Here's a video, as it's kinda hard to explain.

Basically, the chunks like aren't showing, but some of the stuff still seems to load, it's real weird. This is the second time I've have this problem, I solved it the first time by just reinstalling the pack and backing up my world. This sucks though because I lose all my JEI bookmarks, and whatever random binds and settings I've set. I really don't know what could be causing this, or what could possibly fix it.

Extra info: Modpack is Antimatter Chemistry for a modlist, and I edited the jar for one of the mods (Valkyrie) to get rid of an annoying popup about my java version, saying something about it not being the latest version even though it definitely was. However, the problem happened way after that so I don't really see them being related at all.

by superdadio

1 Comment

  1. also just to mention, the new profile I installed to fix the issue uses the regular Valkyrie version, not the one I modified, and still has the chunk issue out of nowhere, so yeah it has nothing to do with that.

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