video games here speaking of good at video games did you guys watch the Nintendo Direct that was what I wanted to talk about last week but I didn’t stream last week she’s at the F Fountain heading home by 4:30 um but I need to go to the museum first okay we’ll Forge for flowers do you guys think she’ll like this maybe she likes sweet peas I know she likes daffodils but that’s only in the spring I think I don’t know what flower she likes from the summer I think the museum might be closed though but I’m just going to check oh flowers for my lady yeah right in front of Alex too oh get out of here Alex I don’t want to talk to you go go there we go stop walking with him you’re all dirty wait wait a second let Alex go first okay there you go I don’t think she like that but it’s whatever it’s for our future I’m saving him or saving her I’ll put the museum or in the museum the flu here in the top okay so I’m the Nintendo Direct I made a list Hello Kitty Adventure Island is at the top of that list when that game got announced for Apple I was so sad because I am Android Samsung since 201 12 never went back so I was disappointed but now that it’s announced for the switch next year I’m so excited Hello Kitty Adventure Island it looks so fun looks so cute and I am very much a sreo girl I love s who isn’t Metroid Metroid Prime 4 my only Metroid game was the one on the DS the very first one I never played it because it scared me but now that I’m older I’m going to give it another try and I feel like I could just jump into it right I don’t know if I have to play the other ones but I’m honestly just going to jump into Metroid Prime 4 it looks fun I like it and it’s on the switch and I have a switch so I can try it out I don’t know if that’s it and I was I heard about phasia which is like a digimon pokemones farming game I thought it was cool but I looked it up and I don’t know I i’ have to watch other people play it first cuz gameplay looks very basic cuz I already have ooblets and I really enjoy ooblets even though it’s more cutie card style battle um yeah so for meia is kind of just like an honorable mention met story I think you still play it yeah that’s what I was wondering because I think it’s mainly action right and then Zelda echo of wisdom I don’t know if I’m going to get that one but that one was one of the ones that looked really interesting and I feel like that’s what the Nintendo Direct was actually like you know made for like you know there’s always the main featured game for a Nintendo Direct usually it’s like the latest Mario game Zelda game or Pokemon game speaking of Pokemon game I heard that 20 26 was going to be their 30th anniversary and that’s why they don’t have a new Pokemon game this year I think they’re saving gen 10 for the 30th Anniversary I I think I’m g go fishing I don’t know what else to do it’s way too early to clock out tomorrow we are going to go check out how much a cow barn is because I think we need to save up for a cowb barn we should start um getting material for it though because I know it’s up quite a bit especially since we’re just starting out again I need milk for winter cuz we need to make profit outside of crops so we need a cow at least two and our chickens are going to be like our main profits besides foraging and fishing but yeah but yeah I I didn’t know it’s been 30 years so that’s what a lot of rumors are why there’s no new Pokemon game this year they’re probably saving gen 10 for the 30th Anniversary but yeah those were the ones I was excited for theend I don’t know any everything else was kind of like Indie titles or imported games or games that already existed that are just getting Nintendo Imports but yeah I think that’s it I can’t see anything now I miss my glow ring so much oh my gosh when you’re like restarting and you don’t have a glow ring you can just feel it cuz like right now I can’t see anything I’m literally using an ax on a B on a rock how embarrassing there you go looks like I uh leveled up cuz I’ve got some new ideas to sleep on all right oh I’m low energy let’s go with i’ is moss a new thing or has Moss always been here I’ve never gotten Moss or maybe I don’t I don’t pay attention help I’m lost I should start carrying around a torch at night all right oh my dogs asleep in front of the fireplace cute we got a cookout kit and a moss soup wait what’s the cookout kit yeah I’ve never seen Moss either oh look at my ge my poor geot that I sold I don’t know if we’re g to do any of the summer festivals is there new Summer Festival I don’t remember there’s like new oh she’s still sleeping oh it’s a rerun I don’t need to see it then stir fry it’s still perturbed today okay we’re gonna oh it’s raining today why did these crops die oh it’s the Lu yeah we can drop something off we can give it a little bit of spice let’s give it a hot pepper we’re not going to sell everything just get a hot pepper actually let me check the community center all crops summer crops I already did the pepper we need the blueberry melon and tomatoes oh my garden has Tomatoes now but they’re still green but one of them is turning slightly orange and I don’t know when to pick them before the the bugs or birds start eating them so I’m a little bit worried cuz I had my first strawberry like a month ago but a bird took it so I didn’t even get to like you know enjoy my strawberry I don’t know if I should put this in the pot I’ll just sell it give them one regular pepper and I’ll sell everything else but today looks like since it’s raining we can go ahead and just focus on the barn um oops I wanted to check out the hi SAR ASMR just say love your kind of do it too and it feels awkward to me um you get used to it honestly I like to think of it as just like you’re at of sleepover and you’re trying not to wake up your parents while you play video games with your friends kind