I Beat Terraria’s Spirit Mod [FULL MOVIE]

I installed the spirit mod onto Terraria this mod has quests brand new bosses new events new armor and some of my favorite melee weapons in the game now if you guys don’t know last time we played mod of redemption and now we’re playing spe mod but for what well my goal is to make a mega mod pack where I combine every single mod that I’ve played on my channel into one solid playr now obviously that’s going to break the game so that’s why I’m doing full movies on every single mod so I can kind of cover everything and just kind of know where every single boss is coming from so yeah if you guys have any mod you want me to cover or add into this Mega Mod playthrough just let me know in the comments I read every single comment and also a little announcement if you guys don’t know I have a second Channel and I’m currently playing Hollow Knight some dark souls and some other games on there and yeah I’ve been having a lot of fun playing Hollow Knight and a bunch of other games so yeah check that out okay today we’re playing the uh spirit mod I haven’t played this in a couple of I want to say maybe 1 to two years all right ooh what are these trees I’m going to chop them down what if I get something special I did not wait what are those what are those rocks at the bottom okay first of all what I like to do is look at the bosses haome I’ve never seen this before blade rape they changed the skin for this it looks sick scar I remember that occultist I think I remember that jelly delude I remember that it’s an event in space moon jelly wizard spawns from that event there’s a lot of cool bosses fine wraith Bane I remember you mechromancer I think he’s from the Goblin Army ancient Aven star plate Voyager okay there’s a lot of bosses in Prett hard the tide event okay and then I’m pretty sure in Pre hard mode Atlas I think this is yeah this is the last boss in spirit mod it’s not post Moon Lord but it’s still really cool fight and obviously you have all of the items ooh o I can’t wait to get these ooh these look sick okay so I made it inside okay so this is the Brier biome it’s like we just found it it’s a very vertically challenged dungeon so we have to make do of like platforms and everything our weapon’s pretty decent right now the wooden Club it’s doing a lot of damage we also have our fairy kicking ass too so let me um I think we’re safe enough those flower things right there they are a boss they’re the mini boss they’re the uh the Glade race so we’re not going to M that we’re just going to take the chest ooh Bri heart Boomerang shoots out two boomerangs on use okay I think we should be able to find life crystals inside of here but I’m not so sure it’s the NPC the adventurer what’s what’s up dude I thought I was a gonner there but if you didn’t but in I probably would have been oh life is too short do you have a place to say I do west book what the first Adventure objectives collect the dura silk sheaths craft a wayfair’s hat ruide and pants you get a cartographer’s map that reveals a portion of the mini map that is sick you also sell um wayfinders pin uh Explorer Treads can’t really buy that surrender Bell stops any Invasion when youed dude this is so cool what’s in here by the way a bramble hook oh my God no way I have a grappling hook I also got a bis Mite Crystal hold on let me pop an iron skin in a a shining shining potion bis Mite I think is a yeah we can use this for something make armor and whatnot but not right now the water is poisonous I just noticed that and then I jumped into it what am I doing oh my God please I have a family no and just like how we’re avoiding this new evil modded biome in Terraria let’s talk about how you can fight the evil in Omni Heroes Omni Heroes is a heroic strategy fantasy RPG that has received recommendations from both Google Play and the App Store as Omni Guardians your goal is to save the captured Val loes from demons and fight together against evil threatening the world you can summon forth Legendary Heroes unlock multiple synergies with them and combine hundreds of Team combinations as you see fit and with season 4 cominging on June 28th a brand new storyline new relics And Rog likee dungeon gameplay are going to finally be released the story line follows a demon named Wukong and a guardian both seeking the martial arts Queen Mulan andur Journey ends up following their way into a Divine realm but then when a new Abyssal Force appears wukong’s true power finally awakens and just like in Terraria when all of our beautiful NPCs help us wuk and his allies can fight the abyss together so yeah make sure to click my link in the description to download Omni Heroes and join the Eastern adventure of season 4 if you’re a brand new player well you’re un luck because you can claim yourself a completely free 999 * 3 free polls and if you’re a returning player you’ll get your own rewards from the Glorious returning event So yeah thank you so much to Omni Heroes for sponsoring today’s video Wukong is like honestly one of my favorite methos as a character and I think his art in this game is just so clean anyway guys it also helps me out a ton when you guys check out the sponsor so might as well get some bonus rewards while you can so yeah check out the description or scan the QR code one last time to download Omni Heroes once again thank you Omni Heroes for sponsoring today’s video and let’s get back to the video dude this Grappler Hook is actually a game changer I’m really glad we went into this Bri it’s also really freakish there’s two of them kind of broken dude I’m not going to lie I have a boomerang what am I doing what is that a hook bat what the okay they they dropped the Dora silk sheets I could Farm them and finish the quest as soon as possible yeah you know what I’m going to do that this thing is fast though oh my God 27 damage is insane D shaes what are these used for by the way I know there’s a quest item ah you’re using what iron to make an armor set I will do that then you only need three sheets anyway and I have enough iron what is this star powder oh oh oh what is this supposed to be a biome soon does this spread the star biome or something kind of cool I like use it on the uh I can’t use it on the sand dude so far I’m having a lot of fun I’m not going to lie I’m glad it’s going off to like a fast start we have a really good spawn we also locked out with the Brier being so close to the left oh wait the bats over there and we have all the dur silk that we need now we just need to craft the wayfarer’s armor oh what the [ __ ] a blossom hound no no no no no no no no no dude no dude what is that a feral shambler what the what is he doing he can heal can you not go in here oh okay sick I got an enchanted Leaf I can make Florin armor I need a floring bar I think you have to kill one of the bosses with this first I think you got to kill the mini boss before it dude there’s so many goddamn enemies I cannot do a goddamn thing all right let’s just bounce let’s just bounce let’s just bounce hey it’s a guy that killed me last time die dude dude my money oh a railroad ow ow no no no no no no no wait I want to go in there there’s a boulder maybe hold on there’s a CH oh no I’m stuck I got an anod hat what an anod hat hey it’s that Florin ore right there can I mine it of course not why what am I talking about okay honestly if I can just get some Stone and make a furnace I might just go back home what is that I’m not going to touch it it’s an explosive Barrel whoa what the he wait what what are these mine carts they have ore in it oh my God it gives you the actual ore that’s insane wait I need uh I need rope I mean I need a silk right no I don’t need silk I don’t need silk yet wait no I can make this weapon with silk if I get a loom which is not going to happen anytime soon what oh I was wondering why I didn’t activate dude these gold ore patches are actually goddamn insane what is this patch silver ore dude what the [ __ ] they’re so nice what is that a lost mime another mime oh no please stay the down there I don’t know what they I want to find out before I die this is rough is that a m mask that’s kind of sick I want it um I got a m bomb that looks insane whoa dude wafer okay I want to make the wafer’s armor set okay we got an increase the defense dude we look like a back Packer they looks sick killing enemies grants a stacking damage buff breaking pots grants a movement buff mining or gives a stacking mining speed buff that is so cool I’m going to make the Le Striders makes me move faster apparently I’m going to get some Stone to get a furnace and then we’re going to get a bunch of stuff I got a fing toilet all right gold pickaxe I can make a should I make a platinum bow I kind of want to use these oh damn I kind of want to use all moded stuff but Platinum bow sounds so hot right now wait so what do I do with this stuff do I give it to the NPC oh he’s still godamn down there I’m going to go talk to them and see if I can get anything oh I also have these mine bombs they’re like small grenades but they do a lot of damage with a small explosion they’re pretty decent actually damn I should have made that bow and then use it to fight the mini boss down here that would have actually been such a smart I know I can use the M bombs hold on let me go find that Adventurer man hello my brother I got the uh I got the I got the stuff on is that not the quest oh that is a quest uh how do I how do I do this oh there we go claim rewards nice and then how do I get more I’ll just activate this and I’ll activate this jellyfish Hunter and that’s so cool so these are leading into the scarabus boss fight and into the moon jelly fish event that’s so sick man okay so what do I do with this do I just like use it oh that’s so cool you can’t you guys can’t see it cuz my map but look look that’s sick waa oh if you talk to them you get more quests oh dude that’s awesome how do I get more quests do I just activate I’m just going to activate all of them and just had them on the side sick it’s just there that’s nice that’s so cool okay I want to try to fight this boss I got to get out of this tight hole so no goddamn way bro what the he spawned at the exact place where I I should have thought that out oh he’s still here why is he still here and what is he doing his attacks are simple but they hit hard it sucks as I can’t even go downstairs cuz there’s enemies downstairs wait I have the this thing oh wait this thing does so much damage this mine bomb okay I’ll take it brother I wasn’t even looking I was just trying to kill him I got a horn stalk STA and I got some Enchanted leaves oh I wonder if I can mine the Flor and ore now because I have a g gold pickaxe all right we got a magic weapon what is this shoots consecutive oh it’s pretty cool if we had more Mana that’d be actually sick hey guys it’s that dog Blossom Hound oo oh I got a naturalist Workshop oh I think this one of the quests yeah now I got more stuff what’s this even for allows the crafting of ambient objects and that’s useless trying to get the sword my brother oh wait let me go get that floor and ore now that’s why I was here so