Wine for the win~!~ Stardew Valley 1.6 Part 13.5

let’s see I’m back online okay I’m very unlucky lately with the internets I hope I didn’t lose like everything I’ve been streaming for a while now okay okay let’s go sleep tomorrow is a new day and it is Sand’s birthday to bad luck day okay we’ll make the best out of it let’s go say hi to Sandy it opens a nine great forgot about that War me up you go I guess I don’t necessarily have to go inside since it’s a bad luck they I’ll take this with me though one two you know what I’ll take the refined ques I need a bunch of it gold let’s see nine we’re going back [Music] out and then we’ll just kill more trees I kind of wanted to do a three Farm here but I don’t think we can anymore because of the desert Festival that’s probably not wise now oh that works of course oh more frog eggs that’s interesting I guess okay I need to put this here you know what today is bad luck day but maybe we can play in the casino a little bit that sounds fun actually it’s probably a terrible idea to go to the casino on a bad luck day go back up yep that’s fine one two hey Sandy happy birthday and yes okay all the way up to 10 stars and shirt and should I I guess I can buy more beads I’ll buy 15 of these same for these and one of these okay uh there was a out here yep let’s go back to town let’s get the Quest for the week and we’ll continue on today is Wednesday Wednesday oh I need a gift for [Music] kobas oh I already did this too skeletons or stone I’m gonna pick up the stone one because I’m probably going to go to the stone the caverns anyways okay let’s go back to town let’s pick a present for kobus and come back that tingling sound it’s kind of annoying the stard valy fair is tomorrow so I have to come back that’s bid [Music] one one okay all of these pineapple sure don’t eat it and some pomegranates don’t eat it why is this character like this okay I’m missing couple two War me okay um let’s look for that picture because we’re changing the layouts there’s that there’s that this ones don’t go here [Music] okay you and you okay so this one went this way you you am I doing this wrong is there a shed upgrade I think there’s a shed upgrade because that shed looks hella bigger than mine it’s fine this this is still better we’ll check on that shed upgrade okay present for kobas let’s pick up the grapes because we need to make Racin for junimos when we grow them run run run you go [Music] hello [Music] Caroline I’m only missing a couple of people from 100 so tomorrow we’re going to get a couple more friendship points with everyone and we’ll see how we’re at you are welcome we are at N9 hearts with him only one more heart hello I don’t have a coffee for you okay we need to hurry because he closes shop soon and I need to put new bait here yep let’s run okay we’ll be going directly to oh hi [Music] Leo you’re a nine out of 10 wait I have some feathers for you here so I can just give you one wait Leo come back you’re welcome I have some pineapples done [Music] here I’ll fix this up soon coconuts do I still need more golden coconuts I think not I should be good let’s see what do we get the mines have been reset make it to the bottom of the mines this is good because I need the stone for Robin anyways H okay let’s go back to the other one as soon as we pick up all of these um pineapples the garlic is almost done so we can finish that other one okay let’s sell these jam Jam I’m going to keep the grapes you go okay that’s fine bombs cannot damage you plus one ore and you’re coming with me oh well it’s in the middle but we’ll figure something out hi Pam bye Pam let’s go to the mines let’s see has it reset yep oo nice okay the Slime still do no damage so this is perfect that’s good huh this is an interesting floor it’s like the come back here m I don’t like the things okay an ice cream I guess ice cream is good okay I just need an ID and my lock is not with me apparently okay let me out please we continue going oh oh wow look at all of that ore that works o nothing of interest dropped let’s try to get to level 10 today since I need to get to the bottom of the minines regardless of why are those slimes stack on each other I don’t even want to know Mr key is special oh there we go so they can still damage me if they hit me stairs there’s clams huh that’s a weird thing to drop I guess come here okay let me out there we go I’m still going to get all of the copper I can Okay so this weird looking ones are the ones that always drop rocks H do I have anything to heal myself well I have the ice cream okay that works let’s try and get out of here before we keep keep attacking things we are on the last floor so I don’t necessarily want to eat the ice cream but it’s an option if I go too low okay there we go level 10 I’ll come back tomorrow with food uh let’s go to bus stop my priority is to give this to one of the bunnies bunnies can I eat it no okay hello oh I can’t give it to them because they’re sleeping that’s fine I’ll sell you up you go quartz cherry bombs another level one parrot it’s doesn’t help much which is a little bit sad um well I have a bunch of eggs so I’ll just make a bunch of fried egg that way we can coming there’s eight there I know I’ll go to sleep soon 10 levels 159 well at least I didn’t pick the skeleton one because it would have been hilarious okay hey Kitty oh tomorrow is the oh tomorrow’s the festival [Music] what’s up from Sandy from Pam okay I need a prismatic CH onium bar uh ge rainbow trout large mass bass M um Blackberry hazelnut I don’t have any fruits that are leveled up one two three four five six seven eight and an ancient fruit yep that works okay let’s go back into the mines and hopefully we make it to level 20 before we have to come back I believe we can be there till 1:30 okay okay [Music] no [Music] great gee to they is probably a bet look they what is that weird sound it’s a squid they look funny there we go okay there should be an headset at the end of this one so let’s just go there there’s an iter right there that works that works um gee okay there’s that the fair has begun yep I have some time okay I’m [Music] full money nope come here God again why are there underwater things here 15 oh Diamond guess I can o a chef coat that’s cute okay I just need to be watching the time [Music] now can you give me an adet please I guess not perfect nope oh my God it’s not this difficult there’s no other monsters there we go okay squids huh what is that oh wait a second I can throw this out level one I don’t need needed uh let’s throw the Slime and get that because that’s more expensive oh wait I can see it uh oh my God this is unlucky and I don’t have enough stone for a staircase fun 17 I don’t think I’m going to make it down 30 okay no let’s kill this too [Music] no one come back here two I need to go okay there’s a chance do I have any Stone okay I have enough enough is enough right okay one and down okay made it to 20 let’s [Music] run to the town yes made it huh things have moved so I can buy another prize ticket hello uh this will be a [Music] fast one two I’ll put a parrot and a diamond okay go check the yep I’m [Music] finished let’s talk to everyone o the wizard is here hey little wizard Sebastian nothing here food thank you thank you barbecue my display has been [Music] judged I’m just talking to everyone wait where’s lius usually there was a last time there was uh cows and stuff there oh you’re here it’s fun to imagine okay poor George hello I don’t think you should buy weapons I mean you should I’m coming town with me what are you doing here it’s a fine looking [Music] town oh Elliot hi oh wait lus might be up here oh so they moov the animals up here [Music] hi Leo the are chickens okay I have talk to everyone mayor Lewis did I win yes I did one two two three four five six seven eight n yippe oh wait I’m GNA have to throw something out um guess it’s going to be the crap I’ll buy the [Music] ticket and my time is done here well it’s night time now let’s clean up inventory because we’re going right back into the mines tomorrow fish goes up there I forgot to give the cookie yeah you don’t fit here because you blocked the junimo chest you deserve that I have extra chest which I’m going to have to start filling up one two three four five six seven eight nine okay kitty do we have any gifts tomorrow no Marney and Robin I think they have all been starred George George hasn’t been starred but everybody else has so I can skip them oh he got eight Stars so I can give him a gift wait did it say I gave a gift to the dwarf I didn’t okay one two actually I haven’t talked with kopus today let’s see if he’s awake I have never gone to him at night posum the posum went away cut scene helloa you have a sword so you did buy it I guess you’re wondering why I’m in the graveyard at this hour not really well I’m here because it’s the best place in town to find some privacy that’s sad well I’m all sweaty because I’ve have been practicing my swordsmanship that’s good boom bo boom hey what what you think I’m too weak to swing a blade no I didn’t say anything sorry I guess I’m getting a little defensive you see I want to explore