we read Stardew Valley smut

when she pulled his jeans off his boxes came with them and he sprang free with a little swap against his belly not the swap against his belly not the [Music] swap hello okay welcome um we are going to read a handful of stardew Valley smut if you’re unfamiliar with the term smut it is essentially six um this was a sub goal that we made a while ago um as like a joke at first but then we actually were like taking it more literally we’re like okay we could actually that would be kind of a fun stream to do that we had the mods specifically Tristan so thank you to Tristan for doing this reach out to the authors because I didn’t want to just read people’s work um on my own stream without letting them know even though I know you can just it’s a public thing but I it’s just polite to ask but yeah um we obviously we also we mentioned to the authors like just so you know we’ll probably laugh at your stuff because reading about sex makes people feel a little weird it’s funny sometimes it’s very uncomfortable which I’m sure people who write smut obviously understand like it’s it it makes people feel weird a little bit cuz you’re reading that but the most important thing is we’re going to be respectful like people wrote this we’re not going to like [ __ ] on it we’re not going to you know I it’s people’s work I I’m it’s interesting it’s cool it’s awesome okay anyway with that being said the first story we are going to read is um um because it is in the Heights season of pride month this one is about Maru and Penny um it is a gay one I’m assuming um written by hazy Mike on A3 it is called Maru and Penny’s seasonal book [Laughter] club um I’ll read the summary and then we’ll begin Maru and Penny run the best and only book club in town a chance recommendation by Gunther set the stage for a spicy discussion the pair are unlikely to forget all right here we go all right cat’s sitting gather around the campfire we’re going to tell a story Maru sat on the bench wrapping the fingers of her right hand against the timber Penny had a lot of good qualities but punctuality was not one of them a yellow bloused finger dashed around a hedge clutching a book oh my gosh Maru I’m sorry I’m late Penny’s unusual porcelin pness was flushed from exertion she must have run all the way from her trailer home Maru chuckled and shook her head you know you say that every time I’m sorry every time penny with her orange hair and bright green eyes joined Maru on the bench Maru a biracial engineer with Ruby hair and glasses brought her hands together the spring edition of Pelican Town’s best and only book club is now in session how do you know ellot and Leah don’t have a rival book club Penny objected firstly I’m not convinced Leah can read secondly one time I asked Elliot to join and he said why should I diminish the potential by subscribing to membership of a society who merely reads the written word when I could contribute to a liter uh a liter ratic Cannon then he recommended that we read his sci-fi pop the rise and fall of Planet yazo so yeah maybe we should read it said Penny Elliot described it as and I quote an epic spanning thousands of years in an exotic planetary system ain’t nobody got time for that Mara rolled her eyes fair enough Shrugged penny so continued Maru resuming her role as club chair did we all finish the princess’s tears Penny picked up her copy of the assign text on the front cover a white woman with red curls and a tiara was depicted in soft focus gazing over the balcony the titular princess wore a voluminous voluminous pink dress with puff sleeves the back cover blurb LED with the quote when the king is kidnapped only one woman can be trusted to assume his Reign his daughter but can princess celestina resist the attentions of attentions of an enemy spy holding the novel in her left hand Penny raised her rights finished it Maru in her PR iCal blue overall also raised a hand me too what did you think Penny thoughtfully stroked the front cover of the book it’s not as deep as some of the other books we’ve read she ventured yeah I’m sorry about that said Maru Gunther suggested this one he just got he had just gotten a shipment 30 copies for a town of 29 people unbelievable that makes sense said Penny well as I was saying it wasn’t the most intell ual book I’ve ever read but it was a page turner oh yes agreed or agreed the bpac theal engineer Maru I found myself staying up late finishing chapters by torch light I thought princess celestina navigated the power vacuum caused by her father’s absence really well the author was so clever the way she juxtapose celestina’s interior struggles with the political minations demonstrated in the C meetings Penny nodded somberly so smart she paused the thing is what asked Maru I wasn’t expecting the novel to be so um Saucy it was that yes it was also um how do I say this Penny blushed gay it was really gay Maru interjected again I’m sorry I didn’t know the enemy spy was a girl p laughed the tension broke so gay and like spicy Maru laughed as well I feel so guilty choosing this book it feels like I’m coming on to you or something but I didn’t know Penny Shrugged it was a surprise but to be honest I didn’t mind this book club keeps things interesting for me you know Maru looked over at her friend I didn’t mind either in the end like I said I had some late nights with that book if you know what I mean oh God Penny blushed again she looked away yeah I I do know what you mean it was um kind of the same here Maru blush too she could feel a newly taught [ __ ] all right this is where this is where the gear shifts to Second all right y’all hold on that’s not what I need hold on Maru blushed again she could feel a newly taught nipple Grace the edge of her bra cup she was grateful that Penny couldn’t see her face do you want to um share your favorite scene of that nature she tried to sound official for book club Penny turned back to Face Forward on the bench sure she said formally she chose a page from the latter third of the book page 238 uh the Spy Titania sneaks to celestina’s bedroom poses as a handmaiden and dresses her for her evening bath Maru straightened herself up she and Penny were parallel both looking [Music] southwards you’ll have to remind me said Maru the teacher read out loud celestina stared at herself in the mirror this this is the book The Duke of Arin had as usual been forceful in his views but the princess considered that she had AC acquitted herself well in the face of his betroyal she was confident the king of w windia could prove itself a usual Ally an unfamiliar maid entered the Royal bed chamber my lady she cted come over here huffed the princess you’re late in her hurry to undress the ruler failed to notice the handmaid strontian brow and rough battle worn hands lady repeated the servant would it be your pleasure to take a bath per chance she passed a long index finger slowly from the edge of the princess’s left shoulder along her neck to the tip of her Earl Maru sighed involuntarily she ah all right okay hold on Maru sighed involuntarily she felt a throbbing between her legs she blushed as Penny looked over sorry said the engineer you were right it’s it’s a good scene Penny smiled at Maru like I said it’s my favorite Penny glanced around it was a late in it was late in the afternoon the Pelican Town Square was largely empty as the locals settled into their evening routines this is all going down at the bench y’all okay this regarding the story in stardy Valley when you guys see Penny and Maru up on that bench outside the community center or yeah Community Center this is where this is going down I will never look at the bench the same okay Penny smiled at Maru like I said it’s my favorite Penny glanced around it was late afternoon the pelicant Town Square was largely empty as the locals settled into their evening routines can I tell you something asked penny in a low voice always book buddy said Maru I tried to trace the movements on my shoulder when I read this but it doesn’t hit right when it’s your own finger finished Maru exactly I did the same thing Penny’s green eyes met maru’s Violet ones do you think you could um whispered the teacher I could help a girl out conceded Maru for the book club her cheeks were hot I think would help me to properly experience the literature Penny nodded decisively that makes sense said her friend oh [ __ ] oh god oh [ __ ] me for science oh God Marie took her coffee colored index finger and placed it against Penny’s yellow clad shoulder she slowly Drew along the ligament until it reached Penny’s pale neck she shivered under maru’s touch she continued to bring her finger upward tracing her jugular artery and jawline until she reached Penny’s earlobe the end engineer’s stomach flipped as she felt tension between her legs penny for her part had flushed bright red again she looked around the square was deserted that’s okay uh but I’m sure I Really Got The Full Experience Penny said her voice trembled shocked Maru couldn’t help but pout she had really given that caress her all I tried my best celestina in her corset and and drawers at this point in the