I Built a SECRET WATERPARK In My House In Minecraft!

let’s go I st at the water park I’m so excited it’s summer Turner yo hey you guys are welcome to hang out here but just letting you know that uh Mark is uh pulling up later to uh run some regulations on the water park some regulations what he’s going to approve if the water park can you know get a little upgrade if you know what I’m saying wait we’re getting renovations to this place yeah like I don’t know maybe some new slides or something that would be goated you know what it’ll wao I’ve never seen that before I kind of want to try going on that just be careful I’m not trying to lose my job oh there he is oh hey Mark what’s up hey guys remember what Turner said you got to be out of here real quick okay what do you mean don’t spend too much time here cuz I got some Builders coming in to work on this place Turner said we could be here yeah well is Turner the boss of square City no yeah sorry you’re not even the boss you’re just some business guy it doesn’t matter I own majority of this place now you have to listen to me well we’re not going to listen to you I want these kids out turn her get them out which is my their own business guys let’s go over here let’s just go on this slide yeah sorry uh y’all are going to have to leave we’re not going to be bullied by some boss being Turner unfortunately you guys are going to have to leave unfortunately we’re not going to leave no Mark is literally going to fire me we’re going to stand on our ground right cash Mark is being mean yeah some would call him doooo bun cheeks true yeah Shady throw that ball at him yo no hitting balls in here dude what are you doing hey chill you know what Mark I think you need a little bit of some fun in your life I don’t need any fun I need money okay and messing around in a water park does not make me money now can you guys get out already what are you doing I’m going to show you what fun is okay put me down right now you’re coming along with me bro’s going to get his suit wet no no ni enough of this it’s fine you can get a little wet Mark don’t worry about it no I can’t get a little wet listen I have a lot of important stuff in the suit don’t worry it’ll all be all right all right Mark let’s go no no put me down now enough of this you know I’m just going to throw you off the edge here you have to L the water down there okay what water I’m not no oh no see it’s fun right yay oh my goodness this is the last try I’ve ever had of any of you guys well what do you mean I didn’t even want to build this water park my wife just suggested it to me that’s enough what every single water park in this place is going down I’ve had enough of this and that was my last STW you destroyed the water park yes Turner’s going to have to find a new job cuz this place is getting demolished are you serious and every water park in square city um Mark I also work at the beach so I think I’ll be okay yeah whatever you can’t do that I can do whatever I want this is my city if you don’t like it then move out oh guys but it’s summer and we’re supposed to be playing at the water park well that’s too bad I already called up one of my contractors to come demolish this place you have I didn’t see you call anyone hey how’s it going Mark I’m here to destroy this place I’m so excited good get to it I hope you brought your bulldozer what oh yeah it’s should to be shipped here in like a couple minutes that’s awesome anyways I’m headed back to my office I want to see this place gone by the end of the day are you really going to explode this place sir you know what I’ll go ahead and start demolishing this bridge right here how is this a thing guys oh greaten wait it’s actually exploding it oh yeah Oho yeah not the water par you know what at least we have the water slide still you know what Mark can I have a job too actually yes you can have a job Shady yes Shady you should not be on his side oh yeah oh no the water park is gone how could they do this to our water park this is awful great job today boys you all did good are you serious so how much am I getting paid Shady you offered to do that for free but I’ll give you that amount of diamonds let’s go you know what this ruined my whole summer yeah what are we going to do now no don’t no Zoe I just wanted to play at the water park it’s so hot with the Sun in the sky what are we going to do melt no that is not a good idea ah fine I can’t let this Mark guy ruin my day I’m going to Rebel how are you going to do that I’m going to build a water park of my own Nico no offense but I don’t trust you to build a water park what do you mean you know you’re not that great atam I think I should build a water park you know what you can build your own and I’ll build my own oh can I build one sure Zoe I just turned into a frog Shady how did you just do that okay you know what I’m going over to someone who can help us I’ll see you guys hey miners I know you’re right here B Be biter I need your help get the toast wait what that’s not too sper you’re not this guy oh no okay you know what miners I’ve called you over because I need creative mode you know where I can get creative mode mhm cookie cookie oh no where did that other guy go hey what are you doing sir do you have cookies you do mhm that ain’t no cookie that’s dirt they came out of my mouth e that’s disgusting okay you know what if