Minecraft Java Trapper vs Bedrock Trapper

a couple months ago I tried to prove I was good at trapping by going up against one of the best java Trappers and let’s just say that did not go very well for me oh my God that scared me so badly so today I’m back once again to show that I’m a good Trapper by doing the exact same thing just like before me and veggie will first trap random players on both versions of the game then we’ll have to trap each other each round will give us some points and whoever has the most at the end wins so let’s start things off on Bedrock Edition we’re veggie and I raced to trap three people all right I want to do this like really quick no no chances for you to uh figure out the controls [Music] here ah oh I’m good I was trying to fast Bridge oh my God you’re jumping me why oh that’s you yeah okay I actually I’ve just been playing the game like a normal person I need to like start trapping people honestly same oh people aren’t stupid I might need to like actually make a trap this is so cringe I thought I’d just be able to block trap people um so I just block trapped someone oh no I’m about to lose I’m about to lose the Bedrock don’t do this to me please I’m scared now I just block trapped another guy there’s no way there no you didn’t you didn’t you’re actually lying I Need video proof of this I need to kill you I actually need to kill I actually just killed you you’re doing too well fie you’ve already trapped two people I’m behind how many rounds of this are we doing until one of we’re just going to uh you know we’re just going to recue here uh so you’re up 2 oh how I don’t know I I’m just going to try to actually make a normal trap and not block trap cuz that that seems to be too easy this is the round I’m going to get 47 people this round and you’re going to be so sad I’m like unironically stressed out like I did not expect you to do anything at all oh Jesus oh my God I’m back in Prime form that’s a block trap right there oh Jesus well I got I got rushed this is the round I trapped someone veggie I did it I’m not washed I’m not I don’t really know what to do here this is like a terrible map you just didn’t even move oh this kid is cheating um let’s trap him oh I almost got you you little rat oh okay well I got somebody you know so is it 21 right now two you’re still in the lead oh that guy’s cheating that’s cool don’t take this the wrong way I hope he kills you this is not fun yeah you think I’m not going to see you waiting for me there go away this guy’s just waiting for me oh I’m such a bot I got a kill I got a trap kill oh my God yes I just need one more please please please this cheater I love you I’ll actually get you unbanned if you kill this man please oh my gosh oh yes it’s the same guy oh my God this is no luck involved all skill from me and now that I know that it’s the cheater I will win cuz he’s stupid this is unfair do you even have a trap I do it’s a little staircase thing in there oh well guess who’s coming to you oh sweet legitimately the worst player of all all time and just like that I win that dude is a paid actor don’t know how that works he killed you and then just fell right in the Trap right there and with that I barely take the Bedrock round and get the first point of the video next up we go to Veggie version of the game Java and play hoplight one of its biggest servers whichever one of us traps one player in the Battle Royale mode first will take the point and since this hoplight game got super crazy I think I should walk you through it let’s start with my version of Events first which is a lot more boring than veggies not going to lie all right so my plan for the hoplight game was to make a simple head hitter thought it was quick and easy and I could trap someone before veggie potentially so once I had everything I needed which was pretty much just wood and full iron I chose an inconspicuous location and started building the trap now for some reason I built the Trap like 500 blocks away from 0000 which is where the most people are um which you know in hindsight might have been a mistake but there’s nothing I could do about it I had to stick with it and eventually I did complete the Trap and I did find a player oh hey there’s a guy I’m going to craft some diamond boots then I’m going to go this way is a trap done the Trap is done it did not work now I’m running away from someone you think I can beat this guy up he has cobwebs oh my God I forgot this versions cringe so yeah after all of that we both just kind of ran away from each other and I never saw that dude ever again not for the rest of the game matter of fact I didn’t find anyone for the entire rest of the game except this little zombie guy cuz somebody logged out here’s a time lapse of me just running around the Trap like an idiot and while we watch this time lapse just check for me are you subscribed you better be subscrib actually if you’re not subscribed that’s okay just just do it that’s all I okay anyway I clearly didn’t find anybody and then uh we went to deathmatch and I died and that was my hoplight game now veggie hoplight game was the complete opposite to mine veggie made a trap using an observer a trapo and some dripstone all of which he spawns with it’s very simple the the idea is you get someone to dig up after you then you spam dripstone on their skull until they die and uh you know we’ll just say he had a lot more success than I did this game I just killed two people normally they were just fighting and they were low and I was like hey you know what honestly I’ll just get some free stuff all right well I trapped someone but I don’t really think I’d count that cuz that was weird watch me just win the game killed a guy normally I think he just stole my horse he dead killed him okay I think I can trap this guy got him killed another guy I have two minutes of strength I’m going to use it on this guy jeez so yeah I I think it’s safe