Stardew Valley 1.6 | Winter On Meadowlands Farm | Part 48

[Music] hello and welcome back to the next episode of our stardy Valley let’s play series it is the 21st day of winter we are slowly coming up on the Feast of the winter star we do have the book seller again but I’m still probably not going to have the stuff for that or the money for it snow tomorrow fortune teller says neutral and queen of soft says pumpkin pie in my house it’s a tradition to eat pumpkin pie during the Feast of the winter star the season just isn’t complete without that wonderful flavor you can only achieve with the finest Farm Fresh pumpkins a little nutmeg cinnamon and clove will sweep you off to a land of crimson and gold uh okay well I’m glad to know how you feel about that Queen interesting there is a queen of or pky and Pie sorry recipe in the stardy valley cookbook and it actually looks really good so I would be tempted to make that eventually let’s probably around of course Thanksgiving time you know that’s when I normally make a pumpkin pie sometimes I we’re not the biggest fans of pumpkin pie in our house just we’ve had it so much over the years that I don’t know it just doesn’t kind of appeal to us as much my kids have never been big fans of it uh let’s see someone oh my goodness ,000 Dr Harvey seriously oh Shane thank you for the pepper popper the back room jojamart so it’s probably not the freshest one and Robin wants 10 pieces of hardwood that I can go get easily good morning chicken chicken you’re not giving me any love what’s up with you are you feeling okay is the winter weather getting to you looks like I have some powder melons today is the last day we can plant so maybe maybe how you guys doing y’all happy in there let’s run down I should have actually let’s go ahead and do our espresso and our pepper popper I want to get some more wood I want to fill out our farm a little but I’m tired of it being like half done though oo it’s going to be a lot of wood I wonder what are they expanding no they were just hungry so I wonder if the raccoons need something more and oh I hate to cut these trees down I think some of them never even produce fruit so I don’t know how I feel about that about cutting them down first but I’d like to get everything all situated I’m tired of everything kind of just being kind of all over the place anything can go in there yeah those and then our mushrooms can go in here oh it’s working on the gold isn’t it h give me all that give me those out I want the aridium before I want the gold I think I mean I did need gold bars but not as badly as I wanted the aridium bars I need more things let’s put NOP wrong one pow melons go in here no Powder melons go in there there we go yeah those can just go in actually give me those let’s take leave two of them in there and then they can go in here to get processed give me the dried Crystal fruit that will work yeah we definitely need maybe I put some blue berries in I do have well we only have 49 blueberries [Music] h i don’t work put some more grapes in there not that we’re really using them right now for anything major yep that can go in strawberry out of work any beer and cranberry sure that’s fine it sells right uh let see did the autog Grabber do its autog grabbing it did yay so all we have to do is come in here and say hello and pet the ladies Louise you being good yes you are good girl oh wait a minute I do need to grab no no no don’t let them out just grab the Mayo out don’t get too excited o we have rabbit’s feed and duck feathers very cool and then in here we actually have to do a little bit of work it’s fine I don’t mind looks like we’re going to get a goat milk today good morning ladies how are you doing good morning good morning everybody you too yes you get milked Jeffrey you behaving yeah I thought you were all right and you get we just need one more autog Grabber if I get lucky and can get another one from the desert that’s like a lot of dang money I don’t need to spend yes oh we have pomegranates too yay those can eventually go in the dehydrator and yes give me you uh what do we want we want let me put five of those in there and give me those that I suppose I should go ahead and start getting this area filled out for things all right that’ll do us for right now in there I need my horse come on let’s head over here see what we got doing yeah I had a bunch of mushrooms and stuff up here I needed to pick up let’s get to where we not trying to knock things down anything else no that’s good what do we have going on over here okay so it is working that’s good that’s what I was hoping it would do give me those out of there give me the bait and give me those I’ll take those over and then I need to go to the beach we need to go to the traveling cart Also let’s go s let me go put some stuff away and grab those things for Gunther I think everything else can be sold I’m going to put the star fruit in here uh let’s take those out let’s get the star fruit going next I did make a few more and then that can go in like that mushrooms did I have mushrooms to put away I did have some yeah we’ve got 