100 Players Survive a JURASSIC Minecraft Hide or Hunt…

okay let the games begin grace period is on so PVP is disabled but they can definitely kill me no no no no I’m not going to let you eat me eat someone else eat someone else what how is it still chasing me I thought I could literally outrun this thing it’s Minecraft after all I’m not going to outrun it oh there’s dinosaur to my right no this is hder hunt 100 players are stranded on a Jurassic ey with custom structures to find all over the map and deadly ancient weapons to be discovered hardcore mode is enabled and we’re all competing to be the last player standing and this is how my journey started dig dig dig dig dig dig dig okay that was too close for comfort ooh iron I need that there’s a fully working ecosystem out there and if I don’t be careful I could be the one being eatting next okay I need to get out of here we’re under time pressure PVP is going to be enabled in like less than 20 minutes now and dinosaurs will be the least of my worries we really need to get mining for materials and also probably be safer to go underground right now let’s go into this cave while I mine I need to explain something that’s really important every player inside their inventory has an anchor and when placed down it becomes active when placed and you’re nearby it allows you to craft enchant melt and use an anvil it’s the only way to crab right I want to make a base somewhere here where though in a tree I need to grab some wood that’s important I need to get all different types of wood so I can make a button out of whatever tree we’re going to be making in I had finished some Mining and plan to do some more but building a base for crafting is now a top priority the nearby caves are crawling with players and with less than 3 minutes left in the grace period I don’t want to risk getting killed early yes oh okay I’m kind of liking this tree this looks ideal look you got a little like Cove we might be able to make a door going into like here or like somewhere uh like maybe like there oh yeah let’s work on this let’s work on this after finding the ideal location for my base I got to work immediately the first task was creating an efficient entrance and what a better way than with a classic Redstone door okay right so we’re in the tree I can hear a player outside but let’s try ignore that I don’t have a repeater but once I do this door should there’s dinos everywhere there’s dinos everywhere I could hear a player outside and it was Jack I Knew by The Voice dinosaur’s raft room Jack where are you jack I literally heard him Jack Ryan yeah yeah I’m here I’m here here come on team with me Jack and I decided to create a team I trust him 100% if there’s anyone to have my back this event it’s going to be [Music] him left left left left go left oh here I can put down my anchor hopefully boom there we go we have a base we can craft now okay beautiful beautiful we can craft we can craft with my anchor placed I got to work crafting gear while Jack built a secret base below however we were interrupted I’d be really worried about shifting up above up above there’s a player there’s a player there were players above on the surface and if they find us and destroy our anchors we won’t be able to craft anymore we need to make sure that doesn’t happen all right so we need to get people who live near here out cuz if any of us live anywhere near here then like we want the people near us out all right just start searching I guess it’s not going to be great so any anyone around the base is probably like really really close the very start I saw a team of four going over here yeah I saw a Mill and Jack over this way I saw W and socer guess we could start looking over here then we need to kill him yeah I think we out gear a lot of people so but we’re only two so we do need a few more yo behind us behind us run come on LLC come on LC no I wouldn’t go into that water if I was you I wouldn’t go into that water oh don’t don’t go to water yeah go in this go in the water no LFC don’t do it don’t do it dude come back come back come back don’t swim out there don’t swim out there honestly don’t swim out there don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it I’ll go I’ll go no we won’t be able to get your loot I need to go close for this I don’t want to get I don’t want to get don’t no don’t get too close it’s a meglin n I know I know but we’re right by the shore so we can just swim back I just have to see this is he going to die he’s not dying yo I’m on help bro what do you mean I’m I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead oh get oh my God bro no my God oh my God run did he need to get you did he need to get you I’m a one heart he need to got me as well okay right how many diamonds we’ got 22 will I craft us two chest plates yes we craft as much Diamond gear as we could and shared it between us it was time to explore the world quickly and uncover its hidden secrets okay we got oh wait die guy J young Jer could be a good team there was another person there was another person uh he’s in a team of four that’s a good team yeah team of four yeah I know and they’ve seen us yeah okay run we need to like run this way if they’re coming like we need to like hide for a second they’re an incredibly good team we got the gear but they’ve got the players obviously their team is full we need to see if we can poch s or something off I was going to say we could try and like find S on his own I think I see I think I see still see him over there we need to literally hide hide hide hide okay right it might seem like we’re being Carriage right now but like honestly guys if that team of four engages us like we’re dead yeah this cave is good I’d recommend okay but what about the if the lads literally if they see us mining down here oh it goes de deep go deep and at least we’re far away from our base we could grab more diamonds we do need them dude wait it’s a dungeon it’s a dungeon it’s some found it though someone found it literally look in they might be in here they might be in here Jack had stumbled across a dungeon filled with dangerous dinosaurs and deadly booby traps despite the dangers valuable loot awaited inside wow this place is [Music] huge what you got better off ah keep I keep stepping on the thing I’m destroying my armor oh my so much water brething I don’t think we take them uh I’m not going in the water so yeah you’re all good those books by the way we need those cuz we can upgrade our gear oh chest up here ah I’m drinking my oh protection three chest plate Unbreaking yes oh my God yes Ryan oh I’m going to die now before I even have a chance un breaking Three diamond axe here take this oh you have Diamond chest plate ready yeah yeah you take it you take it Unbreaking three di fire resistance that’s not too bad take him take him our inventory is going to be too full dude we’re going to have to like try oh my God it’s like a it’s a big chicken okay we’re going to have to try and get out out because our armor is going to be destroyed by the time we get out yeah and we need to maybe like stash some this loot somewhere we managed to gather a bunch of custom loot from the dungeon and now felt confident about our chances on the surface with our new gear we should be able to defend ourselves okay right let’s keep exploring something down here what’s this no shovels allowed oh you’re a quick little boy there yo look at this hi where is it oh God hello Calvin hello hi hi are us are have Team um I don’t know who we’re letting our team be I don’t know do you know anything about this not really but we’ll leave you be you seem friendly okay we’ll leave you be yeah we’ll leave him be Jack yeah yeah we weren’t sure what this place was but we knew it held the key to unlocking the legendary Shaman weapon however ever our attention shifted to the player who had just approached us we had a feeling his base might be nearby he has to be living somewhere around here watch out watch out watch out just keep moving he’s coming for me no no no no don’t he’s got you oh no I got rid I got out I got out thank you so much thank you so much I got in there that could have been so bad yeah I don’t know Calvin popped up here out of nowhere he’s got Gears that means he’s crafted think about it this way he’s got got iron gear it means he’s crafted he’s