I Cheated with //SUPER In a Minecraft Build Battle!

today me and my friends are having a building challenge in Minecraft but what they don’t know is that I’m going to be cheating using SL SL super anything I build I’m going to be able to make super huge this is going to be the easiest win of my entire life oh guys are we ready to have this building challenge yeah I’m so ready well guys guess what instead of having the gods of Minecraft choose what we need to build we need to think of an idea aidea all together like what are we going to do um let’s do a peach let’s make a big Peach no Daddy not a bad idea we need a good ideas a big bucket of gravy I know what you’re thinking about Gooby o I have an idea I know I know what is it Daisy they’re both talking about food so what if we built Sonic wait are you talking about like Sonic the restaurant or Sonic the Hedgehog well I was talking about Sonic the restaurant but I think Sonic the Hedgehog’s way better yes that’s a good idea yeah guys we all need to build Sonic All right we can build a rocket ship no we’re not going to build a rocket ship Gooby we’re building Sonic oh okay okay guys we only have 10 minutes to build Sonic so everyone hurry up now go go go oh no I’m going to win this okay I just muted my mic and now I need to build a Sonic I just need to make a small little version and then I need to use SL SL super to make it huge oh gosh I do not have enough time what does Sonic even look like I think I need red white ooh I need some blue some tan this is going to look very good when it’s done all right I’m just going to start placing down some random blocks over here I need to make this look very good and exactly like Sonic the closer I can get it to look like Sonic the better the SL SL shup will work okay he has red shoes so I’m just going to do something like this okay that’s a good shoe that’s a good shoe okay now I think for this shoe I’m going to make it facing this way trust me I am a genius at building so whatever I do is going to come out and amazing all right just going to make this one more big just like this okay that’s looking pretty good now we need to add some stripes and also we need to give Sonic a lot of shock he has a lot of shocks okay this is looking really really good right now but I need to start giving Sonic some leg oh yeah this is looking amazing okay there we go we’re just going to build them up a little bit and now we got to start making his body Sonic actually kind of has a small little body but his head is is huge all right there we go we’re just going to do some of this we’ll add some more details later I’m just getting the general shape all right this is looking pretty good so far but now I need to actually start adding his big mouth his mouth kind of comes out a lot like this trust me when this is done and I use SL SL super on it it’s going to look amazing all right let’s give him his nose there we go and now we got to make his big eyes they look something like this ooh also I think Sonic has green eyes so let’s get some lime ooh that looks really good wait that actually looks amazing okay now let’s just go around it with some blue there we go boom his face is done all right now we just got to add hm Sonic has like a lot of blue hair so I’m just going to start adding a bunch of that wreck here there we go okay that’s actually looking like Sonic oh my goodness I’m the best builder in the world oh yeah my Sonic is finally completed okay it looks a little weird from certain angles but that angle right there that looks perfect okay now all that I need to do is use sl/ super on it but I need your help everyone needs to like this video in the next 3 seconds and once you do that my Sonic is going to turn huge everyone like this video in three two 1 wait what happened to my Sonic oh my goodness it’s turned into a giant enormous Sonic and it looks exactly like my little miniature build of it wo it has the same stance and everything and it has the green eyes the ears and it even has the white gloves oh my goodness it actually made it super there is no way that I lose with this build there’s no way time to go see what my friends have been working on guys time is up everyone stop building right now not up it’s up Daddy I’m waiting Johnny my coming out really good ooh I want to see goobies first Daddy come up here Daisy come up here hold on I’m coming all right guys come on everyone come by goobies what the heck is that hello I had extra time Sarah made Knuckles and Tails his best friends that aond what’s a tail the yellow guy he’s Tails this is actually terrible what is that cuz he has lots of tails is it a lizard no I think he’s like a raccoon or something oh my goodness these are so ugly Gooby you made a T-Rex bird no that’s Sonic it’s got a mohawk this is the worst Sonic I’ve ever seen in Minecraft I’m going to probably rate this one like a two out of 10 it’s terrible what is this is what Sonic looks like ter no I think it’s really bad okay well what about Knuckles he looks good yeah I think I’m going to give him some Knuckles there we go oh yeah you’re wounding him I think he looks better oh I find let’s look at some monies I bet it’s really bad I don’t even know reading yet it’s it three all right let’s go to mine you’re probably going to give it a zero anyways daddy that’s what it deserves I gave it a three what the heck is this daddy son a oh my gosh this is terrible of pink boogles coming out of his mouth hey I switched that there we go there a Tong ew This is disgusting wait but you know what it actually is a little bit better than Gooby so I’m going to give it a 6 out of 10 probably yep out he doesn’t even have the right thing to be discolor for his Mouse no no I don’t like yeah I don’t like it mustache okay you guys don’t even know what Sonic looks like this is a two six Daisy I’ll give it a seven it’s kind of cute W that’s a good score that’s a good score I am number one I’m winning but mine’s better than this wait Daisy yours is better than this of course it is okay let’s check it out oh my goodness um this is so cool you’re missing something Miss no you’re not the leg’s back here yeah he’s running waa he’s running that’s so cool Sonic a ring this is awesome well he collects rings so I had to build one yeah that makes a lot of sense sty I think I might have to give you a n out of 10 oh nine I’m going to give you a seven that’s the best score for me all night okay and Marty this is a solid eight oh yeah will get Daisy you’re in first place so far good job this exciting but now it’s time to destroy your dream wait what check out my build guys oh yeah what the heck it’s Sonic Sonic the Hedgehog oh yeah it looks exactly like him his head is taller than the clouds yeah this is crazy this is one of my best builds ever in Minecraft this is the best thing I’ve ever seen to give you a perfect score 10 out of 10 let’s go Gooby thank you thank you I can’t believe you better than a 10 out of 10 wait you guys can give me more than a 10 if you want this is like a 12 out of 10 oh yeah this is like a 00 million out of 10 well guys I think it’s pretty clear that I’m the winner yeah I don’t know how you did that uh it’s because I’m really good at building Gooby obviously well you know what now that I’m thinking about it we only had a few minutes to build this and something fish is going on so you know what let’s do another round to see if you could do something just as good Johnny all right daddy fine I’m going to show you that I’m still a really good builder in the next round all right all right guys round number two but we need to kind of figure out what we’re going to build in this round D we should make an airplane no no we’re not making an airplane I think since I was the winner of last round I get the no I think we do Godzilla Godzilla I’m thinking a flower okay how about we combine all of these ideas Godzilla flower airplane and we make an Among Us character oh yeah who’s with me I guess it’s not that bad of an idea technically makes sense that’s not all those put together yes it is yes it is guys come on let’s just make an Among Us character and see who’s the most sus as long as I’m able to make my red one o daddy I’m going to make uh I’m going to make an orange one yeah Orange yeah because I like to I like to show to Fanta and it’s really good what color should I’m going to make a blue one all right you got to make a pink one Daisy okay all right everyone build your Among Us character in three 2 1 woo all right time to get an orange block let’s see I think I’m going to make mine out of wool this time ooh and then I need other wool all right I’m going to start off by making the legs of my Among Us character they kind of are a little pointy they remind me of like Patrick Star bar so I’m just going to do something like this there we go I just need to add as much detail as I can because remember I’m going to be using slash slash super oh yeah this is going to be so good okay I think this leg is completed now I got to make another leg right here oh yeah this is going to come out so good when it’s done oh my goodness all right I just got to copy the exact same design that I just did okay put a block there all right now I just got to make the leg a little bit more fat kind of like my daddy’s legs yeah I’m basically just making my daddy a fat sus person all right those legs look pretty similar now I got to connect it with the body so I’m just going to do something like this there we go okay that’s looking pretty good now I just got to go around like this and do the exact same thing to the back of my Among Us character ooh I just thought of a really good idea what if I make my Among Us character with his mouth open and then he has like a bunch of scary things inside of his mouth like he’s about to eat someone wait this is a good idea okay I need to make it come to life okay I know exactly how I’m going to do it as well just going to do something like this this is going to be the bottom part of the Among Us character’s mouth okay and then I’m going to use this for the teeth it’s a little bit darker wait I have a better idea ooh I’m going to use drip Stone this is genius oh my gosh these teeth look so scary I would not want to get eaten by this Among Us character uh-uh okay now the bottom part of the Among Us character is looking good but now I need to make the top part um this is going to be a little difficult I’m not going to lie okay we’ll just do something like this I don’t really know what I’m doing here I’m just putting some random shapes together and hoping they look good okay this looks pretty good that looks like the top of a Among Us character mouth okay now what I need to do is just fill all this in with orange oh gosh this might take a while there’s a lot of orange wool that I need to place down ooh this is looking super good right now okay I just got to fill in the bottom here I’m actually just going to fill all this in with white there there we go this is looking pretty good and I also even added the top part where his helmet goes oh yes this is looking amazing all right let’s just add some teeth in here like this there we go add a little bit more the more detail I could add the better also I had a really cool idea what if I had his mouth coming out of his other mouth yep you heard me I’m going to have his mouth coming out of his mouth this is going to look insane trust me it’s going to be like he’s spitting up blood and just like that my Among Us character is completed but this is only the miniature version I can’t wait to see what it’s going to look like when it’s super quick everyone I need you to subscribe right now if everyone subscribes in the next 3 seconds my Among Us character is going to turn Super subscribe in three 2 1 wo check this out wait my Among Us character actually came to life are you kidding me this thing is huge and it has all the detail it’s orange it has the teeth it even has the mouth coming out of the other mouth oh my goodness and it has the glass helmet this thing came out perfect thank goodness everyone subscribe because then this would have never came to life okay it’s time to go win this build battle all right guys time is officially up so stop placing your block I finished I’m done okay I kind of want to see what my daddy built first I want to see how he made the red Among Us all right come over here come on Gooby come on stop building Daddy what the heck is this it’s my Among Us character what this pink thing yeah why is there a pink tongue thing here he’s chewing gum what he’s chewing gum hey you just got rid of his bubble gum he’s going to be mad he doesn’t even have a mouse well he did until you got rid of his bubblegum I like his hat but I don’t like everything else yeah Daddy this is pretty terrible I don’t like it well adios amigos give him wa wait oh my God there’s a secret base wait this’s a secret base it’s here yeah but I have a secret base do you have a secret base I thought about it and you’re trying to get bonus points if you’re going to build a secret base you to make a good onee I keep giving him wait this is not bad though this is not bad I’m going to probably give it like a six I actually kind of like ity give me a six six give you a six I like it look at mine mine’s really good hey let’s go see what Gooby built I’m really interested horrible what is this what is this my gosh what is this Gooby look it’s like a whole diama you made a background what what is this the spirit son um uh-oh um I don’t think that guy likes you why do I have a b why is he coming after me yo chill what did you do Gooby he’s like an enemy and he’s going to be sus on you hold on I’m going to kill him how do he go through the walls okay I can’t kill him he’s impossible to kill great Invincible now we have an enemy that will just never despawn good job Gooby now you’re getting a two for your stupid Among Us character I’m giving a two no no no Spa in a scary enemy so you’re getting a two the background cool though yeah I got rid of him okay ooh I’m just going to bump yours up to a five now good job Gooby yes I like the background so I’m going to give it a seven yeah I’ll give it a solid five all right that’s pretty good all right well let’s go see what Daisy built come on guys trust me it’s good oh my goodness why is he sitting down like that that’s cool he’s so cute he has a flower on his head yeah cuz when I play Among Us I always have the flower on my head wait Daisy do you have a secret base inside yours let me see let me see no no secret base here no it’s just Hollow no no nothing in it all right well you know what Daisy it’s like when you rate a cake you need to taste the inside as well he didn’t break goobies well because his was one block wide it was terrible no it wasn’t you know what Daisy I’m going to give you like a seven yours is pretty good thank you I’ll give it an eight okay and goopy I give you an A K oh yeah she’s first wait Daisy you’re actually in first this round I was first last round too until we saw yours yeah I think that’s about to happen again they do say that history repeats all right guys everyone come and check out my build what the heck is this come on guys you got to fly up to see the whole thing yeah I’m trying to I don’t know what I’m looking at out this thing check it out it is an Among Us character that has scary tongues coming out of his mouth too did you really build this um duh who else built it Gooby I’m pretty sure you Che it somehow cuz this no way you can make this I did not cheat I did not cheat I built it block by block by block wait a minute I have a question if you built this then what is this block called um uh uh that’s a pumpkin this isn’t a pumpkin it’s a shroom light you didn’t build this oh she got you I don’t know the names of the blocks guys I just use the colors that I think will match the best you didn’t even know to look up to find it I just searched up orange and that’s what came up okay nope doesn’t pop up when you type in Orange and you know what since you checked the inside of mine I’m going to check the inside of yours what hold on Daisy hold on hey hey hey chill chill oh my God you’re destroying my Among Us character no oh no secret base in here easy that’s a whole lot of nothing oh my goodness I didn’t have time to make an inside okay cuz I built all these blocks on the outside you didn’t build this yes I did yeah you’re a big Cheo you get a zero guys come on this looks amazing even with it being blown up it still looks good and you know what I actually think you did paste it in because I I