Stardew Valley (1.6 Update) — Part 101 – Farming the Isle

hello again everyone welcome back to a stardew valley it is winter I think it is day five um one thing that I did realize that I forgot to do was um uh I need to make it rain here in Winter because uh I need to need to actually get married so that is uh something that I should do do we have any birthdays today no but Carolines is this weekend all right weather report welcome to kou 5 your number one source of weather news and entertainment now the weather forecast for tomorrow expect a few inches of snow tomorrow and our special forecast of the fern Islands region it’s going to rain all day tomorrow welcome back to wellwick Oracle if you seek hidden knowledge of the future well you’ve come to the right place the spirits are somewhat the perturbed today luck will not be on your side all right 58 crops are ready 48 crops ready in the greenhouse open tilt soil one 39 machines are ready Farm cave is ready nothing’s ready down there greetings from Calico desert come visit me soon I’m really bored out here I’ve included a gift from the desert you can come and thank me in person okie dokie Elman Drea I’m creating an enchanted staff of phenomenal power however I’m missing something an aridian bar I’m willing to pay five times the market value for it bring it as soon as you can okie [Music] dokie well that’s convenient I’ll get that a second okay [Music] um let me think for a second there it is okay Arctic Shard I want that uh I’m going to go ahead and put this away with the uh animals I do not have a rain totem so I should make one [Music] hardwood truffle oil and pinear all right all those things are ready [Music] there we [Music] go so dried chantells 13,000 it’s pretty [Music] nice go ahead and put you away and I should grab let’s do some peaches right you’re down here I do need to make some more preserves [Music] jars [Music] okay sell off other things that I don’t want to sell off okay so he wants an aridium bar have I sold an aridium bar yet yes I have okay need to make some juice I think that might be an AR no that’s an arch choke I’m not sure what that is then I have to go look um I’m not sure what that is right now that’s me I need to make some meat at some point do not remember what that is that’s pineapples I think that’s an ostrich egg I’m not oh right okay no that is the Mystic uh oil stuff thing yeah so I do need to sell one of those as well um a lot of other things that I do need to fish up as well still need to get some more of these one remaining mineral that should be a pretty common one I’m surprised that I have not gotten that one yet okay go and put you away in here let’s get this not bad do like uh mystery boxes we might be coming up on a time when it is good to uh start reorganizing this all right um let me just go ahead and sell some higher quality stuff there we go all right head back here to drop things off so tomorrow would be a good idea a good time to go over to the island uh just broccoli get all of that in there okay I do want to also reorganize this area as well all right anything done up here no let’s go down and check our animals so I do need to drop that off as well get that in there come on down here come on grab it thank you jeez grab that and let’s see what you got here all right and just to be on the safe side should all be pretty good all right I do need to pet dragon bait I think all the other animals are now maxed out so I don’t need to worry about petting them nope I was just talking about it and then I was like slipped my mind okay um let’s actually make goat cheese this time and then I need some of you need one of you need one of you all right all right rain totem I don’t know if I’m going to use it for [Music] tomorrow do need to think about that let’s get get that in there what do we have in here some things that’s all okay also that needs to go in there I’ll sort that out later all right so get you in there get you in there you in there how we doing here um right no that’s a goof all right so we got some winter seeds that I can plant a little bit later um maybe once all of the uh all the grass comes in I can start uh reorganizing uh this area um to be better and fully watered and everything so I think that’ll be good all right I I don’t want to not trying to do that okay so let’s go down and we want to visit the traveling Merchant anyway see what she has for offer right I don’t have my axe I also want to visit you [Music] guys help us I’ll give you something nice there you go oh so adorable thanks Bobo take this stard drop tea the raccoon shop has been expanded you received a stard drop tea can I actually get star drop tea now no but I can get magic rock candy for Golden mystery boxes and you can just transfer regular mystery boxes into golden mystery boxes okay [Music] all right that is interesting can also get mahogany seeds and powder melon seeds I should probably do some of that kind of want to get that jungle tank as well just to see what uh it’s got going for it all right what do you got vegetable medley I think I’m o yes please all right that’s good what do you got for me coal and iron ore that’s fine all right Mr Wizard I believe the town fol are afraid of me it is unfortunate but I suppose it is human to be afraid of the unknown ah Arctic Shard most powerful substance indeed and potentially infused with the element of ice oh potently I’ll take it if you don’t mind um you’re still here oh you want something take this you received a wriggling worm it’s a wriggling wet worm wow thanks ah precious aridium you’ve done well elementa now have my gratitude now leave I don’t want to leave take 5,000 G okay so I could definitely do a junimo Hut I don’t know what the area of effect of it is exactly Earth Obelisk I could easily get the money or to the mountains I don’t care that much about