I Survived Every Minecraft Update…

believe it or not this is me in every single Minecraft update ever yep because in this video me and my friend are going to be playing every Minecraft update that has ever been released starting with beta and working our way all the way up to the newest version so if you enjoy this video and want to see maybe a survival series then leave a like let me know and let’s get straight into it to start off we’ll be in beta Minecraft which has very few mobs and no hunger bar at all we are in and this is is this is just a nostalgic title screen I I love it Johnny I’m joining the server oh my goodness can we even oh you can look at yourself but you can only look at the back of your head you can’t look at the front of your head oh wow I love the back of my head is great Johnny we can’t Sprint yeah hold on a second where are my Hunger bars yeah there’s none there is none oh you can’t use any numbers you can’t shift click items you can’t drag click you have to literally click everything singularly but here we are let’s make a wooden pickaxe boom Oh my my goodness Cobblestone is so ugly Johnny so what was added in this update like what is what is this update dude this is like the foundation of everything so this isn’t this is just the B this is base stuff like Basics Basics wait what was this I just saw I just saw a mob come over here oh my God look at the Sheep they’re bouncing why is it bouncing what are he doing can we appreciate we’re both your Steves right now what oh here is what I kill it I’m killing them why don’t sheep drop meat oh my God they they dropped multiple wool though yeah but mutton doesn’t exist I completely forgot about that oh I found a cow Johnny it’s getting dark it’s turning tonight what I’ve lost a sword okay we need to build some sort of Shack because otherwise this is not going to work yeah what you k you got to tell us what the aim is for each uh each update okay right for this one I want us to just build your name tag stays the same size so it’s just massive massive right we need to get food and we need to build I want to build a dirt base for this place all right I killed a cow and I didn’t get any oh wow this looks great this is bad we Johnny it’s turning it’s going to be pitch black I’m already struggling to see let’s go Johnny it’s getting too dark we need to I can’t see anything oh creeper creeper be so careful be so careful okay I’m going in oh I’m going in oh nice how much wool do you have seven oh right okay cool yeah I I’ll make one bed you make another one oh I don’t think beds exist Johnny so they’re telling me I’ve got to stay up all evening beds is beds don’t exist right let’s carry on then one second I’m coming i’ I’ve found good things I did it oh yes oh look out Johnny ah okay I got you I got you we’re fine I’m providing light ah creeper two Creepers Johnny this is bad this is really bad they they hit me from so far nice nice come on yeah get in there John I’m better at this version than I at the normal one right we’re going to remove all this I just want a classic dirt base all right I see how is you don’t like my artistic input no not in the slightest we’ll have a window back here one two there we are windows oh my God doors are a thing oh daytime okay good right we need to I need to kill these cows now or I’m going to die Johnny who who in Mojang was like oh you know what we should not add to the start of this game sprinting and make everyone just take oh ow you okay yeah I’m good I’m killing cows and not getting any food I’ll be honest really yeah I don’t think food’s in the game you don’t think any food’s in the game I don’t think food’s a thing right furnace I’m putting glass in here yes Johnny Johnny I’m making glass we need more sand we need more I got loads I got loads this is how everyone must have played Minecraft back in the day this was everyone’s base wait wait wait no Johnny this is actually we are cooking for just a dirt ma it is really something K I’m coming back and I’ve got no food and it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter come here come here I’m back I’m I’m going as quick as I can it’s so slow right we may have absolutely no food Johnny but we have got the most beautiful starter base I’ve ever seen it’s fantastic look at it oh I think we should I think we should update Johnny I I I’m on one and a half hearts yeah we definitely need to update now we’re on to the first official update of Minecraft 1.0 which added the stronghold and end to the game but that’s getting a little ahead of ourselves thing Johnny I’ve got a hunger bar where are you my friend I’m in yes oh we can right click our swords I can right click my sword now Johnny I’m no longer on one and a half hearts it’s so it looks so much better already how weird is that so much better sheep still don’t get give you food Johnny we’re sprinting wait of course mutton doesn’t exist okay right in that case we just need to go and find cows yeah I just killed them all unfortunately right I need to oh wait no I’ve got full I’ve got full hunger again I mean full health again we’re good also the leaves are like all boy textures they look so funny I know they look terrible oh food yes coal thank you I’m collecting coal so we can make more torches I found I found a cow singular dude I forget we only have one hand yeah but see this is the Minecraft I remember this is I this is what I can do okay I say I say we go caving man oh gravel’s disgusting I found iron iron yes it’s getting dark again I’m going to test if I can make beds okay go for it please oh if you can tell me I don’t have any wood wait I do I do let me check boom boom yes bed okay we have a slightly small house but that’s okay we’re going to sleep in the floor you and I all right okay let’s do it let’s sleep yes ZZ Z I’m quite upset I didn’t get my skin I made a whole custom skin for this video and now I’m just Steve okay right I’ve got eight iron let’s go into a cave and then start yeah we’ll start figuring it out am I just meant to dig down no I look for a cave on the surface but I can’t never dig down in Minecraft Johnny that’s the one rule yeah yeah don’t cut to my POV right now dude I’m getting loads of iron I’m going to have a some in no time this is a race I’m going to win if it’s a race boom iron is smelting well well when I find diamonds first that will be something all right okay we’ll do a race to find diamonds okay come on chest plate yes iron chest plate I’m going to make a sword and a pickaxe oh we can’t make Shields and helmet I’m going to get a diamond first this is going to it’s going to break the internet oh I found a spawner go away go away ouch ouch okay oh it’s a pig spawner what what it’s a pig spawner that’s spawning spiders so much stuff I got a saddle which you can’t even use cuz horses haven’t even been added ah no com oh my God Johnny no comment right that’s it no no right we’re meet up at the base we’re going to the base now okay oh yes I see the base okay good I thought I wasn’t going to be able to find it I’m going to make a trail so I don’t lose it I don’t even think I could find where I was either okay yeah well let’s just let’s sleep and get out of here the next up is 1.3.1 which is when villager trading was introduced as well as the new Temple structures good morning sunshine good morning look at all my things that I have exactly you have so much okay well the good news is I have two iron for you and you know what you can have my leggings and boots that seems fair you know what I did try my hardest oh dude I don’t know if you no but back in the day when PVP servers were massive like in these low versions you could block hit and it meant you had a chance of yeah you literally had a chance of hitting someone and blocking their hit at the same time so yeah go can’t block me though go on try and kill me try and kill me come on oh what oh my goodness if you could see my face right now I am the smuggest man in the world please everyone clip that over insan I did not expect to die that quickly this man is a fraud fraud okay okay okay whatever stone sword as well by the way okay fine whatever right let’s go on an adventure which which way do you want to go H I don’t know I I do want to find a village I want us to find I want us to find some civilization and see what it was like back in this day all right ooh wait can we make a boat yep okay I’ve got a it’s the old texture of boat Johnny what what is it just a straight block oh my goodness it’s just straight that’s so ugly there just a there just a tiny little so like it’s just clearly a village has been like right we’re going to spawn here but H maybe not there’s literally just wheat and that’s it oh dude it’s the old moving mechanics as well yes oh nice it’s oh my my boat broke uh actually I should I can make us both a bow I’m going to do that if I actually I don’t know if bows exist I can’t lie oh y they do here you are here’s a bow okay let’s go I’m just so excited to find a village oh I see land are you kidding is that just a tiny little island Johnny oh my God it’s Lonely Island episode one I see I see land I see land if this is not if this is another tiny Island I give up no that looks like an island right okay okay let’s stop let’s stop cuz if we just keep loading in the world when we go up into higher updates it’s just going to be ocean again so get out the boat and turn around we’re going to go back I’ve never turned back in my life o lots of cows as well okay good we’re getting food this way at least that’s something oh dude you get so much leather from cows in this it’s so good how do you have 34 beef I killed loads of cows bro all right this is all looking like new stuff this is looking good the trees look still look awful why why is there four different types of leaves on One Tree oh oh my goodness wait I see something Johnny something new oh my God jungle yes and a desert there’s surely got to be a thing in there I don’t know cuz it looks like it’s leads right onto just ocean again but instead of finding a village we might be able to find a jungle temple we’re now at the end we’re in a swamp no no no Johnny I believe I don’t it’s not looking good are you kidding me we found a swamp before we found no oh I see a cactus oh okay that’s oh my God is it a desert yes Johnny this actually might be our chance this desert is massive there’s got to be something here oh there is there actually