Having an .EXE FAMILY in Minecraft!

um where are we isn’t this like the nice family server or something maybe it’s or family oh that’s not nice oh going be right okay oh my goodness no guys no I can save oh no R just run just run go just got to go just got to go he’s not there anymore wait what let’s just find the stupid computers and get out of here okay find them find them there’s one there computer there find to me for help when the monster get you a I don’t want to hear ins saying he definely get you first okay um that’s a computer there I’ll keep watch is the computer here computer hello oh hey I’m doing the hacking somehow this is how it works [Laughter] right oh he done okay Zane Zane no no no don’t don’t don’t oh no Zane oh no no no Z stay away see I told you it’s fine it’s fine we just got to find the next computer right Aaron Aaron are you okay oh I told you say it was going to be next oh stupid idiot wa Casey this might be a for us and if I want to tell you something I brought your I brought your makeup that one time I knew it was you I’m sorry it was just really beautiful my mom wouldn’t let me go to Sephora so I’m so sorry you better be out to me don’t we have to hack this computer I will okay computer hacking in progress here we go I’m doing the hacking Casey don’t worry girl we’re going to get out of here I got this I’ve got this I’ve got this I’ve got this done run we’re not going to Sephora I knew it please we have so much to live for we have to go to Sephora okay you don’t understand I’m in a tube oh my goodness where am I I’m still stuck oh okay what what happened to you let me get you out of there wait you’re okay I don’t know if okay is the way I would phrase it um wait what what happened to me I think I mean what happened to everyone oh my goodness yeah this is nuts hey there you are those blocks a we got to go block block block yeah I know I know I see him we got to beat them we’re not going to beat them and we’re not going to beat them I don’t want to hear that go go go got it oh I I don’t like any of these what do we get hey guys oh these are houses do we just get them and I can’t move either can’t seem to move uh first place a and Aaron what what this is a race O A lived in the end that makes sense that she’d get first place oh now we can move oh you move the computers got it I guess we get to pick I want this one fine yeah I guess yeah it look like our bones o we were second can move again oh man oh sorry no do you think we should get Casey ooh um how about this one works for me wait ooh noi looks like you got no choice oh that means I got oh I get the spooky special crate I mean dude they all kind of look okay and they’re weird yeah I think they all are let’s break them all right good luck I guess hope these houses don’t kill us there we go and stand back oh oh wait what am I looking at here that’s awesome wait is it like a rib cage or o there’s a maum and I got the spooky Mansion special and I hope it’s I I feel like our house doesn’t have a lot of privacy here wait what is this guy oh he serves cookies it’s a little it’s a cookie Butler oh no would be so jealous of this well don’t tell him okay I think he’s going to find out I he won’t if I hide him you know hiding anything inside this house is going to be little I’m going to eat all these cookies wait a minute don’t you dare I’m going to eat them in the bed your side no no no the view is beautiful I don’t know why you didn’t like this place yeah the few of all my inner demons haunting me here I swear AOW every time I turn my head I see something oh um okay show me where it is okay it was right down here see I just I came down here and then there was a thing that just popped out right here and went you know you actually have a lovely bedroom there’s nothing bad in here just a tree and that’s good for the environment I swear there was a thing here earlier okay if it’s not here then it must have gone down here look it was totally down here it just I turned my head and went boom you know where exe is right the painting’s nice I guess oh raining got to go by wait don’t leave me don’t leave me sorry you’ll be fine okay I don’t think no understands that this is like a can you serve anything other than cookies please hey Aaron no doesn’t understand that we’re exe’s and everything’s scary well that just sounds like typical no know but um maybe we should finish the roof yeah I know this house is really bad in retrospect with zero privacy in here wait wait what the heck was that did you see something I definitely saw something fall from the sky what was that I’m going to check it out all right just be careful all right uh come come come let’s go oh a baby Toro what what see wait a minute wait baby tea oh I don’t like what this is applying wait wait maybe we can make a baby out of this oh there’s baby head falling into the void same come on we got to make one B wait babies don’t have teeth AR This Is A Lie yeah I know I was thinking about that yeah they like gum you to death oh the heads I got them hey that’s that’s our what are you doing Aon I can make a million babies no no no no we don’t need a million babies we can’t afford that yes we can we got this let’s see I got torso te arm leg I don’t know how this works all right let’s see I can make baby what money we got no money make her baby hang on Baby arm baby leg go I think I got 70 teeth I think that’s about enough I know I know okay all right all first all one baby please not more than that teeth somewhere yeah please tell me the graic recipe for a baby is what army would like to make a baby I don’t know how this work what oh I don’t know that yet oh she’s so cute and creepy and oh I love her all right Casey let’s see baby baby. exe has been been born oh my of course the baby’s been born look at the B oh so cute oh my God he’s got a lovely