Welcome To The Farm! | Stardew Valley |

nah yeah n oh you oh oh this hello why is my wait what I was going to say hello why is my hat gone also why is it still playing okay hold up can can we get my hat thank you oh I have to change the oh physically change that uh hello everyone Master Zach here today we are going to be playing stardew Valley uh as you can see um it’s also uh the shorts if you are on the shorts stream and it’s not if you’re on the normal one we are doing a multi stream on I I turned the twitch one off because it it this turns out uh is really bad for my internet uh and it it is very laggy so we will hopefully not lag now that I’ve turned the twitch one off but uh yeah I don’t know why my hat disappeared that was weird I think it’s cuz the keybind to start the stream is on control 9 uh for the shorts one and for some reason any touching of the nine button will remove my hat so we got to fix that anyways how are you all doing where is your Subway Surfer Zach you’re on the wrong stream Mason the shorts one is where we have the the the the soap anyways without further Ado Let’s Just Jump Right In hello Mason hello to Jets one uh hello trace and hello thean forever and monkey ever 18 how are you all doing today anyways without further Ado let us make a new uh a new world live stream Farm favorite thing I don’t know uh I actually I have no idea what to do here uh I haven’t played stard Valley in a long time I know how to start but like what do you guys want to see why are all the the viewers on the shorts live I have no idea also I have no idea if the stream is lagging or not please please like tell me when it is because I have no idea if it is or not and uh yeah I might actually want to turn down the short stream to like 150 kilobytes per second you guys get low poor quality stream while the the other viewers get eat up all the riches that’s not going to be my favorite thing my favorite thing is going to be that joke has never been said before ever ever hello Raphael how’s it going how are you today welcome welcome but yeah my favorite thing is going to be subscribed which is what all you guys should do right now at this very moment uh subscribe hit like uh I just realized oh that chat right there on the short stream uh it’s not actually shorts chat that’s that’s the other streams chat that’s funny that’s funny also how’s it going Jay how are you today we are going to be uh stard doing uh so let’s get our I color purple air color blond let’s see uh oh actually skin four skin one or skin four skin four just pale as can possibly be let’s go this hair is nice no no no not at all no we’re not not doing that um what hair looks like my hair this kind of is like me looking a little bit also I did not install the mods I apologize for that just because I I could barely get this stream functioning pick three m I think four that hair is not good oh this hair is nice one wait it was five yeah F I think five is the closest thing uh let’s find something that’s purple uh no accessories all right uh this how do you guys like this this good chat you’ve been working on a Twitter thread of games you like that are included in the Steam Sale yo let’s go also hello cheeky how are you doing today uh let me know if it’s lagging the lag oh no all right uh executive decision hold up uh we’re going to we’re going to continue to uh segre at the shorts viewers hold up I I don’t have an intermission screen for shorts viewers so we’re just going to go back to starting soon hopefully that doesn’t make too much noise for them laau or us I can’t tell is it playing the starting soon screen right now chat all right we’re going to give you 150 shorts viewers continue yeah yeah 1,500 no no video bit we 1 15 her okay now it’s for some reason it it you just keep having 2,000 so you know what I guess I guess you’ll stay at 2,000 also wait how do I uh there we go continued to so uh actually it turns out we can’t steal from them for some reason and I have no idea why and it’s kind of concerning they have more power than the actual live viewers that are not on shorts also it only has one concurrent viewer wow okay all right maybe maybe this is all for not maybe we should not be doing this uh cat or dog I’m going to choose uh choose this little guy nobody’s there lount no one is there absolutely no one’s there and we’ve had to sacrifice the twitch viewers for this as well we’ve had to actually like sacrifice so uh it might not have been worth it let’s do purple pants all right I think this is good I think we’re going to we’re going to rock with this what what what farm should we get chat you hit the thread Limit Oh no there’s a thread limit Obe my cat looking huh oh Raphael’s still here let’s go standard Farm Beach Farm Riverland Farm Meadowlands Farm Forest Farm High high top Farm Wilderness Farm or four corners Farm I don’t want to do four corners Farm because we don’t have any other people and we’re not going to have any other people ever I’m not going to play multiplayer stard Valley you can’t make me also I have not eatting food all day because I spent all time trying to install the OBS plugin just for it to not really work that well what are we choosing chat Max of 25 Tweets in one thread that’s crazy it should be more although I guess it probably will mess up their like storage thing if you have like a pip I guess you could make a zip bomb thread now that I think about it you can make a zip bomb thread like open for your favorite charact and it’s got like 17 million things I think that would crash your computer uh what do we want to do chat you can’t defeat the demon on an empty stomach true that’s why I have just leftovers I have a piece of salmon rice and a half eaten burger that I have heated up in the microwave mixed together it will be sustainable let’s do the normal one you know or yeah let’s do the normal one I I don’t know all the other ones have like upsides and downsides like Hilltop uh now let’s do standard standard Farm standard settings what are these okay no it’s fine all right we’re just going to do it we’re just going to start and let’s go 50 zaby zip bomb from trying to look at a thread true he’s dead and for my very special Brad I want you to have the sealed envelope wow he has the most rickety bed available now and close there will come a day when you feel crushed by the burden of Modern Life okay and your bright spirit will fade before a growing emptiness oh no when that happens my boy you will be ready for this gift okay now let Grandpa rest then he dies true me when I when work me that guy’s weird looking he does not fit the pixel art he does not fit it at all that guy’s weird looking for other reasons well I’m trying to delete the old stream I don’t know how to do it on the twitch one oh no that’s me and the skeleton oh you can’t see skeleton skeleton dear Zack if you’re reading this you must be in dire need of a change the same thing happened to me long ago I lost sight of What mattered most in life real connection with other people and nature so I dropped everything and moveed to the place I truly belong I’ve enclosed the deed to that place my pride and joy live stream Farm I mean I I don’t know about you grandpa but if you if you if you named the place live stream Farm I don’t think that’s really giving up like your connection to like technology and stuff like that it’s located in stardew Valley on the Southeast coast it’s perfect place to start your new life this was my most precious gift of all and now it’s yours okay L is still alive say hi to Big the old guy for me will you okay I just get a deed I just get a deed chat that’s that’s the truly I don’t know why he was like hey wait until you’re like totally depressed and stuff like you could have done that earlier you could say hey just go work on this far also what if the deed expired what if the deed expired chat look at the little bird hello hello you must be Zach I’m Robin the local Carpenter mayor Lewis sent me here to fetch you and show you the way to your new home here’s he’s there right now tidying things up for your arrival the right over here if you’ll follow me let’s go it’s this is live stream Farm I shouldn’t have capitalize stream cuz now it looks weird but that’s fine what if he became a quintillionaire and was never depressed true I guess that is fair what if he just made money what’s the matter sure it’s a bit overgrown but there’s some good soil underneath that mess with a little dedication you’ll have cleaned up in no time but I don’t have any electricity or pipes I feel like that’s a and here we are your new home why does he have access to my house a new farmer welcome I’m Lewis mayor of pelicant town you know everyone’s been asking about you it’s not every day that someone moves in it’s quite big deal so you’re moving into your grandfather’s old Cottage it’s a good house very rustic rustic that’s one way to put it crusty might be a little more apt though rude don’t listen to her Zach she’s just trying to make you disatisfied so you buy one of her house upgrades true anyway you must be tired from the long journey you should get some rest tomorrow you ought to explore the town a bit and introduce yourself the town’s people would appreciate that this isn’t the game that’s supposed to be abruptly difficult platformer oh never mind that’s Celeste I believe ah true maybe it’s called live stream after a leral stream true I almost forgot if you have anything to sell just place in that box there I’ll come by during the night to collect it well good luck true what if there is just a stream we should have chosen the river Farm then actually that would have that would have made sense guys did he pick cat or dog you will see alexiel also welcome to the stream alexiel you have you have joined the funny one I’ll say that let’s go parsnips speaking of Celeste true it’s on sale 90% off all right chat we’re going to be farming our parsnips I have not played uh I almost said celest I have not played stard Valley in a long time but I have played it before so this will not be a new experience I’ve I’ve streamed it before as well back in back in Ye Old Days uh but yeah we have $500 chat get started introductions cultivate and harness a par Harvest ah sorry I play video games to have fun this is a fun video game it’s it’s uh oh you mean Celeste yeah I don’t know Celeste is fun it’s just a bit challenging all right we’re going to do all our farming immediately chat on site frame one okay thank you for hitting the ground there so plus is currently $2 on Steam yo funny platformer game I felt like I had more parsnip seats than that I had 15 right 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 that’s 15 okay that is 15 I just can’t count gosh I could have made this row better and then you know what Zach was able to beat most of it I I imagine you’d be fine true that is that just the like the the counter for if a game is hard or not is Zach able to beat it oh no also yeah is the stream lagging maybe here will not lag yeah hopefully the shorts I don’t know if it’s lagging or not no one’s watching it though so that’s that’s probably that probably says something you know what let’s not hey hey I I I actually don’t care I just I just realized I don’t care I don’t care let’s not have this stop the stream how do I stop it no stop recording stop the stream how do I stop the stream how do I stop it I don’t I don’t want I I I just had a moment of Awakening I don’t want to do a short stream why am I doing that stop how do I how do I stop the Stream how do I stop the stream I want to stop it I want it to stop I want it to I want it to end I want to end it I want to end this it keeps lagging I don’t I don’t want to sacrifice my stream enjoyability how do I kill it how do I kill I’m going to kill it is it dead is it dead did it did it die did it die did we kill it I don’t think we killed it no it’s still alive how do I stop it how do I kill it how do I kill it how do I kill it and not the other one oh I should also pause the game my bad with time has been running how do I kill it oh it’s dead it’s dead I killed it I killed it I killed it I killed it it’s no longer it’s no more it’s no more it’s no more and immediately we’re back to Salvation how do I stop it I don’t want this to happen ever again how do I disable it how do I disable it remove I’m just going to delete it delete it delete it delete it delete it delete it delete it delete it delete it streaming disabled recording uh disabled how do I disable it I don’t know I killed it we we killed it chat I think at least stop it’s dead it’s dead we killed it let’s go end stream I I hate it I mean it got a solid amount of views I will say we’re g to we’re going to make it disappear I’m going to unlist it all right it’s dead I don’t want to do that to you guys again I don’t know what I was thinking all right chat we’re we’re back here I it’s fine Jay I just I just killed the other thing the evil has been killed and now the stream should hopefully run well yeah look the stream’s running well all right I will also continue to turn on Twitch which is back on is it back on yes it is Twitch is back on all right we’re GNA just continue doing what we have always done because uh I I don’t want to do the other thing also is the starting all right chat you need to answer me actually I can just answer myself I will also also is the starting all right chat the starting soon screen stuff is not playing got it I don’t want I don’t want this to happen again how do I just remove it how do I like vertical vertical vertical vertical it’s still playing the vertical stuff though die I don’t want this here I don’t want this here how do I delete this all right whatever so I guess it’s still here for some reason I hate that I don’t know how to get rid of it anyways uh also twitch is live again hi how’s it going twitch is live are we still are we lagging chat are we still are we lagging chat okay no we’re not we’re good we’re fine everything is okay back to the video game thank you I don’t want the the thing to happen s this is annoying I hate it I have to like redownload OBS after this cuz I I want to uninstall the thing I don’t know how to uninstall it I don’t I don’t like this I don’t like it it’s still playing in the background it’s scary new new thing scary hello Pierre how’s it going I would like to buy uh uh well what what should we buy chat what should we buy I don’t like that I don’t like it cuz it doesn’t work cuz my internet sucks that’s the reason why it’s still playing it’s annoying me okay actually how do I get rid of this I don’t know how I get rid of this I want to know I want to uninstall it it’s freaking me out you guys can’t see it you guys can’t see it but it’s like on potato o that does sound good has a chance of yielding multiple potatoes yeah let’s do that it’s the gamble fruit or not fruit it’s the gamble crop gambling let’s go gambling 6 days we got