Stardew valley solo part 22

[Music] [Music] [Music] hello having some technical difficulties right now some techical difficulties right [Music] [Music] now hello [Music] there we go finally now shut up me in the background I had my headset muted for some reason by accident all right let’s go for some reason my headset was on mute I don’t know why good morning [Music] dearest I saw your uh your message Lance hi how you doing oh nice [Music] nice that’s good that’s [Music] good all right just making sure you could still hear me because now I’m paranoid it wasn’t working before yeah major gold today uh oh that’s okay everyone in every game starts nowhere at some point you got to build your way up it’s like Minecraft you know go say hello to my animals and then go water everything and try to get a piggy today piggy or too [Music] then I got to milk all these animals after not all of them but you know what I mean that’s the Scythe I’m glad that doesn’t hurt my animals okay none of the goats can be milked today oh you can [Music] okay another goat milk okay I guess I watered one before the others I guess let me turn this down this is deafening in my ear holes yeah when I play a game I don’t like making the game a speedrun I like enjoying the game for what it is now before I water everything I’m going to head over to Mary before she leaves if she leaves before I get there I’m going to straight up [Music] cry there’s D 18 morning howdy purchase animals I’m going to be spending 32,000 on pigs and my blueberries already boink okay Kulu that’s going to be your name Kulu for the first one and now another one boink and you’re going to be zucha I’m letting the game pick the name for all my animals by the way hello you said howdy on my way in but okay and now now we [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait okay this is why I want to get rid of all this stuff got to harvest my blueberries I forgot to put one of the eggs away like a fool out of my way crying out loud now I got to harvest my blueberries and water all my plants I didn’t know what to play today so I said I’m going to play some stardo Valley maybe tomorrow well tomorrow I’m going to be starting later in the day because my mom and I are going to be going out to do some stuff tomorrow morning so yeah tomorrow’s stream’s going to be uh oh nice tomorrow’s stream is going to be a bit later than usual so tomorrow just cuz I’m not live in the morning stay tuned I will be live later in the day yep all this grass looking stuff here from the last episode I don’t got to water this this is just fiber that’s going to be grown which I can get a crap ton of fiber from it afterwards can’t wait to unlock Ginger Island it’s pretty fun I was scared at first not cuz I I’m scared of trying new things but like I thought Ginger island in the game was going to be hard and then I went over what year am I at in the game uh year two this is year 2 summer [Music] yeah I’m a year One Summer nice yeah time pass is slower when you’re playing solo than when you’re playing with friends in the game like when I play with my buddy Austin shout out my buddy Austin if he watches this in the future um what was I going to say the time flies in multiplayer I don’t know why they need one more geod which will cost $300 I’m going to call up Robin to see what the house upgrade will cost cuz I want to get the casking system cuz I do have a bunch of kegs up here which are not producing anything right now I they will now though there we go boink now they’re all going to make pale ale oh tell me who I don’t I don’t judge by the way so who [Music] [Music] wait where is Abigail and Emily nice when I get the casking system this is going to be the first wine to go in cuz I told my I made a promise to my wife Leia that I would um that I would um Cask it first and then have it sold to see what it’s sold for what to do for the rest of the day I could sell my battery packs but I do need one so actually I will not I’ll bring it over to the tunnel and uh and Mr Key’s quests come up yeah when you get your first battery pack if you come over to this side there is a by the bus if you go left there is a tunnel over here bring a battery pack to this thing and oh I already did that oh right I got to get Beats I think I got beats already but yeah I did that last Quest last episode of the episode before I think oh yeah I brought the Rainbow Shell last episode and then um um now I need to bring beets which can only be grown in Fall which will probably happen in this episode or next episode I’m going to see if I have Beats I think I went to to the desert to buy beets last episode didn’t I I got to move this [Music] now probably put it here if I can no I’ll put it on the side of my house it’s an owl statue from the owl statue event drink the C I said drink the C thank you eat the spice be Sprint but yeah Emily and uh Abigail are good choices in like 90% of my other worlds uh Abigail is my wife in the other worlds I’m going