got a base he’s found something he said he found a big cave so surely his base is somewhere around here oh nice they they used di right if you break another players anchor they lose their ability to craft and you also steal one of their hearts now we just need to decide who gets that Heart Rock Paper Scissors Shoot rock rock oh my God rock paper scissors shoot rock scissors oh yes you it yes I was worried you were going to go paper and I I’m going scissors yes I’ve got an extra heart oh that feels so nice let’s go let’s go go nice okay that might have been Calvin sorry Calvin a new event was opening offering the chance for better Loot and we couldn’t miss it and on our way there we encountered a player named JT and uh he didn’t really speak much we’ll work together for the event and then we’ll split ways but if we’re in a fight we’ll back each other up fair does that work JT that works he nodded let’s do this can we go in yet oh my lordy if that’s not perfect timing I don’t know what it is all right have a look have a look have a look I got upstairs I’ll go upstairs chest uh oh Pearl a a decent bow ah Golden Apple I don’t think Emerald’s good yeah I got golden app too hello J Let’s Stay Together hello J you wiped out a team I heard hey our base is just destroy can we if we don’t have a base just fight please run towards us right now join us man come on man join the Dark Side SEO come on man come on dude we’ll let you guys live for now to think give him time to think give him time to think we need sio why do you need him all right EAS EAS oh my God guys JT I’m you’ll have to kill my whole team if I all right you don’t want to all right you don’t want to join us that’s it yeah okay but just later on we’re showing you no remorse okay that’s fine run siko was an amazing pper but he was loyal to his current group making us enemies the event was getting busier with teams we wanted to avoid heading in so We snuck out and parted ways with JT we headed back to our BAS to craft and upgrade our gear I eagerly ahead of Jack headed back to the dig site in hopes of obtaining the legendary Shaman scepter but there was someone who had other plans okay I can’t dig blocks here oh oh no my first fight my first real fight and Jack’s not here great great great great good damage right oh my god oh no oh no oh no oh no good damage oh my lordy what do you have strength two or a really sharp sword come on let’s go oh my God I suck at ax PVP I I honestly I’m the worst PVP ever okay I’m going to keep running for a second [Music] see if I can uh get rid of that strength [Music] too oh my no no I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead oh my God okay I need to I need to keep running I need to wear off that strength too and then we’ll fight if I die here Jack’s going to be so disappointed that gave me just enough time to eat yes let’s go okay right we’re still in the fight we’re still in the fight keep running keep running keep running keep running that strength two has to be gone by now surely soon [Music] [Music] go away go on Bird go on bird take him away kill him please please please oh my God I can’t believe this it’s taking him over the edge oh no no this is too good oh he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead no way oh oh no they’re coming from me uh no go away go away go away don’t pick me up don’t pick me up don’t pick me up I can’t I can’t move why can’t I move has it got me I don’t know ah no ow Hur ah it’s got me and there still come for me okay I just need to dig into the side for a second I need to dig in here I need to wait to them for them to go I can’t go straight away for the loot oh that was very close I need to die to a bird at the end of the day it wasn’t the player that needed to fear okay are they going to go eventually once the birds were gone I made it to the bottom of the canyon this player had above average Loot and had clearly looted a dungeon and was utilizing the stuff that he got which I sadly don’t do enough but we survived and now we move on it’s time to get back to Jack regroup and uh see what else this world has to offer oh my God Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack I got jumped here is it just one yeah I got jumped by one um one of those birds took him off the edge and flung them off dead I’ve just realized this is suspicious sand we need a we like I forgot about the new Minecraft update we need um brushes brushes so we can like actually like brush away at it and we might find something we’ll find the key probably what if we get a brush yeah we now knew what we needed to do to obtain the shaman scepter we first need to craft a brush and then search for the key at the dig site the only mystery now is we don’t really know what the chest is for the actual weapon but we assume that lies in one of the events but now we’re here back near our base and before we go in to craft our brush we’re here searching because we’re looking for a base when we made our base at the start and had that encounter we overheard that they were living nearby all right so we need to get people who live near here out cuz if any of us live anywhere near here then like we want the people near us out so with that information we’re now searching because that’s an extra heart up for grabs and we need it but I’d say he somewhere down here dirt check the dirt check everything just don’t I wouldn’t say it’s grass just cuz obviously no one would want to do grass just for the fact that you’d have to replace it this pickax is great I don’t think it’s going to break what was that that actually just scared me whatever that was didn’t sound good Jack no way base base base base Bas base sorry I got way too excited that was such a surprise a no it’s a base and not on line either gold it’s a heart we actually got some gold from it too all let’s go nice right that should hopefully help us in the fight with an easy extra heart in the bag we rush back to base to craft the all important brush we also tended to some vital upgrades like this fire aspect sharpness 3 sword sharpness 3 fire aspect one nice I’m going to use that as my main thing then the search for the shaman chest began we were at the park but we had to be careful this place could be deadly and here is how another team’s experience went down [Music] you know it’s a bad day when a T-Rex grabs you from a tree but let’s hope that doesn’t happen to us we’re here at the park searching for the chest Jack Jack I found it found it you found it Dino you good T-Rex no Jack yeah there’s a T-Rex here and I think these things one shot oh my God he’s right here he’s up I’m going out I’m getting out I’m getting out I’m getting out I’m getting out I see the chest I see the chest as well there’s a chest in the middle we just now need the key for it that’s literally all if I if I live ow yet I do a bit of damage no my protection yeah yeah yeah yeah okay I found it I found it I found it I found it o it’s coming run run run run run it does do damage if it gets a critical hit on you that’s it you’re gone that’s it you’re dead like dead like instant yeah oh new event opening Northwest we’re going Northwest that’s beautiful like clockwork another location was opening in 10 minutes and we were heading straight there putting the dig site on pause for a second when should we drink our Str po what should we save it for the big team I want to save it for the big team cuz I’ve only got one well we should try and save them woo woo woo oh hello woo hello guys H you guys broke uhh we we know we’re outmatched on God just kidding they have fire aspect never mind we are out much got to so y’all are the ones that fun my base that was CR have we found your base yall didn’t find my base just now no when oh well then there’s another team that is stacked near my base no there’s quite a few teams that are stacked apparently we’re not even the stack ones it’s 12 zip and uh magma I’m sorry we have to kill you but like look you got valuable things so your base is being knocked out it just got knocked out oh well then you are technically no use cuz you can’t even offer me an extra heart as well so I could hey I know the did you finish off the guy uh no he was how wait what you could offer us what I know the area of three people like their actual base yeah their actual base you want me to take you oh Jack