that oh it’s so annoying and it made my stream lag a bunch sorry that the beginning of this stream was just really laggy but yeah how are you guys all doing today I’m I’m sorry that that that happened I want to deeply apologize that was not fun and I doubt it was fun for you guys let’s plant some potatoes see perfect nothing wrong here at all but yeah important relevation Revelation Portal 2 is one dollar yo also how do I have electricity here sunny day tomorrow fortune teller neutral uh living off the land easy let me eat some food Portal 2 is $1 Peak video game for like no money at all but yeah I think um I think chat for the for the shorts I’m going to uh here’s the deal chat my internet will not be able to handle the short Stream So I think what the deal is going to be is I will not do the short streams ever again until I get better internet so I’m going to figure out how to uninstall the the software from my OBS and then we will uh so that it doesn’t like show up and continue to cuz uh the thing is it’s running in the background and it’s making OBS uh C uh my CPU to run really really hot it’s taking up 25% of my CPU right now and normally it only takes about like 15 so it’s it’s definitely a lot worse off than we normally are so I think what we’re going to do is we’re going to stop doing this until I get better internet which is going to be a a while and then yeah how do how does that sound chat oh wait I don’t have a fishing rod sorry I used to fish a lot in this game that’s why I’m like drawn here I forgot what we have to do to start the game but yeah I mean you know what it’s good that we tested it out you know chat it’s good that we tested the shorts out we figured out that it did not work however in 20 minutes we got like 95 viewers so that’s pretty good um yeah what are you guys’ thoughts o another stardew Valley Fisher true it’s the best way to make money or at least it was easy money actually I have not played this game in like since like what what update is it on it’s like on 1.16 I’ve not played since like 1.12 I’ve not played this in a long time or 1.4 1.2 I don’t know it’s on something Mr steals my stuff let’s introduce ourselves to some people oh I can’t introduce myself to you oh no never mind we can fishing make number go up caves were your favorite thing to do in stardo true true Rock eater hello not rock eater kelp or green algae Evelyn everyone made fun of you for fishing the worthless fishing bundle was the first one you unlocked oh no wait who are you I’ve never seen you in my life did they just add her I can’t open these why can’t I open these are they gluing their trashes shut can’t believe it but yeah it’s good that we tested it chat you know it’s good that we tested it because now we know that do not run shorts on my computer because uh it it takes uh it takes like a billion internet also it for some reason it’s making me feel uncomfortable like I don’t know why but like I don’t like it and it and it it’s like physic I like physically feel weird now and I have no idea why she gives you psychedelics and calls it green tea yo but yeah I don’t know I don’t like it I don’t like it and I don’t know why it’s making deal this way and it shouldn’t I should just be able to be normal about it but for some reason I’m not and it’s weird uh we don’t want fi we don’t need fiber for a while let us trash this didn’t you say you were going to disable twitch multi streaming I was and then then I stopped doing the short stream twitch won in the end uh yeah cuz for some reason twitch for some reason twitch doesn’t take my internet when I stream on Twitch like I I can stream on Twitch and YouTube and it takes the same amount of internet as streaming on YouTube but for some reason when I stream on YouTube twice uh it it takes twice as much YouTube and I have no idea why start Valley Stream tainted by the shorts true that’s not the only shorts in stardo Valley that that taint things no where is where’s the Hat Mouse oh does it just not spawn oh yeah that’s probably it there’s so much added since 1.2 or whatever yeah I just haven’t played in a while I don’t know it was one of those things where like I played it for a while and then then I just stopped and then I didn’t want to start playing again and then yeah but yeah I don’t know we’re not going to we’re not going to stream we I I I think I think to meet the perfect equilibrium we’ll we’ll do short stream sometimes and if I ever get better internet like I’m I’m looking into the prospects of an ethernet cable um but it’s that would be kind of hard because I’m like really far away from where the ethernet is uh I’m looking into the prospects of that and then uh if we we do get that we might be able to uh stream on YouTube and also YouTube and uh see how that works but for now it’s making me feel weird and I don’t like it and also stealing my internet all right that was today uh we did pretty good uh oh my gosh we need to craft a chest uh 50 wood okay we can we can do that I forgot chests are like a thing you like craft you can make comically long ethernet cables by terminating the ends of the cable yourself oh no I can just buy like a 200t ethernet cable but I still need to get a 200 foot ethernet cable okay bye all right you have a good rest of your day Mason I I the ideal is that we do uh labotomy Corporation streams on shorts cuz genuinely I’ve been thinking about the way to like uh optimize my Niche which is Project Moon um and and we’ve decided on it we’ve locked it in chat the niche is Project Moon we are we are we are project Moon uh Channel I think after I made a uh fnf Annoying Orange um limbus company video and it still got 1,000 views uh I think it’s like you know we can lock it in we can lock that one in chat we make project Moon videos here and that’s not we’re not going to not stream other things I’m streaming start Valley right now um that just just means more more limbus more God that was insane yeah no I I I for some reason and I ideas keep like being beamed into my head that are that are very good and they’re original they’re original ideas jet I’m the first one to ever come up with these and it’s like and and I I I I just was like wait a second I think it was uh I it was like it was the platform that the Apple was sitting on and I was like Hey that kind of looks like the mountain that we fight chromer on and then I was like okay well you you have to make that now you have to make that now Zach that’s necessary you you need you need to make that and thus uh the video was born and I I I was like leaking it on Discord and I was like wait a second let me let me post an image of like the the cutout uh Mountain wait no one’s going to get that let me post an image of the Annoying Orange for like 5 seconds and then Jay saw it and I I think and in that moment Jay knew exactly what was happening me and Jay were the only people in the world at that moment who had made that connection you need to re-upload chromer sweet but a psycho now that people are looking shorts don’t get views I it’s so insane but genuinely shorts don’t get views and and and and it sounds like that’s the opposite and that’s the the way it’s that’s the opposite for what normal people have it but for some reason my shorts don’t get views and my videos get the views that my shorts would get and I’ve tested this I have an ALT account the secret YouTube alt account I’ve tested it I will upload a video on the secret YouTube Al account that has like no subscribers and it will get hundreds of shorts views and then I will upload a short on my channel that has 6,000 subscribers and it will get no shorts views and I don’t know why that is for some reason YouTube has forsaken this channel uh yeah it was so good it was maybe I should just be like a chromer AMV Channel you know those like really like like you know those like K-pop amvs imagine that but chromer maybe I should do that what do you guys think chat would that be a good idea or would that be going way too far so glad Zach got into the fnf song with lyrics genre of songs right after comments uh controversy surrounding some of them died down wait did do fnf fans not like fnf songs with lyrics All right we need leaks got it are these leaks no those are spring onions uh-oh I think honestly I’ve I’ve come full circle on the fnf songs cuz like I used to like be like neutral SL ambivent or whatever the word is where I’m just like watching from afar and I like don’t really like care that much and it’s like sure whatever but like I think and I think it literally was I had an epiphany while listening to The Annoying Orange rotten Smoothie fnf Song and I was like no this is literally what Beethoven would be doing if he was born today if if Beethoven was jenzy Beethoven would be making the Annoying Orange fnf song where the Annoying Orange turns evil that’s what that’s what mozar that’s what Beethoven that’s what Bach would be doing that’s what like like Elvis would be doing that’s what like uh Michael Jackson would be doing like I I these people are the modern like vision Aries of music and and I I think I realized that while listening to The Annoying Orange one and I’m like no this is Peak like okay it’s genuinely a higher art form like I think undoubtedly if you put your biases aside and like look at it objectively fnf mods are a higher art form they they’re they are high art because think about it you need like five different skills to be able to make an fnf mod you need music you need art you need programming and then you need like five other subsets of those things it’s genuinely is high art cuz it it needs so many different art forms to go into it Michael Jackson on an fnf song would go insane I mean he made a Sonic song he cooked on a Sonic song Why Don’t We why don’t we you know let him cook on a and an fnf song why he’s dead that’s why we can’t but you know if he was alive if he was alive he would be he would have he would make an official week like he wouldn’t make a mod for it he’d make an official week fnf fans are so picky yeah that’s kind of like every fan base though I feel like I I I feel like it’s not that they’re picky it’s that they’re spoiled there’s a difference fnf fans have so many they have a buffet of mods every day like there’s there’s like five like minor fnf mods made and then like one like major big like Silly Billy esque mod like every single day every week they get like hundreds and H not hundreds but like every week they have so much content just fed to them Mount like just for free for nothing and like I don’t know I I saw this one thing where it was like some guy was like making a rhythm game and like his proof of concept was an fnf mod and he’s like hey but we’re don’t worry we’re going to change the engine we I I want to make my own rhythm game and just people were just like hating on him and it’s just like wait you’re you’re mad that someone is like wanting to make money off of this like I don’t know someone I saw a post and I I think I commented on Twitter on that post and like someone was like upset that they made $500 and it’s like yeah well they’re making an indie game I sure hope they get $500 you did see that I don’t know I think fnf fans uh you think fnf mods are super overrated I think they’re like I think they’re Peak honestly like don’t get me wrong some of them are some of them are overrated some of them are what but like like if they weren’t fnf I feel like people would be like all over them like genuinely this is the type of stuff that like producers should be like picking up on right like I’m I’m being completely unironic if there is a music agent out there who is if there are mus if all the if there’s no music agent out there that’s just like looking at fnf mods and being like oh this guy’s got talent I think they’re all idiots like genuinely the future of music and especially the future of music like producers like sure you can make an argument for like oh yeah there’s not going to be a lot of singers coming out of the FF community fine whatever you can you can make that but like music producers like beat makers and stuff like that if you as an agent are not looking into that and not following that you you you are sorely sorely mistaken cuz like these people are making peep like I I I genuinely think like it’s sure it’s still like newish like don’t get me wrong fnf has only been in like four or five years I do think though in the next like few years agents are going to start like reaching out to people and be like hey uh so I see you worked on this fnf mod uh would you like to help uh for like would would you like you know we’ll we’ll we’ll get you into a studio we’ll get you uh this person needs a new new backing track would you be willing to make that you remember seeing a meme using Silly Billy in it and the comments were like this song goes crazy yo what is this song and then they find out it’s FN and completely disregard it yeah that’s that’s what I’m saying people are unable to like shell uh or like un unshell their biases like the second they go o fnf yucky and then and then it’s non music but like no these people are making Peak these people are cooking and I I I I just I just am sad that I have none of the talents that I’m able to actually get into the community like I I will never be able to get into the fnf community cuz I’m not good at Rhythm games I can’t make music I can’t do art I can’t code I can’t like I I have no useful skills my one skill is like streaming and I can’t even stream fnf games because they’re Rhythm games like it’s a bit difficult to judge a song proper when the lyrics are be true true however if instead of you think consider that as the lyrics and you consider that as the main instrumental then it’s like if you think of that as a guitar someone gets compensated for their work outrageous true someone asks for donations they’re not even demanding it someone just monetizes their work in a way that’s like not even aggressive how dare you but yeah the fnf community is a little bit spoiled um actually a lot spoiled uh imagine there was imagine any other get gets got modded as as much as they did dude imagine if uh every single week there were 5 to 10 new abnormality mods in labotomy corporation with like full artwork actually no scratch that imagine if there were like five to 10 new like like corporations added to La botomy Corporation every week like new like buildings new stuff stuff like new all the things new sepharad new ego gifts new like abnormal like imagine if all that happened every single week that’s crazy like have you ever tried down scroll with ZX oh or binds or no I can’t I can’t it’s not that my binds are bad it’s that I can’t do Rhythm games like I the the way I press buttons is not meant for that I I I like I I I don’t have impulse control I have ADHD I don’t have impulse control we tested that they tested that that was the one thing that I sucked the most at is impulse