you’re not going to help us then why are you even here be about to get him okay I’ll get your cookie soon follow me all right guys inside my humble abode Shady what are you doing oh my fault okay you know what guys look here’s your cookies I’ll give some cookies to both of you guys no fighting over these cookies guys yo it’s showering cookies upstairs guys come up Shady MERS you better give us creative mode now oh my gosh guys I need Crea a mode oh my what are you guys doing okay guys creative mode now all right thank you guys I I have creative mode you can all be if you want but I’m building a secret water park you know what I’m doing this inside of my basement you know what I don’t think I need this basement anymore I’m improvising I’m going to use a wand guys and I’m clearing this space out this is going to be exclusively for by water park I’m going to select one area right here and I’m going to go all the way over here I’m going to go pretty deep and I’m going to select the second position over here and then I can do a simple command to cut all the boom and then out look at this we have a huge area to work with but we got to patch up all these walls so let’s go in with all in all these walls let’s just do SL set stone and let’s do that on all six sides now we have all six sides and now let me make the entrance sorry berer oh oh and now we can make our secret water park right here I think the first thing I need to do this water park is make the scenery look good because we can’t make this water park all boring inside of a cave the first thing I’m going to do is I’m going select on the top left right here then go all the way over here and then go to the bottom right and then replace all this stone with light blue wool select as a sky background for our water park next thing we we should do is we got to change this floor and what are water parks nearby usually that’s right beaches so we’re going to select on both sides right here and we’re going to set that to sand now this looks like we’re in an Overworld area now I’m just going to add some depth to each side right here and you know what I know how to do this easier because placing this all manually is kind of difficult what we can do is we can make a brush all right and then now we have a brush look at this and I can just place this sand all over here and oh gosh it just went into this room over here okay I need to fix that one second there we go now we can freely place this right here and now we can go like this let’s place the sand surrounding all the edges like this perfect and then now we can change this brush to a different brush so let’s go right here and let’s get a blaze rod and then we can set this brush to deform now we can deform this right here just like so and lift this up perfect this just adds a lot of depth to this place making this look better we need to make this look like a sand landscape and also let me call up the miner zook again cuz I think I need their help making this look way more natural Miner here all right build it out Miner build it out Min what are you doing wa by wait you’re you’re doing it really good actually form this place okay and you know what while you do that I’m going to patch up the all the edges this place is going to look amazing this is going to attract a lot of people even though this is supposed to be a secret water park I’m going to have customers come all right while you’re doing that I’m going to start beginning on some slides so let me get some quartz blocks real quick just like this and we’ll make the top of the slide right here and this is going to be one of the first slides just like this all righty go right here perfect and Miner this is going to be a ride that goes all the way down to the bottom I don’t know what you are saying right now Miner what are you saying minor I feel like you’re speaking a different language right now all right I got to add the Sid to this thing and then we’ll add the water at the very end cuz the water comes last we’re just supposed to make the slide that guides all the water right now and this looks good right here check that out that looks pretty amazing all right I’m going to build this to go all the way out and then down to the bottom what we could do to make this a little easier is Select right here and then select over here now I have a little pattern for this and hey Min what’s up oh that looks good byebye you’re going don’t by okay and it looks like we can paste this right here just by using a simple World data command just like so paste it like this and now this goes all the way down to the bottom that is one part of the side right there what we can do now is we’re going to add some details we got to add this some slabs right here on this under part to make this look a little bit smoother just like this and now let’s look how that looks oh yeah I feel like that makes it look a lot better now you can go to the underside and do the same just like that by going like this all right perfect that’s beautiful okay and then now we should do that to the other side by going like so and nice all right now what we can do is place the water at the top just like this and then the water should flow all the way down look at it Go all right now that it’s all the way at the bottom we can start building these edges right here so that people don’t fall off cuz that’ll be very bad we