what you think I never like trusting I think we justed too many people that could back yeah but if it’s three hearts it’s three hearts but yeah that’s three hearts do you know what do you know where I mean what am I going to do do you know exactly where they are by myself I know they’re exact cords all right well you need to stop and actually let some trust in if you can’t trust us we can’t trust you second your I stop I’m not going to stop because second you gain more speed yeah second you stop I stop if you can’t stop and show us where his Bas is anything from killing me we we gain nothing killing you cuz you’ve just offered us something we can use okay where’s this Bas you also have where’s this Basin we’ll give if you give us three hearts we’ll let you but when we next see you we will come for you and you won’t be off for anything else if if you do us over like yeah he’s awkwardly running towards W woo well that’s why we were heading over there okay I was going excuse me no wait hold up a second where were you heading over in that direction that’s not true because you were we spotted you over here and you were running the opposite way he’s got me with the fire aspect as wild and no we were heading over here no you weren’t okay it’s just weird that what way were you heading hold on okay okay calm down what way were you heading what way are we heading well we heading what way were you heading right now point that way Li why are they both flying we saw you guys running okay we were going Northwest calm down we were going Northwest Jesus Christ yeah well you don’t have a base to offer us yeah we do no you don’t I can offer I can offer you my base how about that your base got wiped out we were told I my you’re lying again you’re lying again you got just keep lying you got logic’s base not mine I’m not I’m not like I didn’t make my base scw in the same place he’s going to jump off the edge he’s going to go yeah do it jump jump all right we’ll find you we’ll we’ll catch you don’t you worry I’ll kill you oh my god cheeky little buggers oh we’re going that way no you weren’t you’re going this way we saw them we saw them both running the other way all right we’ll kill them from now on no mercy yeah like I just like at the end of day if we could get sorry I know it’s cheeky but I am trying to get Hearts if we can save people’s lives kill them later once we got all the hearts fine whatever but if they can offer us heart but obviously that was a lie he just went there he is there he is there he is there he is there he is we can knock him down I’m going to jump shoot keep behind safe he’s there dog all the way over there yeah I never trust people who say they have base cords that AR someone just died did woo fall to his death that would be hilarious where is he he has to be in that rock somewhere okay maybe we just move on actually get to the event even though we’re very late at this point what’s this oh this is it is this the event yeah I think so I don’t know what this is it did say I think radio tower was opening up and this looks like a radio tower this does look can we go in it yes it anyone here open open dude that guy’s a that guy’s decent one second he’s an iron doo doo doo doo doo hello I you don’t really speak I know that have you loot this here come in here come in here loot this yeah Jack we try to get teammate yeah yeah in case any Doo’s great oh my and also Doo killed Knight in the last video and um yeah it’s pretty good how do you even get up here right is there anything here did it get looted that double chest was empty okay I don’t double chest okay I think this already got raided dude I’m so sorry yeah this got raided there’s no chest in here is there anything up above at all I’m worried someone’s up here check for a lock chest though that’s what we need to know dude this whole place has been scoured chest up here oh this is the locked one 100% yeah locked Beast Master it’s locked Beast Master yeah have we seen that digite yet uh no we saw Barbarian and Shaman are you part of anyone else associate with anyone else or want to be with anyone else no not come on them okay welcome to the team Doo happy to have you after arriving too late for the event we were now determined to get Woo’s head as he was the reason why we were late we returned to a location where we assumed he would be hoping to run into him if I’m hazarding a guess with woo I think he built here in the mountain or yeah he has to be somewhere around here while searching the mountain I discovered something want to know what’s on top of that mountain you know where we saw that before we ah it’s a trap is it a trap double prove prove that you’re on our team is that a trap there’s water down there there’s water down there you see that we could just investigate we you could land in that prove your loyalty come prove your loyalty okay you ready I’m going to press the button and you’re going to land the water you got this tell if it’s if it’s safe okay yeah safe you did it all right press the button for me Jack I’m going down we’ve hit the mlo oh my God we overload are they online wait wait wait wait wait are they online no can’t one of is cuz you took that pickaxe wait what I just stole their pickaxe not only is another players anchor a source of extra Hearts but you can also choose to raid their inventory by sacrificing one gold block and it could be anything from useless items to a legendary weapon if they have one however this can only be performed every 3 minutes I just spent gold two bits of gold on that someone’s running around with a diamond pickaxe lost right we’re going to wait see if there’s anything else worth robbing here cuz I can definitely make another gold block and we can see Doo hopefully we’re going to get a kill and gear you up but like if you need to run off and make like gear and come back like feel free like we’ll meet back up okay I promise but you’re part of the team we actually do trust you and we do actually welcome you in and I think even though we had our differences before hopefully we can make it up and we can be all good and we can actually work together yeah okay he has a crossbow a a poison pot for 45 seconds come on poison pot unless they’ve already used it in the space of 3 minutes poison all right everyone chant it we want the poison part poison poison part or portable crafting device po or portable that’s so long can you you want I got observers and I think I already had the four yeah I got nothing yeah you had four okay yeah okay it was still worth the we just wasted gold anyway let’s keep them oh my heart let’s grab my heart boom there we go extra heart we continued onwards back on track with the main mission of obtaining the shaman staff we had the tools now all we needed to do was start the tedious task of searching for the key much health this is actually such a tedious task but like it feels like you’re actually trying to excavate like a lost hidden key kind of sick good thing it’s going for me cuz it’s only doing like half half a heart to me because but as you can guess we weren’t the only ones after this rare treasure the race for the shaman staff was about to reach boiling point we just didn’t know it yet I don’t know they know we’re here and we’re locked in here if they if they catch us on a they ran away from us probably waiting for the right moment the strike or waiting for us to get the key let us do the digging let us do the work I don’t know just keep an eye out here DOA you want to go me and Jack can then keep a look out keep an eye on everything keep an eye on that Hill while we were preoccupied with the team on the hill we didn’t notice the real threat approaching it’s kind you again what’s up what’s up stay stay away this our dig site this our di site this our dick site why why is it your dick site why we declared war s you didn’t want to join us man say hello to your replace yo leave Doo alone wa that bow hurts oh my gosh leave Doo alone I kind of want this sck s for myself do f for it okay we win go drink up drink up boys drink up you thank your speed as well fire aspect okay that’s interesting come here Doo e your GS e your notches as well come on you guys good nice got one oh wait what no we lost someone no Jack you okay D you okay yeah yeah not really Doo we’re coming for you don’t worry we need where is he where