of thing or like you’re playing under the sheets of your covers and again you’re not you’re trying to like play video games late at night I don’t know just get in the mindset of like you’re supposed to be quiet while playing video games me Asing as work but I have stomach but so Silver Lining a on SOL hope you feel better is it just like a little bit bit of like grumbling like you’re not too sick or you very sick but either way hope like what Kila said hope you feel better but yeah welcome to stream sish welcome to stream on solve like the plant Moss you guys never SE game is just so no like in game I’ve seen moss in real life I think they’re pretty but there’s not much like I think they’re pretty on rocks and stuff they they give rocks like a nice green color um where is the cookout kit right here us allowing you to cook on the go wait that’s so cool that’s cool this is cool so now I can like cook in the dungeons or not in the dungeons in the mines sorry I’ve been watching a lot of delicious dungeon it’s actually finish now but it’s still in my brain recommend I say it every week but I recommend it where’s the soup oh I think the soup is in the kitchen huh that would make sense all right um let’s go to Robin and see um a worm worm it was yeah coal don’t need that boo let’s see if we can forge anything yeah there we go Pon or spiceberry I call it Pon because it looks like one but yeah delish and dungeon got green light for a second season and it has a trailer so now’s your chance to catch up in season one I think it’s one of my favorite actually my favorite anime this this year that came out oh I forgot to get that flower I should get and save it for Haley so I don’t have I could just stockpile on stuff she likes and just bombard her with it that’s honestly the easiest way to make someone like you right love bomb don’t do that that’s no that’s horrible okay should be open soon I think yeah 9:00 a.m. so we could go give uh what do you guys want to give lonus a spice Berry or um should we give him um damn it I missed or should we get them a spicy pepper I can’t lose my eny pepper okay here you go Mr lonus oh no not another one a warm rain is a pleasant way to get clean that’s true cold rain feels unpleasant you just get sh like Shivers it just get Shivers and get sick okay I think they’re open now it’s 9:30 oh I got stuck in a corner as someone who somewhat recently G it I absolutely love delici oh you got into tnd how is it what’s your character and how’s your experience so far months home and how far along are you guys on your campaign I don’t want this this one we need 350 wood and 150 Stone so I’m just going to need 200 Stone 400 wood 200 Stone 400 wood six G’s we have the six cheese covered um what’s it sh oh this is cute I want this I never got far in this game I realized a slime Hutch what are slime balls PE goop unlock stck okay well is there here you do what you want role I think it depends on your group and also your dungeon master or game master I forgot what they’re called the person in charge of the story because if again it’s based on the campaign like who you’re playing with some people just like to around but some people take or most people take the game really seriously so I think you would just have to find the right group of friends for your play style CU I don’t think there’s any set rules to DND because it’s a role playing game like make believe you’re literally pretending to be in a dungeon it’s like adult play pretend honestly Jo I thought it was really cool oh welcome back sish thank you thank you good name is Leo leer leur sorry if I Mis pronounced that okay we’re just going to sorry I need to like um oh this one has Moss this tree has Moss so if I break it Moss comes out oh oh that’s cool but um okay we start the campaign at level three now we’re haven’t been playing much recently but we’re scheduling another session soon I think that was like I think the most stressful part of tnd is just getting everyone together at the same time because the campaigns can be really long but I think they’re worth it right if you’re into that yeah I think that’s new to the mall I love the Sounds in this game so much here I’m gonna hire up the game a little bit can you guys hear the rain sounds or no before I hire it up because I don’t want it to be like just rain sounds you guys can’t hear me anymore ohain only rul like that yeah but be mindful of to other players so you don’t want to be the annoying one you should give it a shot I think it’s a lot easier to do now cuz I think back then it was like if you could meet in person which is kind of hard especially if you had longdistance friends which is what most people in The Gaming Community have um gaming anime but um now that Discord and other um what are they called what is Discord it’s like Skype and teams speak like online phones I don’t know chatting services but yeah with stuff like that bless you D with stuff like that’s easier to do DND because you can talk to people online multiple people at once you don’t really have to be in the same room anymore 115 okay I think today we focus on wood tomorrow we focus on Stone because wood is the bigger number we need I’m going to collect the seeds so I can make um snacks when we go dungeoning dungeoning mining sorry I’m going to say dungeoning a lot okay thank you just curious what was your first video also when did you start ASMR like creating content kind of curious a lot of people are starting now I was fortunate enough to start it when there wasn’t a lot of people doing it so it help and during the quarantine so people had to stay home and they were forced to watch me I’m kidding there’s other ASMR so they weren’t forced to watch me but I’m grateful and honored people chose to watch me but yeah it’s a little bit harder now it’s saturated here on YouTube but I feel like