I Uncovered Minecraft’s Oldest Mystery (Giant Alex)

I can’t believe I killed Linux I actually can’t believe this this is the dumbest thing I’ve ever done and I thought it wait I haven’t seen that place before I just need lier to join where is this guy man lier come on lier hello likeo what’s going on here man yo what’s going on yo I need your help I need you look punch me punch me quick I’m in surval see I’m not in Creative I’m not trolling okay I swear I promise Len got taken by the giant taken I added giant mod right and then it it spawned on the w l got took I was laughing so much I was laughing so much I was this survival I can’t even do creative mode no more every time I do cre me back in survival and then I was like I need help I swear swear swear swe swear SAR swear swear swear you know I wouldn’t lie bro oh my God Linux is dead so we’ve got like wa wait wait isn’t this good though because I didn’t like Linux anyways yeah but bro what we going to do just not have Linux on this world anymore okay yeah you’re right okay so tell me more about this giant like is it scary is it a scary thing come follow me follow me quick okay W if we if we’re close to Linux he’ll see our chat messages I look hello you can see my chat message cuz we’re running to each other but Linux can’t see any of this as long as he’s not close to us oh is that why this video shown as online yeah exactly if you press tab it shows not offline oh yeah but look if I run away you’ll press Tab and you can see oh wait it’s fine it’s fine just come okay okay okay okay wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on so have you seen this giant before what does it look like I need some more specifics do you know giant Alex yes so the mod got added to the world right and I thought it’d be funny I no I just saw it on curse Forge and I was like that looks hilarious all right I put it in the world I did Slash summon giant Alex LX got taken and he was screaming saying Dy help me and I was laughing and stuff and I was like okay let me actually try and save him I couldn’t go into creative mode anymore and now I’m out of food cuz I don’t I I was I was in Creative so yeah oh my God I can’t lie your fault basically like top five dumbest Don moments but but it was funny I’m chest thech are you in the church yo make sure to okay okay okay we’re looters okay okay but it should be pretty easy to take to kill him okay we just need to be able to get up to where he’s from so like we need like blocks so that we can get up okay high enough so so it’s giant Alice right how many blocks tall is this uh specific look look look look look what what what oh all the chickens got killed by who I don’t know you’ve seen I hav cut i hav c i not put wait what and now it’s raining he’s here he’s here I promise bro I promise wait Don CH Donnie Donnie also what is that behind you but listen where are all the villagers I told you you I told you maybe we should go check out that building over there oh okayu on don’t check out the building uh I think we have to bro I think we have to I hear it bro I hear the giant bro so there are entities on the wall cuz look even that horse is are Linux Linux they’ll be able to hear us in game oh my God bro why would you hit me bro it hit the top of the this is where all the villagers where oh my what just happened oh wait is that like a oh it’s a redstone chest uh oh my why did I just pick that up so quick human remains okay how do you pick it up then I’m taking everything bro you need everything in this situation um Linux if you can see there’s a dead body as well okay I’m just going to keep spamming that every so often just in case he’s close Okay cool cool cool cool I keep that in mind so if we stand to top of here will the lightting rod like conduct the it’s because of the light the the copper break it is that is that actually how it works yeah it attracts lightning but I think it has to be like a rainy day it’s raining oh I mean like a stormy day sorry but we should be fine as long as it’s not it doesn’t happen the few seconds because I don’t want it to hit the house and Catch Fire and burn down the entire Village we need tools uh okay very consider I told you I told you I tried to warn you okay listen follow me I saw a blast furnace in here let’s cook all this food we have okay also did you find any wait we can sleep we can sleep I have two beds okay I have two beds get in this house where are you where are you your house here it’s going to say most nearby what the who just broke that sleep sleep what happened oh my God this monster near can’t sleep what’s in the chest Go app that’s exactly what I needed right now trying to I’m try to get this zombie okay don’t worry okay okay I got him where’s his brother I’ll kill his brother too bro okay no no he’s he’s far away he’s far away we can sleep we can’t I’m sleeping I’m sleeping I’m sleeping I I’ll move it XT go no I can’t hold on I’m going to move upstairs oh my God I’m move upstairs I’m move upstairs no I can’t oh my God are you kidding me bro oh I can’t I can’t get in get in okay okay okay okay okay no problem I’m sleeping I’m sleeping I’m sleeping I’m sleeping I’m sleeping I’m sleeping sleeping on me S on me no see that doesn’t make any sense how is LIN yeah but did was Lin sleeping too oh look did he come up did you lie down in the bed it said one out of two yeah yeah yeah yeah did it did it did so did it just kick him off the world we wouldn’t see that he left the world but it’s Linux oh wait listen Maybe Linux is giant Alex and also wait what if you’re just trolling me I have like I have not even seen any trace of anything giant like the only thing I saw was like the human remains and stuff but that’s it yes I know but but no giant Alex that’s got nothing to do with Alex I promise okay I promise it’s got nothing to do with Alex okay buddy bro I’m not lying likea bro what do you what do you think of me you think I’m some sort of liar that goes around making trolling me here because you said like get on quick quick quick quick yeah exactly and I get on and lenx isn’t here so maybe you guys are trying to pull and when you join the world when you join the world what did I have I had nothing in my inventory and I was starving I was I could barely Sprint I could barely Sprint so you think I was just been sitting on this world and survival for okay I see I see I see okay I see I see that that makes a lot of sense you me can you give me stone uh sure why are we just destroying this guy’s house from this St everywhere it’s fine just give me uh three stone that’s all I need thank you so much my brother I appreciate you okay go but all right I promise Lia I know I lie sometimes and I know I lie all the time and I know I lie every second of the day but this time I’m not lying bro okay I’m doing this for L because I actually uh I actually miss him I actually love it you call him call his phone if you want FaceTiming bro he’s going to answer and say where are you guys what you do no no no no no no no no no no no no no I feel I feel embarrassed because I can I can call him when we save him you would need to call if you save him why cuz he’ll be saved yes but I mean like after okay you don’t know what you’re talking about bro I’m I’m going to have to be the brains of the operation today apparently I am the brain of the brain no it’s fine it’s fine I’ll be the brains of the operation I BR your actually confus me I where was it Bonnie what hit me oh my like I’m dead like I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m I’m I’m I’m don’t worry don’t worry don’t worry the bone don’t worry about it oh my God where’s the blast furnace bro I swear I saw one you did not see a blast oh there’s another chest oh there’s so many apples give me food I need food bro that has to be super rare yes I have food but I need to cook it yeah but I know but and I want to find the blast furnace first oh cuz you know oh let’s go infinite food infinite food INF food sauce infinite food infinite food this is infinite food sauce don’t need to cook the chicken anymore bro you know what I’m saying hold on man hold on what was that did you hear that it feels like that’s in real life I thought there was like sound like footsteps but it was deep in my brain bro I told you man I told you I added the wrong am I did I actually not I I don’t know I also have a hoodie on and then my headset’s over I swear I thought that was like a car driving by or something or somebody calling the police what where’s the flipping blast bro I actually feel bad for Linux man this is my mistake I got a book yeah how many books do you know books oh I found it boom all right I don’t know why I broke it just to place it outside but I feel like if if food has more