we should be able to make an armor set with this but I don’t know about weapons but I kind of like my armor set right now my armor set right now is really cool it’s like for quite literally exploring the world and combat and other stuff it’s so cool how much or do you want me to get I got 94 dude four this makes 20 bars I can make a flooring cutter I can make an Arcane codex stamin Zone something a stamina Zone I can make a Florin bludgeon that looks insane oo isn’t this like if you break it it’s bad luck I got good luck I have no idea what that does maybe it’s like the Terraria luck stat I don’t know flowery fiends kill 12 of these oh I wait actually I kind of want to go back and do this what do I get for doing this I get uh o I get some weapons actually oh wait that’s sick wait you get like actual rewards floring cutter ooh do I want to make that that sounds sick it’s either I make the club or if that’s 80 damage what at least is a shock wave along the ground I want that no that sounds so much cooler how does this work where’s his shock wave oh it’s like a little green little okay nice they want me to make a discharged tubule with a text Drive what the what is that this weapon’s insane do so much damage can I mine these flowers oh I can oh wait wait it’s huge oh I found the uh Map There’s the blood Blossom for the next boss well not next boss it’s like after you know iula or whatnot next modded boss but till then I think we have to fight the scarabus which is the first modded boss how do we we need gold antline animals and Amber all right forgotten King statue it’s kind of sick I need one more and then I get my quest complete yes so does that just give me all of the items into my inventory or do I have to accept it there’s all of these all these quests are active now this is this cool I should look at this later I think I should just accept all of them I’m a baller what can I say I accept every Quest I’m not a [ __ ] claim rewards nice brute of immunity IM IM okay wait there just a little too many quests going on right here L hunting charm 5% increased meele okay wait no no no no no no we’re not doing this no no no goodbye we’ll complete all the quests before we actually finish the game though wait his name’s Adrien why get away from me you freak wait so this one’s saying received the decrepit Idol retrieve one I think they’re talking about that thing in the cave in the desert that we raided back then actually I don’t even know if I was recording when I rided it I’m pretty sure it’s this purple thing it looks cool come on yeah I got it decrepit idle return to the adventurer with what you found hello you have a new Quest Sinister stands activate and then I can claim this and I can also claim this non-consumable use in the desert at daytime to summon scare oh this a bad idea oh it’s fast was it what the look at this freak it’s flying at me okay Whirlwind let’s smack it it’s a worm okay wait I kind of need a I cannot use a melee weapon for this what the [ __ ] one hit and I take 50 damage we got it I I I just literally I have no HP and I I don’t have an arena and I don’t have anything dude I’ve just been walking around and there’s like 10,000 fallen stars I can’t help but think it’s because of the star powder thing cuz dude I almost have Max Mana like see another star is falling he look sa cthulu back there all right boom we have Max man I also got this book when I explored on the outside of the world beginner’s guide to armor hey folks you ready to become a grand Adventurer seems like a good life up here lucky for you I’ve come out different options for beginners that are easy to forge are you aspiring Mage make sunflower armor are you willing to venture out at night and take on zombies Harvest some old leather to make some Marksman armor I thought it would give me like a Summoner armor set or something but no he did not okay I think I could fight the guy now I mean oh we also got potions for mining not too bad oh [ __ ] okay wait this is wayo too much text on my screen I cannot see Jack oh my God that’s scary dud my foot’s falling asleep F oh my God I got all the attacks down boom okay this club is so good oh my God that was what waa this is a cool attack I’ll give you that I didn’t even know he had a second phase oh Jesus oh he droing projectiles oh oh sh damn okay I went cave Di diving I got a little bit more HP but I also got a uh a blank glyph when I killed an enemy and that ended up bringing over the enchanter NPC I think I put him he should be like hey where the hell is he why the hell is he over there I’ll go on there after I beat scarabus all right I’m going to clock up clock in oh my God I keep forgetting about that damn why is she damn dude there’s slime flying from the sky are you kidding me um um um um okay no no no no no okay oh my God God oh my God give me the quest I can accept the new dude oh my God wait what hold on wait hold on on let me open up the quest I almost died cuz of all the slimes flying from the air and my general skill issue but what is that kill scarabus I got a reward sands of time got a new a spectral Scourge kill the ulst during a Blood Moon looks cool how many quests are there dude oh my gosh all right what do we get we got a magic weapon of course we did conjures a slow controllable moving orb wait this is kind of cool Sands of Time summons or ends a sandstorm only usable in the desert okay cool scare pendant summons a ridable giant pill bug oh yo wait this kind of fire oh wait dude oh wait this is so nice I also got tiitan I can make kitan armor kitan pickaxe and a gilded Scarab getting hit provides a temporary buff to defense or a crook I can’t make that hold wait let me try to fight the King Slime while we’re here this Sunrise Seer might be really good against K slime cuz it just sits there it just sits there and takes ass kick ass take face yep oh man come on pink slime there’s a lot of slime spawning in my mod of redemption it took a really long time for these slimes to spawn I don’t know why is it cuz is a flat land no trees all right let’s play the smart let’s use the Sun Well there goes all my NPCs boom wait boom damn boom boom why is King slam not jumping as much hey I’m not complaining you’re getting a little faster now I know your HP is getting lower but and there we go okay we got a empty glyph or a blank glyph that we can use with the enchanter oh the enchanter’s over here too cuz I moved them over hold on let me go talk to him hey baby so the enchanter NPC is really cool he should be he should sell us some upgrades to our weapons let’s talk to him get get get out of the goddam way there we go what’s up baby so he sells null glyphs we can wipe off whatever glyph he use he sells the frost glyph Enchanted weapon gains freezing allowing the chance to freeze enemies briefly or a frenzy glyph excess damage on kill is stored for your next that’s kind of I will take a rage G I’m not going to apply it cuz I just you know killed the boss and I want to use the the items for or or level up my items before I do anything but all right let’s do this let me try to use the club on them boom how much damage is it doing I can’t tell it’s doing about like 80ish so this is like what like about 50 hits ultimate Bonk build okay throw the sun inside of her inside of I cthulu sorry what the hell I mean maybe you are her I don’t judge smash pass pass pass I forgot dude we don’t have a Hermes boots I’m going to die goodbye world I want to do the jelly Deluge event this looks fun okay let’s um let’s kill scar B one more time I do want to use the kiteen armor I just want to know the fa the set bonus what is this ooh Scarab food summons a little Scarab companion oh it’s kind to it’s so adorable what’s up little man how you doing all right uh H what is this wo it’s a new summon item a locust crook conjures a friendly Locust that sounds hot I’m just saying that and then I got another scar pendant and then I think that’s kind of it all right we got the K legs Bazinga what do we got we got we’re going from 15 we’re going from 11 to 15 defense double tap in the direction to Dash and envelop yourself in a tornado it’s kind of fast actually oh no now we have a double double dash we don’t even need to fight the I we don’t even need to use to Shi look at theu I want to fight the jelly Deluge it has a chance of spawning above above ground after any boss has been defeated not really happening so I guess while that’s going on we could fight the BR cthulu what is this there’s floating pagodas above the oceans of the world dude that’s what we’re going to do next never mind we’re not going to the Crimson we’re going to go to a pagota two gravitation potions let’s drink up wait this is a really fast Dash you can spam it really quickly wa what is this oh this is a boss you crack open the egg and then a boss comes out I’m pretty sure it’s the uh I can show you guys it is called the the ancient Aven yep oh I found a pakota oh dude it looks beautiful oh my god um there’s a chest and a samurai statue first of the pakota you feel a ghostly presence nearby not any [ __ ] more dude I’m going to take it home with me it’s like bring it home an ouija board bro what is that up there a mythical Lotus crook hold on let me I just got a bunch of cool ass what the hold on hold on hold on hold on let’s go investigate what the hell that is hey kiddo a disturbed you did they just die hold on I got I literally just got a bunch of crazy weapons with insane high damage values I’m going to put on the samurai statue cuz it looks super cool Samurai ghostly presence nearby yeah yeah yeah so we got the staff of the Jade Dragon hey it’s the ghost it’s a phantom samurai oh this thing probably summons enemies over no well well turn turn that off anime Sword hold to slice through nearby enemies like no [ __ ] way dude no godamn way it’s like the anime meme where you slice through them and they fall like okay hold on hold on hold on wait wait wait this is so cool is that not the coldest thing you’ve ever seen dude dude dude is that not fire it’s not the best at damage though I’m not going to lie H what about this uh dragon it’s not bad a glow blooms over the well I guess we’re going to go to the ocean instead guys what is that a dark feather Mage wait this is a quest hold on hold on hold on calm down let me accept the quest uh um um um um um um um is it already active it is I’m going to use this dragon attack come on does that complete the quest I got a flatter Javelin what does this do it’s like a spear that you can just throw up yeah I think I have a great personality but please get the hell away from me waa what is this asteroid field looking thing wa dude rock candy nice okay I’m at the ocean what’s what’s popping over here wait is this even the ocean what is that asteroid this is not though right a glow blooms over the ocean don’t tell me it’s the left fing ocean dude this is a boss so there’s an asteroid biome in the top right all right let’s go on over to the other side and then check out if there’s anything there I don’t I I assume the events happening over there and this enemy sword is not that good it only does 40 damage I’m stuck in