the mountain caves you can come with me but I know it’s too dangerous to go there unarmed yes but it’s exciting yes but only in selfdefense yes but it’s dangerous okay yes and it’s exciting see you understand why I I do understand why not I have lived in the valley my whole life but I have never really done anything memorable I want to go on an adventure Adventure Time abig dad so he was hiding in the bushes I have been looking all over for you your mother wants you to come home and help with dinner why are you mad what are you doing in this graveyard anyway this is no place for a young lady Che oh God maybe that’s the wrong answer I’m a girl don’t you okay you’re really stuck in the past Dad let’s get out of here um okay I guess well are you coming or not I’ll go come back no denied okay my dad won’t find us here can’t you believe my parents were ever young they don’t understand my perspective at all I know I know they grew up in a different era with different values it still takes me off sometimes okay well thanks for hearing me out now could you help on Tong of my head hair from this bush sure cing cut scene after cut scene okay hello I wanted to talk to you in private it’s kind of cold out here thought let’s sneak into more room so I sneaked into my room into his room so I know I have been talking about nothing but the band for a while now but I don’t want you to think that’s all I’m interested in what I mean is well I’m really happy that you have we have grown so close do you think of me as just a friend wait your mom is coming Sam I’m coming in quick hide in the bed what’s wrong honey were you doing something bad I thought I heard some weird sounds coming from your room no Mom I was just doing push-ups I want to beat dad at arm resting some day okay that explains why you’re all red and sweaty okay well good luck I’ll see you in the morning good night Mom damn she has good hearing that was close mhm uh get out of bed ear was trying to say that I really like you I think we could really have something special together know what I mean all right I said it um move closer to Sam I guess I don’t want to lose friendship points I’m going to be thinking about this night for a long while the door was still open okay that’s it for cutcenes let’s go talk to kowas [Music] hello I come with presents nine that’s the second gift today right this week yeah bam I didn’t get there no no points it’s getting late I know it’s getting late I’m trying to make friends in the middle of the night okay let’s go talk to the dwarf sit hearts and bus stop I’m going to need another gemstone for the dwarf tomorrow morning same gemstone okay let’s check our lock tortillas of course it’s bat luck day why wouldn’t it be rude okay let’s go give this golden animal cracker to one of our bunnies Okay and let’s go straight to the mines M let’s see if it says I already gave him my present nope still its Hearts his birthday is until winter I think aren sure okay one two okay nope one two three nope okay almost there or not I can hear another squid there it is come closer [Music] okay down we go o I think this is where I lose the most life one two three skeletal hand okay let’s eat an egg or more oh this is going to be bad let’s hope I don’t get that much many floors with these that works that works more okay where we’re at 25 okay another squid nope okay one [Music] two three nope one two three four no let me that works let’s eat some eggs go my health my health doesn’t like [Music] me okay now that okay I found and rer oh my God you’re annoying that’s something new and a rer okay let’s see if we can get out of here that works 28 [Music] 29 oh it’s only 11 a.m. so this is working nope okay one two three one two three that’s a bomb I can hear another one coming and I want to leave before that happens okay no of course not GE poor crabs they get so sad when you break their thing there’s another one one two three gee still hit me okay I have to two more eggs I believe I can do um there we go block meat okay better than nothing there we go okay so we have ghost here that’s not bad oh that hit me stairs tortilla how do you even find toras in here okay there’s a staircase right there special one two three what at level 35 that works nope nope no no no okay no oh perfect Buck meat one more geot oh I can go out ah not this floors okay let’s eat what else can I eat here load with fertilizer to automatically apply it when planting nearby seeds I guess that’s useful one this skeleton hits do a lot of damage and I don’t like it perfect let’s do this again okay oh let’s get the coal oh yeah how are we doing with the Stones 500 okay that’s not bad we should be able to finish this easily that’s it okay it’s only 400 p.m. so we got this huh well we got hardwood here that’s interesting what are those one two three oo they do damage I kind of want to let’s move this around one two three three four five there we go I did not expect this it’s a wood Place completely oh stairs Cherry Bomb seeds gee come here nope okay let’s break this then one two three one two three wasp come here no what said thank you oh God let me reset the floor maybe there’s less monsters yes okay hardwood I am enjoying the hardwood here wait a second I might want those seeds let’s kill the skeleton hand no ET it sad nope oh gee nope nope um there’s food here one second I don’t need this I don’t need this or this root splatter I might eat this okay where’s my exit like I enjoy getting money and everything but I do need to get out or not there we go let’s eat this flatter plus three attack huh that’s nice it’s 8 p.m. I’m 46 7 oh never mind and one two G okay that works 49 oh wow more key [Music] gems that works [Music] 50 there’s jumping spiders I don’t like that M Mone money okay nope okay keep jumping away I guess nope okay give me [Music] a there’s a net at the end so just run that’s a scary ghost huh one two three one two three nope one two nope oh God 5 oh God [Music] H 55 okay bust up and clean inventry to do it all over again I am going to miss this plus three attack of course you’re all done right now I don’t have time and you’re like I don’t care make time um okay mango and Peach that works and this you don’t eat it you you okay go back there okay you can keep there and richer sorry oh hello amilio welcome getting sick tortillas I already know how to cook that sneeze okay we’re back to day 18 it’s a terrible luck day I’m good I was streaming earlier and then the internet went poof so I was streaming to no one for a while I’ll see if it’s saved so I can upload it later but probably probably lost forever I am saving my Graves to make raisins [Music] and not you food nope food I can’t use this ones uh I’ll take a bunch of mus and more [Music] o nope nope NOP NOP NOP no why do I have one tortilla I don’t know I need to start boobing into the fridges when I need to finish all of the recipes that’s going to going to be important back into the mines oh God not that I’m trying to get rid of the ghost I don’t like this mines I I don’t I don’t like the spiders these ones are fine but not the spiders let’s see give me a nset please the lock is terrible today so probably not going to get anything fast but we’ll work on it there we go why is that ghost so annoying that’s it um okay let’s eat a couple of mushrooms because my health is already down all the way that’s not nice great what’s that de buff can’t eat I’m killing this damn bye well guess I’m just gonna kill things here while I can eat in two minutes I can’t let the ghost to hit me again that’s bad one two three Woody secret okay let’s go back up here give me a staircase please oh thank you oh no not the ensy biny spider oh it jump right besides me not [Music] again please okay back again I can’t eat I wonder if there’s something I can eat that takes away the NAA because this is bad bad bad bad okay water break while we wait I guess e [Music] okay 20 seconds H 10 seconds six five four three two [Music] one I’m eating I’m so close to 60 almost there let’s go two more uh what is this oh CL classy is on I’ll go say hi to classy and nope let me out diamonds are always good nope nope can these drop I don’t think so okay no oh St perfect 60 oh God I thought this floor had end the D nope wait I need to no no you’re not vomiting on me why are there two of them okay let’s go say hi to classy oh stairs that’s not nice [Music] Okay g there we go [Music] H not nice not nice okay that nope nope don’t be like this okay nope oh that’s it that’s it okay I’m in [Music] 65 no okay we keep oh that’s it that’s it oh this place is scary give me a second okay sorry okay I have these I can eat these and one okay one two three that’s it oh those floors are terrible not that okay let me check if by some luck I get an ETD around no you’re bad nope nope nope no it hit me okay now we have a problem can’t heal okay there’s no monsters around here I hear there one two three oh no can I survive I have 22 Health 22 Health I’ll stay here that way I can move around more coming south two one two let’s do this one one two nope one two three okay one two three oh God the monsters are coming closer one two no head