to go fish for the day try to bring in some money debating if I want to sell everything or still keep going with the keep one of every type of fish oh I still nailed it nice a oh wow right when I got here the bubble disappeared yeah give me that aridium bass eat the grape yummy Boom Big Boost back up in my energy bar my buddy Austin again shout out to him is really good at catching the legendary fish he caught four of the six already and I and my other world only have one no yet a yellow or a gold star chub nice give me that carp ah itchy they’re over on Ginger Island spoilers for way later in the game when you raise your friendship level with Willie the fish on that island sell for a good price like there is a aridium level lion fish that sells over there and no it’s not a half fish half lion that sounds pretty cool but um you sell it and it sells for uh 300 gold a uh 300 gold a uh Arium level fish amethyst uh go in the mines and hopefully you can find some that that’s how I do it or one way I do it but it only happens by chance I think amethyst can come from building a fish pond and putting super cucumbers in [Music] it or is that salmon void Salon I don’t know oh and a for later on when you level up uh and Mining level five um you’re going to want to pick geologist cuz when you find like amethyst which is a rock with uh purple chunks sticking out of it I think I’m at level 15 oh okay a amethyst can spawn on any floor depending on the look or you’re chancing of the thing but um you want to you’re going to want to pick geologist cuz then if you smash an amethyst rock you have a chance to get two instead of one but it doesn’t always work which I find weird oh and for um level 10 farming spoilers um when you reach level 10 you’re going to want to go for the uh The Artisan profession and for and for level five farming uh I don’t remember what the two um level up things are but you’re going to want to go for the one that has your crops grow I think 10% faster cuz your choice I think are animal products sell for more or your crops grow 10% faster and I always go for the crops growing 10% faster in my opinion another good way to get money if you’re ever short on money is to befriend Abigail’s mom Caroline because she gives you tea saplings that you could sell and they sell for 500 gold uh a tea sapling by 9: I’m going to head home to see if uh to see what’s on The Help Wanted board also tomorrow is demetrius’s birthday I have to bring him a watermelon if I have any if not I’ll bring him Bean Hot Pot if I have the recipe unlocked how do you do that do do what like be friend like you just got to bring them gifts and stuff like or or what what are you talking [Music] about what is her favorite thing she likes tea leaves fish tacos actually let me pull up her um yeah Caroline that’s Abigail’s mom U let me pull up her Wikipedia right here uh after I catch this fish hang on okay I have to press anything Caroline stardew not Carolina Caroline stardew yeah she likes fish tacos green tea summer Spangles and tropical Curry summer Spangles could be bought at the trader that comes every Friday and Sunday but they’re expensive or you can buy them at Pierre’s and you could grow them and tea leaves you could plant the tea saplings in uh anywhere and they grow I think what the description of the Tea Leaf said is that it grows on the last week of each season and you get three leaves I think let me see this actually I have the description of it right here takes 20 days to mature produces tea leaves during the final week of each season Yes except winter and it does not require watering now I don’t know if I’m crazy but I’ve tried growing them in the indoor grow pots that you get later on in the game from uh Evelyn and they’re not producing anything indoors another good friend to make in the game is Pam because she gives you batteries and batteries also sell for 500 a pack any help wanted missions yes I could do that tomorrow depends a squid kid oh no that’s not even guaranteed you know what screw it I’m not doing that I want to be outside as much as possible since majority of the last couple of episodes have been me going to the caves I think I’m good friends with Pam yeah one of her loved gifts are parsnips which is one of the things you sell first in the game I think there we go sold a sold a couple fish not going to make a lot of money off of it but [Music] whatever I was supposed to call Robin to check for the house upgrade I did not and beer yeah Shane too is another one who loves beer I’m Robins is closed right now but I’m just going to do it for the house upgrade I think it’s like a 100,000 and a bunch of wooden Stone uh house upgrade cost 100,000 gold oh okay just gold cool I don’t need wood or anything yeah then I could age wine and cheese and stuff like that 3,000 4,000 gold not bad at all [Music] okay demetrius’s birthday today do I know how to make Bean Hot Pot cuz I think I have a couple of beans grown from Spring how are you