Minecraft, But You Place 1,000,000 Blocks

Minecraft but I’m placing one million blocks and the more blocks I place the stronger my items and abilities become but can I place enough blocks to save my world from being eaten alive what a SS why did I just place down a mini block and wait why do I have a Blocks place Boss Bar hold up what the objective complete items received Place 100 blocks wo wo and my blocks Place bar went up wait did I get an item what is what does this thing even do who hold up wait a minute suon a rat I just got 10 blocks placed immediately from shooting this thing once yo this thing’s op wait it just shoots like a mega Cannonball blocks well I mean we’re going to reach that objective ASAP baby oh yes oh yes we’re going to make this thing easy peasy lemon squeezy wait I can literally clutch Myself by doing that okay the clutch did not work too well but we have done it we have reached 100 block Arenas items received next goal 1,000 blocks how am I supposed to get that the fairy egg and the Magic Pencil bro I don’t need no Fairly Odd Parent bro I don’t need no tooth fairy Magic Pencil bro am I about to create doodle bulb okay wait let’s try the fair item find a hot area to hatch uh there is a savannah over there maybe we can take it over there but I wonder what this pencil even does wait why is my screen rumbling what is that wait why are the blocks breaking no no no what’s happening to my screen what’s happening did a ravine just open up wait the blocks are disappearing from around me what why is this happening okay uh we use the block launcher okay okay it works another one another one wait no I can’t use it in here it’s going to be two Clos quarters um uh the block pencil maybe wait what I’m dinki plus Picasso I’m Picasso Pinki I can place blocks by literally drawing oh we have to go yo it just launched me in the the sky bro what oh my gosh oh my gosh it’s eating blocks to faster how do I it’s eating my tower oh no I don’t want to fall down there please please please please please we got to move we got to move yo this thing is op for climbing bro I’m about to draw myself a staircase like the Mona Lisa baby what the sigma was that thing okay no I am not okay with that okay maybe we just head on back to my base and regroup I mean luckily This Magic Pencil is actually overpowered dude look how fast it makes our block counter go up uh my house is disappearing do you know how long it took me to build that okay it doesn’t matter think about that later Ethan let’s get the heck out of here because my base is disappearing I could be next but I need to make sure to keep using the pencil to make my block counter go so I can get more upgrades maybe I can stop this block disappearing thing I ran as fast as I could with every step I felt the World Behind Me melting away come on H me give me my 10K just give me my money yes yes we’re so close wait please okay yes we’ve done it oh my guys look the egg’s cracking I guess it’s not hot enough for it here 10,000 blocks you’re telling me this tube of turd I did across the world needs to be done 10 times more yo what the a vacuum cleaner and a villager’s head okay Mom I know you want me to clean my room but this is a really weird way to go about doing it also not the best time there’s something emping the world villager sacrifice pretty sure this is just a villager head so if I click on it it’s going to wait look at my block counter this cost blocks to make bro I’m going to go broke at this R I ain’t no Travis Scot wait every time it throws a villager at the tree it gives me blocks what this thing’s op oh and there’s the fine print this is why you read the fine print people it cost 200 blocks to use what does this thing do error function so what you’re saying is you don’t work someone in the comments please translate for me cuz I don’t know what that’s saying all I know is his vacuum’s broken so Mr fix uh maybe I need to find a professional villager I really don’t know how what just happened wait now it’s full you’re telling me I just click and then it does something yo what I just made a mega villager statue okay this is overpowered let’s go so I just have to suck up these mobs and then yep okay we got it and now I can just make Mega statues of them hold on hold on hold on we got to try this Bol again brother hold on man hold on yo look at how much my block counter went up bro this is actually busted wait so I can just Spam this as much as I want Kobe oh that that went a little F now we should have enough blocks to spare to place even more passive income baby so now it’s time smack your head on a tree you just got a you just got a yes oh this is the best day ever bro okay surely we’re going to beat the block breaking in this world in no time and another one ow ow ow what the um look Mr IR goem you can just stay back there I’m going make a wall with my pencil doodle bob would be proud okay this guy this guy is not letting up this guy’s Relentless bro we’re going to suck him up yes what is an iron golem statue look like oh this is going to be massive I do not want to do this right on top of me or I will die okay here we go lebrown James oh there it goes