100 Players Simulate a Magical Minecraft Tournament

imagine living on a deadly Minecraft server with 100 other players wielding magical powers crafting legendary weapons and hunting for kills well today I’ll be trying to survive in this magical Battle Royale will I be the last one standing or will I fall to the other players with just one life I was about to find out oh my God oh my God give me loot give me loot give me loot bar unable to find any good loot I decided to run away from cornicopia however two players on my tail yo guys where do you think you’re going why are you guys targeting me I’m a ni guy what are you talking about oh shoot get him him him oh my God oh my gosh you guys are so annoying it’s not even worth it it’s not even worth it it’s not worth it I it I Bo it I it it’s not worth it leave me alone oh it’s so worth it what but as I continued swimming away I came across a structure which may contain loot I can use to Escape oh my a sh gosh where you think you’re going for oh he’s going to be solo what the oh no oh my gosh dude how was he alive okay no oh my God my a dud come on oh my God oh my God my God my God my God you cannot be alive right now no he’s going up again what Mo out of the way out of the way I an axe I have an axe I have an axe I have an axe move move is he got go go is he is he out where’s he going I’m going to kill you if you don’t get out of the way wait I’ll I’ll jum on the outside oh there’s water there’s water oh my gosh leave me alone go away the players were closing in on me but if I could catch them with my fishing rod I could try to kill one of them I I don’t have I um no he’s trying to fishing rod oh shoot oh Sho I think he I think he has me just don’t move heum heum he fumbled he yo okay you guys are actually being so annoying leave me alone come here just jump down it’s fine I’m sping I’m sleeping oh oh my God you all what the build oh my God no way I was getting extremely low and would soon run out of materials but I decided to try and kill them one last time oh gra I I can’t [Music] aim what I have no block yeah oh he’s got me he got me you doing I have no blocks get a water bucket what you dropped your bucket buddy you dropped your bucket buddy when did I drop it I did you dropped your bucket oh knock no how am I meant to get out of this there’s no way die I had failed to kill them again so instead of trying to take them out I focused on escaping well there’s there’s a dolphin off my head don’t don’t let me get oh sh I don’t see it I’m going to drown St kills you’re so done got leave me alone so done you’re what do you want from me do you want a heart like what what do you want you out of this game what that is the next level of hating you guys are bro yo dizzy where are you the two players had gotten separated and I use this as an opportunity to lose them but before we continue I want to thank today’s sponsor click click dig a free-to-play idle mining game where players can dig all the way to the core of different planets in Click Click dig you’ll have to strategize and position a team of miners that will bring in different bonuses the game includes permanent upgrades with skins you can unlock for your miners Technologies and challenges there’s a ton of unique features such as a big bang which resets the universe with permanent bonuses alongside some awesome pixel art with a zany cast of characters if you love incremental games and are interested in didn’t try and click click dig the game is available for wish list on Steam and thank you click click dig for sponsoring this video okay I just need need to go um oh my gosh okay head down [Music] here I this way on please oh my gosh oh my God am I out am I out bro oh my God surely surely I’m out surely I’m out dolphin dolphin dolphin dolphin dolphin dolphin yes yes I’m gone get me out of here get me out of here okay they’re gone they’re completely gone oh my gosh bro I don’t know why I thought like I could do some cool MLG play right there I just I fully couldn’t at least I’m out now Jesus Christ after escaping those two players I realized that I needed to find a team quick and it wouldn’t take long until I ran into some players but they all seemed open to starting a team with me yo team team team team yes dude I think I think we should I think that’s all team so as soon as we formed our team we all decided to get far away from Spawn as there were still players looking for kills but as we were leaving we found a player trying to swim away and we realized that if we could kill them we could get a permanent heart me go go go get him okay I’m not even surviving that was PE why did it get so laggy oh my the server is trolling I’m crying right now you got man nice nice okay and I got his