is he where is he I’ve lost him in the fight go I’m coming I’m coming no get out of here scam get out of here scam oh my God there’s no way Jack what’s we got we fight we need stuff we need Jack come on they killed Doo we got to go back we can’t run I got we got one of them we got a kill for a kill we got Monty we’ve rotated positions and now we’re the team watching from the hill it’s incredible how quickly the tables can turn we know one of these teams will eventually find the key and we know exactly where they’ll be heading it’s time to set up a little ambush and hopefully get ahead of the curve the shaman chest is right below us yeah all right it’s in floor oh my God the T-Rex is right around the corner over there P chop chops okay B very careful for uh he said 41 41 T-Rex P not the building oh of course you have a T-Rex guarding it of course 4 are you able to turn noise pression on you have a you have a loud Echo hello I see the T guys sadly we got spotted we do have company it’s it’s oh my God guys you got the key you got the key who’s got the key who’s got the key we saw your body language at the dickite you killed one of ours now you must die no don’t kill X me no no no no oh my God no don’t sorry guys I got this turn around turn around the dinosaurs were proven tricky and they had me stuck oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God what is fighting what is that who’s got the key who’s got the key we don’t we don’t have the key you definitely have the key we heard you we saw your body how you talk no no oh my God XP turn on yeah I know Dino Jack you okay yeah who’s got it who’s got it guys you better run we’re stacked I don’t believe you well we’re still fighting 4 4 fight all three players were on me and I was tanking so much damage but this was allowing Jack complete Freedom nice what no oh my God we just got him who’s got the key oh my God who’s got the key huh Ryan run I’ll go go go go go okay go go go go oh my God get out of here okay right you guys are pretty sucked as well fa play yeah no nice try buddy nice try nice TR yeah revenge for Doo was taken his killer meeting the same fate Jack and I escaped and regrouped but in the meantime they managed to retain the shaman staff and get out of there they have one of the most deadly weapons on the server right so you got two kills nice well Tech technically I’m assuming one of them wasn’t geared so you got we got one stack kill they’re also just a stack to so yeah you were right by the way that just beond me you get free rain and stick on me it’s it’s kind of stupid you would have thought after this many years they would have figured out like not to go for you cuz yeah if they just focus on you like you were the better one out of the bunch but I was just getting Absolut I was basically just on damage control like just T hits I was literally I was just going did you have to heal up or anything as much I used two gapples and that was it yeah that’s ridiculous I had to use so much they were just on me like a carbonet all right where did they go okay so they found that key so that key is been found which is great but if we were there for like okay introducing team 20 the most powerful team on the server and they were gunning for us before we could even catch our breath from the last fight hey guys hey guys hello hello hi got him got him got him oh fire fire yeah oh watch out watch out watch out I’m here get him got him got him yo cannot kill ran good how long do you think this I’ve got loads of Hearts don’t worry I’m good oh wait yeah I’ve still got 14 Hearts wa I’m fine we’re not running for a reason behind you get Jack get this actually crazy oh he’s po pvping he’s po PVP he’s po pping Chas him Chas him it’s just I’m just lying guys I’m all good no we’re you’re behind behind behind I’m all good I’m I’m I’m what where’ they go in a matter of seconds they disappeared luckily while running I ran into some players hey guys you want to help us you want to help us kill a team oh yeah bet yeah yeah come with us come with us come with us well hopefully we’ll pay you these two players were incredibly weak their armor not up to scratch but they might help in the fight to come hero I think we’re going to die fight if you want to fight if you don’t want to you want to help us we’ll pay you seems like need Stu yeah I’m rich in Cobblestone do not worry it’s a it’s uh at least a 4v4 I think or a 3v4 Jack is getting chased wait no wait that hello guys oh no oh my lordy oh I’m so sorry guys guilt wasn’t even the word leaving those players to die was hard but it’s survival at the end of the day and I’m definitely not proud of it uh it’s kind of lucky that I did find those guys cuz it just saved my life Jack must have obviously got away and I need just got myself killed oh I’m so sorry I feel kind of bad about that while pondering and lost in my thoughts an opportunity for Redemption presented itself I heard voices above me I gave you two of them like crafting things or whatever I can also show you like you already have like five Ryan’s face it was IG and woo the player we had tried to kill earlier team 20 had him captured and woo was clearly lying to Arty about my base trying to buy himself time so he would hopefully survive but he death was coming and I had the chance to change that run oh hi Ryan hello what’s up gang oh this is very suspicious moment come on Art fight us I’m not with them so I’ll just hello gang oh that’s very I’m take off my armor to assert peacefulness you’re kind of my Capt right now so I have no reason to help you already what the fre are you being captured I thought so I heard you I heard you trying to ride on my base even though you don’t know where it is wait can I join in I was I was yapping so all right come on come on come on come on come on come come on W W come on yes come on CP come on that that’s a that’s I I think I am actually but okay no uhoh never mind all right come on this is for my team his teammate is probably close why do you is his teammate close no i’ I’ve chased him like I’ve let him around the whole team 20 took everything from me team 20 took everything some Revenge let me just go sacrifice your life for oh frick come on we two be fight we two be like Forge you for a while yeah but then you run away yeah but we fought you ah yeah but this is also a 1 V3 come on get that kill get that kill sry gapping no worries stay alive CP I don’t think he’s going to this is goodbye fellas no stay alive stay alive stay alive Arty come on I’ve got a key on me man come here Arty this this guy might have a killing him the guy with iron armor are you serious could have he wasn’t a dickite oh yeah you’re right you’re right come on AR leave him out of it if you don’t kill him we’ll stay in fight till our deaths no matter what oh that’s cold go for the iron person chicken okay I think it’s fight like a man come on you’ve been chasing me on the whole map yeah I would have killed you if I knew you yapping at you come on their armor must be uh breaking our thing ni that’s good really help me help me help me help me help me Ryan let’s go let’s go we’ll fight you later guys come on you know when I said I’m going to take my revenge you I didn’t mean like this okay let go we need to kill we killed L and like half we’re not letting W live anymore really I let him live for way too come on woo come on woo I’m trying my hardest here come on afraid of let’s take a gamble go to the Megalodon let’s take a gamble go to the Megalodon they won’t chase us there this is not you guys going to take the one shot you going to chance the one shot or no yeah we got to take a chance if the megal gone going to get us dude by the way since you you did kind of save my life yeah it’s fine we’re officially a team now you look we’re officially a team I’ve got your back luckily for us the gamble paid off and we crossed the water safely however overall we wer wen’t doing too great I’m kind of in this position where if we can kind of kill the rest of jer’s team and then get Whoever has the staff on our side or the like get the staff and just get that player on our side like it’s a bit dodgy and might not breed any bit of loyalty but it might just keep the glue going we’re kind of starting to fall apart these teams are stacked while running we heard someone’s voice coming towards us hello