story maybe it’s not the same if you’re just touching my cardigan Penny pointed out you’re lucky I’m so committed to literature said Maru she removed the Woolen covering from Penny’s shoulders and then gently unbuttoned her blouse her hands were shaking her heart was beating so fast Maru thought her ribs would break uh oh oh god there her friend sat on the wooden bench she sat upright as though unafraid of Discovery Maru took in Penny’s petite frame she could barely able take her gaze away from Penny’s bee cups for now contained in a red brass air that matched her mini skirt the be gos she brought her touch once again to Penny’s shoulder and repeated her previous Mo uh movement too small firm PE appeared under the lace of Penny’s bra nipples that’s not in the story I said that sorry she picked up her book again H after that um titiana disguised as the maid kisses celestina’s neck Penny said I know said Maru Softly She had read this scene many times in the last month she practically giving herself carpal tunnel she brought her lips to her friend’s neck softly at first and then harder oh brother the buds of her nipples strained against her bra and the triangle of her sex burned white hot Penny’s neck turned Goose flesh under her skin Maru lingered on her neck I’ve wanted you to do this for so long whispered Penny and with that Maru lost all control she continued to kiss her friend’s neck then under her chin and then joined her lips to Penny’s Penny gripped maru’s wrists then slowly moved her friend’s hands toward her breasts Mara’s hands in place Penny unclasped her bra and pulled it away Maru oh God Maru gasped as she made skin-to-skin contact with her friend’s chest her nipples were roast pink and Maru pinched the protrusions between her thumb and forefinger Maru then caressed the soft swell of each breast electricity sparked at each fingertip Penny took her friend’s face between her hands and kissed her full on the lips Maru felt moistness and her groin begin to escape Penny’s hands reached around maru’s back and gripped tightly as her fingernails as her fingernails sought to penetrate denim Penny laughed maru’s head snapped back what’s so funny she asked your overalls Penny giggled or giggled Penny I can’t exactly feel you while you’re dressed like a coal miner why is this sing with that Maru laughed too let me help you out with that Maru unclipped the straps of her dungarees and let the front bib fall Penny gratefully slipped her right hand between the Denim and maru’s soft belly and then headed downward under the waistband of maru’s underwear Maru gasped softly please she whispered willing her friend’s hand to descend further yeah this is all in public at the Comm but okay let let me reiterate if you’re just tuning in this is like after hours everybody’s doing their nightly routines there’s nobody around like it’s starting to get dark and so to put this if you’re if you’re picturing this in your head sunset’s probably gone it’s getting dark everybody is doing their nightly routine like there’s probably nobody around checking out the coast was clear One More Time Penny sh see okay coast is clear Penny shifted her weight to straddle her friend again she pressed her lips to marus Penny’s tongue into the C of her mouth and gently started to explore oh my God excuse me she rubbed her sex up and down against maru’s thigh periodically Penny’s knee nudged her friend’s CL the intermittent stimulation drove Maru crazy maru’s hands grasped pen at Penny’s butto and cued them pressing the teacher’s hips harder against maru’s body then she brought her right hand under the red mini skirt and slipped it under Penny’s red mesh g string Penny had been prepared oh Penny oh not the G string okay Penny oh my God Maru her thumb against Penny’s nub nub and the greeneyed woman moaned softly sh wared Maru you know that weird farmer likes to hide in bushes she might hear us me is she talking about me am I getting fourth walled yeah I’m working late yeah I might be in the minds I can’t uh help it breathed Penny Maru pressed such that two fingers glided into Penny’s sex slick with desire Penny easily permitted entry Maru arched for her friend’s touch and Penny satisfied her a mirror image of her friend Penny held her thumb on maru’s CL and inserted two fingers inside the pillowy softness of her slit the the woman moved Ry rhythmically together and in opposition of each other sometimes they kissed but Maru preferred to lick Penny’s perfect nipples and let her friend soft breasts graze her face as they embraced Penny threw her head back and moaned Penny began to thrust harder and faster against maru’s Palm she could feel her friend’s vulva swell it with pleasure and emminent release in turn Maru bounced up and down on her friend’s finger she felt familiar pressure bu in the pearl of her Clips her breath became shallow the woman kissed again and Penny forcefully massaged her friend’s tongue with her [Laughter] own the friends moaned as one the tension broke as waves of orgasmic pleasure washed over my Maru first in her mons and then radiating out from her hips to her chest a warmth spread over her chest and cheeks similarly Penny grew slack and stopped her thrusting motions she withdrew her fingers from maru’s underwear and unbelievably licked them she took her time never breaking eye contact with the engineer Maru stared back her groin still a flame she was going to give herself carpal tunnel for real this time she was sure oh my God Penny buttoned up her shirt and threw her cardigan over her shoulder she was still flushed her cheeks matched the sunset can’t wait for the next month’s book club said Penny she disappeared back behind the Hedge and scene that was the end of that one that was the end of the Maru and Penny seasonal book club congrats Maru and Penny and also GG’s to hazy Mike for reading that that was written by hazy Mike on A3 lovely happy Pride let’s go lesbians we are going to read next a story written by our lovely Community member big gay disaster this is titled keep it a secret with characters involving Lewis and Marne um we have some tags in this one oh God okay so this is content warning tags uh did you make LS trans okay hold on additional tags we’ve got trans male character uh public sex tags May or lose his lucky purple shorts thank you for that content warning uh tags the bush uh tags author is trans mask W uh tags cunning lingas con canalingus tags women topping tags fingering ambiguous hole so again this is written by our big gate disaster all right this is called entitled keep it a secret by big gate disaster the summary is I’ll keep it a secret something that LS has heard far too often in his life smut written for a streamer sub goal even though uh I’m not into male/female because chat thought it was funny or would be funny true Marne and LS is quite quite funny and boy do I love committing to the bit um we got some notes as well before we jump into the story and the notes read words used for anatomy include Mound hole [ __ ] and Di here we go I’ll keep it a secret something that LS has heard far too often in his life from when his father brought him back from the city to get a new wardrobe and introduced him as his nephew to the town wait so is in this story is is Louis trans mask born F and now trans mask oh to the town’s doctors through the years and now Marne oh wait fun Marne who looks at him like he’s the world to her Marne who was friends with him since they were little girls Marne whose eyes were locked with his through mesy tears oh there’s lore I’ll keep us a secret if you think it would be best it’ll be our little secret it’s embarrassing getting blood stains on your pants I won’t tell nobody you’re my best friend uh Lewis it’s a secret what lwis wasn’t sure about in that moment was why it had become a secret anymore nobody in town B an eye when Leah and the new farmer girl got married or Demetrius not Robin who gave birth to Maru wait is Demetrius trans mask too is this just like starting characters that they were trans almost uh looking at Marne now with her hair tousled by her strong fingers her gorgeous brown eyes shining Flex of gold from the Lamplight Lewis would bear his soul to the town to the whole world Secrets be damned taking a stealing breath Le slowly carefully took marne’s hand in his all his life he was taught what a man must be he must be stoic must be firm must be strong he mustn’t cry mustn’t be insecure mustn’t show his feelings Lewis wasn’t ready to dispute that not yet so he said what he wanted by caressing marne’s cheek by leaning in with a searing kiss under the soft light what he wasn’t expecting was Mary to push against him deepening the kiss for her to snake her leg between his own right here in town her clever flick of her tongue and press her of her knee and he forgot to protest instead pulling her closer to him by the nape of her neck and releasing her hands in favor of pwing at her surprisingly firm backside surprisingly firm okay Marty she pressed forward into him catching him off balance the bush behind them took the brunt of it and LS would worry about the damage if not from marne’s hand