is I my render distance is not as good as yours but I I trust you that is unreal okay thank God okay I’m going to dodge all these Su so so the nearest the nearest one to us is 1,000 blocks In fairness they they they got added in this update they had to make them rare I understand that’s so annoying though so what do I so are we trying to trade with these guys yeah I say should we try and get should we try and get one Emerald each oh one Emerald for a cookie don’t have any emeralds though okay yeah now we don’t also cookies suck oh actually I’m just going to start collecting all this wheat 14 wool for one Emerald I’ve got two wool I have got got four so that’s not good to us it’s so much easier you don’t have to change them into somebody it’s just so easy that they yeah you don’t have to place down a load of tables and hope for the best this zombies trying to kill the villagers ah K come to me okay one second I’m sorry I’m just slaughtering boys Johnny be careful you blow up the village no I’m saving them okay okay 18 wheat for an emerald 18 wait I’ve got 26 that’s good isn’t it okay wait I’ve got 26 I can uh I can hit some of these okay so we need 36 for the both of us I think we’ve got I’ve got 34 yep Chuck me all yours I got 10 there you go right if we both get an emerald I’ll consider this a success you you take a contr he’s in that house he’s in that house here okay 17 boom one Emerald for me one Emerald for you yo yes that is a success can I now trade this for a cookie it’s your it’s your Emerald man do what you want with it what else am I going to do with this the only problem Johnny is that we’re now 1,000 blocks away from home well K I have eight cookies so I’m in for the Long Haul over to 1.4 named Minecraft’s pretty scary updates carrot and potato Farms were added to villagers as well as the Wither boss so we had one goal in mind Johnny 1.4.2 baby we’ve still got the long journey to make but the good news is about this long journey um you might be happy about this one we uh we can summon the wither I don’t remember the last time I beat the Wither well exactly it’s just fun both so on our way back we can get iron we can find a lava pool and we can go to the Nether and think about it yeah sure surely isn’t it shorter in the nether is that some kind of pro knowledge oh dude that’s actually genius knowledge uh so are we meant to be finding a cave yeah that’s what we’re looking for now ooh oh a small cave small oh and lots of iron okay good that’s really good oh my God a dog try and get him try and get bone don’t I yeah yeah give him the bone give him the bone oh which one I like this one yeah please please this one’s mine no oh yes we both have a dog just do not hit each other by accident or they’ll attack us that is something I cannot promise oh there are so many cool glitches you can do with Minecraft I want to see if they still work yep okay nice I found a cave in front of me nice what okay yeah no this is how we find diamonds John caves like this okay this is where the M shaft is Johnny so we need to be careful and we need to make sure we’ve got a safe way of coming back and I found a chest ooh free Iron thank you and free bread oh I hear loads of lava here Johnny this is where we go to the nether all right should I not should I go down to Y 11 should I try and find a diamond yeah go on start strip mining whilst I just get us arrows oh my God guess what I found what I found the end wait what I I found found where you go to the end no you haven’t have you found the stronghold yeah I found the stronghold what I can’t tell if you’re joking nope I’m inside oh my no you’ve actually how have we just stumbled upon the stronghold they wanted me to find it this is what okay I’m saving the coordinates of this place I don’t know it doesn’t lead anywhere though it’s really small now often they’re broken up into random places yes it goes over here chest oh gold ender pearl I found all the bookcases oh my good we’re rich check check to see if they have any Enchanted uh books in the chests is enchanted books in this update oh I don’t oh my God I don’t even think anvils exist oh lava pool no no no no oh okay good oh I might have whiffed that oh my that was bad I’m going to build us a nether portal boom Johnny we have a nether portal the Portal’s lit Johnny so wait we you want me to fight the withers and with the skeletons with no diamonds yep I want us to do this all right I have got pretty much two stacks of arrows for us here you are take this 53 each that’s how we stay alive in the nether Johnny we’re going let’s just do this let’s go let’s go kill some Withers this is our worst idea oh stay care be careful oh the ugly nether is back we’re we’re going to need to kill so many wither skeletons so this is going to be we’re just going to chop this up so it’s just us oh is that Fortress where are you I’m L behind you here oh wow I found it kid okay right with the skeletons get looking John hello oh I found blazes and they don’t look happy to be here right this should stop them from spawning good oh thank you blaze rod we’ve got two blaze rods Johnny wait Johnny I think they added the Wither but not wither skeletons what so there’s actually no way to get the Wither yet I’m looking at the wiki it says the Wither was added but it says nothing about wither skeletons so so Johnny and I just spent ages running around this Fortress and absolutely no Wither Skeleton spawned so the server helped us oh Johnny do you see what I see I see it I can see it is it a chest it is a chest finally we’ve been waiting so long waiting so long for this to happen I don’t know what’s wrong with our server but uh something’s clearly broken something is broken and it’s not our fault boom three Wither Skeleton skulls okay Johnny I’ve got them just run just run run back to the portal no oh no no no no no just run just run I’m following you okay I’m running around I’m running around we just need to get Soul Sand on our way back and we’re good okay come on here we go I’m grabbing some of the Soul Sand we just need four yes we’re home baby we’re home are we actually going to do this are we going to defeat this wither uh yeah how hard could it be man all right okay well we’re going to do it oh no no not going to do by the stronghold no no we’re going to create a strip mine so that the Wither has nowhere to escape and we’re just going to defeat it in an Alleyway all right we’re going to do it underground yeah yeah that’s your this is your great idea all right fine you know what let’s do it at the surface do it okay get back get back it’s going to explode run to me Johnny run to me run to me do not stay in the base Johnny you’re going to you’ve ruin our house you’ve ruin our house I’ve shut the door I’ve shut the door Johny get out oh and okay I told you I don’t think that that’s not my fault that is entirely your fault actually oh he’s com my I can’t I can’t Sprint Johnny shoot him okay yes good yes we’re confusing him by hitting him yes oh my goodness it hurts it hurts oh my goodness what do you mean you’re nearly dead okay you’re taking him too far away you need to take him further away from the base Johnny you’re going to get it ruined the base is already ruined it’s about it’s about beating the Wither now and not dying focus on what important okay okay I’m keeping them off you now you keep them off me okay oh my god dude this is absolutely disgusting let get closer let me get closer oh my goodness yes oh my goodness I’m down a I need to heal I need to heal two HS oh no no no no this bad this bad BOS did you kill him oh my God I’m sweating oh my God John you got it what do I do no but look what I’ve actually got the door to our house oh F thankfully after that we’re up to 1.5 which is a much more peaceful change as it’s the Redstone update but I’ve never really understood Redstone so it’s time I learn Johnny we’re back my friend and look at this place it’s it’s been better it’s looked better we need to go mining we need to get lots and lots of redstone is this the Redstone update I’m so excited well I’ve also got this yeah also yeah I want us to get a beacon 100% I want us to get a beacon okay let’s go going to dig down okay fine we’ll dig straight down we’re going to dig straight down and strip mine if we need to okay I hear a spider I hear a spider yes oh I hear loads I’m in I found a spawner oh well there’s no chests oh what okay well let’s save the spawner we might need it oh my God I found another spawner what what where are you oh dude you need to you need to like the way with torches Redstone yes all right well at least there’s gold here we’re getting rich oh my goodness Johnny we can make golden apples with nuggets so we need to make as many as we possibly can while we’re in these earlier updates o Johnny I’m I feel like I’m in a prime mining cave a diamond mining cave oh it’s so foggy down here so much Redstone oh of course at this point there is literally only coal red stone diamonds and iron diamonds can’t be this rare diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds nerd every time how do you win every time diamonds I’ve I don’t even know where you are I can’t even come steal them come here baby oh it’s three we can get obsidian we can make a beacon oh if we get two more we can make enchants as well oh more diamonds what the are you strip mining you just finding them no I’m just finding them in a cave cuz I’m not dumb why am I strip mining then this is fun for nobody one oh my God we’re getting enchants Johnny oh this is the fun part of enchants as well where you have no idea what you’re going to get on them oh yeah you don’t need to use lapis that’s the good stuff more diamonds oh my goodness I’ve got nine diamonds Johnny yep I’m also helping okay here we go oh I think I found your little cave your little strip mine hello Jonathan okay I was going to give you diamonds but all right no I don’t want them I don’t want your handouts I don’t want charity I shall do this on my own in that case whilst you’re being stubborn I’m going to start smelting everything we need so if you got anything to smell come stick it in these furnaces you are Johnny take this come back my little pator oh nice so how how many blocks of iron do we need for a beacon you 25 plus 16 yeah a lot okay cool I’m going to quick quickly get us the obsidian we need okay friend thank you okay we done got it obsidian is got ow oh my lordy Lord