heart oh my gosh yay nice nice after killing this player we realized that we needed to start collecting materials since players began grinding for stronger gear and our best chance of outliving the other players was to utilize our amulets which were given randomly to us at the start with each amulet having different powers we would need to collect the materials for an amulet upgrader which unlocks its different uses all right okay yeah we we should actually probably dip from here though cuz we’re really close to spawn what do we want to do do you want to look for like players a structure like what’s up I think uh structure we need to gear up yeah if we have gear it’d be way easier to get hearts that way and after sailing for a bit we collected some wood and basic ores before heading down into the mines however the cave we stumbled across had hidden structures inside wait Shar I think I see a structure over here a structure follow me I’ve never seen this before this is yeah we found the structure bro yeah this is please don’t be looted oh my God it’s not there’s diamonds in here there’s diamonds that means the other teams are so that this structure had contained tons of loot inside which we could use to our advantage down me iron Pi iron sword bro Diamond Unbreaking three oh my gosh okay um some this a good structure though you should yeah keep mining bro there’s a ton of iron below us we can grab some of that but while this cabin contained some decent loot it was nothing compared to what was below us I is Immortal water Immortal water this cave is so like on the edge bro oh oh yo okay this cave contained tons of diamonds and other materials which not only geared us up but also got us one step closer towards crafting an amulet upgrader I not g a single sharpness inchant all right can someone enchant my sword for me so as soon as we were fully geared with enchanted diamond armor and tools we wanted to go hunting for players in order to obtain more hearts and loot and luckily it wouldn’t take long until we ran into an enemy team oh oh they definitely saw us go yes oh they got what the heck kind of garbage taking this target one of them Target one what the what the hell oh my go oh no they’ve got gaps they’ve got gaps they’ got they think they’ve got multiple gaps oh no no no no no no no n no no no no no n you know what I kind of regret taking this fight you kind of regret it hey we’ll let you go if you give us some of your materials e give us some diamonds some of my material we some diamonds we want some diamonds give us some Redstone we need some of that upgrade stuff I’m trying to take everything bro hey it’s either that it’s either that or your life bro come on I mean that’s not my team that’s not my team oh no no no no no bro bro what you yo drop the materials bro drop the materials bro hey give us some stuff bro bye what what that is crazy that is C crazy yeah he’s going down the cave he’s going down the cave oh what yes yes I tried to we him I tried to web him he’s actually could where’s he going got him in web got him in web you want to give us give give us your materials give us your materials and leave you alone we’ll let you live we’ll let you live right now you’re in webs hey you’re web you’re in web you’re in webs we had managed to Corner this player in a cave and forced him to give us the materials needed to craft an amulet upgrader drop all your all your iron and I don’t have diamonds I can drop I can drop you all of my Redstone I gave everything to I give my diamonds anything else anything else you want to give us I’ll give you a heart I’ll give you a give us a heart give us a heart hey hey give it to me give it to me give it to me hand it over okay okay okay okay stop hitting me stop hit me stop hitting me oh you pass pass it over pass it you got it you can let me go now let me go now okay yeah we can we remember this bro hey hey remember us bro we’ll be back we’ll be back we’ll see you around back after robbing this player of his materials we had collected the diamonds iron and Redstone needed to craft the upgrader so we decided to it e packs be the one to craft it oh let’s go I got it yo all right do it do it so if I shift and click oh my gosh what the heck that’s insane that insane that is insane dang then I wonder what my ability does now that epex had access to his amulet Powers we knew that the next step would be to get upgraders for both flame and ey but while having more powerful amulets is good they’re nothing compared to the three legendary items that are obtainable on the server and my team wanted to go for the Zeus staff a weapon that can strike nearby players with lightning as well as make you invincible for a short amount of time however the materials