chick uh uh a and then it it it um yeah what are you talking about Linux is expecting us to to save himing about blast F why is not working why is not working the blast furnace do I need hold for it is that what it is no it just use wood wood does not work yes it does show me the chicken in there you go doesn’t work see no you need to turn it into plank you’re actually annoying me mind all right there we go let me get one charcoal from that I don’t know why I’m even doing this because it would have been quicker just to make a furnace and do that that way but then again like in the long term we’re going to save time by using the Bloss furnace I think cuz that’s what the blast furnace is for right it’s still not working Donnie huh am I stupid am I stupid okay whatever bro oh my God man what is going on maybe we’re probably going to get roasted bro people going to be like what you don’t know how to use a blast furnace what Blast Furnace you oh I think blast furnish you can’t use for food can only smell things this is for just gold nuggets and stuff yeah oh why am I even trying to smell gold nuggets bro you have no idea I’m going crazy I’m going crazy I’m going crazy my God please okay okay fine fine fine fine fine we need to save him where is the last time you saw Lin he ran in the direction that we ran from so we were we were over there right we were over there then we came all the way this way which is he was this way so we got to go way and then he was like he said Donnie this is not funny stop him Donnie SL kill him Donnie SL kill I tried to SL kill him but nothing happened I see so you’ve basically lost all your powers is that is that what I’m uh uh uh understanding is that am understanding correctly kill me okay whatever let’s keep moving cuz he was all like he he came up to me and he goes help ton yeah that’s what you said did I just hear some other sound what what was that sound I heard like a yeah it was me was echoing that’s what he sounded like he was like oh you know that was a pretty good imitation cuz I actually thought that happened in game Linux link link l just keep just keep typing this in chat or anything just say Linux just type Linux Linux if you can see us you see us you know what what I bet you from his perspective in this video I bet you he’s just playing Minecraft Survival and he doesn’t even know we’re looking for him there’s no way bro bro I promise you tell C him and then he let him go huh you you’re telling me he the the the giant Alex caught him kidnapped him and then released him I just don’t know why he would let us sleep that’s also true get in the boat buddy there’s a boat here there’s a shitbreak Ronnie yeah we cannot ride that boat my brother take me to the yeah but take me to it I want to play this why I want to get inside you you’re trying to get the loot huh yeah are you just trying to get the loot I’m going to get the loot my boy yeah yeah oh oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa do you hear that whoa move move whoa what is it but I don’t want to be here anymore bro do you hear that is it is it is it all coming from the boat no H um okay I I got to treasure map do you want to find the treasure yeah okay give us tools to fight him I really don’t like this sound yes I can hear it bro it’s it’s full on base it’s just base it’s just but way deeper you know sounds like my stomach when I’m hungry really yeah I got BR you want me to P your stomach yes please Lin is the worst part about these videos is Linux is going to watch his back and he’s going to see us not even worried about him we are worried about him bro that’s why we’re going he always says like you guys were I I watched your guys’ videos and you guys were killing animals while I was being taken by the monster blah blah blah blah blah no no that is insane no no no no no we would never I’m going the wrong way I think cuz the dot is getting smaller give me the map I’ll tell you which way to go no no don’t worry about it I’m holding the map you have no idea what you’re doing of course I know what I’m doing bro are you kidding me are you saying oh did just go night time for you yes it did that is not good my boy oh what was that what you not hit that no okay and you’re not even going to question the fact that it literally just turned night time like that did it just turn night time are you de and it clearly did pick one bro pick a struggle what youing you I want you to react harder that’s what I want you to do oh my God it don’t is that good enough for you no no it actually isn’t but it’s fine I forgive you because you’re my boy I hope Al you too bro this treasure map is leading me to Nowhere you’re are never going to find the can you give me the map please give me one one more second I’m the map I’m the map I’m the map I’m the map I’m the map I’m the map I’m the map I’m the map I’m the map give me the map please please please you have no idea what you’re doing fine fine fine hey oh my God you can’t even die properly get in the boat get in boat move move move okay so what happens if I just look at the Enderman from the boat there’s no way you can like get water right stop like oh you have an Enderman Cape that’s sick yes see I’m part Enderman soor oh it’s this way bro that’s the way I went Donnie yeah exactly it says to go north on the map it it does not tell you to go north west east or South bro it does never drop soap wash never never eat Shredded Wheat not no one says that it’s nauy elephant squirt water a naughty elephant squir water that is insane bro it’s a pneumonic device used to used to determine which way is Northeast South and West brother you’re supposed to go on a hello stop it stop it stop it like stop it stop it I know what you’re going to do you’re going to kill me what am I going to do you’re going to kill me you’re the one who was giant Alex me you mother stop running from me we have not even seen a single trace of giant Alex yet you don’t think he’s on this SW no I I think he is but I also don’t think he’s on the boat does that make sense no place the boat down okay I got it I didn’t take the boat with me but I’ll make another oh oh we’re nowhere close to finding the treasure the treasure is over this direction how it’s here what’s going on Treasure is here here here here here here like I’m going to kill you bro they sign there on the left some type of building with end this is where it is okay there’s a lot of mobs here there is a lot of mobs here I know but that’s fine that’s fine I’m going back in the boat that’s fine get in the boat get in the boat get in the boat like it’s got DET time now go what in the how I don’t know that’s brother I just I just I just came out the water and it was daytime Al saved us look at the in the 360s where over there look here look how about you you you drive the boat oh there you go give me the map give me the map right now no it’s right here it’s on the island bro all right let’s go then which one right this one here closest one all right let me see the map no let me see the map no let me see real quick here it’s here let me see the map let me see the map and start digging there’s no way bro you’re not even showing me the map you’re just making me dig for no reason this s why are you going so deep don’t know oh my God let me let me try a trick I found in YouTube shorts hold on so it’s like this yeah hold on you found it oh no huh did you find it no did you what’s the what’s the YouTube short trick that they taught you oh hey look look look so you break this oh and you go like that you know what I’m saying that’s so stupid okay sorry should I just x-ray that oh I found it oh oh I’ll take the diamonds okay I’ll take the food I guess what is the potion of heart of the CD oo you stop saying oh and share baby baby all right I’ll share 50/50 here you go here’s half the iron here’s half the diamond okay so what happens if I he’s going to is it going to like trick me or something are you are you crazy yes it his bro it’s going to do something hold on I’ll make a shield for both of us bro there you go I don’t pick up Shields from randomers okay I’m joking I’m joking please please please I have to I have to get more wood for anyways unless you have wood if you have wood then he go CRA craft yourself one take that well please likeo please please what wait is that Megan chill chill chill chill chill chill chill oh open my voice chat for a second you hold on oh I can mute you wait here I told him to wait there so I can get the loot what an idiot oh my God me the loot like Travis you know yo yo yo yo I totally wasn’t um oh thanks stop chill yo um I didn’t know you could mute I I just muted and I like you know I roasted you but listen if you if you say yes sir to me I I will give you