doing on the community center by the way if you don’t mind me asking does Robin like sweet pee Yes actually if you go to the stardew valley Wiki you could look at every single character and that’s their loved gifts well like or love I don’t know but I know one of her loved gifts is pasta Bean Hot Pot no Emily sorry uh Emily is more of a gem lover I think she likes almost every kind of gem in the game something like Abigail not not like for like amethyst I mean they both like amethyst is what I meant to say they opened at the same time that was kind of [Music] creepy Demetrius after I water and take care of my animals I’m going to come and give you bean hot pot for your birthday hey that’s funny look at this look at look at who I’m I have the most friendship with aside from these two that’s kind of funny Emily and Abigail cuz they’re like easy to and you know Abigail also likes beer it’s not a loved gift but uh it’s a liked gift you could bring her beer and she drinks the beer and eats the glass which I’m like honey don’t do that in my other world I’m like honey don’t eat the glass I worry for your diet [Music] yes she likes beer but beer is expensive at guses it’s like what $400 a glass or something one thing that sucks is console players don’t have the 1.6 update [Music] yet which sucks yeah $400 a glass but still if you want to give her two glasses in a in a week that’s $800 bucks almost 1,000 bucks Jesus that’s a lot of money oh and for future uh for future um like sales when you get the um what is it the casking place let me see yeah see these are my profession things I go for tiller crops worth 10% more they don’t grow faster it’s huh oh yeah but for farming I usually go for tiller the crops are worth 10% more Artisan I go for and then the Artisan Wine cheese oil Etc is worth 40% more uh geologist chance for gems to appear in pairs or when you break them they appear in pairs I’m almost done with mining Forester I get 25 % more wood from trees fishing or Fisher is worth 25% more and fish worth 50% more sadly these don’t stack cuz then it’d be worth 75% more they don’t stack according to my buddy um Scout sh Critical Strike chance increased by 50% anyways yeah another thing along with the Artisan thing that I was um talking about is that um when you get hops like the to make pale ale for Pam give one to Pam and then give one to Pam again for a love gift and um then you could sell the rest earthquake yeah that could happen occasionally those are rare events no spoilers after this so don’t ask me but wait until you get the capsule event I’m not going to spoil anymore after that whoops wrong thing I might get over excited when I find my first Prismatic shard in in this playr so be warned for that when that day comes his pants yeah I I always loved that um that mission it’s like mayor Lewis how did your pants end up in mne’s room and what were like I don’t want to know what you guys were doing that involved your pants being lost in there I really [Laughter] don’t oh but fiber seeds later on come in handy so if you want like you can plant these in however big moderation numbers you want um thanks for the answer yeah no problem I’m here to help out all the time you have to get at least two hearts with Marne to go into her room to grab the shorts to return it to the mayor or you could be a prankster and at the at a couple events like the luau you could put his shorts in the soup which will make everybody like dislike you for a little bit and then it’ll be back to normal in a few days um oh yeah demetrius’s birthday um I was so distracted by talking uh or you could put it on the display thing for the um for the event in Fall yeah well eventually you would have side if you didn’t because you have to go to Mary’s for certain events or certain events certain um quests and then you would have saw shorts on the ground you’ve been like hey that’s the mayor’s shorts Demetrius happy birthday my voice is cracking you’re welcome talk to everybody in the home ow boink boink all right bye-bye oh another grape up there tomorrow is J’s birthday what should I get her um actually let me pull up her Wikipedia real quick unless you already have it open but I’ll do it anyways Jazz stardew Valley let’s see there’s ancient doll fairy rose fairy box which is in the update fairy rose pink cake plum pudding strange green doll and strange yellow doll or her liked gifts let me see uh gifts liked gifts she likes uh coconut and daffodil if you have extra daffodils bring her a daffodil for her birthday I don’t know [Music] it’s summer but I’m saying do you have any leftover daffodils if not then I don’t know what to tell [Music] you dang that’s why uh at the usually at the beginning of every season I try to I’m not going to do it in summer obviously now but I try to plant at least a packet or two of the the seeds I for your for the question I asked you earlier I don’t remember if I saw your answer how are you doing on the community [Music] center great