control if I see a thing on screen I go I hit it I hit it so I I I don’t have impulse control I can’t do that yeah I also have to talk to my doctor about possible higher dosages of uh the medicine that I’m on because turns out uh I still am not really able to focus or stop procrastinating so you know we got to we got to get more we got to get higher we got to reach Peaks unbelievable to man and then then we will be able to play Friday night of fun five to 10 new limbus fights a week with at least some of them having custom Millie type songs true imagine that imagine that and then imagine being upset that they’re not updating the main game enough like honestly at this point I feel really believe really I don’t actually feel bad because let’s be real they’re they’re they’re millionaires they they they’re they’re they’re actively able to do what they what they’re able to do they’re able to accomplish it I believe in them but I do feel kind of bad for the actual makers of fed night funkin because no matter what they make I’m I’m and I’m not even I’m I’m not exaggerating no matter what they make no matter how good their game is there will always be at at least one mod that is better than their game and they will not be able to to make like it it’s not possible for them to just because there will always be that one Prodigy that one guy that is just blessed with the most Angelic musical capabilities the Michael Jackson The Mozart the bah the van that’s not a musician but he made good art of Our Generation and they are not on the official Friday night fun te I’m not saying they’re not good they’re they’re also amazing I’m just saying there’s going to be just always that one guy that makes a mod and and it doesn’t matter if the the full base game is a full 10 out of 10 there’s always going to be that 11 somewhere and and I I kind of feel bad for them because of that cuz it’s like yeah good luck let’s go but yeah there’s always going to be to be fair the recent update had two of the most well-respected fnf mod composers on it oh wait they’re hiring oh never mind never mind they they can make the game good they can make the game good I mean not good yeah hello San xox how’s it going hey how you been I’ve been doing good how are you I doing good we don’t have to water our our food yeah I’m glad we’re streaming on Twitch again and not shorts because shorts is scary and I want to uninstall it but yeah we’re talking about Friday night funin the the the game that I’m unable to play because I can’t hit the buttons right uh oh I got to go to Willie he’s got to I got to pick up the fishing rod I got to go fishing good thanks for asking good to hear good to hear but yeah mold ring well how does it go molded running slowly decaying these I I literally listened to this for like 6 hours straight how do I not know it hello Wily hold it roting slowly decaying upon and each line was it all How does it go someone post the lyrics you think Willie would play fnf How does it go Jay you know how it goes I I this this proves that my memory is awful cuz I listened to this for like 6 hours straight while editing and I just can’t remember it now but yeah also no matter who they collab with they’ll never be able to have the the the mass fan appeal of just the random people that they can put in mods they will never get Mickey Mouse they will never get annoying orange actually they could get this is your 3D model no this is my 2D this is my 2D my my 2D I don’t have a 3D model actually what’s your today’s stream plans we’re playing stard Valley all day for for however long the stream goes yes this is my 2D I don’t have a 3D model sadly actually I do but it’s like I I made it myself and it’s and I I I would want to update it I have a 2d and a PNG tuber but no 3D model also I have myself which will appear randomly usually when I’m playing a horror game because those those are the best ones molded oh yeah there he go ah I missed slowly decaying that’s what it is mold molded rotting slowly decaying each pun and each line was it all worth pretending they actually I forget how I forget how the melon goes how did I forget this they are no longer here oh bu our Legacy it’s over got to go we’ll probably be back later there all right you have fun doing whatever you’re doing alexiel should remember that you haven’t listened to the you shouldn’t remember that you haven’t listened oh you shouldn’t remember that you haven’t listened to the full song yet oh you should listen to the full song Jay sorry that I spoiled that for you oh no I’m ahead of the curve and I’m spoiling things for Jay now molded rotting slowly decaying each H and each line was it all worth pretending they are no longer here oh by your legacy it’s over it’s over it goes hard so can you make 3D models under your budget uh I don’t have a budget and that doesn’t mean that I I I I have a lot I have no money I I don’t have money to spend on a new model I’m sorry I apologize I am not in the market for a 3D model at the moment but uh I I got what I want I have my 2D I have my PNG tuber and I have my real self uh maybe when the stream gets more money maybe when I you know am am profitable uh we can we can start splurging on more things like that but for now I’m satisfied I’m content with what we have we don’t we don’t need I I don’t even have like I don’t even have like custom alerts I don’t have like custom I don’t have a screen like we got to we we got we got a little ways to work on before that you know the lyric part it was unavoidable on Twitter true why is everything from Taco Bell Spicy uh way uh way there way you’ll do a 2d no no no I I have a I have a 2d PG I have I have a 2d p hold up let me let me show you them let me show you this is my this is my little little guy where is he where is he let me show you my little fell where is he where are you there he is there we go there’s my little guy my little friend my good pal my buddy we’re going to we’re going to send him to the shadow realm now goodbye buddy go back to your house there there you go there we go molded rotting why is everything from Taco spicy uh I will answer your question why it’s not I wait I’m like I’m like every dude I am not able to handle anything spicy and I have had Taco Bell before and it is not spicy I don’t know what you’re doing you’re doing something wrong way that like Taco Bell is not spicy I’ve had it before and it’s like fine like what did you get what did you get from Taco Bell you noticed a few faults in it sure you can say it’s it’s got more uh it’s got more like actual like motions and stuff like that but I don’t know I got it for free from from our good pal bun bun so it was really cool thanks again for bun bun for making it cuz it’s really cool I like it molded rotting slowly decaying each Pond and each line was all worth pretending they are no longer here allbody are Legacy it’s over but yeah it’s funny uh Annoying Orange should really like make stuff again I think that’d be really cool I know like the full cast of Annoying Orange would not be able to like come back because I know Tobuscus was a part of it and I also know the person who made annoying like Annoying Orange themselves is trans and uh that’s uh that’s not really a good mix just cuz tasus is uh not really that good of a person so yeah but Annoying Orange could 100% make a comeback I’m not even kidding like dude if Annoying Orange started streaming as a vtuber like genuinely I’m talking about like 15,000 concurrent viewers an an whoever owns The Annoying Orange brand reach reach out to me you know I can do that for you hire me hire me let give me control of the Annoying Orange channel and give me an Annoying Orange vtuber actually I don’t sound like Annoying Orange make me like some other like I could be like blueberry hi I’m the orig I’m the original orange character blueberry welcome we’re going to live streaming or something like that our Legacy it’s why is the cheese sauce weird oh you just get less of that it’s spicy because it’s Taco Bell like it’s it’s I’m I’m bad with spice and even I know that like Hey cuz it’s supposed to be spicy okay that was bad I forget how far it goes let’s go we’re fishing chat our Legacy it’s over Chad I got to make more limbus company memes help me what what should we make chat what other limbus company memes do you guys want to see cuz cuz that’s my Niche that’s my talent that’s my skill I’m like well Vader except that uh I I’m not I got to break out in my original Niche chat which is uh I’ve been in the game longer actually I don’t know how long elevator uh made the channel I know I got to start be I got to start like needless beef with another limbus Creator I think well Vader is the good option because not only have I met well Vador before AKA well Vador showed up on a stream before it crashed because my internet sucks uh but also they made the same meme I did but a few days later I’m not I they didn’t copy it I just want to full clarify I’ve been in the mem making game long enough to know that multiple people can have the same idea at different times and just not check that someone’s made it before them uh so No Malice there but uh I got to start beef and I think that’s that’s my good one that’s the way we grow I’m kidding of course but yeah I do I do I want to make a name for myself in the limbus community because I feel like that would be cool you know I want to I want to be up there with like the the sunel the elevators the esus I don’t know how to pronounce any of their names actually you know we got to we got to we got to make a name for ourselves I want want my and and you know what my unique little thing my unique little thing can be I’m the limbus guy that also plays other games and that you guys can request games oo so I stre I I make limbus and labotomy corpse stuff but I also make other things oo that can be my little thing my uniqueness also the the limbus guy that has not played runia yet or has beaten the bomy corporation but is actively playing ooh you know sometimes sometimes lack of information is a nice gimmick in itself because now people can watch they can watch for the first time me playing Library ofia oo ooh think about it chat oh wait my uh okay Wednesday the 3D so tomorrow we we can Harvest our parsnips but yeah chat we got a we got to make a name for ourselves I think this is the niche that I want to pursue cuz that’s one of the things that like that’s that that’s literally the the biggest piece of or most consistent piece of advice all of the how to grow your YouTube channel or how to grow your Twitch Channel always gives it’s find a niche and I’ve never been able to do that before besides like maybe like hey we play indie games because I don’t I like playing other games you know and and when our when we do when we do find a game that I really like and I think is like a 10 out of 10 how are we going to stream aori every week we finished the game how are we going to and we could do the alternate ending but that’s what another 20 streams how are we going to consistently do amori for like years there’s no way to do that there is a way to do that with Olympus company though and labotomy Corporation and runia you can be one of the only limbus players who toughed out a labotomy corporation playthrough instead of looking up a sumary on YouTube true true that could be our gimmick our skill we actually played the game yeah it’s a good Community though and I like it but we we although it is split there’s a very clear uh split between the community and it’s not not even like the gacha players and the the non-a players it’s just the the people who are chill with like gay people and the people who aren’t and sadly as much as as much as the chill ones outweigh the the other ones they still have their own little little little packed they still have their own corner and uh as yeah we can see by uh whatever his name was that guy you know who I’m talking about what’s his face forest nymph fella whatever his his character’s gimmick is whatever who can’t speak yeah whatever his gimmick is his name’s like zet or something like that which still to this day is like how do you play these games you got some new ideas to sleep on oh did I level up let’s go zet yeah zet ooh that’s what we can do big we we can that I think that’s our next goal biggest PM creator with a z name I think that’s what we got to do I and I think people would be willing to let us take that biggest Z cuz there’s there’s t sunel e ESU uh W well Vader I don’t know the Other limbus M creators I’m going to be completely honest uh there’s uh what’s her name the person that made the call out video on ZET that also got diagnosed with ADHD like literally the same week I did it’s really weird like genuinely how how did we both get medicated on the same like 4 day time span we’re both PM creators and we’re both vtubers that is like statistically improbable he got kicked out of his annual charity stream thing that he used to participate in yeah I mean it the thing is he’s not just homophobic like there’s something that I want to clear up it’s not just that he’s homophobic and I know saying just homophobic is crazy but like he’s also like insanely like like actually unironically a Nazi Nazi like like I know that word gets thrown around I don’t like to throw that word around cuz it does have weight but like I went through his posts and oh my God like he is like actually like like the Jews are doing all of these things and taking over the world and we must fight back and stuff like that and it’s like whoa bro chill out chill out what are you on about Za DEA yes that’s who it is not the one that’s not no that’s that that’s the one that is literally me which is scary like we we that should not be statistically Pro possible live streamer vtuber PM Creator small that is a very small set of things Di has ADHD even smaller gets medicated for ADHD even smaller and then gets medicated in the same 4day time period huh for the first time that’s crazy that’s like actually statistically improbable to the point of it being kind of scary all right now we can make more uh seeds maybe I just don’t know how statistics work but actually that yeah maybe but scary why does that happen but yeah I don’t know I want to pursue limbus company as our niche as the Channel’s Niche I think is a good idea and that means we’re still going to be streaming all the other games we’re still going to be having fun streaming it’s just I think videos uh maybe we clip more things from limbus and labotomy corpse streams and I’ll maybe say more important things like there is a reason why I uh waited to say my disinterest in my like how much I hated YouTube stealing my views on the labotomy corporation stream because I’m probably going to clip it and then I can put the the the tag labotomy Corporation in the thing and then and then we can or at least I think I’m going to clip it maybe we’ll see but yeah I’m on like 