one Diamond but if you don’t say yes sir to me then I will burn it you’re not going to burn a diamond bro lier are you insane say yes sir don’t you dare burn the other Diamond please Lio Lio please if we get three we can get a pickaxe and then we make a portal and if there’s a portal that we need to light please like it don’t talk to me we go our separate ways I find Linux alone no no no no no chill ch ch don’t talk to me no no no do you know the reason why I burn those diamonds like actually do you actually want to know come I will tell you the reasoning Is wealth always divides people and I did not want no div why did I invite him I could have messaged any person Sky said he was busy anik said he was busy I’m not insane enough to invite Qui and this guy look at him that hurt me more than it should have Donnie listen I’m I apologize you know I invited bionic as KY first they said they were busy you think I’m stupid enough to invite quer you insane but then I invited you okay third best I see I see because you do stuff like this where you burn di for no reason I’m sorry it’s because I didn’t want us to fight you know but listen man we have not seen a single trace of Linux or even giant Alex I will find him either maybe there’s a shrine we need to build maybe there’s like a shrine like Herobrine no that’s maybe we use a human remain wa wait I got an idea look wait what if if we make a human remains portal what that’s insane no I was going to say like we go like this right wait leave the middle move it sounds Oh e oh I didn’t even get it back it was just rotten flesh but anyways we put a torch in the middle and then are you freestyling this or is this how you some put a chain here no no I saw a YouTube sh then a chain here chain here chain here chain here and now you need to say giant giant Alex you are not so giant giant giant Alex you are not so giant good boy I [Laughter] didn’t oh my God Donnie hello him I’m actually going to kill him whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa chill chill what’s up with that ominous Aura flowing around your body bro chill chill chill chill Donnie Donnie we have a common F we have a common F I don’t care anymore I don’t care anymore giant Alex giant Alex giant Alex I want it to win bro you did all of that ritual summoning beers for nothing no no no no no I actually thought it would work I saw it in YouTube short chill we friends are we friends why you coming at me you’re not saying anything don’t talk to me like oh thought you going to beat me up thank you for not doing so you are a lot better than my bullies I used to have bullies they used to bully me they used to put stones and snowballs and throw them at me good to laugh at that isn’t it good to laugh at that isn’t it yeah yeah yeah it’s a true story as well still I’m sorry I’m not laughing at that I’m sorry it’s a true story as wello I saw a funny Tik Tok just now I saw a funny Tik Tok no no no the thing is Young me young me thought they just wanted to play with me in it but when that when that snowball hit me at maximum velocity with a stone inside woke me up to reality and oh my God that saying it’s a you looks like a you oh yeah oh wait it’s transforming never mind it’s just a you the giant Alex lives where it looks where you can blend him with size this is perfect so you’re telling me that’s giant Alex’s home I think so only think that makes sense so you want us to just barge into someone else’s home for our friend back yes that’s so rude okay can can I can we just call him and he explain to us what’s going on bro I want to know if he’s on this wall there’s a house over there there’s not a house giant Alex’s house there’s no houses on this worldall where brother there there’s a flipping crucified body at the top of it are you insane bro what are you talking about where where is there a house there okay you’re right but bro like come here what come here what is that yellow block behind you is that not a scaffold block oh my God it is and who’s the idiot that always builds scaffolding everywhere they go Linux can you just Linux oh my God wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on should we maybe have a plan before we go in there cuz what if actually like giant Alex is then we just die do you hear this why does it feel like it’s in my brain I don’t hear it follow me okay I’m going there I I I don’t want to be with you anymore bro you’re saying stuff about like things being in your brain like you’re crazy it sounds like giant Alex is in my brain bro oh my oh wait it’s part watch out house is this now wait it is scaffold blocks but wait we kind of need if I step inside this house and it starts raining what what I step in this house what do you mean it will start raining what what was that I don’t know bro the glass always sh every time you walk it no no rain around here bro be good oh one of these again Emerald andal human remains okay it started raining I told you did I not tell you every time you go inside those buildings R please what do we do bro what do we do I don’t know why is it not raining here look at the Enderman he’s fine oh yeah huh I only hear the rain but I don’t see it I see it on on the house only what is going on bro I’m telling you Linux is dying Linux is dying and we’re here making jokes talking about stones in snowballs L is not dying chill and now it’s raining here if we go up top we can see where giant Alex is we’ll be on the same ground as giant Alex you actually yeah I know so if you don’t see giant Alex on here I’ll send you $1,000 on paper where’s my torch I forgot my torch do you have a torch no oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I’ll craft one yeah I made one I made one myself don’t worry okay I’m using the scaffold blocks smart smart smart smart where is this stupid giant Alex hold on I can’t see anything I need to get more blocks so I can build up yo please don’t roast me for using sound as a block to like [Music] build I can just why don’t you just follow me why is he doing why did I invite lier I’m up you’re driving me crazy lager we got it now what I’m telling you bro we’re on the top now I don’t see no giant W Alex Bro got be I see something over there where no it’s just a swamp also why does my world look so weird everything is like AB cut off yeah exactly bro are we even in a real world I don’t know have you considered that possibility cuz I’m also looking at the sky and it seems a bit too dark and it would explain why I can’t be in survival mode oh why I can’t be in cretive mode just jump down where is he just jump down I landed in the water where is this guy I bet you he doesn’t make it he’s going to die isn’t he oh lier lier lier [Music] lier did he Crouch did he no clip oh my oh my God oh my God like I see it I see it likeo I see it no it’s gone where where it’s gone where is it it was just there bro it’s gone now and why is the sky looking like that like what it just looks odd everything seems off bro do you see the giant Alex Yes Man yes yes I told you I told you maybe if you let me get taken right then you follow where I get taken to oh my God these mobs I swear so what happened I jumped on this side of the building say you’re saying you want to deliberately get attacked by it yeah cuz then if it takes so that I can look where it takes you yeah cuz then if it takes me it takes me to Linux okay that’s a great idea but we don’t even know how giant Alex spawns help me help me Donny yeah don’t worry I’m here thank you I got him you dropped a mushroom here you go thank you what so what do we how do we kill it how do we kill that thing well I don’t really think we can completely honest with you I think our main priority should be just getting Linux and getting out of here why do you keep attacking Enderman you’re not going to win these fights okay where’s the Enderman go there he is right there I got him thank you man drop the dirt block here you go I don’t want the dirt block I saw it I saw the giant Alex you have to get him what are you doing you trying to kill I got slime for Le Donnie yeah what don’t move oh my God don’t move don’t move don’t move I think it reacts to sound honestly stop talking that oh yeah you’re right you’re right you’re right CR so what should we do I don’t think that’s a good idea I don’t think that’s a good idea in the animation it picked up Linux it took him with his hand but he can’t oh he hear those Footprints does he see us I don’t think so it can’t it’d be attacking us it picked up L it has no eyes it picked up Linux with his hand then when Linux took when it took Linux he it ran off in One Direction it didn’t even it it just hit me but I was in crit mode and then I I was not in crate mode after L okay so how about you just