first catch Jr I’ve gotten nowhere oh sorry to hear that well I know for the aquarium bundle you can catch all four fish you need in here there’s carp bass Bullhead and sturgeon but sturgeon can mainly be caught when it’s raining here but I’d recommend getting a better fishing rod before coming to fish here no a smidge of its fin goes out the thing and it’s like nope it’s not perfect no more [ __ ] I’m in Emily’s dream I love that cut scene there’s a part in there that makes me laugh that blood a that’s the part that makes me laugh your character goes huh and then shakes and then uh I clipped it it’s going to be in my next buddy moment just I know why you’re here then my character was like huh shake and jeez my fishing sucks today it’s only two iridium level fish caught go back to my YouTube live boink there we go now I’m going to get a live feed of my video going on right now if you get a seed maker and fall if you get a seed maker in fall and you put brown mushrooms in the seed maker you’ll get fall seeds [Music] yeah like I said it’s on their Wiki on the stardo valley fandom Wiki or whatever it’s called [Music] probably won’t be in this episode but I’ll try my best to get the farm or the house upgrade for my cabin to get the casking section then I should unlock the recipe for The Cask oh no poor bird I know exactly what cut scene you’re talking about been playing this game for so long you mentioned one small part of a cut scene I’m like yep I know what you’re talking about ah sneaky [Music] bastard oh what are you wo let’s go okay okay come on come on come here you’re a bass you’re a very Lively bass you’re a sturgeon I thought they can only be caught in the rain okay all right correction bait can be uh bait uh sturgeon can be caught at any time I thought it was just during the rain oh come on crying out loud like literally a smidge of the little fish thing goes outside the bar nope I didn’t even have to touch it for that one give me that job I thought that was a carp cuz carps usually act that calm I can’t say no to a chest I’m sorry [Music] boink give it that blade more bait and a geode so I’m only going to be able to catch one more type of fish cuz I’m not throwing away this geod actually I’m going throw away this not Sapa green algae I can always catch more if I need more ooh stretch a Vista hey Lance where were you yesterday I didn’t notice your uh comments coming in when I was playing alien yesterday what happened I played Alien fire team solo part too I’m almost done in the [Music] game I don’t worry it’s okay that’s okay don’t worry about it I’m not going to force you to come watch My Stream especially if you’re going to play this game this game’s hella fun hell I got so distracted playing it offline once that uh I forgot to do round two of my steps with my mom that we had to start an hour later than usual actually there’s bubbles right here that I can fish into that’s how fun the game is I lost track of time give me that especially like me when you grow a greenhouse full of ancient [Music] fruit did I pet my animals today I did not they’re going to be mad at me I think I did did I I don’t think I did oh well nope that failed there we go last catch and I’m going home for the night all right time to head home for the night why’ I say it like that I don’t know a bustop town I’m checking if they updated the uh help want Mission cuz that’s a bit of a douchy one oh go kill two squid kids oh yeah I forgot about this I’ll check again on Monday grub okay Saturday Sunday Monday yeah I’ll check again on Monday for the community board missions what’s this about red snapper for a taco I’m making lus I might be able to do that tonight actually if I have any I’ll go check if not I’m canceling the Quest the uh quests or The Help Wanted board is really good to get money and uh friendship with a lot of people around the Valley come on there we go I’m going to sell these in a sec do I have any red snappers I do not sorry lonus I do not have any thought I did [Music] no put one back [Music] boink there now I can sell all of these without having to worry and actually not all of [Music] them [Music] nice I haven’t seen it happen yet but for your first fish pond I would recommend getting a rainbow trout because there is a I know this is a very low chance but there is a 0.5% chance that it can give you Prismatic shards there we go time to put away the [Music] stiff I have all these ready for when um my um my tea saplings grow there we go I was going to say out with it Jr these are not ready yet [Music] [Music] I never checked if I had beats I’m going to check if I beats beats beet seeds I don’t know why I bought 20 but maybe to put some in a seed maker so I can grow more when I really want to [Music] uh more wood fences battery pack [Music] cloth any birthdays the dwarf’s birthdays on the 22nd I still can’t understand them cuz I don’t have all the Scrolls cuz the game is being a bit of a douchy douche with to me 10,000 gold let’s