replacing her thigh and pressing okay Vates his legs opening on reflex she doubled her attack and swallowed his shaky gasps and moans Marne pulled back you’re wearing too much handsome voice deep and husky it sent a shiver down his spine and pulled heat in his gut her wickedly Nimble hands cressed up ls’s sides over his shoulders and looped a finger under each strap of his suspenders as she grounded her hips into his as Marne pulled them up and over his shoulders she shimmed down till her face reached his trousers looking up at him with a positively sinful look she expertly unbuttoned them with her [Music] teeth okay Mar with her teeth okay in one fluid motion she pulled them down down out of her way okay you still have these Louis she chuckled they’re my lucky shorts [Music] M oh [ __ ] unperturbed Marne licked over his Mound elicitin a shiver from him oh my God not the mound Louis sat a hand on her head G ly spurring her on as she stifled his moans with his other slowly she peeled down his boxers and once she reached them his trousers and hitched his leg up out of them both Marne parted him and blew a puff of breath over his now exposed hole and and hard C without wasting time she licked a long Stripe from taint to the tip of his deep relishing in his taste before taking him into her mouth she sucked lightly rolling her tongue along his Underside and teasing his hole with rough digits Mar please she slipped a thick okay hold on here she slipped a a thick finger into him slowly gently with it as she pushed deeper he was silk around her slowly dribbling slick down her chin and onto her Palm as her last knuckle slipped into him she socked hard and moaned around him lisis rocked into her and quietly begged for more to which she happily obliged by slipping another finger to join the first Marne hooked her fingers up pressing into that spot just inside and setting him all light his hole clenched around her and his throbbed in her mouth broken sobs escaped the mayor as he spilled into marne’s hand right there in a bush in the middle of town she released him with a pop and massaged her fingers gently inide of him letting him R out his orgasm on her his face pure Bliss as he rocked his hips with the wav she felt clenching down as it ebbed she pulled her fingers out and brought them to her lips she looked in and and and suck them clean as Louis watched with half lited eyes catching his breath he pulled himself up back cracking on the way and pulled Marne into a kiss tasting himself on her tongue She helped him fix his clothing as they lost themselves into a slow dance of tongues a gasp pulled them out of their rivy making them jump nigh out of their skins without looking Marne pulled him up and ran towards her home with lwis and ta she didn’t slow until they were safely inside with a door loded behind them not the sad song do you think they saw Yoba Marne what if they saw LS fret pacing L fine they only saw us clothed that’s not the point what if they spread a rumor what if I’m forced to resign what Louis it’ll be fine she took a deep breath let’s get you some water and get some rest you’ll feel better in the morning she nodded shakely and follow or he he nodded shakely and followed Marne into the kitchen she filled two glasses of with water and handed one handed him one as she sipped on the other LS down the glass and placed in the sink staring at it until Marne had her fill come to bed with me Lou an hour later tired and sweaty yet [Music] saded not the song the two lie in each other’s arms in marne’s bed warm comfortable and uncaring of the world outside and soon on their terms no longer a secret and see also big gay wrote I’ve never written MF before my life and it shows LOL W okay this next one is uh Penny and Sebastian this one is called Penny and Sebastian’s just a chill hangout we have tags here so if you want to know any type of themes in this story we’ve got fluff and smut we’ve got quiet sex we’ve got first time we’ve got small town relationships we’ve got smoking so content warish there smoking and the next tag is overhearing masturbation [Music] um this one is by a Creator called Don’t Stop her now the summary of this story that we’re about to read is called this also might be a longer story I think out of the last two we have read this one is the longest one so far so there might be some like lore of this there this might this might be spicy Sebastian overheard Penny’s g-ring snap I believe yeah possibly the summary of this one um is Penny and Sebastian get to know each other in a new way okay Penny and Sebastian’s just a chill hangout one day near the end of fall Penny ran into Sebastian as she walked up the mountain path to have a swim in the pool at the spa he was working on his motorcycle in the garage and For the First Time Penny noticed that he wasn’t as stick thin as she always thought she had last thought thought of him outside Festival days in high school and he’d apparently changed since then the thoughts she was having now were honestly obscene how had it taken merely a glimpse of the sliver of skin between his T-shirt and black jeans for her to want to lick him there just a swipe of her tongue against the dip of his hip Penny are are you okay Sebastian’s voice was deeper but with a lighter tone than she expected he pushed himself up from beneath the bikee and his head was tilted at an angle emphasizing his question she shook her head then she switched to a nod as she registered his actual question yes I I’m all right I’ve just never seen you work on your bike before usually you’re smoking by the lake when I walk by he smiled and Shrugged his whole face softening for a moment I’m trying to cut back and I finally got a part I’ve been waiting for he said gesturing to the bike he seemed to focus on her face then giving her a wide-eyed look she didn’t know how to interpret before his expression closed and he looked away suddenly what are you doing in the mountains it was the kind of almost rude question Sebastian was known for this was the way he usually treated people and she had to stop herself from reacting to it I was just on my way to the pool she smiled wanting his face to soften again I’ll let you get back to it he just nodded and ducked back under his the bike before as she rounded the corner she looked back over her shoulder hoping she might catch a second glimpse of that sliver of skin but she was just too far away when she returned hair wet and shivering slightly in the cool air she slowed as she passed the big house she hoped Sebastian was still outside but the mountain side was quiet in the morning air then she heard her name just a whisper really she stopped listening she she heard it again almost a moan and with the unmistakable sound of Flesh hitting flesh it was Sebastian’s voice coming from the basement window and he was oh he was thinking of her oh oh God he’s jerking his peanuts she felt her face go hot stand offish quiet Sebastian was thinking of Penny while he anything she could use to describe it sounded like something her mother would say she she didn’t want to hear her mother’s voice in her head as she thought of Sebastian Penny could hear his hard breaths and the sound of his hand hitting his hip unable to tear herself away she wish she could watch him see how his expression expression changed she thought his eyes eyes would flutter closed his chest rising and falling with his breath as he chased his pleasure her hand had gone up to her chest and she felt the hard beat of her heart even through her jacket she should go give Sebastian his privacy she just wanted to hear her name one more time in that sweet rasping desperate tone it made her feel alive in a way she hadn’t felt since college at least Penny please she had gotten her wish Sebastian let out a low moan and then went silent Penny swallowed her fingers caressing up her throat her skin sensitive From Desire not the e-w prir king Penny swallowed her fingers caressing up her throat her skin sensitive From Desire the spell was broken as he coughed and she could hear the creek of the chair she hurried home hoping her mother was at work the next weekend after a particularly frustrating argument with her mother Penny had found herself by the mountain lake tearing the grass out of one blade at a time Sebastian carefully sat beside her cross-legged and offered her a cigarette when she shook her head he lit one for himself and said nothing as he smoked and she tore out the grass and they both looked out over the lake with its cold Clear Water finally she looked over at him and when he pinched the Ember off the end into the water and stuck the butt back in the pack she had thought of him every day since overhearing him she was sure they hadn’t been so physically close since high school probably in History Class where they’d share a two-top desk for a semester he smiled at her as she gazed at him the way his face glowed when he smiled was simply unfair she could not stay upset with the sun shining and Sebastian smiling she smiled back Sebastian reached out for the TFT of grass she had been destroying trying to fluff it up to no avail his fingers brushed hers