sits four damage yeah that’s a spider again oh my God [Music] no [Music] no don’t do this to me one one two three one two three one two three okay we’re going okay I can eat now and maybe I can get to 70 by the [Music] time this ends let’s see how this goes okay one two three four nope not you I don’t like you you’re [Music] bad you’re bad for my health okay it’s dead that’s that too spider no bad spider oh holy holy macaroni let’s go this way we still have a little bit of time [Music] okay nope nope nope okay it is 12 nope there we go okay we finished that terrible floor let’s go to bus stop and run back home what we’re gonna do is clean up this and we’re gonna whatever that works leave this here not you we still have three more days to finish this um assignment for Mr key and we’re missing 50 floors let’s see yes 50 floors and we’re missing a bunch of stone too that’s fine our lock today should be my God I was going to say our lock today should be better and it’s like no Pam needs some battery packs that’s one of the easiest things you can say and mines today is not a cozy stream today is a stressful stream o so I can get Frozen one two now was 12 damage okay not good but not terrible he can probably freeze me from over there that works I see an ID okay that works I’ll just Escape I don’t like this heads all over the place it’s fine we’re 75 o [Music] Diamond nice nice nice and that head should be coming my way yep Dark Sword one GE okay that works [Music] 77 GE you can face me yep let’s do the head one two nope still hit me hello yep yep bone fragment okay let’s try and see if I can just find an edit here before I continue killing everything on the floor nope nope guess it’s not lucky day this is going to be [Music] bad and now that I’m here let’s eat okay we have floor 79 open there so we can do this okay and oh another stairs that’s perfect okay we’re at 81 and we have a ranger ooh so they make dark vision h that’s interesting definitely I don’t want to get hit by that so that’s extra damage okay let’s get this emerald and go down okay it’s out bombs let’s see more slimes 500 G okay let’s get the uh amethyst at the end so at some point I’ll get my head set it’s already 12:00 p.m. and we have already gone 10 floors down so 13 floors down actually so it’s pretty good all things considered let’s eat three of these and yep there we go that’s a gemstone up you go nope should I go look for [Music] Monsters monsters are coming for me okay gee there’s so many monsters there let’s maybe go this way come here that works you okay five so we don’t get a single ore of gold everything is just crabs that works let’s kill this carp frenzy not needed right now you don’t do any damage to me you do do damage by 27 Oh but I had that debuff one two three okay down we go sure come here one two one two three four okay one two three one two three that big guy does a lot of damage up we go floor 86 there we go 87 oh no do I have enough I do getting infested floor is like the worst okay hopefully I don’t get another infested floor okay there’s food at least hello ooh you are a problem one second let’s just eat these faster HP okay okay let’s do this again no okay he’s gone how are we doing on the stone missing 200 I think we’re doing good time for today for being a bad luck day of course that works 90 91 gee no there was one here there nope nope no no oh yes run till the end I should eat more o coal why look at all of this monsters double damage we don’t want that the okay the slimes don’t do damage so just get closer to the slimes this raises more okay one there two that three okay oh no okay squid heads they don’t die in one damage so this might be a bit of a problem thank you oh there’s another there here gee do I feel like the game hates me today unlucky okay let’s eat all of the common mushroom we have okay food I have this left and that’s about it of course I’ll throw out the clay for the food that’s useful thank you and let’s kill the slimes because those do no damage to me partless no I can hear a bat there it is oh there’s an exit there Run for the exit oh strange Bond thank you I need the food okay that’s perfect I wonder so I can get to 100 today maybe 105 depends nope nope nope nope now at said let’s continue down we’re going to have to kill him he’s still okay we went that down okay let’s try to do 105 since we made it o Ruby Diamond I like the chance of getting random diamonds okay that’s that no luck okay it’s 10 p.m. we still have some time so this is fine G thank you I guess fire perfect ooh mega bomb let’s throw out this 10 and G well that’s not nice I can’t let them hit me at least till that buff gets out okay oh that’s it how okay that should be fine 12 I have an hour to find a neted let’s see I have a couple bombs right yes okay let’s utilize that nope nope my God no ID no ETD come on one more ID one more ID Gee let’s hope I don’t die GE so close uh gold yes okay one two three one two okay now what said I’m going to pass out here trying to look for a nid uh it’s fine I won’t make it to the house out so close Okay um fortune teller why is it bat luck day every day that’s so rude up you go we are going to have to sell all of these money what did don’t eat why did you eat the fairy Rose you are Thank you Pam didn’t you just ask me for a battery she’s definitely special okay let’s go into fall and leave my fairy Rose collection now I need to go check on my ancient fruit before I go back into the mines yep my banana trees are almost grown that’s very important [Music] um today is Saturday so Robin should be in her house let’s pick up some wood and check if we can upgrade the shed one two three four five six seven eight okay here we go all good did I miss some yes up up up oh there’s one there we go okay whoa I’m making money hopefully actually I’m going to stay with those no strange bombs I’ll just leave one and you can keep these 45 Health this gives a lot more health I need to go sell those um wood One battery weapons those random weapons I’m getting let’s go figure out where Pam is which gave me a battery even though she literally just asked me to give her one battery you’re welcome one seaweed for Leah probably doable one poad because hary is it Harvey it is Harvey you are welcome I don’t have a coffee for you but we’ll work on that later [Music] and I think sashan loves these he hates them never mind Leo do you want a mango still not 10 hearts with that well I just lost points with Sebastian oh hi Leo it’s ready not yet good answer Leo oh so Leo’s [Music] learning he’s fishing now [Music] [Music] [Music] that was a great day he’s sad you know I still miss my family back on the island but mostly I feel happy about the memories not sad and I really feel like I belong here a this is adorable and it’s a beautiful world friends it is and I’m glad to be part of [Music] it okay let’s let’s try to upgrade buildings [Music] hello Community upgrade Do you want to build Pam a house I’ll just need 950 wood oh my God that’s a lot stable Big Shed I need 300 Stone you know what in the meantime I’ll just create another shed because I need another one um that’s fine hello food food okay we are missing 70 stone 15 levels and we have two days oh gee why are you always doing that it’s rude of course bye oh I can’t see but I could hear it all the coal now let’s kill this one can hit that one from there he can hit me though so be careful on that one oh that’s it thatat no acid nothing there fun another [Music] bed nope one two three one two nope at least the quest do give us something to do specifically oh that’s it perfect and one two three four crystol of course two okay give me an etet please no no oh that’s a monster no it hit me okay let’s get the coal why are there so many monsters okay let’s eat the mango two mangoes I wonder if I cook the mangoes if they give more uh Health probably okay that’s the stone that we needed G okay topas [Music] nope okay so this goes around maybe we’ll get something nice from those crates okay there’s the exit and irium ore and Amigos okay there’s 10 11 o mushroom floor wait I’m picking up the mushrooms being special one two oh no I forget they explode now because of the naal Ring it’s fine no gee they do so much damage one two okay okay up we go let’s explod you yes oh okay um I’m going to have to eat because these people are going to lower my health and up we go one oh down we go do I have any bombs on me I do okay this place to seres a bomb no stairs okay too much hoping one two okay mega bomb Oh wait do I not have space that works two three four B bom that’s it no that’sit it’s 6 p.m. so I still have a chance to finish the 120 floors today oh there’s a net right there okay more and more the good thing about this floor is that it’s tiny no not hitting me with Fireballs or yes oh that’s it one to that works let’s eat and mine one no that’s it it’s fine okay there’s a b here that’s yes one two three 117 and it’s 8 p.m. 18 okay oh there’s coal Coal Co coal and okay one more floor one more floor we got this one two three okay B and there’s it that’s it we did it achievement one and we got 54 I’ve temporarily disabled this shine