I Trapped 50 YouTubers For $1,000

in today’s video I trapped 50 YouTubers for $1,000 each YouTuber will have to go through a set of challenges and The Last One Alive wins you’re not going to believe how this ended all right so for challenge number one I am going to make everyone do this parkour and PVP is on we just have zip over running and I just shot him oh my gosh dude I almost died there oh my God 860 is literally right there oh no go go go this is like a and I’m going to get free killed oh my god oh so AJ killed me AJ killed someone why are people hitting no I got shot oh my gosh that person just got shot in front of me damn I died already oh my God I almost killed someone oh oh uhoh I made it I did it yes I’m alive I made it oh my God they’re making it bro I’m going shoot you oh my God no way wait this is too easy oh my God I fell and all these people made it and are now safe think he’s giving us one more chance all right all these players have one more chance to make it back I’m locked in now guys not falling okay I’m I fell and they think they’re smart for going on this side but little do they know I can literally change directions Sky’s going the other side to Bow Sky no uh-oh uh-oh n you’re getting shot at bro you are not going to make it uh-oh uhoh oh he shot me well I’m out of the event none of you are making that no oh my God bro bro they’re running all the way to the other side are you kidding me don’t bow me Skippy okay I’m going to make it yo yo I never died I don’t know what y’all talking about why is that Arrow just flying what the flip what I’m going to go ahead and make everyone do is they simply have to jump into the water no I don’t want to die that’s all they have to do there’s no way anyone can miss this oh my God they’re missing it oh no I’m out no bro I thought this was super easy oh oh my goodness oh my God we should all sit in there to make people mess up guys cover the water TOA if you die already bro just make it in the water and you’ll be good I thought I was going to miss it oh my god well that was easy for most of them like Hannah and a6d okay so for the next event I’m going to give everyone levitation and they just have to fly back up to the top what is that wait chill Sky chill and PVP is going to be on and PVP is on okay okay okay I’m giving everyone levitation and they can literally hit each other probably into the lava finess finesse sorry Luigi tone s over kill me S over kill me oh my God I actually almost died there they have to make their way up without dying don’t you do that oh someone’s hitting me go go go I’m good I’m good I’m good oh my God I’m good oh my god oh my god let’s go wow they’re all professionals okay I see that was really easy for everyone but this next event is not basically you have to be super super careful because they’re only going to have half a heart to make it to the end and if you hit the lava or fire just once you will die one hit and we’re dead oh my God wait I didn’t realize my HP was on on low slow and steady slow and steady okay oh my God they’re going so slowly oh my God my cheeks are clenched up this is so nerve-wracking oh my God fair just died bro this dude won’t move what and so did try whoever’s behind me stop getting so close to me first try first try but huni a60 and blur have made it that was so easy oh hell no I can’t even see myself anymore oh my gosh what is the strategy here oh my God okay okay bad boy Halo is going around the fire oh my gosh this is so insane yo AJ the Bol just loed into the lava holy fudge what oh my god oh I died we’re losing so many of them from this the trick is to go nice and slow and then you’ll have a good chance of making it and nailed it oh my gosh let’s go and I made it yes yo shotgun R hey fix it to the end and tire is still going he’s taking his time how is everyone already there I’m taking my time I’m going to give them 10 seconds left to make it now let me do let me do we are so good okay okay they all made it that was crazy all right so for the next event I’m going to give everyone a lot of speed and PVP is going to be on move everyone keep moving everyone keep moving what if I just went like that just stand on the corner of four blocks oh my gosh sky you are crazy and change the lava around no no no I’m in lava I’m in lava I’m in lava I’m in lava I’m in lava oh wait I can like cheat oh my God these people have found a safe location no one can get me in here here what the heck oh hey chill chill that’s right that’s what you get for being on the side you smed me there’s kind of a lot of RNG to this stop burning like if you get unlucky and just fall in the lava I’m going to die no I actually got one like this dude icit GG he kept trying to kill me he kept punching me okay that’s it w let’s go let’s go PVP is now off and we’re going to have everyone go in the middle what I’m going to make them do is something relatively simple all they’re going to have to do is make it to Diamond are you serious you know what I’ll even make it easier for them they can literally hit this block right here no oh my God that was so sad if I overshoot this I’m going to be so mad no that is actually so sad hey no I died and if they’re able to make it to Diamonds oh I landid on the Block like that then they will live no yo this is way too scary dude all right do I got this no bro some idiot walked in front of me and lost my Pearl now what I could do is aim over