go up there real quick and get taken and then I’ll look at what a take you mean might it might just kill me you sure okay if you see anything in chat if you see Don B was slain by Alex that means that it took it killed me if it says it doesn’t say anything that means it it took okay don’t worry about it I’ll revive you if you die thank you man be careful my boy be careful we have our friend back I don’t think the ground is shaking don’t the ground is shaking I don’t think he wants to talk to you we have our friend can we have our friend can we have our friend can we have our friend can we have our friend can we have our friend yeah I we have a back please oh my God Donnie it’s right on top of you to I’m coming me St to me I’m coming I got 100 110 seconds okay okay okay it’s it’s not moving though what am I supposed to do here it’s gone it disappeared it disappeared disappeared I’m coming me me me me me me oh my God what did you learn throughout that kind absolutely nothing bro you’re saying we didn’t we didn’t learn anything from that it didn’t take me it just killed me so what do we do now build a trap oh my God if we boat trap it chill there is no way that works imagine imagine getting a boat CH for it come let’s go get boats we can boat I’m getting wood I’m getting wood oh my God if we can actually boat trap same you kidding me that would be bro that would be a Guinness World Record I don’t think anyone’s ever CAU animal or mob that big before ever oh I want to call L in a boat want to make sure he’s okay don’t worry about it we’ll save him we’ll save your Honey Boo he’s not my honey boo what is he he’s just holding all the Diamonds oh you think I care about him interesting don’t be silly so you’re a bad friend Also let’s uh uh here come with me come with me okay I’m just getting more so we can get more boats like I feel like this huh I swear there was a place where everything was a bit more opened up I thought you no clip bro no no no don’t worry don’t worry I think over here come there was like an area that was pretty flat I think that’s uh where I first saw it yeah you came from this direction you know any One Direction songs baby you li on my wall like nobody else the way you I got an idea I got an idea oh my God thought I thought you disappeared bro no no no if you over here it was that area if you name all the One Direction people it it was maybe it will come closer you know no way mhm Maybe do it no you do it Zane that’s the only ones I know okay anyways can we please continue doing our trap why you moving around the mountain bro you’re so weird I’m going back wait I thought you said that we wanted to go to flat land I don’t know why I play with him what what do you mean you’re the one who said you want to go to flat land I brought you here can you please come here don’t waste that why come here what why are you why did you waste that you said come here yeah but you bro wa you know what else we can make with that the with the thingy slime string you know what you know what else we can use the a string to make cobweb let leads and then we can lead giant Alex while he’s in a boat that’s what I’m saying that’s why I got everything oh you think I’m stupid place down the cobwebs and then we can get string oh that’s how you do it you have to use a sword see there we go I’ll make a lead lead there we go like a like a like a lead like a lead pick up these boats please like Kylie the lead Le and place them all down okay take these two there we go I have two leads why do I have two cuz you make two they cross to this the dumbest plan yet but I’m happy to do it if if this is how we go out you kidding me so be bro I think you’re a very negative person I think you need to like look on the bright side alive somewhere okay okay you win lier you win where’s lava I need to find lava oh my God wait I just got an idea if I get do this this right I have armor so it can’t one shot me anymore really yeah I the boots on yeah I’ve L the boots on now that give me half armor you see I got the Nik on my feet keep my CER complete Nik I swear I saw lava before but I don’t know where it is now it’s here follow me where wait are we going to change the lava to kill him too yes oh that’s stupid because we’re we’re going to like um force him to tell us where Linux is by burning him you think a m is going to say I put Linux here you think is going to happen I think so I believe so either we kill him or we die that’s the point saying bro we’re not we’re never going to die bro you kidding me yeah oh thank you so much bro no problem you have the mind of uh uh dolphin okay don’t need this this I got it what the what uh Donnie yeah I’m something really just stupid happened to me what so basically I had two buckets right and I had no inventory space and then it picked up it and dropped a lava bucket and you burn the lava in the lava uh listen uh Linux I mean Donnie um trap joh Alex yeah I did I’m sorry what why is Linux always call I would like to apologize Linux calls me lier and you calling me Linux bro I’m the British one he’s there he’s there he’s there perfect time perfect time move move move move move move move yes stop staring at me and Chase me oh my God bro that the way he started running there wait if you look away he comes if you look away he comes look he stops when you look at him what it’s you I can look at him here we go this not Moment of Truth oh it’s not working it’s not working look at him sh Shi shield shield oh look at him look at him oh my God he’s not targeting me I’m looking at him I can revive you revive me no get off Donny I’m so sorry are you dead are you dead I’m dead you’re lying I’m I’m calling Linux bro he’s got to be alive he’ll save us and after that fing to Giant Alex Linux had the bright ID to hunt the orbitor and let’s just say it did not go well Linux there’s something on this map okay his name is the Arbiter okay and one of us is supposed to spawn in the map and one of us food okay I got the food so I’m guess yeah you got the map okay yeah yeah yeah all right let me put the food on the to here to cook we’re going to need it in a second okay what does the map say it says Okay so the map is named map to it is it I don’t know that what it says okay but wouldn’t he be moving I don’t know I don’t know appar something we need oh it might be something we need to find him okay that makes sense that makes more sense oh my God that’s scary okay I need you to lead us the way okay but first we must get away from this night time please I don’t want to die wait come here look at look at this map and tell me which direction we need to go in um it’s it’s I think we’re so far away oh it’s bottom right so what’s what’s bottom right on a map on we need to go Southeast we need to go this way should we this Village first yeah yeah yeah let’s go to the V here take this let’s go to the Village first let’s loot it and then we’ll go we’ll travel that way okay okay oh my God there’s Iron Golem and he’s chasing something oh zombies you want to sleep through the night yeah we can what is this what he C this up come come here come come come yeah yeah you get that bed what’s that noise what did you hear oh my God I hear get in the bed please what is that [Music] noise did you hear that yeah it has like footsteps it was coming from that way like did you hear like crackling noises bro I heard it I heard it these horror mods man they’re getting too real what’s this oh there’s a there’s a there’s a there’s a uh a um a pirate ship over this way oh bet oh my oh my God if it’s a thunderstorm we can sleep through it I think yeah we can sleep [Laughter] sleep we’re already here bro need know s back to back I said 10 minutes of daylight I said let’s go let’s go back to back here I’m going to grab a little bit more food okay feeling if it’s pretty far then car we’re going to need some more wheat give me some of this give me some of this give me some of this we know anything about the AR what is it ARB arbit I don’t know but I just know that it’s like Minecraft’s like scariest mod out right now okay look up Arbiter and what it means I don’t know what that means yeah please do why in this Village are there six farmers and two Farms three Farms it says something something that has great influence in Trends social behavior and has ultimate Authority maybe it it convinces other mobs to be horror mods oh is it there’s two Farms up there too why is this Village got five Farms do you see it Farmers man they’re on their grind they’re all on their grind though they’re all on their grind set there’s a pirate ship over need a lot of stuff bro okay yeah there might be loot in there but let’s go for it I just wanted to grab a little bit of wood before we go into the water