smile I love the oh what’s your baby oh another baby oh this Baby’s definitely going to murder us we got to get rid of this thing have used a couple extra teeth yeah a couple really a couple I mean that’s a good thing right o okay no what’s your baby it’s terrifying it’s a baby a it’s a shadow baby I know did you burn the bottom of your baby Aaron more babies more more more more wa uh wait what do we uh wait a minute oh eliminate the village huh all right be great how do we do that Aaron we’re supposed to be spooky so we need to go ahead and get rid of all of them I know I know let’s talking more winning let’s go okay yeah yeah on it on it uh I was going to do that too oh yeah yeah I’m sure you are huh sorry come on guys you better catch up S I’m evil today H hi oh bar going down uh the bar’s not going down also I feel really bad about this of why can’t we hurt the villagers yeah definitely hurting them wait the light maybe the lanterns oh oh okay we went straight to the punching and not the oh wait a minute they have okay there’s one out here holding a guys I think you got to get rid of the lanterns all the light oh this poor villager we got to make it super spooky all right is got that got the back sorry villagers you know what oh down neat I guess it’s how EXs work all right eron come on we got to get this we got to go the game is going to judge us based on who survives the most I know it I did it before remember yeah I remember there some over here yeah and it got a nice house okay got lucky all right villager there you go there a bunch of them over here almost got away from me nobody’s anyway I’m getting of them o nice nobody’s St I think I’ll take a few first got him nice your oh hey we’re back we already done congratulations PR in your homes wait let’s go check it out what do we get what the what is happening oh half our baby’s broken um I don’t like this Aaron oh but I guess she’s spooky so it’s okay I I don’t think that was surprise she’s so H yeah there what is this over here oh hey is this a pet is this a puppy I like it it’s a puppy no it is definitely not a puppy I don’t care it’s a puppy now it’s my honorary puppy it’s got no it is not it’s a puppy I know what dogs are and that is not a dog oh no hi ammo you okay you being weird really us yeah my family is bigger now what is this a bee oh how nice yeah they’re kind of cute and my baby who’s just playing there menacingly yeah I I think I moved you know wait did it huh you might want to be careful you should have play the exe game you were scared Noy Noy stop huh I don’t know if uh this is a cute pet Casey oh it’s so cute look at it I found it’s a big puppy oh it’s adorable fine here you go Bud a it’s an exe so cute I want to give it a hug if I can pick it up I guess a see AO appreciates cuteness I do why’ you encourage her what wa what was that oh I got a phone hey I got a phone too phones can we use them like call each other stuff he do we have an tting plan no we don’t we never did yeah I definitely got a phone though I got a phone too he can you see me doesn’t mean you’re going to text me all the time again I want to call I’m trying to do like a walkie-talkie thing okay I no we can just hear each other you know give it to the baby yeah F give it to your kid the phone the baby not a baby a phone this early young to have an ie bone oh no but she grew up what doesn’t even make any sense oh she’s cute she’s going to be a menace when she goes up wait is she is she normal or her she kind of looks normal you know I guess it is look at her so precious you’re going to cause a lot of trouble when you grow up yes you are yeah just don’t spin again you know protect your family wa huh wait what what does that mean what theck Casey get back in stay away my good maybe we should get door oh no no no baby stay away go away Sho be we’re supposed to save the bees not kill them you messed with a Rong pop up there monster no I just don’t kill me all right wait cookie Butler what you doing out here oh I’m just going to block that off got it got it got it got it got it thanks for the help s oh you’re welcome come on guys oh yeah good job you don’t mess with any of our babies my baby I will not have it in this house oh that thing F over oh yeah no thanks to you I mean you handled it pretty well I know I did but we could have used the help you know upgrades wait huh oh I got some Chie and stuff oh wait what I got an arm I got a meat Shield what you didn’t even do anything oh I got a new helmet and check it out cat Sun’s growing up an eyeball oh oh don’t throw that at me get away yeah oh hey Che throw te hey hi huh oh wait a minute is this a mouth that’s horrifying weird oh wait wait what game is weird we playing dentists oh hey I got the teeth we put them in don’t go in with them these are attacking summoning teeth I didn’t do anything they disappeared ow oh they don’t like us all right get away get all those cavities that the bad teeth oh they got teeth bom blocks yeah wait what do we do here minute wait so do we fill in the teeth oh we do guys we just got to fix the mouth a bit all right got it we got to kill more come on we got to help out you know it’s not nice to have a cavity these are not cavities they’re just angry team keep going after them go got a few of those got some more all right just a few more down here there we go Bottom’s looking good wait the the ones on the top too or extra two I get extra two is that okay probably not right I mean some people have extra teeth we’ll call on wisdom too all right let’s see I’ll hold this off and Aon can you get the T of teeth please yeah I’m going I’m going nice all right all right there we go I got this here watch it there we go shoot get away that’s as high as I can reach right now oh why cuz you’re so short hey excuse me well it’s not my fault you’re vertically