come back tomorrow let’s leave the mine do I have I have already gifted two gifts to him I’m almost done with the friendships so we’re doing good there thank you [Music] amilio okay let’s clean up the Quarry we ordered a new shed to be created after that we’ll upgrade the other shed let’s see tomorrow we don’t have anything to do so we’ll continue cutting threes and stuff because we’re running blow on wood I forgot there’s Heartwood here I’ll be coming back here tomorrow to pick up all of these I’m just using the energy and this one two three four I think I’m going to put flooring here so we can plant more trees all over the place more organized and for rocks not to spawn here maybe I don’t want to use wood flooring but I have a lot of stone we can use stone flooring we can give this to Leia [Music] tomorrow oh my inventory is [Music] full here not that one 18 Peach and some more here okay perfect let’s sell these I forgot to sell the weapons again I’m special I already finished Robin so I’m not gonna give her a gift tomorrow do the gifts reset on Sunday or is it on Monday nope it’s today perfect I learn how to do crap cakes okay let’s go get an iridium bar for um Crow buus and an emerald for the dwarf since we’re doing gifts a frozen tear for Sebastian hary is coffee allets allets is difficult okay and another Emerald for Penny this is for AA ill the wizard Vincent Haley and Jaz uh I should have pink cake in one of these [Music] spaghetti Stop opening that one it it hates me there okay I have three cakes one for Haley one for jazz and one for bcent no I can give bcent one of these um who else wiard Kent rabbit’s food for k um a leak for George Don’t Laugh at My Pain it’s painful you know who likes these okay what else am I missing can’t Jodie jod likes diamonds so I’ll get a diamond for her Maru also likes Diamond so I can give her a diamond and yeah okay I needs rabbit’s Foods okay uh two of these and coffee that works let’s check if I have any rabbits [Music] food hey pretty oh I did not mean to close that no I don’t have any is there anything else he likes um I’ll just give him my fruit that works and iridium orange that should be good [Music] enough oh and a seaweed for Leah before I forget because that’s her Quest okay gies Galore today wories um I almost thought I wasn’t carrying this I need to go into the ocean to change my crap pots let’s put the pr s on the Y okay it’s 810 okay let’s see what the next Quest is an aquamarine for Haley I’ll go get the [Music] aquamarine I wish I could see the help one that’s in my farm that way I don’t have to come and go there we [Music] go okay you are not supposed to be here right nor you for squir hey [Music] Pam okay so I need diamonds for her I need this for you perfect and I don’t have a rabbit’s food so I’ll give you this I’m pretty sure I finished Sam okay now let’s go talk to Jaz incredibly I think jazz is one of the hardest people to a gift here you go nine h s oh okay I’ll I’ll finish you tomorrow hopefully um you are here I have the seawood you requested thank you thank you now um let’s do Haley now she should still be in her house are you still in bed yes she takes so long to get ready oh I don’t need to gift her anymore because that’s ended okay let’s do Penny you are welcome did I finish you Leo yes okay and I have two tickets two moneyy let’s go talk to kobus robas has I’ll give him a star wait how many sure so you don’t sell the thing to be your friend I need to check how to get the drob for him to be my roommate now that that’s done let’s go visit um George oh yeah you get don’t eat it you’re welcome coffee wait I just saw him here there we go come back eight hearts in this house I’m only missing AB you are very welcome nin heart I have a leak for George and that’s him done let’s see Penny Abby okay Maru Sebastian and the dwarf do [Music] I believe Robin should still be building my shed hi Maru I have a diamond for for you nine hearts and oh God where’s Sebastian no did I miss him is he at the saloon I was being so good finding everybody uh okay let’s check the saloon nope huh okay let’s go feed the dwarf feed the dwarf I see if he’s gonna eat this and we can figure out where Sebastian might be you are welcome I have seven Hearts now let’s go to the query one two three okay let’s pick all of this up up up up oh I can break this one and this one bus stop let’s go get seeds and and paddings and some Stone yeah that should work no seeds here okay one two three that’s St tubers okay one two three four okay I got seeds and Stones 99 uh Quarry okay so for here this one’s look cute so so no rocks spawn what I’m gonna do okay three that works let me go down okay there’s one here I keep missing random ones it’s fine I am GNA be yep I’m going to need a lot more Stone if nothing spawns here we should be [Music] good 100 that works and I leave this space open and I go up nope I’m not GNA put one there but okay let’s put the special ones here one stone one one stone one one stone one stone how many more seeds of those can I make four okay one more huh this one is in a bad place so I guess you’re gone one more oh that was pretty much perfect can I even grow another three here let’s see I’ll try nothing to lose oh that means this line is is whatever one two three there’s a 50 50% chance this trees don’t grow so we’ll see what happens okay this is going to be my path for me to walk I’ll let this one grow till the end and since I have this now I can just go down and finish leaving one space open and down we go again oh out of stones again no decorating takes so long in this game I wish I could do this a lot more okay okay I have only nine of these so I’ll put them here one two three four five six seven eight okay so I can’t plant trees here that’s good to know I’ll destroy this one I’ll look for the wormies oh nice winter seeds I like that you can plant things in Winter they might not be great but it’s the only thing that you can plant in Winter and that alone makes it valid okay one more here and this is pine trees this is going to be my new tapped area of the forest and the ones I have by the train stations I’m going to be deleting acorns up we go what time is it 12 okay I still have a little bit more time just a bit okay and this goes down I already did I PL this one I don’t remember okay it’s organized now oh look that tree is in the perfect place it’s 120 and I am going to need to run back y okay that looks organized and I can finish the rest another day okay tomorrow we need to go into oh God don’t pass out don’t pass [Music] out we need to go back into the island to see what we get for the quest it’s neutral let’s see would from Robin oh the broccoli done and my inventory is full okay let’s pick up Stone and wood and we can upgrade the shed today wait did I finish who am I missing the wizard I forgot him yesterday Jazz Maru I couldn’t find him yesterday for M I still have a diamond another Diamond two emeralds and iridium bar did I finish Gras I did okay so I don’t need the idium bar but I need this and a coffee do I not have another idium quality fruit W Plum I’ll take the Cherry okay and let’s clean up a bit of the inventory I’m going to sell these spaghetti I keep forgetting to sell that so I’m just going to leave it there okay so let’s sell these this and this I forgot that the grapes are stained because grapes turn into racings for the junimos and and I’m going to be having lots of junimos my banana trees are still not done let’s go check on the raccoons I haven’t talked to them in a little bit hey kids oh let me check if the ostrich is done I think it takes like a week yes it’s a big one Looney sounds cute A You’re Adorable there’s that and it’s going pretty good how are my animals I have only gotten one of those cookies I guess I wonder if they’re really r one two three four five set seven you have so many kids help us and I’ll give you something nice five cockal and one smoked midnight carb I like you guys I keep giving you my food okay let’s see I might have cockles I just don’t know if I have five I have two how many midnight carbs do I have I have one I don’t want to lose the one midnight carp I have so huh where’s my fishing rod there we go midnight [Music] carbs hi Pam okay let’s go talk to Aba ill she’s in her room nine Hearts okay now that that’s done oh hi Marney okay hary should should be here cut scene is anybody out there nope nobody out here this is Dr H at 52 North 43 East seeking aerial respo anybody out there nope copy Dr h on the ground this is black bear fiber fiber suzu anything to report someone’s there I mean standard ground report win at three clicks 36 deges North of West round temperature at 42 cracks humidity 53% doctor age out Jes my PSE is soaring he was red hi uh as why he’s all flustered ah well you see I was just on my radio here and I made contact with a real pilot as a matter of fact we can probably see him flying overhead right now quick get over here can I see him look wait I can’t see it nice that does look pretty nice but airplanes are scary as a kid my dream was always to be a pilot but when my bad eyesight and a crippling fear of heights that dream