okay all right oh wait one more just in case never know all right let’s go let’s go it this way yeah how did you see it it’s it’s over here to the left I know this map I know this seed oh I memorized every seed is this what you were talking about no I don’t know what this is but I saw it over here let you see you want to go for it do you think we should where is it that over there where you want to you don’t see it there’s a ship on the let’s do it okay you don’t know what you’re talking about [Music] here hop in we’re going shopping [Laughter] your M like glitched out for a second it was like it like glitched hey look who am I oh wait you right yeah see wait I did not see that see I’m not crazy I memorized every Minecraft seed I told you every Minecraft seed every Minecraft I’ll speak about any seed okay what’s the next um what’s that I hear footsteps he footstep that is so real ouch was noise it didn’t let me pick it up you see that is it here who I opened a chest yeah that is so weird man yeah but I opened it and it didn’t let me such a weird ship bro why is it sideways and not upside down three pants ooh do you want it sure here where are you put it on don’t look at the thingy it’s not really worth it don’t look at the what the enchant it’s just Thorns 3 I know it say Thor 3 yeah it’s not curs of Bing I know I’m messing with you you actually had be scared you’ve never Double Bluff before what is going on this Arbiter is getting to you is in your head right now okay Don if you know every seed let’s get in a boat let’s head this direction and you tell me what what uh biome we’re going to see next wait wait okay we’re going to see a sea Temple like literally a bit more forward you know okay then what about the biome uh it’s just going to be a normal like PLS but with trees okay you know PL of trees and then we’re going to see a sea Temple and the Sea Temple like it comes up close it comes up soon we don’t have to wait too long yeah it’s okay it’s like a in a lobi a sea Temple is a crazy guess yeah it’s not a guess I told sorry I’ve memorized every seed my bad my bad I meant knowledge what crazy knowledge that you know oh yeah yeah you know mhm oh look look behind us oh there a dolphin maybe this maybe this world is Dolphin yeah see we even know if those were real scary noises you know what I’m saying exactly see he just shook for no reason I think on the right was a pyramid was a not a was a abandoned ship I don’t know I’m pretty sure there was on the right this video is going to have a good ending I know it yeah think so I feel it in my heart good ending mhm oh my God oh my God we’ve never had one of those before Oh god there should be a pirate ship to our left I’m pretty sure if you want to take that one over here yeah it’s probably like 100 blocks or something this direction what’s so funny I know about every map how did you know there should be one coming up any second now oh here it is see it what it’s just loaded in you see it how did you know I told you I know I remembered every seed oh my what there was oh my God so much iron how much iron did I get you know every seed uh 11 dang that’s actually pretty close 12 oh I meant 12 wait really yeah there’s no armor in there though I hear noises he like you hear like grass ruffling bro yeah someone with the trees told ples is this a planes biome yeah oh my god do you hear growling yep we’re fine not f F bro here let’s make some tools bro we have nothing I know I know I know but look look what I’m sitting on right now oh also how did you get more armor I didn’t I’d give it to you take half of all the stuff I’d give you but I can’t take no you did not C it was not worth the [Music] joke okay I didn’t even like ask about it you just had curs of bind on you weren even able to make the joke no and should I tell you like look like you want to see something crazy but follow me we’re going to need our boat again I like how I got the iron before Stone Age yeah I oh [Music] god oh you’re in wait we’re not even we we need to keep following the map by the way I know I know where are you where’s the map which direction does it say for you uh still wait this straight straight direction oh wait yeah I got a plan anyway all right okay so you know how I was Ved number one like most handsome Minecraft Youtuber you know in that poll don’t say when like you weren’t part of the poll and you did not come 16th what you became 16th well maybe maybe with my hair now but no no no you were 16th before when you had long hair now you went up to 15th yeah you for real yeah people like it yeah they love it they love it but your 50 that’s our 1550 in in Arizona there’s no way there’s there’s not even 15 Minecraft over six foot over six foot I swear bro that’s so discreet yeah so that’s you you just got had a contest of every Minecraft Youtuber standing in standing up I would come first place no you not I guarantee there’s a tall Minecraft YouTube out there somewhere bro and he’s right here he’s handsome as well that’s the craziest thing I know I am right here no oh my God he’s FL with me again dirt in here what I can’t open this why can’t I open it oh the server froze oh my God why did it all come back wait does that mean he spawned in O there’s another there’s two treasure BS now oh my God yeah maybe he froze we can we can we can look there’s one close and one far see okay so we need to go south west yeah Southwest is this direction okay mhm so one of these can have what we need yeah so two we got three Maps right now two of them lead to treasure one of them leads to um the the guy that something we need to kill him exactly okay and we don’t even know what he looks like so just at night time be very cautious we need to stay up during the night time one of these nights okay okay which by the way what about tonight I mean the sun’s and did you you took the beds though from the village right cuz you’re not an idiot you know yeah of course of course cool cool cool Co definely took those nice nice nice so why do you have boots pants and wait village where oh no no that’s not important Village follow [Music] me where is he going where are you [Music] going hey you crazy sorry what nothing Donny yeah fuu this way run this way oh my God oh my God oh my God run run run oh my God we’re dead we’re dead we’re dead do you have the boat they have the boat still do they have the boat do you have the boat you have the boat down no I didn’t say place it down oh my God he missed get in the house oh my God I missed I missed Sunny help me help me help me get in get in get in get in there’s two bets it oh my God oh my God just hide hide hide hide hide hide he’s underneath he’s underneath us he behind me just don’t go near near the wall sometimes they can get you through the walls what is he at he’s on this one I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know um oh my God oh my God don’t know I I can make um I can make a boat but I need to make a crafting table first I can use the wood do we do we can we mine down should we break these beds and mine down so we go to sleep oh yeah yeah maybe that’s true I don’t want him to next yep yep yep wait I think he’s gone try and sleep try and sleep try to sleep try to sleep try to sleep let me make sure I don’t die um yeah yeah yeah yeah okay nice nice we go to sleep yeah yeah oh my God oh my God that is so scary bro it was so silent why did it not scream or anything it wouldn’t you wouldn’t know let’s get of [Music] here BR there’s no way we could kill that thing it’s so fast it’s so fast what is that noise I keep oh the zombies are on fire that’s what it was I it sounded like something on fire what what I got an iron ingot from that guy yeah possible from a zombie yeah weird hey follow me all right we survived one night the iron goem was just watching us die by the way bro did not want to help bro did not want that’s not my job my job is zombies and skeletons oh it’s this way we’re still going the right way as well okay what do you what do you think’s in the treasure chest or this one the one that I’m holding um maybe like a weapon to kill him maybe armor to survive from him maybe like something that that like like evaporates him you know yeah see mod developers are smart they know that we’re going to need something to kill him cuz that is unkillable in survival I tried to tell people it’s too fast you can’t make monsters that absolutely destroy us please imagine it’s like the Ghostbusters thing and it just what oh it sucks it you want to suck it the the monster don’t want to do never mind are you sure no don’t say sure means I can finish him off no you don’t want that what don’t worry place out the boat I don’t what’s wrong with it I’ll tell you which way to go and now for my