that orps to the beach that wouldn’t be too bad desert Obelisk that’s a million very tempted for that one um and the island Obelisk I can’t get I need to go collect Dragon Teeth and bananas [Music] that is just 10 million G all right there are also um other upgrades to do as well just going to go collect some stuff gold or Crystal fruit always good so I was uh wrong about turning winter SE like winter forage into winter seeds and selling them that is not profitable um every other season is profitable at least with the basic ones I believe don’t you have work to do wow who would be good to give the uh stard drop T to I can give it to kobas I do need to go visit kobis anyway Sam’s trying to do a kick flip you have fun there Sam yeah you know what let’s give it to kobus and I’ll take that aridium sprinkler I can never remember what that butterfly power is powder is and then I I look at it I’m like oh God feel bad for even looking at it all right let us go deposit [Music] these there we go 3500 G hello Caroline finally a little time to myself [Music] so I think I should probably save up my um mystery boxes golden mystery boxes okay copper ore I missed something down here what was it that was all the way down here wormies thank you oh yeah I should actually go um see if uh Willie wants this worm I should also collect things up here Ah that’s a perfect bait for a catfish I’ve been trying to catch here let me trade you this for it I’m not sure what it is but it washed up on the beach not too long ago something tells me you could use it Miss a pirates locket you received a pirates’s locket it’s an old Pirates Keepsake that might be the thing that I need go and keep that on me glad Elliot never destroyed that one can I go into his house he’s not here I should be going into more people’s houses you know you’re totally creeping on them let’s put some trash in here for now also those and wormies okay hold on I’ll need to uh come back and get these things later take that okay A bit of uh just foraging today I have to brush my hair daily or else it’ll Clump up and messy knots it’s a lot of work I mean you could you could cut it oo nice okay don’t really care about that eight Mega bombs okay five uh mystery boxes it’s okay idium sprinkler by far the neatest thing there nothing on the board I guess as long well no I’m I’m out of inventory space I need to might be something good it also be something that I can’t get where did it go did it did it vanish that quickly ooh that was fast I do have space wait a second oh no I thought there was something else that popped out okay get you in there get you in there well whatever it’s fine it’s not a big deal to uh get that stuff back in um however wonder that I want that many just do that that’s fine okay put those in there let’s put this in there as well I think I can just sell these Nautilus shells I don’t really need them get you in there and let’s zip on down to the raccoon so I can get some more powder melon seeds oh it’s two all right my bad thought it was one to one that’s fine though there we go get another one of those all right just get you right there for now grab that um can do some duck eggs there we go and what do I need for actually this is probably a good time to uh start moving some of these but I’ll wait until later maybe when uh like we’re close to the end of the month kind of thing and it’s just like a good time to start sorting everything out here on the farm anyway what you got for me gold or all right I will take that more soggy newspaper so you do need cloth for things like the dressed spinner if you go for that I think I’d rather just buy one if I was going to do that but it is um something to consider wormies hate when I get too close to them should probably plant more up here need more maple seeds I think I think I’ll wait until my ax is ready though um just so that I can like chop other trees down as well grab that come on grab it thank you I should also look around to see what uh what I want to [Music] do uh fishing wise I did just see those uh those bubbles what do we have over here got some wormies another book o diamond how much space do I have get rid of the tree I think maple trees can uh spawn here too but or mahogany hope I’m not up too late definitely up too late can I get back in time may fall asleep inside but that would be okay as long as I’m inside [Music] yes oh that is well actually I think it may have put me in bed I’m not sure oh that’s great all right nautilus shell dried Chantell 1715 pretty nice peach jelly mayonnaise cheese other things all right 24,000 on to day six of winter I think we will head out to the island this day tomorrow is Caroline’s birthday my aridium axe is ready weather report welcome to kou 5 your number one source for weather news and entertainment now the weather forecast for tomorrow it’s going to be a beautiful sunny day tomorrow and our special forecast for the fern Islands region it’s going to be a beautiful sunny day tomorrow oh I see a glimmer within my scry or a bashard of Knowledge from the future the spirits are very displeased today they will do their best to make your life difficult 106 crops are ready nothing’s ready in the greenhouse uh 32 machines are ready and the farm cave is ready [Music] you know what these aren’t worth very much just sell them off there so I can pick these up before going out hia thanks for all the bones I’ve got a lot to sort through here to think each fragment belonged to a living breathing body from the past fascinating please accept this unique crafting recipe as a thank you gift new crafting recipe bone Mill all [Music] right so where is [Music] that all right turns bone items into fertilizers not too [Music] shabby so you can turn all of these items into a fertilizer with that not all not not these items but I think the amphibian fossils Nautilus