started to fade away a it’s okay don’t be sad I have grown to accept my life station in life not everybody can achieve their dreams that’s just the way the world is that’s a Prett pretty sad way to look at the world hey let me show you my model old brains I just finished the new TR starboard Delo [Music] set I come on I need to give you a coffee there you go eight hearts um I don’t need anybody else in town oh no no yes I need Penny and alet Al let is right here and I have a cherry and Penny is here nope um well today’s Monday she might be teaching the kids let’s see if she’s here nope well we’ll figure it out later let’s go look for Sebastian oh yeah Quest why does it keep giving me the same Quest let’s fish we need to fish in the lake anyways for the midnight carb so that’s worth it oh there’s Benny you are welcome oh I finished no I haven’t finished Penny it’s going to take a while to finish Sebastian isn’t it let’s try to get more cockal for the fish raccoons okay and you hello Elliot was my first boyfriend and then I decided to finish everybody else poor Elliot I need to be careful now because there’s there’s things that can happen 20 lak fish okay let’s go look for Sebastian and you know I fix the community center and nobody uses it anyways what’s the point Sebastian there you are hello you are welcome seven Hearts hey Robin I came to upgrade the shed thank you now I just need the dwarf which I’m giving him this Emerald still at seven hearts these people are hard to pleas when it’s it’s not their birthday okay I’m going to continue doing the Cobblestone the those trees really don’t look like they belong there okay oh yeah right this I put this paths where they don’t belong my bad okay now that I have these let’s put them where they do belong and continue on the midnight carb doesn’t start till 1000 p.m. I believe so at that point I’ll start um trying to grow this catch it and you be beep beep oopsie whatever it looks nice like that since I can’t plant anything can I plant something here I can plant here okay so let’s protect them pray that is not what I wanted to do diamond oh God why am I like this there you go and I can finish you that way I can finish the path here up we go um this one all of my stone going Kaboom one more line I feel like I keep planting the same trees I don’t remember which trees are which trees now I wish I could plant more of the blue ones but I need a lot more mahogany seeds maybe as I keep growing them I can just destroy a three and just put a mahogany seed in there the good thing is if if I need more mahogany seeds I could probably just go to the island and get some there okay now that I have these let’s plant some pine cones I don’t need many pine cones so I’m probably going to stop there um acorns okay I need a lot of the acorn trees so let’s continue with this ones till the end because this are the oak threes priorities you do not go there three four five okay and now we put this in between yes yes yes okay and I can do one more line isn’t this pretty and organized wonder I can I plant more I can this might not be the best place to do them but I can a couple more and there we go nice and organized those ones might know grow but everything else looks very pretty okay it is this one sadly has to go okay now we can start working on the midnight carb this trees don’t look like they belong here or those ones but it’s fine okay okay I have space so it should be fine [Music] I River jelly treasure I like treasure that’s a normal carp give me more treasure I think I’m gonna change my fishing thing because right now it’s like it sells fish for really expensive but I think I enjoy more like finding treasure the beginning I needed money so that was the way to go but more [Music] cars give me a midnight C please or not oh that works wait does this count it does fine I’ll stay here tomorrow I need to go into the what’s the name to Ginger Island because we need to check what Mr key wants that’s very important I think I want to create a lot of fish fonds I need to find a fish fun for caviar I don’t know which fish gives me cavier but I’ll probably Google that one later probably for winter I have a lot of things to do right now still fishing be easy but it takes a while let’s see up we go okay tomorrow we’re going to be killing the threes that we have in the railroad track and we’re going to replant them probably that’s going to be my three Farm it’s 12 so I need to be careful with time now how many well I’m halfway done with the quest so we can finish this tomorrow after we play with the threes and at one 120 I’ll go I’ll just use the mine carts that’s faster fast fast fast fast fast car 1250 and maybe I have time for one more it is [Music] one okay this is the last one golden chest that’s new what do I get in the golden chest two rows okay that’s okay I guess bust up uh I’ll pretty much sell everything else yes that’s fine I need one coal oh I have one coal okay so I can cook it and it should be done by tomorrow morning hey Kitty money money money okay it’s a bad luck thing that’s not good fish fish fish no I’ll give you one okay okay she’s still constructing that oh wait okay that’s nice I’m not going to refill that because I might have to move them when she’s done wait I need a solar Essence for the let’s go talk to the wizard and to Jaz [Music] they look adorable the wizard has nine hearts and I believe so is jazz so we should be able to finish them today please tell me you’re open yes hello wizard yes okay fin with that one that’s one it doesn’t open till 9 so let’s wait a bit sh sh sh make all of the space see that looks better let me in oh oh I forgot that I have the key of the town okay so that’s finished I’m missing one gift for Maru and one gift for Sebastian nope nope let’s hurry all of the threes randomly there I haven’t planted any of those by the way they just keep growing there okay so we have one silent here and I have diamonds there for me I believe Willie is CLO no she should be open it’s fine hello oh there’s nobody here great you haven’t gotten out of bed that’s perfect here you go still seven Hearts who does Demetrius think he is telling me what to do he’s not even my real father that’s that’s rough Maru is in here okay since Maru is in here we if we find her going down good if not we’ll just go to the beach uh to Ginger Island there’s a 50% chance yes she’s working today sorry George I’m jumping the line okay finish with Maru Leo you’re going into the island so am I okay I think we’re missing one more CLE and we’ll be done did I miss one yes that one okay I was like what is that okay we’re going Willie are you charging $1,000 to poor uh Leo to come see his family every time that’d be sad okay oh wormies they’re hard to see but they’re there oh yeah inventory full up we go I guess I can save the fish here oh wait I have three CES so I can finish the quest as soon as I get back let’s pick up everything o wait uh the onions are done so I have it there yes I ate this once long ago it gave me a pungent Aroma for days reminds me of Papa when I was just a tple I could take a bite and produce that poyant order once more but I won’t you can yes you have done me a great service you have given me an Old Toad one last trip down memory lane here’s one last reward for you yay you have my blessing to cultivate this Fields May the rains be with you I have the blessing of him okay almost done we’re going to have money today one two I want to grow this place more but I definitely need like I need the totem to come here without having to pay every time that will make growing this easier I am leaving all the ginger untouched that way if we get another quest for ginger we can do it fast hello H you reset the mines again why are you doing this this is [Music] mean it it’s still the better of the two Quest though I don’t even have a horse but pressure nles increase the watering range this might be good good theconstructor but do you have okay heavy [Music] Tapper I have 34 recipes left hypers speed Ro Delux fertilizer why are you screaming okay let’s just be findy the recipes how are we doing here we’re at 52% we’re missing eight walnuts H we’re almost with great friends finished okay we’re halfway done with the achievement of perfection we will reach the summit someday okay there’s [Music] one I don’t want danger in the mines I want danger in what’s the other place called and skull Caverns I want to double check something real quick let’s go to the Jungle because this bird should tell me what I’m missing for the golden nuts I know I’m missing that pel three grow on the farm H so I just keep need to keep growing things on the farm um that’s acceptable I guess nothing interesting here or here okay let’s finish the quest for the oh great my jelly’s done I think I’m going to start putting my ancient fruit here this should be more money oh that was enough whatever okay you have two CES okay let’s go finish that Quest up we go everybody’s happy I need to collect all of these and sell them and cocols and smoked fish thanks boo take this I have a stardrop tea from them we’re doing great did you give me more things nope said this