if you persevere and you find your Niche and your community it’ll be fine you’ll be fine and just enjoy what you’re doing I very much enjoy what I’m doing oh I have no energy should I make snack I only have enough for one yes I really need to look the kitchen so I can make food want to I need to be able to make omelets or fried egg or something like that oh this one has Moss let me actually I forgot about my chickens let me close the door they might be getting flooded hello hello hello hello the egg are in the way no do not eat that oh okay put the regular egg in the mayonnaise I don’t think um the the size of egg and the quality of egg changes the mayonnaise so I just use the smallest one I think just let me know if I’m wrong but let me see if I pet my dog too before I go back to doing things I did okay cool oh ifan ver are my new ones they sound like evil people and my go all over Place me and another in C two others on the west coast and Australia we play over disc or of course it’s better in person oh yeah it’s always going to be better in person cuz then you can also like do like role play or play out the scene in person which is always going to be better but I don’t know it’s better than nothing now I have Moss soup but I can’t make moss soup I have more Moss for M soup I mean I have no energy for anything tomorrow’s the Lu I won’t be able to do much so egg be careful just to sell egg okay going put the wood away maybe have more wood in here two okay um actually do I have I have K root you can eat the k roots yes nice go back to work you know East Coast oops East Coast okay I unlock the kitchen TLC sadly a you persons for sure campaign a few friends of mine it really is funny while another player in the DM do a shopping run it feels natural I mean that is how DN was first created in person how long has DNT been a thing I’m curious what the first DN campaign was about and like what they did and what the classes were in the races be interesting these trees are growing so fast oh gosh I’m have Noy we only have 402 oh the lightning scared me eat no eat can I make another field snack can no I think I’ll save the field these field nexts for tomorrow when we get the rest of the wood and stone because we’re gonna be mainly at the luo tomorrow so we’ll see what happens 99 okay I was hoping that one or no 59 sorry I’m a grandma I have glasses I can’t read anymore I can’t see anymore okay let’s go to bed we’re going to bed early yes because in this where you’re talking over other players in the DM that’s true and some people have really poor connection or they have a really bad mic just a lot more um they both have their pros and cons okay it’s sunny today which means I have to freaking water let’s do weather report sunny day tomorrow too start usual amount of shells and corals are expected to worship whoa tomorrow tomorrow okay okay okay after the L out right um oh melon wait let’s get our pepper that’s what we’re going to use for the luow put these away for now I’m going to water my dog though cuz I don’t want him to be or to be dehydrated while I’m gone it’s summer guys keep your bees your dogs and yourself hydrated but especially your bees and your dogs speaking of keeping things hydrated my dad wants to buy like a giant fountain or not a giant Fountain a fountain for oh the festival hasn’t started yet oh yeah they’re going to tell me when it starts I keep forgetting I guess we can keep um we should start the watering like a fountain of sugar water for hummingbirds he’s like obsessed with birds but he doesn’t I don’t know if he wants to be a bird watcher I think he just likes Birds which I think is cute fountain for the s squirrels my dad’s be with the squirrels continues but I haven’t seen squirrels in a while but to be fair we haven’t been filling the bird seeds um feeder because of the squirrels and my dad kind of gave up and they the birds have been eating my crops and stad I was growing sunflowers or trying to grow sunflowers and I didn’t know that they ate the sprouts and leaves of the sunflower so I was wondering why they were all not growing and then I looked closer they were bitten off like the leaves were gone and the stems were eaten so yeah the birds are my enemies now if my dad is like fighting as beef with the squirrels have beef with the birds they’re eating my sunflowers but I guess the sunflowers are their food I can’t really complain cuz some did survive I think I only have two in my backyard that survived like seedling hood or like this the Sprout the Sprout face and then the ones in the front are alive the’s at the beach right let’s go down there oh kilo L I don’t know if he’s still if he left already but good luck at work ELO thank you for joining I think okay I don’t know which festival is my favorite in stardew Valley but the luo is my like favorite look aesthetically it’s not my favorite in terms of what to do I think it’s the night market that’s my favorite because you just get to do a lot of stuff and buy a lot of stuff but in terms of just like there’s a lot of food there’s like a potluck in the middle and then this thing right here like little party I think for me it’s just missing karaoke can I give you this I cannot but I can talk to you I would dance but I don’t want to get sweaty honestly same I hate getting sweaty I hate when I’m sweaty and I have to put my seat Bel on CU then the seat belt sticks and burns so sometimes when I’m wearing my seat belt I’m like holding it over my skin I don’t know if that’s safe but she’s unresponsive somebody call 911 I’m bored Vincent isn’t a good dancer well he’s bored these two are cute never mind she he stepped on her foot have you played the new B World DLC chicha is it out wait I’ve been playing B world I’ve just been leveling up I haven’t made a power world video in a while just cuz I don’t know the thing with