Stardew Valley 1.6 – Let’s Play Ep 102

good morning friends and fellow Farmers uh Cofe beans not too many just a few and let’s get our where’s my there’s my watering can let’s get all these water and get out there it’s already watery enough outside the humidity in my house must be like 80% humidity it’s just gross in here sorry Kitty everything’s mil dude whoa jeez Louise that scared me the bat wings blew off my cat did did you grow those overnight did you turn back from your nocturnal vampiric form are you now a normal cat or are you still kind of a vampire cat I’m a little concerned I’ve never heard of a tabby vampire all right I’m just going to go back away here you know just uh just back away how do I do it here we go now this is how I back away from the cat back away from the cat very whoa whoa back away from the what are you allergic to water if I get you with water is a no you’re good okay you’re not a vamp that’s how you tell if your cat’s vampire uh it’s going to be clear and sunny all day no no no we don’t care about this anymore orchant teller says very displeased well another thing I need to do is I need to go down to the beach and look for oysters cuz we’re waiting for a raccoon friend so we got to keep on with that all right what’s happening here congratulations on completing my little challenge I’m impressed I had as an head a bonus that included the the blueprints for need to a chest enjoy Stone chest nice now that you have all the resources Ling around why not swing by for some construction work hello friend the mountain lake has been kind to me lately I’d like to share my good fortune with you ride calamari well I know who that’s going to I’m really craving a fresh apricot if you haven’t been able to find oh I’m asking I’ll pay you well okay sorry I I like cut myself off as I’m I’m too excited about get uh cuz I think we we had that didn’t we have to go look nature watered the cat for cat’s bowl for us isn’t that nice um apricot bring Emily an apricot we can do that okay and then got some duck stuff here I’m just going to Boogie on my way for now oh I got to feed the critters they’re going to be okay I’m going do it after they’re they’re fine they’re going to be they’re content it’s Saturday so we don’t quite have everything up yet I’m going to gather as I go here oh no well Emily wasn’t even awake so know I’ll walk down from here maybe because there’s always stuff up here also I do need to go fishing in the you all around here so let’s try a few fish there’s 27 things I want to do today all right this fish was not into it hey carp okay fishy there we go another carp now there’s the what is it from I don’t remember where I stand there’s I don’t remember even what season I don’t remember anything I don’t pay enough attention in this game to like get all the legendaries and awesome things in this game cuz I’m just like I forget where they all are and when I need to do it that’s a big thing when okay catfish good was that a new record is that what it was here we go yeah another largemouth bass new record the big fish are out today okay one more wait I I generally don’t know if there’s anything I need to be going for I do like just in general I should be fishing because it’s raining it’s a it’s a different thing it’ll probably rain a bunch in Spring but okay carp that’s not exciting at all let’s have some coffee got a good idea and then uh let’s go see Robin and just confirm how much oh Robin’s uh got something to tell us was just cleaning some dust off my saw have you ever made anything out of wood yes a mess great then this blueprint should be a piece of cake for you I think we become good enough friends that I can trust you with my carpentry skills here let me show you the blue prins I’m like her only customer learn how to craft the flute block and drum block nice you can use these to get creative on your farm feels good to be able to decorate your house with things you made yourself hey Robin uh I don’t have any cheese on me do I did I get rid of it I think I did I sold it sorry Robin uh let’s putl that away the rain doesn’t stop me from getting the job done although doggywood isn’t a joy to work with I can imagine um okay so what do I need for see I am in I’m into this soon but we got to go get a bunch of wood no matter what I’m going to need a bunch of wood Deluxe CBE uh 20 grand oh it’s 20 grand 20 grand okay I guess that’s what I’m working towards I mean I also want a horsey but I think we’ll we’ll we’ll first do the cube hey buddy let’s see if compounds in the risos spere contain sufficient levels of carbon 13 then oh sorry I was pondering some data didn’t notice you there he’s discovering the origins of life itself um we should all be worried Untold consequences um okay let’s go find Emily let’s give her her thing uh seaweed no penny I’m not giving you seaweed okay Emily shouldn’t be at work yet is she oh she’s at home what what’s going on come in I want to show you something it’s my secret hobby I’ve been practicing for months now sit back relax and allow yourself to be carried away to a better place okay to a better place this is great I I I think Emily is one of my favorite characters in the game for her just um her exuberance [Music] I I can imagine as concerned a BL Mak Cam and he got ideas in his head or he learned how to do certain effects and stuff like he just went totally ham with all of the amazing like making little textures come in and out and move around and I I love it it’s like the scene when we with the wizard or her dream sequence so what’ you think that was amazing obviously that was amazing thank you oh that was quite a workout I haven’t been this sweaty since I ordered the pepper platter at Abigail’s graduation Fiesta well I did bet I better take a shower thanks for [Applause] watching just bananas I I love it I love