have you done it I’ve done it oh my God but my pickaxe is broken of course it is right let’s run back uh no we don’t need to run back we just need to dig up it’s this way okay we need we need sugar cane we need sugarcane and we need to find a place to build we can’t build in that terrible we shall rebuild oh I think we’re near oh yep I found it is it looking good oh my God absolutely disgusting why don’t we build on a hill and then look over this what if we just build a massive Tower up in four different directions and then we place a lava bucket on top and then water on top of that lava bucket and it creates a massive Cobblestone building I can only I mean I don’t know how we Implement Redstone into that but I can only imagine it would look great just for the door just for the door we only need Redstone for the door okay Johnny we just need to break all of these trees and we need to set up a little chest for us how many of trees am I getting down loads just get to work man okay and then I think the entrance to our base should be about here okay so I’m thinking we do 89 the center would be here okay this is going to be such a toall cool looking base I’m actually I’ve got such a good idea you’re going to be so angry when I tell you there’s a village literally right next to us that’s heartbreaking okay Johnny I waited for you to let this magic happen cuz look at it you see I’ve realized what you’re going to do yes this is going to look so bad no no it’s going to look awesome trust me oh my God and Johnny welcome home what manner of things have you created what do you mean it’s hot base Johnny don’t you love it is it even Hollow it’s not even Hollow you didn’t do this right I disagree I think this went perfectly so even now we have to do Johnny is hollow it out and add Windows people say that the most beautiful buildings lie in asymmetry okay thanks to Google I did a thing oh my God I did it oh Beacon now all you have to do is put a piece of iron in it and it’ll give us effects uh do you want speed or haste you pick you you did it Johnny I’m proud of you here we are here’s our door our entry door right here wait all we need to do now Johnny is get every bit of sand we’ve got and put it in furnaces how did you make an enchant table oh my Johnny you took all the obsidian for the enchant table no I took it for the beacon this is more important yes I oh okay well now we don’t have an enchant table well then why didn’t you get why did you get four pieces because that’s the exact amount need for an ench table I forgot about the beacon oh maybe we should put the beacon in the floor here and it should go through the roof I like that that’s actually really good Johnny it’s done it is actually done wait I’m going to go look at it from the bottom of the hill I mean even from the top of the hill looks bloody good oh Johnny it looks unreal lonely CL Tower not sponsored but please buy the merch when it releases right Redstone door please okay right now Johnny the way I’m going to do this door is we’re going to have a little button down here that you right click it and then you run up to the door and it opens and it’s going to have a little delay so you’ve got plenty of time to run there so maybe actually know maybe we’ll have the button start here and then we just need to make a redstone repeater and the button goes here then up here up here so the door needs to be on this block me this block needs to be powered here boom whisp my door isn’t working I’m working on it wait wait I know what I’m doing wrong redstone block this comes here like this but then this start off all right well the good news is Johnny we have a door that is always open oh we’re so kind to people I’m so glad we took so long in the the crazy Redstone update to create a door that doesn’t work so versions 1.67 and8 didn’t really add much other than a load of new blocks and biomes such as the dark oak forest so we’re going to go search it so John we’re basically for this part just going to explore there is loads of new stuff that we need to explore wait so are we racing am I going to fight so we got to find three biomes first yeah if we find like two of the three I’m happy but the structure we’re looking for is an ocean Monument you’re running the same way as I’m going no no no I’m going a different way now I’m going into the ocean so the question is who is going to find either the monument first or if one of us is going to find one of the biomes first I reckon the ocean Monument’s easier I’m going to I’m going to win all of them so it doesn’t matter okay don’t don’t worry about it okay well I I think I’ve just found an ocean and you found the monument no no but I found a massive ocean this is a good SL yeah I’m already in an ocean but wait get I might have won what ow I think I found a savannah Savannah’s got Orange Wood right yes I’m in a savannah that’s 1 N Choke it up oh I’ve see a savannah literally as I win no can’t have that one I win Sor that’s so annoying right I’m on foot again I’m making a move okay well I found a desert so if I find a desert temple I’m considering I’m considering that a win that’s not what we’re looking for at all guys don’t let him don’t let him trick you oh desert temple was just not part of the competition though guys no but it’s awesome oh easy don’t break good like this here what do we get bones diamonds and protection 3 efficiency 4 book and protection 3 Infinity one book oh yes that’s pretty good BL and loads more bones okay and then also the TNT I found a massive ocean oh dark oak forest that’s one one baby that’s one one well as in is it a roofed Forest yes all right fine then I guess it’s whoever finds either a Mesa or an ocean Monument wins all right that’s the tiebreaker I’ll take it I’m literally in the ocean right now so I’m going to make this happen oh my God kit yeah I found one I’ve done it no wait really I’ve done it I’ve done it I’m so far away from our base but I have found one it’s taking long I’m currently 3,900 blocks I’m only just heading back from a different direction I’m 3,600 blocks away no you’re joking me no way did we just find did I just find this 10 seconds after you is this if this is the same one I’m going to Riot oh my God I found yours right hello I win are you kidding me hello sir right we’ve updated it so that we can actually see what’s going on underneath the water otherwise this is going to be impossible John oh this is going to be horrific we can’t swim but when when you’re in their line of sight they will start zapping you so just kill them kill them if they’re zapping you okay it’s a dead end okay that’s fine just do not block ourselves in anywhere otherwise we’re doomed oh yes we can go up good so now if we get up into a little pocket here we can just remove the water and have a little place to breathe here are these sponges yes they are Johnny they are sponges come on smacking them get wrecked ah get destroyed it’s a dead end okay dead end oh we’re so slow just walking around this place yeah this place is massive oh sh I found a big room okay good good I’m coming to you die okay I’m out of arrows that’s bad there also if you need to place blocks but don’t don’t oh no I might have just blocked Us in wait this is where the Elder Guardian is going to be kill him while she can okay good good good get out of the way get out of the way I can’t breathe we just need to keep going in and healing and staying away from them come on come on come on come on nice okay okay I’m low I’m low oh Jo this this is good this is good but dangerous oh no this is the room oh there’s oh okay the Elder guardian’s near here the Elder Guardian is near here he’s really near here Johnny we might just need to go around we might just need to go down and around come on come on come on follow me follow me where is this thing oh here he is Elder Guardian Elder Guardian look out look out look out Johnny be careful be so careful he’s hard to kill yes yes this is it yes good he does more damage as well oh man John don’t die don’t die run run run oh breathing breathingart stay behind blocks stay behind blocks run away from bit once I Y okay that’s fine I smacked him yes nice we got him right we need to get back to that massive room John oh I just got hit by an Elder Guardian again oh my God I found the other one come to me come to me come to me I found the other one oh he’s in the big room okay this is good this is good no this is a different room yeah oh yeah it is you’re right okay good we just need to kill him come on come on just stay behind blocks yes oh he’s easy come here oh I’m going to drown okay go go go go go we got this CH yes I’m going Dr not oh there’s another one there’s another one above us oh my goodness another one please please wait so this will be all of them surely oh my goodness oh that was so easy to kill wait okay now we just need to find the big room ah the rout oh my God there’s still so many people oh okay okay that’s bad okay we’ve only got Min if for another minute 30 we got to kill all these guys anyway okay I’m behind you as well okay yeah I’m getting low I need to need to breathe and heal oh M’s gone Johnny we just need to kill this last one and we can get the gold blocks there inside this massive room there’s more than one okay I’m just going to break it I’m just going to break it and go up okay okay yes Gold Blocks oh nice ah oh so many Gold Blocks yes come on now this way follow me follow me and then up here is the sponges we don’t need them though let’s just leave and we are out yes all right well now all we have to do Johnny is travel 3,700 blocks and we can update so I’m just going to go go like this Bingo right it’s update time Johnny let’s do this thank god oh kit did you leave the door open unlike the last update 1.9 changed the world well at least for some people it did it’s the combat update so timing is now key to everything to defeat your enemies okay Johnny I would argue that this is potentially the biggest update we come across because now we can’t spam click oh they’ve ruined Minecraft but no no but they made it better especially for people like you because they have now added Shields okay fair play I do need one of those yep so I’m going to make a shield oh I see well I’m updating our Beacon there we are we are missing quite a bit more we’re missing 13 more but that’s fine I’m going to need to replace this armor because Johnny we are going to head to