me is like I only make videos when I’m really hyped about a game because like you know if I enjoy it you guys would enjoy it you feed off the energy kind of thing you can feel it so like I still enjoy po world but not to the degree when it first came out it’s kind of like uh not burn out but I’m just become like it became routine so I still play power world but the excitement of it is kind of like gone and I just play it because I still think it’s fun but not as hyped that’s why sometimes you’ll see me start up a A minseries or series on a video game and then I’ll just stop uploading and I do apologize for that but if you’ve subscribed for one of those series or videos but I don’t know it’s just how I play I play too many games okay I think I come up here right and I just choose what to drop yeah I don’t think I can drop anymore where’s the miror so I can just start it oh wait let’s look at the shop but maybe with the DLC dropped I can check it out right now um in my current play through I’m I’m just trying to level up my base and I’m trying to level up myself and my BS to be the second tower though cuz i’ I found the winter Tower so I’m trying to beat the winter Tower right now I might make a video on that too just cuz I feel like the combat’s still really fun and enjoyable enough to like make a video about oh I think I might get jungle decals for my house my house in my other Farm my beach Farm I’m making it look like a medieval kind of house with skeletons and Knight of armor but this one I might make into a jungle which is kind of funny cuz you would think with a beach Farm I would make that one the jungle Farm be unpredictable okay um how do I start where’s the mirror oh wait lonus is so cute let’s talk to lonus real quick a slow continuous rotation is key to achieving the perfect roast is he talking about roasting people or roasting the pig there’s the mirror who’s this guy what a lovely occasion it’s always a Droid of oh the GNA it’s the GNA The Cauldron yes I need to go back to my form so let’s move this along I don’t really want to talk to everyone I’ve talked to them every time I’ve restarted this game well folks it’s time once again for the public ceremony I trust you but I got to the if we don’t want the governor to regret his visit to the valley I’m trying to figure out what all the food is what you would you do us the honor of tasting The Zo of course I’ve been looking for to this all year what is this a good dot dot dot an average soup maybe quality does matter but I don’t want to give him my gold star pepper I need that for sale it’s nothing special not bad though well who else wants some soup I don’t like the color of the soup the soup was just average but otherwise the BL was a success have you guys ever been to a l out I have never seen anyone win this butt look thing I’m pretty sure someone has I think we just have the YouTube it or Google it this game’s been out too long for No One do you know how obsessed people are with this game there’s like esport competitions for this game and also like 100% Achievers the phandom for this game are wild they turned a cozy game into a competitive game I I thought it was hilarious the first time I saw it I was like how do how do you make stard Valley competitive and apparently that they did they organized an event for it and everything cash prices and everything it was just like whoever can reach the most achievements in a set amount of time which I thought was interesting did I finish watering these guys I did I think it’s just the side of the crops oh no it’s getting away oh man I wasn’t finished watering the plants got to go we got to go that’s why I need sprinklers but I’m not like I don’t have any iron yet better not run out of water I’m out of water okay whatever go to bed and then tomorrow we’re going to go foraging I think they said something about the beach I usually do gold star goat cheese but the first year I always put the May shorts in the soup I gave um the mayor his purple shorts the first time I ever got it for the Christmas thing the Christmas Exchange gift thingy I know it’s not called Christmas in this game but let’s be honest that’s what it is um but yeah oh they in good humor today I’m not going to go mining today though okay um the melons still haven’t grown but we have summer squash ah they look like bananas that is Harland still tender they look like bananas I don’t know if squash in real life look like bananas but these ones do wait did you ever win msol with your gold star Coes we got May noise so many eggs I didn’t get one yesterday I have to let them out or else they’re going to Star let’s spit them okay there we go be free and then I’ll refill it just in case it rains again then we’re starting to get our routine again I feel like this St Valley was like really addicting it’s really easy to get into a routine in this game when in real life routine is so hard to do like you can just stay consistent and I feel like that’s why people like farming games a sense of consistency control okay um I think I should water first before I run out of energy and then we’ll go foraging and then end the day getting more materials for the barn do I need the barn before winter and it’s fall going to be fall soon I like how summer just started it’s literally Friday 12 and I’m thinking about winter already I think I could just get these right these ones kind of just died I’m just keeping them because they keep my crops the same shape and I’m too lazy to get more like seeds so I’m just keeping them for the shape of the crop the aesthetic y I’m pretty sure he says something like this the best and it puts the hard Emoji above his head okay now to self Governor loves goat cheese he’s like it reminds me of my homeland kind of sorry I cussed oh my gosh I C I’m a little bit embarrassed now it’s not one of the bad ones