go okay hang on I’m taking off this damn headset my hair is in my eye there we go brush my hair back and boink 20 or no whoa 60,000 gold and I’ll have enough for the house upgrade I am a B I forgot to check up on my b hello Veronica [Music] pale alses that I’m going to keep to age no queen of sauce episodes the second fridge here is going to be used for things to be aged or [Music] wind oh dear you’re in the back [Music] working thank you Demetrius for the fried mushroom recipe don’t look too close it’s a work in progress now I can’t give you kisses the s sad boy noises are they ready let me see yeah nope probably tomorrow the next day they’ll be ready yeah Zeus hates me in this game that’s why there’s a hop missing here because lightning hit my freaking [Music] hop huh weird there’s two missing here did I not water these ones thought I did weird Markiplier played this game and I wish he played it more because he only has like four or five episodes up of this game wish he played it more oh anal I’m going to come talk to [Music] [Music] you milky milk milky milk milky milk milky milk move out of my way milky milk he should play it again yes yes he should milky milk milky milk wait did I milk them all oh goats were milked today and yeah I knew what you meant that’s why I read it as a again I think now since I have a deluxe uh barn and Coupe I think they automatically get fed as long as the silo is full yep looks really happy today yay get out of my way actually I’m going to sell all my animal products today don’t eat the egg whatever you do we need to sell that [Music] character there we go I usually do it because um it gets me a lot of money and all that and oh I got 23 large milk in aridium style or not aridium style but you know what I mean aridium quality there we [Music] go that’s my dog’s name in the game uh I don’t know if you name your dog after me one I’ll be honored and two I’ll be like I’m a dog now I don’t know what is your dog’s name is it named after one of your dogs or [Music] something Fred when I think of Fred you want to know what I think of hey it’s Fred old time [Music] I might not go fish today I might keep clearing up this Forest here like I kept saying I was going to [Music] do itchy neck hey it’s fresh oh I didn’t water this or my watermelons now I’m confused cuz I’ve never actually heard him talk normally does he just do that for the skit or does he actually sound like that cuz I’ve never heard him actually talk wrong way [Music] m [Music] [Music] there we go more pale ale to sell when needed [Music] [Music] [Music] want to start chopping down this way now because I don’t want it falling over into my animals area where can you find a grape well in fall you could make a thing called a grape starter or you go around and you look for them on the ground cuz there are forgea bles around that are graes [Music] in two days is going to be the dwarf’s birthday even though I don’t understand [Music] them I have to come over here and control this area too cuz it’s starting to get out of hand over here actually I’m going to start doing that now I have salads too if I need to regenerate my energy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to my other friend cookie who comes to watch if you watch this in the future keep your eyes on the um YouTube community area because I will be updating that tomorrow before I go for my walk I lost all that wood okay uh because like I said tomorrow I plan to go walking not walking but like my mom and I are going to go out and do some stuff tomorrow in the morning there we go start eating some salads yum boink yum boink there we go back to half energy okay [Music] can you swing on the right spot please Oh you mean the area in the game like uh cuz there’s a spa I don’t know about a bath there’s a spa it recovers your energy stupid things get out of my way he oh and what would that be well I mean what would it would cost more if you built two locker rooms and two Spa there would be more money on the mayor which by the way the mayor here is very stingy in this town time to go put all this wood and stuff away that I found or not found but like chopped uh yeah oh just getting home [Music] hun all right can’t give you kisses or anything can’t talk to you either okay I guess you don’t want to talk to me today don’t know what I did wrong [Music] but then Dan to the Moonlight jelly few little prankster just go boo [Music] imagine 28,000 856 we we are almost there that means we need another 40,000 and some or 30,000 and [Music] some we’re almost there folks good morning dear thanks for the leak I grew that with great love and attention enjoy I will I’ll go put it with the rest of the leaks you gave me [Music] see if I was growing tea leaves right now I think they’d be they would grow uh during the last week or they start like producing during the last week if I recall I need truffle oil don’t ask me why mayor Lewis okay mayor Lewis there is there is this Stone and when I