there okay what what was that no no all right all these people who just died are getting one more chance let’s go oh please please bro let that one land hey y’all bro they’re still not making it I’m in I made it I made it I made it let’s go come on Bad Boy Halo let’s see line up a little bit further down just make it why are you throwing it like that are you kidding there’s no way that works okay I guess nailed it it worked but really just did the math on that congratulations to these YouTubers who have made it okay in order for them to get to safety oh I’m going to make them do some Parkour did one of them just fall and if they can do all of this and make it to the Slime they can be safe got it let’s go okay looks like these guys are actual professional YouTubers for the most part oh my God all of them except for fry guy we’re doing really good at this outside of that ender pearl thing okay for this next round all I have is a stone Axe and all they have to do is make it to Red without getting hit by me so like someone like you stop chasing me I’m going see you get away from me and probably try and kill you stop all right whatever you can have a free pass go red oh my Skippy scares me yo I said go give me away man give me away give me away no no no no no no no no no no no I hit an A6 there’s no way A6 is just chilling down here please please I’m going have to do it to you I have no choice get hit in let’s go I will fight back I will fight back now what oh bro’s dead bro is actually dead Luigi T wants to smoke no ST killing me I need to get one more kill here and I’m determined to do it oh my God I just killed the guy no who hit me oh wait I got it this is the end please don’t whoever hit me in I’m never forgiving you again I’m a menace bro I’m sorry Plaza next sker okay for this next round all they have to do is sit on a pig that’s literally it just sit on a pig let’s go and you’ll be safe bro this is the sweatiest one so far go on just sit on the pig I got it yes it’s that easy got it I got it got I got it should be screwed oh my God Luigi got that one okay I’ll spawn that pig right there I’m not getting this I think I’m out I’ll spawn a few more right here yes I’m on I’m on I’m on I’m on let’s go huge they kind of just have a mind of their own oh guys I’m not going to survive this oh oh dude oh oh my God I’m doing my best I don’t know what they’re going to do oh nope I’m going to hit that pig over there yes oh bad boy Halo oh I’m struggling I going to hit that pig there got I got I got I got I got no oh my God take the Pig there you go bro oh my gosh no I don’t even know if I can get this bro I’m going to get eliminated here okay that one right there is going to fall right about now a yes no dude I’m not going to get it oh my God okay last pig last Pig oh my God if you don’t get this pig you are being eliminated oh my gosh bro I’m going to be so mad I’m just going to get a bow and I’m going to shoot the pig now oh I did I got on it the pig died oh it died no I don’t know which Pig I’m going to hit it could be this one or it could be that one this is like the last chance right here it could be this one it could be that one I’m going hit that pig yes let’s go oh my gosh and I’m going to hit that pig too but I tried to help I tried YY I sat on it you had so many chances all right I’m going to do one more round of this give me this pig let’s go where I just spawn in a pig wherever I feel like and I’ll put one right there can you get this one no yes let’s go I’m sorry bad I’m sorry I need it right there what Luigi I was spamming it anyone who wants it can have it yes might die here what is this Strat here I think the strategy here is you have to get on a pig there is literally no strategy at all I got it oh my God he’s going to come back this way come on now that’s it huge whoever the last one is get eliminated oh that was so close well but it was blur it well you had a good run goodbye okay so for this next round log break is going to turn on for a bit of time I’m scared I don’t like this so now they can break blocks and they really just do not want to fall no block glitching please I will kill you I will literally kill you dude I almost got out I was out when he said that oh okay zover has the strategies he’s just chilling in the corner I’m going to help him out hey thank you Sky let’s go there you go bro this is like the slowest version of bleep forever what if I just gave everyone shears oh we got shears now they can break the blocks way faster wait do your Island I’m going to like keep people away okay it seems like no one wants to die everyone’s just blocking themselves off this is scary no one’s fighting what the heck what is this n no what the heck bro block glitched out okay I’m just going to tell everyone to look down oh my God there’s no way we don’t lose someone now oh my God bad boy Halo is not in a good spot right there not the best spot okay I’m just going to do it again we’re chilling oh oh No Bad Boy Halo no let’s go I got bad no we lost bad boy Halo I feel so bad I cannot suffer the same thing no I knew it oh my God we’re losing them really fast now all right block break is off I cannot believe I survive that dude I should have been dead there are not that many YouTubers left which is why I will do a Revival if they can guess the number from 1 to 20 I will revive them 3 2 1 and the number was 14 I got it I got revived we’re back baby