the stronghold and we’re going to go to the end because not only is it the combat update but there is an elytra in the end cities and we need to beat the Ender Dragon because if we get the elytra we can fly anvil yes boom and I’m going to put Infinity do you want to take beds with us yes we definitely do take one bed just bring one bed all right John say goodbye to our basees might be the last time we see it ever again no no no I trust that we’re coming back okay I believe F yeah we got this we got this well the best part is because we’ve already found this stronghold we don’t need to waste eyes ofender getting to it so all we need to do is get to it then build a nether portal there’s already another portal there oh my you’re right there is oh my good this is brilliant follow me sailor take me oh I missed oh my look at this look at this yeah I know it’s not the greatest looking world is it terrific oh we left steak in this sweet that’s good of us okay I found it right now the hard part of this Johnny is going to be getting Enderman luckily they spawn in the nether but it’s going to take us a while I reckon we just going to be killing do that we trade nope not yet nether fortress is right there that’s really good okay and there’s a blaze literally right here perfect oh wait we’ve already got enough PL runs I’ve already got six okay well that’s fine we even need that one we can save it for later because we only need 12 eyes we haven’t even found the portal yet we just need to scout around look for Enderman oh my God we’ve only there’s now wither skeletons here of course there are all right let’s just go back I think there’s a good chance we find like extra ones in the chest in the stronghold I’ll cross my fingers can’t they already be in the portal as well yes they can also but two is quite unlucky but we can always hope let’s hope let’s hope Oho there’s part of the part of it here see if this leads to anything ooh what is this o library is this the one we found last time that had nothing in it they have anything better in it nope still nothing do we want to try and get enchants or we don’t have the diamonds with us we can’t but we will take loads of books right now I found the the thing you found the room yeah is it literally directly above this oh nice okay uh how many eyes are there there are no eyes oh okay so we need to try and find wait Chuck me your end pears thank you right we’ve got 10 Eyes of Ender stick these ones in8 9 10 boom okay just look for chests anywhere in this stronghold there will be some I’m 99% sure we find the end pears we needs okay bread wonderful not what I asked for oh chest yes okay ender pearl got one and I got a golden apple as well perfect yeah one more and we’ve got it oh no nothing in this chest that sucks oh okay I found a chest okay oh my God golden apple and an ender pearl oh sweet okay so that’s all the end pears okay yeah wait uh I see you I’m coming to you hello this way we ready it’s time Johnny your second time beating the End Dragon are you ready my friend I was born ready right ready nice it’s time done okay let’s go oh we’re done oh my Armor’s glitched okay Johnny we’re done we did not we didn’t set spawns we’re not going to die kit don’t worry oh I don’t like this we shouldn’t have done this right we’ve got to shoot down these things right yeah yeah shoot them shoot them nice go one oh oh don’t let him hit you have you got a water bucket yeah okay good you’re going to need to catch yourself if he hits you oh my god kit I’m an idiot I didn’t bring arrows I’ve used all my arrows oh my okay okay Johnny just be careful right I’ll focus on the towers you just need to focus on when she perches and hitting her then all right done done okay smacked her okay okay okay I got this Johnny I got this i got this I’m running around I’m trying not to get attacked by Enderman as well just don’t stand in the purple dust got it nice I’m going up I’m going up oh this is a bad idea but I don’t care I’m just going to do it I’m going to get all all of them from up here that is that’s all of them she’s done I’m going to shoot her get to come down I’m Wai oh my goodness look out she just swooped you oh she dived she dived what I didn’t know she did that smack her in the head in the head yes don’t jum it’s glitched it’s not there on my screen what okay I’m I’m helping you I’m helping you he that’s good that’s good you got this keep going John keep going oh that’s why you don’t jump that was a good bit of damage I like that yeah I like that a lot come on yeah good oh that no I thought she’s coming down so did I yes she’s ping get into Center be careful you’re on ah head be careful be careful I’m smacking her come around come around from behind do not die do not die I’ve got this you stay alive John you stay alive I’m here as well yes yes no okay okay oh look out look out look out oh okay I so nearly died I had to eat a golden apple okay that’s fine that’s fine as long as you’re alive Johnny I’m going to give you this bow in a second you can do the last shot no no no you get it done I’m going to die I would have died okay okay okay finish it and we win the God oh my goodness oh oh no no no no no oh okay almost died that’s fine all right okay Johnny don’t jump through the portal we just need to collect XP how many levels do you have 58 nice I’ve got 50 that’s good that’s good news all right so now we’re going to take our dragon egg boom dragon egg that’s ours we’ve got it now so what we need to do is oh yeah come over here Johnny you see see this you see this little Bedrock thing in the sky here yeah okay what we need to do is we need to get you an end Pearl I’ve got one I got one okay good actually probably good to get a few extra just to be safe okay you’ve got three I’ve got four now Johnny what we do is we build up here okay so now when you can see through it wait jump down this one here you want to aim your ender pearl into the void part of it and just throw it but we want to make sure we don’t hit each other by accident so like this I’m through yes I’m through I’m here what is this place This is the End Island so if we want to get back we have to find another one of these the same thing we just came through but also I bet you’re wondering are you low on food right now by any chance yeah I actually was literally about to ask you for food check this out food what teleports you though it’s good enough food is food at this present moment exactly don’t have any so basically this is where we find an End city which has an end ship which has an elytra and insane loot in it so this is where we’ll get like good items we just run and we look you’ll be able to tell because it’s something up in the sky and there’s a lot of pink and purple oh kit I think I found one that’s good news terrifying but good news why is it terrifying uh well because you’re completely on your own and I’m not going to be able to help you what the oh my God you good Johnny I’m floating yep I thought that might be the case eat a chorus fruit can you see anywhere around you like at the top of it floating is a ship can you see that around you there’s no ship there’s no ship okay okay right well then in that case you’re going to have to find another one is there anything in this place that’s actually useful when there’s no ship yes there’s chests but it’ll be difficult for you to get you can try and get them if you want Oh I found a chest I found an Ender Chest as well oh yes I found one that has a ship nice I’m still stuck the I’m just getting unlimitedly attacked by these shulker boxes y that’s how it works I’m afraid okay oh my God what I got a diamond chest and a diamond pickaxe ooh nice and Me Flo up come on boys hit me yes up we float oh my goodness this is bad I’m reaching I’m getting so close to dying no no no no okay oh one heart one heart one heart that’s bad that’s bad that’s bad that’s bad heal heal oh my goodness okay I’m fine oh oh looting two sharpness three that’s huge and loads of gold okay sweet oh man okay I have absolutely no blocks I’m going to have to destroy this place to build over there all right this is fine why did I use all my end pearls please please please okay if I get shot right now that is dangerous oh shoot oh shoot destroy dead okay okay this is bad I’m I’m floating way too high oh okay I could have died there that was dangerous but I’m here Johnny I’m getting a dragon head oh my God kit I think I found another one okay oh my God I can see the ship as well okay perfect all right good stuff it’s like a little little small one like OPP not connected to the thing yeah it literally looks like a pirate ship perfect I found one okay I have got my my eltra boom I’ve got it oh yes and oh my goodness I just got the most insane loot ever I have got so much good stuff for you Johnny sharpness 4 knockback 2 Fire aspect 2 sharpness 4 mending oh yeah oh my God yeah man these places are op yep they are they are very op okay tell me your oh my God this place is I’m definitely going to die no do not die do not die block yourself in I’ll come find you okay I’m trying to go as quickly as I can Johnny I’m literally sprinting oh wait I think I see it come on come on come on come on yes please tell me this is yours please yes I think this is yours okay I’m coming to you I’m coming to you it’s fine I’ve saved myself I’ve covered up the floor so they can’t shoot boxes at me right so we need to try and take as little damage as possible because we’re eating the chorus fruit look wait come come up here and look at the monstrosity that’s up here we’re going to forget getting the good loot we’re just going to go straight for the ship okay so there’s nothing else good in the rest of the place there is but do we want to risk it when we just have to keep eating chorus fruit right okay now Johnny come with me now we need to go directly underneath the pirate ship come over here as long as I get above it and then end the Pearl onto it now I mean it’s risky I’m I’m not above it but I’m going to do it I’m aiming for the ladder oh goodness bad idea oh I hit the ladder exactly now this is the part that you really need to listen to me on okay so basically we’re going to jump off and let ourselves free fall but you’re going to tap space bar twice and you’ll Glide follow me you got it yes okay okay now we just need to look for one of those portals I I haven’t seen one the whole time now we just have to aimlessly