finishing move nice nice nice a bit to the right y keep going ni wait we may actually I still oh wait I only have one iron left we may be able to actually use the iron and make some armor look at us no no mining in this just crafting know you know what I’m saying look us see full armor you know you know I’m you’re not no but you know I have boots go left now there you go now follow me follow me right okay okay okay okay wait do you have the boat still um yeah you have to go this way okay okay okay let me see where are we going now right go right a bit okay wait there’s a boat right there there’s another one I think let’s go see this one just in case there’s the third treasure map this is only treasure map hunting this is how we get stacked this is perfect this is perfect okay you’re huge man let me just make sure they’re not the same one o is it wait you get a tun nick uh and what you have to check first um cuz I need to check if the treasure map is the same there no treasure map here I don’t think so I memorized every treasure map you know okay take this yeah what part of the map is the X on for mine uh southide where’s south bottom of it bottom what bottom right I meant left how’d you know see okay so if we go here how did you do that if we go here treasure map should be right here because I’ve memorized every single like spawn right should be this yeah it should be this one right here here oh wait I can make a a shovel it should be this one right here if I memorize every C correctly it’s this it’s on top of this one oh I’m going to drown same oh here I have a shovel so I can mine it okay you mine it make sure it’s in there make sure I get me do this too here D look behind you oh oh toldi wait what told you man how did you do that oh dony look inside of it look inside of it oh this this Arbiter is so screwed dude oh my God he’s finished oh TNT he’s finished he’s finished just wait till he runs into us again where the where the goat okay so what do you have pickax wise I going to make you some to I have a I have an iron pick I already have iron tools so if you want to use I gave you six iron as well so if you want to use that for tools and that’s I did I did already so here let me make this for you take this this we should probably find like one more uh Treasure Chest yeah cuz we’re still we’re still going in the right direction for this there you go see don’t say I don’t look after you oh thank you bro thank you you know what I’m saying bro you know what I’m saying I’ll hold on to this you just in case for a r day what is it uh it’s nothing it’s not even an important Block it’s just like a is it what you just holding no no no I wasn’t holding anything okay so right thisas right now got red he got robbed you got touched what like you got like like with fing no wait no huh with grabbed he got grabbed I grabbed what I want I heard that I heard is that oh oh I still hear this you hear that fine yeah no it’s fine I think it was just I think I slipped my foot kind of hit you in the boat maybe you FaceTime lier and tell him that you’re bold why cuz then he could sort of help us you know what would he what would what would that information do like in case he needs to help us you know and he knows about the obit [Music] why would lier know about the Arbiter what do you mean does lier know about the Arbiter yeah he’s the one who made the mod no he didn’t no he didn’t sorry I like spreading misinformation say lier is smart but he’s not that smart like is the smartest person I know and I know two people what nothing but go this way boom boom boom keep up I really really want to know what’s in this Treasure Chest bro I know I know and trust me it’s always good news I don’t think X has ever marked a bad spot you know we can kill the abitor right mhm and then we can he can kiss us or like sorry I mean like he can die he can kiss our butts yeah he can kiss our butts I mean to that you’re what I said I like spending time with that iar crack is he here no no no no no no he can’t be it’s daytime oh oh my God my whole body took a screenshot I’m rescuing you I’m rescu my whole body took a screenshot Linux my whole body took a screenshot I’ve never been that SC go go go go go go go go go go go go said I said I said it’s daytime and you can’t kill us and then he killed me okay maybe we’re getting too close he knows he knows we’re getting close this is it my wrist hurts I think I sprained it spr it when he jump scared me oh you are the most game person in the world oh my goodness every gamer knows that if you get jump scared your wrist goes floppy I got weakness right now no way yeah give me weakness I got the boat sweet let me drive the boat let me drive the boat back up Terry put it in reverse Terry put it in reverse Terry how close are we to the treasure chest close actually so where did he where did he go did he despawn I don’t know I ran I started running cuz I was thinking in my head bro if he one tapped you yeah full yeah maybe we should have made shouldn’t have made fun of him did we oh yeah we did he said he should be scared scared SM that’s what I say like how did he do that much damage bro he did what he’s building and now it’s becoming night time Donnie bro that okay coming night time it’s fine it’s fine you ready yep is it down here I think it’s on if we just move to this but then I’ll keep an eye out for him oh okay I found it it’s on this spot here where this one I can’t get two for two surely you know seeds exactly every seed yeah mhm it’s this one it’s the one that the woods on this is my off hand there’s no way I’m crazy I am a crazy crazy human being there’s no way Donnie okay so here let’s split this evenly oh zombie behind you nice keep an eye out for the Arbiter fun yeah we need to make a bed I think oh we need to sleep sleep sleep sleep go up here sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep okay okay okay just looking around all right we’re good let’s go oh my God okay the arbit is winning bro I can’t lie he’s got me once he’s 1 he’s one bro and he’s got me shook take this first of all thank you then um we don’t need the treasure map anymore so we got nine nine more we can either give you a chest plate I got cing in my head and Boots so get yeah I think you give yourself a chest plate so that you’re kind of closer in AR how many armor thingies do you have right with these I have three and a half okay what about your iron armor for your iron chest plate I don’t have a crafting table here right now I have five and a half I think yeah I got three and a half you plate you should have like six right five oh yeah perfect close it works I also have emeralds so if we run into a village I can trade with some villagers yeah I got free Emerald yeah so if you want to give me the map and I lead the direction yeah yeah yeah you go so where is this okay so the map is more south now so we need to go south and a little bit we were going the the right the right direction for the most part mhm so let’s just keep traveling East until we need to only go south okay oh Village perfect no way how cuz I don’t I I remember I the seed I forgot sorry my bad why I didn’t need to question your your knowledge how did I know where every treasure chest was no true actually true how did you know I memorized every seed I remember collecting that one so what’s this lead to then the X oh no cuz there was no mods on last time so this one there should just be one church and no blacksmith in this Village yep you could see what no I could wait let’s trade with some villagers who do we want to tr oh we want to trade with the blacksmith don’t we we want Iron maybe the farmer get some food out of them mhm there a farm up here but hello are there anybody of value here we would like to trade you have any emeralds you have any emeralds on you free yeah could you uh thank you dude the villagers want the the the uh what’s it called the farmer wanted carrots for money bro why does a farmer want carrots why would he want more he’s crazy so he can sell them at a higher price bro wouldn’t he want money nobody wants money money is a figment of your imagination that is so crazy we need to get shields actually I got enough for one Shield oh wait the map’s called map to it yeah that’s what I said oh I wasn’t listening to you why I forgot you make me a shield uh no we didn’t have any iron we don’t have any no no what no I just curious no nothing don’t call me a liar I’m not calling you I didn’t say anything good good boy good boy oh I’ve seen a lot of people saying that now oh Donnie we’re dead again last time there was crackling noises he spawned and it’s raining right now on the trees on the trees he knows we’re getting closer how far are we do you know does it say it