I see a lot of lines here what that’s not evidence daddy is that evidence there a lot of evidence down here it seems like you’re breaking the terrain to fit your Among Us character in the game true how do you even know if that’s copying and pasting D you you don’t even know that I’ve seen this before on the cheating channel oh my goodness guys I didn’t cheat technically I just use SL SL super that’s cheating what no it’s not cheating it’s using a command daddy that that’s not in the game though that’s like a cheat command well Daddy I had to do a little bit of hacks and go into the Minecraft servers and then I use SL SL super and anything I built it made super we’re using Che codes that’s literally cheating no it’s not Gooby shut up it’s in you know what Johnny I’m never doing a build battle with you ever again are you kidding me no Daisy come back come on guys one more round one more round E I won’t cheat Gooby please don’t leave me Gooby please no Gooby please I don’t want to play with this anymore oh my good you know what fine guys I guess I’ll just go live in my Among Us character whatever come here me I’m over here you can’t get me I’m going to get you slow down I’m jumping on the couch you can’t get me get back here come here Gooby I’m over here now no no a gooby come back here are you guys doing no she going to get me are you guys breaking stuff daddy we were just playing tag and Gooby was it where’s my TV oh uh I might have accidentally punched it I’m sorry Daddy what happened to the couches and the floor the table the lamps okay that was goobie’s fault why are you guys running around plain taging this house it’s not that fun well Daddy we were just trying to pass some time pass some time you guys can go outside and play tag not my beautiful million our house but it’s cold outside why would we go out there oh I don’t know you you know being like normal kids come on Mary we alled to play over inside over here cuz my parents said we can’t play inside of their house oh oh I see how it is you guys want to bring the chaos to my house well guess what Gooby Daisy you guys are getting kicked out of here you’re going right back to your parents house Daddy no you’re not kicking them out dadd these are my friends oh they’re your they’re your friends okay well Johnny you can go with them he dad now you’re kicking me out your own son y because you know what I just realized I’m taking care of three kids when I only got one so you guys can all go but we don’t want to go to my parents house you know what yes we do want to go to their parents house because their parents are going to be so much better than you Daddy your is mean and you’re strict and you’re yapping at us yeah well you know what I hope they aren’t as strict as me because I don’t like any of you well you know what daddy we’re probably going to have the best time of our lives at their parents house and I bet they’ll allow us to play tag in their house well good bye daddy leave come on guys yeah yeah I want you guys to leave get out of here and never come back bye Marty um are you guys sure you want to do this our parents are kind of weird well do you want to stay here with my daddy who’s yelling in your ear holes yes I’d rather stay here yeah we got to go back to my house we got to see so many cool stuff over there and my parents probably make us some dinners dinners oh my gosh I bet they cook the best dinner ever come on guys what are we waiting for okay wa guys this house is massive I didn’t know your parents were literal millionaires I mean kind of I guess I thought works a lot this is the coolest house ever and it’s right on the water and look at this swimming pool this is awesome I’m going to go inside of it oh yeah no oh no get out of the pool hurry before they see why it’s warm in here come on guys we’re not really allowed to go in there wait why I don’t know Mommy just says we can actually see I took a poop in there and my parents got really mad what Gooby you pooped in here ew yeah it was hard to clean out but uh it look good now look how nice is oh my gosh all right well let’s just go inside and see where your parents are at okay but before we go in I have to warn you warn me about what Daisy do not ask for candy don’t ask for candy but I love candy yeah okay don’t sh don’t mention cake e no cake no cake and no candies don’t even mention it okay what’s going to happen if I mention it you don’t want to find out whatever Daisy I think you guys are just being dramatic there’s no way your parents are worse than my daddy all right see for yourself come on guys let’s go inside mommy daddy are you guys here oh my God it’s Daisy and Gooby I haven’t seen you guys in such a long time mommy hi Gooby uh Gooby uh are those shoes on your feet right now oops oops uh I take them off right now sorry Mommy do you guys have your shoes on too up it looks like Daisy has them on oh no um my shoes are actually sock so I don’t have shoes on uh Daisy Gooby who’s your new friend oh my name’s Johnny uh I’m friends with Gooby and Daisy and I don’t like my daddy so I came to this house oh okay well Welcome to our house um we have a lot of cool things here we have a nice kitchen with a lot of nice food um we have a fish tank wow this kitchen is freaking awesome excuse me did you just use a potty word in my house what freak is not even a curse word he said it again he said it again in my house I can’t believe this I can’t believe this stop uhoh uh he didn’t mean it mommy that’s not a c word Jerry Jerry who is Jerry that’s our dad Jerry get down here right now hello kids what seems to be all the problem down here uh Jerry this this new kid Johnny whoever he is he just said a curse word in my kitchen in my house no I’m sorry Dad he didn’t mean it that’s okay he’s just learning our house rules we have a couple rules around here Johnny well uh Mr daddy um is one of the house rules that I can’t say the FW there’s no way he just said that there is no way don’t worry honey I’ll take care of this now Johnny in our house if you say a bad word it means you have to do extra chores for the day wait chores what the heck are chores guys you didn’t tell me about this D we don’t want these chores we want to play outside now Gooby remember the house rules if someone says a bad word they have to do extra chores I’ll bring it to the slap room oh right now Gooby remember before you all play outside you need to do your chores all white all what all right then what’s our first chore so we can go outside and play tag well I think a chore that Johnny could do since he has a big mouth is going to be cleaning our fish tank what cleaning your fish tank oh heck no I am not cleaning any fish tanks I think that sounds like a great idea well Johnny follow me no guys help me I cleaned it like five times it’s not that bad you cleaned a fish tank five times oh my gosh this is the biggest fish tank I’ve ever seen in my life yep we have a lot of weeds in here that all needs to be ripped out all right I don’t think this is actually safe for a little boy to be going in this big fish tank all alone well would you rather having your mouth washed out with soap or go in that fish tank um I’ll go in the fish tank okay how do I go in don’t worry I’m trying lot of times um how do I go inside the fish tank he just going right over here no oh gosh there’s no way you just put water all over my floor oops oh someone’s going to go in the Spanky room oh no this fishy oh Gooby you’re going to kill a fish oops mommy do something let me just put him back in there uh oops Gooby what are you doing look now I had to save the fish because of you uh oops I’m really sorry Gooby that was very bad very bad boy oo Gooby you got called a bad boy oh why do you guys have to see that Gooby you’re going to have to follow me no no mommy Gooby was just trying to help Johnny’s never been here before well I don’t care he just broke the fish tank and a fish almost died on his watch yeah but he didn’t mean to follow me we’re going to the spank room what the spank room over there I’m going to spank that butt in front of everybody what the heck is going on oh man I watch is this yie stop being a pain in the butt I’m going to make this really fast Gooby just keep your eyes closed all right guys I’ll be right back all right Gooby good luck bye Gooby looks like the fish tank is a little too complicated for you kids and the entrance to the fish tank upstairs uh we’ll just leave Gooby down to his punishment and in the meantime let’s go clean up some trash in the backyard what trash I am not cleaning up trash no no Daddy it’s okay we’ll go clean the trash it’ll take no time at all and then when you’re done you’ll have plenty of time to play before dinner come on Johnny oh my goodness I don’t want to do this Daisy it’s fine we just have to do it or’ll be quit what the heck this is trash yeah they have parties out here pretty often oh my goodness this is so much garbage okay I guess we got to break it all all of it oh my gosh what the heck are these big brown blocks are these poop yeah our cats take really big poops oh my gosh this is actually disgusting all right I think we broke it all ooh there’s some trash over here too all right put that in there and destroy it all right Daisy that was pretty easy hopefully we got it all because if we didn’t he’s going to be really mad all right let’s go tell him let’s go tell him um Mr daddy uh we cleaned up all the trash you put it all in the separate trash cans recycling in the recycling and trash in the trash um yeah that’s that’s what we did Daisy right yep we sorted it did you make sure to clean all the trash in the ocean too those sea turtles are going to be dead if you don’t get all of those straws out of there wait what no you didn’t tell us to do that no we are not going in the ocean and cleaning trash I’m just kidding Johnny this is my sense of humor it’s very good let me go check your work and I’m sure your mother will be ready with dinner soon Daisy all right oh gosh Daisy hopefully we didn’t mess it up and your dad approves of our work we definitely probably messed it up I don’t think I sorted mine Gooby is such a pain in the butt sometimes I’m sorry you guys had to see that well Mommy where is Gooby let’s just say he’s punished for right now wait he’s punished yeah he’s in his room being a very bad boy well uh we just did some chores so uh can we do whatever we want now oh yeah sure you guys can go have some fun just don’t go where Gooby is well we’re going to go upstairs so I can show Johnny my video games o video games now you see since you haven’t been here da we actually sold all your video games I think I got you a few board games instead wait what yeah I needed the money for my chia seed collection oh my gosh no video games this house sucks what did you just say in my house Johnny again for the second time already that’s not even a curse word it just suck okay well I’m going to start making dinner over here just don’t go over to the left in that room okay we’re not going to go into the left in that room come on Daisy let’s go play some board games I guess I guess I don’t have a PC anymore oh my room’s this way so come on ooh this is a nice upstairs wa Daisy this room is so sick yeah I don’t really have much you got a kitty cat hey Mr Kitty Cat what’s your kitty cat’s name his name is fluffy fluffy yeah is Fluffy the one that was taking the big poops in the backyard yes that’s fluffy wow ooh uh what’s in here is my bathroom wow um can I take a quick little poop yeah but shut the door all right fine I’ll just wait until after dinner to take my poop a somebody help me get me out of here wait what is that Gooby Daisy did you hear that yeah I think that’s Gooby I think he’s in his room wait where’s his room at I think he’s in the room next door to us wait which room we got to get him out of there Gooby gooby where are you is that you guys wait I think I hear him in this room I’m in here I’m stuck all right Daisy can we go in here I don’t think this is a good good idea that’s my parents room and we’re not allowed in there well Gooby is in there so why can’t we go in there that’s cuz goobie’s in trouble all right well you know what I don’t care about your parents’ rules Gooby where are you what the heck Gooby help help I’m stuck in here Gooby how’ you end up in a cage my mommy put me in here she’s mean what oh my gosh your mommy is evil she trapped you up in a cage yeah that’s just a regular punishment around here guys I’m starting to think that your parents are more strict than my daddy I told you how is that even possible well can you guys get me out of here hey Gooby on no more cage for you yay there you go Gooby oh guys look it’s a gaming PC oh yeah this is so awesome I’m going to play so many games you can’t play that okay why it’s just a PC that’s our daddy’s work computer oh so we can’t play fortnite on it no we cannot play fortnite on it what about some Roblox no I don’t think yes any games on there I can log into my account he’ll never know trust me no just turn it off turn it off all right fine I guess we just won’t play video games and won’t have fun oh kids are you guys ready for dinner where are you oh no guys your dad’s coming into his room quick Gooby go back in here the hide I want to go back in the cas oh man we let you out soon o Daisy good idea let’s hide underneath the bed go go go go go hurry they better not be in my room oh oh gosh let’s see Gooby have you seen your friends anywhere uh nopes I never seen them anywhere I’m just stuck in this casage oh man I’m so sad well Gooby you’ll have to think about what you’ve done but I think I’ll let you out just in time for dinner oh really okay uh well I guess I’ll go find my friends and then we’ll go right down for dinner okay yes that sounds very good just make sure they come down and wash their hands okay yes I make sure oh gosh Daisy that was a close one but at least your daddy said Gooby free finally but Johnny I told you my parents are weird we just need to go back home back home well we can’t skip out on dinner how about this let’s just eat dinner and then we’ll leave okay that sounds great all right come on let’s just replace all these blocks back so your Daddy has no clue that we were under his bed you guys it’s SLE you got to wash your hands okay okay Gooby we’re coming that was a close one washing washing hey I want to wash my hands get me my wait Gooby oh yeah I’m Wasing my hands show good my turn move we have to go downstairs so fast all right come on Daisy you’re Slowpoke kids dinner’s ready we’re coming we’re coming I hope you brought your appetite Johnny because we have a special dinner for you a special dinner ooh what are you guys cooking up I got a bunch of sandwiches there you goce smoothie a veggie burger for you gooby cuz you can lose some weight and Daisy here you go another veggie sandwich thank you um mine has too many um veggies on it uh Gooby you need that that’s healthy for you yeah I don’t really like this grass that’s in my sandwich can I get rid of the grass no you have to eat it as I cooked it well you know what I don’t like the way you cooked it I don’t want grass in my burger excuse me Johnny you are a guest in my house and you will respect my wife’s cooking well I think your wife’s cooking sucks with a capital S uh uh she didn’t say that Jerry you got to do something with these kids or my head’s going to explode I think it’s time for you to be punished punished yes it’s clear that your parents have not given you any discipline follow me upstairs wait what I am not following you you are not my daddy so you can’t tell me what to do uhoh Johnny I think this is just too what he says um no actually instead I think I’m going to leave this house and I’m going to go home so I’ll see you guys later oh what what the heck hey why is there iron doors here uh-oh well you see here Johnny that’s our new security system it keeps robbers out and bad kids like you guys inside oh my gosh this isn’t fair let me out let me out this is what a proper household looks like Johnny well you know what Jerry I think it’s finally time for them to go to bed everyone upstairs what go to bed we are not going to bed at like 6:00 p.m. yes we are well in this house you are yes guys you need to say no to your parents and we’re going to be all night playing video games on your computer oh no you won’t you will be locked in Daisy’s room with no computer no video games and we will be going to a 7:00 movie so you better not do anything to our house while we’re gone oh my goodness okay fine I