wand around until we find one that’s exactly how it works is this the original one yep okay yep we found it this the original one cool boom okay yes I’m back I’m also back yes okay come on come on come on in yes than God then press escape and we are back home moving on it’s an update for survivalists 1.11 the exploration update in this version vindicators vexes and evokers were added as well as Woodland mansions and the Beautiful item the totem of undying which can now save your life if you’re about to die Johnny welcome to 1.11 there is one thing added to this one so what we need to do is we need to kill creepers get paper ooh I’ve got quite a bit of gunpowder actually so we basically need to make fireworks take this now what I want you to do is jump off of this Cliff with your elytra on right click the rocket and go upwards you get a launch yeah that’s fun yeah so now what we need to do is just keep flying in the air but we basically just need to find a Woodland Mansion which is in a dark oak forest so finding that is not going to be easy okay dark oak come on Minecraft please let this happen okay I found a dark oak forest oh I see it I haven’t found the actual building yet but I found the forest okay that’s huge this didn’t take as long as I thought it would to be fair I think the trick is just get on top of the trees and then we can see everything and we’ll be able to see if there is a woodland Mansion okay it continues over here oh oh my goodness Johnny Johnny get over here found it I think flew everywhere and I couldn’t see it yes yes yes yes yes this is huge we actually can’t afford to die here Johnny so I need you to just be really careful I’m focused I haven’t died yet are we breaking in yeah we yeah we we don’t answer through the hello I’m in wait wait be care just be careful go around corners oh oh Johnny that’s the one that gives us to be careful be so careful oh oh he the things the things Johnny the things the things we hate what they call vexes I’m well versed in these now okay oh they’re easier as well okay one there’s still one behind you okay okay let’s kill him let’s kill him oh easy oh my good oh my goodness okay next one wait Johnny look how ugly that totem is look out look out I know I was ah oh yeah what the what have they done to this what is that what the hell is this the first ever totem texture they ruined it there’s some kind of situation going on up here oh yeah I hear that and oh my good Johnny look in that chest oh nice oh respiration two I’ll take that okay oh there’s another Roker no Johnny okay well the good news is we’re definitely going to get another totem but we’re going to have to fight for it okay okay oh Jo be careful these guys have axes be careful Jo be so careful be so careful I’m running oh my okay okay this is good we’re going to be able to get a few totems nice good stuff good stuff yeah got him come on yes okay oh two evus two evus I need help I need help ready this one this corner just go in and jump him go in and jump him oh my look out look out be careful of the axe yeah it’s the axe did you kill another one I think so you’re insane okay okay okay okay got him got him are you still fighting somebody yes oh another revoker what I think they just spawn in here Johnny okay totem totem totem thank you all right yeah let’s just leave Johnny we don’t need to deal with this I tell you what it was a good first experience yeah and I’ve got four things I’ve got three how many have you got oh I’ve got two oh there we are we’ve got five I’ve still got my 59 levels yeah I’ve got 55 right actually let’s go home and set up an enchanter and then we’ll be done okay Johnny this is very good because right now we have got enough books to make a full enchanter and we need to do this we need to make an enchanter because I can enchant my pickaxe and a load of armor how many bookshelves do we need uh like 20 I I got 21 oh sweet let’s build it right here next to this tree and with this we go boink right Johnny we’ve got it we’ve got a level 30 enchanter baby right look I made it pretty it’s adorable man oh we don’t have any lapis uh surely we have some wait my pickaxe is fortune 3 we’ve got no lapis what oh dear sorry man oh ouch don’t worry Jonathan I’m coming back with lapis I’m digging straight down I do not care oh my God is it just not going to appear in any of these caves please oh diamonds nice oh lapis Johnny I found it thank God you don’t have Fortune though do you no but you get so much I’ve got oh 23 27 Oh wait and I is that more I found more okay I’m coming up Jonathan here you are waiting a Bingo I’m enchanting I’m enchanting this pickaxe oh actually I should probably enchant a new one shouldn’t I oh yeah I’m using yours okay that’s just got way less uses boom boom fortune 3 efficiency 4 fortune 3 I’ll take it John that’s that’s everything we need we’ve got our totem we’ve been to the Woodland Mansion we’ve got our enchants that’s 1.11 done man now as 1.12 added nothing other than colored beds we just decided to dye our beds and moved on to 1.4 which is easily one of my favorite updates ever because it added a load of new biome themed villagers that can have special professions but then it also added raids so I suppose it wasn’t all good we are going to trap a load of villagers and we’re just going to oh there’s creeper outside the base be careful okay that’s fine also sorry the reason this update is better as well look how much nicer the texture are like the sword texture is just nicer now everything for everything iser it’s just nicer isn’t it should I make this cartography table now or do you want me to make a cartography table I am going to make a lecturn then we also want Flint basically we’re making every type of villager we can pretty much throwing stand here we are perfect take this as well John all right let’s uh it was back over here wasn’t it now what we want to do John is we want to place villagers in boats or mine carts actually we’re going to do a flat area over here I’m going to build a little uh bunker for for them cuz what we want to do is have little rooms for them right I’m going to go steal some villagers okay yeah and I’ll take him inside there and then I will get everything else already what the hell are they doing they’re all in the well good okay we got one trapped that’s huge okay Johnny you keep doing this I’m going to trap them once you bring them over okay that seems fair oh Teamwork Makes the Dream Work yes got another one these suckers ain’t seen nothing yet how many do we need one two how many how many things do you have four we only need four four all right okay good enough no good enough not yet not yet not yet there we are now it’s good enough all right Johnny so now we’ve got them all tra this guy just wants to join in oh okay well then we might as well trap him come here buddy look we have five villagers right now okay this is this is going to be difficult yes got one nice yes right there we are we’ve got a cartographer a Fletcher oh yes Johnny we are absolutely cooking today six okay good I thought you did the wrong one that’s I got some emeralds okay perfect did it so now yeah now we just need to trade these guys and we get good stuff basically I’m going to go get unlimited sticks ooh efficiency five that’s nice no I’m going to I’m going to wait for mending we’re going to wait for mending this is good for us mending oh my goodness wow we’ve actually got it okay so now all we need how many emeralds is it yeah can just bring all the emeralds just bring all the emeralds and some books and you still want those dark oak saplings right yes please okay yes Johnny I’ve got an idea for us to properly cook here in this update I’ve got everything we could ever need good Ro I’m getting us another getting us another um librarian so we can get an extra good book all right this going to take hours again oh wait I’m get I’m getting us a mending book I’m getting us a mending book come on Boom mending we got it okay we’ve got one mending book if you get mending then we can both put it on our elytra and we’re set all right I have 14 emeralds okay 14 plus okay so how many do we need we need I think it’s one more isn’t it 24 we l need one more there’s some in the chest oh I’ve got enough emeralds we’re good should I get this mending book well you’ve got enough yeah get it get it get it mending do we need an anvil to put this on to our right Johnny so if you’ve now got mending and I’ve got mending we are going to make our Anvil take my mending right we just got to go back and stick it on our elytra and we can update another nice and short one that was good I like that the when when we’ve got a clear goal in sight where we don’t have to find something brand new it makes life a lot easier there we are where’s my elytra only cost two as well oh my God what a steal boom boom mending okay so now whenever we collect XP if we’re holding it in our hand or wearing it it will get repaired make yourself a helmet and some boots and enchant them both to level 30 okay sounds like a good deal Unbreaking three and Unbreaking three oh protection three Unbreaking three depth strier three nice and Unbreaking three on the helmet God that was bad this next version was probably the hardest to get used to 1.16 the nether update because there are now new biomes structures and extremely difficult mobs in the nether so it’s much harder to survive right Johnny this one we are going to the nether you’ve been to the nether in the new update you know that it’s all a bit more freak I’ve never been into a Bastion ever I can’t remember I think I don’t think you and I have been in one together I don’t think I’ve done it properly then in that case I want you to have I’ve got the gold what we’re going to need each is a pair of golden boots I know you just made some good ones but this will save your life trust me and make sure you’ve got your totem because this is going to get messy it also gives you fire resistance so if you accidentally use it in the nether you’ll be fine but first thing we need to do is get some Jonathan we’re going to do we’re going to do it here boom I’m going to put the gold boots on now otherwise I definitely will forget yeah good shout actually I’m going to do the same I’m ready all right let’s go come on big boy okay uh ah please tell me you’ve got a shield you said bring the totem yeah I completely forgot to say bring a shield and now oh oh