I’m getting I was getting chased by RT no hello are you is he still there no I don’t know I I really I popped swiftness so I don’t think why we going back there I don’t know what’s the plan I don’t think they can catch me should we get I don’t know we didn’t have the resources to take on another fight and we needed to find another dungeon ASAP but we didn’t know where one was but woo did I know where one is but uh well I don’t know if it it’s like half looted oh we went back and raided one that was half looted half yeah but where Point whereabouts it is South like like very very south very very sou go we need it we need it we need a bad oh multi uh crossbow like oh prop for helmet let’s go fire spe one book woo if we can enchant that right we’re actually ready to fight again though which is kind of nuts well I have three gaps so speak for yourself right oh I have way more yeah but I if we can go back to a base I have 11 apples and enough gold to craft a load oh like surely surely between us all now we have enough gold to crop load I didn’t know you were rich like that my bad with now having all the materials we needed to rearm ourselves we headed back to base to craft along the way we stumbled across players near a dick site that hello hey guys T-Rex hello hello hello wait wait wait these guys okay right it’s not we respect your group head off to you guys any information GI these players were incredibly peaceful and all they were interested in we’re searching the nearby dig site for the Barbarian L key okay search that dig site for us if you find us a key then we’ll come to your base and we’ll make a trade deal and we’ll come to something peacefully all right it’s an idea if you guys want to see the base uh just go to the highest peak over there okay thank you we’ll hopefully see you later we continued onwards to base but it wasn’t long before we ran into Sumit again oh hey 12 wait hey 12 wait Squad up your team died your teammate they’re all dead we’re we’re Drillers 12 Drillers remember remember it’s just me They’re All Dead apparently 12 zip team had been wiped out by team 20 and he was the lucky one who survived so they literally just killed JT and scuba so the enemy of my enemy is that is common yeah so you get what I’m saying this was incredibly interesting because aside from Jack and myself we had all been on the opposite teams trying to kill each other at one point now here we we are teaming up to take on the real threat maybe this is actually a good thing do you guys want to betray us or what like honestly like what is it we’re a so late game now like my name is not Golds calm down they they were literally just come with us come with us come with us come of us come on we got to prepare for this fight it’s my base as well and I don’t even remember where it is welcome I got you to your second home don’t use your axe to do this cuz you will shave the so if you want you can po this you got SP any what XP any XP yeah if I give you XP you won’t be able use it so it’s better for me to have it oh yeah true I feel vulnerable you guys are here but I actually kind of have trust in you I feel like there’s common goal to at least get AR and stuff done and also we’re a team of four so we can actually win this so we’ve got no reason we got no reason to destroy each other I’m trying to win like portraying you is just kind of stupid well we’ve got a team of four like all of our teammates have died to put it that way we’re all together now we’re all going of mix match team true so true unlikely allies oh my God okay so what you gave me the sharpness three and you want fire Pi one on yeah if you [Music] can thank you with our newly form team we brought the new members to our base to craft and upgrade our gear now our sites were set on obtaining the Beast Master weapon as we knew the location of the chest and the dig site all right guys what do we do all dig and look out or just go for it all just go for it I think the quicker we do it the quicker we find it yeah all right I don’t know how I’m doing it let’s begin in searching this time our luck was much better compared to the last dig site as we were about to discover on there I wish I could hear you guys oh my God it’s here it’s here it’s here it’s here it’s here it’s here I just got it I just got it I just got it I just got Beast Master lost key let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go go go go go go my God oh my God that’s what happened to J their team they came in searched for 5 minutes found it and we’re out me and Doo and all them were searching for absolute ages let’s go we searched for like 15 we know where this is we know exactly where this as well we just have to hopefully not run into a fight all right guys stay down here just because like if it comes up to a fight I don’t want to like lose like if I don’t want to lose half a fight cuz we fall from Fall damage yeah I’ll be done I got it I was about to find out that even though this weapon didn’t offer a lot of damage it made up for it with its incredible ability to cover ground oh my lordy that’s amazing oh my God this is oh we got picked up by um by we running to put water under you guys I’ve got an owl who gets the weapon you you can have it you can have it rock paper scissors on God wait is this wait this is like an evasion it’s not a damage thing it’s like more evasion which might be ideal which might be good for you you always got like a tank My Pan and I can ride it let’s go oh it’s hella fast Jesus Christ oh my god oh we’re never going to catch him we decided it would be best to keep this weapon as secret hoping that by doing so we could make it as effective as possible when our enemies least expect it shortly after this we then headed to a recently opened event aiming to gather more loot it feels like that first day I wasn’t getting attacked by uh okay we are not the ones here wait why why don’t we go back to the dungeon it’s already restocked we can do we can see miles away barbarian barbarian barbarian chest you found it yeah yeah okay we obviously don’t have that key oh that’s the key that Knight was looking for so Knight does have it inside the event Jack found a barbarian lock chest this was the key night and red and his gang were searching for and they said we could trade for it if they found it so we began making our way over to them we need to find bases guys like badly oh who’s that oh oh if I was quicker yes yes oh my God way who was it who was it me oh my God I’ll take it that’s the only way I can kill someone by knocking them off an edge that’s actually brutal with the side quest completed we continued with our main objective finding the night and red and his gang to see if we could possibly make that trade and we knew just where to find them hello they are you hello don’t worry about them you guys must be like like you guys are like away from everything down there like is getting worse by the day the the dinosaurs today are hungry oh yeah there no dinosaurs appear Ryan hello Ryan Ryan we have something for you we might have found something oh they found it they found it they had found found the key for the Barbarian axe a legendary weapon that deals a massive amount of damage now all we had to do was come up with an agreement okay I’ve been up here this entire time I don’t see a problem here if you need our help and someone’s coming to attack you right you message me hopefully SL message me hopefully I’m in range and I will come and trust me good I will come in style he’s he’s great at coming all right all right chill chill cut it out chill back back drop us the key all right uh if you accept that deal yeah they accepted the deal and handed over the key in return we agreed to come to their aid if they were ever in trouble they were peaceful players so no one should really bother them and on our way to retrieve the Barbarian axe we noticed that 12z was starting to act um how do I say it a little bit strange I might have to go back to our base and get some food yeah we should I’m genuinely going to Stu all right we’ll go back to your base after then we get some food yeah I know it doesn’t sound too strange but despite us giving him food he still insisted on going back to his base nevertheless we focused on retrieving the Barbarian axe as that is what we wanted uh yeah someone could have already