Terraria BUT with 300X TIMES ENEMIES

terrario with 300 time spawn rate is absolutely insane making it pretty much impossible to do anything in this game but I’m crazy enough to try it you think I can beat Terraria with all these enemies watch till the end to find out because it gets absolutely crazy with that said we load into our world and we have to get resources as fast as we can but before we can get much a swarm of hundreds of slime spawn in killing me and the guide at the same time so we start heading to the right to see if we can get any more resources and we die again we’re constantly being overwhelmed by enemies so my plan is to dig down as quickly as I can to avoid any slimes which does in fact work for a while but when we dig down it leaves room for slimes to spawn in to kill me and no matter where I go there’s more enemies that I can count so for now we’re going to have to stay near the surface I start using this cave as our base which makes it very easy to form enemies from the top we start putting walls into the base and since this is the place that we’re going to be the most I’m going to make it look as nice as possible for now we’re only going to utilize it for four rooms however we will most likely expend it later with our house being complete for now I start digging down my elevator so we can get to hell as quickly as possible and even after an hour of grinding I still can’t beat any of the enemies on the top of the surface but we do unlock the merchant into our house but even with shurikens unlocked I still can’t beat any enemies however there might be one weapon that we can use that might turn this around Jester arrows these arrows will allow us to pierce through any enemies that we want making it so we can kill any enemies that are in our way so with that we set up a falling star form and while we wait for that we go down to the mines to get some Loot and while we’re down here we get some Hermes boots meaning that this might actually turn around for us and after retrieving Our Stars right before getting attacked by a swarm of enemies we’re finally able to make our arrows while we wait for night time we set up an arena for the a cthulu however boss fights won’t be as hard as you think with this modon because in Terraria whenever you’re fighting a boss it reduces the spawn rate of any other enemies by 50% unfortunately that still means there’s going to be a couple hundred enemies so we wait till night time to fight the auru we spawn him in and it’s time for an intense fight we Dodge as much as we can avoiding all the iy SS at us it’s a very simple fight and honestly I think we’re going to be able to do it first try this might be a little bit harder than I thought but if you’re enjoying this video so far please make sure to subscribe and help me reach my Milestone of 10,000 subscribers you can be one of the first people to join me on this long journey on YouTube and enjoy the rest of the video after our miserable loss I start thinking of some strategies we can do for the I cthulu so I try to get the arm sealer for the Mega Shark but I don’t have enough room in the base for one more NPC if only there was a way to expand this tight living space wait what’s that noise Little John worked hard in the sheen Factory for 50 years just a scrape to gather enough money for a 1×1 meter living space this will not do he starts off by expanding the space outwards then he extends galvanized square steel to make this living space much more luxurious then borrow some expansion screws from his ant to fix it firmly to the wall wrapping it in eco-friendly wood veneer opting for a glass pane window for a beautiful sunset he then places a comfortable table for dining purposes and induction cooker in front of it this allowing him for easy access for a midnight snack above this he adds a toilet for his bathroom needs extending a platform above the entryway for a padded mattress for comfortable dreams underneath adding a dresser for his oftenly worn clothes of course we can’t forget his pet eagle and finally a TV not a painting or fun entertainment our little terrarian can now enjoy his underground base oh all that just to get the DI I guess for now we’re just going to stick with the arrows however I do have just one more plan that I’m not going to reveal just yet for now let’s just work on a elevator so far we’ve gone pretty deep into the mines allowing us to get extra heart crystals and extra ores however it’s no simple task but by being very careful we’re able to trch through the mines and get a lot of loot so after all this preparation let’s try I cthulu one final time starting off by making sure I can get a lot of good hits on him in the minds I was able to get loot to craft a grappling hook so I’m able to dodge a lot easier now with the I being in a second stage I have to be even more careful so I don’t instantly die dodging all his quick attacks and barely getting by with each second going by with a chance of us dying I damage the ithu even more and finally I get the ithu low enough so I can kill it but there’s something I’ve yet to mention about this video I decided to raise the stakes a little bit and put this into Master mode to make this experience even more hard than it already