10 of those and I guess those can go in there too and I think everything else were good to go and just get rid of it wasn’t anybody’s birthday whoa where am I going over here oh I didn’t grab the things I needed to have cracked open either and we don’t need that we need to sell it I believe up here we can just drop off our fish except give me the bait back thank you that goes on our fishing hole come on with me let’s go grab out our geod that for gun there was something yeah that’s for Gunther and then all of those I think were good I should have traded those in for Treasure things the treasure boxes or the Treasure Trove things that we can crack open I do want to check our collections for minerals I’m still missing some we’re missing 1 two three four five six we’re missing six of them I have haven’t got that one yet wild isn’t that the obsidian or something like that I forget what that one is all right uh what’s this Robins requ oh 10 pieces of hardwood sure I can do actually it’s not in here no we’ll just go over to the secret Forest because I do need to go over there and cut a little bit of wood down it’ll be a little bit before our trees in the desert are done how are you guys doing I’m not sure how long it’ll take them to have a grow the oh now they’re growing the family bigger and then we decided yeah there’s nothing carrot seeds are the the one seeds Okay H I would like to grow some more carrots I did like them I liked growing them you do not have anything that I you got the red Fest I’m not spending that kind of money on it though I think um chicken would look amazing in it though hey Jazz where you going isn’t it a little bit cold to go jump your jumping rope or skip rope skipping rope that’s what it was called right jeez I haven’t done that in forever I used to play that all day long I would just go outside all day and play with my jump rope man I love that thing uh Clint first let me go check him out tomorrow we get another bullet board request I’m looking forward to that I like doing them not only does it give you something to do but they’re just I don’t know I find them fun all right there’s our trash can ah you know I do have enough I don’t know if people realize this or care but I do take a lot of pride in my work you know I I I mean when I was a boy I didn’t really dream of becoming a blacksmith but that’s what I am and I want to be the best blacksmith I can be I can totally understand that Clan and I think you are amazing at what you do you do exceedingly amazing work on our [Music] tools not a single thing that we need for Gunther ah man that’s kind of disappointing out of all those and I keep forgetting I have the ability to craft the geode Crusher which would save me money it would just take more more time but I’m kind of good with that uh I guess I can go oh hey we finally got a new reward and that one won’t go up there with where I like it because that one’s in the wrong spot honestly all right let’s get off that egg what did you give me crystarium no warp totems to the farm I will actually take those I need to come over here one day with a clean inventory and grab all that all right let’s go down to the beach and check the crab pots real quick and see if they are doing their thing oh wait a minute painting spot hold on can I even get that one I don’t know if I can I might need to come over here and try like that seems pretty dang far away to me oh no I can get that Cole I will take that Fire Quartz also okay fair enough I like it and I see those worms over there I’m going to go ahead and scoop those up as well let me get back up to my ho there nope right there winter roots of course and more winter Roots I feel like a big w w w comes out of that one we do need the the coral for one of the totems to somewhere the beach maybe I I really don’t want to get all this totems but I guess if we were going to do no because I can eventually get an island warp totem so I don’t know it doesn’t feel like these are working oh no they are working okay H the lobster I need we need those and I need the crab and oh jeez we are out of room all right let’s go home let’s go clean out our inventory I don’t want to bring a recycler down here I don’t think because I would feel like I would need the rock thing or the the wood chipper also would you need a winter root for Marne she should be in her shop and I have a winter root with me though I need to clean out my inventory she won’t be able to give me the thing Maple bar fishing and mining for a maple bar really and farming the maple bar seem pretty pretty dang good actually let’s actually no let me go put them over here eight more aridium though take that I need to do this very quickly though let’s put up here the aridium can go in it seems like it’s processing it now I have copper also and I think that’s it nope the coal Coal needs to go in yeah we’re starting to get low on coal again that’s not good uh where am I keeping those over in here I no that’s the cooked ingredients so those can go in there they’re going in here anything I don’t know that I need that many of them but hey ho it is what it is