gotten it so you never know so we could have got well we didn’t get scammed oh T-Rex get the get the weapon quick we should just back off for now I’m going to be real go get the weapon go gra we we’ll distract the T-Rex get the weapon Jack don’t let it eat you jack 45% is a big chance oh my God okay oh my God okay I got it let’s dip yes we actually have it what it do show me I want to see I want to see it wait ow oh my God the two hearts of damage ouch oh my God now that’s what I call a legendary weapon its default attack simply dealt damage however being so close to an event location we were bound to attract some attention Okay I I don’t see its health so whoa okay they’re fighting okay let’s run back Let’s Go froster frost Walker get the lake get the lake Frost Walker me with that it’s called self defense do it okay I don’t think we should chase chase him cuz uh he’s got ice Walker well I don’t know what this weapon does yet R everyone I know is dead oh this is nice over here hey Ryan how’s it been haven’t seen you since yellow days really good dude oh I know I saw team 20 over there it was great now I’m going to 39 you’re going to the Grave hey if you jump all your gaps we’ll let you go drop all your gaps we won’t all right there you go no I je man I didn’t make a poison me you Chey yeah eat eat wait where is St zip where is oh my God these guys were stacked really oh wait I have a leaping ability I really hope this doesn’t kill you Ryan oh oh my God please don’t kill me oh that hurts me why am I taking damage uh Protection One exchanging it yeah you’re right weapons of P like froz what’s wrong what’s wrong what’s wrong jack had an army chasing him and they weren’t stopping it was time for IGN Woo’s Barbarian axe to hopefully shine r Wait run [Music] uh I I I said we should spare jack I hope that goes on record take your potions take your potions take your potions got one you want the smoke got two another one’s dead where’s your you ain’t killing me Jack I just po the god Apple you ain’t killing me bud yeah well we are yeah well I am oh God oh my God he’s de oh my god oh oh my god oh jeez oh my oh God but an old school bow still gets the kill nice right oh my God what is that Lo them loot them loot them I don’t know it’s GL oh my God they were stacked Three diamond chest plate if you want oh oh my God oh my God that didn’t kill oh my God all right there’s more loot around here there’s more loot there was three chest PL do we want loot I don’t know there’s there’s a guy I see you I can offer you their bases all of their beacons are below here go leave run run leave leave guys who’s Bas oh my God there’s nothing I this game is getting dangerous I need a dinosaur is coming come onck Jack have you have you met Jack bye dude these guys are stagged yeah okay what oh my look at that book these guys are my God oh my God oh my God I’ll take that gold how many gaps did we get from this wait where is 12 guys where is where’s 12 Aid all this commotion we had forgotten to look and now we’ noticed that 12 zip was not by our side where was he what 12 12 um oh my God 12 is that him hey wait have you seen 12 oh yes no I haven’t get out of here we’ll kill you pleas I don’t have anything I just don’t want to chase you right now you do have I bet you have loads guys where’s 12 TW where 12 win this way 12 this way 12 last time Jack saw 12 he was in a fight he might need our help guys is where is 12 we’re the worst teammates ever he just disappeared he was chasing someone and then the big team of eight round yeah but I don’t know if he’s in a fight right now some like Su oh 12 zip 12 zip 12 12 zip you okay you need help oh I I I I got I got chased by five guys away from I near K Five Guys did you get burger at least yeah that that was my old teammates oh my old teammates like that one to be honest I might go back to my real quick and just craft some more I regret should we let’s go back to your base then let’s go back to your base come on yeah I regret ya I regret yapping yesterday if that dinosaurs aren’t good because yeah I remember you said that I was like I think we’ve been playing a different game because some of the din dinosaurs do damage all right 12 take us to your base then let’s get your food cuz we don’t have any food at our base so your base it is we found 12 alive and safe having somehow escaped from five players finally we were heading back to his long awaited base but something it fell off 12 seemed very disconnected 12 where’s he going is that 12 this guy this guy he just like runs off ahead I thought he was like being attacked and then well he was actually got away though well to be fair we killed a lot of them we killed like five of them just in a 35 yeah I’m whispering right now it’s proba running off on purpose try not to show us his base that’s what I’m thinking as well but maybe not I don’t know something just doesn’t feel right I mean we already show him all our bases so I don’t know we’re like the unlikely like team as well like we should be all good wait um I’m still behind him don’t worry 12 was running ahead fast and we could barely keep up with him his body language seemed like he was trying to hide something from us but we had gained speed and we were about to find out magma hello right okay you need food right yeah this is this is our this is our teammate stego he’s goated he’s actually more stacked than both of us combined believe it or not okay okay fair enough he actually is I I solo looted the the event when Ryan is actually coming this way hey hey gang uh heyy thanks the hell is that cuz I think you got a new toy oh hello there so is this what you’ve been doing 12 zip yeah what’s this about you said magma died we didn’t understand it 12 told us that his teammate magma had died to Arty in his gang team 20 yeah here he was alive and they were clearly still in contact I don’t know this makes things really awkward I thought you died you told us I mean stay right there don’t come over here for a second stay with them for a sec like this this just just just changed a lot of things so the whole thing that was bound us together was the fact that your loyal people were dead so was ours and vice versa that was bounding this team together and now that’s not true I didn’t even check tab to see if that was true or not Ryan can I have a word with you just uh yeah yeah we can go have a word let’s have a word yeah come on J I I did say he was running off he was in communication with someone else no I’m just going to be real with you like I think that he’s just working with and double crossing us yeah but he knows where our base is he knows where our yeah but if we if we kill him now he can’t spread with then then tell no Tales yeah I agree with that we kill him let’s kill him let’s do it we agree we showed him our base dude kill him where is he okay but but sneake where’ he go oh that snake Okay I can now see why you didn’t want to trust me and him 12 made his choice and ran off with Magma and the other member ah it’s just typical now we were hunting them real where is it oh there they are they are no sucker oh have you seen TW no we don’t care about you right now we care about snakes have you seen 12 zip and like magman all them we saw them in the desert a little bit oh yeah they were in the desert right we need to we want to kill them we want to kill them um we think their bases around here somewhere by the way wait what we know that Bas yeah we’re searching for them like right we have agreement let’s look for them whole we we they live we fig this tree someone someone was mining this tree for no reason yeah know I’m pretty sure like they they have a ladder down these two players were searching for 12’s base so we had reason not to kill them since we all wanted the same thing yeah it’s it’s around this area wait wait wait what guys um what was it what is this is this it wait Did We expose it and not realize maybe I need a torch I can’t see anything is actually I’m coming oh be careful it might be a wait are we just are we just in the mine wait what don’t destroy it we might they got good does anyone have a gold block I do I do I have seven oh seven seven wait let’s find out which one there what should we steal from them like screw their game over completely that’ll get them killed way wait wait wait wait wait oh this is Def not Magna