guess that’s what we’re doing just come on guys let’s go upstairs in my room all right fine Daisy I’m following come on Gooby oh man this is why I want to hang out with you guys all the time now that you’re in there I’m going to have to add some extra security measures here we go what the heck me this here are you kidding me and you will learn to not be a bad boy anymore oh my gosh now we’re actually locked in Daisy’s room great but what if we get hungry eat the floor H don’t worry guys I still have my veggie burger yeah I got one too but I don’t want to eat this stupid veggie burger cuz it sucks what the only food you’re getting yes so you will learn to be good children now come on let’s go get ready for our movie let’s do it I’m so excited these bad boys won’t ruin our night guys we can’t just sit in this room for literally the next 12 hours and do nothing what else are we supposed to do yeah but we’re so punished right now well guys there has to be a way to like Escape or something I don’t know we got to find like a crack in the ceiling trust me there’s no cracks anywhere this veggie B is actually not Soo bad I just want to go back home to my daddy he’s so much better than your parents your parents are weird and strict and and they lock us up in Daisy’s room why do you think we hang out with you all the time yeah I guess it’s all starting to make sense now yeah your daddy is actually kind of fun yeah my daddy is pretty cool well uh maybe we just uh flush ourselves down the toilet what goby no we’re way too big to go down the toilet that was stupid I mean I’ve made some pretty big poops and they go down the toilet so maybe it works guys I have a good idea all right hear me out what if we make a secret room to hide from your parents and then we can put traps in there escapes and a whole bunch of other cool things you mean just like we do at your house yes and we could build a secret room and put video games in it that would be so much fun but Gooby you cannot tell Mom and Dad okay I promise you never tell them all right guys but before we build the secret room we need to build some decoys of ourselves so when your parents come back in they look through these iron bars they see fake versions of us playing in Daisy’s room wait it’s a really good idea yeah but how we going to make a de go be I’m a genius all right just give me like one second all right let me just get some of this all right guys check it out I got armor stands armor stand what’s that supposed to mean a doesn’t it look like my face just like you that’s so cool all right there’s one um where should I put you Daisy put me like right here next to the kitty all right good idea good idea oh we’ll have you facing this way all right get your head wow this is going to look like just like we’re here and then Gooby I’ll put you over here in this corner look even our cat can’t tell the difference between the two daies exactly Gooby Hello Kitties okay well where are we going to build this secret room at well since we can’t escape over there maybe we build it somewhere in the bathroom ooh that’s a good idea guys I have a perfect idea what if we go down the drain oo like why s drain pipe exactly and we’re just going to go all the way down wait what no guys we’re oh my gosh there’s a whole ocean down here well yeah we live in the all the water well that’s not good I guess we’re going to have to make it underwater then oh my goodness all right fine I guess that’s what we’re going to have to do well I’m coming down all right well I’m going to put a ladder going all the way to your room down to our secret base all right I’m just going to do something like this do you want to use glass so we can see the ocean yes that’s a genius idea that’s cool it’s like a fish tank base all right now let’s get a trapo and maybe a lever there we go now if you shut that no one would know that there’s a secret base down here not even my mommy or my daddy come on Gooby come down here okay here I come ooh this is going to look so good if we make it out of glass we’ll be able to see all the fishies exactly all right guys everyone start building we need to start making a room guys it’s starting to look really good I’m going to get some sponges to clear out some of the water and yeah go away water we need more glass we’re placing it as fast as we can all right there we go nice wao this looking really good wait Gooby come inside what are you doing out there all right Gooby look come from underneath come up from underneath there you go good job Gooby come on Gooby fly fly Gooby fly oh my gosh Gooby gooby I’m spped really Gooby all right there we go good job that’s much better guys this is awesome why is this coming out so sick it’s kind of small it’s like an underwater base yeah Daisy I agree it is a little small so let’s make some separate areas where you can go to I’ll work on an area over here well I’m going to go this way okay I’ll go uh this way I want to make the gaming room I’m going to make a place where we can have actual snacks that’s a good idea and I’ll make the bestest bathroom where you can take the big poops and nobody says it’s stiny oh my goodness all right I think this is looking pretty good for a gaming room I think it’s big enough now let me just start working on the top make it more of like a Dome shape just like this oh yeah this coming out so good now all right just going to place a bunch more glass oh heck yes awesome all right now with all this water inside I need to clear all of it using these sponges there we go oh God there’s more over here what goofy is this your room over here yeah I’m making a bathroom you got a lot of water in there so just let you know all right time to start building the ultimate secret gaming room let’s see what we got ooh I got a gaming PC and some gaming desks ooh this looks perfect this gaming setup is going to be so big all right I need to have a desk for all of us though all right there we go 1 two three now we’re going to put a PC on every single one um we need to actually place down a gaming PC as well all right there we go turn all of them on ooh I got to place down a couple of ps5s oh my God that thing is huge all right we’ll place it on the floor then or maybe over here there we go definitely need some Nintendo switches and some TVs all right we’re going to just Place some TVs in front of every single desk now we all have our own TV let’s go all right we got to place down Nintendo switch too all right the next thing we need to do is find some awesome gaming chairs ooh these look pretty good I’m going to get a yellow one a blue one and then a pink one for Daisy this one’s going to be mine this one’s going to be daisies oh God and this one’s going to be goobies oh you made me a gam PC too of course course scoby we’re all getting our own gaming PCs thank you very much then we get to all play together it’s going to be so much fun all right now I’m going to place down a couple of microphones as well oh God there we go now we can all talk with each other um what else can I add ooh I need some ring lights too cuz we’re going to be streaming in this room and boom there we go all right I think the underwater gaming room is now officially completed and it looks so awesome oh guys what are you working on over here wo Daisy this is coming out pretty cool oh God dang it um you just ruined all your carpet yeah I accidentally broke the glass Daisy what type of foods are you going to put in this room um only like the best foods ever uh chocolate cake yes chocolate cake and lots of pink Donuts ooh wait pink why do they got to be pink because Pink’s my favorite color well can we get some yellow frosted donuts those my favorite do they even make those yes they do obviously well then yes we can all right well let me go see what Gooby working on okay Gooby whoa what is this I’m making us all our own private bathroom wow is this mine over here yep we’re going to have a blue and a yellow and a pink well I think the bathrooms are coming out super awesome Gooby thank you thank you well guys what if your parents somehow figure out that we’re making a secret room that they’re not supposed to know about um then we’re all going to get locked in a cage no what if we turn it around and lock them in a cage yeah and come up with like some traps how are we supposed to do that some traps we need to think ooh guys look I found this cage trap that when you step on it it makes a cage around you what if we use these o that’ll be perfect and don’t know exactly how we feel all right well everyone come upstairs help me place them all right what if we place them like right in front of this door cuz obviously they’re going to come through this door when they want us I mean I think so they might just leave us l in here forever don’t say that Daisy all right just going to break this ooh we can have a pit that goes all the way down to our base right here wait so you think they’re going to fall yes they’re going to fall all the way down oh all right let’s just build this out like this maybe one more lower there we go this looking pretty good and then it like attaches to our B so we can go in there and see them and say h you you’re being too striet stop punching us exactly Gooby ooh Daisy this is looking pretty good good yeah that way we can talk to them all right there we go we just got to connect it all now Gooby what are you doing I’m trying to help don’t mess anything up Gooby I swear sorry all right this looking good I think this staircase is going to work perfectly we’ll just put glass all around here so no water goes inside our base there we go and boom I think it’s completed I think so too that’ll keeps my parents to be so Swit wait guys what we didn’t even put the traps in here oh my God gosh okay okay we’re coming in all right Gooby come on come in here I’m swimming come on Gooby hurry up okay I’m in all right get rid of all this water there we go all right now let’s place down these traps they’re going to fall down just like this get rid of all this water oh God this is a long Fall Guys um are we sure we’re not going to kill them no they’ll be fine all right no one go in there and step on those did you hear that Gooby step on what I want to see stop it stop it Gooby you’re not going to see anything I can’t see at least all right guys now the left thing I want to do is add some security cameras so that will mean when they’re close to going into the traps we’ll be able to see them should we have an alarm system ooh we should that would be so good all right I just placed this camera right in front of the door perfect I could see the door perfectly hey Gooby I see you you see me hello oh God you’re so ugly in the camera hi all right perfect uhoh guys there’s a hole right here Gooby no don’t fall into it Gooby I didn’t want to fall in there I just want to see what’s in here the hole is a trap we just made it Gooby it’s a trap oh it’s a trap yes ah that movie was so great wasn’t it honey it was actually really really good those kids behave so well yeah not like our kids I’m glad they’re home but boy did they learn some bad behavior from that Johnny yeah I agree you know what we should probably check on them yeah they’re probably getting into trouble right now let’s go look oh no guys I think your parents are home I hear them talking about the movie downstairs oh no we have to hide what we do what are we do Qui everyone hide go to our secret base go go go go go go go yeah going down down down down get down get down all right let me shut that go fast go go go go go go go all right I’m going to check the security cameras Oh no Gooby I’m scared I know if our parents find out they’re going to do some bad stuff to us kids kids you guys behaving in there Gooby are you being a good boy why are they not responding Jerry why are they just staring at one another I guess they’re giving us the silent treatment maybe we were too hard on them well you know what two can play at that game I’m not going to talk to you guys for the rest of the night oh don’t be like that honey maybe we should go in and check on them you know what no I have something better I’m going to make them chocolate cake and then you can just stare at it that punishment idea might be the most evil one yet oh that’s why I married you well Jerry follow me downstairs let’s go get this chocolate cake guys they’re going to get chocolate cake to eat in front of the cage wow that’s really me I didn’t even know my parents ate chocolate cake but guys the decoys work they thought that was actually us let’s go uh but what happens if um they come back and they try to talk to us and um they just can’t cuz there a well Gooby that’s why we added the traps then they’re going to get mad that we’re not talking they’re going to come inside and then boom they’re going to fall into the Trap oh yeah that’d be a good idea all right let me check the cameras and see if they’re back kids I have one of your favorites right here oo it smells so good and yummy uh-oh she got suoc cake I think I need to go up here no Gooby stay down here Gooby come back down kids do you want some chocolate cake it’s so delicious guys you got to let me out of here I really need some chocolate cake right now no you’re not escaping come on please guys I just want to get the chocol cake Gooby go back down right now okay fine well if you guys are going to come out here we’re going to come in there yes really show it to them honey make sure they sniff it really good guys they’re about to fall into the Trap here we go hey guys you want some of this honey these guys they look like decoys what is this hole don’t worry I’ll save you honey guys they both fell into the traps it worked I can see them all right everyone quick run up here oh they’re going to be so mad I’m kind of scared where am I right now hey guys Johnny is this your doing um no it’s actually uh my doing yeah it is I knew you were a bad influence on our children well Welcome to our secret base that we’ve been hiding from you what a secret base yep secret base this is unacceptable we got video games we got junk food we got it all and you guys are not allowed to take it because it’s ours we were bringing you chocolate cake so you could sniff it yeah well I have chocolate cake to eat down here yeah we have unlimited chocolate cake we don’t want your chocolate cake you’re eating chocolate cake and donuts and chips what has gotten into you guys you guys are way too strict so we wanted to make our own secret base that you guys would have no clue this I’m going to tell your daddy on you all right go for it he won’t care I bet he would care no Marty’s so much cooler than you guys I can’t believe what I’m hearing we’re the cool parents that’s supposed to be us you locked your son up in a cage this is being a b boy I had to repr man him and slap him on the booty well now look who’s trapped in a cage it’s you two losers and you guys are not going to be able to escape ever yeah guess what Mama DZ we’re going to go back to M house and play with all of his video games yeah don’t you dare leave me down here Gooby boo oh okay I can’t do that to my mommy hi no no no who Daisy what the heck are you doing sorry I panicked rby do not let your parents out they’re e but just my mommy and my daddy I got to listen them out a little bit Daisy My Little Flower can you please let me and your father out no you guys are so mean to me yeah we’re leaving and you guys are staying here come on guys no don’t leave us and also one more thing your cooking sucks with a capital S come on guys I well I never Gooby you let us out this instant go go go go goby please let me and your father out we love you so much uh I’m going to show guys um but I got to go with Sam because we going to eat some chocolate cake and have a really fun time so sorry come come on Gooby come on come back here right now Gooby gooby yes guys it worked we did it and look now we can escape let me just Place those there there we go man my parents are going to be so mad about that but uh that’s okay I was just hanging I was you guys yeah yeah they’ll forgive you eventually I don’t know I don’t think we can ever come home well it’s fine you guys can live with me and my daddy for the rest of your life let’s go yay we’ll have way more fun anyways I hate this house and I hate your mom’s cooking yeah me too yeah my mom and daddy are super mean come on guys let’s go back to my daddy’s house follow me yeah oh wait guys one more thing Let me just poop in this pool real quick yeah I’m going to poop in your Sho oh yeah leave a little