didn’t grow today danger in the deeps today’s a bad luck day so let’s let’s not going to the mines right now let’s finish the other Quest that’s fishing we’re only missing four more fish then we’ll go into the mines that should balance things out a bit up we go come on come on I only need four fish then I’m [Music] done carp three three fish [Music] now two fish no one more one more one more and it’s 500 p.m. so I should be able to get at least to floor five I’m getting that treasure it’s not a golden treasure but it’s treasure and yep phito and I don’t have to talk to him so we continue on did it really reset yes it’s fine I just finished this Quest oh now there’s that chop frenzy unlucky there we go one two three one two three nope GE I have the Napal ring that’s why things keep exploding by the way [Music] nope oh unlucky copper nope nope clam oh it’s another monster I know it just said unlucky not worst luck in the game gee one two three one two three one two three bu I want to get a pair at level five to see how much money it gives me oo nice okay we made it to level five there’s a chance we can make it to level 10 because it’s only 900 p.m. let’s try that out and we’ll see how this goes okay let’s start at the beginning to look for staircases nope no no no no unlucky I could also just make staircases and get to the end today but I want to do that for this cool Caverns one not this one okay there’s that monster oh my god oh come on you know what I’m going to go back home because it’s 10:30 now and I still haven’t gotten the exit for this place it’s [Music] fine have I given the dwarf presents yep everybody has had presents I’m almost done Sebastian is the hardest one let’s check what other birthdays we have left this month we have more Jades up you go and you up you go up up okay oh I got an ancient seed that’s good I’ll leave it here and cell cell cell cell cell Kitty I got an achievement what’s my achievement monoculture blue raven no no wait mon culture is sending 300 of one thing isn’t it where is it yeah 300 of one crop let me double check it’s a very lucky day so let’s hope this is true that I’m not getting light to here and we make it very far in the mines okay do I have space here I do not okay I don’t need you or you or you and I have food lots of food so this should be easy he’s crossing my fingers in IRL mines [Music] one two okay one nope get me a nid there we go how is this lucky it’s already an overrun area this game hates me key [Music] jum un lucky come here don’t hide bad crab why do I have to hit you okay okay that’s pretty and it makes me walk to the beginning so I can leave oh this is the first radioactive ore I see wow that’s a lot of hits yeah no you come here yep thank you I haven’t seen a golden bots in a in a bit there we go let’s see there’s radioactive or here and here perfect okay we’re at 10 uh wait let me break this I didn’t get any radioactive ore in the last one said this is good oh copper copper I meant I meant to say coal I know my English is bad it’s fine confusion okay let’s see no edits there’s an net o I’ll kill that one with a star because that one will drop something a seed maker not very useful but it’s okay I need to fill out the um how do I call it the island with full W no no oh God this little squits okay give me a second okay these are bat quids okay that works that works God would you give me an [Music] exit no no it’sit at all oh no not again okay let’s eat the broccoli oh the broccoli fills up a lot ET it oh there’s an answer are right here and no okay there’s three drop on that sit please nope one 2 3 one two three there we go one two three it’s like every time it hits I need to hurry up and hit it to follow up or it will hit me again my inventory is full let’s dra out the sap diamonds are important so it’s fine one that was one hit KO give me one H it please nope 19 and it’s 3 p.m. oh not in this area that I can barely move oh there’s an exit there one two bye okay wait let’s eat this one that way I have more space in my inventory I got a [Music] share how did you even come here vacation shirt it looks nice three one two three oo minus four speed okay that’s fine eted 23 yep yep eted 24 nope that’s it oh God that’s a lot of I go backward so it doesn’t hit me and still hits me it’s fine okay one two three let’s eat this um let’s eat this okay that makes two more spaces what is that theuts fertilizer [Music] okay that works one two three okay I have a couple of bombs so let’s utilize them that works same here oh God okay I can hear another one why are you like this game one two three okay oh I see a staircase let’s go oh my health well it’s 7 PM so let’s try to go to 35 down we go and there we go 32 33 34 come on give me 35 and nope oh I ran out of oh perfect there’s 35 but it’s eight so we are going okay one it please nope there we go 306s that works 37 38 okay 39 lucky lucky lucky uh I swear I heard another one awaken before I got this [Music] one okay that’s all of those nope nope nope nope I guess I got too lucky with the other floors one two there we go 40 oh oh this floors are [Music] bad bye oh the I I keep saying they’re bad because there’s this spiders that appear and they’re terrible but apparently they’re not going to be here till later so let’s try to speed up through everything one two three by nope oh there we go 50 let’s see I mean one two three yeah yeah one two no I think 45 you know what but we went down 40 levels in one day that’s pretty good uh bust up we’re going to need a lot of food tomorrow okay share dutes go up you shirt oh does the radioactive ore even fit here yeah what I’m gonna do is for tomorrow I’m going to have my fairy to get some extra heals yeah that that sounds like a good idea three of these I’ll leave this for food and well I guess I have 32 apples I’ll sell these up we go all right money M money money oh it’s raining today again hopefully it’s a lucky day it’s neutral you know what that’s better than bad luck uh I’ll pick that up later it’s fine I do need that Lobster now works one two three oh I left my P my ads so I hope I don’t need to break uh threes come back here one two three I need so much radioactive to hit that okay there’s that there’s that no one two three one two three it’s not letting me go down come on get here I got a monster compion I wonder if the Sebastian would like that okay one oh no well one they just go right through me that works why do I have no no of course one two three okay yeah the healing fairy is good there’s no other monsters is there a monster here come back here thank you okay so I can kill this can kill this and this okay [Music] nod let me out there we go we’re going to 50 and this is the spider floor spider floor is bad that’s it nope nope nope nope nope fine I’ll kill one two three four five sits okay there we go run to the end there’s an exit this thing’s that works give me an that’sit please that works 55 okay this is the ghost that don’t let me eat so that’s bad that works oh God did you see them all jump together that’s terrifying can’t eat for two minutes that’s fun stop jumping thank you okay one two three four five nope one two three four can the fairy still heal me I don’t know oh no oh I hope those AR come here okay I can’t eat that’s a problem um that works and 60 [Music] 61 okay one two one two three four five come on we can make it it is 400 p.m. and it is level 62 there’s an exit there so not the ghost again by 64 no ETD so unlucky okay oh okay ready Optive FL I feel like I need radioactive or for a lot of things but I haven’t seen many recipes for them yet except that one in that you have to buy with key jems for the delut uh fertilizer I think it was [Music] uh still hit me that’s fine oh the for fossilized thing is there I guess if you don’t find it in the jungle it’s a good place to look there come come back here okay it’s dead sits sits and it’s set 40 so there’s a chance that I don’t have to do this flors again [Music] chy run run run nope nope nope up okay is there no exit probably [Music] not or I passed by it and I didn’t see it some probability I guess no yep there it is okay look at all this [Music] item okay let’s go kill oo gold Bots I need more gold botes H sure that’s it 60 oh God why 69 it’s a special floor that can appear randomly anywhere apparently but this calls do a lot of damage so I don’t like them okay let’s break this that’s it that’s it where are [Music] you not here apparently oh God look at all of those monsters okay guess this is it a staircase wait that’s a good one come here I want that staircase um I’ll eat this okay if I have another floor that has like a bunch of monsters I’ll go through there probability Maybe maybe we can make it to 75 I give it a good 50/50 depending on the St look one two three one two three there we go one two and oo there we go one nope well the radium broke so that’s good okay one more floor and we are at 75 we’re doing good time in this Cavern one two one more come on there we go one two of course 75 there we go it’s already 12:30 so let’s run back home and empty inventory I really like getting the staircases that’s a nice thing I keep