he has a sharpness three uh loads of iron some shrimp pots uh eight golden apples we could get those golden we found their base and it turned out both 12 and magman lived together giving us the opportunity to seal from both as we waited we learned while soccer and willbo were so intent on destroying 12 and his team see in the early days 12 and his team had discovered their base while attempting to break in 12 by accident triggered their redstone trap and it ended up killing half their team and they want to kill the other half it’s as simple as that it not 17 seconds okay okay okay who should we sabotage 12 zip or magma 12 zip probably got the better loot it’s the better PVP okay right sabotage him so we can like so we can rob him seven times every 3 minutes wait we can rob them at the same time Jack give me that gold give me that gold as soon as we rob them though they’ll know we’re in here so oh that’s fine but they might not know depending on what we rob hopefully we’ll rob a sword or something decent if we rob something like say coal or something they might not recognize comp we going to do it yeah right yeah here we go 3 2 1 let’s try it all right I I Rob some lapis I think get the think I got proper nice oh that’s actually a pretty good Rob okay so in three more minutes we can rob again oh I hear where R is here who ‘s here what is friendly yeah he was getting chased by a T-Rex and I help I still am okay woo who you with um it was aill who you with help come down come down oh my God it’s coming down get out run run run run run get out of there oh my God dip what’s going on it’s above us now where did the we can keep our base keep that base think keep that base I can keep that there’s a dino in there oh my where did a die where did the M die uh uh he was inside like uh follow me Ryan oh my holy crap he was in there all right kill the dinosaur quick who CED the dinosaurs here kill the baby T-Rex it must have been a mill I went down this hole oh my lordy I found a Mill’s dead body oh my god did he have any gaps um yeah oh he had a lot of G I honestly thought that was going to be our four teammate and a mill just got murdered why does a mill get murdered so quick in short I don’t know where’d you [Laughter] go he does it to [Laughter] himself don’t come down here that was things turn serious again though as I start receiving messages asking for help oh The guys they need us they need us the people on the hill it was the players we traded for the Barbarian key they needed our help we we signed a contract they need us dude we got to fight well we can’t really ask another team to help us I’ll help you guys they’re up they’re up in the mountain up in a tippy tippy top Mountain the tallest mountain dude I said that wasn’t me that was a okay to speed was everything and that’s what my legendary weapon was all about coming night there you guys are I’m doing it for you guys night don’t kick me off don’t kick me off don’t make me fall to fall damage get me to the ladder get me to the ladder just okay here it’ll be fine don’t me out Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan where are you where are you what’s going on what’s going on here here here just still the Beast Man key they’re over there they’re over there who who who who names names team eight team eight team eight team eight they killed every body who in everybody yeah hide yourself hide yourself hide yourself hide yourself yeah come here come here come here come here I’ll save you we we made a deal and I’ll respect that deal okay okay take that I’ll find you take it now before you get killed get out of here go go go and I’ll meet I want that weapon back do not die with it go hide yourself okay what’s happening what’s hopefully it doesn’t kick you this was 12 zip and his team they had attacked an innocent team and it was our responsibility to make it right now we switch over to Jack’s POV as he was ahead in the hunt for them they were quickly defeated and put into the ground that’s what happens when you make enemies with everyone and that ends that story moving on we’re making our way home back to base when we stumbled across something interesting all right I don’t know where my gu’s at wait oh in the corner of my eye I had spotted a lever and whoever this was they were trying to keep it hidden oh nice wait yeah where is it where’s the base um oh here nice let’s go done it’s a base it’s weirdly empty what the hell uh not here [Music] I need be fearing for my life right now oh TNT TNT TNT oh my [Music] god oh alive yeah I’m lit I’m in the middle of it Shields block TNT damage remember yeah oh my God this this this guy isn’t online so I’m just going to break his thing yeah break it oh my God that was actually riged this deadly so true thought that was us dead group hug I thought we were dead all right we got an extra oh my God I was telling you this might be a trap L that was deadly did the guy literally have his base set up so like he obviously mines in and if someone uses a lever like it’s a self-destruct button well the guy wasn’t online so I’m guessing he was like let’s let’s do something funny since I’m not going to be on tomorrow well that works my I got I’m sorry I wasted a golden apple with that horrifying booby trap out of the way and all of us still alive we moved on we’re heading home that’s where we’re going to meet the guy with the legendary weapon and we need it fast a new event had just recently opened up and we need to get there so we can stake our claim oh there he is yo come here Hi Well Done air support oh my God oh all right you’re safe now hopefully I will give this back thank you very much yeah thank you foring us oh no problem perhaps right I’m going go I’m going to go to the loot Zone check it out okay yeah you want me to stay with Jack I wish you guys good luck Good Luck Good Luck yeah stay with Jack and I’ll meet you over there soon to fully leverage my legendary weapon I aim to get to the event early and establish a foothold [Music] but to my surprise players are already here the main tree in the middle yeah we’ve got to find the chest guys oh no okay finally okay Sor said warmer silou you can’t parkour there yeah it’s got I hear I hear a keyboard I don’t know wait did you check this chest yeah it’s this one it’s this one I found it found it where where I quickly realized the scope of who was inside it was Team Six and team 20 our two biggest enemies and since they had lost members some to us and some to others Team Six siko and jur had joined team 20 this wasn’t looking good because jur already had a legendary weapon and it sounded like they were about to find another down here down here where’s down it up up down oh oh okay I’ve got it I got it I got it okay this is officially not good from overhearing them they had indeed just found the final legendary weapon the drw staff both their staffs combined would make them nearly Unstoppable we need to get hold of one of those staffs fast if we won the chance of winning this thing okay let’s go back to let’s go back to for the last time and we’re chilling we’re chilling for we just keep looting this no there still stuff I I don’t think there’s I I I I have no room like people are just going to realize what the clue isn’t come they were heading back to their base to before Jack and woo could arrive leaving us no chance to jump them time was running out and endgame was approaching stalking them back to their base was redundant I’d be spotted and likely killed on the spot there was no way I was going to do this or maybe there was one way [Music] okay I’m taking the gamma right now if this thing kicks me off I’m going to have to like let me get the war bucket out I don’t have a wall buer oh this is too good if this Falls I’m dead this decides to kick me off I’m going down I have an end Pearl I can maybe try and use that I heard them that they’re going back to their base they better go back to their base fast don’t kick me off Al Al me and you are good I barely use you think of it like that and I gave it to a person and you know good karma Good Karma [Music] hopefully there’s their base there’s their base there’s their base there’s their base okay I’m going down I’ve got the information I’m getting out of here don’t kick me off get me over the water get me over the water get me over the water don’t kick me