treat for your parents oh yeah you guys are so gross that’s right think about your pool all right guys come on follow me daddy daddy where are you we’re back home what the heck um daddy oh what do you guys do back I don’t like you guys I don’t want you guys here Daddy um why were you crying I was not I was I wasn’t crying I was uh I was sneezing yeah I was sneezing I didn’t sound like sneezing yeah Daddy you were definitely crying we all heard you crying okay fine you guys caught me I was uh I was kind of missing you guys a little bit wait you were missing missing us yeah I was kind of missing the screaming and the playing tag and breaking stuff in my house so you’re not mad at us that we broke stuff in your house oh no I’m I’m really mad but I kind of just miss you guys being around well Daddy we all came back because we wanted to apologize and we think you’re the bestiest daddy ever really yeah Daddy there’s a lot of other daddies out there that are really mean and they trap us in cages and Feed Us veggie burgers oh that’s horrible that’s that sounds like the worst day ever I like eating your fat food it was really scary but thanks for letting us stay with you Marty a gooby I want to just give you a big old hug oh Mar good thing we’re going to be staying here forever wait what yay and don’t worry mty we going to break lots of your stuff for you no stop my friends are living with us now daddy we’ll break it all no no you guys stay for a little bit St don’t you miss this daddyy don’t you miss this wow that dream was really amazing I just had an amazing idea I’m going to make my dream come to life oh Gooby Daisy Gooby wake up what are you doing in here Gooby really oh hey what’s up I just had a crazy dream wait what was your dream about Gooby uh my dream I just had a giant bunny and I was running on it and just jumping all over the place okay that’s a terrible dream oh hey Daisy did you have a dream too yeah but why are you waking us up right now because guys guys I had amazing idea I want to make my dream come to life what was your dream well the dream was that we had our whole entire house free to us for an entire 24 hours and we threw a crazy party well that’s never going to happen Marty never leaves guys really he’s my daddy if I just ask him to throw a party then he’s obviously going to say yes right maybe um I don’t know about that well guys how about we just go ask him right now and you know what I even place a beted on it I bet $10 he’s going to say yes okay deal Let’s go ask him all right everyone follow me Oh Daddy Daddy where are you I’m outside in the hot tub what outside in the hot tub um daddy why are you in the hot tub with all your clothes on cuz I’m relaxing right now and the water’s a little too hot so I had to put my clothes back on um okay well um daddy uh uh me Gooby and Daisy had a question what’s your question well before I ask you you have to say yes to it all right okay well let’s see what the question is first well do pinky promise you’re going to say yes I Pinky Promise all right uh can we throw a party in the house no hey Daddy you pinky promise I had my toes crossed really Daddy really you guys actually think you’re going to throw a party in my million dollar mansion I told you he was going to say no well he almost said yes well hand over my $10 um Daisy I don’t have $10 Marty you’ll me $10 for what because we made a bet that you’d say yes yeah Daddy and you you had to go around saying no no no no no no you guys are not throwing a party at my house ever that’s like $50 now keep saying no no no Daddy stop saying no I’m not going to stop saying no because you guys aren’t allowed to have a big party in my house oh there’s another $10 great daddy well what if you just invite all your friends too and we just have a big old party together oh my friends yeah I don’t have friends Gooby I don’t want them here if I had friends yeah my daddy’s a loner he doesn’t have any friends I’m going to keep it that way maybe you just make some friends if you at a party or something I I don’t need friends Gooby All I Need Is Me Myself and I in this hot tub well Daddy what are we supposed to do if we can’t throw a party oh I don’t know maybe go play outside throw a ball around or something just stop annoying me oh it’s boring all right guys let’s just go throw some balls around come on we’re going to break something I don’t care as long as there’s no party going on okay oh man I really want to have SW this P yeah guys this so stupid I wish we just had this house to ourselves and my daddy couldn’t come up with these dumb rules oh what if we just asked him to leave and go somewhere well that’s not going to work yeah he’s going to know that if we ask him that we’re going to show a party hm maybe we don’t ask him we have someone else ask him well who else is going to ask him we have somebody else ask him yeah yeah see that’s a good idea um o ooh I got an idea so you know my dad is really lonely and uh he’s looking for a girlfriend yeah yeah what if Gooby calls him and then just acts like like a girlfriend ooh that’s a good idea yeah I could do that my brain is so big that I come up with all these great ideas okay I could call him cuz I just took Daisy’s phone before you took my phone yeah I wanted to play this game where you pop all these balloons and SP pressing them Gooby yeah it’s really fun game you never played no I’ve never played that game before but Daisy just allow Gooby to keep his phone for like keep it Al for like 10 more minutes so we can do this call fine as long as we can have a super cool party yeah it’s going to be worth it okay yeah so what I say to um Mar you would to call him well the first thing is we’re too close so guys everyone come over here let’s go to the living room all right Gooby the first thing we need to figure out is what your voice is going to sound like so uh give us your best girl impression okay I do like this hello I’m a go I’m a go no no this is bad this is bad uh Daisy give us an example since you know you’re a girl just be like hello I’m a girl hello I’m a girl perfect okay that’s better that’s better you need to pretend though that you know that you really like my daddy and you want to take him out on a date I don’t want to do that you need to do it or we can’t have this party he’s stinky and he’s old Gooby just do it okay okay are you ready to call him Gooby yes all right here we go dial his number in and call him well me and Daisy will be super quiet all right okay okay okay it’s swinging it’s swinging okay okay hopefully he answers uh hello hello is this Marty uh yes this is Marty who who’s speaking you guys she’s talking she’s talking okay keep talking uh um yes this is a goal and I am uh I want to go on a date with you this a girl that wants to go on a date with me uh how’d you get my number um I found it on the floor oh you found my note you found on the billboard oh okay okay uh where do you want to go on a date yes so um if you just want to leave your house and just go somewhere very far away from your house for the whole day then I’ll go on Dat with you I mean I I could do that but I have a million dollar mansion that you can come over to uh nope I don’t like million Mansions um I only like um mountains oh you’re a mountain girl okay adventurous I like that I like that so you want me to go into the mountains yes go far into the mountains and don’t come back for at least a whole day and then how would I find you in the mountains uh just find your nearest cave in the mountains and just yell and there hey I’m here and then I’ll come out and we go on the best day ever really yes wait but I didn’t get your name what’s your name uh my name is uh you want to know my name yeah I would love to know your name you guys you guys what do I what do I say my name is say like Angelica or something no how about uh big Bera yeah yeah yeah I say big Bera okay okay uh my name is Big B jelica big birth jelica yes okay that’s a very uh very fancy elegant name the best name I’ve ever heard Big W jelica that’s my name so just call that when you’re here okay sounds good I’m I’m on my way okay yes leave right now and don’t come back to your house for at least 24 hours okay sounds good to me okay I love you you guys I think it walks I think it walks yes let’s go Gooby you’re the best girl I’ve ever seen in my life you’re probably you’re a better girl than Daisy but I’m an actual girl all right well that was a really good impression right Daisy what ever guys yes guys uh oh my daddy’s coming I have really important news what Daddy I have a a business trip that just popped up and I have to be gone for 24 hours yeah wait a business trip yep it’s a very important one and it has something to do with the the mountains Daddy are you lying to us no I am not I am not lying to you right now you can’t see in my eyes that I’m lying I’m not lying wait so how long are you going to be gone I will be gone for 24 hours yep 24 hours very important business trip since I’m going to be gone for 24 hours I think I need to get you guys a babysitter what no no no no no no we do not need a babysitter no uh uh daddy Gooby will be our babysitter Gooby you really think you could be a babysitter yes I’ll keep make sure everybody does all the rules yeah Daddy babysitters are super expensive and lame so just teach them all the rules okay there’s three rules Gooby and you need to follow these rules for the next 24 hours okay okay what’s the rules the number one one rule the most important rule no parties no parties never a single party we will never have a parties nope okay all beds need to be made yep yep and then you got to do the dishwasher we just got to put the dishes in there all and just press the buttons and oh and then the the fourth rule no clog in the toilets okay I’ll just uh if I need take of poops I’ll just go in the pool don’t you dare go in the pool go to the toilet just don’t CL that wasn’t a rule you didn’t say that was a rule the PO a rule now fifth rule no pooping in the pool hot tub R daddy you’re just making rules up now no I’m not you cuz you just made made a made me make a rule all right daddy we’re not going to break any of those rules all right just uh go on your business trip and we’ll keep the house safe all right guys and remember no parties all right daddy noties wa what can we have money for snacks no but you owe me like $70 no no no no no that’s like 150 no really 160 bye daddy guys we did it my daddy’s leaving the house for 24 hours now we can do whatever we want but we have no money how are we supposed to throw a party without money Daisy we could just we could just steal all right steal yeah we’re kids we can get away with anything we want we could just maybe like sell some stuff in the house like maybe this pillow right here that’s a good idea oh you just broke the couch uh it doesn’t matter Gooby my daddy’s not here to yell at you oh we can just do whatever we want yeah we can just break the TV like that we can jump up here yeah yeah we could jump up there we could we could run in the hallways like this we can scream as loud as we want too let’s go I’m going to go take a poop in the pool wait Gooby hold on you shouldn’t take a poop in the pool that was one of the rules Gooby yeah but I thought you said we don’t even have to follow the rules I know but what if me and Daisy want to go in the pool we’re going to be swimming with your poop yeah I don’t want to swim in your poop well guys what’s the first thing we should do to start getting our party together we need decorations wait decorations yeah it looks flame in there oh yeah and we need some food too we need some good foods oo Gooby you’re right all right guys how about this let’s decorate the house a little bit and then we can go to like a Walmart and then we can get a bunch of junk food that’ll be so much fun all right so how do we decorate this house to make it look like a crazy party uh we need balloons balloons yes balloons balloons ooh there’s a bunch of balloons um I got a bunch of yellow balloons check this out I got pink ones wa look so good all right let’s play some balloons around and see what they look like ooh these are looking good I like this I like this this is good all right uh I’ll get some blue balloons too because Gooby your favorite color is blue right oh yes we should add some blue that’s good there we go it’s starting to look like a party now should we put some outside too yes we need them outside we should have like a music play all and we could make like a dance floor somewhere oh my God why is that such a good idea oh that’s probably cuz I’m the best o check it out I found this juke box that’s perfect for music where do we want to put the Dance Floor what if it’s outside like right here Gooby o yes maybe put like a carpet down or something hold on there’s something better all right Gooby check this out what I need you to do is break some of this floor okay I’ll break we’re going to make a big square like this there we go okay it’s starting to look good you keep breaking I’m going to get the blocks I’m going topl some of this y Daisy what are you working on I’ve just been placing more balloons all right good good good all right there we go this is looking pretty cool right yep yep now watch this we’re going to go every other block with Glowstone and then these glowstone lamps in between wao it’s like a golden glowing Dance Floor exactly and then we’re going to be able to dance on it that seems super good all right there we go just add a few more just like this and boom check it out dance floor is completed wo and then we got have the DJ up here all right guys and this is going to be where the DJ is so I’m going to add the DJ mixer check that out oh yeah we need some bigles all right this is looking kind of insane this going to be the bestest dance Flor wa guys this dance floor is actually looking amazing we got the speakers the lights we got the little mixer board oh yeah this looks so good I can’t wait to dance on it yeah we should wait till night time and that’s when we’ll throw our party cuz that’s when the lights will look the coolest yeah all right guys what should we build next uh maybe like a giant cake what a giant cake we don’t have the stuff for a cake that’s why we have to go to Walmart well guys how about we go to Walmart right now get a bunch of food get a bunch of supplies and then we’ll come back and build more well let’s do it all right everyone follow me let’s go to Walmart yes guys we made it to Walmart let’s go yes oh we’re going to get some much cool stuff all right guys so we know what we need to get right we need to get junk food and maybe some more party supplies all right yes maybe some drinks yeah and Gooby do not get caught up in the toy section all right we could be here for hours all right but if there some cool toys I just want to at least look at them no no looking at the toys Gooby come on but I want to look at the toys too all right fine I kind of want to look at the toys too we’ll just take like 5 Seconds to look at the toys okay okay all right guys everyone follow me hello welcome to Walmart what why is there a chicken talking to us I don’t know my name is Mr Cluckers oh can I help you find anything today um I I think we’re fine um talking chicken oh yeah uh where’s the toys no Gooby don’t say that oh we have a fine selection of toys right here wow look at all these toys these are awesome look at the kitties oh we can get all of these Lambs in different colors we’re having a sale on these toys right now they’re only $19.99 what almost $20 um guys don’t you remember we don’t have any money oh that means we can’t get toys yeah guys no toys we can’t spend any money on these toys all right okay all right uh Mr Cluckers do you know where the food is we’re looking for the fattest foods ever yes we have a wide selection of foods just follow me okay we’re following you here we have some sandwiches and some veggie burgers ew veggie burgers that’s disgusting what does that mean right here we have uh some freshly baked cakes ooh cakes we love cakes we need to get like 10 of them yeah I’m just going to take a bunch of these there we go get some cupcakes as well let’s go o I let me try this one I going need to try this one yeah we need taste test them everyone eat them eat them really yummy mhm mhm this one’s good are you sure you can pay for all this um yes Mr Cluckers we’re millionaires duh my daddy like owns fortnite all right as long as you have the money all right Cluckers do you have any like uh uh chips or like other fat