cannot let people fall off on our water slide and then at the bottom right here we’re going to add a little area where the people will collect and this is just one side out of many that is going to be in a water park this place is going to be dope so I just got to go like this and I got to set all of this to water so let’s go right here let’s look right here and let’s go right here let’s patch this water up on this side and let’s do slash replace air with water boom now I got a water platform right here so that the people can safely slide through this whole entire slide and then led the water down here all right now let me just patch up anything that looks uneven right here and now this water slide looks a little bit funky without any supports let’s get some stripped Spruce logs right here place these in columns in a pattern like this just like so and now this is going to look really smooth all right and then that looks good and then now to add an extra spice we can get some stairs right here and some slabs and then some fences and then we can extend each of these parts right here and make this look even more realistic oh yeah I want each of these pillars look like they’re actually being held up this also adds more color to the build cuz just having quartz blocks is not that good all right that looks good and then what I can do is I can add some fences on the bottom like so on all sides and now that is the first water slide done look at that well actually it’s not finished yet because we’re going to add a ladder to this thing you know what I don’t want a ladder I think I want a cool looking staircase up to the top so I’m going to place a spruce SL going up like this perfect and I’m going to place some cord slabs going around this entire thing just like this in this pattern and this needs to wrap around all the way like this and I think I’m going to do this multiple times on other water slides but then I can just duplicate this effect all right and perfect and now what I can do is I can make a platform here at the top just like so and I probably want to add some railings right here so people don’t fall off and boom that is the first water slide actually finished now what we can do is we can do that a few more times by building bigger and better water slides what I want to do for the next water slide is I want to make this a shoot water slide where when you go up to the top and you stand on it there’s going to be a trapo that releases you into the water slide and you’re just going to go straight down these water slides are quite scary but you know what if anyone’s going to do it I’m going to to do it because I all I have to do right here make the chamber right here so let’s go like this surround this with stained glass and then now I’m going to build out like this and I’m going to add some concrete slabs around this to make it look cooler and then we’re going to have it drop like so we’re going to have this go all the way down here oh yeah this is going to be super scary and then it’s going to go all the way down here and this is where the actual water is going to be so then it’s going to go like this and then they’re going to come out all the way over here and then we can just have it lead it to this big pool of water over here which I think I replace all the sand on the bottom and then have this be water s right here first and let’s go all the way over here and select right here and then set this all to water boom perfect now we’re going to want to patch up all of the mistakes right here if we don’t want any of that and then we’re going to want to make this look more natural by carving out the edges just like this and we’re going to want to make sure that this water actually flows through so let’s get a water bucket right here let’s place it inside this water slide and yeah this doesn’t fall through all the way so we’re going need to break out a little area right here perfect and now this is looking good all right let me just carve out more of an area right here and make this place look even better all right now that looks good we have the waterers shoot slide right here and I think we’re going to do it the same thing we did over here here by making the pillars so let’s do that let’s Place one pillar right here just like this we’re going to connect that with some fences we’re going to place some slabs and stairs right here to make it look more industrial and we’re going to add a pillow right here too just like this all right and now that looks good what I’m going to do right here is I’m just going to select right here and then right here and I’m going to copy this staircase I’m going to paste it on this side so that we can have a staircase on this side as well so all I have to do is flip it after I copy it and then now I can paste it and now we have a staircase right here but oh gosh I did not do this correctly all right and boom now we have the staircase right here and we’re going to need to extend this a little bit bit upwards just like this build around and then now we can go flat all right then now we want to wrap around with these concrete slabs just like this and then do the same design we did on the other side all right now we got to make sure that this ride actually works let’s go right here and let’s place a door just like this and then we want a pressure plate to go inside of it boom and then