I just said poop but still bad I should give my dog water too while I’m still here oh no this place is starting to get overrun those Browns aren’t dead they may just BL model from the plants in a new season the weird yellowish color this whole time I’ve always thought they were dead cuz they were Brown and I’ve just been like um what’s it called weeding them good thing I didn’t do it this time why is that a growing stage what did I plant there what is that what is that why does it look like that it looks unhealthy oh so you guys um growing or trying to grow a garden a veggie garden and a fruit Garden I have indoor tomato seedlings and I had to put them outside because I got soil mites for the first time and they freaked me out and a lot of I get a lot of confusing um stuff on Google some people say they’re harmless to the plant and to humans and then some say um like you should get rid of them and then there’s different types of soil mes and I can’t tell what kind they are because they’re so tiny and the Google Images are of them like on a microscope like yes let me just get my um microscope so I can look at what kind of soil M this is and compare it to Google so I just put them outside so that I don’t contaminate my mom’s plants in case so yeah it was a scary experience cuz I was watering them yesterday and the there was like white dots moving around and it free freaked me out I thought it was hallucinating for a bit oh I watched Matrix so maybe it’s the Matrix trying to tell me something choose the red Bill choose the red bill now that I know what red bill blue pill is I’m very sad and upset that the Nils got a hold of it and made it a Mis misogynistic thing cuz Matrix was anything but misogynistic they had like one of the coolest female characters naobi and Trinity were really badass so I don’t know why the incels used red B blue bill for their agenda cuz did they not watch the movie I don’t think they watched the movie okay let’s go to the beach I wonder how many people and like got the crush or like the ideal type of girl of like a CH is passing through stard Valley hi orot welcome to stream glad you can make it those only show when you’re going fores probably put summer seeds or wild seeds there oh okay on SOL quick question how many hours do you have in this game cuz that’s a very or you just like those people that um when they really like a game they like uh get really hyperfixated on it and they know everything about it cuz I was me with Pokemon growing up and then yeah cuz I was just like that’s very interesting that you know what I’ve never oh summer squash seeds I can grow more cool we should grow that before Summer’s done so we don’t waste it where is the crops oh no they’re over there I’m sad I can’t get them why can’t I just get my feet wet I’m a farmer I shouldn’t care about Muddy shoes there’s so many I want to get them and I’m pretty sure the community center might need some of those I think it’s one of my favorite games ever 135 hours on Steam and more on Xbox a is it your first farming game or have you played like other farming games now I can tell on someone really likes a game cuz I’m the same I get really obsessed and then I know random facts like with monster hunter when I was really obsessed with monster hunter I had like YouTube guides and and uh like YouTube guides opened up while I played and then before I go to bed I would search up like um the best gear for this or how to farm certain materials for a weapon or armor I wanted and then like the best Strat or gear set for a type of monster I was going to hunt the next day but yeah I was like super obsessed with monster hunter world when it when I first got into it so yeah I’m the same that’s why I can tell when someone else is the same that’s why I say I’m a Casual Gamer but I don’t know what to call myself because I’m not competitive I just get really obsessed addicted is a way is the right term I just get really addicted okay we’re going to have to plant uh or make so I only have three we can do how do we do this oh yeah we can do this we can grow it plant it here with the other summer squash yeah yeah and it’s still kind of the aesthetic right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it works oh I didn’t put CC up CC first farming game same here honestly wait let me think same here that’s why I was so late to getting it I think I was I got this game a year or two after it first released because I wasn’t sure if I would like it or not because I’ve never really played like a game that was just farming I played games that had farming in it like it was a feature but this is like my first full-blown farming game and now I’m obsessed I got coral island I got Dinkum I got um Blitz it it was like a drug a gateway drug to farming I think I should sell stuff because my inventory is too full to get actually no I’m just farming for wood though I think I have space for just wood but let’s just do it some my oversized bananas Peppers eggs shells mayonnaise okay oh wait Haley I need to find Haley tomorrow before the week’s resets because I need to give her a gift for the week okay let’s clear out the silo the Silo’s get to overrun I think I need to Google if I need to put my barn where the Blue Grass Grows or if I could just put it anywhere because I don’t really understand how the blueg grass mechanic works because I know with the blue grass the chickens don’t eat the hay they prefer the blue grass so I never have to really use up my hay which is useful because that means I can stock up for winter but I don’t know if that means I have to put my barns next to Blue Grass and if I can grow Blue Grass because there’s grass starters but I don’t know if there’s Blue Grass starters and now I’m just kind of rambling um coral island is as it depends on like if you like the aesthetic of stardo or Coral I think