5D chests I’m like wait I need to lock in I need to grow the channel more I have a I have a way to do it finally I need to not squander my opportunity there there are many times in my Channel’s history where I if I continued to chase a niche I might have been able to pop out earlier which overall would have probably been for the worst because I like who I am today and a majority of that is from like streams like my genuinely my personality has been permanently altered by streams and I am grateful for it but uh I will say that uh yeah if I if I had like gone gotten viral sooner that would have not been I don’t know as good or it would have been fine I just would have been a different person that Zach is not the Zach that sits in the chair now that Zach is a different Zach they’re still a Zach but whoa what is this only a master the five ways may enter okay yeah like Chiki and Alexia would have never joined the community and and never became our friends if we had become like a Five Nights at Freddy’s Channel when my it’s been so long video popped off or like maybe streams would have slowed down if I was like hey wait a second this nom nom nom video is kind of blowing up maybe I should be a vtuber Clipper inste gosh that would have don’t get me wrong there’s money to be made there but I feel like it’d be less fun and more of a task or a job at that point but yeah limbus company also another thing now that I know that I actually do have like ADHD and like that I do cuz I do have the type of ADHD that hyper fixates as well like that is probably what I do like I I I never thought about it like that but realistically that’s what I did with like the amori fan base that’s what I am currently doing with the project Moon fan base like I just thought that everyone did that I thought that everyone was just like that with things they liked but it turns out probably not spaghetti all right let me talk to you let me talk to you please yeah well we’re going to play Journey of the P King now can can we play there okay whatever you’re here who up St doing their Valley True how’s it going cm how are you today how are you also I saw someone else the other day with your your profile picture and I was like oh wait that’s a skeleton dabbing and I did for some reason I didn’t realize that before like I could see it and I knew it was that but for some reason like your profile picture was not synonymous with the actual image in my brain it was more synonymous like oh that’s cm and I don’t know why we’re not getting that many items okay there we go actual item let’s go there we go all right we’re chilling that’s your real life face actually true true stard do Valley but yeah how’s it going CM also I heard your voice the other day for like the first time I think golf golf and gartic phone true golf true yeah I want to do more streams with like other people oh I can’t break oh no I can’t kill that it’s just the issue is is like the only ones that I can think of are like with viewer streams and then uh the only issue with those are that I I don’t know who’s going to join and if they’re going to just start screaming like racial slurs or not that is always a goto for how did I die there some people did you miss that yeah you missed the golf ch ch J I wonder who the next a is going to be we have way we have J do you think there will be another member of the community that is like as impactful that has like an a like I I know we have also other Jay but like I mean like a new name a new name do you think we’re going to get like CH or something like that or like f or like Lei I don’t know are these things possible bomb Oh I didn’t hit the bomb dang you would have participated but you were already in another VC o is the method is the way uh I want to bomb you okay never mind that doesn’t work um let’s get let’s get this I don’t know what this does package I’ll make you say how proud you are of me so stay that’s literally all I’ve ever heard still to this day I know Jay just made a video on it for for way but to this day I have not seen Silly Billy hit single Silly Billy whatever it’s called I’ll make I had an idea for a video Jay said it’s never been done before another fnf limbus meme has been in the works in my brain I just don’t know how to do it it’s it’s it’s evil Heathcliff or Earl King Heathcliff uh but Silly Billy cuz that’s literally the exact same thing also Silly Billy is just mirror world uh boyfriend also oh no we still have one life let’s go live hit single reaction we could do that honestly we should do like a day where I just react to F and nothing there’s a lot of things sorry there’s a lot of things I need to react to and I feel like each deserves their own stream we’ve got the amazing digital circus reaction we’ve got amori manga reaction we’ve got fnf songs I’ll will make you SA and how proud you are of me so stay and I don’t know what he says after that but it’s probably something that is said by him oh round and round we go holding on to pain actually who would be better Heathcliff or cat Kathy I feel like Kathy makes a better uh Silly Billy than Heathcliff does every Catherine is a better Silly Billy or whatever his name is than uh Earl King Heathcliff I think think about it think about it Earl King boyriend fnf true I’ll may you say the issue is is I don’t know if I can do a a heath fliff for without like that is the issue there’s a lot of things that I want to make but I can’t do the voices for them so I can’t make them and before you say Hey what if you just use an AI voice uh no I’m not built like that also we’re just actually doing like really good at this I’m a gamer but yeah no AI voices for memes that’s and I I get the okay we’re dead I get the whole I get the whole excuse oh but it’s just a a silly meme video why can’t I do it uh I dude I can make I be what’s that one uh Marvel quote Pony Stark made this meme in his in a cave full of scraps like you don’t need that just just uh just cook if you were if you were British You’ do these Heathcliff Silly Billy cover I just feel like my voice doesn’t go deep enough for Heath Cliff like I could probably try to do a Heathcliff voice I’ll may but like I I don’t know how to first British accent and then also deepen I’ll make you save I can’t do it I can’t do deep voices I can’t do high pitched voices and I can’t do deep voices I’m stuck in this Perpetual like slightly higher pitch than normal voice that I have because it’s because AI us a small Lake every time it’s used true I love uh my 2.5 wat hours being consumed by every Google search now cuz it uses the little AI thing and it’s like don’t get me wrong I don’t have the most economically or electrically ergonomic hobby either I live stream like if instead of live streaming it was just you guys in a room and I was playing video games you guys are watching that would be so much more like better for the environment but at least it it it’s not taking like a billion times more than you think it should would your voice be deep enough I’m not sure I don’t know but yeah I think that uh yeah also meme making is an art learn how to do it l m I’m kidding I’m kidding but yeah I don’t know I hate that my voice is currently what year are you on I just started this stream CM we literally just started this stream this is Year One uh but uh basically uh I hate that as I am currently speaking because now they are like video scraping AI things that my my streams are just being fed into some random algorithm generator that’s making like videos and I hate that I hate it and I’m not a hypocrite because I also hated it when random artists were getting added I all all I’m saying it’s very telling uh if uh if you guys see a bunch of uh like video makers that used like let’s say like you guys see in the future cuz right now it’s not at that big of a big of a point but it’s eventually going to get there if you guys see a lot of like YouTube video creators that like are going to get really upset that like AI are like training off of their stuff and like making videos off of them and like uh all that make sure they’ve never AI generated a thumbnail cuz those people are hypocrites I I day one have been on the anti- AI internet scraping Train Day one check in check in with the ones who aren’t though don’t be don’t don’t be fooled into a false sense of cra y they will use you as stepping stones until it inconveniences them then they will pretend to be a part of your cause do not follow it I have no idea what I’m saying by the way my brain just told me to say that neutral let’s go you’d hope your voice is deef enough but you’re not British o ah Crow can’t believe it joa no build a coupe reach Farm level one getting started let’s go who gave me that money by the way Crow murder you can Zach you can make a scarecrow yes I know that we just weren’t able to make a scarecrow yet scarecrows are only unlockable once one crop has been stolen that’s how it works just scare the crows true yeang is frightened ye Sang’s a crow right that’s his like spirit animal thing or is he like a like a raven I think he’s a crow cuz each each of the the I don’t know if each of the characters has a thing but I know yeang has like a crow somewhere as his thing I don’t remember where I’m getting this information but my brain says it to be true I think it’s because of his ego it like turns him into a crow but yeah yeah the only like acceptable I would say form of like voice AI especially is like the one where it’s where the Sonic guy did it the fnf guy circling back to fnf by the way um the guy that made the the Sonic fnf Mod remember that chat Jay does the one that kind of sounds like Silly Billy when you think about it hard enough I say the tomorrow today today yeah that’s that’s fine I feel like that’s fine cuz it’s his own voice it’s his own stuff it’s just making his voice it’s like consensual and that’s all that matters that is my thoughts on AI that if it’s consensual it’s fine but a lot of the times it is not and that is not fine I think Miku is also acceptable she’s not an AI she’s a she’s a computer program Miku is fine we all we all love Miku hun Miku can never do wrong hatun Miku made Minecraft guys come on you think meiku is capable of malice I really would hope if that like if we do get like actual like ai ai also the word AI is is so overdone and overplayed nothing right now has passed the Turing test no artificial intelligence is actually an artificial intelligence they are all just algorithms that are really really really good at fooling us into thinking their job is something else uh so there’s nothing that’s actually an AI nothing is past the Turing test nothing actually thinks for itself everything just chooses the next word or chooses the next brush stroke or chooses the next frame to put in none of them actually are like sentient beings but once we get to the point where they are I hope they’re like hatsun amigu where they’re like chill you know I’m not going to be the first one to to bash the AI actual like artificial intell I will welcome them as long as they are like chill you know I think how do I get this how do I get wait what uh the guy who had a really good Sonic impression but can’t personally sing so they got the best singer in the fnf community uh to do a take and add of their own voice over the AI with consent yeah yeah I feel like that is like what it should be used for and like that’s like the furthest you know oh no no I got that come on there we go that’s like what it that’s like the furthest it goes you know is making your own voice sound better not like taking someone else’s okay whatever taking someone else’s voice and just like oh it’s a like yeah I don’t know the fishing bar makes a noise yeah it makes a noise what are you talking about you never played stardo Valley currently on sale on actually since it is the seam sale we should play a bunch of different games so that we can be like hey this game’s on sale go get it or something I don’t know you like video games play play the game you just play with the volume off Fair honestly I’m a streamer though so I need background noise well that might just actually just be me I don’t know on one of your saved you Mary’s Alex also hello hello Zoro how’s it going how are you today ah my fishing rod but yeah we what were we doing oh I was getting wood so that we could get actually we should go to the shop so we can get more stuff so you can watch YouTube in the background true Master Zach my my channel you know we got some good videos check the boulder again don’t worry we will eventually hi there hello Mr Lewis oh yeah the mold to the mines no i’ I’ve played this game before I’ve played this game before I have played don’t worry what an eyesore this is the Pelican down Community Center or what’s left of it anyways it used to be the pride and joy of the Town always bustling with activity now just look at it it’s shameful these days young folk would rather sit in front of a TV than engage with the community well you know what old man you can engage with Community while also being in front of the TV the the twitch.tv twitch.tv/ Zach wink wink anyways but listen to me sounds I sound like an old fool leis you did not allocate funding to this this is literally on you yeah true Mr Gold statue Lewis pelic town could use the money but there’s something stopping me from selling I guess oldtimers like me get attached to relics of the past oh well if anyone else buys a jol of Mel I’m going to go ahead and sell it all right chat we know what to do no I’m kidding we’re we’re going to we’re going to I like the community center I like the Juna most I choose the forest Spirits over the capitalist overlords that’s what stardy valley is all about baby what is this I guess Vincent and Jazz must have been playing in here this place is even more dilapidated than I remember NOW Watch Me Whip now watch me neigh neigh okay now watch me whip he’s he’s hitting it chat he’s simultaneously whipping and nigh nighing I just said that to Mayor leis by the way he’s like what what are you talking about what does that mean there a little guy over there you saw something huh I wouldn’t be surprised if this place was full of rats rats rats we are the rats celebrating another birthday bash Michael it’s your birthday today cake and ice cream it’s on its way and Michael such a good boy this open up the gifts that we all cheer look I think I’m going to head home I need some lunch true hey I’ll keep this place unlocked from now maybe you can catch that rat if you have some extra time strange true now we also need to buy some things ah buy more potatoes buy more potatoes buy more potatoes potatoes Pott but yeah uh what what we going to do chat oh yeah the shorts uh I don’t think I’m going to do them two more potatoes until at least uh it’s it is wait no it’s not it’s Thursday you’re lying buying a cat we can’t buy a cat in this game way you’ve never played this you can’t