a goddamn block please don’t tell me that’s my downfall okay hello everyone we’re here what’s popping there’s absolutely nothing happening here other than funky music all right yeah we’re going to go into the Crimson instead I don’t know why there was no jelly Deluge or whatever event was happening maybe it was that asteroid fine or I just came too late and damn these things really do explode oh my God my favorite no no no no no no oh no Adrien you just done okay there we go we’re fine let’s use this Dragon weapon oh yeah good damage oh yeah kind of insanely broken oh yeah that is so what about my club just got to use this okay I’m going to use the smaller one cuz uses less Mana the jelly The The J Dragon uses about 36 does a lot of damage but this one does seven Mana instead nice a close call but now we have access to I think we can fight the vine wrath B Vine wrath Bane boss the modded one what is this Ripper slug obeys gravity but does extra damage blood Letter it’s a magic weapon I do not want to use magic though baby all right I’m actually going to go try the vine WRA Vine Vine wrath why do I keep saying wraith dude all right let’s try this out this looks possible all right so I assume you have to fight it in here I’m going to make a quick platform Arena this chest has hery boots what is this Amia the I got to read that at home I’m sorry I can’t do this right now all right um let’s try this disturbing this flower surely isn’t a great idea all right I’ll use this weapon instead oh my God okay it is fast there’s a yellow dandelion attack um it’s not too bad to dodge that one doesn’t home I don’t I want to use my my my you know my club but I can’t use it oh my God this one’s a little harder to dodge m okay thank God it doesn’t like change its altitude when it dashes oh no no no no no no no no no oh there we go what it’s not done that’s the first phase there’s no goddamn way right maybe if I got a uh Mana potions before this fight a little bit helpful dude two [ __ ] phases oh my God okay I just checked the guide It’s recommending me to swap out my armor set either by fighting the ancient Aven like first or going downstairs and finding a marble or Granite biome which I think I’m going to do apparently they have like new things that can give you better armor I don’t know dude I that was a rough fight we didn’t have enough DPS and we didn’t we also didn’t have enough Mana we had no Mana potions yeah after this I’ll I’ll head on down I don’t know should I like I don’t want to use crimtan armor I want to use a modded armor set you know what I’m saying I mean I could also just you know just get Mana potions and then go back to the fight cuz that’s all I was doing but then again I’m a little I should probably get more HP too I only have 200 hp you got a blank glyph from that actually that’s not that bad that’s pretty useful what the f is this ow I found a little dungeon downstairs so I guess we can revisit that I still haven’t found myself a a a godamn marble biome or Granite biome there’s just so much random like look there’s a sunflower area oh Goblin arm is here there’s a sunflower I don’t know there I just want to find this marble biome and I just can’t seem to find it no I’m surprised this weapon isn’t as overpowered I don’t know it looks really cool I’m glad it is this strong but it’s like well balanced like it’s not just destroying them completely look like with zero regard to tick speed dude there’s a new Goblin person it’s the uh the mechromancer he’s kind of cool actually he got rocket boots on I respect it man I’m pretty sure he drops like robot scrap last time I play whoa annoying Freeman and a tech drive that’s what it’s called got astronaut leggings I got Tech Drive and annoying Freeman converts Rockets into coil Rockets I have no ammo for it how are you even supposed to get rockets in Pre hard mode Tech drives can make heartbeat cleats uh unstable Tesla coil coiled Energizer that sounds actually pretty cool coil hook coil pistol yummy coil Rod stationary electric turn wait actually sounds pretty decent or a coil blade I’m going to go for the coiled Rod oh it is a Sentry it’s okay actually it’s not bad yeah it’s pretty good we have a Sentry we have a summon we have melee weapons we have magic weapons we have everything this is the most diverse I’ve ever played as a character I guess while we’re like looking for a marble biome or Granite biome we could find the goblin Tinker at the same time it’s not a bad trade I kind of like that wait this guy sells Warheads they’re Rockets wait let me try out this weapon then the coiled pistol I’m sorry the Freeman oh it does decent damage actually dude I I cannot for the life of me find a a marble biome I’ve literally been looking for like an hour now I got a meteorite let’s see what we can craft with this uh iron bomber converts Rockets into pulse grenades that’s not bad what is this oh it’s the marble biome ancient marble chunks I guess we’re going to make a marble stuff this is nice I’m glad I found this I was hoping for granite though Granite looks I don’t know cooler so we can make this stuff all right let’s make this armor set um dude I don’t even know so what do I use for my legs do I just not have a legs option set bonus press up to Grant Divine wins waa you can just fly wait that’s so cool my defense is higher but why is it so high right now why is it 28 I’ll make platinum legs cuz most defense it’s nice it’s cool what about the granite armor is it a full armor set it is wait it gives you way more defense hello old man I’m just here to get some books and I’ll be on my way wait I don’t have enough don’t tell me I need more ancient marble chunks dude look at this cool ass like dungeon that I found well trying to find a marble biome man oh it’s a chest and it’s a trap you know what guys I’m just going to stay up here goodbye unlock ooh what’s all this old cross summon weapon mystical cage summons a cult fish re what reveals nearby treasure oh has a spelunker effect then the old cross is it’s a Sentry summon full of wait that’s kind of cool I’ll hold on to it dude dude I found one I found AAL biome honestly should have been a grite biome but hey I’ll take it okay I can make the Gilded tone what does this do no way what this I think it’s way better um okay first of all it uses seven Mana the same damage as the J Dragon but seven Mana I guess I can uh try to fight the vine ra Vine wrath Bane I always stutter on that I’ll put this guy down in the middle some more DPS looks pretty good let’s do this can’t really hit it actually it does a lot of damage I need to use it at the same level as the boss that’s the only problem if we’re lower it’s we can’t aim it at the at the oh but lower Works lower works if it’s going down with me let’s restore some Mana while we kill the first phase of Vine raft okay there we go you cannot stop the raft of nature I literally am doing that right now got to watch out for those little cacti bouncing up and down oh my God oh my God oh my God okay wait wait wait I’m poisoned I need to calm down a glob looms over the ocean what does that mean brother the Bramble shall consume you holy [ __ ] dude he is so strong oh my God hold on let me actually add a glyph on um oh there’s new glyphs builds radiant damage when not dealing damage empowering your next attack enemies erupt into cursed Phantoms on death I guess the rage glyph is the most applicable wrong goddamn weapon if I had a king slime M this would be so much easier oh my God and it poisons me brother dude this is such a hard fight he’s like he’s really fast now tons of HP cuts off portions of the arena with that Bramble attack please please please please please please please please it has 1 HP my turn the torrential downpour in the Brier Has Lifted completed the quest Return To Your Roots we just got an armor set oh Thorn speaker garbs I look like a little dragon nice we got the manic photo synth strike shoots out a fast moving solar homing bolt Arcane Brier double tap up to and snare an enemy at the cursor position that does nothing though it does do anything that was kind of disappointing we didn’t really get any good loot out of that that was a fun fight but I feel like any of these other weapons would have been insane oh yeah I can also fight the uh this the the the bird one oh man it’s all the way in the desert well I guess I’ll do that there’s two opponents in this fight and one of them is the fact that I can’t see Jack okay um how do I you know what I’m just going to make a Arena over here all right oh that was fast 6,000 HP stay under stay away from underneath I can’t see okay wait no no no no no no I can’t see anything dude I I I quite literally cannot see anything all right much better okay wait this is a pretty solid strategy if it stands still and I just dodged this mini bullet hell should be able to kill it please stand still again do bull of Hell please you know sometimes I forget that I have to actually look at my goddamn screen sometimes I zoned out I’m going to be real with you guys I zon the out so how else can I fight it I just I ate the egg so do I make a new one feathers and I can totally make that all right feather Crown Bazinga yeah bro bro dude it keeps smacking my balls man wait these Rockets are controllable I’m holding down the mouse now and it controls the Rockets wait that’s so cool they track to the mouse that’s so cool I’ve never had a weapon like that I was like there’s like no gimmick to this weapon until I just realized that that’s really sick you know what it does say it in the item description I wish I read the item description I hope there’s not a second phase come on close I ran out of ammo I ran out ofing ammo no way no okay o nice you know I wasn’t sweating at all actually um we got the trophy let me put this up please give me a good weapon I got an avien hook striking tiles allows the person to float briefly e it’s not bad but I don’t like the floating I like the dragging you know I like to do this so I’m not going to use that soaring scapula pulls enemies towards the ground causing them to take additional damage on collision kind of cool I’ll hold on to it Apostle’s headdress is that it that’s all I get and then yeah it has other weapons but that’s all I got I don’t want to do the fight again dude well elron time but it’s so far away dude dude this weapon is really cool it like it just destroys flying enemies I mean first of all it does 30 damage which is insane for a ranged melee weapon and then it just it just smacks them down to the ground absolutely brutal I don’t even know if I can do this fight though I don’t have King Slime out actually I can just do this right oh that’s not bad on get the arm there we go okay our damage isn’t bad but Sun’s pounding down Moon’s going down I’m sorry oh it turned turn daytime dude either way our damage it’s kind of it’s rough it’s it’s possible but it’s it’s rough man I could get healthstone armor I think I’ll do that so I just read off the spirit mod wiki there is a ore that we can get in the snow biome that we need a Nimble not Nimble a mol pickaxe for so I’m going to go try that out I don’t know what the armor