we want whoever is controlling it on the outside to be able to flick a lever so let’s get a lever right here and we can place it right here and that doesn’t work so what we might have to do is we’re going to get some more concrete right here place a block and then change the position of the trap door to be right there and then now whenever you’re on the outside you flick lever and drop them like this perfect and that is water slide two done now it’s time for me to build a lazy river and what we’re going to need to do right here is break out a circular area around this entire water park and this is going to be so that anyone who doesn’t want to ride the water slides can just go on the Lazy River personally me I don’t really do that cuz I want the thrill but you know what it’s meant for a certain type of people all right all I have to do is make the pathway that goes around like this and I got to keep breaking this so that I could make the depth deeper I want it to loop around to go all the way over here so let’s break until we get to this and then we can place all the water at the very end all right that looks good for the Lazy River pathway so let’s get some water let’s start plac it we’re going to need to go all the way around so let’s get this water bucket and let’s just start place it all right and perfect that’s one side and then we’re going to have to do the other side to make this all water sources this is going to look better at the end because it doesn’t look that good right now but you know what it’s going to come together oh gosh we have some leakage over here we cannot add this leaking we do not want the Lazy River to have multiple Pathways that would be bad okay now this is looking really good I think what I want to do is I want to make some depth right here so let’s break like this let’s just do that in a random pattern perfect and replace any of the blocks that look out of place and now we have this little river wrapping around I think what I want to do is I want to outline this River as well so that it’s easily noticeable so let’s get some Spruce planks right here and let’s start outlining this thing like so and we want to wrap the edges of this thing so that it looks nicer as well if this water park looks aesthetically pleasing then people are going to want to be here more no one wants to be at an ugly water park all right now that it’s fully outlined it looks much better and I think I also want to outline these at the bottom too I feel like that would look a lot better too so let’s just wrap Spruce planks around this whole thing as well all right and we did that side you know what that looks amazing so I’m going to do it on over here as well at the entrance all right this water park is really coming together I know what we could do to make this water park even more special so you know what I’m going to break little holes into the roof and place some water and look we have water coming for the ceiling I think that adds more uniqueness to our water park cuz I’ve never seen that in a water park in my life oh gosh this is going to overflood actually that doesn’t look that bad I think we can keep it and then we want to go right here and place a water spout right there another water spout right here and then at the beginning of the lazy river we probably want a chest right here or actually let’s get a dispenser and let’s make a little platform right here and that disp so we’re going to put a bunch of boats and then we can get a pressure plate right here so that it dispenses the boat right here and then we can place it to go in the laser River all right I have a perfect idea of what we can place on the side of this middle pool I’m thinking we should Place some beach chairs just like this and I’m pretty sure there’s a bunch of these things like this so we can get hammocks we get tables chairs we get a lounge chair that’s pretty cool I’m to place a bunch of these lounge chairs on the sides maybe place this hammock right here place a beach chair like this maybe we could do a table with some chairs going inside of it another hammock on this side and then some more lounge chairs all right I think I add more of a beachy aspect to this place and wow this place is really coming together I think the very last touch I’m going to do is I’m going to add some clouds so let’s get some wool right here and let’s just add these 3D clouds to the side we want to make sure that this place doesn’t look like you’re underground and it actually looks like you’re outside so let’s just make little blobs in the sky like this and these blobs don’t have to look perfect because clouds are always disformed but you know what we still want to make it look pretty all right some more clouds over here and I think our water park is done look at this thing this thing actually looks beautiful and this is all in the inside of my basement you know what we need to make a proper entrance to this place so let’s just connect it right here oh hey B what’s [Music] up minor I’m just finishing the last touches of this place you know what instead of you helping me right now you can help me contact my friends I want to see what they built for their water parks as well okay make sure that they’re outside toast sper wait I swear I just saw you are there two toast spers wait there the third one what’s going on I think I’m experiencing toast by