foods we’ve got plenty of snacks and ice cream ooh ice cream where’s the ice cream at follow me let’s go oh man show it’s cold over here yeah it’s super chilly oh my goodness these ice creams look so good though no we need like one of every flavor yeah I want all the ice creams we have vanilla chocolate butter scotch and a lemon ooh these are really good you got to try some of these look try that oops no you’re breaking it Gooby oops just try it hey are you breaking our displays no okay it just it slipped all right so the ice was was slippery and my friend Gooby slipped yeah cluckles it’s okay here have some ice creams yeah make you feel better I can’t eat on the job and plus I’m lactose intolerant that’s lame yeah that’s lame yeah cluckles I saw you a more fun maybe you what do you do for fun around here uh well actually uh I’m a weekend DJ wait what I DJ Cluckers you actually know how to DJ yeah I’ve won some awards online guys we should invite Cluckers to DJ at our party that would be so awesome we have to let’s do it Cluckers we’re throwing a huge party later and uh we want you to come over and DJ for it really I mean not that you can’t afford it since you’re millionaires but I do charge $1,000 a night what $11,000 yep but it’s worth it cuz I’m the best DJ ever I mean if you are actually the best DJ ever then I guess it’s worth it right guys yeah we can just use Mor’s credit card oh good idea Daisy all right Cluckers we’ll see you later tonight all right all right uh let me just go get my set list together oh okay that that’s fancy let me know if you need anything all right bye all right guys let’s just get a few more things at this Walmart and then let’s go back home we have a huge party to plan out yes we got a lot of good stuff so far all right let’s just go down this last style ooh what’s down here oh oh God everyone go back go back go back what’s your daddy doing here I don’t know why is my daddy here oh my gosh let’s see what he’s getting ooh this Su smells smells fishy maybe that girl will like what oh my gosh I think he’s getting stuff for his date he really thinks he’s going on a date he’s buying her snacks but not us that’s not fair yeah my daddy cares more about this fake girlfriend than us we can’t let Molly see us she’s going to be so mad yeah you’re right Gooby wait uh guys where did he go oh there’s Wine Guys he’s coming down here everyone over here everyone over here that girl is really going to want to drink some wine with me cuz I’m handsome oh my gosh we need to sneak around Gooby come on hurry up run down this way oh and there’s ice cream we could have a nice little ice cream date wait there’s cake in Chinese food he’s by the ice cream section guys I think I got everything I need oh maybe I get her a stuffed animal stuffed animal he won’t even buy me toys he’s right here oh I’ll get our panda bear plushy panda bear plushy this is great you always wanted that there’s cake I can get cake too my daddy’s buying his girlfriend cake he never buys us cake how dare he this is so unfair ooh maybe she wants a pps5 a pps5 oh heck no I’m about to raise my voice wait no we can’t get caught you’re right I got to shut up oh and maybe I can even get her Nintendo switch these things are so cool oh heck no I’ve always wanted a Nintendo switch I just want to play Animal Crossing me too it’s my favorite Nintendo switch game ever o oh hey I have an ideos so you know how we don’t have any monies yeah Gooby if we sneak up behind Molly and put all these things into his order so that he just buys those things too o Gooby you’re right genius we’ll have my daddy pay for all these things guys it looks like he’s going up to check out right now hello sir uh I have all these items that I need you to check for me oh yep no problem I’ll just uh ring this up for you wow looks like you’re having a hot date oh yeah I think she’s Spanish she’s sounding really really hot over the phone H did you get her any chocolates uh no you think I need to get her chocolate yeah every girl likes chocolates oh dang it I got to go find chocolate just stay here with my items all right guys my daddy’s leaving to go get one last item now’s our chance come on hey Mr Cluckers um uh my daddy said to also he wants all these and this and he’s going to pay for all that oh okay I’ll just add it to his order don’t forget the toys too run run run run run everyone hide behind these barrels all right I’m back I got some chocolate I got some chocolate all right yep U just ring up all your order over here all right beautiful and it looks like it’s coming to uh $475 $475 I only got a few things yeah 32 cents too I don’t want to pay 32 cents oh well that’s the rules it’s pretty pricey but you got a lot of stuff well I’m not happy about the price uh Mr Chicken man but here here’s my car all right I’ll I’ll swipe that for you you’ll be checked out and ready to go all right oh and can you do one more favor for me uh I have to go to the bathroom real quick can you watch my stuff yes sir it’s right in the back all right I’ll be back in like 5 Seconds wait guys my Daddy’s going to the bathroom let’s get our items and get out of here it’s to hurry oh yeah go go go go go go I got them all I got them all keep running keep running I’ll see you guys at the party well see you Mr Cluckers bye yes guys it worked I got all of our items but we need to get out of this Walmart area because my Daddy’s going to be coming out here any second let’s run yeah let’s go back yep let’s go back to our house come on go go go all right guys everyone let’s go into the kitchen and place down all this food yeah some looks so good all right just going to place down all of these different cakes just like this m these look so good yeah I guess you’re going to love these cakes all right everyone keep placing down a bunch of this food ooh I need the ice cream we have to have ice cream all right just going to place these here oh yeah this ice cream looks so good guys we did so good at going to Walmart feel your daddyy bought this stuff for us yeah he’s such a nice guy oh yeah I like your pizza this a good pizza we can not forget about the pizzas these are my favorite everybody loves good pizza yeah me too all right guys I think that’s enough food in the kitchen what do you think yeah we have a ton of food this is awesome yeah we’re going to feed the entire world with all this food I guess we’re ready for a party no we are not ready for a party yet now we need to like add more fun games well what kind of games do you want us to add hm well we definitely need a bunch of video games so we need like a gaming room oh yeah that’ be super good ooh also there’s these water guns that I feel like it’ll be super fun we should have those by the pool yeah check this out guys I got a squirt gun take that Gooby wait that’s awesome ow guys we could have a big water gun fight by the pool yeah that would be super cool yeah it would be awesome I wish we had a water slide well what we just build one daisy look just get rid of all these and then we could build some cool stuff here all right Daisy so how do we make a water slide well we need really cool blocks and lots of water wait really cool blocks like what type of blocks are we talking about there something that’s pretty okay let’s see what do we have should we make our water side yellow why yellow cuz yellow’s the best color in the world no it’s not all right I’m going to add a water slide right here oh yeah check this out do you think we need a diving board too yeah yes we need a diving board okay I’m making a diving board all right Gooby why don’t you make another water slide next to this one o okay we could have double the water slides uh I’m going to make mine right over here all right nice Gooby nice ooh this is actually coming out awesome all right now I’m just going to go a little bit higher I’m going to even have a turn in my water slide it’s going to turn all right now I’m going to put some of these walls like this for some support just in case you know my daddy wants to go in the water slide it won’t break cuz he’s so fat there we go that’s looking really good do you think this is tall enough oh my gosh you’re insanely High Daisy this is so cool you need to be careful don’t worry I’ll lean in the water oh my gosh oh my gosh that was really scary that was awesome yeah you need to be careful you’re literally going to die I’m not going to die all right all I need to do for my water slide now is add a ladder just like this add a ladder going all the way up and boom guys my water slide’s done oh yeah oh yeah oh my gosh this the fun part that’s so awesome waa Gooby what are you doing I’m making my water slide attached to the roof oh my goodness she going to S super fast and super far this seems a little insane it’s going to be so good ooh wait I just came up with an idea for your water slide what if we use ice for the bottom so you go even faster oh yeah let’s see that all right watch just Gooby look make this the middle part where you actually are on the water slide there we go then we’ll do something like this it’s like ice slide exactly there we go check that out and now we’re just going to do something like this so you stay in the middle and don’t go flying off yeah we don’t want to hurt anybody at this party yeah we can’t have anyone getting hurt and now all we need is to add some water all right do that and wee look at that D I want all right do it do it do it w wo wow Gooby W didn’t you think you went a little slow Gooby yeah maybe a little bit all right I have an idea what if we just get a boat it could be like a little raft like a boat wise yep exactly all right let’s try this blue boat all right here we go oh my God oh my God oh gosh yay that was so much better but how we get the boat back up there um you have to break it and then go all the way up okay but at least you went really fast right yeah that was really cool I want to try your water slide out a little bit all right you can try my water slide test it out woo wo it’s so soft W yeah you go super fast wait Daisy what do you building well we’re by the pool so we have to have towels yeah you’re right we need to have towels to dry off and this is coming out really cool wait I want to try the diving board out come on Gooby let’s try Daisy’s diving board be careful oh God I’m going so high up this is really scary I don’t know if I like this it’s going to be super scary but it’s going to be super fun too I think I’m going to do a backflip backflip oh my gosh Gooby I’m literally almost touching the clouds wao whoa I almost fell off look look at Daisy down there she looks like a little ant hi hey Daisy you’re a little ant whoa I’m scared I’m scared it’s too high up nope nope nope Gooby there’s only one way down uh we just go back down to met nope you have to bounce really high like this oh you’re super high you’re going to touch the ceiling of the clouds check this out [Applause] Gooby I stood back flip that was so cool that was a crazy trick let me try one wa all right Gooby you do it Go Gooby go go Gooby go I know if I can do this it’s so scared you can do it oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh wo wo you said a cannonball wo that was super fun let’s go well what you got here this is a flamingo floaty we should place these in the pool it’s so cute all right just do something like this there we go Place another one over here yeah very cute and they’re very Flamingo Flamingo you just make that word up yeah these are awesome this is actually starting to look like a party now looks like a whole water park over here all right Gooby check this out we’re going to have a fight what we’re going to be fighting yep we’re going to have a fight take that Gooby oh Water gum fight all right Gooby come on let’s fight in the pool Daisy’s going to be the ref all right Daisy so you need to count us in when to start shooting and if Gooby does something illegal what if you do something illegal um it’s my house so my rules technically we all live here yeah no cheating all right fine I won’t cheat all right yeah are you guys ready I’m ready okay I’m ready 1 two three oh oh God come here Gooby ow ow you hit me I got you you got it doy hold on I I still got some more shots left I got to hide behind this Flamingo I’m hiding behind this Flamingo take that yeah got you ow yeah yes got you I got three more shots I’m dodging you I’m dodging you I’m going to mess you up I’m going to mess you up yeah take that I’m out of I’m going to hit you with the water gun now I ran out hey this hey no cheat stop it yeah yeah you like that you guys can’t hit each other take this take this take that Gooby no no no I don’t even need the water gun anymore I’m just fist fighting my water gun broke I think ow ow okay okay okay stop stop stop uh Daisy who won neither of you why because you started punching each other okay well I I ran out of water yeah me too you’re literally in a pool just get more yeah I probably could have just got more but it was a lot of fun punching Gooby in the face yeah shame here guys stop fighting we have so much more to do my friends are coming over I don’t want to be embarrassed wait Daisy you have friends yes I have friends I didn’t know Daisy had friends yeah I’m going to be here and I’m J’s friend so yeah Gooby is my friend all right you guys are related it’s different yeah if we were fighting I’d be so embarrassed you’re Daisy’s brother so it doesn’t count okay I don’t actually think Daisy has friends I do too yeah she does all right well you know what I have friends too and they’re all coming over so I think Daisy’s right we need to focus on the party come on guys let’s work on the next part all right guys I think the next thing we need to add is some gaming PCs so that means all of our friends can come over and game yeah that sounds really cool we can just we just get rid of all these couches over here oh yeah that’s a good idea let’s just get rid of all this poop we don’t need to sit down when we can just be gaming yeah while you guys are making a gaming room I’m going to keep decorating the whole house ooh good idea Daisy add some like more balloons and like streamers and confetti I’m going to add everything I can all right good Daisy go go go we don’t have too much time guys before our friends get here all right Gooby I think we cleared this out enough yeah so what do we want to put these gaming pieces on maybe like um some desks yes desk we need desks so I got these desks check this out we could just do something like this and then we could do another one over here it could be like a land party you know what a land party is Gooby uh nope what’s that it’s when a bunch of people get together eat food and then they game wow that seems good I think I want to do that yeah it’s pretty awesome all right so now we need to get some gaming PCs ooh check this out is those look cool yeah it has little like a little RGB uh little yeah got the lights exactly all right what else could we do to decorate them let’s see um maybe we have some some like pps5 and some SES check this out oh God it’s huge wa is this like a new one or something yeah it’s too big though looks ugly maybe we should have like a little inent area wait a what like a little little level in he that all people can go and heal and sit down and heal um I don’t know if that makes a lot of sense you know they just sit down right here and then they could play games in here maybe I mean I guess o I’m adding down a bunch of Nintendo switches cuz Everyone likes Nintendo switches right yeah you can play like Marios or like Mario Karts or maybe like some Smash Bros all right now I need to get some chairs um which one looks really good ooh check this out I just found a bunch of awesome chairs you found some shars yeah it’s your favorite don’t you love chairs I love me some shars yep I found a bunch of of them I’m placing them down all around here there we go and then we’ll get a pink one for Daisy um what are you doing Gooby I’m making like a little area down here with some stairs so that you can walk down here we could have eded like TVs or something cooler you put some TVs right there no you can’t Gooby you might be the worst builder in Minecraft get rid of all this get rid of this yes you’re terrible at building oh man I was just trying to help put some shs over here maybe some things nope terrible terrible get get rid of it get rid of it what do you want to makeing you all right since we have no TVs we need to add TVs so let’s see how big these are oh a wallmounted one that’s cool we could