needed to craft this weapon were extremely expensive and required stacks of blaze rods copper and a totem luckily the server had announced that a structure was spawn into the world so my team decided to travel there and Hope so finding some of the items needed to craft the staff but with this location being announced to the whole server players would also be pulling up so we had to be careful and guys before we continue we are insanely close to 200,000 subscribers but over 90% of you are not currently subscribed and if just 5% of you hit that button we would instantly hit 200,000 so you should press that button if you’re enjoying this video and want to see more like this and now let’s continue all the stru is right there oh my gosh where’s is that the bridge oh what is that yeah I think so how many gold you guys have should we head towards this structure I guess so yeah we need to try and loot up there’s a high chance there’s not even anyone really here oh lity is right here yo lity I’m being so for real I forgot we had a fourth teammate I don’t know where he’s been this whole time but all of us were now reunited so after getting a scope of the structure we finally decided to head in like people behind us go go go go here here over here go go go go go oh yeah iron guys iron guys use your ability nice nice oh my God my gosh wait we had just killed a player from an enemy team which caused the fight to break out like 10 people I got a heart I got a heart chill hey Arrow got oh oh my god oh I got BL of lava guys there’s a regular here oh hello yo yo chill chill chill I you killed L bro yo flame flame oh my God flame K knock up knock him up with the KB here Focus this person Focus this person try get him get him get him in webs get him in webs oh Place uh that’s I’m getting get out of here oh my gosh that sword bro oh my God the sword is so strong EA is getting destroy down there down down coming oh my God we’re here we’re here we’re here get up oh my God go go go go go go go kill him he I think watch out watch out watch out filthy yo flame Run This Way Run This Way run this way bro we got to get out of here yeah we got to go we got to go seeing how we were outmatched by these powerful players we needed to escape before we were eliminated can’t break we need go we need to go we need go yo run run run run run run run actually oh my god get over here oh my God got oh my gosh I’m coming I’m dead I’m dead I’m I got you I got you go go go go go you blocked I’m sorry how are you not dead oh my God oh my God man this is insane I got a bat I got a bow eex no you don’t please please don’t catch up I’m going to break it oh let’s go you we to get that I got the boat he doesn’t have the boat I got the boat or second boat go go go go go goex get in get in get in oh my go go go go go we had managed to escape this deadly team and after regrouping we realized that our team numbers were down to three so if we were going to stand a chance we would need to upgrade our amulets bro I was just hitting and I hit Lon off the cliff nah bro you’re so crazy you’re crazy for that bro you’re crazy for that yo we need to upgrade you guys’ amulets sure yeah did we get any lapis or Redstone from that I have 10 red stone I have 42 diamonds and I have a stack of iron okay I have 10 redstone blocks wait have 10 rone blocks here take pick 18 diamonds and take a stack of iron em upgrader yo oh using the materials gathered from the fight flame was able to upgrade his amulet and it was time to test his new abilities yeah oh oh while while inside of this box we take 90% less damage so that is huge that is huge I don’t know how long that lasts but the goal is like we like use that when we’re like Crow the area we we’re going to stay in one spot with flames new powers we decided to head towards a structure that could potentially contain materials needed to craft one of the legendary items however we were unaware that some of the deadliest players were on their way as well oh we’re here oh my gosh is that the structure wait what is this is this the library yeah I think so let’s hope it’s not too looted yeah yeah yeah let’s loot up all right okay is there more like diamonds gold oh yeah there’s loads of anvils here just pick these up after looting some chests inside the Library we decided to search around the structure however we were being followed us behind us us oh yo there’s someone behind us oh God this this this oh flame what happened I thought you wanted to fight me flame oh come on entire Squad baby the whole Squad pull up oh my gosh I need blocks in my flame I thought you wanted to fight me dude yo the entire Squad it’s okay bro fine it’s calm let’s do it oh sure use your take use your take FL please please please all right