right and those go over here yeah I think we need 10 of them so I need to keep saving these can all go in there for right now and then these can go over here and that pink cake needs to go [Music] away okay good good good let’s go catch Marne and go grab another ticket off of her I’ll be H I will happily happily take that I do have enough for that auto Grabber but I don’t know I’m kind of cheap I don’t want to spend money on things like that even though it would make my life so much better to not have to uh to deal with it if I want to watch more TV maybe I can forget about oh if I watch more TV no no no no Shane that’s not how things should work you are only at eight hearts oh you got a horse that’s so wonderful horses are amazing animals yes they definitely are and I quite love ours hello Zena you brought me the item I asked for it looks wonderful and that got her up to 9 here’s your payment as promised thank you Marne and you have nothing else to say and nothing new I want to get right no I think those are so cool I would like to get one of those for chicken I think she would love it I don’t know maybe maybe and the pet adoption I’d have to build a pet ball yeah we are so far away from anything there you know I could go get the star fruit from kobus I tend to forget about kobus actually let’s go home let’s go grab a void egg for him and we’re going to go down and check out his inventory I think yeah I’m noticing there’s a lot more panning spots than there used to be so I think that’s really good that was a much needed upgrade I think like before it until the island it really didn’t seem all that useful to to carry your pan around and I know a lot of people would wear it on their heads but I always thought that was ridiculous it just looks ridiculous to me oh we got some more Powter melon seeds here I’ll take them thank you oh no carrots because there’s not enough time to grow powder melons nice oh there’s Jody off doing something oh yeah mayor Lewis’s house right and then I wanted to get the rest of the stuff how you doing Maru I haven’t talked to you in a while you’re at seven Hearts I get so sleepy when it’s cold you know what I do too here you go you are very welcome dear all right Mar Lewis what do you have this time I forget oh it was a tea wasn’t it I think it was another one of those tee yeah it was another Treasure Chest I want that already already in Spring what comes next house plant okay fair enough or shed plant one or the other how you doing Mar Lewis you’re already at 10 Hearts hi there Zena how you doing today I’m doing great thank you it’s been a great day hey Elliot what are you at you are only at 5 I really should scrub my floorboards today I think an algae is starting to form oh I guess that could happen at the beach you are very welcome my friend even though I forget about you all the time because you’re just kind of there H I don’t know if that’s really a good spot I hope nobody destroys it I really hope nobody destroys it I probably should have put him over there I don’t know I don’t like him over there oh kobus yeah yeah yeah I almost forgot about him all right kobus what you selling today I probably should duck in the little cave over there and I’m still a little wary of humans no it’s fine I can totally understand that here you go this is an amazing gift for my people it is a great honor to receive something like this you are very welcome and he has only a three hearts what do you have today nothing really should I spend the 20,000 no oh my goodness no I would never do that to our to chicken I love chicken why would I want to get rid of chicken that just seems terrible uh you know what I think as much as I didn’t Dr Harvey’s going to the bar today good for him he needs to get out more and socialize I want to get that other dwarf scroll oh hey Carolyn what you doing out here in the cold I’m just going to think positive and relax I love the little the little butterflies all over the valley I swear I just heard another panning spot maybe it’s just my mind playing tricks on me no maybe it was a fish who knows it’s fine hey Robin you’re out here in the cold too what is going on with everybody just standing out here good to see you it’s good to see you too Rob Sebastian’s out and about hey Sebastian a snow goon but Demetrius maybe get rid of it yet Mario’s cute little snowman goes unharmed huh ridiculous it absolutely is I would rather have no a snow goon than a a cute little snowman all right we’re out of here I just think I think Demetrius favors Maru over Sebastian it’s like he never talks about him it’s always Maru this and Maru that probably because she’s into science like he is and Sebastian’s just kind of Sebastian I’m going to go down here to floor 95 maybe I can find some of those void Sprite oh we need to go over to the adventurers Guild too to um get our reward for the doggies I forgot all about that I will do that here in a little bit all right it is going on 11:00 and I do want to run over but before I do I hid something behind the community center I’ve already got that that was the Juno statue so let’s get out of