it doesn’t say Come Those are sheep over there that scared me where right it’s not him did you did you take our beds uh yeah good good good good boy huh good boy good boy boy everyone in the comment section put good boy good boy if you made it this far you want a good boys okay I think we’re fine I think we can walk bro last time we heard the creepy noises we were like oh it’s nothing it’s daytime and then he just started sprinting he came out of nowhere we thought we were immune at daytime maybe he’s we immune to in the sun cuz we were under trees maybe or maybe he’s just watching from afar bro I don’t know I actually don’t know at all how F ton I didn’t scream really yeah if you say I did I care you did if you did scream how what would it sound like I what if if I just scream like if I was going scared yeah I say oh my God like like the manliest scream like yeah like oh no I see I say oh no I’m going down oh no oh no I’m falling I am in a situation I’m falling masculinely oh I’m going to go spit and smoke cigars Who’s Got My Sunglasses I don’t care it’s 30° outside give me my sunglasses give me my sunglasses good boy good boy bro this is like a billion blocks away I mean bro that’s how it be I like to drink tea wait what time of day is it let me see the top of your head that usually tells me if the moon’s up or not yeah it’s definitely bold okay it means this way let’s go all right cool cool dude all right we’re making bald jokes now no I didn’t look if you go down here come look I memorize this seed okay what’s down here then uh there’s a a zombie villager and a normal villager and the golden apple where’s the Golden Apple in the chest how’d you know and inside here there’s a weakness potion huh how did you know don’t test me I’ve memorized every SE how many times until people believe me so what you’re going to want to do right is you’re going to throw the splash potion of weakness onto the onto that zombie right mhm do it then you’re going to want to feed him the golden apple oh and then he starts tweaking why is he tweaking yo bro chill and then he starts twerking soon so watch out wait no way mhm no way why you watching don’t watch look away sorry I saw that I was just looking I didn’t know if you were you were I thought you said no I’m not looking okay I’m not looking why you looking up why are you looking stop yeah but you’re looking up I’m looking away I’m looking away so how can you see me if you’re facing forward I’m not I am I think we both should leave okay before he starts twerking he’s going to TW you sure yeah I think we should step out I think it’s a him thing let him twerk in peace we shall let him twerk in peace which way was it east is this way so what what biome is this X in then you know I think it’s is is in a water water like this like there’s not there’s not water there but there like it’s like a beach side what’s that like thing in the middle of the can I see it just real quick it’s like a line yeah why is there a line on it what is that don’t know is it a tunnel yeah I think so tunnel to what tunnel to his heart maybe we need to seduce him what I didn’t say anything come here do you want the map back or is this the right direction yeah FR back wait no not like that wait chill out if people going to make Tik toks of that now I didn’t tell them to throw it back [Music] stop oh my God it’s all your fault run you’re the one take care he’s juicier he’s juicier he’s gone oh gone he’s gone he’s still there hey this this head then follow me put our beds down here okay hurry there’s zombies coming hurry hurry hurry oh my God go to sleep oh okay fine yeah where you going I’m going up here you just don’t grab your bed oh yeah grab my bed no good boy I knew [Music] you oh look a bunny kill it no good boy oh my God here I’m good what a waste of food bro what is just place down those berry bushes and I got stuck in the berry bush so I broke the berry bush like Wast look up when you eat berry bushes I know I didn’t mean to you placed one no I didn’t Bro Look at that tree oh wait never mind look tiny from Far which way just this way yeah we have to be getting close bro if he’s spawning this much come on he knows he can tell that we’re going to fight something that kills him and then what’s going to happen we kiss what if we find some what wait what what if we find something else what inside it yeah what well what is you know what I mean like what is it maybe imagine it Le lir right and then like we get there and he kills us and he wanted us to get closer you know you say this now maybe as we’ve traveled like 5,000 blocks to get to it but I don’t know where like where do they expect us to find this how far is this I don’t know Bon I don’t know you want to see something cool yeah you see that water drop there you see that block right there that’s it’s a it’s a uh it’s a patch of snow you know the ones that you can land in watch you good why did you do that I’m half heart I don’t look it look it look look look another Snow Village this one doesn’t have a hole in the middle I remember from the seed look you want to see St cool wait you just said it doesn’t have a hole yeah it doesn’t have a hole in the middle this one has a hole at the back door okay he’s not tweaking anymore give him the golden apple wait why don’t we keep these no give it to him oh wait we can throw it on the guy yeah sorry bro not twerking sorry sorry boo sorry brosi we’re keeping it sorry brosi stay gnarly dude just trying not take me mhm oh yeah you’re right I hit I hit myself last time heast to the West Wait East the worst oh let’s stay on the ice wait come follow me follow me follow [Music] me oh sorry that can I can I get that back if it’s okay where did you get TNT from can I get that back please you want to do something cool look Toyo if you need it then you know you know you have to go you know oh the oh I ruined oh my oh c to if you see it then you mean it then you know you have to [Music] go keep it going keep it going ding ding ding ding ding how do I do what actually go keep it going keep it going keep it going oh oh [Music] [Music] oh oh there you are thiso come here there’s still more there’s more wait this is going back oh my God we are cutting bro we are C this is so sick oh I messed it up no keep it going keep it going no bro that is crazy we need to save this seed bro how fun was that oh my Micha go we can keep going what is that there’s more this feels like a like we’re racing bro this is crazy Which Way me wait we did a lap oh turn Way Forward turn forward oh I messed it up oh my God still up still up he’s still up this way yeah oh no oh yeah that’s it oh bro how far was that that was so sick that was so sick I don’t think we made much progress did we actually not I feel like we moved so no no you’re right we made we moved a lot but just come here mhm no get in this one oh oh yours here it’s fine fine no no in go go wait what there’s more there’s more but we’re still going bro this is South the right direction oh my God yeah what is going on the server can’t even load fast enough oh my God I hear noise same call catch us though wait wait wait wait a sec see if he shows up I hear noises oh my where is he where is he where is he oh he’s gone he’s not here I hear I still hear you actually yeah I still hear it bro how much ice is there bro oh there’s a room portal up there it’s a giant room portal yeah yeah let’s do it somebody do do slash seed all game rule take off back do slash seed now there you go some everyone remember that that rule that that seed bro that’s crazy how cool was that BR we got a bunch of stuff fire charge oh this is actually huge oh God up there very cool rock on my RO I have enchanted golden app that noise that was a terrifying noise oh okay it’s back um I’m going to get a little Bird’s ey view see if he’s near here fine I think I think we’re fine we go back to boat back the boat back to the boat okay Tokyo didn’t you see at one point there was like a a wood structure yeah yeah yeah yeah on to the right when we were going yeah yeah yeah bro there was a boat yeah I think a about this is crazy we’re still going how does it still keep going look how this area is oh my god look how open that was it’s becoming night time come catch us bro we’re d D dink ding I a potion of weakness if he’s chasing us I’m going to throw it behind us I’m just going to throw it up I’m to oh no it’s finally made end how cool is that so sick we need to Google that seed to see like how much ice there actually is bro bro there’s still more too like more more uh snow biome let’s see if we made oh we made village ooh perfect perfect timing I think we just keep running I don’t think we sleep okay hello Mr villagers do you guys oh a saddle nice