buy a cat you can only find them but yeah no more shorts until we get better internet and then I’m also uninstalling the thing I got to remember to do that cuz I hate it by a cat we can’t we that’s not possible you can now you can we’re not going to have enough money for it I’m so sorry chat we have nothing we have nothing chat we we do not a dollar to our name and you expect us to be able to afford a cat after your first cat you can buy more yo okay that’s actually kind of peak cave nothing in the cave get money buy cat true that’s the way the world works that’s the way the cats want the world work get money buy cat have cat happy but yeah I think that honestly the sty stream is kind of fun I’m going to be honest I feel like in the past stard streams have been a little boring but I I don’t know I feel like I’ve finally gotten into the the hang of being able to talk well on stream about like just stuff we can like bring up conversation I’ve always been able to do this but I don’t know we could do more starting streams if you guys want I feel like we talk more to like each other um hold up let me just uh all right hello Marlin sorry I had to check something real quick take this let’s go sword Rusty sword now we get a health bar as well you’re still not having fun actively playing a different game on your phone die to this oh no dang never mind stard Valley is not fun anymore chat we hate stardy Valley this would be a good short stream but like only shorts like not the big one like what I did last time instead of having a stream man shorts just shorts no ketchup just sauce I no I got the sauce quick maths everyday amounts in the block see your girl in the park Theo quack quack quack you man was stuck you go to py oh he’s got to frisbee remember that no one does remember that made it into the YouTube Rewind remember YouTube Rewind jet genuinely I I’m I’m sad how the collective I want to say corporatization of the Internet it’s always H been happening don’t get me wrong but like all the like little fun things all the little fun things on the internet that that the websites themselves would do have disappeared they’re they’re too scared to take risks they’re too scared of push back that they they don’t do anything fun anymore the the the like coffee the like coffee shif of the the internet has happened and is happening and it’s been happening for a while but like YouTube shorts is a good purple blue that’s not purple or blue that’s yellow like YouTube doesn’t do like fun YouTube shorts uh not YouTube shorts sorry fun YouTube Rewind anymore they just do nothing like why like I get that it was like the most dislike video ever but like it wasn’t that bad oh we get money wow okay that was actually pretty good yeah YouTube Rewind was like fun to laugh at though and it was like a like a good like oh we we’ve made it three years even though like people didn’t like it that much it was still fine zck learns colors yay oh no but yeah I think YouTube should bring back rewind one of these years I feel like nobody cares anymore none of the website ites care they don’t they never did but they don’t feel like they care anymore you know every website has completed its corpora ification and it’s just like where do you go there’s no fun websites they’re all sleek and modern this is my Boomer take by the way this is my like toxic Boomer take is that none the websites are cool anymore all the websites are just sleek and modern and there’s no place to go if you don’t want that actually no place like I’m not even like being like genuinely name a place yeah we’re going to throw this away so it’s not on the floor anymore actually we have an exit we can just walk through I’m dumb reach level 40 uhoh all right we’re going to leave my inventory is full but yeah I don’t know chat what are your thoughts do you guys like the Sleek new modern design of every website in existence chat you’d think that someone would make a place but no one does all the Fringe social media sites are just the exact same thing as Twitter except with like a minor detail you absorbed none of what you said the like the corpora ification of like every every the the analogy is every website is now like a coffee shop you know like a modern coffee shop and everyone none of them have like fun little things no no fun gimmicks they’re just scarecrow let’s go they’re all just the same and they’re all just not interesting I don’t know I have no idea what I’m saying either hey welcome Play tvt Welcome to the stream how’s it going how are you today how are you whoa last furnace recipe let’s go oh just furnace recipe sorry I have no coal I just threw all my coal away true how are you play tvt slay 10 slime okay that’s easy all good what about you I’m doing pretty good we TR we’re we were trying something new this stream we had a a little bit of a rocky start but overall we’re doing fine did you know Sherlock Holmes has a Wario yo is it like warlock shes or or herlock shomes sorry herlock shomes sorry that’s not related you just wanted to share with the class that is a okay okay that is like perfectly fine but yeah we are stard doing we are vying uh can we make another thing no we can’t we have some money though so we should buy more crops I think we’re just going to keep buying like millions of potatoes and yeah this the sixth oh in Sherlock Holmes he was created by Maurice Leblanc in an effort to avoid copyright it’s herlock scholes oh my gosh it actually is there’s actually a guy named herlock sches who was created to why did we not sell our par Snips Zach are you stupid I was like H wonder why we don’t have enough money to to buy crops cuz we didn’t sell our oh my gosh also welcome to the stream Christopher how are you today it’s already the sixth you know what that means we’re not going to have enough money and time for the festival oh this the 13th it’s the 13th it’s the 13th it’s the 13th never mind it’s the 13th I thought it was the 12th we can farm so many potatoes since when was stream a class oh no it’s not we don’t have enough money today we need the money today we should take them out of the box wait no no no why did I put them in the box are you stupid Zach hello Lee Adams as well how are you all doing I’m not stupid no no we got this we can we can we can clutch this up just need to go to the box orlock schs it’s summer now does that mean you will stream more probably probably we have been streaming a decent amount actually this is like the fourth stream this week so we we we’ve not not all but lost it there we go we’ve taken it back how to find the Creature from the capsule I have no idea I have no clue I am not a actual stard Valley expert I’m just streaming this for like the first time in a few years I’ve not played any of the updates I know there’s like an island that’s about it all right let’s sell our parsnips here thank you eat a salad 6 days all all in all in on potatoes start be seeing annoying about whatever media you’re interested in the moment it will happen again that is perfectly AOK CM we are all for that here I love learning at a small scale at least learning is cool big scale um sometimes not but like I don’t know learning is cool I love little facts little tidbits expanding my knowledge cap is great I used to do that with words I used to like whenever I would write something I’d like open up a thesaurus and be like all right this is a cool word to use what if I used a better word for it though stop doing that now but it it rubs off on some of my uh vocabulary if you hear me say big words sometimes that’s because I have have done that you heard that you can that on your phone you Google Play subscription ended and your iPod Touches lost somewhere o welcome back cheeky how’s it going overnight it’s now getting you’re over night you’re now getting exclusively Joe Biden campaign ads on YouTube Joe Biden let me be clear or whatever he says I don’t know Jo Biden we have a big farm actually it’s pretty cool they always just call him Joe and you know and you don’t know him like that so you take a few seconds to register who they’re talking about they’re talking about Joe you know it is Joe Joe Mama Joe mama Joe Mama Joe Swanson versus Joe Biden I don’t know politicians I have no idea who people are you’re talking about I barely know who Biden is that’s she I I I know him as the guy who screams soda soda bro imagine if flowey was it was running instead imagine if it was like flowey as as like President the United States of America that’d be pretty cool what do you think he would do Forest Farm is the worst cuz the trees grow back destroy the farm so you uninstalled so you don’t cuz you don’t want to start over o i just chose the normal Farm Mega flowy oh wait we got to get uh wood that’s what we were doing flowey be like giving all people love true I mean to be fair though the only reason why flowey wants to kill you is first of all you’re a human and he can get the human souls and become God uh but he also uh is like scared of you because you’re the only now that you’ve entered the underground he can no longer reset cuz the person who was able to reset before was flowey I’m pretty sure that’s Canon so I’m pretty sure if if flowy was like in the Overworld I don’t think he’d want to kill people necessarily just because like he has no reason to the only reason that the six human Souls uh turn you into like the equivalent of God is cuz he’s in the underground the second monsters get to the Overworld they do not get super powerful with the six human Souls if they did um we’d have a real big issue the second monsters got out of the underground cuz they would just kill six people and like there’d be like 15 Gods wait is flowe male or female um have you played undertale wait no nobody say it have you played undertale or will this be a spoiler is this a spoiler for they hit video game undertale released almost 10 years ago is it 2015 have you beaten it you’ve played undertale okay yes as in like oh yes wait yes as in it would be a spoiler or yes as in you’ve played the game yes is and you played the game say yes I’ve played the game that’s sorry but I can’t read very well I don’t know what’s happened you beat it you got the normal ending oh do you know I mean you beat the the just I don’t know if it’s do you know who flowey is I’ll just ask that do you know who flowey is if not I will not spoil it if yes though the answer should be very obvious why is there a question mark here I I can’t click anything yes he is the end okay yeah he’s the flower true he is the flower yeah and at the end the computer thing true all right we got to um go to sleep because we we can’t actually no we don’t have to go to sleep we can open one geode yes he true well that could also be like an assumed male thing if you’re a guy you usually automatically assume characters are male as well because you project your own life experiences onto them and because you are a guy you go hm this thing is probably a guy as well very common thing hello aerth how welcome to the stream how are you doing today we are playing stardy Valley okay whatever man thanks thanks a lot trying to sell my food can’t believe it got to go have fun all right you have a good rest of your day cm oh sorry got to go have fun I thought you were saying you have to go and have fun I was like okay that’s I mean yeah Sans canonically a Home Star Runner character in fan Gamers glasses accessory for strong blade I imates a character with glasses on it being Sans and Pino wearing it I have no idea what that means but that’s pretty cool I think but again no idea you read that as I got to go have fun without you true true that is why commas are important chat comma moment no no no that’s that’s what I read I’m Chey I’m saying that’s what I read at first that’s what I read it as first you said strong blade Strong Bad my my bad my bad Strong Bad $400 yippee I have a lollipop here clean of sauce stir fry uh chat I’ll tell you how to make stir fry put things in a pot you guys ever seen that germa clip where he’s like how to make stir fry and it’s just you just put things in a pot and make make it look nice that but unironically like that’s actually how you make stir fry and it will even and he like oh just have restaurant reservations to go someplace else you don’t even need those it will taste good you can give a link for the accessory for the Strong Bad plush if you want that’s okay I think I don’t know who Strong Bad is so I’m probably not going to buy a plush of then him anytime soon I there are plushes that I need to get first before characters I don’t know like ni One Shot Nico one shot plush one of these days let’s go we perfectly had enough we’re goated you think the glasses can Fe fit Nico’s head yo Nico one shot pancake cat cheeky have you played or scen gameplay of one shot that’s a good game that was that’s another one that we probably have to go back to at one point when we get bigger there’s so there are too many games that I’m just like yeah we we’ll play this when I’m bigger because I want to share it with the world let me go one shot one shot’s a good game all right it’s almost 9:00 a.m. but yeah chat what were we talking about I forgot 9:00 a.m. all right sell this oh a lot of potatoes 6 days the sth the 13th H we need something that grows in five six six 7 we’ll get parsnips not ideal but I may have made a mistake I don’t think I can water these all in one day you play one shot for a little bit and stopped you have no idea why uh it was like way bigger than just the opening bit you know nothing about it why are you buying so many parsnips stop actually yeah you’re right we shouldn’t have done that yeah I’m SC I’m save scumming the parsnips there’s nothing you can do about it all those are those are all my other saves your saves coming the parsnips and I don’t care that is what we are doing $1,000 of parsnips it’s I I we got to make money somehow Shiki we got to buy strawberries if we had sold our other parsnips sooner and gotten more potatoes if we had optimized this better we would be in a much better position right now but sadly we are exactly in the wrong spot we exactly in the wrong spot hope you check the link for the glasses sure yeah I’ll check it out I will check it out four copper ORS oh yeah I forgot we got to wait I’ll get the copper ores right now they have to be new copper ores that’s something I didn’t know when I first played this but yeah what were we talking about chat I completely forgot I like zoned out oh yeah uh I got to talk to my uh doctor about upping the medication because it while nice um still does not solve my main issues of focus and procrastination and I’m still very much not doing okay in those departments so I got to talk to them I got to be like hey uh what what do you guys think about this oh hey we got a thing down here why are their houses so short I have no idea short houses okay yeah we got enough copper let’s go