yeah you want to fight now let’s go good it’s good oh my go he does what oh go he this kid oh my god teamates get his teammates get his teammates get sh get sh good sh oh my God these players were far stronger than we anticipated and we were clearly outmatched in terms of sign in gear so we needed to figure a way out I’m stuck in the boat bro oh my yes get him get him get him get him get [ __ ] the boat [ __ ] the boat uhoh got you got to be man s is good bro s is good bro on bro damn bro you leaving your friend behind you leing your go I had gotten out and while escaping I had gotten the players off of flame and epacks so with everyone out we met not too far from the library hello oh my gosh shark bro dude that was so scary I need G I need we need people no have no no not even a second after escaping the fight a new team had approached us so we would have to lock in and defend ourselves with what little materials we had left yo you’re chill yo that do sound that does not look chill are you uh well we watch Y what in the world bro we didn’t do anything oh my go no fli they can’t be that strong I figh back help help help Focus this person Focus this person got one nice yeah yeah yeah yeah get the got it get this iron guy iron guy iron legs yeah I so yeah what was the plan bro yo what was the plan where’d he go let me equip This Heart how many yards do you have I have four okay where’s he at oh no you good you good I killed mine yeah we killed one too the G on the horse got out that was dumb why would they do that I know I kind of got scared for a second I’m like wait a minute they are lowkey quick drops about we had managed to take out a player from this team forcing the rest of them to run away knowing that this area was getting extremely dangerous we decided to enter the nether where we could collect the blaze Rock needed to craft one of the Legendary Weapons there’s a portal up here though it could be trapped but we can try it I think we take our chances I yeah one right here but I can use my ability and if it’s a trap we can survive it for a bit okay well I’m going use my ability if there something you been here though oh God but shortly after entering the nether we realized a solo player had followed us what what the yo hello oh there’s one one player oh what’s up you friendly well I mean I just killed someone so I don’t know that counted friendly do you have any teammates um I was don’t you don’t I have so much gear I’m going to be real you want to you want to join us do you want to join us yeah sure I have 28 gaps um what what Li some brother shared you to the team I don’t know where this dude came from but this player jjq was looking for teammates and he had a ton of geared materials that could help us and using some of these materials I could craft an amulet Trader allowing me to give up my really weak amulet for a potentially stronger one so I took the chance how does this sort of sharpness all right I I have the amulet trador just give me something good what did you get I got the space amulet I take 5% I take 5% less hits and I get oh okay sick one I could use and now that my amulet was upgraded to have the same abilities as flame we continued towards the nether fortress for the blaze rods however we weren’t alone over here over here over here are you guys friend are you guys friend oh there’s three of them there’s a fortress right over there you guys know and wait and watch uh that’s the gravity that’s nice I don’t like oh kill him kill him that trapped me bro you trapped me bro chill sorry oh my God what was that this team was extremely powerful and their amulets had abilities that could nearly one shot us so fighting them would be nearly impossible what the heck yo I almost died bro what is that I’m coming giv Meo for 3 minutes Y what the y y y yo why does he have the most OP gem on the server oh my God he just ground pounded someone ground oh my gosh Come here oh sorry sorry sorry sorry what is going on are you okay sha I need to get up I need to get up one of these players had managed to separate our entire team and unsure of whether flamer epex were still alive I needed to escape with jjq yo they’re above us all right Run come come on come oh my God oh my God what’s going on did not mean to do that wait I’m not supposed to do that so um guys you guys want to squash the be why you guys trying to kill me didn’t me if you want to fight we can find them we each have 20 Hearts but I don’t think they do how could you betray me wait guys let’s go over there all the way better [Music] yo they’re gone they’re they’re gone okay they’re here they’re here wait found eex they found where where who that who’s that oh oh my God thank god dude they’re so stacked yeah where are