what did the grass do to you he asked his voice smoothly teasing or what did someone else do to you that you had to take it out on the grass she sighed and fell back to look up at the sky my mother is impossible I don’t know how we’re even related sometimes he chuckled and relaxed onto his side beside her head propped on his fist maybe you’re adopted she looked at him incredulously and he put up his other hand in a gesture of surrender okay maybe not Penny was extremely aware of their bodies now where their bodies might meet if she simply rolled towards him she tried not to think of how his jeans hugged his legs or how accurately the bunching of his fly might represent what lie beneath it uh Penny if you ever want to get away from Pam just like a few hours you could come over to my place just a chill hangout I I’m not always the best company and I work weird hours but in bad weather it’s dry and warm and if you need it I could give you paper or something to destroy instead of grass he bit his lip clearly inure of himself after saying more words in a row than she had maybe ever heard of him I know he said the title she wished she had something to say other than oh sure thank you but she smiled as she said it and hoped she sounded sincere they lay in silence again watching the afternoon fall into evening she could feel him look at her a bubble of heat in the cool Mountain Air when they finally Rose Penny stepped close and grabbed her arms around his middle hugging him close his hoodie was soft and warm against her cheek and his arms went around her gently one hand rubbing up and down her back in comforting Strokes she sighed and nodded as she released him then smiled again thanks for the company Sebastian it was nice to spend time with you just Bean in the fading light she could see him freeze then he smiled wider and nodded back anytime Penny as they parted at the path back to the mountain she squeezed her uh his she squeezed his arm and let her hand linger and it crushed down his hand she could have sworn she heard a punch of breath as she let go her hand trailing behind her dude this is given some lore also 2 days later this is lore this is lure oh two days later Penny couldn’t resist the pull of her body into the mountains she wanted and it was such a strange and beautiful feeling she couldn’t hold it at B any longer Robin pointed Penny down the stairs with a twinkle in her eye then announced that she was going to be out in the Backwoods felling trees for a few hours and that no one else was in the house okay Robin’s a cool Mom okay okay in the basement Sebastian’s door was half open but she knocked anyway not wanting to startle him with her appearance okay Ramen yeah he sounded almost annoyed until she poked her head around the door jam his face went from a frown to A Smile as he registered her oh hey she smiled back hi uh I’m taking you up on your offer to hang out he nodded uh I just have about a half an hour of work I need to finish but make yourself comfortable wherever he gestured with a sweep of his hand around the room she uh should she sit on the couch right in front of him or at the table with the board game on it she glanced at the bed with the TV at the foot she couldn’t sit on his bed Uninvited could she she nodded okay true to his prior warning about the quality of his company he refocused on his computer Penny set her purse on the side table by his couch and wandered over to the Bookshelf The Collection was one-third programming language manuals oneir science fiction novels and a smattering of tabletop role playing books and younger fantasy novels she recognized one book they had read in elementary school the Seas gift the story of a boy who was nearly drowned in a shipwreck and through magic became a mer person until he could make his way back to land and find his family again Penny took it and went to sit on the big plush couch wondering if the book might be a good one to read alloud with Vincent and Jess she could feel his Gaze on her again as she read she knew she must be blushing but there was nothing she could do about it finally he stretched back in his chair the creep the creek of it matching the creek she had heard from outside that day she glanced over at him and he sat up straight again did you want to do anything or just hang out his voice was low as if afraid of startling her I’m happy with whatever she looked at the TV and the only good place from which to watch the TV the bed with its Black Sheets watch a movie he nodded once going to close the door and they climbed onto his almost too small bed he had taken his hoodie off and his white T-shirt with the black jeans he was nearly the hottest thing she could imagine he wasn’t overly muscled but his arms were clearly used to helping Robin with her carpentry she could feel the warmth of his body against her side and couldn’t resist the pole of looking up at him he was already looking down at her and she felt suddenly self-conscious in the same yellow blouse and brown skirt she always wore his mouth Drew to the side as he looked at her um do you want to watch a movie or uh can I kiss you oh oh right to it Seb okay okay R oh Penny’s breath left her in a gasp but she nodded hoping she didn’t look too eager then his hand came up to cup her cheek and he leaned in his lips meeting hers in a warm soft searching kiss that made her toes curl her arm her arm went around him feeling the solid solidity of him like an anchor a little whimper of pleasure came out of her as his tongue sought the seam of her lips and she parted to let him him in the a steepening as he pulled her closer all right buckle up buckle up buckle up buckle up buckle up she could feel his Gaze on her again as she read she knew she must be blushing but there was nothing she could do about it finally he stretched back in his chair the creek of it matching the creek she had heard from outside that day she glanced over at him and he sat up straight again did you want to do anything or just hang out his voice was low as if it afraid of startling her I’m happy with whatever she looked at the TV and the only good place from which to watch the TV the bed with its Black Sheets watch a movie he nodded once going close to the door and they climbed onto his almost too small bed he had taken off his hoodie and his white T-shirt with the black jeans he was nearly the hottest thing she could imagine he wasn’t overly muscled but his arms were clearly used to helping Robin with her carpentry she could feel the warmth of his body against her side and couldn’t resist a pull uh the pull of looking up at him he was already looking down at her and she felt suddenly self-conscious in the same yellow blouse and brown skirt she always wore his mouth Drew to the side as he looked up at her um do you want to watch a movie or uh can I kiss you Penny’s breath left her in a gasp but she nodded hoping she didn’t look too eager then his hand came up to cup her cheek and he leaned in his lips meeting hers in a warm soft searching kiss that made her toes curl her arm went around him feeling the solidity of him like an anchor a little whimper of pleasure came out of her as his tongue sought the seam of her lips as she parted to let him in the kiss deepening as he pulled her closer she swung a leg over his straddling his lap and pressing their chest together she pressed her Center to his feeling the swell of him in his jeans Penny dot dot dot his lips trailed kisses down her throat and she pulled his hand from its respectful place on her back to cup her breast instead her head fell back to give him better access to her throat now that they’d broken the Seal of whatever this was she found herself needing to Surge forward into it desperate for his touch everywhere to hear how he whispered her name not the Mind music her fingers carded up into his hair and held him as he sucked just the place she most needed her hips grinding down against him she could feel how W she was through her panties the fabric sticking just slightly as she slid against the hard jut of him oh god with a little grow sing noises he was making and how his hips tilted up to hers she could tell he was good at this not just running around old familiar motions but searching for just what would make this best for her Sebastian do you have any protection she couldn’t help asking if they were going to be together now she didn’t want it to be because of a baby not yet at least he nodded fumbling for a drawer hidden in the headboard he looked up at her then a startled look in his eyes already his hand on her leg caressed up it his thumb finding the drenched material of her panties and pressing until he found her C I wanted to see all of you first this man was absolutely intoxicating she let out a breathy laugh and said oh yes yes please his hands never left her as he pulled off her blouse over her head then her skirt the same way she pulled at his T-shirt until it came off his head messing up his hair even more Penny smoothed it back kissing him again as he found the clasp of her bra and pulled it free to drop in the pile of the rest of their clothes her hands smoothed up his chest