put why over here ooh yeah we should probably place this big one down over here um let’s see boom there we go we got a big TV there and then we can have mini TVs to look at while you’re gaming ooh that’s a good ide wow it’s like a triple monitor setup exactly Gooby we could just extend these desks all the way out to there that looks really good wait I’m going to match it with the same block there we go okay so I can help you yep just do exactly what I’m doing exactly what you do first extending the TVs just like that just put some TVs right here nice kooby this is looking insane this like the ultimate game mod and look you could still walk through look you can still walk through just like that yep yep all right is there anything else we could add for our gaming room uh m I don’t know I think it looks pretty good wait I have another idea check this out there’s a bunch of gamer signs I can add them up here like this there we go maybe I just add some carpets ooh yes good idea good idea there we go now we got the gamer Zone ooh Daisy all this is looking super good yeah I’m adding some grills too wo oh my goodness guys this is actually starting to come together it’s looking like a party it’s going to be the bestest party ever heck yeah it is oo guys I just came up with an insane idea what is it so we got the pool which is really fun we got the games which is pretty fun um but I thought it would be cool to add go- caring go caring yes go caring that would be so awesome what’s your go- carding Gooby really yeah okay fine I’m about to show you what go- carding is right now okay let me see I want to see what go carding all right check this out you have a cart and it goes really fast wo wo oh yeah check out this drift oh yeah I’m drifting I’m drifting oh God I crashed it’s like you’re ding a little car yeah Gooby do not get in it no Gooby Gooby gooby you should not be allowed to drive wo oh my gosh Gooby slow down this thing go so fast Gooby slow down you’re going to crash Gooby you’re going to crash uh uhy help me how you stop this thing stop pressing the gas pedal oh my God oh my God Gooby I need some help o Gooby get out out Gooby get out get out of here get out just leave it there just leave it there it might blow up or something just get away from it that was crazy okay well we clearly need to make some sort of path because Gooby doesn’t know how to drive yeah we definitely need a track yeah we should add a go-kart track we got need one of those guys we should have the go-karting track going through the house that would be so cool should we move this table wait hold on I just see an amazing track in my in my face in your face yeah it’s in my face right now hold on somebody is cooking up some Bacons over here Gooby that’s steak you can’t eat it it’s still raw this bacon tastes little funny it’s not bacon it’s not no it’s a steak and they’re raw oops I’ll pull it back on jail yeah don’t need any more of it okay just one more bite no you’re going to get sick we Gooby yeah I think I need to use the bathroom where’s the bathrooms oh my goodness Gooby really uh-oh in the pool you in the pool there’s no way that’s disgusting Gooby why would you do that uh oops Yeah Big oops Gooby I think we need maybe we need some big old bathroom somewhere right here all right you could add some bathroom if you want that’s a good idea I’m going to make one um right over here all right well I’m working on the go-kart Racetrack and it’s coming out amazing wait you’re putting it upstairs um yeah I think it’s going to go upstairs and downstairs and all the stairs Oo we don’t need this room anymore right cuz I’m going right through it not my room not my problem my dad’s going to be so mad if he finds out what we’re doing I hope his date’s going well yeah he’s too busy on a date with that imaginary girl we made up yeah I wonder what he’s doing right now he’s probably just walking up a mountain trying to find this girl oh that is true at least he’s exercising yeah he does need to exercise guys I’m going to have the racetrack go inside our house this is actually crazy you better not destroy anything in my room I’m nowhere near our rooms don’t worry all right time for for the best part oh yeah just going to break some of this there we go oh my goodness I’m missing the bestest bathroom so good nice Gooby how many toilets are you putting I’m putting so many of them right now I have 1 2 three 4 5 six seven nice kooby nice seven whole bathrooms seven bathrooms yep and I put seven sinks that’s so many sinks yep we going to need lot them if everybody wash your hands at the same time yeah that is true I need to put some towels over here now I’m going to make an entrance an entrance yeah right here goopy yeah everyone can see in this bathroom yeah you need to be able to see where the bathroom is but there’s not even a wall so if you go to poop in here anyone can see it you need privacy Gooby that’s weird you need some privacies yes privacies okay I’ll I’ll make it a little B don’t worry okay all right good let me just see here I just do one of these I’m just close over this wall right here do some of that some of this guys this RAC track is coming out so awesome I can’t wait for you to drive it I’m almost at the Finish Line I just got to make that go all the way to here ooh Daisy I like what you did up here I just tried to make it pretty yeah this looks so good let’s see what rooms in here whose room is this oh oh um Daisy I think I’m going to have to go through your room you’re going through my room I might have have to you can’t why cuz you’re going to break everything um okay what if I go through the bathroom that works well since Gooby is making a new bathroom downstairs we don’t really need the upstairs one anymore yeah and girls don’t poop anyways oh exactly wait is he J nope girls don’t poop then what do they do when they need to go to bathroom they don’t go to the bathroom yeah how do you not know this Gooby um I’m a little confused yes this is going to be perfect okay now I just got to go straight for a little bit longer right here go past the wall water slides and pass the pool and then we’re going to do a huge turn oh my goodness yes and then we go straight again and then one more huge turn Boom the racetrack is completed but I should probably go around and make it more safe all right there we go do a bunch of this I think I’m going to steal your balloon idea Daisy it’s super good just put balloons everywhere all right perfect and done all right guys the racetrack is now completed who wants to drive it with me I want to oh yeah I do wo Daisy this looks so cool yeah I thought it’ be fun if we had a stage with a DJ you actually made a full stage this is actually insane oh my goodness wow it look like five night FS oh you’re right no it doesn’t Okay it sound looks like a little bit so all right guys everyone come up here all right wait I got to I got to make a finish one I got to make a finish one song I like singing a song really Gooby no Gooby I like singing a song guys this this is really bad it’s not good I love singing I like singing a song about poo poo Gooby come on stop singing everyone up here okay all right are you guys ready to race yeah yes all right everyone start your engines and go in three two one oh God oh God I’m driving you got to turn I got to turn oh God ow sharp turn bye goo yes yes I’m beating you gooby what how’ you beat me bye Gooby no you switched me oh man yes yes yes yes yes go down go down we were stuck no I got to go over here bye guys I guess I’ll just be in first place no no no I’m coming down I’m going to be in for uh-oh um I have a bit of an issue what is it no the racetrack’s broken uh-oh we get out of the dang car oh I’m going to win I’m back at the Finish Line I’m wasting so good guys we need to restart hold on I got to fix something uhoh uh oops uh I didn’t know that I couldn’t go up this all right I need stairs yes that’s what I need I need stairs I think I’m stuck in the pool you guys you’re in the pool all right I’m going to add these stairs and then my car should be able to go up this ramp all right let’s give it a try I’m back on the Dance Floor you guys you’re on the Dance Floor yep and I’m going to sing a really good song all right here I go yes it’s working yes I was able to get up oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m going to do it I’m going to do it all right I go through here now I go inside the bathroom oh gosh oh no this isn’t good ah get in no no I’m about to fall yes yes I’m doing it yes almost there and yes I did it I won um I’m actually going through again so what was it working better this time not at all why I’m going to try again too because the turns are way too sharp I didn’t know I thought they were I thought I they would be easier to control all right am I doing it no Gooby you are not doing it I’m going in here I [Music] go up the stairs up the stairs it’s working it’s working ah is it actually working I just fell off into the pool okay that’s not good uh yeah is it called in the pool now well get it out uh I don’t know how use a crowbar a crowbar yeah what’s a crowbar a crowbar is like a metal bar it’s a metal ball bar what’s what what’s the deal um you can hit things with it o I see it all right guys well at least the racetrack’s kind of fun it doesn’t work completely but it kind of works look see Daisy’s doing it oh never mind it’s a little dangerous ow it’s definitely very dangerous but that’s what makes it fun you know I like riding it in the house better I mean you could do that too I guess Marty’s not here to stop me oh you’re right wow guys I think we put together such an amazing party I mean look at this place I think we did too this place looks awesome it looks so good well there’s still one more thing that we need to do and it’s call all of our friends yes guys this is not a party without hundreds of friends here so everyone get your phone and start ringing some friends Gooby you have my phone start calling everyone oh yeah hello what was that sound I think somebody’s on my phone hello Daddy what the to my house uh-oh Daddy what are you talking about what happened it looks like there’s been a party going on no it doesn’t no Daddy you’re perfect timing to join us we’re looking for people to invite to our party so you’re invited Johnny I said no parties and look what I see I see a bunch of balloons was it a DJ section I mean Daddy it doesn’t that doesn’t even mean that we’re throwing a party we just like balloons wait guys go along okay happy Birthday Marty oh happy birthday yeah happy birthday birday it’s a surprise party daddy my birthday yeah yeah Daddy well jokes on you my birthday is not now well it’s actually Big B jelica B yeah Daddy your girlfriend right yeah your new girlfriends how’ you know that was her name Gooby I never told you that was her name uh oh uh I guess oh you guessed you guess that was her name yes well did you know I went to the top of that mountain all the way back there in a cave waiting for her and guess what all the bugs the bats the reptiles they at my food and my wine maybe you were in the wrong cave yeah Daddy she definitely exists well you know what I think it’s all a lie I think you guys made up a person you prank called me and you sent me to the mountain so you could have this whole party here for you it was goobie’s fault yep goo’s idea what yo no there so many do they didn’t call you make up the Big B jelica and you make you go to the house and go out and then we went to Walmart and bought all the stuff and we didn’t have money so relax sh your trap everyone knows what happens up to now right Gooby you don’t need to resay everything oh well it’s just why I tell you that’s not my fault I trusted you I put you in charge and what was the first rule tell me what the first rule was uh it’s to always wash your hands after you poop no it was not to have a party and what happened go you through a party well technically we didn’t even start the party yet so it’s not even like we had one party Gooby is right all right who’s ready to party the DJ is here what why is the why is the Chicken Guy from Walmart here well Daddy cuz he said he was a really awesome DJ so we hired him for $11,000 a night $1,000 a night you guys got ripped off he’s not going to give you the best DJ skills for $1,000 well that he actually you got ripped off because we put it under your credit card you did what thanks Marty and daddy you actually bought all of the supplies for a party but you didn’t even realize it well I didn’t take my card with me I left it on my desk and my room no I’m going to go broke well Daddy it looks like you got an awesome party here can we come and you know dance on the Dance Floor no getting rid of all this go DJ Cluckers go DJ Cluckers put your hands in the air no we like you just don’t care stop dancing no this is not a party party yeah yeah yeah this is going to I’m going to I’m going to ground you guys okay that’s fine we’re already we’re already at a party yeah Daddy can’t ground us if the party’s in our house well I mean at this point I guess I’m going to join you guys in your party yeah yeah come on check this move out oh yeah it’s called the worm oh my God that’s crazy look at this oh yeah oh yeah bu moves out oh yeah doing good dance today we’re going to be going on a dusty road trip in Minecraft guys check this place out where are we so dusty in here Gooby it’s not that Dusty cover your mouth sorry wait guys come out here come out here wao check these out guys we have some cars in the front there’s a pink one go so fast the blue one blue one’s mine the yell one what we’re stuck in a desert obviously Marty it’s a dusty road trip yeah Daddy where would you expect us to go to hwi or something I would have loved to go to hwi uh my head’s I’m getting sunburned I need to go inside I mean that is true guys we do need to get some food because I’m going to start getting hungry soon well look around maybe we can find some ooh yeah Daisy you’re right and also guys it looks like our cars aren’t built up yet look it’s missing Wheels an engine maybe a steering wheel oh no how we going to go anywhere yeah these cars are literally poop right now there’s nothing we could do with them man I’m so hungry I I needed wheels on this car so I can go to McDonald’s okay Daddy there’s no McDonald’s here all right calm down what do you mean oh come on I need to go back home I need my bed oh oh I found something oo look at all this food I got just going to collect that all oh yeah guys I got all the food I got a crowbar daddy want some food maybe I’ll just hit you over the head with this come here hey I got sword I’ll mess you up I’ll mess you up I’ll mess you up daddy relax you got to be more careful I’m going to keep the three cookies but look hey Daddy stop it stop it I’m going to give you food I’m going to give you food all right look you can get a carrot hey you have more than that you get an apple yes all right Daisy here you go you can get an Apple too thank you I’m hungry I’m going to keep the cookies cuz they’re the best hey you have more food no yeah you do give me give me some Daddy I really don’t you keep hitting me and I’m losing hunger so I need to eat more stop it Mo look there’s a hole in the floor there is a hole in the floor ooh look this is the way down right here guys I’m sure there’s a lot more food in this house all right I need some oh God who is that guy who is that everyone up everyone W oh my God what is that thing it’s like a weird red guy in there I see him what is he doing down there I think he’s taking a poop no dadd he’s not taking a poop very dusty poop oh no he looks a little creepy wait guys before we try to go down there look what I found I found an engine what all right you hey he hey hey I need one oh I got an engine on my car Daddy I want an engine daddy you can’t drive yet cuz there’s no wheels hey I can’t steal this from you come on give me it Daddy what are you doing uh I think just I just flipped it all right don’t touch my car daddy I’m going to break yours maybe there’s another engine down here yeah I think Gooby is right wait guys there’s chest upstairs I got a motor and more food and a sword hey give me the food it was right above our bed oh my gosh daddy you’re so fat oh yeah there is one above our bed we have to figure out how to get upstairs now back here Daisy we got to take the back way ooh there’s something back here too oh another engine can I have it m Gooby do you want the engine oh yes please all right you guys are going to have to fight