is so this is going to be one hell of a run we finally go back into the mind since I finally have good weapons to defend myself however I still like the skills to play this game but with our Platinum bow in hand we head over to the corruption there’s an item that we can get here that will turn this entire episode around something so crucial to this challenge that it will actually make a huge difference this of course being the bithorn bithorn is a piercing weapon that pierces indefinitely unfortunately it does fall under the class of Mage however we can fix that with all the Mana crystals we got from our farm earlier the born has incredible knockback for a starter weapon that you don’t even need to kill a boss to get and in my opinion it’s probably one of the best weapons you can get the start of the game meaning it’s perfect for our next boss fight the Eater of Worlds we blow the B the spoted in and we start attacking it with the bottle Thor even if we get hit by Drake snake multiple times we still do enough damage to hit it fast that it can hit us each segment dropping hearts and man Stars making it perfect for the situation with the F Thorn being able to hit every single part of the boss we’re able to defeat it in about 30 seconds and since we’re in master mode that means we get one of the best accessories in the game this of course being the worm scarf reducing 16% of the damage that we take which is absolutely insane we start traversing the world to see if we can find any accessories or any new weapons that will be perfect for skeleton we get Corner in the jungle allowing us to showcase the true power of the bilethorn we make it to the ocean to see if there’s any underwater accessories that we can grab from the underwater chest unfortunately after our unsuccessful Mission we just start digging the elevator even more on our way down we’re able to find some obsidian which will come in handy later and we finally made it to Hell something that we hope that Drake will be saying soon just kidding I’m not allowed to have an opinion on the internet so I was just joking we finally have the tools to mine health stone so we can make molten armor after drinking Obsidian Skin Potion we start mining every single block of hellstone that we could see and when I mean every single block I mean every single block and up with about 1,000 blocks in total so we head back up to the base and we have more houseal Sun than we can need allowing us to make every single piece of molten armor and tools that we need with this we head over to the west to defeat the final boss that we need this boss being Skeletron but before we reach the climax of this video I just want to ask you to please consider subscribing and ask you to join me on this journey to 10,000 subscribers with that said we summon Skeletron in and we start shooting him in the head with our arrows I start using a strategy where I throw Dynamite above the ARA to blow up his hands with enough dodging we’re able to slowly take out his hands with this we take out the vilethorn and we can do massive amounts of damage to Skeletron we can use volcano to do a lot of melee damage to him but it’s not as much as our bow can do with enough dodging we slowly take him down to zero HP beating Skeletron this releasing the floodgates for any enemies to spawn in and it’s absolute Hellfire we do have a lot of weapons that will help us defeat this massive wave of enemies but I don’t think it’s going to be enough so we run straight down into the dungeon trying to find what we came here for however with all the water candles that are in the dungeon it spawns a massive amount of enemies which I don’t even think it’s possible to survive down here however by some miracle an enemy drops a golden key which is what we need for the item we’re looking for this item being the cobal shield making us invulnerable to any knockback which this might be the most useful item for this challenge considering how much we get knockback from different enemies however with all that I’m sadly going to have to end this video here and don’t worry it’s not going to take me another month to come back with another video make sure to subscribe so you can stay tuned for whenever I actually do upload and really quick I just want to ask you to please go check out our Discord which I just recently made not too long ago and you can actually have inut on what video I upload next this video was actually submitted by one of my viewers and depending how well this video does I might do some more viewer submitted ideas so go check that out links in the description and thank you so much for watching C the outro [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]

discord: https://discord.com/invite/z7zrQjruDW
In this video i will be attempting a terraria challenge where i play with 300 time spawn rate. this terraria challenge was pretty hard so subscribe if you liked it.

if you like this video “Terraria BUT with 300X TIMES ENEMIES” please consider subscribing cause it helps me out alot. and check out my other Terraria challenge videos like: Terraria 1000 MODS, What if EA owned Terraria. and many other Terraria Challenge videos

Thank you for watching


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