Playing Minecraft For The First Time Be Like

my Mom finally bought me Minecraft let’s [Music] go oh Minecraft is so peaceful I love this game oh hi piggy nice pork Oh cow yeah I’m the strongest in This Server oh it’s getting night time I think there’s zombies I better start building 20 minutes later oh why is night I’m so long can it be morning already how do I build a bed a I don’t have materials the next day wait Monsters can’t survive out in this daylight let’s go Victory time maybe I can go down mining oh hey chicken what that what is that interesting a green blob in Minecraft oh you’re pretty cute Hi man what the [ __ ]

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  1. You're wrong this is what the first day in Minecraft actually looks like

    Wow this place is so beautiful I wish I could play forever. oh it looks like it's turning night time they should better make a base. Wait I don't have any materials. what's that… dig dig dig dig dig dig! All right I think I should be safe underground. I'll just have to stay here for the rest of the night. 5 minutes later All right the night time should be over. The zombies are burning. That's good to know. Wait what's that green thi- explodes and dies

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