here anything up here I need or want to leave behind I guess I can take those home with me actually no let’s leave those and those and I’m going to sell those I I hate those boots they’re so ugly they are so so ugly I will’ll sell them and then we’ll pick up our reward for the Dougies I forget what that one is hello gentlemen yes I’m back would you guys like those not that much anything in here that we want another galaxy sword that would be cool a decorative sword that would be so cool to put out yeah no I think I’m good let’s go check up here we’re getting closer on them slimes oh no that’s not right I slay a whole ton of dust Sprites why did it not go up that’s so weird we’re close on the bats cuz it was 4177 the last time but they never went up and I mean I literally slayed a ton of them uh the hard hat uh yeah I don’t I don’t want that I don’t know what’s going on with the D Sprites excuse me are they broken hold on I’m gonna run down very quickly to floor 40 yeah okay so there’s two of them and then a third one so that should be up to 420 now if not something is very broken did they close don’t tell me they just Clos no they’re still open good I think they Clos at 2 in the morning okay 420 that’s so weird I know I slayed a whole bunch of them last time H okay game I don’t I’m keeping my eye on you weird things have been going on so I love those o I think I do have room what do you what do you clay I think I had clay no I didn’t have Clay never mind o I do not want to pass out this time let’s hurry up and get home I definitely do not want to pass out again we need to very quickly drop some stuff off because I don’t need this much junk in my inventory I should be able to put things in there the rare desk can go in there up here anything oh I think I just dropped off all that it’s fine it was only two pieces let’s get these over here and the tea I guess can go in there with the other cooked items the rest of it these can go away the Hat can go in the house the seeds can go in there get me out of here it’s only 1:00 a.m. I think we’re good we are not going over to the fish pond or the fish boxes things I’m just going to go up in here and uh be good oh I didn’t put the clams away they can go in there for clam Chow though I do need to be careful and not turn them into shashimi because that will happen those need to get sold tomorrow those will go over to our crab pots [Music] and that needs to go in the Box up here because I will never wear that not my aesthetic all right chicken Good night darling what do we have today not a ton 7,000 not too bad not too bad could be better but you know we’re getting ready to come up on spring so we’ll start having some really good profits then all right let’s go ahead and jump into the next day I don’t know why I was sitting here thinking maybe we’ve already played two days but no that was only one I still have another day to go whose birthday nobody’s birthday Leah’s is tomorrow we do have the other oh 210 for that winter route okay well thank you Marne few inches of snow fortune teller day is in my hands and living off the land the little yes I know all about the little brown stems poking out of the ground you are definitely late and telling me that so weird I remember when this game first came out and people used to just go right past them and not realize what they were oh holy Bobs okay it looks like we have a big Harvest today but I do wish there was something else I had time to grow it’s kind of sad that I don’t though I guess technically we are growing things in the greenhouse so that was quite the hul of those let me get rid of that I don’t want that in my inventory good morning chicken oh now you decide to love on me I see how you are silly cat y you know you got your bread buttered on both sides I know how you are anything in here some strawberry and re are very cool and how we doing on the beer production up here oh we have an ancient fruit wine very nice that’s going to solve for a good amount I wish I had more to put in there but soon very soon we will in here I don’t think I have any reason to be in here let’s go ahead and get rid of those oh man I’m almost tempted to go sell that to Pier oh no I do I need to put those away yeah I don’t need any of those all right come on let’s go put our our winter stuff away we will sell that like I guess the last day of winter how much are we up to yeah we’ve got a good amount those I’m going to take and put in the seed maker so it can make me some seeds for next season I think that would be a very good idea good morning ladies how are you doing everybody everybody’s feeling fine and frisky very good what are we up to in here we have a dinosaur egg yeah the downside to having the autog Grabber I have to say is we don’t have any control over getting things out of there it’s fine though all right if I just if I need something like a gus we haven’t done Gus’s omelet thing yet so I need to take those out or take the auto Grabber and probably move it over here morning Jeffrey um I’ll move the autog Grabber in here I was say did I not get milk yeah it’s right there all