get nothing else this game makes your woke self yearn for exploitative capitalism because these people never work oh no why oh why are there hours so short hour I thought you said houses I was going be like yeah their houses are kind of short someone was throwing rocks at you that sucks I was like yeah they got pretty short houses but no you meant hours you wonder what copper tastes like you can eat it in real life you can just try copper like that’s not even like that crazy of a thing you can just eat it I have a like I have like a piece of copper in my room I could probably eat e it not like eat and like consume it fully but I could take a bite out of it not take a bite I could bite into I can’t even bite into I could bite it and it would not do anything cuz it’s metal but yeah I got to talk to my doctor be like hey uh so what about more oh know chy you had to do that right what was your process how did it work out how did it work out cheeky were you just like hey can I get more cuz I don’t want to like be weird about it and then think I’m weird and like be like no we’re not going to give you any now you just asked yeah oh okay I have to give it to you here I forgot about that let’s go money easy whoa why are there ores here oh hang out till the next checkup oh so I shouldn’t like be like hey like what time should I ask cuz I don’t really have like a checkup oh so you still do procrastinate like mad l oh no uhoh yeah for me it’s like a thing that like I need to get done and it will take me probably like 20 minutes or less to do it and I have not done it and it’s been like 20 days do you have to call for monthly refills I have no idea I still have not gotten a refill it’s not been a month yet I don’t I don’t know the process I should make a stream in the hospital very much won’t do that I do not want to talk to myself but yeah um I don’t know cheeky I’ve never done this before I have no idea what they’re going to do yeah one of these days we will do more real life me streams but we can’t do that until I reach a million subscribers because the Lo the like the you know the Lost games formula I don’t want people to know who I am until I can be safe knowing that enough people know who I am that no one’s going to try anything you know when you’re a week away at the latest call to see how to get a refill oh okay yeah I hate how this guy will like steal your diamonds and he’ll be like oh I don’t know what that is maybe you should donate it to the museum and you can’t sell like diamonds and stuff no no no do not make a face reveal it will ruin your career I’m not dream yeah exactly I’m not dream face reveals contrary to popular beliefs are actually good for your career and have historically been uh good and like creators have done them and they’ve like benefited it’s just in the modern an era of like you need to know when to do it right you don’t just do it for no reason you you do it and then be like oh now my content can benefit because I benefit benefit because I can do this now I can do this and that and and all these things don’t just face reveal and then do nothing with it that’s what that’s why dream failed cuz he just face revealed and then like still kind of did not that much like the face reveal into Vlog combo has historically been pretty good however it’s falling off recently because Vlog content has falling off a lot recently but that that’s kind of like the the the thing you want to kind of do is is face reveal into Vlog at least one Vlog video think about it know face reveals uh will only ruin your career if you’re like really really ugly and dream was not or if you hype them up to an in in unbelievable amount and then you just look like a normal person you stand by you simply won’t care about the face reveal I mean I would care a little because you’re like your friend as opposed to some YouTuber but I feel like no one cares except for twin who write gay fanfiction about the YouTuber or weird guys if the YouTuber is a girl true my perspective on the face reveal is that it just would allow me to do more things right do more content which is fun like other other types of videos I’d be able to experiment with but I don’t want to do that now because like I don’t people are weird on the internet and they’re scary and I don’t want something bad to happen because people are like hey I know you you’re blah blah blah blah from blah blah blah blah blah and now people have my address you bet Zach is handsome h no I am like average is fine you can be average it’s okay people scary on the Internet true you’d be excited to see the IRL stuff when you’re able to show that but the whole uh production of a face reveal is strange to you yeah I don’t know it’s it I my think of it as like a a thing to do as a celebration not a thing to do to not a thing to necessarily celebrate itself like it like a million subscribers do a face reveal that’s that’s the type of thing it’s like if this then that type deal type Vibe type situation okay nice more wild seeds but yeah I would want to do like travel Vlogs that would be cool I don’t really travel that much but that’s one of those things I want to do and hey you know added bonus if people like watch it and enjoy the content you can be making money by traveling which is like everyone’s stream like you didn’t watch failing sans’s Face Reveal video but you did enjoy the latest one they put out and appreciated the audio not being muffled by a mask anymore true that’s why I have my vtuber now so that I don’t have my audio muffled by my mask hey Zach didn’t you have like 177,000 subscribers or was that your imagination nope sometimes I imagine stuff like that too but nope I have the 6,000 and I’ve had 6,000 for a long long time that is just the way this channel is that’s what happens when you make one to two viral meme videos and then everyone leaves you said seven not 17 oh my bad I can’t count numbers are hard no hold up let me check something oh I should pause the game my bad all right there we go you need to play the Stanley Stanley Parable maybe that is a good game numbers aren’t even hard they are numbers are very difficult failing sand is really fun you should look them up anyways maybe what what content do they make oh I can make one of these well let’s go let’s put the little buddy kind of right here maybe I don’t know you also love Stanley Parable deluxe edition one of these days we’ll play The Stanley Parable one of these days it’s a fun game it’s a good streamer bait game as well no I’m not saying that’s all it is but also guys have you noticed the rise of like more and more streamer bait games like I feel like that’s a like getting over it and like jump King were like definitely big ones but like I feel like now like this year and like a little bit of last year as well there’s just been more and more like we’ve got like we had getting we get uh getting over it no getting over it’s the one with the pot uh only up we had only up we had the getting over it but you’re climbing we had getting over it but you’re like Copus now we have the like the the climbing thing but you’re you’re combined with another person I feel like there’s like been an a surge of just like streamer bait games butterflies oh like Vlog Story Time stuff ah cool there’s getting over it but you are an egg oh no I don’t know I don’t get me wrong I have no issues with games that are made to be played by streamers I think that’s a fine idea just I feel like there are a lot of them and they’re always rage games they’re always rage games why can’t we get streamer bait games that are like fun best to make my life difficult but yeah but yeah can you draw a perfect Stickman I cannot I can’t draw yeah pnip but yeah chat uh I think I’m going to save my money for the festival cuzz it’s like 5 days away and there’s nothing that can grow in that time this game actually has music yes it does this is a Toby Fox situation chat I can’t believe people don’t know that the the guy who made stardew Valley was a music composer first and then made a video game so that he could sell his soundtracks bundled as a video game so that people would buy his music music this is common knowledge the same thing Toby Fox did people love the starting music what true it’s good the guy who made this game is a music producer SL composer SL whatever dude think actually you know what’s crazy chat if the creator of stardo valley had been born just like one generation later instead of making a video game he would have made an fnf mod that’s just what people do now you don’t watch stard content so you didn’t know the common knowledge can’t believe it but yeah s Valley woo yeah what were we talking about yeah streamer video games made to be stream if an indie game has a really good soundtrack it’s an instant success not always there are some indie games that have really good soundtracks but no one cares about that’s the that’s the issue with Indie Games is that you just it’s all up to luck and and I I and I I I don’t mean that as like a oh these these guys have put no effort into the games don’t worry like I mean not don’t worry what are you talking about uh I don’t mean it like that I don’t mean that like oh stard Valley’s actually not a good game and they just got lucky no I don’t mean it like that I mean it as you can make the best game in the world and there’s just a chance no one will play it or you could make like the worst game in the world and there’s a chance everyone played it only up but uh yeah it’s it’s it the video game industry is very much a a lottery everything’s a lottery everything in this world is just luck luck is the only thing driving humanity and the world itself forward we exist because of luck we die because of luck we we Thrive because of luck luck is what is life that breathes to us but yeah how’s it going I welcome to the stream how’s it going how are you today everything’s luck everything is luck you could have the potential to be the strongest person in the world but if you are born into poverty you will not be able to reach your full potential you would you could just like die you could be the world’s next Mozart but if you’re born with a disease that makes you unable to use your hands it’s going to be a lot harder if not impossible for you to be recognized as a similar it’s all luck it’s all you could just even you could be born without any diseases without any ailments all like perfectly in good condition healthwise and you could you could be the world’s next Mozart and you just don’t get popular cuz the internet is structured in a certain way and you’ll just never be noticed and no one will care it’s all luck it’s all luck but that shouldn’t discourage you cuz at the end of the day it is all luck make your chances to receive that luck the best and and when when when you get lucky you will know to hit it big if it is all luck that means you do have a chance the situations of your birth do not determine who you will become later in life if you are here now watching this stream processing this information you have the potential to do great things you have made it past the most dangerous stage of your life you can do whatever you set your mind to I have no idea what I’m talking about but yeah Z do you have Gmod I do not I do not I do not play Gregory’s mod or whatever his name is Gerald’s mod what’s what what Gary oh it’s Gary’s Mod yeah me mod Gary’s Mod I sound like an idiot there Gerald’s mod I do not play Gerald’s mod live Zack babbling true that is what we do here we Babble we just start talking we start a dialogue chat that’s what this is all about starting a dialogue I have no idea what people mean when they say that by the way I mean you started a dialogue Gary’s Mod has lore everything has lore these days is there too much lore chat or is there not enough do we need more lore do the children yearn for lore they learn yearn for simple experiences remember when all the YouTubers played Gary’s Mod true Gary’s Mod you can add lore by downloading mods well that’s not lore then thank you for S Subs surviving thank you for following uh Haven Roman welcome to the stream how is it going how are you today my brain is cooked and fried you always wanted to play Prop Hunt but your friends were lame oh no your laptop ran out of space and you can’t use it oof oof truly is the sad sad limitations of the technology that exists in our society but yeah I don’t know chat do you guys think yourselves are lucky think you guys are lucky like 10 years ago it was a fun era there are still probably people that do that but I I feel like they might just be like a little bit lost in the past you know would you trust a modern Gmod Creator that’s the question if you found a channel that’s still making Gmod videos to this day do you trust them but you think something’s off also this is a leafy rock look at that oh we can’t hit anything uh we should go to sleep out of energy I know you’re supposed to do things when you’re out of energy but I don’t care I don’t like doing things I like look at this chat getting rich and we’re going to turn these into things themselves think about it profits I mean it’s got to be like new grounds where it gets so old and outdated that 12-year-olds find it and think it’s new and use it again true I new grounds is funny cuz they literally are called new grounds when in reality they are old grounds at this point like undebatably old grounds so you’d trust Gary’s Mod creators wow really makes you think true hey you see the new 3DS it’s not new anymore new Super Mario Bros not new anymore new grounds not new wait is it new grounds because they were breaking new grounds is that like the the word play that there or they were just naming it like new it’s new I don’t know alien homant is a new grounds Creator true new grounds character yeah welcome back alial how’s it going how are you today new grounds more like old grounds haha am I right Bam Bam and then we high five and then everyone laughs New York I find it quite old actually okay well I would say that that one’s different because there is an old York there is not a there’s not a grounds cheeky if grounds existed that would be fair because on the grand scheme of things that is the New York there is no old grounds I think you’ll find the ground does ex Fair there’s no place called Ground when’s the celebration okay it is the book seller huh hey Zach did you know no I don’t know information passively washes over me like a cold and unforgiving wave slowly dragging me deeper into its current you’re getting such a comically amount of luck with level three ego gifts in the mirror dungeon I tried my first ever Fusion ego gift the other day actually literally yesterday it was the bleed one and I’m like okay let’s do it and then I get it and it’s like you have to have five members of your team with bleed abilities and I don’t have that and I’m like this is useless I’m so upset cuz it’s actually useless