they where are they we need to find flame get the blaze rods and get out of the nether but we can’t stay here with our enemies losing track of us they decided to travel back to the Overworld meaning we could finally enter The Fortress and obtain blaze rods oh my gosh bro I got bombarded by two teams bro I have two golden apples that was getting destroyed um you guys have let me and as we continue to collect materials we realized that the recipe for the legendary we’re going after required a totem which is only obtainable through evokers commonly found in Woodland Mansions luckily the server had sent out coordinates to one so as soon as we had enough blaze rods we plan to head back through the Overworld however flaming jjq had found a straggler nearby guys guys okay so okay so we have ourselves a new teammate if you guys are like down cuz I mean we are low on numbers I have 1 2 3 4 5 six hearts oh wait you only oh you gave up your hearts I only have six oh my I thought you meant extra no not extra I only have six everybody keeps stealing Hearts from me guys strength strength the numbers guys strength the numbers okay I’ll invite you to our team um but you might get cut so you need to stay in the back and be careful now while this player seemed extremely vulnerable having them on our team could be potentially useful potentially so after leaving the nether we made our way to the mansion however since we had to collect blaze rods first most of the evokers were already killed but we could still try to take out someone who had collected them they probably killed every um all like the and we got to get them we got try to get yeah yeah on the I name and then yeah yeah I oh oh I’m get him where he that he thato oh my goded him him he’s did he pop the to I got the to I got the to I got the to he’s got he had two totems he two tots de he’s dead he’s dead no wait I have a totem as well wait you guys you guys killed them nice nice ni nice nice the player we had killed had dropped all of the materials we would need to craft the Zeus staff however we would have to wait to craft two of guys name hurry hurry craft It Craft It Craft it epex you got to craft it right now oh no you going gra where going gra no no no no I I need to craft it all right we got to run then we got to run you get grab you gra where you get to grab I want that I want you want to fight us again we actually got epex you cannot die you have all the materials on you I know I’m looking right behind you I’ll buy you time I’ll buy you time I’m good I’m good I’m good cting it crafting it I don’t the diamonds do not let him it oh it does so much Dam yeah they give us withering uh keep going keep going for E keep going soon I’m going for shark I’m going for shark oh my God help help help help help help help help me yo bro what is happening no okay um I don’t know what that was about but um bye-bye dude he’s going to CRA where are they where are they where’ they go bro off dude we’re trying to find him get Shar get Sharky get Sharky get Sharky he’s probably leading us to his team oh my gosh wait sh where’s your team at Sharky tell us where your team is at right now bro I’m just leaving guys away from him bro [Music] bye-bye as soon as this goes back wa wait wait wait turn around turn around turn around yeah we should yeah yeah yeah let’s go back go back go back go back with the world border closing in all teams were forced to start moving and this allowed epacs and the rest of our team to lose them we also lost our fifth teammate somewhere during that fight so um fly fly high anyways after running for a while we were able to regroup and finally craft the legendary weapon nice yes finally oh my gosh oh my God okay okay so yeah we should take turns bro with epac now wielding a weapon that could strike lightning onto our enemies and deal way more damage we all agreed to take turns using it and it wouldn’t take long until we ran into a team to try it out on let’s go no we got to use it wait [Applause] hey what up hey wait we we got I think we got one of [Music] them wait who did I who did I get oh my God oh my godu I’m stuck too all right we’re [Music] good not me too careful here flame Target this person Target this person guys guys this person’s low this person’s low they pear y they PE am I person low okay okay let’s go let’s go [Music] let’s wait wait [Music] already oh oh my god oh I lost one of them I lost one of them it’s a 54 de de [Music] watch out watch out o okay come here get him oh my God I’m getting beat up oh he’s going to do the launch B he’s going to do the [Music] launch he he’s stuck he’s stuck he’s stuck he’s stuck get him I’m stuck too I’m stuck too oh my God oh my God these were the same players from the nether who had