enjoying the feel of the dark soft patch of hair in the center spreading out like wings across his backs okay aatar it looked like a little it looked a little like a stingray and she chuckled at the thought his eyebrows Drew together and he froze what she traced the shape with one finger I was just thinking the pattern looks like a stingray like kit friend from the sea gift Sebastian looked down at how her finger drew the shape and when he looked back up he smiled that was my favorite book as a kid I always loved R to he was my favorite of kids friends he kissed her again quick and urgent I don’t want to think about that right now though he set to work kissing her deeply again as he cued her Mound with one hand and rolled her nipple between two fingers with the other she lifted off him to pull her panties down he teased her folds with long fingers as she fumbled with his belt and fly when she pulled his jeans off his boxes came with them and he spraying free with a little swap against his belly not the swap against his belly not the swap spring free shut up he was so beautiful pale again against the black of his sheets he looked up at her with Wonder and reached for her again pulling her close his member nestling just between her folds the pulse of her Clint against the smooth skin stretching over the muscle of him her hips rolled against him and he moaned quietly with both hands he cued and squeezed her breasts rolling her nipples between thumb and forefinger and then dipping his head to suck one then and the other between his lips until she whimpered again and grounded down against him she held his member is member a word for penis what the [ __ ] does member mean just curious she held his member teasing oh if I just read the next part I would have understood that teasing the head holding it in place as she pressed it to her [ __ ] her hips rolling against him until he too let out a moan and his head fell against her shoulder his hands on her skin seemed to vibrate with the same need she felt she was warm her body coming alive with desire Penny please can I can we he was shaking and she was certain she had never been begged like this she snatched a condom from that drawer and when it was on he rolled them to hover above her the blunt head of him now teasing her folds as she spread her legs wide one of his hands holding her at the back of the knee he pressed slowly inside and she watched his face contort with the effort of his control her name was reever reverent on his lips and she was certain she wanted to hear her name there in every possible tone she she lifted her hips urging him deeper he moaned and kissed her again Sebastian was perfect inside her and she held him close her ankles locking at the small of his back so good Sebastian you’re so good they heard the slam of the front door caught then at the stomp of maru’s boots as she crossed to the kitchen they both froze and covered her mouth with her hand then whispered could they hear us he Shrugged his hips rolling a few shallow thrust then smiled wickedly maybe if you’re not quiet she giggled if I’m not quiet you’re the one who can’t be quiet I heard you the day you were fixing your bike Sebastian’s head cocked and his eyes widen in shock what after we talked she nodded I was on my way back from the pool and I heard you you said my name Sebastian flushed pink and his head fell to her shoulder again you heard that g you must have thought I was a creep she rolled her hips needing to feel the slide of him inside of her with the sultriest voice she could manage she whispered actually I wondered what you looked like while you did it her fingers traced his cheek and brow I wanted to see what you look like when you let go a little sound of need escaped him as he stared at her in disbelief then she got her wish he thrust into her setting a rhythm that she matched as if they’d been practicing for years his fingers found her again and with only a little Direction he matched it to a firm to the firm circles she liked she wanted to cry out scream how good this was is how good he was but now keeping quiet was part of the fun she held her hand over her mouth letting out only the little whimpers that that could not help escaping as he bottomed out inside her over and over the sweet ache of the sweet ache of good sex making her shake his fingers pressed circled circled circled driving her higher and higher until she broke what with a cry muffled only by his mouth over hers fro a bottom she could feel the clench of herself around him and she held him so close she could practically hear his heartbeat between the slaps of his hips into hers he thrust faster and she watched his face twist in concentration and need this was just what she’d wanted and she heard herself urge him on yes Sebastian oh yes and then he came with three hard thrusts and a long low moan directly into her ear she held him there on top of her inside her until their breathing slowed and he started to go soft then they crawled under his covers and she curled into his side with his arm around her that comfortable silence was back as she ran her fingers through the now damp hair of his chest making little swirls as he made little swirls against her hip she must have dozed because she suddenly woke to a knock at his door do not this song Robin’s tentative voice called through the door sebie dinner will be ready in about 15 minutes if Penny’s still here she’s welcome to join us too he tilted his head back and called thanks mom he looked down at penny with the obvious question in his eyes she nodded and smiled he called again Penny we stay for dinner she cued his cheek and he leaned forward to kiss her again almost but not quite possessively Penny was not sure what this thing between them might be but so long as it worked she was excited to see what it became and SC [Music] wow oh spicy yeah that was really well written that was written by don’t stop her now uh on A3 it was titled just a chill hangout with Penny and Sebastian dude the thwap thed against his stomach was [ __ ] wild all right we have one more to read Tristan’s is done all right this last one is written by Tristan 5,120 words okay that will be our longest story and it is going to be the last one oh I’m sorry Tristan would like me to specify that he started writing this last night at 4:00 a.m. and to please be nice this one is regarding again Sebastian and Haley yeah this is written with dual povs okay final story an unsuspecting surprise written by Tristan all right content warnings we have um sex sex and more explicit sex uh minor injury and smoking cigarettes that are that’s like the content themes of this we got Seb so you know cigarettes sometimes okay the hour was late Sebastian guessed it was around 11:00 p.m. and that meant he should have been home by now after all it was spring and not only had his work picked up a bit but Abigail had been at his house today and that visit alone had brought some weariness about him Sebastian liked Abigail loved her even and he thought of her purple hair always in a ponytail but messy every time as if Abigail had woken up in a flurry of thoughts and dreams about fighting in the minds but Sebastian had never thought of anybody like that before in the way that was Soul crushing heart-wrenching and made your body feel like it hadn’t had water in days no matter how hydrated you were he blew air out of his nose almost abashed at his thoughts and grabbed a familiar box of cigarettes he smoked out of his black jeans okay black Jean reference he had wandered to the playground which would normally be uncouth of him but it was nighttime and no one was around Sebastian didn’t have anything to worry about at all all right Haley POV the clock had just hit 11:15 at night and Haley couldn’t sleep at all she wasn’t sure why but some had kept her up tonight everything in her day had been normal as normal as it always was Haley thought with another toss her tiredness not wanting to seep in with frustration she ripped the covers off and decided she was going out for a walk it was laate out and most of the other residents in Pelican town would not be awake or at least outside especially not with spring just starting always digging in that dirty ass dirt she thought to herself that farmer Pier next to his shop everyone does something disgusting around here Haley had started to think of herself as one of the elites residents of Pelican Town never daring to go outside without making sure she had a proper outfit on even if it was to say hello to the same 10 people every day tonight was not one of those nights though she hadn’t the energy to do anything but put her hair into an extremely messy bun oh uh messy bun reference her hair is springing free in places she didn’t care about just releas leaved her blonde locks that curled at the edges were out of her face so she could breathe her outfit wasn’t much better she had ordered a silk pajama set from Zuzu city that was comfortable but not too much to leave imagination to not thinking of that and who would could be outside also seeking to free their thoughts Haley slipped on some fur slides and slipped outside