this game when it just gets weird don’t tell anyone about the dance that was for your eyes only right I was trying to remember I was like you knocked it out of my brain I was like what am I supposed to get you yeah you followed through this going to improve your dance skills I I I swear by it uh Haley have you seen the dance I spent all morning doing my hair now the rain could mess it up uh life is hard sometimes it is right especially when you’re middle class and living in a house it’s brutal I understand don’t it’s your pain is real Haley it’s just so hard did we get a red ah we got a red ticket is it te or is it no I think it’s tea and then cow right yeah friendship tea Dug Dug Dug Dug next one’s a cow I like that so um the Friendship tea I don’t remember was it a person or was it everybody yeah okay everybody loves it and we’re going to get like massive you know friendship points for this now I should be careful and maybe give it to somebody when it’s like say the birthday um the K would have been good that would have been brilliant but so I’m not seeing anybody that I’m going to be struggling to win over here um I don’t know I guess I’m I might just save it actually for once and uh wait until we are cuz you know like give it maybe Pierre’s birthday that would be good he’s probably still or it’s going to be whoever I’ve got near the end here where I’ve just like you know like maybe kobas kobas might be a good one uh we especially we’re trying to get Cris to be our our our best friend forever okay dude here’s your calari people stay indoors on days like this it’s not good for business I’m still mad that you beat me at the egg hunt last year you better start practicing I beat you at the egg hunt last year Caroline I’m just going to yell across [Music] car okay let’s have another cup of coffee let’s go to the museum and hand in these two things and then we’re going to go to the beach although I probably want to take this I could have done this the other way it’s all good mayor uh Witness the glory of my [Music] donations okay we got a crystal chair I’m going to wait on that I don’t need it right now the crystal chair okay let’s go down here oh was let haly up [Music] too just standing in the rain complaining about her hair come here quick what’s up my bracelet is gone I know I had it when I got it here but now it’s gone and I can’t find it anywhere well hanging out behind Elliot Shack was probably a terrible idea all right I’m going to help you I’ll never find it relax I’ll just buy a new one no you won’t this bracelet was passed down to me by my great grandmother sorry Great Grandma I lost your precious precious bracelet please forgive me struck down by lightning could she have dropped it nearby no there’s not a chance I I think there’s a 0% chance that she dropped it anywhere oh I can’t even do anything all [Applause] right is that [Music] you found it thank you so much you’re a lifesaver I won’t forget what you did for me here we’re a hero I think that’s what we’re that’s what we’re getting out of all this full-time hero uh I’m going to leave the clams I’m looking for oysters Stone well that’s wow clay that’s the stuff uh no man hey Mariner how’s it going I’m not ready for it you know me too well all right well I’m going to get the coral and the urchins I guess is my inventory full my inventory is full are you kidding me oh size loudly all right well let’s try and uh do some fishing here I need a red mullet that’s one of the things I need I need the sandfish which I can only get in a desert I got to get out there okay what do I have I got one stone let’s get rid of that seaweed is probably better I think Robin wanted seaweed I don’t think I’m going to be able to time that one what is this what is this sardine all [Music] right come on those birds are just nonp wow that was a non fishing event another one okay enough sardines I I don’t need the sardines oh good am I going to get sardine bait I’m going to get some [Music] bait that’s fine I don’t mind this quality bait that’s good oh more sardines maybe it’s just like we’re over here and this is like the sardin Swarm territory I have no idea okay this isn’t a sardine what are you it’s a louer okay um get rid of this now the flounder we’ve already we’ve seen the flounder before right caught 12 yeah I thought we had um oh was the cart lady who had the Flander for sale or something and I was like [Music] no all right come on buddy come on this is more sardian isn’t it it we go try on the other side I don’t know if it will make a difference all right those are whatever grade the maze grade okay uh not going to bother [Music] oh just think I was about to say it maybe I’ll go inside and sell these to Willie dang it [Music] oh and I instinctively press the wrong button I don’t know why I did that it’s more sardines sardines down the line what if it’s a time of day issue oh it’s hering hey herring [Music] come on okay this one maybe this another H [Music] ring oh another jeez Lou is again another sardine maybe a herring actually had to I had to move the thing so and CH okay well that’s uh you know what let’s get rid of this clay it’s fine I like keeping the clay but that’s okay I should just keep checking in case there’s something really good in it another Herring and what do we got oh my gosh okay um got a spoon I don’t think I’m I’m going to get rid of this bait and I’m going to leave the spoon and wood I’ve seen that [Music] spoon feel like this been it’s probably not worth too much all right what’s going on here more inch it be okay it’s 6:30 so I don’t we head is evening fishing hour is at 7 does seem like it is evening or was it after 7 I don’t remember feel like evening rainy even evening fishing could be a [Music] thing again just it like literally don’t have to do anything it’s amazing that was a herring okay