fossils and all these prehistoric bones as well as the fossilized legs [Music] [Music] all right I have the Jack B nimble Jack thick books there [Music] [Music] [Music] what else do I have in here um do some morals cannot do uh red [Music] mushrooms supp like I just dry some uh fruit I mean I have a lot of fruit so I might as well do that [Music] nothing’s ready down here oh wow that was that’s a lot I was not expecting that much all right cheese and wool or milk and wool I suppose suppose I shouldn’t refer to it as the processed product Dragon bait where are you come here there we go get that duck egg in there all right I think I can get over to uh Willies now stop by and get my axe first nothing was ready there but these are nothing’s done up here those aren’t ready get that pomegranate in we’ll get some more SilverStar pomegranates eventually so not a big deal get you in there and you in there okay things that I want to take out to the island need to get my axe going sell off these what seeds do I have I need one more of those I’m my seed maker out there so that’s good [Music] um want all of you only take half of you the others are going to go into the uh Greenhouse since if I have to like gather my ingredients every 3 days in the greenhouse I do want all the tarot tubers actually um let’s see all right I need to make more strawberries how long does it take 13 days I’ll take you hold on how many do I want okay let’s take 120 for now what does it take to make uh aridium sprinklers gold bars aridium bars and battery packs okay do want the idium sprinklers Also let’s go ahead and sell these all right I have 31 aridium bars 90 gold bars and 52 battery packs I’m not sure exactly how many I need I can’t upgrade the Gold hoe I can upgrade the watering can though okay some of these will be will probably be coming back here afterwards so that is fine all right anything else probably not going to have time to go to the volcano which is [Music] okay Sandy would like like to put a Fire Quartz above the uh fireplace well I was thinking about going out there tomorrow to trade in some [Music] Jade there’s my idium axe upgrade tools aridium water can watering can I wonder why it’s showing that is it because that’s how much the gold a full gold one is compared to a full like an aridium can I don’t know thanks I’ll get started on this as soon as I can should be ready in a couple of [Music] days so next up I’m just going to get rid of this I don’t want to hold on to it [Music] not sure if I can sell that to Willie or not well not if he’s not here buy a ticket it’s a good thing that thing has a has a cell phone connection to me pager so I know when you want to go out to the island and I can interrupt whatever it is I’m doing for you it’s like you’re the most important person around or something and I’ll just be waiting here for you oh wow fossilized ribs golden coconut so hold on thank you no I do it with you don’t I donate to [Music] museum okay just the one room ah now this is a truly fascinating piece of Natural History thank you I’ll definitely need to remind myself on I don’t think I need any of that stuff right now do need to remind myself on where uh more golden walnuts are I should actually go talk to Leo as well oh boy that is all ready all right this be a good opportunity to test out our golden as well I should put a chest up here somewhere um first of all there we go and now a chest I need two copper bars for that that’s okay just make a regular chest for now okay don’t care about these at the moment seed maker clear up more area now i t like uh spacing things out here a little bit and I cannot remember what my normal layout is so I will have to uh think about it a little bit probably should have brought a tent kit or something or a uh Farm totem I did forget to bring those okay so um let’s get you just down here so you’re out of the way okay so that’s where it would be um there we go all right that lets me know where these uh spots should be we go get you there so I’m not going to actually use that right here I I think uh regular ones would be better I can come in and get regular ones later actually yeah cuz I’m going to put a uh thing down there there we go all right so that’s pretty good here I don’t actually have any fertilizer I can do fertilizer later I suppose some of these things oops I may not have uh the resources to do some things but that’s okay I really should have brought some uh fertilizer a super cucumber frenzy as we got at the beach wow I think I’m good nope e [Music] so I may not want to make um plant any more stuff that uh I need to that I get multiple Harvest of harvests of right now because I don’t have my um I don’t have my uh fertilizer um but for now let’s go ahead and see what we can do on the other hand it probably doesn’t matter that much let’s start with these since I have them and I have a lot of them and also I did forget to do these I may not have enough time I think I’ll probably just let myself fall asleep for all right so that’s all of those we can get our star fruit seeds in here actually you know what well actually so we have all of this okay need to hurry cuz I need to get all of that that stuff all right teror root pineapples I’m going to use the pineapples to make more pineapple seeds Okay so strawberries the cactus and the cranberry we can definitely plant here for all right I do not have a whole lot of time left and I have no time left dang it I’m probably going to lose some uh tilt soil then that’s okay that’s okay 14,000 there got some uh little bit there and that is going to wrap up day six of winter I do want to get back out there to the island and get some more stuff planted however I want to run out to the um the uh desert first and I might as well buy some more star fruit seeds but that is going to be for next time see you then everyone

