Upgrading the Oldest Trap in Minecraft

sand traps have been around for well over a decade but they’re just not good anymore and there’s really three main issues first off it takes way too long to make taking out a large hole obviously takes time and in modern Minecraft the only way to secure kills is by funneling players with pistons and using a long fall onto dripstone the next issue is that the Trap can only be used running in One Direction along the longer side this is partially due to the time constraint but it’s also because you need a block to break or piston to destroy the main sign holding up all the other signs lastly the Trap is hard to build from underneath meaning you’re an open Target on Surface as you reset the Trap after using it the first time so let’s hop into a game of hoplight Minecraft’s hardest Battle Royale and I’ll show you how I’ve overhauled this trap first of all when I was on the dragon I needed to make sure there was a sand biome near the center of the map to set up the Trap and also a village for something you would not quite expect for a trapping game with those locations confirmed I found a cave nearby to mine in and luckily this one had a lush cave biome so I could get some clay here for trades but I could also use a river nearby the village for clay too then I just had to all the iron I could I used the smelter pick to smelt some Stone I made a stone cutter and a grindstone and for this trap I definitely needed two buckets for water I didn’t have all the iron I wanted so I just made all the armor I possibly could but if you know anything about trapping you might notice that I’m missing one crucial component and yeah I had to go find another cave for this because I needed three more iron for a lumberjack acts to collect all the wood for signs and building the Trap yeah a little bit of a rookie mistake there I should not be making that then I just collected some food on the way back to the village and I could set up my trades I used the stone cutter to make stone Mason villagers which I could trade clay for emeralds from five stacks of clay is the perfect amount to max out two villagers before they need to restock and I could use one stone cutter for two villagers if I just hid or in this case killed the Villager so I could use it on another one then I used the grandstone to set up a Blacksmith Villager and in this case I’m looking for knockback swords I came up with this strategy a few months ago of clay trading for knockback swords but apparently the hoopet admins thought it was too op or something because they made it so that it cost double the emeralds for each knockback sword you trade or any enchanted sword you get from these villagers meaning it Nerfs other strategies too not just Trappers but 32 emeralds is still a good amount to at least secure one knockback sword and in this case I manag to still afford a second one barely however I didn’t have enough iron for an anvil but maybe I could use it later on with that the only things I need to collect on Surface still with some wood and water buckets now for the Trap itself the first upgrade I have is how I set up the sandfall if I dig down underneath the sand and place a dripstone block on the bottom side of the sand block by holding right click and left click at the same time with the shovel and the drips on in my off hand it’ll create this floating sand block which I can attach all my signs to and with PVP rapidly approaching I had to make sure to be hidden underground or else I would be for sure dead after digging out a couple layers of blocks and also placing signs so that people can’t water or place blocks to build out of the hole I can finally show my second upgrade if I water log these slabs I can make an area where it’s harder for my opponents to move and it’s also easier for me to use my knockback sword to hit them further into the Trap but I can’t take credit for this setup cuz my friends Parker game brand and Shadow killer helped me out with with this and in the corner of all this I had a 2×2 hole where I’d hit my opponents into I still had the funnel a little bit of this area into a 1×1 hole but this is still a lot less red zoning and digging than in the previous setup and this also allows me to use my third upgrade because the enem is in the corner of the Trap and I’m in the Trap itself I can actually drop dripstone from above and kill them that way instead of using dripstone and fall damage combined I still placed a little bit of dripstone at the bottom of this to deal some damage but it wasn’t meant to kill them just had to make sure to place some armor stands in there to stall them while I was dropping dripstone and that’s it yo you just watched me make a trap that I know you’ve never seen before so you should probably subscribe to see more insane traps in the future and you already know what time it is it’s time to get some trap kills I don’t have enough iron this game I don’t enough sticks for ladders this yo performance of a lifetime type of game right now guys you’re about to witness one of the nastiest ladder systems going set it up like this cuz can’t do it while shifted actually I’m going to kill somebody by the time I go down there so it doesn’t matter I’m not going to even set this up yeah it doesn’t matter I just going to stack up here I’m going to exit the nether with no pants on that’s what I’m going to do oh wait phenomenal there’s more people here just get out of here zqd is better to get cleaned I just got out of the nether that guy definitely saw me I’m he’s going to run through the Trap spot he saw me I’m just going to run there we’re going to dig down please go the Trap oh block [Music] man please somebody dies let try to repair yeah knockback two would be really really good but knock back one that’s the trick guys I thought someone else was chasing me maybe they left me alone or something hopefully they didn’t see the Trap and I actually managed to repair the whole trap wow let’s go get our Loot and see what we got oh my God he broke every armor stand h a g head for me yeah had a bunch of gold a bunch of Gap um that’s the Archer bow I don’t need that and there ANB for me nice okay let’s definitely make kb2 now so that I can hit them in easier oh he broke this sign too that was so close to him getting out he L had to break two of these stairs and he would have gotten out of there oh my God and why did I not have my S blocks on me this game I don’t know man what was I doing let’s make some more armor stands and I’m not making ladders again cuz I do not care actually I don’t need sticks again cuz I used them all on armor stands I’m just going to Gap up to full now and oh he has apples for me and webs I can enchant this diamond sword grab the slime blocks grab some arrows damn he had really really good stuff for me then okay let’s enchant this enchant my armor why was this guy not Enchanted actually I just realized he had the E table on everything maybe had no levels or something that’s weird I was also so lucky he just happened to be here I don’t know why I got feather falling I don’t care I’m just going to keep moving I think we got everything