set’s called but anything is better than this guilded set what is this ore R light cryolite bars um Arcane codex SL slow Zone cryolite wait it looks sick it looks like a viking dude bet Winter’s wake converts Rockets into flake I can’t make that need gun hyperborean artifact what is that noise GeForce just capped or something I what okay we also found the goblin Tinker all right blizzard in a bottle and then Spectre boots and then what is this bar called cryolite I got 46 of that I don’t even think I have enough for an armor oh yeah I do not yikes got to go back all right let’s craft this hyperborean artifact I don’t know what it does I don’t even think I have the Quest for it I probably have to unlock the quest after I do all these other quests which actually sucks balls I guess I’ll just activate everything rolly armor dude no this is so cool dude we look awesome we look like a viking we have 37 defense generates an icy aura that slows nearby enemies AA expends gradually but resets when injured we have more melee speed do I can’t really tell cryo staff what does this do oh I also going to make the rhyme how okay I got a lot of cryo weapons what is the rhyme how um not bad it’s pretty good except it literally my damage is better on oh [ __ ] no do 50 damage 50 damage is not bad it’s just there’s just not enough range on it I’ll test it out cryo staff oh that’s pretty good actually inflicts cryo Crush deals increased damage to weakened enemies okay honestly this is a pretty good load out what why did so many quests just pop up I just completed this one dude I don’t I don’t know dude I’m just going to keep exploring I’m just going to keep accepting them all dude dude honestly the DPS on the rhy house prettying insane just you know the range isn’t the best all right I set up an ocean pylon and I got some potions we’re going to drink it manually cuz I’m a goddamn baller and we should have better you know better melee speed we got this big dooky Booky weapon wait it’s pretty good even the ice like fart does like does a lot of damage does not it does 100 damage dude honestly I can just live off of the blast yeah our DPS is way better now this sword I’m not going to lie I was clowning on it but it’s pretty good oh this thing pierces it’s kind of hot dude our dam it oh my gosh really it’s the ones that get you the ones that you don’t expect they butt your [ __ ] all right um why did I do that again do I need to go into the dungeon I don’t even know I mean I might as well there’s probably some new stuff in wait what is that notes on bis Mite crystals toxic can be remedied so the next boss that’s modded is the star plate wait what is this the tide uses seab bre Pearl okay so there’s a water event that we got to do and then the star play Voyager boss which is that one I assume in space we need to find a mechanic for it ooh nice a bewitching table wait quackling staff summons a friendly duck to launch Aqua bolts at enemies wait that’s kind of broken that means it’s a summon that shoots out water bolts no green dungeon Cube what the is this oh a nymph I need this for my quest damn our damage is insane mechanic over there nice wao it’s a dark Alchemist what kind of cool please don’t kill me come on Plague vials oh that’s sick cool animation oh I can make a bone Club but I feel like the rhyme how is already better though I don’t know so what should I do now why did I even get the wire I completely forgot why I got the wire okay ooh some new enemies a gloop ooh what is this an Orbiter staff su’s a mini meteor oh it’s pretty decent it’s kind of cute actually energized metal can make the star play Beacon ah you need to use it to summon the B gotcha ring of willpower summons a lantern power battery that is sick all right let’s start to play Beacon all right I just summoned it ooh screen effect cool okay we have a piercing weapon which is to our advantage Target engaged um why how about no you know the meteorites are like confusing me cuz I think they’re mine oh my God those are definitely not mine though he’s kind of like a mini astram Deus oh he’s actually like a mini Destroyer too he has a little drone coming out okay um wait hold on not good there’s no way that this is just a fight right oh I’m supposed to hit the the blue sections of the boss dude I didn’t I’m soing stupid what wait what happened he just dis appeared wait he just disappeared what is hitting me oh what is going on okay there’s Hing things there’s lasers and he’s also turned into a sentient robot Monopoly charact I don’t even know what I’m looking at what is going on dude I don’t even know what’s going on oh a weapon no dude I’m so confused I don’t know what’s going on there’s so many parts of this fight now that’s insane so there’s a star star falling phase there’s a laser phase teleporting this is the third phase like this like this like this like this yep come on laser protocol just stand still ignore the drones you can destroy the drones that’s nice jump through yep where is he there he is come on 728 laser protocol I don’t really take too much damage from these guys I only take like 10 I can face hang it honestly why am I getting so many lasers from this fight I got like three weapons already oh my God wait I’m dying no there we go nice I got astralite shards which are materials for astralite armor that I don’t have enough of so I have to do the fight again probably astral map teleports you to the cursor location what do you mean like that’s soing cool it’s a mini roted Discord oh astral shards is that what I need oh that’s what I need okay hold on I can make I don’t even have to fight the boss again that’s sick I like this biome a lot actually like it’s a very simple but very unique biome I like the energy here I like the I like the vibe to give off I got a lot of these shards astralite armor this is a Ranger armor set I I’m not using that I have a melee armor set I’m going to hold on to my melee Armor Set live wire plugs into tiles and enemies changing the chain into a shocking live wire an astral convergence hold on star charger left click to fire a volley of weak positive area arrows and shoot also negative arrows oppositely charged arrows explode upon hitting each other 100 crack fist what what the oh a star blade hold on there’s so many weapons all right hold on let’s try out the star blade not bad I probably got to test it out on an enemy every third swing causes the blade to release multiple Bright Stars each one explodes into homing star wisps not bad I’m going to keep down there just to check it out Live Wire oh it’s a mace ah ah you know what pretty cool yeah it’s not bad this is probably going to be really good for like Wall of Flesh you just hit the wall or hit the tile run away yeah it’s not bad at all actually I wish I had a boss I could test this out on what about the astral convergence this would go crazy on wall flush I like it but I think the cryosf is better though because well the cryosf literally you shoot it and it just pierces and lingers what about the star charger the little M16 and then I got the 100 crack fist that is sick whoa dude no that’s so cool that’s actually so cool all right let’s try to do the tide now we need a seab break Pearl Coral never watch Walking Dead oh it’s that weapon I found ionized Blaster fires quickly at the shot of accur honestly not bad kind of sick dude I don’t know star Blade’s kind of good but I think our current weapons are fine like I don’t know like other like cry staff good for range and then this super close for super good for close range I just don’t have a third one I guess I can make the 100 crack fist why does it have – 471 per speed I kind of like it a lot actually kind of want to keep it wait there’s a key for Sunken Treasure also I need Coral why do I only have three Coral I just dug up the entire aquasphere come on dude I need five all right beautiful I just got this from one of the Sunken Treasures this would have gone insanely hard for like aulu or even e of Worlds if you do it dude and then you can e you can easily get it too anyway we got the say SE break Pearl something’s the tied event let’s do it I think I’ve done this before wave oh it’s a wave type of thing I didn’t know that well um um this is going to be bad wait did the tide resend recede would be right word too I guess what I got decapitated by a coconut 250 damage is that right no God damn way that’s right right this is a a prearm mode event they’re hitting me harder than I hit myself kakamura why are they called kakamura whoa he’s got a dino it’s from Castle Crashers I knew there’s Castle Crashers references in here dude I saw The Beekeeper armor set I was like huh damn dude this event’s rough they are strong get away from me back the [ __ ] up they’re kind of cute though they’re so cute I got a shank you sum’s a Whirlpool at this location the C oh not bad they’re flying in they’re flying in dude that’s so cute oh my goodness man how many dude I don’t think I can do this they are rough I got a Godly Tiki Javelin 271 damn I like the melee weapons like you can charge them up and I got killed by a mango laser dude like what attacks are these it’s definitely the cutest event and they kick my ass all the time but all the M weapons are nice cuz you can charge them up and they do so much damage where it’s kind of worth going in close oh my God that guy is the biggest scariest looking sea monster I’ve ever seen and all he does is blow bubbles stream scale I’ll check what that does later when I die miserable and horrible death at the hands of sea animals oh the boss um I kind of have a lot of going on here bud I also can’t even oh he’s pretty squishy I take a lot of damage I got killed by ranion o he’s shooting out tentacles he has like Shadow flame stuff that’s kind of sick I respect it brother he’s kind of actually easy this glove’s kind of putting in the work I just run out of Mana every single time oh my God he just did 200 something damage that is insane you are a master of your craft brother I respect the magic and now you’re going to die goodbye the tide has waned I got the BR barod what does this do that is such a big let down for that boss fight dude I got a bag of bait crocodillo Mount that was worth it that was so worth it I got a stream scale too I got I can make stream Surfer mask it’s a magic magic set a Gatling guppy that’s adorable I got a whirl tide can’t really do that they they cost like five stream skills but I only have like one this is my favorite Mount ever it’s literally Castle Crashers right am I wrong it’s my favorite thing ever I’m it is we’re going to start a trend all right this is our modded trophy area every modded boss we do it I want to do jelly Deluge though we haven’t done it yet but I can’t do it occurs naturally above ground you liar what are you talking about I think that’s like every single boss except for like moon jelly wizard I guess we can also just knock out a ton of these quests cuz you know why the hell not what is that a snap Trapper hold on hold on do I have a quest for that oh dude yeah I forgot the jelly event started when I was when I went offline or when I when I afked my PC I just like