Terraria But a Sniper is Trying to Kill Me…

Terraria but a sniper is trying to shoot me will I be able to defeat Terraria bosses while a sniper is trying to kill me less fine out we are doing Terraria but a sniper is trying to kill me the whole time which is uh pretty interesting these are today’s beautiful mod selection I did have the Calamity mod in here but of course as soon as I hopped in Game of the Calamity mod for testing game crashed instantly but our main mod of the day constant sniping uh a mod where every 30 seconds you can change the timing a Crosshair spawns on the player and Falls the player around if the player doesn’t get out of the Crosshair they will get insta killed but the game is so loud who I forgot what we were playing yeah I don’t know that thing was locked on to me I don’t know if I can outrun that it’s fine maybe that was just the oh god dude I don’t think I can outrun that Crosshair I might have to change the settings why is that worm so big oh yeah thank God okay that’s supposed to be the point of it where I can’t stay still for too long why are slimes like spawning out of nowhere oh I know why they’re spawning out of nowhere cuz I have an enemy modifier mod I forgot that I had that see I made this like mod pack for this challenge like a week ago oh oh oh I wonder if it hits an enemy will it kill an enemy cuz if that’s the case I could use that to my advantage damn this woles hit box is huge I actually really like the modifi for enemies mod dude I don’t know where that slime went and then I got hit by John wils Booth who’s the guy that shot JF Kennedy John wils Booth is lowkey a clean ass name right I’m just trying to mine some iron bro oh my God so the thing we’re going to need right away is like movement quick fast movement right away who dude that is scary you really you really just got to have horizontal movement cuz that thing will take you out if you’re not moving Lee Harvey Oswald how come all like people that assassinate other people got cool ass names uhoh I’m dead I’m in water I can’t get out what the heck I thought I saw ore somewhere oh [ __ ] dude the caves aren’t it I was like how did they get that bat go wa hold up and then we go oh no y’all analyze the footage hold up I’m clipping it analyze the footage was I out of the shot okay my heels in it oh really hold up and then we even if that little pixel of my heels in it the back of my shoe we got we got a accurate sniper here if he could take me out shooting me just my shoe bro it’s scary look at it look like he was putting a Crosshair on on my bunny the hell the bunny ever Duty I’m going to wait for the Crosshair and then I’mma descend and I’m gone we got to use speed to our advantage boom and I’m gone okay we have another descent that we could use right here go go go damn SL okay now that one clip it clip it now that one might actually have been [ __ ] that one might have actually been on some [ __ ] we got to see we got to see okay here we go go go go I don’t know I don’t know nah that it cheated me that [ __ ] wasn’t even on me I can understand if you know the pixel was in it if the pixel was in it okay I give it to him you selling anything useful five gold [ __ ] scam artist how am I going to get five gold when I die all the time five gold is crazy oh [ __ ] I’m dead oh my God I just juked the hell out of him he’s never seen [ __ ] like that before he said what he’s never seen a person pivot on the spot what is a blob swarm I was too busy trying to figure out what a bobble swarm was are we playing like a Rick and Morty mod bro hey what’s going on over there it looks scary don’t worry I know how to dodge across here now y’all you don’t have to worry that’s clip farming he’s clip farming I didn’t think it would shoot that fast I thought I’d have more than enough time to mine run out boom obviously I did not what is that I’m mother [ __ ] Knights of the nine over here Abigail go kill them holy [ __ ] that holy [ __ ] that dude’s moving dude they’re so tiny how what the [ __ ] about to why is there like one of every size look how tiny that guys oh shoot okay we’re good we’re good oh why is there so many zombies you see this am I TW D I can’t throw anything they they cursed me what is going on on over here yeah I’ll take the loot though I’ll take the loot though I appreciate this oh shoot Hold Up Hold time up time up little break little break okay back to it you tell me I only got one shackle from killing like 80 zombies the blue jay teleporting blue J look at that look I couldn’t even out run it I had to be in motion already oh my God we’re barely out running some of these okay I’m going to move I’m going to move I’m I’m going to move I’m going to move wait for it wait for it boom and we’re out okay and we’re not out what is that what the hell my T is haunted bro okay I need somewhere to storm why is the wolf Frozen in there I would love to figure out what this is what the hell is a d rule ain’t nobody going to give me money for a d rule like uh sir that’ll be five gold please what about a y’all take the rules here they be like huh they’re going to kick me out curse gem saw your Tweet how would you fix the pillars take them out of the game the pillars are so ass I don’t want to ever see them again so I’m trying to figure out what I’m trying to do here but being constantly sniped at is making my brain hurt like I can’t think of what I want to do all right uh uh this leather Striders increase movement speed we take our other gold right here boom we got five oh my God we can buy the anklet this should solve all of our problems yes sir there it is baby oh we got real speed now we got real speed if we get our hands on some boots it’s legit over back into the caves we get the grappling hook we’re chilling what was I going to say I was going to talk about the pillars yeah the pillars are boring I’m doing a challenge run video pretty much almost done I’m on the moon Lord but obviously to get to the moon Lord I had to kill the pillars and it’s like even on normal mode you have to minimum kill 100 P 100 pillar enemies and obviously I’m doing a challenge R you guys will see what the challenge run is eventually soon honestly you might see it this weekend yeah I’m doing the challenge is like bro it is so hard to kill 100 enemies specifically with the challenge run but then just thinking about it it’s like why do you even have to kill 100 pillar enemies I’m also playing on normal mode too so the fact that even on normal mode you have to kill 100 enemies minimum and then somebody like reply to my to they’re like at least in one of the recent updates they made it so you only have to kill 50 instead of 100 