let’s go all right good job to all the Revival who are back and I’m going to create this diamond parkour right here and whoever reaches gold last will be out three 2 1 go okay they’re all off ruer has got a really late start there and all going no one is even falling they’re just professionals at parkour what is this oh wait we lost A6 oh I can’t see cuz that guy in front of me ah I was first baby and the last one to reach gold is fry fry the guy you’ve died twice now in the event you have a pretty cool skin okay they’re gone all right we’re going to send everyone up here and all I’m going to make them do is jump on the Slime right here dude I don’t like this this is uh a little scary here okay okay they’re trying it let’s go they’re making it yes oh my God okay not all of them are going to make this one come on let’s go oh barely yo that is actually really risky okay that was kind of insane we lost one player like that let’s see if they’re able to make this next slime jump oh I messed up oh my God sip over just fell oh my God nearly made it and the rest of them oh my God were able to make the jump okay we have everyone standing on a diamond block and there are eight YouTubers left what’s this man about to cook and we’re going to play Simon says all right Simon Says shift okay they’re all shifting Simon Says jump once Simon Says make the Poore again my mom’s going to say last do the parkour is out there’s no Simon damn it he put it in caps bro it’s still going no no oh my God wait that’s actually crazy all right Simon says go gold Simon says go gold and now I said Simon says the last to do the parkour is now oh no I’m dead oh no I’m dead so now they have to run for their lives lock do some crazy jumps risky stuff complete the parkour oh it’s so over and the last one to do it is I should be dead right now oh my God bro no way oh my God they’re still going go go go no no no got there’s no way he better not kill me the last one to complete it is going to be IU huni GG why oh my God I mean I was last Simon says go back down he’s holding a pig I said Simon says don’t get on a pig oh my God that was close I think I’ve made them wait long enough here I’m just going to say get on a pig or you’re out oh oh my God come on yes it’s over it’s over it’s over oh my God yes yes yeso has made it fourth place okay we have three contestants left my heart rate is at like 200 right now what is he going to do now I’m just going to say whoever sits on the pig wins he thinks we’re dumb we’re not they really just don’t want to win all right fine you guys see me right over here oh my God look it’s a pig Diamond says whoever sits on the pig is safe way over there they’re going to have to go through all this parkour yet again and if they fall they’re out turn on PVP order is in first I want to take that chance bro and they’re all going to have to go up the ladder please yo this is about to be the craziest jump ever bro and do the Slime jump okay okay okay oh my God that was so scary Yo they all made it and then they’re going to make it again and b b got the pig no no that was crazy all right Simon says go back to Middle Simon says go back to the middle scy and Hannah just fell and died I’m dead congrats okay you two have made it all the way to the final two this is a split or steal for $1,000 you guys know how to play this already understand yeah okay cool all right I’m going to give you guys like one minute to talk it out all right Luigi yeah what are your initial thoughts bro well you’ve already won event and I’ve never won an event in my life I feel pretty accomplished you want to split I’m down if you’re down I’m down I’m down I I can’t tell if you’re serious or not I’m dead serious bro please look me in the look up bro look up right now look at me in the eyes bro are you serious which eye left one are you serious yes I’m down to Swip bro all right bet I’m going to count you guys down from three and you’re going to hold one block you’re not allowed to switch no matter what the other person is holding once you lock in you lock in if you switch you’re just going to lose and the other person wins so make up your mind now if you’re going to split or steal good luck both of you you both have done really well no matter what happens three 2 one hold it yo you both get nothing you both get oh my God I was ready to split and but then when you said that line bro I I went the red bro so fast I hope you enjoyed this video and if you did I’m sure you’ll like this one and don’t forget to subscribe

I Trapped 50 YouTubers For $1,000

Follow My Twitter – @Skeppy
Follow My Instagram – @Skeppy

My Server IP: Invadedlands.net


  1. My fav trapping player video, the youtubers edition LETSGOOOO, i was afraid it would be rare because Skeppy set so high reward back then but seeing this one at least it wouldn't just kill Skeppy's bank per youtubers event🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰

  2. Damn it every time I start watching one of these videos my sister messages me "what are you watching? 🙂 I can hear you laughing through the walls"

    Stop making them so funny!

  3. Woah these events are so creative and fun :O Really brought out the sweat 😀 Absolutely love seeing the POVs of the players, it's so great.

    lol Poor Lilith and her piggy dying xD

    And Border's tooooo gooooood at the game!
    That ending tho!!! xD

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