oh yes I can oh my God hold up um um um I don’t really have a weapon for this the are kind of strong for where we are in the game I’m pretty sure this is like before Goblin Army and before a lot of things actually probably have a wide array of options this is a really cool event I love jellyfishes shout out to my boy jellyfish now if I’m not mistaken I think after we kill enough of these guys a boss should spawn called the moon jelly wizard moon jelly wizard yeah oh wait no I have to catch a dream light jelly yeah after this I’ll probably like kill you know like do some of these quests that are on the side of my screen and then I should be good to go to go into hard mode I see a lot of these there we go wait what tiny Luna zoa no I don’t want that beautiful and then let’s summon the moon jelly wizard 4,000 HP where are you ooh ow ooh you’re cool he has a lot of teleporting attacks dashing attacks lightning attacks dude it’s kind of insane how much the bait is the bait is about 65% bait power obviously it increases the bait power at night and during the jelly event but 65 is wild like that’s literally higher than masturbate this fight would be really hard if you know we did it when we were supposed to I feel like we’re going to struggle during wall flush fight I don’t know our load out seems to not be doing insane damage which is good but worrying and there we go that is the moon jelly wizard what do we get from it we got a cornic copium what does this do that’s cool we also got the moonshot and there’s the trophy and I think that’s basically most if not all of pre hard mode yes it is all right I’m going to do some quests just to knock them out of the out of the water nothing too crazy I just found this new material called slag Stone um it dropped from this enemy that I just killed in the Underworld and it can make slag Tyrant armor which is a a minion armor set but also can make a slag breath a slag staff and a slag breaker so I’m going to try and make these and oh it’s this thing yeah glun is devour very small amounts of stag Stone I’ll work with it though okay I got some slag Stone I also got this demon tail what the hell is that kind of cool actually I’m going to make the slag turn staff that does 40 damage all right what does it look like it’s a it’s a lantern well I guess I got to farm 30 more pieces wait what why is it why is there like smoke what is going on oh this Lantern is kind of cool it’s not hitting anything at all though slag breaker and slag breath what do these do baby uh shockingly mid what about the slag breaker what the [ __ ] that’s not bad actually I’ll hold on to this all right let’s try to do the wall flush I have enough magic potions I think I do DPS no goddamn clue I kind of rhymed actually all right let’s try this out dude what is this [ __ ] DPS bro yeah it’s over let’s try these weapons okay SL breaker is not that bad dude you know it’s not that bad the fight I just what what is this dust storm going on it came out of nowhere okay te javelin’s thing we can use and cryo staff all right cryos staff’s actually pretty good I didn’t even buff up dude my summons are kicking ass I don’t even know how I got this drone controller I think I use star play Voyager materials to make it dude our our our defense holy if we have 58 defense no wonder we’re not taking damage come on a Glow’s over the sea oh now it’s gone why was there like a dust storm in the desert or something okay come on come on 884 884 3 seconds he heal woo there we go baby we have new quests let’s check those out pop this pop that demon heart uh Ranger em Ranger emem I literally have everything but Ranger what are these quests once in a blank explore a Mystic Moon sure brood mother kill a vulture matriarch it’s a giant vulture sleeping in the desert um sure ancient augury uh what what is an augury find the mysterious woman in the Marvel Cavern this is so cool I love this Quest system what is a Mystic Moon though how do I do that use a turquoise l uh we can actually make this like right now what is what is that aiming the Stars quest retrieve an iceberry and slowly approach an aurora stag and beat it oh my God the Crimson spread to the Jungle pylon you’ve got to be kidding me dude so the first boss we have to kill in the spare mod is infer on use a infer infer on pain collar we need Souls of Night slack Stone and hellstone bars well hard mode or mining time dude I’m just mining some ores and the Pirates Come and they take my booty dude I’m I’m too weak bro I’m too weak bro I just got into hard mode Adam anti Forge Adamantite I’ll make like 100 bars what does that do I make an Adamantite no a curse breaker what is that dream stri I can’t make that I can make an Adam anti staff Adam anti staff what does this do oh oh it’s kind of fire should I just make Adam anti armor dude okay I’ll make Adam anide armor until I get a brand new set yep the La armor set Bing Bang bong I like this one though so I’m going to keep it on even though it’s worse I want to look like a viking 62 defense not bad what is that pyro lobber pretty cool so I’m just checking out the bosses infer and doesn’t drop any uh any items or I’m sorry any like armor set materials but I’m pretty at least I think but I think the Mystic Moon does it drops this uh azer AER Gem and the AER gem can make a magic armor set which we will adopt temporarily until we get some Hollow armor I guess I can go to a marble biome to do that Quest she said they said that there’s a an NPC there the augur ancient augury find the mysterious woman in the horrible Caverns closest one is like 10 Mi away though yo what it do bro you look sick bless Gods accept your challenge Enchanted enemies will appear more often what does that mean ooh yoa Mark of Zeus Blades of chaos isn’t that from Kratos how do I buy it I need olympium tokens what are those wait this is so cool you are an NPC right please tell me can you can you can you move in I guess she’s not an NPC I guess we have to keep visiting herit how do I get these Olympian tokens they drop from Rach matons learni and hydras oh so they just drop from things that are in the marble biome that are BL oh my that’s kind of annoying dude I know what we’re going to be doing today dude I think that’s a blessed enemy right there what the [ __ ] I got six wait that’s actually pretty easy we only we need like 20 that’s not bad at all but we aren’t blessed anymore dude can this Beholder kill so the problem is is we keep dying so we lose the bless buff debuff thing so it makes it harder for us to get the more Enchanted enemies so maybe I’ll just set up a base there dude this Beholder mini boss is mad annoying I’m just trying to farm and it just keeps spawning please yeah yes more tokens yes I’m going to kill this I hope I get 20 something and then I’m going to buy a new weapon how much I get how many coins I have 11 wait I have 11 H can I leave the rest at home hey what it do can I buy a weapon right now yo this this person’s chill as you can’t even get hit that is so not fair dude calls the Oracle to you oh wait that’s oh it summons them hey there’s one right there hey man working hard or hardly working working hard so I can please you four tokens all right so if I click this does it come on yes yes yes new weapon I have 25 tokens no what the Oh I thought that was the Oracle for some reason more tokens nice okay so we can get one weapon I’m going to get the blades of Chaos from Kratos oh my God they’re huge this is so cool oh this is so cool wait isn’t how many more weapons are there there is two more there is a magic and there is a range weapon Dam what about my boy my boy Summoner dude what the wait this is so cool the damage is okay but it looks cool and that’s what matters oh dude I could like get a hold on hold on hold on let’s buff up this weapon let’s go get a glyph um over here what glyphs do we have now o we have a phase glyph weapon damage increases the faster you move decreases when moving slowly consecutive hits give a burst of speed a blaze glyph more damage sets you a blaze and you get Critical Strike chance dealing damage builds a defensive wall around the user and then these are like all the regular ones that we did when they say blazing is it like I burn cuz that’s actually kind of on point with the with the weapon now so does it like burn me oh it does burn me oh I don’t know man but there is a damage increase 25% more damage and more Critical Strike chance kind of cool though um I’m not going to lie dude I don’t really like this blazing it it kills me that’s why and I can’t use it consistently like if I wanted to fight a boss I would just die I guess I’ll buy a noph goodbye maybe I’ll use a phase glyph weapon damage increases the faster you move I feel like the veil would be better defensive Veil around the player cuz since we’re doing M you know we’re basically right next to a to to to all the enemies I think that would be the smartest one let me try to reforge this oh again Godly huh huh God damn it oh I got it last minute and then put this glyph on it let’s try this out how does it work I have a little mini Shield that does not work at all I just took damage bro come on please leave me alone okay we have 43 we can L and then buy let’s buy the mark of Zeus hold wait is it like a lightning bolt oh I was like why why is it that’s it I’m I’m I’m I’m Stone the damage is not bad actually 200 damage 360 damage it’s pretty good good I need one more one more weapon one more weapon of the Mythos thank you sir oh my God all right I’m going to buy the eoo I don’t know I can’t pronounce it is that an i yoa what do you do interesting oh and a volley right click to fire a volley at marked foes what does that mean do I Mark enemies and then I home the volley at them like 80s huh this is the best weapon we have so far actually this does a lot of damage I’m going to put on my Ranger emblem screw the Power Glove dude we’re now a ranger guys changing builds every time yeah the markazus isn’t that bad but I don’t know I feel like the Adam anti staff just beats it out of the ballpark you don’t have to charge it up you can just Spam it super easy okay I’m going to farm some Pixies to make pixie wings and after that I should be able to craft the pain collar to fight infer INF fernon and then after we do that if if I die if I live I’ll probably win nah I had to win we’ll do the Mystic moon event which is H I should have all these materials except for crystal shards but I assume to get them I just have to go down to like here yep our weapons are pretty decent honestly I think the Anam anti staff is one of my favorite weapons right now it’s just super easy to use and it does a decent amount of damage the blades of chaos honestly if this did more damage I would use these but they don’t and then the Yara is pretty good but I think it’s only useful for like single targets okay pain collar let’s try this out oh it’s consumable oh man um I’m not think I’ll be using melee during this fight I’m going to be running around like a little B that’s so cool okay let’s try this out he’s on a hoverboard dude that’s insane okay magic weapon does more damage I’m going to count on this