that’s the main thing but there’s also um like environment conservation stuff in the game because it’s very heavy on saving the ocean and there’s mermaid people and there’s a bit of magic because of the mermaid people so it’s a little bit more fantasy like but if you like stard you like coral island because it’s basically the same thing other than the other features mermaid diving and environment conservation thing and yeah also the festivals are different but I I’ve been enjoying it I just like stardo Valley more because of the pixel I’m really biased at pixel art because of Pokemon again it goes back to my childhood it started with Pokemon so Nostalgia but Coral Island’s very very cute and very fun too yeah why not we’ll go to bed but if yeah definitely if you like stard you I think the only other farming game I have yet to try is Sun Haven but that’s cuz it’s already pixel and I kind of like the stardo valley pixel more I know it’s a lot different because it has like a more RPG like fantasy theme going on with like the dragon races mermaid race fairy rays but I don’t know I like stardo Valley I already have stard Valley I kind of just got coral island cuz I kickstarted it so I was one of the founders so I had to try it I was really excited for it oh we got tomato we can we can get put this in the um Whatchamacallit what’s it called Community Center oh wait I need to make a preserves jar soon after the barn we’ll make a preserves jar because I want the cows more because I was like what does tomato make in a preserve store does it make ketchup I’ve never put tomato in the preser before I’ve just been making Jam so I’m really curious if they’ll make ketchup but let’s go check on the chickies and then we’ll make our way to the community center we’ll go look for Haley they’re going to eat the hay today because it’s raining they’re not going to want to go outside good thing I restocked it yesterday I think the one game I might revisit on this channel just for update soon or not soon I’m really booked uh the DLC the Elder ring dlc’s really got me booked I’ve been enjoying it so much though I don’t know what people are talking about it’s hard to me it’s always been hard that’s why when people like help put friend has beun at the beach what’s that what did that mean what that what that I’m actually curious I’m going I never experienced a frenzy of any sort oh my gosh we’re getting sidetracked we had so many things to do today it’s okay that’s good it sounds like I’m complaining but it’s a good thing if you have a lot of things to do in a video game oh I don’t know if you guys know this guy but his name is Julian Sola you might know him more if I say he jeno Marble’s husband if you guys know Jenna Marbles he 100% um stardo Valley and now he’s making a stardo valley cooking series where he cooked stuff from the cooking book and I’m really excited for it cuz he’s actually a really good Chef cook whatever oops wrong one oops wrong place I got more summer squash where’s the H frzy though I don’t understand hi thank you is that the frenzy oh maybe I should sell my stuff and come back and get halit I haven’t really been fishing in the game in a bit I don’t know how hard a halet would be that sounds amazing hope the food looks good I think he’s making like Curry coconut or Curry pineapple from The cookbook cuz that was the last thing he made oh I have a purple large egg that would make so much money no pick it up pick it up let me have it maybe Haley’s at home let me check actually my handy dandy Wikipedia of Haley is it raining right rain what time is it 10 a.m. so she goes to the kitchen at 12 so I need to go to the kitchen at 12 or to her house at 12 all right let’s go to the community center first then thank you handy dandy Wikipedia honestly I’m kind of glad um thank God for the internet I be banging my head on the wall if there was no internet I’m very much a stubborn type but I like to approve force my way into stuff so like I don’t think I would have done well in like gaming in gaming back then when you actually had to think and try because there was no internet I mean they did have book guides I love the book guides but I think they were just like for generic General things like how to open up your menu or fun facts about your character or like fun facts about like why they decided to make their pants blue instead of green or something like that they were really cool for that kind of stuff going to go ahead and sell the things so I have room for theit oh haly’s out in her bedroom okay we’re g go to haly too yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so so so okay now we go give Haley her a present and go fishing call it a day productive day I think this is the farm or save file I’ve actually done different things like I’ve played the first time I played I only played to make money so I didn’t care about anyone else I just made money second one I made money and I finally learned how to fish and I got obsessed with Mining and then um oh shoot I forgot to go to okay at 7 o’clock she’ll be in our living room let’s just go there at 7 o’clock and then um but I never touched romance at all I’ve never romanced anybody in my four different or three different save files until now wait where’s the frenzy did I miss the frenzy was it like a limited time event thing also Sebastian’s here being mopy again Sebastian did you know you’re everyone’s favorite okay is that why you’re sad he’s like why Always me someday we’ll do a mod play through I mean I did have mods in my beach Farm but I I lost them because of the 1.6 update and I don’t know how to put them back I have to still figure that out I’m still very much a noob when it comes to modding games yeah I think the fren is over I don’t see any more of the crazy hopit thingy that was in the water earlier dang it I didn’t know it was like