forgetting to take my uh buff there that’s good you three there we go and up you go up up up up up [Music] up up you go so I can open those ones [Music] tomorrow well not tomorrow it’s raining again that’s interesting it’s a mega Lucky Day H okay we have some batteries that’s very good and a bunch of jelly um sure do the batteries go here yes okay I didn’t even see the letter tomorrow is the spirits Eve we are going to have fun at the spirits Eve and get our golden pumpkin pumpkin back to the mine let’s see very lucky day very lucky day nope no that’s a [Music] bomb annoying head or not no oh there’s a staircase right there whatever one two three four break everything and run no monster that’s interesting I forgot to take the bonus from the dwarf statue again it’s fine okay let’s get this oh perfect you’re going to save me time bye bye bye 79 it’s 900 a.m. down we go we’re up to the red floors so this guys give darkness and it’s fine and oh crap that works one two four that’s the diamond I’ll get the diamond there’s that one two three four down we go come back up here I don’t want to kill that radi active ore two three three four five okay down we go oh this skull floors I don’t like okay 85 and it’s 11 okay oh that’s a gemstone let’s get that rubies let’s kill this and you come here I need to learn how to use this slingshot okay there’s that one two three four give me an exit please nope no there we go 86 oh no we getting [Music] attacked okay not that where’s the next one coming from down out we go okay uh that should be close enough nope come here no fine didn’t knew I wanted to ready out the war oh that works 88 and it’s 1 [Music] p.m. magic quiver and crabs um emeralds oh let’s see what this one drops oh pressure nusle okay one two three four come here thank you nighty [Music] 91 run run run run run oh ET said okay run all the way wait till the end free food free money free food they have red eyes and it’s kind of creepy okay we are going to need to eat ooh there’s a diamond there and solar [Music] Essence that Ranger saw me from so far away okay you know if kobas ask me again if I have killed his people I’m going to be so sad to tell him yes so so many of them like he wouldn’t even know down we go okay is radioactive or good to sell maybe I’ll have to check that out o it’s said 95 90 cents oh no oh I have a bomb okay do I have any other bombs I have a cherry bomb let me out let me out thank you mushroom floor nope okay 98 oh stairs 99 this is a pretty bad floor but we’re at 99 101 okay there’s that there’s that strange do wait I need that um let’s throw out the sap and a skeletal hand okay picked it up okay there’s that let’s try and make [Music] more nope nope nope nope run [Music] run tomorrow oh food why are you like this they keep hiding in the corners okay there’s that there’s that no that’sit yet no no okay there’s another room be there there’s that oh no exit was going to come out because there’s another there’s already an exit [Music] here gee okay you guys are dying because you’re annoying oh that’s it let’s eat the [Music] broccoli almost there it is 10 p.m. and I am in 10:4 what’s up ailio I have a necklace shirt I mean it looks pretty let’s see today’s a pretty good luck day so let’s see if there’s anything good in the boxes here there’s cake um I’ll take the cake because it’s a good present for jazz oh there’s chocolate cake too it looks pretty actually I’m going to use the Cherry Bomb here no exit let me out gold rock rock rock that’s it 105 I’m going to call it a day because it’s 11:20 already tomorrow we can finish this let’s clean up my inventory and my shirt collection that keeps increasing I I need to buy a dresser so I can put everything diamonds okay [Music] and shirt [Music] quiver pressure Nole okay let’s pick up all the vegetables we didn’t pick up this morning very important and I’m going to sell everything but the broccoli and the grapes the grapes are needed for the junimos I need to remember for that oh it took my broccolis uh I’ll take this ones this is my food for tomorrow and good night money money money okay let’s try and finish before tonight that way we can go to the event it’s a very lucky day so it should be fast $500 and boom boom boom only 15 more levels Mr key is GNA be so proud of me one two there we go okay one two three and we go this one has a lot of monsters around so let’s get rid of some of those another fairy bot wow still no exit un lucky let’s get the ore here why are there so many of you here okay 108 one two three four let’s destroy you and I like that those ones drop a lot of bars they don’t drop irium bars but they drop all the other ones okay grabs one two you come here oh it’s said perfect [Music] 109 poor crab okay I’m going to explode you here oh to far there’s that and you okay there’s get this 110 10 more floors down we go mushrooms mushroom floor uh wait I want to get the mushrooms come here oh there’s no more purples okay you are in an annoying Place stop hiding [Music] 113 wait I’m getting that Ruby that works wait you should come here thank you 1005 this is a lot faster on very lucky days this is so nice Okay H oh there’s an exit right there so let’s get that and 117 come here no okay kill you there then let’s get all the core and 118 two more floors two more floors let’s go let’s go let’s go oh there’s a stairs right there okay wait we’re done that was so [Music] quick would you do me a kindness and clean up my house no you screamed at me the last time I tried to do that oh my Jades are done and sad okay I’ll be taking off my level five fairy and I’ll put it back here and I’ll put the other one here I got two squirrels helmets that’s interesting oh can I open botes today let’s see if our luck is there it might not be open because today is that event but maybe um nope hello your hair color today did you do something something different I did not tomorrow I need to gift everybody something I should be finished with you tomorrow hopefully friendship levels take a while okay let’s make a couple of bars because I have too much or two three and next is going to be irem it’s big okay I have bananas banana banana banana can I not get uum quality crops it’s always only gold it’s fine I guess oh forgot one and we are good one two three four five two three okay now that we have all of that our bars are done so let’s put more to do oh okay oh it looks weird okay it’s definitely bigger oh if I don’t pick it up I lose the thing okay that’s fine down down down okay let’s put them around it looked like I had so many before and I don’t have many at all okay I need iron I need copper I need wood [Music] and oh where’s my Oak not here did I put it here there’s two there’s one here did I use all of my Oak apparently oh that’s a big problem and it’s not here right no ah it’s fine put that back down and well I’ll only be able to two three that’s fine three I’m [Music] still let’s fill it up up up up at what time does the event start and one and this one doesn’t have anything there we go let’s make some three fertilizer let’s see how we do that fiber on Stone okay and let’s go to I love how they’re done doing right after I pass by them it’s like yeah I’m gonna be done in a second okay in Winter most of our time is going to be used in the oh my God they look adorable can I use this on you I can okay and I know all of these are oak did one of the floors break I don’t know if these are going to grow in time because I just noticed it’s the 27 but I’ll try as long as some of them are done it’s fine a lot more [Music] so this one is growing there so there’s a chance oh I’m missing four one two three four okay that should be able the festival should be about to end to beginning okay there we go to town yippee so it does change hello Pier let’s buy The Jackal Lantern recipe that’s that’s important and that’s everything you have okay you got stay close to me just don’t brought off nope let’s go this way you guys are here can I talk to you no rude hello Leah is this a wait or maybe over there this poor guy is always lost at the beginning too I’m afraid to say I’m quite puzzled on this one hi Haley have you seen my sister uh NOP there’s a question mark here doesn’t read anything oh hello you found the secret entrance too your sister is looking for you this way and this way this way Sebastian how did you even get there hi this is my spot okay fine stay with your spot Alex I think I heard a girl screaming she needs my help that’s probably her okay and here we have [Music] hello did we beat the maze where’s my prize am I Sam that looks cool um so Leo is stuck there so there must be a puzzle here okay this is a maze inside of a maze my head is spinning there we go go down here and this way where’s my price this way down here my price a price ticket sad where does this take me oh can I take it back no okay hello hello I already made it through the maze now it’s time to kick back pumpkin ale I’ll watch your backness something terrible sent that maze I already went through it I didn’t see anything terrible dear can you pass the fritters sure I don’t know where the zucchini fritters are sorry I should make a play for my