very cool is there a blacksmith we could change we could uh we could trade with them I don’t see any doing I need to get more torches I’m going to rob these guys oh my God Linux [Music] Linux L yo bro look what I found come where’d you find you’re going to be so hyp are you ready yep what am I holding in my hand a boat no more there’s more and it’s all the same one cuz we’re traveling East though bro let me hop in go go go go go go see you later spider can’t catch us can’t touch [Music] can’t touch this uh bro this is crazy man this way yeah it’s going to be this way we’re going to be so close we have to be so close oh my god oh yo bro I’m I have to eat the golden apple oh my God bro I had to eat the golden apple the way the boat just parked up next G bro that was crazy I think that’s a is that a nigloo no it’s not that can’t be a igloo bro that was crazy I thought that was it I thought we were gone I was on half a heart bro so if you didn’t have that iron that iron chest plate would been gon we were a creeper bro imagine that all of this just to get die to a creeper no way don’t count me out yet oh what are you doing why is he oh oh he’s cutting traffic yeah sorry good night just a Nick okay um okay we got have to go here for a second that’s fine I think we’re kind of stuck [Music] how close are we we have to I don’t know this is crazy CU it’s a map that they’ve put us thousands of blocks away like how how did we we find a map and it’s 10 100 million thousand blocks away you see that h on the ground yeah what does that mean I saw an e earlier he e or E exactly think about it oh there a chest is that it no wait there’s actually a ton of obsidian here yeah oh god oh dear because of binding helmet it want to be taken off was a good joke it was not a good joke it was like a N9 out of 10 now we’ll say a seven you know who else is a n out of 10 remember that remember that girl that you was in love with in high school mhm I tracked her down and I’m I’m engaged to her now what’s her name Gabriella how did you know found I found her and I thought it’d be funny if as a prank I marry her got you trolled trolled you say that this now in the middle of a Minecraft video Yeah D oh my God L are you sering this why is there so much eyes I don’t know you go come on oh H bro look at this land too look at that floating like uh land mass what is going on I don’t know we found just world’s biggest ice by him bro and like it just looks corrupted and weird oh he’s cutting it up bro’s cutting it up know what I’m saying dude he’s never going to find us when we’re moving this fast bro how can he sometimes you just got to like you know nice did you hear that yeah I feel like the polar bear’s got our back you know polar bears eat anything you think they’ll they’ll beat up the Arbiter maybe I just heard something jump in the water I’m L joking just keep mov oh God maybe we traveling the wrong way no you know oh my God don’t say that now I was already joking but I got slowness oh go he hit you with an ash Arrow Come Oh what now Ash ashw does gives you uh 25% slow slowness oh my goodness talk about League of Legends you know no you no you’re not I think so you have to be close oh it’s going daytime oh my God thank you run run run run run wait that has to be it over there where right where there’s more more ice oh my God wait I hear I hear stuff get in maybe we can kill it maybe we can it one shot me when I just had one better armor one lower armor than this maybe maybe you’re two shot now you mental oh my God bro this has got to be like a hello Village is this is this the village we were at before no no no not sir hello people hello everybody we’ve come to loot your Villages and Rob you we’ve come to pillage your village not in the way that sounds dirty we are coming here here to loot everything Rob you guys Rob you guys take everything in your homes yes and leave you with nothing we are but Minecraft players give me that bed on which you rest your head and you can hm these nuts you can H these nuts get in we’re going shop in oh I left my torch goodbye torch St here you’re melting all the ice and we need the ice for if we ever come back this way sorry okay we’re coming up to it now the torch or say like 100 blocks away this way the what the treasure the X yeah oh perfect how do we know when we see it I’m assuming it’ll be obvious oh that’s a rimple it could be that thing on the left it’s one of the oh it’s this one look look at the signs what is this don’t know ah it’s been looted next L you good y yo yo yo it’s it’s been looted bro no it hasn’t it has nothing one shot bow oh wait what did it say it said something orbital and an arrow there’s one Arrow what did it say arbital uh wait on what where theit on it yeah oh can be used to kill the Arbiter oh power enchantment level 255 oh okay that’s definitely one shot oh this one’s going down give it to me I’ll do I’ll do the shot no what do you mean no you don’t trust me it says only an arrow to the Head using this bow will kill it use it wisely it doesn’t like it in the hands of a player goodbye bro why is he saying goodbye bro I don’t know look look at this you ready look at the 360 look at the 360 no but but who is this who is this why is he saying goodbye don’t know I don’t know it’s creepy mods bro they do this sort of stuff who who is the person is it this person that died uh Donnie yeah oh it’s this one oh he’s dead dead n bro I could do this I could do this one shot look at this we actually get one shot look look at me I got bow you ready look mhm 60 oh hold on wait boom see what are you aiming for what what was that like if I was to kill that witch watch I could I’m I’m going to 360 see uh I hear sticks breaking give me the bow I’m the one that can shoot it no watch watch watch I’ll hit the witch over there oh disappeared no don’t shoot it we get one shot oh yeah yeah we’re good we’re good I got it I got it serious see you almost ruined it I got it I got it I got it I understand now thought it was like one shot boat like it does one shot what now that I say it out loud it doesn’t sound right but it’s a one boat you only get one chance with so how do we how do we get the Arbiter how do we get him out last time um good question Oh Mr [Music] ar oh my God oh my God oh my God one heart how much health do you have one heart one heart oh oh God I got shot with the slowness potion I’m slow I’m slow oh r i okay so we got it we actually got it there was a one shot B to help us yes oh we’re supposed be the idea is that we get one shot to kill it right and who’s the best sniper that we know me what me let’s ask the comment section to this side see who breaks glass on the way into a house it was a trap and you died you would have died I didn’t mean to e oh there’s gold it says you have to hit in the head I found gold too that’s fine I can hit in the head you can’t no I can’t the other day you was driving and you called me and you said which way’s left how am I supposed to know what that means stop getting these so many I’m oh my God what’s going on where is he now that we want him to spawn he’s not spawning he’s scared cuz he knows we got the bow Mr Arbiter Mr arbit Mr AR Mr arbit see you die all the time I never die where are you I don’t die h i don’t die what she do I don’t bro when I hit this shot you’re going to lose it you’re going to be like oh oh you’ve lost your mind if you think that’s the case I’m going to eat this golden apple and I’m going to 360 it too what watch watch I’ll 360 just to just to prove you wrong don’t oh my God how do we summon him how do we get him to come out last you talking smack about him in like a I talk smack about him but was in the forest yeah so you you go in here and maybe if I go in there alone talk smack you can see what happens okay okay so you stand here and keep guard okay put put an ice there just in case should I hide yeah your mama is so fat that her boss pass oh there Linux he’s there he’s there where right there do you see him I saw him for half a second where’d he go oh I see him where I don’t want to miss I don’t know if it’s too far or not dy I hear him but I don’t see him oh my god there he is there get ready I’ll be bait I don’t I don’t want it to be too far where’d he go he’s under where’ he go he’s under here he’s under the ground he’s he’s he’s coming up to me he’s coming up to me he’s here now ly I can’t he’s under jump down jump down leave my friend alone quick leave it do LS LS l hit the sh hit the sh oh my God

I Uncovered Minecraft’s Oldest Mystery (Giant Alex) w/ Doni Bobes – Minecraft


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MUSIC USED 🡆 All by Kevin Macleod at http://incompetech.com


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