first ow damn 100 damage holy fat nuts okay Miss he’s a little little strong a little tough what the [ __ ] all right I’m going to turn off the background and do it again okay so I have a pretty decent ranged load out going on right now I think what I’ll do is I will add the phase glyph which increases your weapon damage more you move so how do I how do I use it it just seems like oh I guess I got to be hitting something hold on let me try the Kink slime let’s try it 65 damage it still does 65 damage um I don’t seem to be doing more damage I I think this glyph is broken oh I did get I got a oh wait consecutive hits Grant a oh a consecutive hits but I have it and it’s not increasing it okay maybe I’m just not doing it right I got no clue I just got to pray where’s my I’m not getting it hold up mucho better or our damage is nice this glyph does not work bro oh oh oh oh my God I can’t see it it’s all red no dude yeah I don’t know what to tell you the the glyph is not working i’ rather by the way if you put on a glyph you can’t reforge your weapon so I don’t know I feel like taking unreal over this glit makes more goddamn sense oh dude he moves so fast I don’t know what to do am I am I supposed to loop around yo can this Inferno Spirit back the up dude I get hit by the most random ass dude I’m just going to keep running away yeah I’m gone bro I got my Castle Crashers Mount see you later man goodbye thank you I appreciate you and your contribution to society now he’s attack I guess if you move too fast he just does not attack well you guys can fix that yay that was kind of hard you have yet to be what phas two that’s the phase 2 it’s the little face phase two I got what I did there oh my God it has ier piss bullets dude it does so much fing damage what the [ __ ] I’m just going to like run away dude like dead ass what that’s stupid okay how are you supposed to dodge the the the ier bullets that literally chase you no M maybe I’m doing something wrong um I changed my arrows uh so let me see if these do more damage wait but now they don’t even Target the guy that’s okay this does a lot of damage well good thing I can just skip the first phase by running in a singular Omni Direction um that’s that doesn’t make sense Sor oh single linear Direction and just spamming the same attack over and over again how do I okay no way bro no like dead ass see dude once you touch it it just it just Chang you all right yeah goodbye goodbye goodbye everyone see you later goodbye this is the only way I can see I see a counter for it just run away from it as fast as possible e nice nice that was pretty challenging I think if I didn’t find that movement cheese I would have taken 10 years on that fight sorry I got things to do buddy let’s open this up infernal pack 4% increased damage reduces your defense to zero increases damage by 0.75% per defense Point loss I just get 30 damage and change for zero defense cool concept but not useful right now I got the Char Fury this honestly probably does more damage than my current sword torment Shard I can make an a magic armor set I’ll pass I mean I could try to craft it but I don’t have enough anyway time to do the Mystic moon event here we go ladies and gentlemen I need a turquoise lens uh turquoise turquoise lens use at night time W well night’s almost over let me go reset the night real quick okay new night try to sh Mystic moon is oh wait let me turny in the background ooh a glitter fly get my setup going mhm is there like a boss Stargazer slime let me check it let me check this out he got this wack frog dude Hazard gems glum shroom staff astral clock moon jelly donut and a Mad Hat so it’s a lot of magic stuff going on here a lumantis a stargazer slime where’s the moon at is this a moonless knight that doesn’t make any sense it’s a Mystic Moon look at all these Mad Hatters I kind of missed my old arrows it’s a toad a glow [Laughter] toad why does it look so stupid dude oh my goodness they’re so strong too I guess I can use like magic to fight the destroyer and then range to fight the twins that doesn’t sounds too bad nothing’s dropping though I got a moon jelly donut consume restores life over 15 seconds 5 minute duration o it’s kind of broken huh all right guys Mader can I get your magic weapon pretty please oh my god dude look how freaky these guys are they they’re their heads do a complete 180 turn if you’re above them I got one AER Gem and I need like 50 I think I need 13 23 I need 31 okay maybe that oh sah strike okay I need more than that um guys can I just go indoors somewhere and make a little Outpost you guys are really kicking my ass see you later guys haha bye-bye I’m moving on oh wait they can hit me through the walls oh no how am I going to get all these azer gems dude boom battlecry I did that please just die all of you leave me alone bro what the [ __ ] well this event was way harder than I thought why do all these enemies do so much damage dude I don’t think I can even kill them before night time runs out I think I have to do this event like five more times if I want the full armor set is it daytime Al lumantis well it is daytime because yeah it’s daytime but why are they still spawning then a bloomroom hey I can take I can take you guys on like one by one this is great well that l no net value from that I can’t even make the sword that I wanted I can make serap’s light what is that oh my God that was the most hardest thing I’ve ever done in my entire life let me try these s light I crafted throwing knives with what I just made or what I got from that entire fight oh I can do the mechanical light you know what that’s what I’m going to be doing tonight I need I need I need something to pass the time wait I don’t have the right arrows a I need the regular ones no what about this magic weapon by the way oh pierces I Hest try to just do this with the arrows and not rely on the Homing I can’t wait to get a new weapon please the DBS is rough out here rough for a baller like me uhoh ad you’re running out of arrows boom that’s one oh I have no potions this run no wonder I’m like taking so much damage all right rer we can do this calm and polite my DPS is definitely not strong enough but you don’t know that okay just going do a burst the burst do a lot of damage are you [ __ ] kidding me all right now there’s no jellyfish let’s go for a rematch oh I had the melee helmet on the entire time oh sh I wonder I died yo and then I change my arrows so I can do this and all of them hit perfectly every time dude we are shredding we are shredding now come on almost done oh this is so much better oh my God and Boop wait Boop wait Boop there we go that’s one down I also changed the um change this thingy to Unreal so we have that damage boost and speed boost instead of using that actual speed glyph that did absolutely nothing for some reason it’s probably just using it wrong come on no woo the spirits spread throughout the land you’re talking about the spirit biome I’m pretty sure that’s a thing I can get a hollowed staff wait that sounds sick I might go for that actually I think I have a destroyer spawner that I can bazon so let me just pass everything inside here I want that staff though the hollow staff I assume it’s better than my titanium one or Adamantite huh I actually don’t know let me try it out um I don’t think so it’s not Adam anti is better that’s crazy what a crazy realization wait Blades of chaos goes kind of hard okay I think I got this play Slow you would think the blades of chaos would do more damage wait they kind of do hold on wait let’s go melee this time oh pretty good not too shabby let me use this to get rid of the probes and I’m anti saf kicking ass out uh-oh uh-oh that’s not recall recall recall recall I thought I was going to recall to the right if we can do this Roy tonight we can do Skeletron Prime tomorrow night because this is a little too much stress today I also want to do that Spirit biome uh rumaging around try to see if I can get any good upgrades from there oh Blades of chaos I’m so glad I I did doubt you but I’m so glad I didn’t doubt you this time make any cool melee weapons oh I can make a shark bones it fires homing Rockets I guess we can go to the spare biome see what’s going on over there armor wise I feel like I should make some hollowed armor yeah I might do that never mind I only have I can only make the hollowed plate I can always buy buy some treasure bags or something anyway let’s go find that hollowed biome I mean Spirit biome I assume it’s on let’s just scoop what everyone’s dead well I guess I’ll just walk all the way around the entire world and find it they wouldn’t put it next to the Jungle I was I would assume I would they would put it next to the dungeon cuz you can just get the spirit biome on the dungeon and then it just wouldn’t be you know contaminating the jungle cuz you need the jungle we need to fight planta oh what did I say hello everyone uh what’s popping over in these parts uh please don’t battlecry nether Bane a Wandering Soul I’m going to check for the ore in this area what is that ethereal Ember M runic armor it is Magic I am I really using I’m I’m using Adamantite staff but Spirit body arm uh oh wait I could get this Spirit bars okay I guess we’ll stay we’ll stay here try to mine some stuff I assume you have to mine it with a pickaxe though a pickaxe axe I don’t even know if I can get all the materials here um ancient ruin that’s what we needed just for the magic stuff what about the or Daddyo well I just searched up how to get it and I can’t even mind it I need a titanium pickaxe luckily for us I can make one yummy okay so these Spirit bats also drop it so I can just kill these holy projectile hell leave me alone please I beg of you please holy fing [ __ ] what is that not the most broken [ __ ] you’ve ever seen it shoots straight projectiles through the wall and they walk through the wall holy crap dude I got to walk all the way back now again is there a spirit pylon I doubt it it’s such a hostile biome oh my God there’s a spirit pylon all right I found some Spirit ore after I mined 10 million miles underground please leave me alone guys please please hey hey I just want to mine some more I don’t think I need these ancient runes cuz they’re for a magic build but the regular bars themselves can be turned into Spirit body armor which seems like Max melee melee armor I think question mark please I hope so what is what is this called Spirit bars duh I can make a spirit pickaxe it’s 5% better so I don’t think I can make any of the armor yet cuz I need more of those Essences but Revenant converts regular arrows into Revenant arrows that sounds cool what about melee weapons oh I need more of these iial Embers okay I guess I’ll play around with this Revenant real quick unreal Revenant very nice oh they like explode how much damage is doing I feel like the yokara is I’m I don’t know what it’s called yoa Yo Mama it’s actually pretty good it’s like better for consistent damage but this one is better for having fun I think this is better in Dam in terms of damage all right I think I got all the Ethereal Ember I need I think I only need 14 Spirit legs