to say that veggie won the hoplight round and he tied up the score now we’ll go to the final round where we try to trap each other and I’ll explain more how that works in a second but first I want to tell you about my plushy that is right I have my very own plushy now look at him he’s a little fun grape dude you can throw at elderly people allegedly I didn’t tell you to do that if you want to get one for yourself if you want to support the channel any of that stuff go to the top Link in the description they’re only out for a limited time so get your hands on one while you still can anyone who buys one will will be in a future video too so that’s kind of cool but yeah anyway let’s figure out uh the the rules for this trapping thing here here’s how this will work one of us will be the runner and the other will be the Chaser it’s the runner’s job to trap the Chaser as many times as they can every trap kill they get will get them one point the chaser’s job is to kill the runner as quickly as they can to stop them from getting points once the runner dies the round is over we will do one of these on bedrock and and one on Java as expected so with all of that in mind let’s start with the Java round where veggie is trying to trap me my lord does my screen look ugly right now it has the guy that I’m going to trap in front of oh Jesus okay he’s just calling me ugly normally you’d think I’d be confident here zero confidence oh no he has an axe already I’m so scared of you you have no idea oh that is such a trap oh that is such a trap oh give me toes give me the toes oh yes oh yes oh hey a ruined Port what is that I’m oh my God I lived no way oh my God that how am I alive what okay oh hello goodbye is that supposed to be there am I schizophrenic okay okay that actually worked in your favor cuz I thought that was the a trap just for the record but that’s okay am I oh my God you’re right there oh no I’m about to get trapped in a shipwreck bro how am I going to get trapped in a shipwreck I’m so scared no no that’s how I get trapped in a shipwreck that actually makes a lot of sense now do I have to like come back to you or okay there we go well now I know you have a knockback sword it’s very valuable info oh no he’s made a boat let me in the boat I can’t place it we’re going to get I can’t kill you in a boat that’s so cringe give me a hit Goodbye Oh Manhunt we’re man hunting I’m man hunting you oh there’s a little piston right there what’s that what’s that Dam it you’re going to die again you didn’t die I don’t know what oh my God that scared me so bad wait I might actually get you no no I know I’m dead like just going I’ve accepted my fate already I’m just going to go with it this looks like like one of those scripted YouTube shorts right now oh my God are you kidding me okay did you go this way that was so sad I’m so sad why why did you do this to me I can I’m just going to kill you bro this is so sus why do you keep getting wood oh no what are we doing what are we oh oh my God you used my own tricks against me I was just looking at it like what does that even do all right oh my god oh no don’t do this to me oh there’s a little banners right there you going to knock me in with your knockback sword oh no is this the same one that I fell for what does this do oh my God you’re so mean you’re so me oh and with that the Java round was over not because I successfully killed veggie but because he ran out a traps so uh that’s a little sad but it’s okay and since veggie trapped me twice that means he get gets two points and is now two points ahead of me but now it’s my turn to try and trap him and if I’m able to get him more than two times I’ll win the video and redeem myself and last time a lot of my traps were pretty pathetic but this time I have some crazy ones including this one where if you flick this lever it might take a while but eventually a giant thing of anvils will fall on you if you stand in front of this house it’s kind of like my big trap I’m expecting this one to work so let’s hope hope it does or else I’m going to lose the video what’s up dude you have to kill me and I have to trap you are we are are we let’s just go I don’t I’m running H I’ve learned since last time look at that first trap are we really are you just going to chase me here I thought okay you’re just you’re just going for it bro I’m going to get a sword I don’t know what I’m doing I’ve made full wooden tools I’m cooking I’m kind of scared I’m about to get jumped though I’m going to go chill in my little home in your home yeah okay going to my house right here now is there a TNT trap in front of it no hold on you want to see this one look at that anyway uh just come on in just come right inside here just come just come right in just come there’s nothing to worry about just come right inside no no there there’s nothing down there no don’t wor don’t worry about what that don’t worry no no so yeah I killed myself with my own trap the worst part is is I actually had him too like I stalled him out front for so long he was digging around I thought I had done it like I thought like okay he’s going to get trapped and then the second he booked it inside it falls on me so you know what that means uh I failed again I lost again veggie is the winner of the video and I think it’s deserved you know if you look at the level of his traps compared to mine it’s just it’s just different between bedrock and Java but anyway that’s the end of the video go check out veggie he makes cool traps obviously and if you liked this video maybe even sub to me if you feel like it

I Went Up Against One Of The Best Minecraft Java Trappers @iVeggie . We made Traps on both versions, including Minecraft Bedrock, and played servers like the Hive and Hoplite. Is Minecraft Bedrock, or Minecraft Java Better For Trapping?

PLUSHIE: https://www.makeship.com/products/evident-plush


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