impaired got it I can’t believe this if I’m so short you know what I’m going to way out here you guys do all the work fine fine then I finish up not see what you can do all right how’s it going oh let us out help let us outu guys I can’t I didn’t do that um maybe I’m too short to let you guys out I can’t reach oh fine you know you’re perfect the way you are you’re not short at all a thank you all right let’s see what I can do uh oh there we go all right oh my God light we’ll call him G can we get out of here now or enjoy your prize it’s a surprise ooh they use prize one I don’t want any more prizes let’s see what happens better not be another weird animal oh there’s our baby all right wait what another baby oh oh they really like doing that huh oh no no no not you too um another baby why do they keep doing that a second baby thisy Casey I’m so glad we could on a little picnic you know play date adorable they’re so happy they’re so cute oh wait they spin when they’re happy I think that’s so adorable oh a all right you know what that reminds me we are exe’s but we haven’t really done much scarying than the villagers you know maybe we’re nice but I have an idea you stay here and watch this okay okay all right let’s see Aaron yeah yeah um I uh I’ve got a weird thing going on can’t control oh my goodness F what are you doing my player is glitching out wait wait wait the exe has taken over my body maybe I can kill you to get rid of it uh wait uh maybe I maybe not well I really don’t want to die to you oh you can’t actually kill me you need this you need it to help me no it’s a prank it was a prank okay it’s a prank bro oh oh are you sure are you sure you don’t need me to kill you wait wait a second what the heck is that oh what the waa that was not there before wait what is that a keyboard let’s take a look shall we all right uh dog you’re in charge yeah maybe you be careful with your pranks next time yeah I will I’m sorry just want to have fun oh no Zane wait is that do my eyes de see me oh this makes everything worth it it’s a computer or something it’s a giant computer aou think of the possibilities but dude there’s nothing even on it there so many games to play yeah there’s all right I’m going to stand in this this the only one to find out what happened get all the keys guys okay all right let’s see oh jeez what the okay we’re hacking the computer watch kids dead first all right come on let’s keep going got this one o i got this one and oh hacking oh what oh what do we do with that all right we opened a portal to the computer oh wait we go in or where do you think it goes uh take our family to the portal to destroy come on Casey let’s grab the kids yeah wait we got to get the kids I don’t know how they’re going to help us but uh no no this is what they’ve been trading for I think they haven’t been trading at all you talking about come on dark spooky son time for an adventure okay our babies on the play dat uh let’s see yeah I got the kid um I got come on guys go teach the exe a lesson now you have no arms wa I have no arms don’t look at me come on let’s go I I lost my arms I think it’s part of the Glitchy thing okay let’s go here we go we’ve got this guys think so all right yeah come on come on let’s goor let’s go in woo hey we’re back here again yeah wait this is where it all began now we need to be the the ones to take over that Steve thingy now oh the but’s here too nice yeah there he is all right get him put teeth in his teeth there we go would okay okay he’s running he’s scared of us on run just like before when we were scared now the tables have turned wait where’d it go wait huh whoa what oh oh there he is he’s back I got that oh too easy oh we got this gu just be careful he may be leading us somewhere very tricky maybe oh he’s got this lightning come on he go we got find him again wait I have an idea he put us in those test tubes maybe we should put him in one and see what happens wait how do we do that all right we just got to lure him but got him wait are you R keep going trying I’m just getting electricuted no normal stop running you coward oh where did I’m watch our back he shows up here I’m going to check these RS oh oh there he is get him get him get him there to we can throw him in wait there is someone just pick them up and throw them in all right let’s see maybe we can get this uh keep your eyes out and uh exe oh behind you he is get him there he is let’s go nice gra do it wait all right bye got him that one Steve what are you going to do okay oh good job babe we good wooho we good so what we do now I don’t know are we cured now or wait looks oh he sa he’s normal wait I’m free thank you okay but what about us well now that that’s done Boop noise dude what the heck’s wrong with you hey what better way to face your punch the face plus he did threaten my so that’s true isn’t even here look at you overcoming your fear I me not to mess with you so good no don’t you dare hey

An apple a day keeps the .EXE away!
💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 https://aphmeow.com/
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aphmau_

====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .====
★ Aaron: Jason Bravura
★ Zane: Kestin Howard
★ KC: MegaMoeka
★ Noi: Michael A. Zekas

NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft.

#Minecraft #Aphmau


  1. I'm so grateful your the best I'm a big fan I love you so much you Bring so much happiness to me I'm crying I hope you the best I will watch you forever and I'm so Excited for Season 7 I hope you and aaron have the best life ever💜❤️

  2. Aphmau there's a really concerning youtube chanel using ur character that I wanted to put out & it's called "ThreeMarche" It is truly weird & wanted to raise awareness of what kids are watching

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