we need let’s get out of here yeah we’re just going to dig back up again I don’t really care okay let’s just play regularly for a little bit I think I can run my hot bar like thisara time has a lot of kills and then pH toasty has a lot of kills too one of them probably wins me the game and one of them might not win me the game it might make it a close game so it’s going to be fun going need to pick up a good sword off of somebody is that full toasty I think it is okay I need to kill his ravager he’s going to fight me right over the Trap too this is perfect I can bait it from either side too so I can be over here and bait the Trap oh he’s gotten the glitch let’s go he needs to hop off too fix that why is he running from me I really would need the skill he definitely is the most that guy in the game come on ravager just die man he’s trying to bow pop off the ravager he doesn’t know how to fix the glitch I think he just did it I’m going to try to back up while I’m doing this oh my guys his boat hurts so much stop strafing man got it I need to G time I’m just running oh my God going the Trap got him come in please hit in come on got him let’s go I’m praying I win this game man actually I don’t care if someone jumps me down here I’m so stacked now oh my God I was panicking so hard I was L shaking trying to hit him into the Trap cuz I was so scared I was going to lose the game right there that’s why the SS are on the edge but not in the middle so it’s easier for me to hit them in but if they’re on the edge they can’t block up you couldn’t block up that one last spot to try to clutch up the Trap oh my God man I don’t need this stuff actually it I’m trapping someone else you know what I’m feeling good maybe we TR someone else guys low key sh four Diamond beehive insta Health but oh my God this guy was dude I’m full diamond now this armor is really really good oh my God might trap someone else this game so I’m going to reset everything but I’ll reset from the top of the Trap I don’t need to hide while resetting I can obviously defend myself pretty uh pretty conveniently this game I would say I cannot believe I clutch up from most scuff start have had to any traing game in a long time to this man peekaboo indeed man he was not ready for that D it’d be so good if I managed to clutch another trap kill this game that would just be a cherry on top of everything man I’m feeling it I’m feeling someone pulls up in the next minute and just decides to get trapped all right 1 minute left before death match let’s find a guy going be a little too long to repair for the Trap I don’t think I’m going to find anyone all right I think I’m just going organize for death match but from on top of the trap with my pants off maybe somebody will pop out a horse to get trapped man I don’t know I even reset the Trap let’s be real they were no way I’m getting a kill but you know you could hope sometimes think I’m going to pop the ravager horn and run mid right now let’s go rer let’s go to Mid all right let’s scout out the arena I don’t want to get over confident here I’m going to try to see if there anyone with Diamond Armor up mid don’t think so so I think it’s going to be a nice Adventure nice breeze to get this dub right now so let’s get some kills that’s AB so fun let’s try to pull some kills actually this guy’s got you know somebody’s got some D pieces let’s get his ass first all right ravager plus bees yeah this guy’s having a fun time right now he’s swinging at the ravager but his health is getting swung at too oh my God ravager break the leaves what are you doing let’s get him oh we just dropped okay I’m just going to get kills now since everybody else is iron let’s get some kills two kills entering death match this guys have pants Oh I can’t hit them with the ravager oh wait what hit them now oh they’re just cross teaming that’s [Music] cool I’m going to be everybody get some poisons and I Gap up here there’s another stack oh my God I underestimated my opponents guys there’s actually a fully stack guy why you gapping there okay I think I could kill this guy but I’m going to get him first before getting the irons cuz don’t want to throw this game I pop speed and go got the guardian Cannon don’t want to get hit by that he’s going to try to ma me wait there’s a full three team in Death Match I shouldn’t have drank that speed pot I’ll shoot this guy off all right Beast let’s get him let’s get the full diamond first out I think I blocked his water that was his last Gap going to beehive real quick I think have a weapon he’s dead I don’t think he has any water he doesn’t he’s another one there’s more gaps what no way he just ran through the guy who’s lower Oh’s higher in health oh my God what is going on man wait this is bad I thought that was a last cap to it when it wasn’t okay I’m going to have to play smarter then damn bro got stacked oh oh my God two hearts no way oh my God my internet went out holy holy holy I’m back I’m back I’m not losing this game anymore oh my God oh my god no way wait the three team is not three teaming anymore oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh no way I came back we are not losing this game anymore guys let’s get this dub I can find another ravager this guy is so high in health man I think I saw his hand after that Gap though please get him I just found another ravager shouldn’t I grab my ravager horn out let’s get a ravager up um where’s my ravager you can’t get off of it oh my God okay this is a lot closer than I think now that’s a 10 just drop him got him lag the hell oh go thank you for hitting him G up a little bit again poison him be nice I got him okay he’s out of healing thank God man oh my God I dropped the ravage point but let me try this right click for two seconds okay oh you can’t let go of it oh I’ll just kind of chill and try to use this Guardian cannon on him I really want to try it out it’s a new item this season right come on 3 seconds and here we go bro I just did like half his health what that’s so op all right and GG guys let’s go no way I came back on two hearts in one let’s go yo GG’s guys

Upgrading the Oldest Trap – Hoplite
About This Video:
Previously I tested if the oldest trap, sand fall pits, still worked. I got a few trap kills, but there were too many flaws to achieve in a convincing win, so I decided to upgrade and modernize the sand trap further.

Server IP: hoplite.gg
Me, Myself, and I
Texture Pack:
Trapper’s Essentials (Mashup by @EnchantedTrapper
Business Email:
0:00 – Intro
0:40 – Trap Building
3:41 – Trapping
8:57 – Deathmatch
11:49- Deathmatch Part 2

#speedsilver #hoplite #battleroyale #minecraft #uhc #minecrafttraps


  1. 11:50 report everyone 1. teaming and then 2 guitaroftime for ghosting also he is a new player ive had him in my lobbys he uses xray. So um theres that pls get him banned guys.

  2. Honestly, I don’t see why the iron guys would attack each other there. Running past the full diamond guy was strange, but they could’ve just assumed the guy with ravager and beehive blaster was a more valuable kill.

    Good win and awesome trap though.

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