wait already 3,000 block Place wait this is busted all right none of that KY sappy stuff on YouTube thank you blur it out you know what editors I got you suck them up that’s right no lovey doy in my town oh my dude this is this is the life I can just passively generate income and get a bajillion blocks this way yo we’re going to beat this thing in no time don’t worry about 1 million blocks I’m going to hit like 5 million blocks I’m on the hunt for some villagers I’m like Batman but I just suck up villagers with a vacuum and then turn him into a statue sry I’m nothing like Batman at all yo we are doing so op right now let’s go give me more of them villagers baby oh and we’ve already reached 5K wait what’s that noise no no no no the block destroying reach me no no no guys this is bad guys this is bad it’s already reached me uh I need something for it to eat otherwise it’s going to eat me uh maybe come on come on uh the sheep sheep will work right oh no no no they’re too far away the blocks are disappearing around me come on Mr sheep you got to sacrifice yourself the cause wait I just realized sheep don’t even fill this thing up fully no no no no no I need to suck up multiple sheep bro sheep are so tiny okay is that enough is that enough please work wait what’s happening every sheep I just sucked up turned into a sheep statue yo why am I looking at his Fool’s butt hold up though the block count he’s eating them the block eater whatever this thing is it’s destroying the world it’s eating my sheep okay hopefully that’s enough to keep it distracted while we run I think we outrun at the Sheep’s but probably kept it busy maybe wait I just noticed we’re in a desert guys does that mean it’s finally warm enough for the fair egg to hatch wait it’s working it’s working what the bro is this some sort of Tinker Bell um I want three wishes my first wish is to be taller my second wish is to be more handsome and my third Wait no that’s a genie I’m your personal blockberry I’m here to multiply your block placement five times multiplier wait what does that even mean does that mean every block I play literally does five hold up so if I shoot one of these yo we are overpowered objective complete reach 100,000 okay but with the five times block multiplier we might actually make that in no time wait what did I just get the personal villager Constructor uh Constructor go it’s just a villager homie bro looking like Po the Builder right now what is this guy have he wants me to build a city uh is it going to cost me 1,000 or make me have a th000 okay I don’t know this is a risk we’re willing to take let’s do it fire the city yo what what he’s building a city boy ain’t no way boy what the huh bro my block count just went up 10,000 what yo this guy just built me an entire city like it was nothing okay this has to be enough to beat the block eating whatever it is y I got myself my own crib we about to have some homies pull up I saw there were other options though guys if you had a villager that could do this why would you make a build I mean I guess we’ll see what else a skyscraper wait you’re telling me I can just build this for free there’s no permits no no things attached no contracts bro I’m about to buy this thing let’s go yo what is happening he de a SkyScreamer oh that looks sick bro holy moly please what’s happening wait the Block’s coming at me the Block’s coming after me no no no no no the Block Breaker reach here climb the skyscraper okay yes it just finished just in time okay come on come on come on come on bro what is that villager doing how do I even get up there quickly uh make a foundation climb climb climb wait I didn’t even notice I just got a 10 a 10 times booster 50k already but it’s still not enough what wait come on come on we need to climb we need to climb we need to climb okay go go go go block it’ be nice if you could help no he’s eating my skyscraper he’s eating my skyscraper wait did it come from multiple directions oh it’s in multiple areas of the world oh no this is not good this is bad news it’s breaking the tower on top me no I almost died from that I almost died from that what it’s breaking the blocks below me bro oh no we need to be careful we need to be so careful all right Branch up Branch up I’ve got an idea I’ve got an idea if we break up like this and then oh no oh no it’s breaking the blocks below me yes okay we are bridging up so fast okay our items are good but they’re not that good we are getting diffed by this block eer coming after us oh no it didn’t work it didn’t work I missed I missed my aim was bad game bad bad game bad game surely I’m at the top of the skyscraper bro oh no oh no no my fair is blocking me you’re the Ops okay the fairy is the Ops the fairy is the Ops come on fairy do something about this man I can’t be fighting the good fight and you’re doing nothing all right let’s go go go we’re almost to the top we’re almost to the top come on come on come on please okay climb climb the skyscraper oh my gosh oh my gosh wait wait wait I can’t I can’t build okay come on please please please I’m going to run out of blocks I’m I’m going to run out of block this is not good okay go go go wait