fully upgraded some of the strongest amulets so now was our time to dust them oh yo I got you I got you yeah you team my team out what team out [Music] what try to get him webs trying to get him webs [Music] oh we got him get the heart I got it got it got it we got one we got one how many of a there’s way more than five bro take got the straggler oh watch out watch out watch out oh oh my gosh djq you good bro chill I’m chilling I’m chilling I have 18 we killed one we killed one I lost them I lost the all oh back up back up back up where is he right here right here B broken B broken I I I dropped yeah oh my god oh FL flame flame help everyone he’s so dead he’s so dead he’s so dead nice another another yo pick some of this nice ni I need I need a new helmet my helmet is here here here here flame FL take this Helm take what the hell they so much go oh my gosh dude someone had a sharpness to ax bro what the oh my God okay oh my God bro I hit so many mlgs oh this is the person that does the the explosive thing right we had nearly taken out the entire team however one of their strongest players were still alive so if we were going to kill them it would have to be now yeah let’s finish them off bro oh back up back up back oh my gosh how many times can I do that get him in Border move oh come up C up you can’t you can’t you can’t move when you cop oh wait I did something bad wait they might to B I should be doing that we need to move don’t get locked off the Border oh my gosh I think I think how many times can they do that that’s so broken I don’t want I don’t want to fight this bro with the Border closing in this player xq would run out of places to launch his Attack yo you’re trapping yo okay they’re trapped outside the Border yo yo yo move oh my God oh my God I have death I’m D at this point I’m not worth going for if you think about it I was bro I need that g bro yo I’m going be honest can we recruit him bro I want on our team yo wait actually yeah low key let’s team lowy let’s team lowy let’s team you want to yeah you have no teammate oh right you could just join our team yeah like bro that is something thring ability bro I don’t want to fight that instead of trying to kill one of the strongest players we decided to recruit him and with xq we now had a full team of five however the Border was closing in on cornicopia so we would have to run into more of our enemies very soon Wait Flame come back here real quick I think it’s your turn [Music] yes okay yeah it’s my turn to use it I hope I get a turn bro I don’t think you realize how many mlgs I had to hit we got the MLG we got the MLG Nation you guys got knocked off into the ocean and it wouldn’t be long until we made onto some land knowing that there was no turning back now who’s on the um I see a name tag name tag pick this up pick this up where’s my team hello guys team we’re down here we’re helping where going the rest of his team oh he ground [Music] above oh get out get out that’s like time yep I’m going I’m [Music] going oh help help help I’m down I’m I’m we get the other legendary I’m down below I’m down below I’m down below I’m down below you’re only good with your team Andre you’re help help help help oh my God bro get him get him get him so how do you feel so want to scale from one to 10 they’re running from a 41 I’m not even joking how do I use this are you you kidding [Music] me away from me his team is behind his team is right behind right behind yeah right behind they’re do we fight them wait where’s flame where’s flame they’re right behind us they over here over here over here oh okay we need to F this [Music] oh my God what is happening no he’s so dead he’s so dead I am not dying what you talking about take another Gap if you ain’t dying bro take another Gap if you ain’t dying what I’m stuck why are you here this person’s cooked he’s so cooked he’s so cooked come here get in the go go go go go crazy oh my God such a clutch what a clutch I actually deserve I actually deserve to live after that I got it I got it I got it oh oh my God come on come on let’s go they’re on [Music] us okay never mind we got to go we got to go we got to go go go go go go go go go oh that was sick Bro you you were walking on water bro who was the solo chilling over here bro nobody no I have K oh that was a yeah use it use it use it to get me away M help help have I don’t have a boat [Music] nope oh my God all right hit him I hit him off I hit him off oh yeah let’s try and get out of here oh what the oh yeah I can use my ability oh not a great time to use it we lost our bow with W CH I need to get one in case a little bre I need to grab some yeah we need a break from fighting bro we had finally reached cornicopia and with the Border getting even