cauliflower let’s go and like I tried to switch out people on my team so I could use it and I still can’t use it just make the Poise one and win I don’t have five Poise people either cuz I assume all the ones are like you need five people on the team to activate this I used mix teams oh wait I shouldn’t sell that this what I get for trying to experiment do things skish you why do you guys say skish you I remember hearing that while we were in VC and I’m like huh that’s interesting but I don’t get it oh should not have hit him because way says skish you does he I mean I believe you wa said it once and it caught on that makes sense yeah actually that’s more than enough for nine what am I doing yeah I did not need to make all that Zach just ignores way I don’t ignore way I just don’t necessarily listen to everything way says Zack can you play the piano no I tried I took lessons I can’t musical instruments are not for me I tried violin I tried piano I tried like guitar I tried trombone I well I mean I didn’t really try guitar that one’s that one’s fair to say not really but I had PE I had piano lessons I had trombone lessons I had violin lessons I can play none of them how much left 10 7 Easy sishu is like Way’s favorite word oh no really I need one more wood all right easy all right let’s make the wood thing skish you skill tissue you had an electric guitar in your school and you made it sound like a guitar or alarms I see oh oh you had an electric piano my bad anyway Zach no other gifts need five people wait really that’s the poison one just makes so the crits do double damage oh oh wait yeah all right does this cost energy no it doesn’t ideal oh round and round we y’all Steam Sale is so evil you have to talk yourself out of buying K when you already have lip paint oh no oh I also sent both uh cheeky and alexio a steam DM you guys should check it I wanted to sell you they actually don’t work you are so right chiky they don’t work go do your job Alien homade HD is on Steam but your laptop doesn’t have space o oo oof but yeah steam does have a sale one of the things that I’m happy about the Steam Sale is there are new badges I didn’t want to buy the Christmas badge cuz I I have enough steam points to get like a highle badge which gives me more steam XP uh but I didn’t want to get the the Christmas one cuz it looked silly but now there’s a summer one and that looks better so I’ll probably be getting that one you are literally three pennies short Zack oh no that is so sad that is a tragedy just sell your true you can sell your cards sell your Cs on the open market wait what what what did it say I could make oh cat hello Zach you see this cat here yes I do I found it sitting at the entrance to your armarm I think it’s a stray poor little thing I think it likes this place hey uh do you think this Farm could use a good cat yes chap what are we naming it what are we naming it Toby we’re naming the cat Toby why are we naming the cat Toby cheeky C queso belloo faka Raa cuz that’s your cat’s name you want to name it after your cat isn’t that like kind of narciss don’t you have enough cheeky don’t you have enough we already have a a religion named after you in Civ at what point does it stop cheeky at what point does the greed compound can’t believe it you’re going to say say name it cheeki all right we’ll we’ll compromise with Toby I think we’ll choose Toby just cuz I know wey is going to vote for cheeky we’re going to we’re going to do Toby Toby the cat Toby the fox well little Toby you’d be a good kitty now okay name it batro oh we could have done that that would have been funny we should have named it batro I’m Sav scumming the cat we’re naming it batro I’m naming the cat batro he can save scum for batro True yes all right let me just double check it spelling real quick b a l a t r o b a l a t r o batra easy well little batro youd be a good kitty now true batro name it hatti no there’s that’s the the mouse’s name we save scum for balatro that dog looks cute as well we don’t have a dog give have a cat it’s a good I degrees water I’m not sure if you can sell two people cheeky I think you have to sell I think you can only sell two people if it’s on the open market you ate you drank acid before like the drug or like the dissolve stuff or maybe that’s the same thing I have no idea yes the drug oh okay I don’t know I I don’t know why we’re saying that here but cool I guess I don’t know B all right easy we just wasted literally all of our energy all right I am actually a billion degrees all right the 13th wait you think that’s why soap and wood and everything else looks yummy instant extra 20 cents from just runia cards true that is the power of the steam Marketplace it’s Vincent’s birthday today what do you think wincon wants I’m so glad Maniacs like Zach exist I mean if you get steam I don’t know I actually don’t know why it’s badges look cool and then there’s a chance booster packs drop when you’re playing Steam games which I should play More Steam games that have booster packs instead of just limbus company limus company project Moon would make a moon billion dollars if they just allowed steam cards and they could have 12 steam cards one of each of the non- Dante centers and then the the uh the whoa oh that’s cool uh and the uh the Don keyote card would sell for like $3 you can’t remember your mom’s EA password you wanted to play Sims 2 oh no yeah think about how much like generational wealth is just going to completely disappear once people die and forget their like account passwords like think about how much money I don’t know if you guys have spent a lot on your Steam account but I sure have spent a lot on mine imagine if like I just forget the password or like I die and then I don’t pass down my password all that money gone and I know steam has said oh you can’t put Steam accounts in your will but you can just give them the password and it’s fine you got to get through like 80 battle block theater cards you should give them to me cheeky for free are you cool for having a stream Badge of balloon battles CLE Crashers and GMod and other games Among Us for summoning them Among Us are you cool I have no idea being cool is is not based upon the physical Goods you have it’s about how you carry yourself it’s it’s Aura coolness is an aura you can increase it with physical goods and and things like that but at deep down it’s not the items that make you cool it’s how how you carry yourself and give two people the exact same things and two varying degrees of coolness will spawn from them hello putting them up for a penny Zach grab them quick I can’t also cheeky you shouldn’t put them up for a penny you should put them up for the lowest people are asking cuz the thing is steam let you Auto buy it and usually what happens is there’s a price that people are selling it for and then there’s a price people are asking for it if you if you put your thing up for the asking price it will automatically get bought chy don’t put it for a cent put it for like whatever the the thing the lowest Auto buy is put it up for like like if if the auto buy is seven put it 7 it will still be bought instantly don’t put things up for a penny cheeky that’s silly this is the this is real money we’re talking about cheky real money you’re going to ruin the economy you’re going to ruin the economy cheeky can’t believe it can’t believe it see this is why there are people in life that are that are born to be rich and others that aren’t because the rich people know when to not let the economy fluctuate cheeky you’re letting the economy fluctuate it’s going to cause horrible things look at the stock market cheeky after selling those things for one cent what’s going to happen all the stocks are crashing the economies and shambles economies and shambles cheeky can’t believe it this is the world you wished into existence it’s saying people are paying three cents so including the two cents steam that’s a penny for you oh okay never mind yeah okay yeah you’re you’re doing fine then sorry yeah Ste steam is steam is getting the money I thought you were putting them up for actually like 1 cent yeah know steam puts it up for 3 cents they pay 3 cents uh and then steam takes like one and then the game maker takes one and then you get the remainder or they take a percent I can’t remember what the percent is the percent is not getting money for yourself though I can make more of these let’s go can’t believe it though cheeky we don’t need financial advice from the guy who tried and failed to buy an nft all right okay I see how it is I lead others to a treasure I cannot possess which is good Financial advice you don’t you don’t heed my warning you will end up like me and this was before nfts were bad chat I didn’t know any better cat batro my cat oh and Chiki if you really need money you can play the banana clicking game you can sell your soul extra luck let’s go okay all right we’re not going to make more right now cuz we need to sell everything since people who wae on nfts don’t actually buy them no one makes videos or writing posts about them actually knew about the gacha element so T thank you for teaching us about that true the gotcha element I have Insider information the gacha elephant of elephant element of nfts the true Horrors out of water oh nice we got some potatoes why do we only have two potatoes when did I buy two potatoes huh SpongeBob game in we Port add a gotcha true I think they should make a casino but it’s a gotta game I think they should combine the two mediums you know like a casino but like instead of gambling for money you’re just gambling for like stuff and like but not even real stuff like little characters that you have on like Badges and like if you’re car if you get like a certain X XYZ character like you can like stay in like the the like the hotel above right so it incentivizes you to stay there and then continue get characters and you can like win like little merchesi have this character and then you get to like stay in the like the hotel there but then you continue gambling all your money away uh what is the next stream going to be uh I’m not sure that’s we’re going to have to find out it is Friday tomorrow so definitely hopefully going to be a stream unless I have something that I have to do that day which probably not um yeah fun stream in the works most likely um yeah I don’t know we’re going to do something fun I should check the the thing where is it I can’t see it but yeah fun might be the botomy corporation ideally we set up the the stream to shorts as well for a labotomy corporation stream because that’d be really fun but I don’t think that’s going to be able to happen sadly but thankfully we going to we’re going to be playing the bottomy corporation for a while Google stream no we’re not going to do a Google stream that is so likely to end horribly I’m so sorry that is not a good idea at all oh I should have clicked on the sooner because I can’t understand it yet huh well yeah not only will that like probably reveal my like location that’s also just going to be so bannable so bannable I do I click on one wrong thing banned where’s the book seller they said this way where are they up here up here is this it is this them why did you not clear your path what is this chat what is this it’s experience books horse you will now run a lot faster through grasses and crops run a bit faster oh okay so it’s like permanent upgrades I don’t I do not have enough money money for this I’m so sorry can I get can I steal your Bo can uh I almost said boat can I steal your balloon you do not know as you do not watch stard Valley Conta true wey will never watch stard Valley cont refuses it’s a chill game okay yeah egg Festival we got to have a lot of money for so we will be buying and planting strawberries and a lot of them and I know you’re supposed to wait a full year and then use them next but I don’t care I don’t play this game to be optimal I play to have fun SE go you should be able to kill them and like like get their drops sacrilege I don’t know there are some games where it’s fun to to min max and there’s others where it’s not like I don’t know like if you start Min maxing it’s just going to be like oh we have to play like literally every single person in this entire universe has played before it’s like every stard Valley content creator that Min Maxes plays like exactly the same way cuz that’s how you you do it but then at that point what’s the point you know why does it even matter you’re going to play the same as everyone else because that’s the best way to do it what’s the point in playing why watch someone streaming Valley if they’re playing the exact same way you’ve seen someone play the game before a billion times over what for what what for what purpose what point what what does that give you I think we need uh to save the gold ones of these I’m going to I think I already sold one of them oops oops I think we need gold quality forage bles for some reason oops well then you should have committed to the parsnips the only reason I stopped is cuz I realized I wouldn’t be able to do that in one day I physically don’t have the energy to uh to do that I I sold some of the wrong stuff I don’t care where everything must go everything must be sold going to sell it all that means I eat soup true soup soup is good I like soup soup is a Fine Food when does the stream end uh I’ll end it I think after the the the festival I think that’s a fair fair ending point let’s make money $2,000 yeah I sold golden leaks uh oh no I I knew I sold those never mind never mind fishing $1,000 now for 100 Don’t Starve Together cards Good Humor let’s oh yeah I have to do that yeah the wizard egg Festival meet the wizard potatoes sell all the potatoes sell all of my potatoes down easy play there is no game maybe that is another one of those streamer streamer bait things streamer bait games well I guess that wasn’t in a like a streamer time period when the first one came out so it’s more of like a reaction tuber BA games all right there I’m not saying I won’t play a streamer bait thing it’s just I don’t know I do not necessarily look at that little cat let me water you yeah feel like if you had to choose between spend ending your life as like any animal and like let’s say you still had the like lifespan of a human so you didn’t have to be like oh well I’ll choose a turtle cuz they have like a 200e lifespan uh I feel like cat would be a decent option just cuz like they’re the perfect level of like acclimated into human living versus still like free to like roam the planet you know cuz like if a cat is like running around like no one one questions it right if a cat’s just like running around like all over the place no one’s going to no one’s going to really mine like if you’re like oh I would want to be an octopus it’s like well have fun living in the ocean not being able to experience any like technological