reception right now okay now I can just Place some stairs right here and now I’m going to put some coconut doors and these will lead to the water park and now I can be all of my friends outside cash where’s Shady finally you’re done you guys have been done already yeah of course we have yeah why did yours take so long what do you mean I was working hard on it well I was working hard on mine but I was the first one finished okay you know what let’s go to yours cash let’s go where’s your water park it’s behind my house let’s see and where is it hop in what is this wait did you just go on the floor wow what this is my water park can I press it this is not a water park cash what is this of course you can press it go ahead wait let me out let me out stop moving me me next me next what come on Nico you want to go after me yeah I’ll go after you oh yeah come on oh gosh let’s go oh cash you have a tree blocking it oops I’m going to try that after I break this tree I’m going to do it again all right I’m going lunch ow isn’t it cool that’s pretty sick I’m not going to lie cold you but it doesn’t really have anything watery in it so you know what let’s go to Shady’s next there’s literally water in it Shady where’s your water park boom Shady this is not very secret I can literally see it in the ground welcome to the skiy toilet water slide wait what impressive you have a Skippy toilet in here this is funny it’s like a toilet bowl and it sinks you in how did you do this ow go go go I’m getting flushed oh no we’re in the dookie stream e Shady this is horrible dude this water slide is so fun I’m going to do it again I’m not going to lie this is pretty cool you made a really cool toilet I want to go back in the toilet wait what we are not doing this again we’re going to Zoe’s my turn all right Zoe where’s yours oh it’s just over here stand right be ow there we go wow what is this wow very interesting what do you not like my slime this isn’t even that good I worked hard on it it just goes down you know what because it’s really big I guess you get some points there yeah I didn’t have time to build this big of a thing but are you guys ready to see my secret water park oh yeah everyone come to my house all right guys it looks like you found it already oh yeah it’s right here check it out wo and is this a lazy river yeah this is a lazy river where you could be lazy oh yeah you could go in your boat and everything oh gosh uh it’s not very functional though we’re drowning H I did not think about that okay don’t worry about it here’s our first slide this is a very simple slide right here you climb up right here and you go down that’s boring what in the M come up here we’re going to come up to the drop down slide all right cash you ready okay this is cool line up get in are you ready you’re going in first kid boom that was quite scary I’m not going to lie yeah no kidding what do you guys think of buying underground water park I think it’s definitely the best I think we could spend the whole summer here not going to lie yeah I’m down we don’t need Mark talking bad at us true who even likes Mark he stinks what oh gosh you guys said what about me Mark it’s not what it looks like you know I’m just going to ignore the fact that you guys insulted me and I’m going to focus on the fact that you built an entire water park against my will oh you going to destroy it please don’t destroy it this time you know I would destroy it but I see you kids like these water parks a lot more so I’m going to let you keep it really yes but we’re going to move it out of your basement and we’re going to sell tickets start to get $100 for everyone let’s go wait $100 that’s a scam don’t worry I’ll give you 5 cents every ticket we sell I’ve had enough of him problem solved he’s trying to be a scammer let’s go if you want watch cat Adventures the scen if you enjoyed the Please Subscribe bye guys subscribe bye

Cash & Nico Merch! https://cashandnico.com/

Today, Nico builds a SECRET WATERPARK in his house! Nico’s favorite waterpark gets demolished! How will Nico keep his at home water park a secret?! Watch to find out!

#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash


  1. I love you nico ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘😘❤️😘😘😘😘😘❤️

  2. I love you nico ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘😘❤️😘😘😘😘😘❤️

  3. I love you nico ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘😘❤️😘😘😘😘😘❤️

  4. I love you nico ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘😘❤️😘😘😘😘😘❤️

  5. I love you nico ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘😘❤️😘😘😘😘😘❤️

  6. I'm sorry nico to say this but the thumbnail looks so lazy like there wasn't enough effort put in it (I don't wanna be mean I actually never wanna be mean to you. It snot like I can do something better)

  7. I love nico I have been sub too him in 5 phones and only real ones will sub too him and I'm not begging for likes but if you liked this comment
    Each likes give more home work and decreases my iq so pls don't like 😉

  8. Nico I got a comment of cash I should care please add me and Roblox but I want that much added you in Roblox and he didn't accept it what you doing like kind people why why do you don't like telling people do you like my people in common yourself make a video of me saying darin

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