after your first 100 kills it’s like bro there still 50 enemies what I was barely in that Crosser 100 enemies is insane to kill in tur you know there’s like 80 zombies I just killed and I got a banner for it now imagine that you got to do that four times for the pillar dead I can’t escape this this is not valid housing why is it not valid housing do Somebody explain why this is not valid housing is it because there’s no open blocks because that chest T this is why I hate t house building I despise it that’s what that’s so crazy that chest really just made it not count as a suitable house where is the rhyme or reason in that oh yeah the uh Dar NPC can’t stand there well he can technically but because of the coding they can’t stand there so it’s not a house you have a [ __ ] mansion in that [ __ ] wouldn’t count as a house okay we need to figure out what boss you’re fighting apparently this mod said that when you fight a boss the the Crosshair gets a little bit faster so we want to fight a boss that isn’t too bad so I’m thinking thorn thorn might be a more than doable boss so would you need a decent armor set an all right weapon I said all right like a IR man which that’s what the dark okay you know what we have probably some of the greatest movement ever in the world cuz if I really get scared that I’m about to get hit I just whip out the pole vault and I jump around literally cannot get hit I got to actively be trying to get hit now see see what’s up with my Boomerang do you see my Boomerang where’s it going that boomerang’s gone the the boomerang is gone it literally just R I can’t use it anymore what what what’s going over with by projectiles do you see this the hell they’re going backwards this is so fun I love the P Vault shout out the juice he’s clip baring dude I thought the shot was going to fire a long time ago snowball cannon that might be our weapon y’all that might be our weapon what armor whoa what armor do I get my hands on this enem is launching me oh [ __ ] I’m dead I bounced off the ceiling that was terrifying what is that how was I supposed to know that that thing was going to explode and one tap me I wasn’t looking at the game what happened you just tanked the bullet shot out eye frames I was doing something and I just heard a bullet oh here we go found it oh my God that’s not my fault that’s these stupid Thorns they slow you I actually would have lived look at this look how slow I am we got everything we need but armor we’re hopping down into the cave we’re going to find some armor and then it’s go time about throw so itchy bro you got to gargle the water to uh let it hit the back of your throat that’s kind of sus me saying that s but that’s like literally what I try to do right there hell no bro there was a lot more Boulders in that room than I thought there was I thought there was only one I wasn’t paying attention oh yeah defitely got sniped I can’t move down here it’s like I’m dead again the challenge itself is not the is not going to be the boss is going to be the sniper during the boss who dude what is this this might be the worst clone or not clone the worst mod modifier oh I didn’t even know there was a sniper I was too focused on trying to kill all the Clones you know what I think we’re ready to fight the boss what in the hell that boy is nasty he just hit a flick on me bro you seen that all right let’s do it Thorns or Thorn my bad versus me oh my God the sniper is on full alert bro the sniper he got the full auto in the clip this kind of terrifying we should be chilling though a small health bar small health bar on this boss but imagine fighting a boss even harder than this with like a big health bar wait hold up he does slow us we actually got to be careful he’s got the little Thorns that slow us down so if he catches us in one of those shoot oh oh oh he switched the camera up oh God I don’t like that he locked his camera onto him that could that could have screwed us over easily but it’s looking good I think we catch the dump here he almost pushed me into the sniper I didn’t even think about that getting knocked into the sniper Crosshair okay we good we good right oh my God that was like pure anxiety but there we go Thorn has been slain I want to fight another one though all right let’s get it King Slime damn do you see how F hold up my boy CH it how am I supposed to hit d i I don’t know if I can hit him oh my God somebody has a magnet so I can’t use my snowball gun CRA it’s just me dodging sniper shots cuzz I’m never going to hit him he’s jumping way too high he’s out of the fight half the top he’s jumping higher than I could shoot oh there he is hey welcome back and he’s gone Bros off the fence you know a show I was watching the other day I was watching uh the boy spin-off the Gen V I wanted to watch that and then there’s a scene in the first episode where like some dude is running around like all crazy and [ __ ] the main character she’s like what’s the problem what’s going on and then one of the security guard guards go he’s off the meth I was like bro the [ __ ] I thought he was about to say he’s off the FED okay running back slime to undying what does that mean this isn’t too bad because you know during moster boss fights you are always moving oh oh but you a’t getting knocked around like that oh my God eye frames shout out to ey frames I love them save the day right there yeah like majority of uh trer boss fights you really standing still all right what does undying need let’s find out uh he gets 1,000 Health back okay there you go we figured out what it means I thought he would just like respawn again fully healed King Slime undying version dead I guess undying was a lie we have done it challenge complete the sniper was a very good sniper but I’m just better I guess I got P vaults I got grappling hooks I got all types of movement you know I want to see something though before before we hop into the tier list what if I just turn all the cool down off let’s just see buo got a switch on the sniper dude I’m dead already oh oh oh yo living I lived like three shots [ __ ] isn’t running out of ammo he’s got a drum mag on his sniper look at the eye frames though I can survive Two Shots that’s a fun challenge though I downloaded a bunch of mods from the person that made that mod so shout out I’m about to shout him out right here he made like three challenge mods first fractal he said no way you could play as JFK in Terraria he’s got a bunch of pretty decent mods I think originally I was going to do this raining random enemies but I messed up the config and uh my game like almost crashed immediately that’s how many enemies rain down all right hold up