okay that’s fine that’s fine okay so the ne looks better I got my shield I got my shield okay good I do have mine as well very good wait what we don’t need to go into here do we no we don’t we just need to find a Bastion I’d quite like to come out with some blue wood to be honest oh okay you want you want to like enjoy the nether all right fine we’ll try and find a crimon I’m not here to get attacked I’m here to get some blue wood okay then we’ll try and find a crimson biome and a warped Forest be careful of lava yes come on Bastion right here okay Johnny doesn’t oh is that no way oh no it’s the Fortress okay dang it that would have been insane and just on top of that Johnny blue Dre yes all right that’s Johnny’s goal done now we just have to do the other one I’m going to break this okay we’re good all right uh I got blue wood let’s go this way follow me we’ve just found a Soul Sand Valley this is nice we can get bone meal from this from the bone blocks again not what we’re looking for Bastion is what we’re looking for you need the Redwood so we’ve got the Redwood and the blue wood now that’s good okay there’s something in front of us okay okay I come I come I come ooh baby okay do I go in no no no no this is where we’re careful because so the piglins won’t attack you but the piglin brutes are the ones with axes that will so this is one of the two types of bastions I believe this is a treasure Bastion last thing yeah so there’s treasure bastions and housing bastions now do not hit any of these Pigmen so if if one of the brutes runs at you Johnny do not hit it we need to lure them to us and then set them on fire also you I don’t know what the difference is between each one you’ll see one holds an axe oh no don’t open the chests how was I meant to not know to open the chest distract them distract them don’t worry don’t worry distract them by trading all right now open everything oh okay okay oh ender pearls oh we just got eight ender pearls thank God we needed those earlier yeah so we can trade with these guys now although we don’t really need any of their trades other than oh we would like some fire resistance whilst we’re here wouldn’t we wa so oh no this is not a treasure this is a housing Bastion wait so in this housing one is there not as much stuff no not as much but it’s easier to deal with Okay okay right Johnny we can now we can now leave this we can now leave this place safely get out because I’ve got enough obsidian to leave so just follow me slowly down because I don’t see any brutes right now which which is a good thing that chest down there is going to have some good stuff in it we want to grab it and I kind I want you to experience a brute because it’s uh it’s something everybody’s got to learn about oh my God this middle bit it seems a bit crazy yeah so that’s the bit where we just need to be careful and stick together all right should we go for this middle oh ender pearls yeah do you want to go for this middle chest Johnny y there’s just crying obsidian and normal obsidian grab the crying obsidian and normal obsidian crying obsidian is good because it means we can build a respawn anchor which allows us to respawn in the nether you’re right how do we get out of here joh we could just go back and build a portal which I was going to do but we are going to be miles away from our base so there is no point in that so we’ve got to run all the way back pretty much okay let’s go oh go away wrecked that was insane that was actually insane oh yeah our Portal’s over here I’m 99% sure yes here we go perfect and just like that Johnny the nether update is done dzel Washington thank God I didn’t have to deal with a Brute out of the Nether and into the Overworld we have got 1.7 and 18 it’s the caves and cliffs up date which now means that the caves go all the way down to y – 64 and there’s a lot more to explore what we did for this one so obviously we’re doing 1.17 to 1.18 in one which is the caves and cliffs so we basically have no reason to not go mining and get completely full diamond fully Enchanted everything that seems logical cuz isn’t the next update doesn’t that get pretty difficult exactly so we want the best stuff we can possibly have so I think we go mining let’s uh let’s quickly let’s set up a chest just here and then we’ll leave a load of stuff and go mining I completely forgot the fortune works on everything including iron now in this update oh that’s huge oh my God there’s so much stuff down here what are we looking for diamonds anything we’re looking for a deep deep cave oh I found deep slate this is a good sign oh my God I’m on C 116 yeah I’m in a cave good this place is BL massive oh diamonds literally strip mind into them I’m the goat oh my goodness oh my from eight diamonds I got 16 I got two per Diamond wao I’m in a massive Water Area this is crazy yeah man Minecraft gets better and better oh diamonds nice should I leave them or n get them we know we’re near each other wow two diamonds yes goodness you got this John oh I found one of those big caves oh I found a spawner ah there a zombie on a chicken why did they ruin caves why couldn’t they just keep y equals 11 I’m just confused now I think that was the point John I’m just fing lost I I’m I’m now in a smaller cave than I started in ooh iron raw iron block nice ooh amethyst Geo did I just run straight over this yes okay okay okay this is good oh we’re going to be able to zoom with the spy glass yes we just need copper then we can make some spy glasses not oh that fortune definitely did work sweet ooh M shaft okay that’s good right M shaft is the where you make your riches so I can make a lot of money back here oh spawner as well what is going on I’m finding so much oh nice thank you I haven’t found anything and I’m just going back and forth for stop that would you all right we’re getting spy glasses I want to find more diamonds oh this is the cave for diamonds surely oh glow squid yes I wanted one glow squid that’s all I cared about oh no I’ve dropped my sword oh no not the Looting yes the’re looting oh no did the creeper blow it up oh I found diamonds at least that’s something oh thank God you can make another sword yeah but it won’t have looting how the hell have I dropped my sword my my sword is actually completely gone how have I done that that’s what’s wrong with these caves you just get lost oh my goodness okay almost died as well I can’t do this I’m freaking out right that’s it I’m leaving I’m leaving Johnny let’s just leave oh this place is massive oh my God all right well if you find diamonds then happy days if not then you might as well if not I think I might be cursed yeah there’s no point exactly but to be fair considering we’ve been playing for what 30 minutes I have got 27 diamonds amethyst loads of gold loads of iron red stone lapis and coal so I’m pretty happy with my progress even though you’ve added absolutely nothing to this team I’ve done actually nothing I can breathe hello okay yeah I’ve literally found nothing okay dig up come meet me as in this place is massive I should can’t be bothered oh diamonds nice okay oh true diamonds next to each other right what do I need I need leggings and helmet every time I found diamonds it’s just been two is that normal yeah it’s pretty pretty terrible rates in this version like there are more often but there aren’t as good you know so that’s s of just something I don’t think I would have found more strip line ooh what can I get on my uh on my stuff let’s do on the helmet protection three Unbreaking three all right I’ll take it protection four yes just protection four all right it’s something then I’m going to reenchant my chest plate and Boots me thinks rhinestone thank you wait boom and boom okay thank God I’m nearly home okay I’m enchanting protection four please just I can see the beacon oh come on come off it I’m going to need to make a new diamond sword this sucks man I just got insane boots oh my God terrible sword I’m just going to keep re-enchanting my sword I can do it two more times got another efficiency 4 fortune 3 oh just give that to me but now I can only get Smite on my sword should I check a sword for you yeah please you are well well I have full protection four and protection three man sharpness four oh do it do it do it sharpness for knock back two sorry to be fair knock back two I’ll take that’s good enough oh actually before we going to the new update like this yes here you are Johnny take this yes when would this ever be useful but thank you well if ever you need to see something far away like oh that sheep over there hello that’s what I literally just saw I’m going to go kill that sheep nice good see now you’re getting it and after being long awaited it is time for 1.19 the Wild update adding ancient cities where you can find extremely overpowered loots but it is guarded by the new deadly boss the warden so this has a good chance of being a disaster Johnny Johnny joh Johnny why do we look different oh my God my what the hell I have no idea why have our skins changed we have got a big plan big old plan Johnny we need to go and find an ancient city follow me so the reason we’re going over here because I heard a little secret deep darks which are the biomes where ancient cities spawn are sometimes more likely to be found in savanas I’m pretty sure there was a savannah this way I’m going to go this way oh you see this is why we keep you around these Johnny these biomes are so broken there’s fully just a dead online here this world is insanely broken I’m in a savannah though so okay so we’re just digging straight down yeah okay fine yeah I tell you what we’ll both just go looking for one and whoever finds one first is is the best oh also collect iron whilst we go cuz you’ve got Fortune now and we need it for the beacon I’m going to dig into some Wham cave I can feel it and die no don’t do that I think we basically just have to find loads and loads of big caves and hope for the best me I’m not going to lie to you we’re going to be looking for so long yep that’s why we hope for the best my friend ooh big cave so freaking dark more diamonds though yay I keep finding diamonds Johnny and nothing else yeah I found a Hol diamonds as well I’m on on 14 still look great I’m getting just destroyed right now by mobs okay I’m fine bro I I just got oh my good this is the biggest vein of diamonds I’ve ever found I just got 35 diamonds huh I’m in a huge Lush