the cool air floated on her fair skin it was like the very air was kissing her she had always enjoyed the spring weather the way the wind shifted the trees and brought about some interesting creatures with it although she hadn’t commented much on them aloud a lot of things haey kept to herself even the roles of film from her camera were very private to her and she only let select people see the photo she took she liked having the secrecy of her own life within so few people liked the fact that everyone knew her but didn’t know her except for Emily of course but occasionally Haley had wished for something more something who are sorry someone who would listen to her someone that would take her secrets and stash them for no one to find she had been deep in thought when a familiar scent Rose from the area she had subconsciously walked to not thinking that anyone would notice her but as soon as she had a whiff she knew exactly who it was cursing she turned quickly on her heel to go back home and forgot she was wearing slides almost immediately the slide of her foot caught the ground was making her ankle twist a little sharper than she intended and almost making her lose her balance in turn plopping onto the ground with a tiny Yelp not the slipper fall Sebastian’s po as Sebastian was he wouldn’t have cared less if the person he had heard shuffling about came walking up to him or not he didn’t like any or he didn’t like talking to anyone except Sam and maybe Abigail a bit too and most of the other residents annoyed him they were all too busy with their own lives wrapped up in nonsense or too busy trying to peer into someone else’s life he took a drag from a cigarette taking some of the night air with him and exhaled the smoke curling around his face and wafting toward the square dissipating into the night okay Tristan he was about to put it out maybe walk around some more when he heard a Yelp from the town Square’s Direction odd Sebastian thought to himself but curiosity got the best of him and he stroe in the direction of the noise he hadn’t expected to see what he saw not that he was expecting anything in particular but he stopped in his tracks and soon as he caught sight of silk and golden locks spilling onto the ground tossed out of their loose hold Haley Sebastian thought though he was too stunned to move towards her she had clearly hurt herself and she was managing to sit up wincing as she maneuvered on the ground and the look on her face shifted some something in Sebastian he took a few steps forward pointedly making his steps loud so as not to scare her she glared at him and he stro up to her Defiance clearly in her gaze here to gloat maybe poke a little fun Seb Haley asked clearly not trusting Sebastian as much as he would have liked at that moment no I I heard you fall and I wanted to see what the commotion was about Sebastian replied still taking her in her hair shimmered to like liquid gold in the Moonlight okay just that her skin luminescent in the glow of the night and he was starting to feel fidgety also taking note that her silk set was not leaving much up to imagination the imagination Sebastian couldn’t understand why he could come over or what had come over him the sudden feeling of want and desire grabbing hold of him Earth to Sebastian hello Haley exclaimed clearly having something in the past 30 seconds uh or clearly having said something in the past 30 seconds that he hadn’t heard at all Sebastian blinked at Haley his Focus being somewhat restored are you going to just stand there and stare you going to help me up she demanded and Sebastian was briefly taken by the shape of her lips as she talked but this time didn’t let his thoughts Deeter him deter him not deer deter with ease he swooped her up and was immediately ly enamored by the sweet scents of coconut and vanilla but deeper than that it was almost as if she smelled of sunlight not that he knew what the smell of sunlight was but that was the only thing that came to mind normally Sebastian wouldn’t have ever come this close to Haley but something about tonight had him in a peculiar mood and he was surprised to find that the scent of her alone was something he didn’t think he would ever be able to push out of his mind gingerly he walked uh back up to the playground trying not to think about how her curves fit so well within his hands how her hair curled around her face and caressed his arms as he placed her gently on a bench trying not to cause her any more pain Haley’s POV Haley was perplexed at Sebastian’s actions his breath had gotten a little ragged but he carried her with ease and she could feel his lean muscles flexing as he gently laid her on the playground bench she had curiously looked at his face while he was carrying her and he was almost avoiding eye contact with her she had taken the time to examine him his skin almost glowing but with a hint of Darkness about him and his eyes were almost black his dark hair falling over his face briefly she wondered what it would feel like to run her hands through it feeling the way his hair curled and splay out but she stopped herself almost gasping outwardly at her thoughts her own thoughts she had never looked at Sebastian in any particular way but his gentle nature had surprised her and she hadn’t thought of anyone that had treated her with such care not even Alex thank you she said shyly and Sebastian looked at her with some surprise for what he responded clearly confused and also cautiously but also cautiously as if anything he could say would be wrong which Haley found endearing you you helping me she responded with genuinity in her voice it was then Sebastian looked at her fully and she almost gasped at the intensity of his eyes it was if the stars and moon themselves has settled within his gaze and she wasn’t sure if she wanted to indulge in the feeling of warmth that was coursing through her or run away and hide at the prospect of someone fully paying attention to her of course he responded with a tenderness that shocked her that made her skin shiver and Delight all the way to her bones it was the least I could do you seemed really heard and Harvey was definitely passed out it only seemed right with those words the fire in her body almost went out oh she thought it was only a kind gesture she wasn’t sure if his reasoning was completely true considering the look in his eyes a moment ago but he wasn’t giving her anything more to go on she gestured to her ankle and he glanced down as if he’d for no Grandpa’s same not Grandpa’s name right now she dressed to her ankle and he glanced down if he had forgotten why they were there in the first place [ __ ] sorry he quickly said sitting down next to her and placing her legs on his so they weren’t against such a rough surface you know normally I would have Emily fix something small like this but she taught me a few tricks so I guess I might as well use them now she sighed wi seen as she slowly rolled her ankle feeling the pain EB through her leg Sebastian nodded though at what exactly she wasn’t sure he looked lost in thought she became acutely aware of their position her legs relaxed over his his thigh muscles flexing and relaxing as if he were containing himself for reasons unknown to her this was definitely one of the weirdest intera interactions she had had with a resident of Pelican town and she was was n sure why but something about Sebastian’s something about Sebastian flicked a fire within her something that even she couldn’t explain but enough worrying about that she thought with a huff I need to fix my leg Sebastian’s POV Sebastian was struggling to contain himself the need for Haley was growing and he couldn’t place it it was almost Primal stirring something deep within him as if he hadn’t been awake in years he had nodded to what haly had said barely hearing her save a few words like Emily fix taau use so he had an idea but he wasn’t expecting much to come from it Emily was known to have a few tricks up her sleeve but he wasn’t sure what tricks exactly but he’d seen enough of the blue-haired girl to know she was wise Beyond her age and her friend Sandy was something that made everything within her seem to light up as if she had the brightest lamp post in her soul that only flickered on when Sandy was brought up or around her Sebastian knew that Emily’s heart was bound to Sandy as soon as he had seen Shane bring up her to Gus’s oh bring up her in Gus’s Saloon seen her cheeks flush but her eyes bright as she told Shane of her recent adventure with Sandy he hadn’t much thought of it since then but with Haley bringing her up his thoughts swarmed with not only Haley but her sister as well Tristan [Music] he hadn’t thought much of it since but with Haley bringing her up his thoughts swarmed with not only Haley but her sister as well as he wondered how they could be Sisters yet so different two sides of the same coin Bound by Sisterhood though he thought bitterly that’s not how it is with Maru and I he was pulled off by his revery by a flash of blue and purple Sparks Haley had started whatever trick she knew from Emily in Wonder the bruising had begun to appear around