Can I survive Terraria while a Sniper puts there Crosshairs on me? Let’s find out!

Sniper Mod – https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3265309074

Join the Gameraiders Discord! – https://discord.gg/G7Fwd7GyRJ


  1. That was me who replied to the pillar tweet. I'm not saying their fun even with the cut down to 50. In my personal opinion just make the pillars their own boss that appears when you reach them in the world

  2. If JFK was in terraria

    The pillars would be 100x better as mini bosses that awake when you attack them.
    The solar pillar one could be a giant hunchback armadillo/ant eater thing that would be about 75% the size of golem. It would attach a tounge to you, making sure you're always in a close vicinity, forcing range by teleporting or something else would make it spawn a Crawltipede. If you get too close it would smack you for heavy damage and knockback. It would shoot meteors/orange boulders at you from afar. It would occasionallay roll at you as a ball, reflecting any projectiles, and going through any blocks, once it passes the screen it will return rolling from the opposite direction. And on expert or master it would have an attack that summons the spears the Drakanian use every 2 blocks that are two tiles wide and 12 blocks tall, with a short telegraph of an orange spot on the ground where they'll poke put from.

    The nebula pillar one's would be a giant purple lunatic cultist like giant that floats in the background, the eyes and hands being the only hurtboxes, it would teleport occasionally, the rate increasing as its hp gets lower along with the attacks coming out faster. It would shoot purple true eyes in various patterns from its hands. It would have another attack where it shuts its hand, opening it a few seconds later to reveal a brain sucker or a nebula floater, the attack which hand uses is random, but it could use both attacks at once. On master/expert it would occasionally stop midair to shoot a slower smaller death laser.

    The vortex one would be an alien hornet queen, basically the hard mode version of queen bee, it would dash at you while shooting the ground with blue blasts, and would stop in place to shoot in a big radius from its stinger, starting an angle from the player and following after them, the bee would follow fast staying in the same position if they try to exit the radius. It would also lay eggs that have blue shield meaning you can't break them, that would spawn a larva. If you teleport at any time it becomes enraged. On expert/master it would summon the portals that the vortex pillars spawns.

    The stardust pillar one would be a giant twinkle popper that crawls on the ground back and forth, spewing out enemies until it dies, no idea what the expert/master thing would be I'm tired of typing.

    They'd all be pretty easy I think, my design point was to teach the player and foreshadow the moonlord's attacks a bit. They'd all just drop the fragments, at least 50

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