cave though what the hell is this place why are there leaves hanging from the ceiling oh yeah it’s a lush cave oh hello oh my God look it’s you okay good okay good good good good I knew we were near each other I didn’t know we were right next to each other there’s got to be no this cave is huge our ref few to believe there’s not more have we have you seen any of the skull Catalyst which is the blue stuff with spots if I would have seen it we would know I would have told you oh diamonds Johnny oh my God there’s a city okay stay quiet wait we found an ancient city before we found deep dark no this is actually that’s insanely lucky like I reckon we had like a 5% chance of doing that am I still staying quiet or there’s a walk beef so this is where we need to be careful and we need to stay together yeah stay shifting stay on the wool oh man I don’t like this oh chest okay nice Swift sneak that’s huge I literally have never done this before I have no idea what I’m doing wait this might be really good to I don’t see a single thing that could ruin us here oh there’s coal in there if you want to make some torches okay wait Johnny Johnny Johnny come over here come over here we are going to set our spawn we’re going to set up a little Camp here respawn Point set let’s go oh no Johnny I messed up come over to me oh no no no sneak sne Sak sneak come to me come to me just sneak okay Johnny these These are going to ruin our lives so what we need to do is we need to break this one we need to break all of these These are called shriekers okay and that is a sensor so we need to break all them because what the sensors do is they alert the shers and then once you alert a shrier three times a warden will spawn I found a a whole load of shul sensors and a fire aspect two book oh that’s bad K oh no kiss make oh no it’s bad this bad it’s bad this bad I can’t see anything I can’t see anything Johnny if we hear if we do that one more time we’re going to spawn a warden wa what’s that thing is that a thing yeah so this is the TR to the wardens no oh my God Johnny K you’re not doing this very well are you oh no stay still oh my goodness jump cross and shift oh my god idea was this that could it is actually satanic isn’t it it’s creepy I’m terrified flame book nice that’s huge wa mending two Unbreaking three pants yes please what Redstone Contraption is this I I swear to God Johnny I had no idea this all existed can so can people comment down if this is like is this normal I’ve never seen this in my life what is this called I’m going out I don’t like it stay still stay still yeah why are you what were you expecting no please don’t spawn Johnny he’s spawning he’s spawning shift away shift away what have you done I’ve just spawned the warden why oh my God stay shifting stay shifting stay shifting can you see him oh can you see him wait oh no far shot k stop ruining this I found a shot over there I find a shot over there I meant to have my bow out my sword out what we doing there oh my God Johnny just run just run follow me follow me just run just run follow me follow me run run run I can’t see anything I cannot see anything we need to get over to the place where we can see him oh there’s diamonds here where are you going come this way come go go up I can hear his heart stop running away you’re just going places we need to we need we need to have eyes on him Johnny what the is that noise oh he went back underground okay okay that’s good cuz the Shri is here that I’m going to break breaking them breaking them oh no you do not know what you’re doing run run run where are you where are you I’m above him can he hit me up here if he sees you if he hears you oh okay okay I see him I can see now can you nope I think he might be inside me PA I’m trying to thr him away I’m trying I’m trying to get him away from you he just hit you he just hit you joh run just run just run keep running keep running keep running keep running I can’t see anything keep running just keep running I’m going to get him off you I’m going to get him on to me joh just keep running keep running I’m dead one keep running keep running keep running keep running around the corner around the corner oh my good no use your totem use your totem keep going keep going I’m just smacking him I’m just smacking him no Johnny oh my goodness oh my goodness he’s so strong he’s so strong ah oh my goodness oh my goodness my things okay that’s fine that’s fine oh my God oh my God no one heart two hearts no one heart oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness he’s so low he’s so low I have no idea what just happened okay okay I’m shooting him from afar he’s coming for me he’s coming for me I I saw that happen to you I saw that happen to you it’s fine it’s fine I’m away from him I’m I’m back where we were I I I actually don’t know where he is or where I am oh my God don’t do that okay okay he’s right there he’s right there he just hit you through oh dark oh my God he can hit nope he can hit he can hit he I also have no idea where my stuff is all right we can find it I think I’ve already lost my stuff my stuff’s gone man oh my God he’s terrifying I’ve just had the first glimpse of it oh my god oh I just pulled away from him he was he just suddenly appeared it doesn’t help that it was Pitch Black when I was running away from the sky so I have oh dude I like away I like away okay okay I’m going to find your stuff I’m going to find your stuff oh my God my stuff okay good good he’s over here Johnny okay get your stuff I say we just leave wait my stuff yeah I know if you’ve got it let’s just go we did it Johnny we did it we I’m proud of us we did it okay cool let’s go let’s just dig up okay I can’t lie that might have been one of the most stressful Minecraft scenarios I’ve ever been in for vanilla mine that was crazy next up it was 1.20 which didn’t really add too much other than the new Mobs the sniffer and the cute little camel as well as archaeology which you needed to do to find the sniffer eggs so I guess we know what we’re doing oh oh this is going to be long Sean we we got to find have you ever heard of a sniffer sniffer I barely know her yeah we basically Johnny with this there is legitimate archaeology can use fossil brushes to wipe down surfaces and find things in them you can get cool you can get cool loots I need to find find a chicken oh no found found found we need we need quite a few though to be honest okay I got one feather that’s good yeah because we’re going to need to make a lot of brushes so I just need to make these brushes which I believe are like this yep okay brush we have four of them right Johnny take this all right come on then where we go right now what we’re going to look for is ruins in the water there’s suspicious sand and suspicious gravel so that’s what we’re looking for either or there’s one below you there’s one below you you see it here oh that’s just a structure yes it’s a ruin very suspicious okay right I can’t tell what’s suspicious and what’s not so I’m just going to start doing it on this it’s letting me brush it so it makes me think this is it no this is just gravel I think we need to it has a slightly different texture to gravel oh man are you sure there’s one here yeah there will be there will be I think this is one is it oh I yes I found one I found one again I’m not coming down cuz I will die what was that did he drop anything well they haven’t dropped anything I’m so confusion right we’re going to have to go flying for miles we’re going to have to that’s the only option we have although there’s actually there’s a ruin here maybe we check this one should we check this one maybe maybe could check this one I’m going down any suspicious sand in here no I don’t think there is yeah there is literally none down here Johnny we need to find a newly a newly spawned in one uh surely the temple is an easier way to do this well we have to find another Temple for that but surely that’s easier than digging around underwater all right fine you’re cool John we’re leaving we are leaving let’s go find a desert okay I’ve only got five rockets left we better find this soon I have three so it looks like we’re going to be doing this on foot but saman’s good sign oh it’s a beach Oh I thought we actually just found this then oh don’t be the end don’t be the end oh my goodness please don’t just be ocean so right now we are 6,500 blocks away from where we were at least I am and we’re going to have to go back on foot oh my God if that’s a desert I’m going to I’m going to it looks like a desert or is it a beach if it’s a beach I cry Ah that’s a desert this is a desert are you sure Johnny what else oh there’s cactuses that’s good oh Village oh Temple oh my goodness what cool Village I haven’t seen one of these before you never seen a desert village I no I have but they don’t usually look like this do they uh I actually don’t remember but this place is sick wait isn’t this a well isn’t this a wao look at this massive camel oh wait did we find a camel I found a camel f look how big it is oh that’s unreal wait can we get a saddle we should have we should have known we were going to find one brought a saddle did you find a saddle no I’m just sitting on him he’s so w look how big he is I think wait right click him I think you can ride him as well oh my God Johnny this is how we’re getting home this is the look he’s sitting down what a goat man can you see any suspicious sand I can’t okay good that’s fine can you place some torches going get this TNT so nothing can explode right now we need to be really careful about breaking things too quickly and bones and gunpowder saddle I’ve got a saddle oh my goodness we’re riding a camel wait what was so what’s meant to be under here it is a buried room this doesn’t look very buried this isn’t look very much like a room to me we are actually we are never going to find this but actually to be fair sniffers and camels are added if we get the camel back home I consider that a victory but there we are you guys want us to keep searching for a sniffer that’s know in the comments let’s just get on this camel stick it on him now let’s jump on now John wait yeah if you do a jump look how far he jumps he does a leap whoa oh my goodness okay okay right let’s Che there is no way you fit into a boat well that’s that’s what we have to check get in the boat okay Johnny he doesn’t fit in a boat we’re going to need a bigger boat