right enjoy your day ladies I will check on the greenhouse here in a minute let’s go up here and drop off all this trash I picked up o we can make a couple more kegs but I need more wood I need a lot more wood let me have those out oh we got three more coal I will take those yeah my wood chipper wood chipping good good and you guys need to come with me I have a I’m so tempted to cut down these trees up here that I can’t put a Tapper on I don’t think I have an extra Tapper in here do I no I don’t okay it’s fine it’s fine H oh Greenhouse yeah yeah yeah oh we have more ancient seeds yes yes or ancient fruit sorry I always get excited call them everything that they’re not yeah it’s fine everything goes I’m going to eventually try and put oh we have one butterfly yay I want to put chests in between these I think I don’t know I got to think about it all right you need to go in there and I think you will go in there I think I need five gold I need to hold on to those I need five gold ones and those need to go in and give me the pumpkins out can I go ahead and plant those up here yeah just fill this whole area out that way we’re at least producing something in here oh I want the idium band okay we’re going to make the aridium band and I can still make three four I’m going to make six six redeemed sprinklers to put out here on the farm because I just don’t want that many sprinklers down here you know what I mean like it’s too much and it takes too much real estate that could be better used for plants uh see here let’s put our ridium band on and I think I’ll use that for right now and then that can get sold very good very good I like it let’s put that in there and let’s go put our coffee in the coffee maker all right chicken you’re in charge of the farm O more wormies sure why not uh rusty spur we’ve already gotten that that’ll just go in the Box in case somebody wants it and if not I will probably eventually sell it we’re waiting on them to expand their family I I do know this is fairly long Quest before they stop asking you for stuff did we get the maple syrup no we did not get asked to bring maple syrup over here yet that’s fine oh no guys you want to give me the scroll I’m missing I mean that would be so nice so I won’t have to go into the mine anymore to mine for it though I guess I do still need the void Sprite so I don’t know maybe I should make a monster musk that would attract more of them ooh can I catch the catfish [Music] today no it doesn’t want to give me the catfish but there is a panning spot so let’s go ahead and grab that gold I’ll take it I’ll take it let me go head and oh we got a artifact box too okay we’ll go crack that open at Clans maybe it’ll have something we need for the community center that would be so nice I would love to get it completed fairly soon I need I know I still have one more up there I need to go get that’s okay we’ll go back out and and grab it and grab our horse also one more thank you very much figured it would be a winter route honestly here we go get the last one the slimes distracted me no how did it I don’t know I must have done it when I was trying to get through there all right out we go let’s get back out of here we can take that up to Robin that’ll still give me two leftover though hey Jazz I don’t no I don’t have anything for jazz I think I do have some uh fairy roses back home but I don’t feel like going and getting them oh another panning spot okay we are just panning rich today we get iron ore this time okay fair enough I wanted to see if there was any trees down here available to cut down yes there is one and just the one yeah looks like that’s all it’s going to be all right fair enough let’s go up and talk to Robin and give her this and I’m going to go ahead I think and just buy a little bit of wood I thought that was another panning spot but I think it’s just the water around the edge now I’m seeing panning spots everywhere that they’re not oh wait I wanted to go to Clint too let’s do that real quick hey Shane I don’t have time to stop and talk to you right now I’m sorry I got places to go people to see and we need to check out the bulletin board also at least Robin stays open a lot longer let’s see what do you have bio or community clean up let’s go fish for trash I can do that in the mine easily I’ll go down to the Loba y floor and do it there all right Clint quickly break this open for me please just that one do I I think I have that already yeah I already have that one and coal I will take coal you sell coal for what 150 yeah it’s not worth it to me I would go buy wood from Robin first and and put it in the Kil before I would pay $150 for it and she is about to increase her prices here in a few days uh let’s see what do you need a local perch for Demetrius you need four of them I can fish up four perch fairly easily I believe let me go up and talk to Robin real quick hey Abigail I so need to talk to you I haven’t talked to you since that weird awkwardness in your bedroom this oh community clean up 20 pieces of trash that’s not too shabby good morning Robin I need to shop from you all right I