off come on dude we being good we’ve been good haven’t we we’ve been amazingly good I found their base or at least one of them this could completely change the tide of the war I just need to stay undetected and wait for them to leave so I can sneak in I saw a prop three book did yall grab it yeah okay I Need Is it okay is it okay if I take all the sharpness books in a chest to make my okay all right who who needs Unbreaking 3 on their chest plate I have I just have a random Unbreaking three oh I does anyone have all you already have like 20 right uh I only have 30 now yeah put those back while waiting Jack and woo managed to link up with me finally after what felt like an eternity they left and from overhearing the conversation it was clear they were stacked with gear yeah probably not all right let’s just go find other people yeah wait do you want to just quickly make cards I have 64 sand 52 gunpowder IR a same they are so sweaty just stay quiet just stay quiet please let’s not ruin this guys we have the mother Lord one of them has the go weapon and we’ve just found maybe their group base yeah it is Jack do you have a gold block don’t don’t open it oh my God it’s JJ okay so it’s JJ Q’s I had to check who it was It’s JJ Q’s has one of the God weapons has a Shar five sword um protection three armor we need to try and steal that God weapon like now okay right we’re going to sit here and we’re just going to rob jjq every 3 minutes we’re going to clear that person’s inventory as best we can okay yeah can I get get ready okay what I need from youu go over that way start digging the exit route out if they come for us Jack I need you on high alert and so it began the heist to steal the drud staff we just had to Hope luck would be on our side this is such a scummy move but like we’re outnumbered we’re out geared like we found their base it’s a stupid like this this is Hider hunt this is where tactics can change you can change your ways if you’re not the best PP you can try and adapt all right come on everybody chant God weapon or sharpness five I’ll take a sharpness five actually God weapon God weapon God weapon God weapon God weapon weapon God weapon God weapon okay I stole some poison pots and a shm pot here you think she noticed who knows we’ll find out here does anyone want that I’ll take the sh pot 55 seconds guys we can rob again please DOA sharpness 3 uh some things a bow H more pots basically what are you guys doing down there okay we got to go we got to go we got to go follow me follow me hello you’re not going anywhere come down for the Trap know you’re in there oh my God for your B watch the names watch the names watch the names they’ve not broke my thing yeah okay but why’ you say that did you get down the cave I I see him I see him I see him he’s down there don’t get dropped by the dino sh come down and taste my kitty that sounds so bad oh I’m sorry apologies [Laughter] apologies lock it off lock it off let’s go we were unsuccessful in stealing the dro staff but thankfully managed to escape however we couldn’t run from them forever as endgame was approaching and the Border was beginning to shrink slowly soon we’d have to stand and fight no matter what like it’s been an honor fighting you 12 zip should be here but he decided to actually R I thought we were going to be the perfect team like no matter no matter we went I thought we’re going to be the perfect team look at this look at this land look what it’s done to people look at them over there killing each other feasting on their corpse if that is US honestly I’ll be happy I’ll have your guys is back to the end and I won’t turn away all right there’s no turning back now guys before I head into battle if you enjoyed the video make sure to like subscribe and comment below will I win yes or no but here we go so all right so we’ve got all D fire is back on or did he just die oh I can’t tell um no I there we go there it is hello hey guys yeah I’m getting all right here we go I’m leing stuff okay let’s go you good yo help me guys what are you doing oh I’m coming I’m coming let’s go Ryan let’s go oh who has the nice you got that yeah nice we dead I killed him I killed him I’m on ja come on ja oh my God wait that was way too we did they’re running they’re running I got his I got his a I got his a okay nice oh my I can’t takeit the shot come here R you okay yeah I’m good oh my God they’re both there they’re both there yeah oh watch out D watch out watch out watch out watch out it’s fine it’s F I got my ability my ability my ability oh there’s more people more people more people oh I need to land what my weapon does I do not want to know what that thing does about other hello two weapons and my team s together my team s together they also have God weapons look at I don’t know who I’m fighting anymore you’re dying so no wait no you’re fighting Ryan and you’re not dying I’m fighting yes l oh well just leave me alone then we’re away from that team we got him we got him I hey St I’m not I’m not fighting you JQ what the helling I’m being killed by a dinosaur help yeah dinosaurs are helping us Jack I got you I got you I got you I’m on now you’re done now you’re done I’m still 10p stay here get the op weapon ni your team’s dropping you might as well stop fighting me I’m not on their team I don’t know what that means Jak you we’re good oh nice nice Jak you nice oh my God careful careful yeah I’m good you good yeah I’m more soer you need to help us we love you no we we’re we can win this we’re technically not team do not do this I don’t know what I’m doing I’m just like slapping people at this Jack and oh okay I’ll just sacrifice yeah this is finean no no no oh my God leave alone come on you said you wanted a team with them leave them alone oh my God oh my God I’m cting them just get them while you can just disappeared just teleported who team is who I don’t know where am I going to hit kill you kill you all right you okay where a is dead is dead is dead is dead I need help I need help oh my God wait that’s uhoh uh-oh oh God where there we go what is that thing that thing does a wee bit of damage yeah oh my God it does Ryan why me he he R I’m good I’m good it good come back come back come back I’m good come on Jack I got J I got J I got J A 2V1 21 nice take it take it oh God get off my I don’t want to I don’t care I don’t scare you I got you l oh God byebye I don’t care that you saved me I’m coming I know I have nice healing oh my that was yeah no [Music] in the end team 20 emerge Victorious congratulations and hopefully we can beat them in the next one and a huge thank you to Elite creatures and vent MC for their contributions to this video you can check them out in the description below I’ll catch you in the next one guys [Music]

100 Players Survive a JURASSIC Minecraft Hide or Hunt, 100 players dive into a hardcore Jurassic-themed Minecraft Hide or Hunt challenge! With intense PVP action and survival skills put to the test, who will be the last player or team standing in this epic battle for dominance? Join us for thrilling gameplay, strategic alliances, and a fight for survival in this ultimate Minecraft adventure!

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Thank you to VentoxMC for hosting this event. They run a competitive 24/7 Hide or Hunt inspired server! – https://discord.ventoxmc.com/

The dinosaurs were made by the amazing group Elitecreatures. Check out the link below if you’re interested in getting any of their assets—it supports both me and them directly!

DinoWorld Plains Battle Mounts Extension

If you want to check out the dinosaurs for free, you can do so on their new Java-only server they’re currently developing, discord below

Grab a Minecraft Server to play this with friends!
get 25% off with ShockByte Hosting!

Welcome to my channel! This channel is all about Minecraft with focus on the Minecraft PvP and Raiding content. Also throwing in some unique shows like Minecraft Hide Or Hunt & Minecraft War!

100 Players Survive a JURASSIC Minecraft Hide or Hunt…

Disclaimer: Some bugs occurred during this event, particularly with the extra hearts plugin causing erratic absorption and periods of invulnerability, while other times players took excessive damage.
Apologies for any issues that may be visible in the video



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