limited I’m a fisherman I got a seaweed wow wait I’m confused that’s not a fish why did I unlock that okay let’s go home actually hay ha is your name’s Haley right now I’m sorry I don’t mean to creep you out oh I always clean under the cushions it’s your turn this week it’s a sibling fight I don’t think I should be here to witness it you’re being childish haly I do the vast majority of work in this house and you know it oh it’s that new girl from the farm and she has a name you know yeah I honestly don’t remember what I named myself hey I bet you’ll understand my point of view here but for you Haley you can call me sugar bunny I don’t know I I blanked out s I’m really sorry to involve you in this gicha ay is complaining because I asked her to clean under the cushions it’s only because I cleaned them last week stop wiing haly why not have this be your one weekly job Emily take the high road and do it this time she should take the high Ro what’s you think I’m being a baby huh dang it um and backfired guys this is why I don’t do The Rance in this game I can’t I guess I’ll just do it then baby come back Emily Emily is blocking me wait baby come back I have flowers I’m sorry I was on your side okay is it all better arming sounds so boring what do you even do all day Snoop around in your room why is that an option wait why is that an option I mean I would if I could but um I mainly care for plants sounds like a lot work I don’t really look for Treasure honesty is the best policy when it comes to relationships a foundation based on truth and Trust goes a long way it’s not just for romantic relationships for all relationships familiar and platonic but yeah I I witnessed something I wasn’t supposed to witness and got caught in the middle you ever been to like your friends or cousin’s house or like something like that and you they got yelled at or started fighting and you just didn’t know what to do you just tried to pretend you couldn’t hear anything that’s what I felt like at that moment just wanted to like you know blend in with the walls sometimes I just say I need to go to the bathroom or just slip away and go to the bathroom just wait but then it’s kind of embarrassing because then I’ll they might think of like pooping or something this it’s just weird I I don’t want to be there it’s like stop fighting it’s a good strategy where’s CeCe I need a bet CeCe oh there you are you staying warm and baby so cute so cute I wonder what kind of doxc is I forgot looks like a labador but it has yeah like floopy ears right a labrador okay go ahead and finish clearing out the Silo and then we’ll check how much wood we need and see if we should switch to Stone now oops facing the wrong way oops okay let’s get these trees I don’t know if we should plant the summer squashes we have six of them I don’t know where to put them but I should plant them today cuz they’re going to get watered for free do that near the end I just got to make sure I have energy for it all right it’s rumbling and thundering right now oh I heard something a frog can you catch the frogs I don’t think you can catch the frogs in this game I feel like we’ve talked about it before speaking of frogs I don’t know why I’m going to talk about it but I’ve went into like a deole because of Tik Tok Tik Tok gets me into like the weirdest stuff online and the one that I’m on right now is this um I don’t know if it’s like an actual book but it’s called alts tomorrow I don’t know if you guys have heard about it but it’s kind of like a story of the future of humanity and what happens to us as a race and it’s crazy basically um like right now the world is you know burning we kind of messed up the Earth they have to figure out how to colonize or populate Mars cuz Mars is the closest planet that is like our atmosphere and can sustain life so shoot I have to eat something let me go let me see how much wood I have now I have enough 400 so now we just have to focus on Stone all right let me get some snakes and so yeah like Earth is burning dying and overpopulated and it’s horrible everyone’s miserable so we’re trying to get out go to Mars basically we figure out how to do it and a new race called American martians or something like that not American martians human martians they call them martians because they’re from Mars but they’re they’re humans basically they are us but in Mars I’m trying to make this make sense oops I watched that I loved it it’s insane wait watched it I read it I didn’t know there was a show that was just a book oh the Tik Tok but yeah it’s called all tomorrow if you’re interested it’s online it’s like a PDF or something I don’t know if there’s a physical book but so we found a way to live on Mars and now we have um we’re being sustained by Mars Mars is like our parent planet now because they have like more resources than us they’re thriving and then yeah we’re kind of like being spoonfed by Mars and then Generations later you know like they reproduce their generations of children grow up they have no more connection to Earth because they never seen Earth so the new generation of martians don’t want to support Earth anymore because they’re like why should we we’ve never been on Earth we don’t feel anything for earth right so because of that there becomes a planetary war or civil planetary war between Earth and Mars over like hey keep supporting us and Mar’s like no we don’t want to anymore and it’s like crazy because billions of people die like um Mars disis thing where since they provide everything for Earth they just stop and then people on Earth die from starvation and stuff and natural causes while we are more violent Earth is a violent species we destroy one of their moons and it sends like comets to their planet that like kills billions on their side too and there’s just so much Carnage and like manslaughter stuff like