over the engine how do you want us to fight you guys to stay down there go down there go down there I’m going to throw it off the Edge okay all right let’s see who grabs it 3 2 1 me me oh oh oh what are you doing I got it I got it Daddy what are you doing give it back Daddy I got two engines I got two engines give me give me going to hit you with my crowbar no no no no no I want it I want it give it to us Daddy give one of them engine oh my goodness I will throw it in the lava if you don’t stop hitting me do not throw it in the lava ow guys we’re wasting hunger by running around I’m going to hit you daddy I’m going to hit you I’m going to hit you give me the engine you’re not going to get it daddy we’re wasting a lot of energy right now this is so stupid all right you know what fine I’m going to go upstairs then okay fine let’s see anything in these chests ooh another sword I found another sword for someone oh I found a sword too Gooby look look at that take that take that yes now I can hit Baldi okay Daddy put the engines on I’ll give it to Gooby hey yes okay so that means guys that means that there’s one more engine remaining and do you know where that engine is no it’s downstairs with the scary guy down there no run oh no he’s chasing me um where do I go where do I go oh my gosh oh my gosh Gooby distract him keep running keep running keep running no I’ll get I’ll get it I’ll get it he’s coming he’s coming go go go I got it I got it run run run run run run CL the door just keep going keep running keep running oh Dy shut it I did gosh okay he wants to literally eat us he’s going to throw up on on us that’s a scary basement monster all right here we go Daisy there’s your engine thank you all right let’s finally Drive these suckers come on Daddy you can’t drive your car yet because there’s no wheels on it oh come on then where are the wheels um I don’t know they have to be around here somewhere D maybe we can just use some of these cactuses what Gooby we can’t use the cactus Gooby gooby you’re taking damage Gooby they’re prickly Don’t Go Near them yeah thr littley spiky yeah that’s not going to work for Wheels that’s stupid I’m still going to get some Cactus this could be good maybe for what I don’t know and these things give sticks guys there’s this big road right here maybe we got to follow this road ooh maybe there’s a building or something maybe there’s a tire store tire store in the middle of a desert well there’s a house in the middle of a desert okay everyone follow me this way we’re not going to go too far because then we’re going to die and get too hot and pass out hold on we have to walk we have to walk why are we running why are we running okay okay you’re right we got to save as much energy as possible and then we’re going to find some Wheels come back and then drive our cars and then escape the desert yeah that’s going to be so good there’s scary monsters in front of us oh God they’re husks oh gosh what everyone back up kill them bunch of zombies everywhere bunch of zombies this even zombie kids oh no kill the Zombies guys K them into the cactus ow ow I’m really weak oh no oh no they’re giving me hunger ow oh that’s not good no they’re giving me poisonous hunger trying to get you to die in the desert get away you stupid zombies get those zombies come on guys only a few more yes ow ow one more yes oh my goodness they just did so many of my hearts ooh and my sword went down too in durability but guys look ahead of us I see something it’s like a building of some sort H it’s got cool colors maybe it’s a gas station kind of looks like a Pizza Hut a Pizza Hut kooby it’s not I hope it’s a Pizza Hut oh my gosh I’m so hungry for pizza right now I can go for like 17 pies maybe there’s candy in there oh guys it looks really abandoned that means that there’s no one here that also means everything’s free yeah I love free stuff or it’s all old and rotten no it’s not old and rotten probably yourself filled with poo poo ooh there’s a bunch of chests though oh God guys we got we got someone in here what is that thing what is that thing it’s com oh my God what is that kill it that thing is scary it’s like a shadow oh gosh ow oh my goodness ooh iron and gunpowder this is onx oh what what is that I don’t know definitely not iron daddy can’t eat it looks like walks oh my goodness that was scary I found apples I got a stone sword what wo I found Wheels I found Wheels where where where where where I got two wheels I found a stone sword okay guys there’s a bunch of loot here everyone start looting up this is actually the best place ever I have three wheels I got one wheel guys give me your wheels I got four wheels I got four well this is not fair oh oh give me these wheels I got four wheels take that Gooby oh man I just wanted to get those stone sword in here who needs a stone sword I do there you go thank you get those at a sippy top we loot everything up guys oh oh oh this a white guy outside uhoh where where where oh my God bad guys outside outside outside right now this is the guy that was in our basement kill him oh no I think they’re chasing us noing good I’m still missing a wheel oh man too bad I have seven Wheels a dang it Daddy really I only have two daddy share your wheels we need four each where are you going Daddy get down here oh there’s more guys there’s more zombies zombies zombies zombies kill them oh the babies kill the babies daddy God I’m getting attack by little baby zombies they w super fast kill him kill him kill him don’t let him touch you it hurt so much scy use your stone sword oh wait you didn’t get a stone sword ooh unfortunate guys well looks like there wasn’t enough for all of us I’m going to die soon okay no you’re not no you’re not I’ll protect you take protect Daisy you guys take care of it down there Daddy really come down here no you can take care of the zombos you’re so lazy Marty no I’m not I’m smart no e e what’s that shiny rainbow thing over there what what the heck is that guys everyone follow me Daddy come down here I’m I’m up here I’m good waa what is this I think it’s a ramp wa wait what’s down here oh my gosh oh my gosh an infestation of zombies wait is that is that zombie riding a chicken I think it is the chick I want chicken Gooby gooby oh my Gooby just died what a dumb Dum oh my gosh Gooby oh no well guys look across it looks like it’s some sort of like air air base look there’s helicopters wait really where over here Daddy oh I’m zooming in yeah I can see it we need to be able to get over there all right let me just jump real quick all right everyone back up no no no no no Daddy you’re going to die like Gooby you’re not going to make it I got this I I used to be in the Olympics for running what daddy oh my gosh you’re going to die let’s do the broad jump you ready DD maybe we just go back and get the cars and we can put the wheels on the cars and then jump it after oh yeah yeah maybe that’s a good idea um no it’s not a good idea I’m going to go on that helicopter on fly home no Daddy don’t do it one no Daddy don’t do it you can’t do it two three here we go I got a good run Dad no oh gosh oh gosh I’m dying I’m down I’m I’m W oh you’re dead well Daisy let’s just go back safely and get our cars how about that I think that’s a good idea you guys you guys I’m back what are you doing Gooby all right Gooby well guess what finally made it I’m glad that you finally made it over here but we’re actually going to go all the way back into the garage and make our cars so yeah Gooby you just ran over here for no reason come on Gooby no it’s so hot why I have to go over here well you’re the dummy that fell into that big Ravine of zombies I just wanted to see the chicken one like chicken come on Gooby you need chicken when we get home yes oh no guys in front of us there’s a bunch more zombies uhoh my soul’s about to break can we just run around them no no no we got to fight them what the heck this Zombie’s got a backpack on and armor o I want that maybe if we kill him we can take his armor yeah he might have some really good items in his backpack oh no my sword’s about to break oh my God it’s doing a lot of damage they’re doing a lot of damage what was that Battle Cry kill him daddy kill him what wild is myy just enter the battle take that oh I got the backpack oh my God there’s a enchanted book inside of it there’s nothing inside my backpack well now I got a backpack let’s go that’s pretty cool actually yeah I can put all my loot in it it’s really awesome all right guys everyone follow follow me back home all right guys let’s finally put these wheels onto our cars how do we do that here we go you just got to go like this oh my God look at these big wheels what the heck they’re like off-roading Wheels waa I’m driving I’m driving Marty can you share um no yes Daddy I’ll run you over Daddy I’ll run you over if you don’t share your wheels guys Daddy come back here back here come here Daddy come here no I’m going to run you over I’m faster than you not yes I am Daddy come here give him the wheels how are you doing that skining I’m going to hit you with a stick I can skid too Daddy I’m just as cool oh I had a burst of energy oh my gosh this is not fair this is not fair I’ll run you over daddy Gooby I don’t think weever going to get started on this road trip no no you’re being meanies meanie weenie I’m not me it’s not even me guys I don’t have any Wheels it’s my daddy oh my do you want this little Jewel little what it looks like a Green jeel ooh daddy look at this it’s really expensive it’s worth like $20,000 super well wo those gems look so cool can I look at it real close let me let me see real quick wow yeah you can definitely have these wheels you want them yes please momy oh yeah here you go you can get a whole load of this D you got a bunch of sticks cuz you know what those gems are poopy and you’re never going to get these wheels Daddy come on really Daddy come on give us some Wheels daddy Johnny do something guys I don’t know what you want me to do okay there’s no other wheels and my Daddy has them can’t you use your magic or something magic guys I don’t have any magic I don’t even know what you’re talking about can you just ask subscribers for Wheels okay Gooby why are you crying CU I really want to why call but M took all the part you’re not getting these wheels Gooby you can keep on crying oh my goodness me okay okay okay Gooby I I have an idea all right just stay right here quick everyone watching this video I need you to leave a like right now If Everyone likes this video we’re going to get crazy parts to make our cars better than my daddy’s and Gooby will stop crying so quick everyone like this video in three two one wa guys I think it worked check it out I got wheels and Diamond engines for us wo Diamond engines are so fast but guys I had to use my magic powers and a bunch of subscribers like the video so say thank you right now thank you thank you so much thank you woohoo D hey take that how did you just kill Daisy no I didn’t yes you did Marty I’m sorry my truck was just so awesome and it slipped well Daddy do you want to I’m going to kick your car stop the oh my gosh hey no no no no no give me the car back I got your car well Daddy do you want to be nice and do you want to give us the wheels or not no never all right daddy fine be that way Daisy Gooby follow me all right just going to place this here all right guys destroy all your cars how do I destroy it like this all right place down your body Daddy are you looking where’s my car just going to put these diamond wheels on our cars real quick oh yeah there we go hey oh and also daddy check out this engine this the best engine in the game we’re not done there daddy you can have all your bad pieces right here I’m just going to throw them in there hey why you thrw it down here all right I’m just going to add this mob controller on the front so no zombies are going to be able to get us wa it’s like a battling Wham Oh Daddy are you jealous do you want some diamond stuff for your car too yeah um the thing is you’re not getting any cuz you were mean to Gooby and da hey hey hey hey can I I’m going to I’m going to do the magic I’m going to do the magic myself no you’re not doing any magic daddy yep well look at this uh Hey subscribers no Daddy you’re not allowed to do that come on guys why can’t I have a cool car like you all right daddy fine you want a really cool car yeah look look look look how cool this car is going to look look I’m going to add some cool stuff big wheels um dadd this is terrible oh it didn’t work all right fine Daddy this is what we’re going to do okay just get out of your car all right everyone come by me okay I’m standing next to my cool mobile if all of our subscribers right now comment 4y Morty then my Daddy’s going to get an awesome car no don’t comment farty Marty yes farty Marty yeah everyone comment farty Marty right now no don’t do it why would you tell him to do that all right here we go daddy I’m going to count to three and then guess what everyone’s going to comment it and then your car is going to turn really awesome like ours okay fine fine everyone comment farty Marty okay here we go everyone comment it in three two one Daddy I think it worked what is this wa daddy you got a pumpkin as your car why does it have such a dumb face oh I’m 40 Morty Daddy I’m 4 look it’s me hey why you biting me well Daddy it looks like everyone commenting actually turned your car into a farty yeah it’s a farty pumpkin do I look fine do I look cool on it it kind of looks like you what do you mean it looks like me matches your face your dumb stupid bald face no it does not it doesn’t even have a stash I think it looks really cute you know what Daddy I think our cars are just a little bit better come here Daddy okay we got some good sauce yeah you want to race Let’s Race come here take that I just ran you over hold on let’s r race on the road uh guys what I think it’s getting late no it’s not it’s time to race I can see the moon I think Daisy might be right zombies are spawning zombies are spawning everyone back in the house everyone in the house everyone in the house uhoh uhoh goby get in here ouch everyone park your car inside I think I just killed Gooby on accident oh no Mom wi me over I can’t get my car go Gooby go oh God there’s going to be a lot of zombies chasing you oh no I got no food stop being so heal oh my God oh my God ow ow all right I’m going to come help you maybe we could just run them over in our car no there’s too many of them there’s too many I’m doing damage guys we’re surrounded Oh no I got to get my call there’s actually a lot of them the zombies might drop food no I think they’re going to drop rotten flesh sometimes they drop carrots I’m going to run them over hey there zombies in my car what they’re in your car I didn’t even know zombes could drive oh my goodness that’s not good guys I’m hiding where are you B Daddy stop hiding we need help no guys it’s I’m really smart I’m in the attic wait that might be smart what if we just trap him all in the basement I have to get him out of my car oh yeah I’m really low okay wait everyone that’s a good idea let’s trap him in the basement everyone come inside look I can just hang over this all right here we go they’re going to come inside and then we’re going to hit them in here we go here’s one get in there stupid zombie hey one of them’s in your car one of them’s in your car zomb driving get in your car too Johnny no hit a in h a in oh no we’re being over one we’re being over one oh my God oh my God okay this isn’t good this isn’t good this house is clearly not safe enough what do you mean I’m pretty safe up here uh-oh there’s a baby one he’s driving the car again oh my God get out of the car bro Oh no I got to get out of here goopy what are you doing hey don’t leave us uh Marty they’re on your car too well they can take it I don’t like that car I need help I need help they’re down here oh no this is so hard this is really hard you want to die he I think well they’re already dead so that kind of made no sense wa I’ll kill you uhoh guys there’s red one spawning there’s red one spawning everyone come inside I think it should safe that we just shut all the doors and stay inside for this night oh there’s like Shadow ones I know Daddy come inside was that even me wait I’m going to go upstairs everyone to the attic everyone to the attic oh no I didn’t even have a sword oh my God they’re in the back everyone come on come on hurry up hurry up hurry up they’re running they’re running after us I have no food I