think that is more than enough wood Robin I need to Yes it it would be if there was any wood in the valley yes perfect it’s good I’m glad and you gave me 500 not too bad not too bad all right Demetrius for perch for you I can go do that easily enough those are down below in the river but I need the trash um I want that first let me go get the perch first and then I can go up and get the trash out of the out of the mine this is the easiest place I know of to go get it although I could could go back over to the desert cuz apparently that’s all I can catch there uh can I just do it from here I mean it’s not the optimal place but it’ll work maybe and of course I would run out of room okay let’s go home and drop stuff off jeez my inventory I am so tempted to get there’s a mod that gives you a bigger backpack it gives you one more slot but it’s a lot of money I I honestly don’t know if that would be worth it and I hate adding mods to a game that I’ve already got modded just because I know there can be issues with it uh let’s go drop off stuff in here real quick it’s only 6:00 so not too bad let’s put that in there and I guess more iron put our wood away I don’t need any of these fish these can go in here for now and I guess the rusty spur and then that can go in there those can go in there and the rest of these can all just go in there except for that and the carp I can cook with I don’t know any fish that’s not worth a lot of money I think it’s is going to get turned into shashimi I think it would be a much better thing like no I need that perch okay fair enough I know chicken you going to bed hold on to the perch the LOD those are those are good all right back out I’m going to go finish catching those other three perch hopefully and then I can go go ahead and go up to the mine if I can get them done in time if not who knows I will go fishing tomorrow tomorrow for trash morning everybody or not morning evening evening yeah it’s evening sorry I got a little excited all right over here I already messed up Alex’s pathing today so let’s come over here where I shouldn’t mess up anybody else all right there’s our four perch and I think I’m just going to take the mine cart up that’ll save me a little bit of time to the mines please and down floor 100 for trash maybe if I can catch another eel that would be nice I mean I would not mind another eel pond it’s tempting y’all it’s tempting I don’t think joj Cola it might does it count it is trash all right I think that is going to have to do it we are up to 16 pieces the jic colas do not count um going to just take the bus stop home I will hold on to all the trash I want to take over to lios well it’s for lonus but it’s up at the train station I believe is where we need to go and drop that off the fish can go except for the perch we did get more cave jelly that can go that has to stay and that can go I’m going to hold on to those and put them through the wood chipper I don’t want I’d rather use them there and I can go get extras out of and those also in that one I just want to take like the glasses and the CDs up if I can because I like processing those I can get good things out of them and I think that’s good let me go drop off this algae and the Jo Cola in here in fact the joj cola should probably go in it’s in this other box here yeah I almost use up all my energy today although we did pass out so that would explain it no the cave jelly is that over here no it’s in crafting isn’t it yeah I’ve got it in here there we go and Jo Cola 24 batteries we could use some more batteries I think but this spring and summer we’ll get more and I think I’m good to go ahead and jump in bed yeah I don’t think there’s anything else I need uh let see let’s get our inventory arranged those need to go up to Demetrius those are for those can go down there for now and I think we just need to get on the right bar all right good night chicken hop in bed and at 1:00 a.m. that is going to be it for me for the day oh wow look at that that’s some good profit there just one eles for almost more than 11 cranberries almost it’s crazy and we did pretty good from the fish I have to say those Lin Cod sell for a good amount not too shabby not too shabby on the 22nd day of winter I will take that it definitely covers all the wood that I bought today but sadly that is going to be it for me for the day so thank you all so very much for joining me I’ve been V girl I hope you guys have enjoyed and I hope I’ll see you in the next one [Music]

You’ve inherited your grandfather’s old farm plot in Stardew Valley. Armed with hand-me-down tools and a few coins, you set out to begin your new life. Can you learn to live off the land and turn these overgrown fields into a thriving home? It won’t be easy. Ever since Joja Corporation came to town, the old ways of life have all but disappeared. The community center, once the town’s most vibrant hub of activity, now lies in shambles. But the valley seems full of opportunity. With a little dedication, you might just be the one to restore Stardew Valley to greatness!

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