should I check if he floats he’s sinking Johnny why doesn’t he go up he floats if you’re not on him okay so we we can drag him we can drag him through the ocean we are getting a lead and we’re doing this we’ll see you all back at the base with the camel are we going to should we just should we do a mega Montage us dragging this guy no I think we should [Music] home sweet home why did we bring this guy where’s he going to go we’ve got no space for a camel yes yes we do look Johnny this I’m off thank god oh does he fit through the door no of course he doesn’t fit through the fing door okay okay right relax man and last but definitely not least we’ve got 1.21 aka the tricky trial update this adds a whole new structure with new mobs and challenges to make your way through so that’s exactly how we’re going to end this okay right well today we need to do a lot of trading and Johnny this is this is the unreleased version of Minecraft like this this we’ made it yeah this isn’t out yet this is this is one of the coolest updates to Minecraft I’m not going to lie right should I go get wood yeah just start mining as much wood as you possibly can so how do we get this map there we are there’s one massive tree so to get this map we need to get a load of emeralds that we need to trade the Cartographer so that he’s an expert and then he should trade it to us and even then we’re not even entirely sure that he’ll give it to us he might give us something else completely useless instead so we might have to trade a few times we’ll see you in an hour guys oh okay Johnny this is bad news good work I’ll carry on shopping trees while you fix that right I’ve already got unlimited wood okay well I’ve got loads of stuff already this is working okay good a stack of emeralds we’re good let upgrade oh yes and Woodland Explorer map oh my goodness okay I’ve got oh I have everything we need boom trial explore map got it so what the hell did I get 64 emeralds for just for fun man look you can now get mending books I’m now Rich okay well let’s see how far this thing is from us this is not far at all Johnny okay let’s go I’m ready we’re going to complete the game right so we need to go uh North East do you have a totem on you no oh for goodness sake I don’t need it I won’t die this time time I promise is it in the sea uh no it’s just off the edge of the sea oh we’re almost here the map’s loading in it should be directly below me here this is a terrible idea though but we should we should be we should be digging down more safely than this oh see C just went up to 365 this way I can’t tell oh Johnny Johnny oh my goodness Johnny okay easy easy easy this is where we need to be careful because we need to figure out where the entrance is right now we break these pots Johnny emeralds we can get good stuff from them and oh I found a trident oh my God there’s downstairs yeah we just got stick together oh oh we got to kill them we got to kill them this is one of the oh this is one of the trials there’s so many Johnny this is bad this is bad but we have to keep killing them until the waves are over oh so we can’t just break the thing no no they’re literally unbreakable they’re like Bedrock oh my God there’s more of a downstairs come this way kit Johnny we need to kill all the mobs from everywhere first you can’t escape them you have to finish it I’m coming I’m coming so don’t run away we’ve got to finish it and then we can go back okay there’s still more come back he’s come back just keep killing the zombies until no more spawn and then we’re safe because look you’ll see yes see we get rewards we get food yes okay we’ve defeated this room we’ve defeated this room oh wait be careful oh what’s this right so this one of the rewards we can get from them is a key so just check your inventory make sure you don’t have any keys on you any Keys okay okay well we can right click them and if you look inside you can see there’s iron there’s honey there’s a shield but some of them have insane like loots that you can get okay yep just kill them just kill them just keep killing I’m up here I think these are the last ones okay no there’s still more coming never mind okay good wait oh keys look keys right so this is a key look if you look inside it you can see what we can get so poison arrows a banner nothing particularly useful but what’s in this one wait this one might be a different type of key oh this one’s this one’s the other type of key you take one I’ll do one oh you got arrows more arrows and honey okay I get okay okay iron emeralds oh a bow a power one bow yikes oh is this a spawner up here oh yep okay what are these oh Strays okay yep so these guys give you slowness there’s another one up there K okay yes we just have to keep going up and defeating these guys I’m guessing should I go up and do that one these don’t seem too difficult yeah as long as we don’t get overwhelmed it’ll be fine oh my God there’s more up there as well does it just keep going uh there’s two more up there oh okay I beat one I just got bread and chicken that’s terrible oh this bit okay yeah this bit I might need a bit help with up here oh I got another key I got key that’s good okay nice yeah you’ll get one for each of us every time key oh more keys I just got bread okay oh there’s another chest down here should we use this one another key oh you use that one I’ll use this one there oh I got a trident for you I got a smithing template wait so is that all of it do we just have to go back and do the breezes now yeah I guess we just go to the breezes then is that here yeah is it this looks different no y no this is the breezes okay uh I’m confused I’m confusing Johnny I’m confused I’m getting attacked okay come and help you come and help you what do these breezes do I don’t know they oh there he is they look like blazes yeah but what as in wait I don’t know oh yes collect them the breeze rods we need we need Breeze rods okay what do they do if they hit you oh they just bounce over they don’t even hit you do they do any damage oh yep they do they throw you in the air all right okay nice dude what are they doing I don’t know they’re crazy okay I’ve got three Breeze rods this is good there’s more ow oh my okay yeah they do hurt when they launch you up is that all of these guys done I think so that was easy wait do you have an do you have a bad Omen on you uh no I left it over there okay okay okay go back let’s drink it I’m wondering if that’s how we get the ominous trial Keys the better ones okay I’ve only got one though ah okay yep I was right I was right oh my they have better stuff they have better stuff Johnny okay this is good though this is good this is good that means we’re going to get loads of extra stuff I’m going to kill the breezes you keep going for those guys nice okay got him got him nice where is he a key no I know but we should I think it’s cuz there’s still one here somewhere what oh yeah I just got hit by something but I don’t understand oh yeah look above you look above you look above you yeah it’s getting summoned on me so I just drink another ominous potion over here oh no we don’t need to we don’t need to okay well I think we just have to go through the motions and just do this all again basically why are they got swords oh okay so these oh my goodness I’m actually getting low this is dangerous what is he oh that guy’s got a diamond armor he’s got a diamond sword okay that’s bad and one of them’s got an enchanted sword yep stay in the water Johnny stay in the water you can hit them really easily in the water oh and it’s giving us better food now as well any Keys oh Keys nice okay okay we got two keys two ominous trial Keys that’s good yes yes yes let’s do this again let’s get as many ominous Keys as we can can and as and as many trial Keys Oh I thought it wasn’t going to spawn oh I’ve got strength wait what these is some some of these things are good oh more keys we’ve got four ominous trial Keys now oh but here we are this is should we open one go then okay boom revolting waa oh oh my goodness wa enchanted golden apple golden apple and wind charges okay right one of us needs to try and get a heavy core from this oh my goodness what was the enchanted book punch two yikes okay I’ve now got two golden app Enchanted gold apples though there was one more room wasn’t there uh yeah but I no idea where it was it was the one where the like goat went up and it was those skeleton things all right let’s do it oh I accidentally activated the upstairs once as well Johnny I might need your help up here I was swiftness for some reason yeah I know that’s It’s the weird things that just suddenly spawn a little effect on you tell you what if you showed me this 10 years ago and said this is m craft I’d be like nah I got slowness and swiftness does that do something oh you basically just you might as well have no effects what was that more ominous Keys got them and more food okay right here we I’ll take two of these ominous trial key to use here boom okay a oh oh my goodness I got an efficiency to axe W I got another one of these plate things wa what do I got oh my goodness oh can I take one of those smithing things no we just need to go and find now the last ominous Vault so we can trade I we’ve done it no no yeah we’ve done it but there’s another ominous Vault that we haven’t opened we’ve got one key each oh it will be in it’s in the main room is it okay right come up here let’s do our last key and then we can leave we might not be able to leave we have to get a heavy core come on come on okay we are now relying on me to get a heavy core on please please oh right John we might not have the mace but we did pretty well we did it we’ve completed Minecraft there is actually something I just realized we can finally do the beacon okay okay I’ve got an iron I’m going to put it in I’ve I’ve done it I’ve done it I’ve already done it oh my goodness what you what are you doing it on what I know what do we want speed two speed two oh I’m so fast all right should we should we log off now we’ve completed Minecraft

Minecraft, But It Progressively Updates…

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  1. Please make a series and add Henry to it PLEASE. It’s so fun seeing him in your videos and it would get a lot of views because Henry is entertaining in general so in a series with Henry would be even BETTER for views.

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