got no food ouch ouch daddy where are you I’m in here what are you talking about okay never mind sorry so you’re outside you screaming I got scared oh no this is really bad guys we’re trapped in here what are we going to do we just need to survive the night I think we sacrificed Daisy no I mean it’s not the worst idea here Gooby there you go excuse you guys hey no why you all just fell you all just fell because he’s stealing my car oh my goodness it’s not worth it who cares that’s why you need to park your car inside doesn’t matter they’re going to just drive away with it ow I’m going to die I’m going to die nope nope not today give me my car back guys the zombies are not going to stop spawning because it’s night time so we SE it survive the night um do you guys see what I see no what are you seeing where are you a really big zombie how big can it be really big ow ow I’m being hit ow I’m in Cactus oh oh there’s a giant zombie a giant it’s a giant I’m going back in the house it’s a giant it’s a giant I’m going back in how do we even fight that Gooby get inside right now it’s not safe out there ouch ouch who cares about your sister Daisy she could just stay out there forever I don’t want to stay out here but there’s a lot of zombies do not open that door again Gooby oh no I think JY might turn into a zombie I’m not going to turn into a zombie I think she’s dead already we can’t trust her how do we trust you we can’t trust her guys you can’t you can’t trust her she could have got the zombie infection you know what fine I’ll just stay in the basement by myself think she has the EG oh no Johnny you cook your call hey what is this guy doing hit him daddy hit him I can’t reach him here I’ll help you go why would you do that oh the big boy big zombie boy out here really wants to have fun with us this is not funny they’re literally taking over our shed this is our shed these zombies are throwing up they are throwing up what the’re throwing up no they’re probably spreading all their gross goo everywhere you don’t run me over in the car oh he did you son of a gun guys I think it’s going to start turning daytime soon so we don’t have too much longer to hide uh the zombie is trying to break the door down with your car Johnny tell them to stop um daddy you got to say no zombie don’t do that and then it’ll stop no zombie stop doing that did it work yeah you stop oh no it didn’t I showed myself again oh my God oh my God they’re trying to get us from up here oh no they’re all coming Gooby be careful they’re all coming in the house oh my gosh oh my gosh there’s so many they’re breaking down the shed yeah Daddy you’re probably going to die no not you’re you’re going to die zombes I’m hitting you with a s nice nice Gooby keep going where are you guys I need a new sword you need a sword I I have another wooden sword can I have it there you go it’s starting to get daytime let me see yes yes it’s starting daytime oh God oh God we still got big zombies out here hey where’ my car go a zombie in it oh that’s a really big zombie oh no I don’t know where my car is someone stole it wait still going on file still going on file he’s out here I see them driving yes guys it is starting daytime so they can’t survive in the daytime well they need to burn faster you’re right over my toe wait I think this zombie is actually just a big statue he’s not a statue I’m going to run him over right now watch out daddy let me have him ah ah ah stupid zombie get away and never come back yes that was really good yeah I’m really smart oh no but where’s Michael um um I don’t know it has to be around here somewhere I don’t see it oh no it’s like a zombie cck for Joy R yeah check the basement it might be down there there’s a lot of zombies down here though I don’t see it oh my goodness yeah we’re not going down there well guys now that the zombies are finally gone let’s just go home let’s go over that ramp into the airport and fly away o good idea Daddy no but I don’t have a call yeah that is true oh man you know what Gooby I think you just need to stay here forever no I think I just need to take your car F out this you can take these three wheels what am I supposed to do with that just roll with them no guys we just need to find goobie’s car attach your wheels to the sand and then you could move on the sand uh well maybe since we went that way uh in the road maybe we can just go the other way ooh like go this way okay wait wait wait that might be a good idea but uh Gooby you’re going to have to walk the entire way oh no I’m already solving to this unless let me just check my backpack I can attach this little seat to the back of my car and you could drive with me what the heck there you go that’s really cool get in Gooby W oh yeah this is really cool this is so awesome oh yeah we’re drifting we’re drifting we’re drifting me I’m in a pumpkin oh yeah oh yeah yeah oh my God this is so cool I wish I had like a gun back here so I can just shoot the zombies boom boom ooh that would be really awesome maybe one of the zombies took your car this way on the road uh-oh what is this give have a problem um there’s a bunch of lava in the middle of the road what the heck this driver around what car is that yeah I have no clue oh I found something what is this oh it’s like a Crystal Cave I want to go look at now there’s a chest in there go go in It Go in it anything in the chest wao I got obsidian almost what and golden apples wo I need one of those well uh that was really good no I think I deserve all the loot since I’ve been driving you around you know what but I went here oh yeah well Gooby how you going to get out of this place huh uh uh I’m just going to jump up here and just jump really high oh good one Gooby how you going to get out how you going to get out dummy uh I’ll just break this Gooby come over here I goil and I just break the Johnny hey get in there you get in there I was a it was a prank it was a prank okay I’m sorry it was a prank I’m going to kill you when I get out of here oh nice car Daisy I’ll just take yours come on Gooby you could put Gooby in a car hey who’s taking my stuff I’m sick of carrying Gooby around he’s too smelly oh get on Marty no I’m in this one all right come on guys it looks like there’s another building I wonder what’s inside uh-oh we got zombies uh-oh all right come on guys we got to fight there’s probably a bunch of loot in here dude let me go in there I got arm more maybe your car’s in here too let me just avoid everybody real quick quick oh no we need better weapons yeah we definitely do need better weapons oh yeah me too guys what are you doing Daddy you’re literally not helping us you’re going all the way to the top yeah I know that’s messed up guys I’m dead no man not Daisy no now you got to walk this entire way a this is going to take forever don’t worry Ki I’ll come pick you up wait I’m kind of a genius I got an iron sword I just got an iron sword oh my God run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run everybody be careful I’m going to go pick up SA real quick all right I guess that’s a good idea I’m on the roof goopy you have a zombie get him what the heck what are you guys doing trying to get in the car well I’m just over here being a genius oh my God oh my God I’m about to die um daddy I could kind of use your help down here you’re doing good we back take this boom boom hit him hit him nice I’m running them over my sword’s going to break drop Gooby I got an iron sword time to use it stop being you I’m going to die why is a zombie playing music oh my gosh oh my gosh I might die I got three diamonds what yep I full sent for a chest and I avoided some zombies and I got three diamonds how the heck did you get three diamonds you can make a diamond sword I can make a diamond I can make a diamond sword I can do that I can do that make an axe it’s stronger okay I’ll do that instead kind of a good idea I need to get some wood there’s more chest down here Daddy I got a bow and arrow oh my gosh there’s so much good loot go Daisy go oh no I want good loot too but I’m all the way far away I got apples and dynamite I’m going to die hit him kill him nice well you killed him let’s go o there’s stuff in the cabinets too Gooby where are you I’m super before awers I guys I just got Dynamite I just got Dynamite guys to go pick up Gooby I want to die I need food who just stole all the food Daisy I’m going to share hey heyy you come back here I need the food now I’m going to die all right everyone back up everyone back up I have Dynamite Daddy back up oh I just blew him up why would you do that do it again do it again no that was all I had oh no oh all in here okay I I think we have all the loot from this place so we could probably just leave I need more food man oh no I still didn’t find my car oh yeah where is your car Gooby it might be farther down the road we just have to keep going all right good idea oh guys I got a friend he’s coming along no get out of there I want to go in there no he’s driving now okay he just took the wheel oh no Gooby get in Gooby get in Gooby get in Gooby get in gooy get in go go go that was a close one those zombies almost just killed us wait I see something is that what I think it is so fast oh I think so it’s a McDonald’s there’s no way there’s no way there’s got to be a Big Mac in there and goo’s car is here Gooby look your car how did that get here I guess zombie just want to go to McDonald’s yeah look here he is there’s his head oh zombies oh gosh oh gosh it’s infested it’s an infested McDonald’s oh they’re dropping from the ceilings oh no they almost just killed me oh no oh no I don’t have a sword anymore do I I just have a stick here daisy look take this take this it doesn’t have too much health on it but I got an iron one uh oh oh there’s a lot of them but there’s bogles and Fries let’s go we’re going to be eating good guys I found a gun what you actually found a gun yeah I got a pistol now oh my God I got a gun too o I got grenades I got actual grenades wait does anyone want to share that with me no I think we’re going to keep it for oursel Daddy a why not and I got a bunch of french fries let’s go can I have a a little bite of a french fry no M with the hole H really big mac really yeah I want it thank you oh my goodness you guys oh my God I just got a grenade launcher a grenade launcher wait no way yes now I can kill all these zombies yeah oh my God on me on me let’s go this is the best McDonald’s ever yeah we’re getting so many good things I got 43 bullets let’s go wait Gooby let me let me see your grenade launcher guys up here W check it out we’re really good we’re actually really good that’s actually in chane oh my goodness daddy where are you I just made it back oh God I need water I need some water everyone does anyone have anything for me um no hey you yes all right actually Daddy look look I’ll give you I’ll give you the bow and arrow since I have a gun now oh my gosh yes this will be useful do you want a backpack yes all right well guys now that we have everyone’s car you know what that means we can go over that ramp and then we can go home exactly so everyone go into your car Johnny do you want this dynamite wait what you got more Dynamite might yeah I found two of them oh my goodness this is going to be super useful all right guys come on everyone follow me Gooby get in your car Gooby get out of my car I forgot I even have one okay here we go everyone follow me we need to go a long way on this road oops sorry Daisy it’s okay guys what the heck is that thing that’s a scary monster I think it’s a boss I think it’s a boss zombie I’m going to hit it wait be careful daddy oh God oh God he hit me okay we need to fight it guys still thinking hold on me use your grenade use your grenade boom take that I’m throwing dynamite oh my God oh my God they’re chasing us I’m in it stay in your car daddy where you going I’m going to the big guy oh yeah I’m shooting him I’m shooting him I’ll take out the little hordes no we got to take out the big guy cuz he’s spawning them all in I killed him I just killed no Daddy I killed him okay now kill his minions all right get the minions don’t worry my grenade laun is really good against them ow nice nice hey get out of my car buddy take that guys we doing a really good job killing them I died and now I’m back at the way little B oh my gosh is not helping us then Gooby how someone just stole your car a zombie in your car right now oh no oh gosh you just defeated me you killed me I don’t have a lot of Hearts guys what are you doing you’re so bad at killing zombies a zombie took goomy’s car and ran me over with it I’m just the best zombie killer in the world then oh no there’s two more bosses here two more of those red guys a take that all right well I think we killed them all over here show everyone get in your freaking car I’m trying to get my car you I need to get in my car and no matter what gets in our way we’re not going to stop all right so we’re just going to keep driving yes daddy where are you you see me running yes can you hurry up I’m trying to I’m trying to Sprint Daddy I’m going to help you get into my car and then I’ll drive you to that car that makes no sense get in my car no I’m almost there Daddy get in my car hey I’m going to get in my car all right are you guys ready to drive I’m driving already go go go go go go go go do not stop for anyone all right I’m faster than all you oh no Oh Daddy I’m faster than all of you go go go just do not stop do not stop so we’re going to drive over The Lava do not stop kills a lot of people oh my God drive it around drive it around drive around drive around I’m not stopping I’m not stopping for anyone just keep going just keep going oh no oh no there lot uh-oh we have some Cactus go around this isn’t good I’m going to blow him up with my grenad also ow ow that was a close one guys I’m about to hit the ramp okay go go go go hit the ramp hit the ramp oh I’m so scared woohoo come on Gooby hurry up wa here we go oh yeah it’s went so fast speed boost that was sick guys we did it we made it over the little Ravine that was actually the coolest moment in my freaking life look at all the planes wo there’s planes oh gosh there also large amount of zombies um guys I think they’re getting closer to us we’re going to have to fight them before we leaving these planes oh no we just need to kill as many as we can watch out for the babies die behind you Daddy use your grenades use your grenades I’m killing a lot of them I just ran out of bullets are you kidding me kill them daddy kill them I’m trying oh my gosh they’re so annoying thank goodness I have a lot of french fries oh I’m going to run out of ammo this one has so much armor on it oh my God it does has a cool backpack I want the backpack ah oh yeah get crited on get crited on ow oh they going to hurt me I got a backpack use your explosives Gooby I don’t want to kill you guys uh oh boom nice good job Gooby you just killed like 20 of them okay um they’re in the plane what they’re in the plane where I got the plane in my inventory what the heck okay guys I think we have a chance where we could drive off with them everyone go into a plane I’m going to take the front one okay I’m going to go in there let me turn this guy around all right here we go let me just get my throttle up there we go here I go guys oh my God I’m actually flying oh my gosh wo wo that’s actually so cool oh I’m doing it too I don’t know how to drive this I don’t really know what I’m doing flip in here I don’t think I have a license for this guys I blew my plane I blew it up this is CRA it blew up oh yeah upside down okay oh I’m going to be sick this is so awesome hey guys how do I turn how do I turn you got it turn like normal what do you mean I think I’m upside down wo this is so cool I’m in a helicopter this is actually so awesome guys everyone we need to drive far away from this scary dusty road I never want to go on this road again we have to fly home see the backflip I’m just going to follow this road all the way until I see our house uh-oh guys I’m losing control uh-oh this is not good I’m I’m going to crash into the McDonald’s you can’t crash oh God I’m going down well if you guys enjoyed watching this awesome video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now bye everyone

Today, Johnny cheats in a Minecraft Build Battle with //SUPER! Will he get caught? Or will he manage to hide his cheating and win the battle? Watch to the end to find out!

#johnny #minecraftmod #minecraft


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