Let’s finally get the Fern Island Farm squared away with crops.


My new Stardew Valley 1.6 playthrough is best viewed from the playlist:

The Stardew 1.5 Update Playthrough can be found here:

My original Stardew Valley playthrough can be viewed here:


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  1. You forgot the mermaid pendant too? I didn't even realize. At least I got mine at the end of Fall. 😛 I actually won't be getting married until near the end of the year for reasons, so you'll probably be married first. If Sandy is so bored, she should visit town some times. Oh nice. I'm behind you on the raccoons now. That's some nice upgrades. Passing out in bed but not in bed. Nice.

    Gunther is like "I have too many bones now. Here use this thing to destroy the bones". Willy really values your time. Or maybe you should repair the house, Auld. 😛 Some of those sprinklers looked off to me. Oh, that's why they're off. See how good the scythe is? 😛 Sleeping in the rain again.

    I started the day off by buying the banana tree and getting it planted. I then killed the tiger slimes and then took the parrot express to the volcano where this time I made it all the way to the top again. I got 2 journal scraps, but they were background info. I'm still missing the last one needed for a walnut. Speaking of walnuts, I checked the wiki to see how to get the remaining parts for the Field Office and realized the ones I'm missing have specific ways to get them and will need to actually focus. As the day was getting close to the end, I actually grabbed up what I could and took the obelisk back to the mainland for the night.

    Today I decided to start actually aging stuff in the basement. Almost 100 ancient fruit wine and about 40 goat cheese aged. I have too many casks because I was thinking I could just fill the whole thing up and mine them up, but it took longer than I was expecting that way. So I may get rid of some casks later. I also harvested ancient seeds in the greenhouse, took care of my animals and slimes, planted more hardwood trees with fertilizer, converted low quality ancient seeds, recycled trash, and cooked fish. This took all day long.

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