Haley’s oh the bruising that had begun to appear around Haley’s ankle disappeared oh so that’s like magic [ __ ] and he saw the strain leave her face as she murmured watching her lips and feel a slow burn unfurl in his stomach her eyes were as blue as the ocean and she flicked her gaze at him for a second the second she did he sharply sucked in a breath her eyes seemed to be inviting the tides in her moment stare reeling him in like a fish without air okay poetry the Sparks had gone and she moved her ankle around no longer wincing but her face was full of wonder as if she hadn’t thought her idea would actually work thank goodness that’s over with Haley exclaimed not moving her legs from his and as he met her thoughtful eyes he also had begun to run his hand over the leg closest to him her eyes fluttered shut from the contact not reciprocating but he could feel her startling her starting he could feel her starting to tremble his hand immediately stopped moving is this I mean is this okay for you he asked not sure if he sounded sure of even himself adding and are you cold at all you’re shivering Haley shook her head I’m not cold she expressed then after a moment of him remaining still she scooted herself closer to him he watched as she took a deep breath seeming to make an internal decision then looked up at him her eyes full of full of the stars in the sky and her hand resting on the bench clenched as if to brace herself against something there is something that I want to do though she half whispered or sorry there is something I do want though not to do something she wants she half whispered her words carrying across the wind in the air Sebastian had been holding his breath and he only just now noticed the suspense driving his bones and his very skin to tingle as if the answer he was looking for all along was what would be in in what Haley said next Haley’s POV Haley couldn’t believe what she was going to say next but her body willed more than her brain her usually logical and judgmental mind Sil bced by The Urge in her spirit the fire in her stomach you she stated looking into Sebastian’s eyes as she saw the stars in his gaze burst into a million thoughts feelings and expressions she almost didn’t have time to fully breathe as she lifted her from the bench and onto his lap and she could feel the growing bulge under his jeans as he set her down on him feeling the heat in her veins racing as she looked into his eyes at that very moment she didn’t care what anyone would think of her would think of what she was about to do and she reached her hands out to F’s hair pushing it over his eyes and running her hands to the back of his head his hair was soft yet thick waves of it cascading back over his forehead which had a thin layer of sweat over it though from what she was unsure oh God all right gear two [ __ ] so you felt it too then he said roughly his voice thick with need his eyes seeming blacker than usual peering into her blue ones searching for any reason to connect we’re shipped into gear too y’all buckle up seat belts on the sound of his voice alone made her shiver and he pulled her into a kiss that fully fueled the fire and she gave it into it kissing him back with the same soft passion their lips dancing with each other as he tested the waters with his tongue she opened herself to him allowing him to explore her mouth with his and she did the same he tasted like cigarettes in Starlight making her skin prickle with desire as she mooned into him Caroline thank you for the 27 months Sebastian wasn’t expecting that however and she could feel his lean body shudder into her she had never felt like this with anyone her mind blank and racing with heat and she just leaned into the feeling of their breaths intertwining his hands which had moved to cup her hips as she had started to rock gently against him and his lips which had begun to explore their way around her neck he was so gentle yet so desperate almost looking for an answer in every kiss as or kiss he placed on her neck Haley was beginning to feel the fire in her stomach and she had to quench her thirst her desire her need quickly she tugged at Sebastian starie and he broke away from her for a quick second to pull it off his slim yet toned torso glowing like moonstone in the etherial light of the darkness around them Haley wasn’t sure if she had seen anything more beautiful than him which was a first for her she loved beautiful things surrounded herself in them yet she had yet to experience such a breathtaking sight he looked at her like she was the only thing that mattered in this moment and their lips crashed together in perfect Unison Sebastian’s POV this is the skin of a killab Bella all right Sebastian’s peie Sebastian didn’t know how they had gotten here here or what at this point but he didn’t care the only thing that mattered to him right now was Haley who smelled of coconut and vanilla and sunlight the perfect half of him or sorry the perfect half to him as it felt he should have been slightly chilled from the removal of his hoodie but the warmth of Haley burned into him made him feel the most alive he had felt in months and he felt like every breath between them was like the first breath of the day making his mind clearer than it had ever been liquid sunlight spilled down her shoulders and he moved one of his hands from her hip to indulge himself in the feeling of her silky locks intertwining them with his fingers and tugging a bit causing Haley to gasp a little their eyes met and you could see she was feeling as ravenous as he was was feeling the pole that had brought them together like this the inner workings of Fate pushing their bodies helplessly together as if they were each other’s first drink of water after a day in the desert Sebastian was hopeless craving more contact and started to unbutton the soft pink silk top from the set she was wearing oh yeah I forgot she’s in [ __ ] silk pajamas almost losing himself in the sight of her breasts his was hard now feeling every moment and rock of Haley’s hips as she teased him watching him in almost a Wonder as he rebelled in the sight of her now Beed chest her bosom was uh her bosom so perfect to him her skin radiating like a single Ray of sunlight when the day is just beginning signaling New Life a new hope he wasted no time in tasting her wrapping an arm around her as he stood up carrying her with ease as he used the other hand to quickly unbutton his jeans letting them fall to the ground before sitting back down third gear before he was able to complete the action haly unw wrapped herself from him standing on her tiptoes to also remove her silk bottoms the material slipping easily from her her thighs glistening under the moon Sebastian felt like he would combust in any second his eyes overwhelmed with beauty and glamour unable to contain himself he wrapped himself into her I have never felt so drawn to anyone he gasped in the night air Haley made the connection tighter making Haley made the connection tighter making his [ __ ] Twitch in response me neither she said huskily her hand moving down his body to grasp his and he felt like he had been Zapped by an electrical wire from her touch his body was thrumming with need but he did want to take her or sorry take care of her a little bit before he picked her back up but instead placed her on the bench on her back thankful in that moment that it was long enough to accommodate the two of them and he Jesus Christ and he straddled the bench beneath her watching her lustful gaze rake over him as he grabbed her legs making sure to be gentle and spread them before him the Feast of a million gods and I’m the one that gets to indulge myself tonight he thought he leaned in and kissed the inside of her thighs her skin tasting like the sweetest thing he’d ever known what the Feast of a million gods and I’m the one that gets to indulge myself tonight shut the [ __ ] up Tristan Haley’s POV Haley’s POV we’re switching povs Haley was experiencing a million Sensations a light Breeze of the night perking her nipples up as she laid on the bench Sebastian had started roaming his free hand around her body and the other holding her into him as he teased her kissing her inner thighs and getting closer to her core what she could feel was already wet from her need of wanting Sebastian so badly she she had known she was the tide to get she had known she would she was the time to get wet when she was horny but never like this the second his free hand had pulled her lace panties to the side she uh though his eyes widened he didn’t seem fully phased though just in awe as he freed his other hand to run along her folds barely brushing her coat but the contact alone made her body jerk toward him she was already so sensitive from the sensations consuming her senses that she felt like she would just burst into a million fireflies at any moment she assumed he would be good from the kissing alone but this was another Universe she had not even begun to dream about and she was quickly lost in his touch the feeling of his tongue as he ran it over her was ethereal and she embedded the feeling into her memory something