now it’s seven so we’ll see if that makes a difference yep okay what is this definitely a difference oh look at that it’s an eel new record okay we got our eel um I think I might just get rid of the seaweed I’ll get rid of the you know get rid this other daffodil that’s fine and I’ll take that we already have a geode I guess eels are the order of the evening is that what it is me I’ll keep it why not we can make spicy eel with it another Herring and Delux bait okay oops I was taking up an inventory spot with bait I didn’t even realize that I feel like time moves like really slowly when you’re fishing in this game all right I’m done we’re good I’m full no more no more of that all right let’s uh have a cup of coffee we got Critters to go and give uh food to in the in the the coupe so let’s go and see them they’re probably dying in there they’re they’re whining like the cats do so like it’s been 3 minutes since I’ve eaten please sir I’m dying all right oh there’s lots of flowers out yeah I got to get uh um yeah my foraging is only level 9 so we got to get out and do a big forage and then the mining and combat will happen pretty quick as soon as I can get out to the skull key it’s like going to take over okay so there was a bunch of stuff uh um I don’t have a flounder so we’ll keep those oh they’ve got better grade eel I’ll actually keep both cuz I do need those and the catfish this way the Bullhead I have a better grade now so that’s good and the Herring um do I have oh I’ve got Herring but I’ve got better grade yep and the carp we got Bunches of carb okay let’s get rid of you and you oh my gosh what am I doing than you you know I’m I keep forgetting I can do this now yeah like make better use of that all right we got ourselves some stuff here why am I doing this the hard way okay that’s good there we go all right there we are so now we’re we’re all filled up with coffee so I’ve got uh 28 cups of coffee very good hold the phone uh that ancho be h i don’t have anchovies here do I I thought I did start oops okay well there we go uh and then this well that was a bit bit of a mistake on my part okay what do I have here I’ve got 32 carrot seeds I got to get those in the ground here shortly all right thundering egg yeah we’ve seen it I don’t know why I don’t have more of them here where are all my thunder eggs that’s what I ask okay the squid row that doesn’t need to be here that is definitely it’s not a not a here thing uh the flowers though I will leave those there and I don’t even know like skeletal tail that doesn’t belong here we’re not gifting skeletal tals I’m pretty sure that I think is going to go into as long as that’s yeah I’m going put here with there are fertilizers this is where all the bones go and then squid ra squid bait squid row oh I see I could make this all into um okay and then let’s go and see our little buddies here okay oh it’s not oh it’s full already that’s weird why is it full okay there’s an egg between them I can’t even get at it all right no big deal that’s fine let put this here some glasses there we go and we’ve got ourselves one more fishy and we’re almost done smelting down gold okay um we’ll come and we’ll put all of the rest of our um sea stuff here our quote unquote fish we’ll put that stuff here and I’ve got to keep my eyes open for the oysters that’s about it now in terms of this this cool friendship tea theoretically I guess I should put this over in the gifting chest um I think we’ll keep the Prismatic Shard elsewhere I don’t think we’ll end up using that in there unless we really get stuck which case we could use that I guess if we had to but I’d prefer not to I’m going to put my slime Trident here for now um all right come and collect our coffees well that was good and then I think we can go inside and convert all this into we do know the espresso recipe right I hope I do I don’t remember if I do chug that in there way we hurl that in there take that is it getting late though I don’t know there’s I got to go to um Harvey and learn the espresso recipe I guess I think that’s him I learn it from oh it’s 100% worth it cuz I mean got 44 coffee we’re we’re doing okay I’ve got more here I’ll go put outside uh we don’t need all this in here um got green tea as well yikes go just put these in here and then we’ll see if we have any extras there we go couple more cups can’t say no to a couple more cups all right I got like one more bar of gold so all told we’ll have four 45 bars of gold that’s good uh then I guess we’ll move back on to iron yeah I got 18 bars of iron so so much smelting left to do and I mean it got a ridiculous I don’t know 160 bars of uh 167 bars of copper we could do so there a few things still and I’ve got a lot of coal like this one thing I do feel like we wound up with more coal than we normally do but then some of the things take a lot of coal like the was it the jam jars do those use coal what is it that uses coal yeah eight coal per that does chew up a fair bit um these don’t use coal and we don’t know about casks yet I got to learn I got to get the basement done to get the casks done so we can really start aging stuff as well so I don’t know we got a couple of like busy directions here this isn’t going to finish is it this should come on I don’t know do the buttons change or is it just green I guess it’s just green was like does it show stages no it just shows you green green and done there we go Blood Stone well good enough it feels good processing a whole pile of stuff like that being done with a thing and you can be like okay let’s move on don’t have to think about that anymore out of my head all right let’s get some sleep and we’ll see you all next time till then bye-bye for

Emily shows us her moves and Haley loses a necklace – lots of rainy day drama!

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