JJ has 24 Hours to ESCAPE in Minecraft – Maizen?

great now I’ll hide this cool other car in this pit bury it and put up a sign so no one will dig here and then no one will definitely take it away from me what a great plan I came up with great and I dug everything in very cool and now I can run away about my business because I still have so much to do today what a beautiful and sunny day it is today I don’t even know what we’re going to do today look Mikey there’s some kind of sign in the distance let’s go see what it says look here it says don’t dig very strange I suggest you still dig up this area maybe we’ll find something interesting let’s quickly go to the store to buy the coolest shovels and let’s start digging I totally agree with you let’s quickly run to that store and buy shovels I can’t wait to dig up something interesting I feel that you and I will find something very expensive where it says not to dig so we came to the seller in this store hello can we please have two cool shovels so we can quickly dig up the ground with them we have one important thing to do yes of course keep your shovels and I wish you good luck in your business well in any case be careful with shovels here take your money and we’ll go dig the ground thank you very much for the shovels they will really help us a lot great now we have shovels and we can start digging this Earth with you I wonder what you and I will find today there is a very large area there there we will have to work for a very long time to find something here but nothing is more fun together we’ll talk to you about something interesting and we’ll definitely get to the bottom of something damn why did they put this sign here not to dig it just made me want to dig more I’m sure that you and I will definitely find some interesting things here I’m already so interested in what will be in those chests that are hidden underground although why did I decide that these were chests maybe there would be something else interesting there pH I’ve already dug so much but you and I haven’t found anything maybe there’s nothing here at all but at least why would they put a sign here not to dig okay I need to not stop and keep digging and maybe then I’ll find something JJ I only found a chest here with some bones and Earth inside there was absolutely nothing valuable there it seems to me as if there really is nothing interesting here maybe this is just some kind of prank and someone put up this sign so that people like us will appear here on it and we just wasted our money on shovels Mikey it’s certainly a Pity that you found only bones and dirt but I have a feeling that we don’t need to stop and soon soon you and I will find something really valuable I so hope so I’ve been digging so much that I don’t want to stop Mikey I found diamonds YooHoo I told you that we need to keep digging and we will definitely find something cool with you there’s a whole chest of diamonds here how cool I can’t believe that we were able to find something valuable here with you it’s good that I didn’t stop now I want to dig further here even more I’m sure we’ll find something even more valuable here wow Mikey I dug up some cool diamond cars here now I’ll dig a little more wow we will definitely have to get her I see you found something there too I’ll come now and help you dig it up yes I found some kind of car here too it’s certainly not very cool and is clearly cheaper than the one you found but it’s also worth something so let’s dig it up it will definitely be useful to us how cool it is that you and I found these two cars it’s simply incredible I have an idea let’s have an auction and sell these cars and then we can buy whatever we want JJ look the sheriff is coming to us for some reason it seems he wants to tell us something hello guys I see you dug up some cars and you know they belong to our village if you dug them up here so I have to confiscate them from you otherwise you will have big problems I don’t see any other options here please don’t take our cars here take a lot of diamonds pretend that you didn’t even see that we dug up something here please let us come to an agreement fine I’m happy with this option I basically didn’t see anything special went about your business further great we managed to buy him off and now we need to go to another seller and buy all the materials so that you and I can build retail outlets to sell our cars so that no one steals them and no one gets too close to damage them I know a seller here hello seller we would like to buy all the materials in order to build a retail outlet for selling our cars so that no one can get close to them and no one can steal our cars we will be very grateful to you if you provide all this for us besides if you are interested come to this auction and you can try to buy our car too yes sure here take all the materials you need there will be wood and stone and glass and a special metal fence so that no one can approach your car you are very pleasant to deal with you always buy a lot of things from me so I will make a discount thank you very much take your money and we’ll go build our retail outlets great we have all the materials and now we will build our own retail outlets you will make Mikey for your car and I will make it for mine we must try very hard and make these points as attractive as possible so that as many residents as possible want to buy our car and so that at auction we sell it for a very high price I will try so hard to build my own retail outlet so that everyone will be completely shocked I will make it red with glass and of course I will surround it with a metal fence so that no one can do anything to it it will be just something incredible you need to try really hard to make really cool retail Outlets when the residents arrive and the auction begins I want to sell this car for a very very high price so that you and I can buy anything I’m sure that you can sell your car for good money too but Mikey you have to try very hard to make a beautiful point you need this even more because it will be harder to sell your car I totally agree with you I will try to make the outlet no worse than yours and it will be a worse the Rival against the backdrop of the entire auction I’ll make it green and it will be very cool too I will also protect my car from the rain so that it does not get damaged in any way because anything can happen I will have a very cool retail outlet and I’m also proud of it with a metal fence because there are all kinds of people someone may want to touch it