that she wanted to remember for all time she watched him as he ravished himself on her unable to make any words come out except for the moans escaping her lips he added his free hand into the mix taking two of his fingers which she had noticed earlier had been well groomed and plunging them in her making sure to take his time while he ate her and tasted her folds like he had been starving for a century and she was the first meal he had the chance to eat after a lifetime Jesus Christ Haley gasped from the sensation and she found herself rocking into his rhythm as he moved his hands and tongue expertly exploring everything her core had to offer Billy is lunch quickly from this sensation she fell to low rolling heat on top of the fiery flames of Desire burn into her gut and she half moaned half whispered Seb I’m close his eyes darted to hers and he pulled his fingers out of her almost making her sigh at the loss of contact but as he also removed his mouth he stood up and pulled down his boxer briefs which had been maining his straining [ __ ] Haley gaped at his member wanting them to be conjoined more than ever Sebastian’s POV Haley was the most perfect person he had ever seen Sebastian was almost undone by the look in her eyes the way her hair had become a little deceived uh In the Heat of the Moment her moan sounding like the sweetest music he had ever heard way better than anything he and Sam had conjured up that’s for sure he was intoxicated on her was determined to see her undone as much as he wanted her to see him undone for her now with his [ __ ] out and twitching he gazed into her eyes feeling the wind knock out of him as he saw her blue eyes were almost engulfed by her peoples and he lost himself immediately angling himself against her opening they hadn’t said much since they started just a tangle of moans and breaths and spit shared between them but he still felt a pay in him for a brief moment and paused only to ask are you ready are you sure you want to do this he asked breathlessly knowing in that moment he would do anything she asked even if it was that she was done and wanted him to leave yes Haley breathed her voice Husky and raging in the night air a million times yes Seb that was all the encouragement he needed and he slowly thrust into her making sure he was okay as or making sure she was okay as he slid his full length into her bottoming out and groaning at the sensation of her warmth wrapped around him he could have busted right right there honestly with they pulsing around his shaft Jesus Christ and he knew that neither of them would last long nor with the fire between them burning into each other’s skin for years to remember and revisit he moved more rapidly gaining a steady Rhythm skin slapping against skin and for a long moment both of them were lost in each other Sebastian leaning in to kiss her as he kept his rhythm moaning into him and arcing his back or sorry her back as her legs circled around him and to pin him against her allowing only the movement of him against her he groaned into her shuddered against her skin the very contact of her sending Sparks through his skin and he was feeling his gut tighten a little and he knew he was on the brink of the Edge by Haley’s eyes her gloss over gaze the ocean in her beckoning him to swim he knew she was almost there too Haley’s POV we’re switching povs Haley loved the feeling of Sebastian in her loved his rhythm loved the way he was grunting and groaning in her ear loved how his backside felt against her snaking around him her legs snaking around him and circling them in their own space of passion of Fire of Splendor she could feel his rhythms getting a little sloppy and knew he was close before she could speak let him know that she wanted him in his fullness he straightened up and instinctively she tightened herself around him he looked at her like she had given him his last meal and freed one of her or his hands from her hair moving it back down to her clate making her Buck against him moaning his name weakly to let him know she was close he leaned back forward fingers still rubbing circles against her while pounding into her and looked into her eyes Haley I’m almost there and I don’t think I can hold it SE said roughly said his Moonlight eyes gazing into hers and she could have let go right then and there but she held back for a moment wanting to share the intimacy together me too Seb she replied softly stroking his chin as he shuddered his eyes closing for a moment in the touch before opening them again and he gazed into her eyes she whispered again let’s go love his eyes widened and his rhythm became extremely sloppy and she could feel him spilling into her his eyes never leaving hers as he repeated her name over and over and over Haley Haley Haley Haley oh God Haley the waves of his orgasm crashed into hers making her whole body explode in an array of fireworks as she lost her sense of everything for a brief Blissful moment all she felt were the stars encircling them their bodies pulsing together as the waves of their High pushed or as the ways of their High pushed them together and entangled them into one daylight against Starlight the sun meeting the moon in one eclips and one breath or one eclipse and one breath they lay like that for a while breathing into each other fueling each other’s lungs say it out loud Sebastian was the first to move starting to sit up on the wide bench they had found in the playground area and he took a shuddering breath Haley wasn’t sure how much time had passed since they had both finished but she didn’t really care the moon was starting its descent a sign that the town would be waking up soon Sebastian p o Fe no I said say it out loud I read chat I did not read that was not in here my condolences Sebastian’s POV Sebastian had never felt anything as Earth shattering as his shared orgasm with Haley but he was sure he would never feel that with anyone else he was sitting now looking at the sky already reminiscing Haley snapped him out of his R re re Ry that was she paused and he glanced at her her elegant face taking the breath from him once again yeah he said his voice horse that was like meeting with the Galaxy having a conversation with the Stars unreal she nodded shyly and he picked up her silk garments and little Dusty from or a little Dusty from the ground but thankfully unscathed she took them from him and began to Adorn herself becoming aware that time was now of the essence and they both needed to get back home as he had just realized he put his own clothes back on knowing he was going to need a shower when he got back home but he wasn’t worried about that at all will you come to see me again oh sorry that was Seb will you come to see me again Sebastian questioned a lot more timid than he had intended to sound haly definitely heard the modly shaky timber in his voice and hit a small smile but she responded genuinely I would like that a lot she mused and he felt relief wash over his bones making it easier for him to breathe they stood toart uh seemingly having the same thought and same shared mind she wrapped her arms around him and an Embrace that spoke of need longing and comfort her touch still sent Wildfire through him but this time it was a warmth he embraced back and it seemed to have been the piece he had missed all along he would be very excited to see her again maybe go on a date or a picnic Sebastian needed to be outside more and he was willing to be outside more if that meant he got to see Haley again you know where to find me my love Sebastian said to her and after a short and passionate kiss Haley winked at him in her Haley Manner and he gave her a wolfish grin knowing there would be more exciting times with Haley ahead of him and scene oh [ __ ] J that was so good wow that was better than I expected not that I wasn’t expecting anything amazing from the beginning but like this sounds like I read an author’s [ __ ] Bro wrote a novel that was really well written well that was stardo mut I hope everybody enjoyed I feel like I kept mine cool for the most part thank you authors for allowing us to read your lovely artwork on stream [Music]

“Maru and Penny’s Seasonal Book Club”: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55366459

“Keep It A Secret”: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55051894?view_adult=true

“Just a chill hangout”: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55042228?view_adult=true

“An Unsuspecting Surprise” (written by my lovely mod Tristin, not on AO3!)

for future shenanigans, watch live on Twitch! https://twitch.tv/WhatifJulia

other socials:
VOD channel: https://www.youtube.com/@WhatifJuliaVODs
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/WhatifJulia
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tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@whatifjulia

intro animation by: https://twitter.com/megantstump
intro song: “Milk Bar” from Majora’s Mask by The Marcus Hedges Trend Orchestra

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#youtubegaming #streamer #highlights #gaming


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