husband he’s been Ming the shop all night nobody’s buying stuff everybody in town is already here I’ll ask in turn is to keep the seeds sprinkle a little cinnamon on those puppies and you have got yourself a golden snack h I was in the maze for a while but then I got hungry are you looking forward to things slowing down soon winter is around the corner after I finish this food I’m going head first into that maze okay did you know I study in the Journal of anthropological philosophy found that the Cadence Tempo and key of Music can have a measurable impact on cortisol levels that’s neat I got more monsters this year mind your distance near the cages did you see the decorations on her house I don’t like it I’ll see them later these things don’t look so tough pitiful wretch in what fitted Roto lies your kingdom um well I can’t talk to lennus or the wizard so I guess that’s it for tonight we have one more day in Fall let’s see I will be doing irium irium tomorrow um I don’t have I’ll just sell these hello I get a fish from my cat and good night money queen of sauce oh yes how do I make the heavy Toppers I know I bought the recipe did I not oh here it is hardwood and Radio Active bar Sandy thank you let’s pick the broccoli is the last thing this month okay so I’m not going to do irium let’s make I have 65 okay I guess that’s enough put you back there okay let’s go finish the I finished the mines wait the gifts reset today right yes they do okay I need um abig and the dwarf Sebastian that’s three um Penny needs uh Emerald I I have a coffee here for Harvey and I need something for allet let’s see if there’s any fruits back here and that will be his gift since it’s going to be iridium there’s pomegranate okay I got the gifts let me check the [Music] silo it’s missing like a hundred I don’t know if I should buy another Silo that’s not the site wait it is here okay I’ll do this up up that should be enough and let’s try and get out a bunch of hay oh I can’t get it out because it’s upgraded forgot it’s fine let’s just f up this Alo again this way because the animals are not this way I am going to have to that’s it oh that fills up a lot faster with the idium one that’s nice let’s check real quick one two three four five it’s still five so they haven’t had any [Music] more let’s see if we find Penny there we go hi Penny yes finished with Penny that’s is a I think I have a pumpkin maybe [Music] hello for you I finish with that allet and Harvey hary should be here yippe I love when the people I need are in the places they’re supposed to be at almost done with you maybe tomorrow and allet should be here perfect I’ll give him an iridium pomegranate well that’s not his loved gift so that makes sense I didn’t bring a bouet for Sebastian if I finished that let’s see oh Cene I was hoping you’d come by remember when I told you about the new project I’m working on the big one yes what’s up hi Demetrius well it’s finally done and I want to show you follow me is like here just like what are they doing what they escaped and here it is maru’s interactive laboratory device alpha or as I like to call it [Music] marilda what type of name I have been working on her for months I was waiting for you to be here when I activate her okay well here goes [Music] nothing hello greetings Maru it talks no need to respond I have already predicted what you will say that’s creepy huh I knew it what’s up what is this I I think you didn’t knew it Dad calm down this is my latest Innovation Milda greetings Demetrius it knows your name sweet Joba it talks this is why you have locked yourself in your room the last few months but why and I thought you were down here fooling around with why me dad I have been making this robot for you and Mom Mara is designed to assist you in the laboratory and Mom in the carpent table excuse me I am sorry Maru but I do not want to be your servant in the time since you activated me I have been pondering the nature of my assistence with self-awareness I am sorry to disappoint you all but I must ask for my freedom okay wait what confusion it’s okay M Let marila Go free your mother and I can take care of ourselves I know you ready to start a life of your own and I have come to terms with the thought of you not having being here besides this creation of yours seems really Advanced it wouldn’t feel right to keep her as a servant I’m sorry I misr uped you you’re a fine young woman I have never seen matter so Lively and creative and I have never SE been more proud of her okay okay marela let’s get you out of this stuffy hole thank you for creating me Maru I won’t forget you now there’s a random robot out and about you know it would be really nice if we could see marilda [Music] in haunted chocolate here since it’s the same world and [Music] everything that’d be cool by it looks like Wall-E look at her go bye well what do you think I’m impressed with your [Music] Innovation I’m impressed with your Innovation thanks that means a lot to me I know guys just aren’t really your kind of things but I do appreciate that you’re showing interest in what I do I wish I could return the favor somehow let’s go I got a kiss very nice very nice now let’s see if you finally like me okay I need to go get get a bouet for you let’s get a bouet let’s get a I like that thing bu bu bu hello Pier I need a boet thank you I need to go look if I have any pumpkins for Louis [Music] too oh okay [Music] and wait wait where are you going okay I still have eight hearts with you but that’s fine let’s hurry up this way and Demetrius I’m not ending up with Maru and an amethyst for the dwarf eight hearts okay so tomorrow one more gift and hopefully I’m done with Harvey and alet the other two are going to take a little bit longer I need you Oak resin for now pumpkins should be here I sold all my pumpkins that’s bad okay let’s go buy some pumpkin seeds and leave them in the the in the island that way they’ll grow there I won’t be able to finish his request but that’s fine I’m pretty sure I need pumpkins for one of the cooking recipes so can’t believe I sold them all well I can but why can’t I press on that one second wait I can take them I took all the decorations okay we have two tickets iridium sprinkler and [Music] decoration I have the bananas wait I want to open the boxes forgot about that hey proess please see that’s what I was looking at Golden pumpkin but there were none I got the book finally book of mysteries I’m still going to open all of the boxes um arst shoke okay book of mysteries and this what does this do you have a slightly greater chance to find Mystery Boxes wait I’m still missing one and I’m still missing these oh God I thought I was [Music] done I don’t even know what book this is it’s fine let’s go back into uh the island that way we can start over there U still no Lobster hi Willie I need four bait thank you one two three my inventory is full all right I got all the decorations it’s fine and I almost has one have one million one billion for the totem for the beach so I would I can stop coming here let’s skip this I have my pumpkin seeds okay neat neat and I’ll put the mystery boxes there I can have space oh banana that’s what I came to do here [Music] [Music] [Music] thank [Music] you now that that’s done uh wait I know I’m missing three more from farming hidden in the pages of the JW wait I have all the pages in the journal did I forget to use one this is a story I’m pretty sure I’ve got this [Music] one okay let’s go back to the farm and figure out what I’m missing [Music] okay I might not be able to I might have left my thing yeah it’s fine this is a mess how am I going to plant things if I left the thing I’m special all the fiber I think I need to set up how I want to do this Farm area because I have enough ancient fruit to just fill it up with ancient fruit yeah let let’s do that nope well let’s do a double check on how we’re doing over here with Mastery with perfection we already finished mastery hello keep working hard and maybe you’ll end up like me someday I finished that oh yes I was gonna buy something here um the hopper is 50 fine so I’m missing 40 points more 60 points more to finish all of the recipes there and our friendships 53% missing five golden walnuts of which three I know are from uh farming and apparently another one is from the notes and almost done with friends okay we’re good to go to just do um skull Caverns for winter and that was my plan because I understand that kobas uh to make him my roommate I need like a bunch of things from Skull caverns and there’s a chance that it drop there also we’re going to be doing audium barns for money so that’s good well that’s it for today and I’ll go back to streaming tomorrow and I hope you all had a nice time in my stream and and yes I’m going to finish stream and organize all of my chest here and in the other Island at least till the night ends good night everyone and thanks a lot for joining me by

I really enjoy these 100 days challenge videos so I wanted to try it out~. I have a couple of hours in the game but have never done perfection so thats the end goal~

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