that that we end up having a Unity treaty talk CU like trauma and yeah we end up not fighting anymore like okay what was the point of this war right like we just fought for peace but we didn’t have to we could have just stayed civil so yeah that happens and instead of fighting we work together and we become the next Generations become so smart and so like Cooperative with each other that we actually expand and colonize more planets and more moons until our whole solar system is just humans and yeah we all evolve into different things and new races cuz each planet has different you know climates and it’s just crazy cuz like we become aliens but not really aliens and it’s so interesting and there’s like a huge spoiler and plot twist that I don’t really want to talk about I guess it’s a spoiler I’ll talk about it next time but just in case you guys are interested I’ll leave it at that it’s just mind-blowing if you’re into like planetary Evolution space sci-fi things which I am because I do believe we’re not the only ones in the solar system there’s no way like human ego kind of makes it feel like we are but no I don’t believe that we can’t be but we have Demetrius which means we have unlocked the mushroom cave or fruit bat cave whichever one you prefer but I want mushrooms I always get mushrooms thanks for letting me I love fruit bats I feel like realistically real life I would use fruit bats because I would want to see fruit bats cuz fruit bats I think are cute they’re they don’t they’re not carnivores they literally just eat fruit and they look like flying mouses mouses flying mice so yeah oh I need a pale ale what is a pale ale guys oh like crops we got crops what you say was called alls tomorrow or all tomorrow I can type it real quick just add the S if it doesn’t pop up but I think it’s really interesting it’s really short too and you just have to do a little bit of Googling and rear searching because it’s not really like a book book I think but yeah cuz you’re it’s just a really wild concept of what happens if this happens and we evolved into this and then there’s like Alien Invasion stuff but I don’t want to this a spoiler the Alien Invasion stuff is where it gets wild okay guys um I didn’t realize it was 12:30 I should have just stopped but now we know we’re going to get um the mushroom and cave next time we play but uh I kind of just rambled on it was fun today though yeah the different race of humans because of different such AAL idea yeah that’s why I was like like there’s bird people there’s there’s uh people specifically made for hunting then there’s people that only eat bugs then there’s there’s people that and I call them people cuz they are people they’re us just an evolved version of us and there are some people who are just really skinny and Tall because they evolve to be skinny and tall and yeah yeah it’s definitely interesting if you’re into aliens and just human evolution weird Concepts like that I’m really into that I’m really into sci-fi fantasy stuff it’s like it’s boring just just thinking normally you know I don’t know but um I’m gonna yeah thanks for listening to my Rambles today guys I feel like it was just like a ramble day I just had so much to talk about because I haven’t been able to stream as often as I want to do but yeah thank you for listening to my rumbles I hope you guys are G to have a great weekend um enjoy the last weekend of June I think it’s going to be July after so I’ll see you guys in July I hope you feel better soon mon solve I like to drink ginger ale when I have tummy eggs or anything bubbly like Sprite but stay away from Coke so it’s like Sprite or ginger ale are the ones I drink just and then just stay hydrated Gatorade water juice thank you for the hard work thank you like overcoming any plans between this and next week um I think just I think m is just get that text video out my goal is just to get the text video out I I really want to get that text video so that’s my major plans for this channel a person personal LifeWise the same usual my aunt is gonna have a birthday tomorrow it’s going to be her 62nd birthday so it’s kind of a big one 62 she’s like retirement age um so yeah not anything too big it’s going to be family and a few of her friends so nothing crazy and we going have rips I’m so excited that’s why I brought up the ribs cuz my mom brought ribs but I’m not allowed to touch it till tomorrow but yeah I don’t know any if you guys have anything crazy planned between now and July it’s just like a couple more days of June but who knows oh are you guys I don’t know people residing in America any plans for July 4 CU I realized I My Stream I don’t know if I’ll stream before then so I will just my plans for July 4 is just to stay home because my dog one of my dogs hates fireworks so I have to take care of her she doesn’t cry oh 5:30 midnight at least you might be able to make it I some fireworks don’t happen till after midnight so maybe you’ll see some on the way home or at your workplace I don’t know where you work but it’s fine I think July 4 is one of those ones like you can just see just go outside and see yeah I know July 4 I only look forward to the barbecues but since my dog has severing uh firework anxiety I won’t be able to go to anyone’s house for a while but it’s okay on okay the Emojis are going out which means stream is done thank you guys again for joining me stay safe and I’ll see you guys when I see you bye bye thank you for joining byebye byebye byebye

New farm: Sleepy Meadow. Come relax with some whispered farming.

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0:00 intro
7:41 gameplay

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Intro song: dreamy nightmares- comfi beats│https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yaY7aG1Lpo

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