but this cannot be done only if you are going to buy it yes I’m already looking forward to this cool auction who knows what we can do but it will definitely be cool how good it is that you and I came across this sign today and started digging for a moment I wanted to stop but thanks to the fact that you continued to dig you and I were able to find these cars and now we have a chance to get very rich this is just incredible luck how good it is that this happened to us you will need to try very hard at the auction to sell our cars for as much as possible how well we are building these points today we still have a couple of final touches left to make everything incredibly beautiful I’m so tired of working but it’s worth it because I’m sure that at the auction you and I will sell them for a very high price and the fact that we spend a lot of time building these retail outlets will absolutely justify the money that will be paid for these machines you and I have finished building our retail outlets and now we can invite all of the residents to come to our auction to buy our cool cars it was really cool I’m looking forward to the fact that we will sell these cars for a lot of money hello residents today we are starting an auction for the sale of our cool cars we accept any money and at the end of this auction someone will be the happy owner of these cool cars so you can look at them and offer your prices Mikey I really like your car she looks very interesting I’m willing to pay a couple of diamond blocks for it I see that no one is against it anymore so I think that our deal will be concluded right now JJ look I sold my car for a couple of diamond blocks this is so cool I’m already waiting for your car to be bought too hello JJ I’m the richest resident of this Village I heard that today there is an auction and a diamond machine is being sold you know she is very beautiful and I like her and therefore she definitely should be mine I offer you a lot of diamond blocks for it Mikey can you imagine my car was bought by the richest residents of this Village for a lot of diamond blocks YooHoo you and I are incredibly rich now it’s not for nothing that we built these retail outlets they really had some cool residents now we can go home with you and relax I want to play on the computer now and then we’ll figure out what to do I figured out what you and I can do with this money let’s buy ourselves a new house now I’ll call the realtor and make an agreement hello realtor I would like to buy from you the most expensive and cool house that is available and quickly we have money you don’t have to worry about it oh look it’s not even a house it’s a giant castle how cool that they gave it to us I already want the realtor to show us this entire house hello I’m the realtor you talked to on the phone and you wanted the most expensive and coolest house get the most expensive and coolest house this is the castle of a prince who lived here hundreds of years before us he left this gigantic estate behind him and now now you can live here and now I will show you this whole castle there are four bedrooms five baths eight toilets and a cool swimming pool here you can have cool parties and no one will shout at you for having a very loud time here you can do whatever you want and the basement even has its own Casino yes I know this house is really cool and you will really like it so I advise you to buy it before other people take it after all you know there are many rich people in your village yes this is a really cool and gigantic castle where the prince used to live we 100% buy it here take your money and now this Castle is ours it’s just incredible I still can’t believe that you and I bought such a cool castle because now we definitely need to throw a party it’s just incredible yooo now I’ll call all our friends and invite them to a cool party they will be absolutely shocked when they see this steep angle in all diamond blocks I can imagine how all our friends will open their mouths when they see that we live in such a cool giant castle they simply won’t be able to believe that all this is ours and now we will live here forever woohooo what a cool party we threw almost the whole village came here and can you imagine how they all fit in here I heard everyone say that they were completely shocked that we now live in such a cool house this is simply incredible residents of this city enjoy this party drink drinks and I will now scatter my diamonds for you because we now have the coolest house and we are the richest in this Village youo enjoy enjoying life because we will now have the coolest parties once a month and we invite you all and we’ll be only glad if you come to us what a great time how cool it is to swim in this cool pool it’s just incredible to spend such a cool time in our cool castle which is now hosting the coolest party on the entire Globe let’s go for a walk around the village let’s see what’s happening here and how people live yes a great idea to get some fresh air and see what people in The Villages are doing how cool it is that we are so rich now we don’t have to work and we can just enjoy life you and I can buy whatever we want and the coolest thing is that we now live with you in this incredible giant cool house uh JJ look someone is driving this cool diamond car and in my opinion this is not the person who bought the car from you hurry up let’s run after him and see who’s driving this car it’s so hard to catch up with him he Maneuvers so coolly and just drives through this Village something very strange is happening here I’m certainly glad that this car was sold and is now not ours but maybe someone stole the car from its real owner quickly let’s run after this car and see who’s riding in it very interesting to know what’s going on here we need to go home and disperse all the guests of our party because night is already coming great we’ve already arrived at our home attention all guests of our party the party ends because night is already coming so every everyone should go home and go to bed finish off your cocktails and go home thank you all for coming to our party in our cool and incredible house we were glad to see everyone see you at the new party yeah well today was a mega cool day how cool it is that you and I have become rich now let’s go sit in our living room and watch a cool giant TV

JJ has 24 Hours to ESCAPE in Minecraft – Maizen?

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Maizen – @maizenofficial

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