maybe I can fire two down okay there we go nice and fill f f come on keep going keep going keep going what why can’t I place why can’t I place all right and shoot it below us oh my gosh it’s not enough it’s not enough shoot it below us yes okay come on this is so hard dude I have to coordinate all of my Sky Block skills oh my gosh it just broke the block as I placed it I could have fallen to my death just there all right a few more a few more blocks come on yes yes yes please up up yes yes that’s what I’m saying bro all right come on why can’t I build up okay build up build up build up I can’t make that jump oh my gosh we’re going to have to do it we’re going to have to do it guys this is going to be so risky but we’re going to have to do it please please please is this high enough this is risky this is risky a little higher a little higher no no no okay this might be this might have to do AR not going to die from this fall all right catch me come on I just called myself using the Magic Pencil okay this pencil is more magic than I thought it was bro oh my gosh wait no one’s breaking the blocks around me no no no no no we need to build something quick uh excuse me Constructor man can we build uh you know anything Sky garden please wait it’s working it’s working something’s building around me yo yo don’t put the blocks of this room please hurry up and build come on come on come on I need a new item Daddy needs a new item otherwise he going to get eaten by the block oh no oh no we need to we need to start placing blocks oh no no no no no this is not good wait that’s beautiful though okay come on come on come on I do not want to fall off this skyscraper it’s literally eating this place alive we hit 10K next goal 1 million okay we can’t think about that right now what did we get the block F bro I’m actually about to be a ski toilet what here goes nothing please don’t prove my pants what look how fast my block counter is going up guys and I’m making like a helix behind me I am escaping this block destruction easy W and look how beautiful this place looks we are in business now we just have to follow the trail all the way to the source I think is what the Pharaoh is saying we got to find our way to Victory baby yo and at this rate I’m reaching a million in no time wait 50 times multiplier using my Block B I continued flying until I was directly above the source ah hey block fairy I’m guessing the Pooh hole of impending doom is our Target and what’s causing the entire world to get destroyed okay wait maybe we can head down to it and somehow stop this should get a new item to help you get rid of it oh when we hit 1 million okay let’s go let’s get a million yes the world brush recreate your world once again wait this does what I think it does can we use this to plug the crater yo it creates mountains you’re right we can plug through Creator it will stop the world from being consumed yes we can do it okay wait let me just Place some mountains real quick cuz this is sick dude look at my block counter every time I place a mountain I can can spam this thing and it creates the terrain back to how it was wait but the bluff fa is right if I give this to him he can just fly up over the crater and do this himself you know what you’re right I’ll sacrifice you instead of myself take my brush and save the world uh bye have a great time I feel kind of bad guys I hope we’re still on good terms but I don’t know man I don’t want to die in the middle of a big booty block crater yo wait he’s doing it though he’s taking it to the center yes here we go we’re going to save the world wait wait that’s the brush guys that’s the brush wait why’ you drop it why’ you drop it in the crater he he he he he what do you mean he he he ha thank you for taking me home idiot now I can finally upgrade myself wait block either no no no but what happened to the block fairy uh this wasn’t supposed to happen wait I thought I could plug it up uh no no no no no because I have all of these items there is no no way you can take me down I’m going to block this crate up easy W there’s no way I can do without my items bro you stupid I just told you I got all these wait what’s happening guys I’m clearing my items no no no no no guys no no no no no we need to do something anything H any items can I use any of these um wait we still got the vacuum H take the big suck zck must suck your daughter wait it’s working guys it’s working he’s getting closer all hope is is not lost yes I’m going to suck you up boy we did it wait a minute what happens if we use this on the crater guys all right here goes nothing shoot the thing in the hole yo I’m lagging what just happened what we stopped the world from being consumed baby

What Happens When I TRAVEL and WALK by Placing a MILLION Blocks in Minecraft! Will I SURVIVE? ๐Ÿ‘€

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๐ŸŽฎ My Minecraft Server Address: play.eyserver.com
You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac)

๐Ÿ’™ Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
๐ŸŽต Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

#Firelight #Minecraft


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