closer our final battle against the other teams would soon begin n yo n what is that sword oh wait that actually looks like kind of kind of good kind of good yo he’s the get this guy oh you’re so cooked buddy I’m so sorry he’s back he’s he’s he’s he’s in a bad spot he bro what take that bro what no way oh now Wei oh what the oh no no no the bamboo the bamboo Bamboo one one you’re by yourself you might want to back off yeah back off oh yeah wait y why you be careful be careful careful get away from I can tra I can tra I can traaaa you guys all right I’m chilling oh no brother oh brother who invited this guy let’s go right go back what is this bro I’m stuck in a block inside focus focus SN Focus snap already already it just doesn’t make sense does it okay KN KN oh no no get na get na get na get up what oh blame you’re hitting but you’re hitting them but you’re hitting the entire Team bro I feel like this is a disadvantage oh yeah you can have the staff no shark yeah yeah yeah let’s get thank you oh shoot I was finally wielding one of the strongest weapons of the server and would use it in our final battle to win the magical tournament let’s let’s build a little spawn right here okay use this that well um yeah yeah oh God back up back up back up yo do we have no bows we got no pearls bro wait what’s our healing your differ put us on your differ we got to fight each Alliance Alliance we need Alliance now bro they’re alliancing right there with four teams remaining two groups decided to create an alliance to win the tournament so our best chance of winning was to work with Andre and his teammates everything we had fought for had led to this moment we got to go let’s go get him let’s get him let’s go I’m I’m so dead please I have no gear please please please get go get him no don’t get me I’m running shill kill me I’m just dead yo what’s good oh God I’m freaking Zeus I’m useless why is the getting so close man I’m just useless I’m useless get get get get oh no oh yes you do get over here nap get over here you’re mine you’re mine you’re absolutely mine sharks yeah sharks is on let’s go sharks let’s get him hey cyer we’re good we’re good we’re good oh no where my OG’s at bro why do they do damage do it do it do it you’re not dring Primm uh-oh come here nappy boy we were winning this fight however the enemy teams had their own legendary weapons and allumed us so it would be a close call all right yo E packs e pack e pack I’m dropping I’m dropping I’m dropping oh my god get him all back back up back up the got the heart I got H him y l who oh my go my [Music] God yes yes luk back back was calling you she’s we she’s we no thank you I’m fine I am I’m fine oh oh no no no no no no no [Music] com I can’t MLG bro kind of broken yo shark sharkar yo shark shark g g too than my go my go not soad not soad he can’t he can’t it he can’t use it he can’t use it oh my God your helmet hel p p p p bro somebody repl Gap the helmet [Music] helmet you oh oh my God oh my gosh I have 19 Hearts bro what how do you have 19 Hearts this just been picking up loot bro what the hello why am I stuck oh my god oh hey bro what’s up my helmet I don’t even know who I’m fighting at this point bro what what the gas I need help I need help I need help I’m I’m I’m here I’m here I’m here thank you thank you thank you oh my gosh how do I use a [Music] sword wait [Music] what help upex help up I’m coming I was getting extremely low and with the majority of our enemies starting to focus me I knew I had to make a decision fast I’m shot he’s low get shot [Music] he yeah I do I do I do oh my gosh oh my gosh me bro flame take my thing take my thing take blame oh wait I don’t see no no take my take my take St pleas no I got it I got it okay nice finished the fight for me boys I had died but luckily my teammates were able to win the tournament in the end if you enjoyed this story click one of the videos on screen YouTube thinks you’ll like them and thank you to everyone involved for making this tournament possible

100 Players Simulate a Magical Minecraft Tournament
Wishlist Click Click Dig: Idle Mine on Steam: https://bit.ly/4c9JN44

Thank you for watching this video! Huge thanks to Knapp & Nexus Events for making this tournament possible.

『 Affiliates 』
• Server Hosting: https://bit.ly/3IesORE
• Sharkilz Cosmetics: https://feathermc.com/sharkilz
• Use My Music: https://share.epidemicsound.com/wzm666
• Participate in Future Nexus Events: https://discord.gg/nexusmc

Edited by Sharkilz & dizzyu
( Inspired by SpeedSilver, MindOfNeo, Sword4000, ForgeLabs )

Some aspects of the story is inaccurate and recorded after the event for viewing purposes.

#Minecraft #Civilization #100Players


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