Spirit headgear and spirit body armor armor we’re going from 81 to 75 defense we got less defense but our damage is the same experience Grant you various Buffs based on your HP you have more damage when below 400 more defense below 200 more life Tre gen below 100 and more invincibility frames before this is not good this armor set feels like a prior it it promotes you to take more damage I don’t know if I want to use it actually oh what does it look like though um it’s all right I like my Viking set more I don’t know if this is the right armor set for this this is also melee and we’ve been using you know range this entire time so probably yeah we’re not going to run with that all right um how much damage does the spirit damage do when I can actually hit the guy it’s not bad it’s pretty decent actually pretty consistent he so much faster though this is like literally an M16 just Spam it spam it spam it spam it oh my God I still remember four the worthy Master mode you’re playing Skeletron you’re playing against Skeletron Prime and all his bombs destroy tiles genuinely the worst change possibly ever to make someone miserable and it made me miserable for a very long time whoa what the am I doing heal heal heal okay oh my God I think I had like 5 HP or something if I die I’m going to quit if I die delete my YouTube channel I wouldn’t actually do it I’ll delete my second Channel instead all right um we could totally just go ahead and fight planta but I can what should I do what should I do okay let’s make the pickaxe Axe and then let’s check out Hollow I’m no chlorop fight let’s check out Chlor let’s see what it makes is there anything cool that I can make what are these n waral sword shell Hammer well we’re going to make the Eternal sword Eternal okay Eternal sword needs the flame bir Sword and the vorpal sword which we I would assume have the materials for because these are slack Stone cryolite we have that we just need Souls of Knight and then we have Spirit bars we just need glorify bars and then I should probably also make hollowed armor yeah let’s make some hollowed armor how do I still not have enough hollowed bars when I killed all mechanical fossiles dude oh wait we can fight a boss before it we can fight the dusk King we need Spirit bars and Souls of Night oh dude let’s let’s do this this looks cool wait what is that a GTE turret hey man uh what are you doing here okay GTE components what techno brand a focus M2 a vector 109 Gtech grenade this would have been really useful if I found this earlier okay clam Burge sword vorpal sword I guess we should try them out before we combine them huh so the voral sword this is is pretty good actually I assume the damage is 7 77 is pretty good a flamur sword eh not bad so does this combine both of them Eternal sword oh it’s like a mini Terror blade it is nice I like this dude look how fast it is when I put on the uh helmet all right then maybe I can just use this on a planta hello Goblin Tinker I’m here to reforge okay okay this is nice okay let’s make an Avenger emblem and then let’s make the mechanical glove boom Oh it’s warding wait I think I can even make it the uh the molten one fire Gauntlet how convenient well look look at the infernal pack we go from doing 144 to 27 damage with zero defense now I guess I should change this accessory from a magic quiver cuz we’re not going to really be using the I have no idea what to change it out with he Adrian how you doing uh you sell anything cool I really want to get these Jade Dows I don’t know how to get these Jade dows might be after planta o more more glyphs attacks have a chance to inflict stacks of void collapse I don’t even know what that means maybe I’ll try that later cuz I do like my Legendary Legendary thing let’s go uh make a planta Arena and kick it ass I can make the true hollowed staff is a good though definitely cooler looking what else can I make that’s true I don’t know I have a I have a SL spot for True weapons true great old ones oh what the hell wait that’s not from this mod true Harvester well I don’t have the regular one true vessel triner I also don’t have the wait I do I I had this before wait there’s a true staff from everything oh dude that oh Terra spor oh o we’re going to make that we’re going to make the vessel drainer how do I make the vessel triner oh we need everything oh wait wait wait wait wait can I make it Rose V nope can’t make that skull sprays from the dungeon flare spark can’t make that either okay that’s that’s something for later actually I should do it now huh because if I if I get this then I can make the teror already yeah I should do this I’m going to do it I’m going to go to the dungeon real quick about the sword oh this kind of cool actually like homes around to the enemies yeah it’s kind of cool it’s actually really satisfying to use then again I am in a very you know I’m in a preh hard mode area wait I found one oh it drops from an enemy that’s convenient flare spark staff flare spark staff this one got this one okay one more is the jungle one well luckily for us we have a whole jungle Arena so we need to get jungle spores and I think Stingers 12 spores and three Stingers this hollow staff behaves so weird like it does a lot of damage but at the same time it doesn’t it’s like it gives the enemy an immunity frame so that they don’t take any damage while you’re doing damage maybe I probably just said that so weirdly I need one more stinger and then we can make this new staff yeah I like the hollow staff look see how like it flies through an enemy and then it does one tick of damage versus this one where you just well this one I think just does more damage I okay technically I do have a melee build going on okay I resent my comment touche old man Rose Vine staff and then what is it called vessel drainer so what does this do I’m so glad I didn’t make this and never use it true vessel drainer it pees ier it’s actually kind of cool gathers power over time oh is it like a crimson Crimson rod that’s kind of cool all right true H staff true thingy what what what the [ __ ] does it make again the terra terra sceptor I think this is the easiest terrap Terra anything I’ve ever made and it does the most basic looking Magic magic ever dude are you kidding me I thought it was going to be some cool sword flying radiating something I don’t know what I expected I expected more it’s okay though we have a really good we have a pretty solid load out going on right now all right the magic does it follow back to it I can’t tell yeah my sword is just way better it’s a it’s literally just ter a teror blade or the old teror blade okay this does so much damage even our bow is insanely overpowered right now I think the ter would be really good against Golem there we go what is that a crackling core from the granite biome this eternal sword’s pretty godamn broken I wish it was a little more creative though I don’t know this probably like an older weapon that they haven’t rework or it’s just supposed to be this broken anyway ooh piggy sta I’ll take that very nice welcome upgrade all right I guess we can go fight Golem oh what am I doing I have the I was going to fight The Dusk King oh my God I ruined it hey man U I’m sorry dusk Crown it’s kind of cute hey man what’s up he’s cool and hard oh my God he’s kind of kicking my ass he’s ironically kicking my ass he this is before planta all right bro how are we still wearing Adam anti armor oh yeah now we can pick it oh we can do we can pick the turtle armor set oh no why would I make turtle when I can just go straight to Beetle I can do that but I kind of want to use the modded armor set I’m going to go on the wiki after this boss fight and then check out any modded boss okay bro calm down I’m going to check out any like modded armor sets that I can use what the hell what are you doing wait what I have no idea what he just did there I got the shadow Mo converts wooden arrows into Shadows what wait this is sick do these things home I’m going to hold on to it kind of cool dusk pendant increase magic and range Critical Strike chance at night um all the bosses that we’re going to be fighting aren’t really going to be night wait it’s it’s all I’ll hold on to it though dusk Shard and dusk King MK DUS Shard is a range and magic armor set we’re using melee blade of the yo-kai oo blade of the yo-kai how does this work melee attacks May emit Shadow flame Embers huh you you liar damn this sword sucks yeah no we’re not using it wait I have a flying lizard summon it’s the exact same thing oh how do they work damn they’re strong this is a very very horrible Golem Arena put some ier on and then use this weapon actually wait let me try the uh it’s pretty good yeah the terror staff is pretty good we’re not using magic build but it’s pretty good on uh Golem but Eternal sword is so broken maybe I shouldn’t do Golem maybe I should have checked what boss I had to do before go we’re at the very end of the mod basically oh my gosh HP disappear go like n n what am I talking about bro okay dude I’m having so many close calls in this master mode run all right anything that I can make with Beetle uh except for Beetle armor nothing so I think there’s a either one or two more bosses of Spar mod that I have to do before Moon Lord and huh no there’s only one the ogre I’m just kidding it’s Atlas this guy yep oh boy he’s going to beat my ass all right I’m going to get some chlorified to get the beetle armor and then I will I also wait I just realized why am I not finishing any quests or why am I not unlocking any more quests H something is wrong but I don’t know okay let’s fight Atlas now we have Beetle armor I think Atlas does drop his own armor set so wait I need Martian conduit plate bro I got to fight the goddamn martians what if I just go wait what if I go up back here is there anything new up here asteroids hello everyone hello everybody what the hell is that hey freaks what you guys doing up here huh uh nothing much nothing much I respect it oh wait there’s some new weapons I think that are are being sold as we speak as of this moment um is it uh hold on let me go talk to the AA let me see if they sell any new weapons cuz that would be cool if they do uh no I guess the hell not wait Carlos the Bandit where the hell are you Carlos is there any other new NPCs that I have not received yet Gambler I’m okay dude don’t Gamble kids bro the weapon that I want only comes from the traveling Merchant man all right Martian Invasion martians are invading I can’t wait I only need 20 conduit blocks I think oh my goodness please don’t kill me please don’t do it come on kill the mar there we go did I get ooh yo-yo The Godly terrestrial ultimatum it’s just a goddamn yo-yo dude oh it’s pretty good actually damn wait 218 damage shoots Electro Spears it’s kind of killing everything that’s faster than anything else we own wait it’s like the best weapon I have right now I hate to admit that actually there we go Martian’s done I hate you bro all right you freaks um what is it called to summon Atlas this might be a bad idea it’s called a stone fist I think I still need better wings but I can’t craft it oh nice use