advancements of like anything you have to sit at the bottom of the sea and eat like weird fish no I wouldn’t want to do that cat on the other hand you can still watch your favorite TV shows you just have to convince your owner to let you watch them which I feel like would be pretty easy you just like hit the TV remote and then they go whoa look my cat can hit the TV remote that’s crazy and then they’ll let you watch your show because they’re like H I guess the cat likes this why do some streamers just watch TV shows and make funny fart jokes I the person you are describing I don’t feel like exists I mean they probably do but like I’ve I the these circles you run in must be so different than mine because I’ve never heard of that in my life you put on dungeon meshy then go crazy whenever it’s sui is on screen so your owner will put it on Tik Tok true BR I feel like you could get away with stuff as cats who did his head just glitch out I looked away for a second but yeah I don’t know being a cat I feel like would be fine I you know I wouldn’t be feline too bad about myself uh but yeah I don’t know that that that’s probably like the ideal animal if I had to like get transformed by an evil wizard if an evil Wizard’s like ah I will transform you into a creature but I will give you one blessing one last parting gift you may choose which one which form you take be like cat you be like okay here you’re a cat now like all right cool you’ll be a tank a tank is a tank is not a uh a creature that’s a human invention I don’t think those things can think I mean as long as you like get like put in a city you’d be fine right as long as you’re just like chilling like if you get put in the wild yeah sure cat’s not the best thing but I feel like I wouldn’t want to be in the wild in the first place it would suck to be an animal with the like with the ability of thought that a human has you know what I’m saying like imagine you are an animal and you just have the brain of a human like you have the same like level of intelligence and level of like Consciousness that a human has and all you can ever do is oh well today I guess I have to hunt now what’s what’s what are we doing today yeah we’re going to be hunting great that sounds like a blast be hunting in the woods oh what did we do yesterday oh we we hunted in the woods H lot of fun there a lot of fun we’ve been having wonder what’s on the schedule for tomorrow Yes again hunting or like imagine being like a prey animal and having the intelligence of a human that would suck even more cuz it’s like well I guess I got to survive again today literally humans but with the added steps of having to work then uh use the money to hunt at the grocery store yeah but I I I feel like working and I feel like it’s a lot less torturous to work among your fellow human peers than it is to say hey we’re going to be we’re going to be eating wood or not wood like we’re going to like you’re you’re you’re you’re living amongst things that are like vastly vastly less smart than you like your level of intelligence is like so much Superior to those things and you’re just stuck there and you’re just like yeah at least with a cat you can be with other humans and just not like you just have to be like all right I guess we’re a cat now tanks with organs and eyes and other stuff that would not be good I uh all right I don’t I I have no idea what you’re thinking but I’m here to be the bear of bad news that is probably not a fun animal to be I don’t know human society as much as we have our flaws is at least an intelligent society and not that of the beings did you watch Cars made by Pixar yes I watched cars you would not be a car in a world full of sentient cars though you’d be a car or a tank in this case in a world of sentient people you would either be kept in a cage to poke fun at to to and like experimented on all your life because you’re some sort of like freak of nature that no one understands how works or what does and everyone would constantly be like like dissecting you doing all these awful things to you because they want to figure out what makes you tick or you’d just be like killed on site they’d just be like yeah we don’t know what this is we’re going to kill it I don’t I don’t think that’d be a good idea move out of the way cat oh my gosh move out of the way move out of the way nuh-uh you can make things explode this you make one thing explode you kill one person you kill one person and you are eviscerated from this plane of existence you kill one person and your days you kill one person and you spend the rest of your days on this planet under the scalpel constantly having your flesh sliced open so that they can analyze every single part until you are no longer even a single thing kids these days haven’t learned their lesson from harambe yeah it doesn’t matter how special or unique or anything you are if you pose a threat to even a single human you will die very quickly and very painfully all right I talk to you I’m just GNA talk to everyone so that I have everyone unlocked because I haven’t talked to everyone before but wait you can run over the police by being a tank sure sure you can yeah they the the second a sentient tank goes on a rampage yeah the the police will be the ones after you the military tanks will join his side oh no why is there a chair there about the new gr owns tank can you be that tank again I don’t think it’ll help you that much uh considering what happen what will happen to you yeah I I would not want to be any unless I’m like a person that’s like superpowered I would not want to be a superpowered thing I feel like if you’re a person that is superpowered you get the kind of like Superman effect where it’s like oh we we see this as as something that is of us we will not like don’t get me wrong people will still be very very weird about it especially World governments but at least you’re a person still if you’re a superpowered uh if you’re a superpowered like animal or a superpowered vehicle or anything like that you do not get the oh this is one of us treatment you get the we need to figure out what this is treatment and uh let’s just say that ain’t that fun like what type of than what type of tank will everyone in the Stream be I have no idea I don’t know what tanks there are 62 strawberries let’s go all of our money on strawberries you want to be a cat yeah wey wey has chosen the cat option which is a lot safer imagine needing a guide to win the egg hunt honestly that just it means you’re admitting to losing to a bunch of children and Abigail but imagine needing a guide I don’t why are you here I thought you were hunting hiding looking for eggs why are you all right I don’t know how many eggs are left how do I get those those are way up there all right we got one more how many eggs do we need oh stard how’s it going local War like how are you today easy easy just like that if you need a guide to do that you are actually un able to win that is that is my cheating in a single player game thing is any you can you can mod you can hack you can do anything in any game but specifically stard Valley if you have to use a guide to to win the egg hunt can’t believe it you got the exact numbers of pennies you needed let’s go COA you forgot about tax so it took longer oh let’s go cookies into here we go no I don’t want to eat the daffodil what are you doing oh yeah nice now we can maybe do a castle crasher stream one of these days will be fun oh now we also have all the strawberries so we can plant not all of them we will be planting a decent amount though in a really weird pattern because I don’t know I think it’s funny yeah we will save some strawberries till next season but I say we plant like we can save like 32 for the next season we will water all these though this is where our money crop grows the strawberries Chad what do you guys do you guys like strawberries what are you guys’ thoughts on strawberries I like strawberries by the way tldr strawberry enjoyer taste good they smell good they look good strawber are cool it’s also a billion degrees you have four cats and you’re convinced all of them are criminals oh no welcome to the stream catastrophic war crimes how are you today cats cats we the cats will look no that’s the rats never mind yeah pretty Peak yeah strawberries are good I like strawberries strawberry flavored things are also pretty good they usually make them a little too sweet but overall good so Zach when is the Elden ring stream I still don’t have Elden ring oh no maybe one of these days I don’t know it’s just Elden ring is money costs money I don’t really like buying like $60 games anymore and I know it’s the Steam Sale but it’s still like I checked it’s like $49 30% off and I’m like how full priced video games are expensive I used to like save up and then like buy a video game and then I’d Play that video game for a long time and I’d save up and I’d buy another video game and I play that video game for a long time and the psycho would rinse and repeat but now um I don’t do that cuz I just have a insane backlog and I’m able to just be like you know what actually uh we’re going to I don’t know what order this is supposed to be in I feel like this is wrong ah oh no it’s this this this this this this there we go you hate strawberries and almost anything strawberry flavored that is see that’s that we figured out the issue wey’s soul is not there soulless the sweeter the better I hate the fake sweet flavored strawberry things but actual sweet strawberries are really good but yeah I don’t know I one of these days want to play Elden ring I want to play Dark Souls games but they are just very expensive and you’d think after Dark Souls being a thing for so long they’d be cheaper but no nope I mean it is the best time to play Elden ring right now just because so many people are playing it cu the new DLC dropped but I I feel bad about like buying games when they’re popular to play them when they’re popular because they only are popular for like two weeks and we’ll get like what two to five streams out of it then it’ll stop being popular then we don’t have the oh this game is popular we should play it and then it’ll just sit in my library I don’t know maybe we’ll play it Freddy Fazbear jump scare if the answer is never you fully understand it’s a maybe just because like I don’t know video games video games cost money that is the that is the transaction thing that s Society has decided I mean I could get like Xbox game pass and it’s probably on Xbox game pass but like I don’t want to get Xbox game pass again I’m going to get a game I want it to be mine not like a rental service where it’s like they can just be like oh you don’t have your game anymore also we’re taking this game off of the rental service there’s the axe right there because we we don’t want this we don’t we only bought it for this amount of time and and now you can no longer play danena like oh okay but yeah that is why we stopped playing the Dank and roma streams by the way chat cuz Xbox game pass took my game and I was like oh okay dang idium or yo only has one though industrial pipe I like that escargo increases fishing yo weathered floor pomegranate apricot truffle oil fiber blue Jazz wine okay okay I don’t have any money but still okay wizard Hey look it’s our local warlock I am rasmodius true why do you live here right it’s a little guy jumos they hate you cuz you kidnapped them found the note true and that’s like we the jum are happy to a you in return we ask for gifts for the valley if you are one with the forest and yeah through here try drug this is just like random things you found in the woods I feel like you shouldn’t drink this yo energy if if a random guy calls himself the wizard and he he he invites you to his house with a cryptic note and then says Hey drink this don’t don’t do that very bad idea now you’re seeing trees not not a good idea gain the power of forest magic now you can decipher the true meaning of the jumo Scrolls true all right I’m I think we’ll finish this day out and then I I think I’ll probably call it there just cuz we have been playing for not only a decent amount of time but we’ve gotten a decent amount done and we’ve learned that that we should not have the shorts thing shorts thing is bad we should delete it from my computer and we should never ever ever do it again or at least until we have better internet at least not yeah not do it again until internet is better which uh is kind of the Crux of a lot of thing wait for internet to be good it’s kind of the game we play every single stream wey is Rich yes wey is Rich that is one of Way’s main character traits is e gamble all right let’s check the community center I like how we keep accepting the quests and then not doing them they probably they probably just hate me they’re like this guy moved in and do not doing anything keep saying he’s going to do stuff and then doesn’t foraging bundle that one’s easy uh we had a cave carrot uh that one’s easy easy easy easy okay okay yeah we’ll do this we’ll do this I thought it was the uh gold star my mistake we probably just get this if we walk on the long way any forageable there’s a fish there but I don’t want the fish I want the forageable no forage bles can’t believe it they got to be on this path then you have no gold o no gold you have gold it came free with your stream experience I would all right so we want one two three there only we have a gold daffodil I don’t oh wait no we we don’t need a gold daffodil we need a uh one of these okay yeah we have enough easy EZ guess we walked home this way we would have gotten it oh all righty then actually got a decent amount done in this first stream here po oh wait shift po yeah easy let’s go massive amount massive amount of those things 30 fish 30 spring crops oh my bad uh are we going to be able to do that probably not actually uh greens take 10 days to grow how many days left uh one two yeah we have enough time uh we need a par snip oh my gosh he’s not here well we will try it again we will try it again later next stream that is a stard Valley Stream which might be a while who knows who do know all I know is that this stream was pretty fun I’m glad we are able to do St Valley Streams again that actually are good you know like last time we did this it was not as fun but this this time it is it has been has been a blast as I said this is the last day so we are probably going to actually no we are going to call it a day here just finishing this off now we can water it all we should get sprinklers soon that would be very useful tough luck way he had fun this time oh no anyways I think with that I am going to call it a day here so thank you all for watching hope you all have a great rest of your day make sure you all stay safe out there and I’ll hopefully see you all later bye w oh

Testing this new multistream out
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