Monster School : Zombie x Squid Game RICH vs POOR BOYFRIEND – Minecraft Animation

[Music] [Music] H wow hello can we be friends huh m h no h I’m too poor [Music] [Music] [Music] huh it looks much [Music] better huh it’s her hey we meet again H hi where you going oh my God H oh my God you okay h wait for [Music] me it’s mine from now on it’s mine hey no my bicycle a oh [Applause] no my home huh wo so beautiful thank you [Music] alelia H this is my friend go to my [Music] house stay away from my daughter I told you many times that don’t make friends with poor men [Music] [Music] please give me a chance I want to give it to Amelia no get out [Music] huh oh no oh my gosh my daughter’s doing that help me help me hey dangerous da I sver be careful my daughter please wake [Music] up congratulations to your happiness give it to me give it to me give it to me mama you okay I’m okay H Dad no zombie girl let it be no Dad it’s okay [Music] honey honey let’s go to play mommy [Music] huh hey honey I miss you get out of my way get [Music] out please I don’t want to see you anymore [Music] zombie zombie honey huh H [Music] mom you will stay in that house okay [Music] oh my god do you miss me at all do you thinked do no you couldn’t [Music] stand good morning it’s me h [Applause] huh get out [Music] ahuh she’ll love [Music] it hey h for you uhuh no I don’t need it huh get [Music] out hey oh no give me money no come [Music] on H give it back to me oh no huh hey what are you doing stop it [Applause] [Music] Dad huh this is for you thank you what’s wrong hey what are you doing oh my God [Music] it’s none of your business why did you do that I don’t want to see you [Music] anymore mom dad get out of my way oh no somebody go oh [Applause] no this is actually a really big issue her lungs have some problem I’m really sorry we need to have a big surgery right now my [Music] daughter H doctor let me please please [Music] doctor okay huh Mom doctor thank you doctor no you have to say thanks to your zombie the guy huh really honey I’m sorry [Music] please please give us the money please help us please please help for you thank you oh hey for you oh my God no honey don’t get no I don’t want to leave with you anymore here we go honey she left me oh my God so beautiful hey for you you like it I love you m oh it’s rain all right come with me [Music] honey honey I really miss [Music] you but not anymore what’s wrong with my head oh [Music] where am I now oh thank [Music] you H oh poor you thank you sir [Music] huh ah eat it huh [Music] oh oh my God I’m starving I got to eat [Music] [Applause] [Music] this [Music] what this is mine huh okay follow me I’ll help a seat please [Music] trny 17 oh please please oh my God I got a lottery I got a special Lottery reward oh my God I can’t believe congratulations please follow me to receive your reward yes thank [Applause] you wow oh my God oh my God it looks nice [Music] honey huh oh my God you kidding me oh no no please why my God what else happened to me what should we do who’s that hurry huh this is my house now H oh my God huh I still have a [Music] car no no please give us some money [Music] [Applause] please honey stay away from me honey I love you uh can we get back together no huh please give me a chance honey please don’t do that oh no here here we go [Music] poppy no I’m so sorry nice vka bye man bye see you [Music] later so hell sleepy I what a crazy man what is happening oh my eyes are against oh no oh my God I hit a man oh get to run get to run oh my God hey a crazy driver I’m going to chase you oh my God I hate the [Music] man hey [Music] oh nice apple I want one huh I eat it for for not [Music] worrying take it more huh is it all [Music] moving oh my God oh my God is this ghost here yeah yeah yeah oh my God the ski the apples oh [Music] no you got it I coming with you it’s I oh it’s much better oh no hey got it oh my God oh my God the ghost around me right oh no get off me get off [Music] me more wi for Less woring [Music] wow no no way you cut it [Music] oh my [Music] God [Music] hey Daddy [Music] mama I want to eat ice [Music] cream you huh oh who’s that who hit me only you here fire zombie get it get it what was what is wrong hey you crazy oh my God hey come on get the fire w m oh no oh my God no no [Music] m w what a PR oh my God so funny oh my head hi [Music] I love you h h no I don’t love [Music] you oh no it’s rainning hey are you okay huh oh my God thank you you’re fine right run oh my God you’re so ugly anyway uh can you give it to me thank you she ignores me she ignores me [Music] why [Music] okay nice to surve you okay [Music] okay oh my God my hair no no no no no I don’t want this okay oh what the hair H aha hey it’s yours thank you sir you’re good haha I’m totally look good right [Music] now [Music] wow what did you buy today I bought a new dress wow amazing hey honey it’s me oh my God he’s so handsome huh is that guy H aha wow now he looks so [Music] handsome hello lady you want to come with me oh my God huh no no I want to find at least get you oh my God I love you eat it I love you oh my god what is what’s that what water is this oh my God are you okay oh my God my D oh uh I’m so sorry huh [Music] huh uh uh I went have to answer the phone okay okay okay thank you huh oh honey I found you here I miss you oh what really [Music] huh hey follow me really hey what are you guys doing you Che on me run no hey I’m here you okay huh I have something for you you see that’s my heart it looks amazing [Music] I love you thank you wow be my boyfri okay I love you okay I feel so bad huh is that zombie hey are you okay man man I saw the Cur on the street [Music] H and then I try to give [Music] her flowers H hey this is for you oh wow really I like it thank you let’s hang out together yay you feel happy you feel fun Yahoo oh no oh my God help me help oh my god oh oh my god wow you’re so beautiful I love you H hey ha She’s Mine here we go lady huh where you guys going stop it [Music] oh this is my house h ah I know [Music] it okay [Music] hello what I have this for you huh no what a dirty cake all right come on bring it up huh oh my God what a really good cousin oh what should I do [Music] ah welcome to the store this dress you love this oh my God 1,000 bucks really yes oh hey are you kidding me man get out of here oh my God this is too [Music] expensive HH this is my [Music] saving thank you so much this is for you huh so ugly really hey honey I have this dress for you this is the really luxury oh my God I love it thank you oh love you oh my God I lost [Music] her [Music] H okay I know it this is my car from now on thank you for the car oh my God give a car back to me honey I have a new car you love this so pretty H hey I help this helicopter honey the penguin oh my God I’m coming hey honey oh my gosh he’s always better than me there we go I’m so happy no way why hey you hit him no that’s all the story really really look at this man [Music] huh oh no I lost her really we all lonely oh no

Monster School : Zombie x Squid Game RICH vs POOR BOYFRIEND – Minecraft Animation

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  1. Beautiful, Amazing animation♥️💙💜💟💚💛🧡💗💖 and good job♥️💙💜💟💚💛🧡💗💖and I love you Forever♥️💙💜💟💚💛🧡💗💖

  2. AMELIA!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😢🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

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