anywhere to summon Atlas is it a good idea yeah why not let’s try it out oh he turns to Sky gray damn his hit box is insane it’s huge how much does a yo-yo do I got a yo-yo yo yo yo it’s kind of broken where are you going my brother I’m about to die because I literally I cannot see out of my left eye oh yeah ow this is easy dude I got this I need better wings oh my god dude these hands are so fuing fast it’s like they accelerate every single foot I’m away from it move Adrien move all right I just made a Celestial shell do I have to put on a cobal [Music] shield I’m about to do it I’m I’m about to do it can you seriously leave me alone can you leave me alone can you no I’m like dead ass can you please leave me alone please bro please I’m not even that far away dude I can’t dude it is rough for a baller like me should I get do fish on rngs I want to get Steampunk Wings hello they’re not moving in everyone’s dead wait I can make different Wings though I do I have 20 I can make spirit wings or nether Wings Spirit bars or nether crystals uh how do I even know which one’s better I I’m going to say Spirit bars cuz Spirit bars are more important oh they’re so much better oh wait wait we can totally do this now okay These Wings Are a game changer actually gamechanging moving so fast ow please don’t fist me not yet I’m not ready oh my God wait 2,000 HP I can do it I can do [Music] it first try I got light the mountain occasionally afflict flows with unstable affliction what does that even mean violent Atlas eye under 50% HP defense is increased by 20 movement speed is reduced reduces damage taken by 12% but it doesn’t really matter cuz we’re in master mode so it doesn’t really help us light the mountain though sounds cool what does this do very mid look very mid looking okay midl looking okay I think that’s all the mod of bosses yippee but there is a few handful of weapons there’s a few weapons that we can get after oh wait no wait we can got the armor set let’s make the armor set and then let’s do the lunar lunar lunar uh lunar what what the hell is it called lunar events why am I not braining Primal Stone face plate Primal Stone boobies and Primal Stone legs I don’t even have a helmet on I look kind of dumb dude all right I went from 96 defense to 73 I’m not really sure how to feel about that I’ll put on the my mask I look cool all right let’s um head on over to the dungeon wait what does this armor set even do um melee magic melee magic reduce movement speed reduced movement speed but they inflict unstable Affliction what is unstable affliction all right let’s try this why are they not spawning is it cuz I broke the the ground hold up what that work wait let me try this out oh my God wait that did so much damage I think my sword I can’t really tell what’s doing more damage dude the damage is gnarly it also homes which is really nice roofless ancient Cho a cluster of ancient ice nice okay so I think every single pillar drops a new weapon now so let’s try out Magic first cuz that’s always the easiest when you have a Battle Cry I also want to try out this ruthless ancient shoots a cluster of ancient ice yeah right dude it’s pretty good actually oh dude the Mountain’s actually insane I think the ancient actually the best weapon we have right now look at how much damage it does damn the yo-yos are super underrated well I’m underrating them because I don’t like yo-yos that much okay so you know we beat all the spirit mod bosses but let’s see if we can beat Moon Lord with Spirit mod weapons I think we can I’m a little scared though and there we go I wonder what unstable Affliction does though is it like crushing weakening damage is it that that burning on them I think I hope so I can make a void quill what does that mean I can weaponize dicks hold up there’s no way right there’s no way right hold up wait it uses zero Mana what if I just like do this can I not just do that I am the power what I’m just scribbling I’m the real scrib what the well the void quill is absolutely broken wait what if I get a glyph on it oh my God that’s going to be insane hold on what glyph can I put on it um void glyph attacks have a chance let’s put on that I don’t even know what it means dude attacks have a chance to inflict stacks of void collapse we’re already writing a rift of reality what if I just like Zoom my screen out and then is it is it scale with okay it scales with the okay wait if I zoom all the way out can’t I just like dude dude this is actually my favorite magic weapon I’ve ever seen this is so cool what is this did I do this why why are these here did I rip the screen by accident dude all right DPS wise is not that good but range wise it is the best it also has insane knockback like it just stops the enemies in their track okay what can I make with these Stardust fragments these super NOA summons a collapsing star deal summon damage to the star um I guess this is like a an alternative to your to your to your hold on watch this I guess it’s like an alternative to like a whip I guess it’s an okay weapon I’m not a Summoner though I’m not even a Mage and this is this weapon’s insane okay I am using a mage AR wait why is it using Mana it literally says uses zero Mana why is it glitching why does it make that noise oh my man is constantly restoring as I’m drawing come on this is actually the most broken weapon I’ve ever used ever in my life I think this is the easiest solar pillar I’ve ever had in my life dude imagine actually having a mage build though this is mage build right I got a mystical dice I don’t need that hey guys back up nice that’s insane hold on now I want to tell Dude all the weapons are really cool well the void one the nebula one was I can make the Helios what is this really cool not bad hold and release a throw right click to dash to it that’s not bad okay I’ll try it out I’m not I wouldn’t say that it’s amazing but it looks pretty cool a lot of the weapons have like the dash mechanic hoen on o it’s pretty good okay this is really good for keeping enemies away from you but like why would I use this when I could just use the the the draw maaba literally just draw myself the circle I can draw my own circle like watch I want to draw myself the circle what are you going to do nothing I I’m in my own okay they’re going to kill me but so how am I going to feat the moon Lord maybe the vortex weapon got something cool Helios is really cool though but nothing it’s like are you God damn kidding me I have a I have the please don’t kill me please please I want to I want to go there before the moon Lord spawns and and and get yes give me give me give me give me give me uh uh uh uh I can make I can make the Tesla Cannon consumes gel what are you not saying Cannon oh no no no no no no no no no no no CH gel what does this do it’s not working why is it not working oh it does work it’s not bad why did I do that dude what am I doing bro I I don’t even know what I’m doing do I want to use the light the mountain dude honestly it might work this could work all right it’s not really working all right we’re draw circles we’re scribbly o this man it’s actually kind of working I still hit that okay he’s going to laser I’m going TP down I’m going to draw on his forehead yep I’m going to write that he’s a head it’s working why am I why does that always happen no no what the no no no no no no no no no no why did I TP there no that was the wrong button that was the wrong button okay that I almost threw it that’s insane all right Moon Lord head down and now we just walk away I just zoom out and just draw on his F nope can’t oh oh what the [ __ ] okay this is my last attempt before I go crazy I reforged some of my weapons and uh I put medicine on everything so we have a little bit more damage oh my God my ninja ninja gear dodg are for me that’s insane what the dude this is why I don’t like Master mode they do the 100 damage each bro bro please I’m a trash player man I’m only here I didn’t even pee yet how am I supposed to get any any closer dude no like dead ass I feel like our DPS is not keeping up dude dude this that literally is impossible to dodge am iing missing something here dude dude screw this I’m using the day break I’m done damn look at that hand taking so much damage the laser how are you how are you actually supposed to dodge that in like vanilla you know what I’m not even mad I’m not even mad I’m hungry that’s what I am I’m so hungry I can eat a whole food truck right now even the truck and the wheels four-wheel drive come on there we go please bro please bro please bro finally that took so much more tries than it did and then when we use a weapon with actual damage we did it I was I wanted to use the Helios but the Helios is just too it’s too close range can’t do anything with it what do we got any moded stuff um let’s find out luminite can make the Omni wrench it’s a wrench I think that’s it though I don’t think there’s any more things like I know I wanted to get some weapons from the traveling Merchant but uh gem Omni wrench typhoon Shadow collar I think we got most of the items all right well I guess that’s it I think next on The Mod list is Thorium so um after we play thorium we’ll play one more mod and then we’ll combine all those mods into a mega mod pack and play all them so yeah thank you guys for watching it’s it’s been Adrian guys see you later

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I Beat Terraria’s Spirit Mod [FULL MOVIE]

Want TERRARIA MERCH? (Affiliate)
Use Code: ADRIAN for 15% off!

Use code ‘adrian’ for 10% off!

tModloader Mods Used:
– Spirit Mod
– Ore Excavator
– Weapon Display
– Lights and Shadow
– Alchemist NPC Lite
– Recipe Browser
– Boss Checklist

Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/adrian_widjaja/
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/adrianwidjaja_
Daily Channel ► youtube.com/@AyeJaeW
Twitch ► https://www.twitch.tv/adrianwidjaja

EVERYTHING ELSE ► https://linktr.ee/AdrianYT_

This is not Terraria Calamity Infernum Full Movie ft. WaffleTime, at least not yet, if you guys want us to release more Calamity Infernum Episodes, let us know in the comments! We’re not playing Revengeance or Death Mode on Infernum, we’re playing on Infernum! We Beat Terraria Infernum Mode [FULL MOVIE]

#adrian #adrianrage #terraria #terrariaspirit #calamity


  1. this is my favorite mod its very underrated and honestly higher quality than most big mods. the pre-hardmode experience feels like a survival game and i love the new music it adds to biomes

  2. Hey, dont know if you take class mods, but arteficers accessorys is my personal favourite. It does have a post game addon for some big mods like calamity, thorium, mod of redemption and the story of red cloud funnily enough. So that. It "might" be a bit strong but that mostly happens post moonlord.

  3. If we're talking about mod suggestions I would love to see you play Split. It's such a spectacular and beautiful mod that even to this day stands as my top one Terraria mod. Unfortunately though the devs are still working hard for a 1.4 update so it's only available in previous versions.

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