interact with it it just says question mark question mark mark [Music] huh I see our red kabage is already nice oh it’s at the railroad the boulder uh oh oh that thing uh Boulder um I think to do that you got to complete the game fully and I don’t even know how to do that and I’ve been playing this game for a while still not ready probably by tomorrow okay [Music] [Music] [Music] be beep beep beep I have to run by Pierre’s after see if there’s anything that’ll grow within 7 days which pretty much is a week [Music] obviously he’s doing uh his uh bathroom business back there I think that’s what I would assume that’s what I assume [Music] P I need to check your sh dock I could check for my house what am I doing but okay what’s the mission to die seaweed okay Pam and I just seen you going to the bus stop cut scene Gus I have just a thing for you oh I pressed the wrong thing and I skipped it ah okay anything that takes seven days five four six seven poppy seeds 8 11 14 8 9 uh I guess I could plant radishes then there’ll be one day left and I don’t really care about that afterwards I need 40 or is it 20 it’s 20 isn’t it yeah it’s 20 all right hang on uh bo now I can sell the seeds I don’t need back to Pierre and make a bit of my money back not all of it but a bit of it thank you Pier have a good day hi bye George [Music] radishes excuse [Music] me animals say hello to everyone before I m the cows 150 out of 240 they’re eating a lot of [Music] it it is [Music] [Music] I tried to milk you already where are the other two are they inside or are they not feeling the best what the hell okay I thought I had another two did they die or something oh no they’re down [Music] here milk the air [Music] cool I’m going to sell half of these cuz I’m starting to get a lot of them up 22 boink there we go actually I’m going to sell it down to seven and these I’m going to sell down to seven cuz then once they’re ready they will [Music] produce I keep the gold quality [Music] ones wife you’re in my way hello ever tell you when you first moved here I had a dream that we’d be together someday oh there you go now watch out you’re in my way [Music] [Music] [Music] not tomorrow but the next day I got to go to kobis to buy a Omni geode for um for um my pond for my [Music] sturgeons he I didn’t check the chicken place Le boink Le boink Le boink and Le [Music] [Music] boink oh yeah I supposed to bring seaweed to Pam what you need seaweed for good question Aquatic Research I also need to go to the trader and see if they have a puffer fish big paba seaweed for 60 [Music] Gold oh know I I bought 20 um beat seeds because of um my plots they grow 20 here to see what you asked [Music] for thanks for the 60 Gold pick that up [Music] [Music] yes cut scene [Music] ooh I love this cut scene you’re going to love it too trust [Music] me what do I need here eh nothing [Music] really o fruit salad’s actually pretty good for the price it’s asking for though [Music] [Music] I guess I’m going to continue working on these trees these trees got them I know it’s a joke it’s a joke on the de nuts thing that Meme going around or that old meme I should say [Music] oh you use uh the right analog stick or the d-pad I think the d-pad also works is going start chopping down the other way soon starting now actually going have to eat soon there we go is yeah I know uh no playing on uh PS [Music] [Music] get out of my way [Music] dog dwarf’s birthday I got to bring him an amethyst for his birthday the red cabbage is actually sell for a lot wow 375 357 I can’t count 286 not bad at all the rose self for a decent amount I sold them only because I wanted them all to be equal dwarf is uh someone in the mines if you find a Cherry Bomb by eliminating an enemy you put a bomb down by the giant rocks by the ladder boom you go in and you meet this character called dwarf and yeah but you have to find the Dwarven Scrolls by like breaking open geodes or slaying enemies and you can easily find [Music] them today is his [Music] birthday there we go eight are you playing on the new version 1.6 no console players don’t have it yet [Music] nice morning dear nature walk today go straight ahead dear then tomorrow I got to go see kobis who lives in the sewers [Music] I have the greenhouse unlocked I just don’t know what to grow in there [Music] [Music] yet I’m guessing my fiber is going to be ready today and now I’m going to get a crap ton of fiber let’s go rest of this ground I don’t really care about it I’m just going to leave it how it is there now I can make a bunch of uh tea saplings and sell them anyway here’s my old Mini shopping bin thank you I don’t need that but sure I’ll bring it inside anyways in case I forget to sell something and it’s really late I will put it right here actually boink I can only sell nine things at a time though which [Music] sucks what was that I needed wood and [Music] fiber right and the [Music] seeds 115 tea saplings I went through my fiber like that though and a lot of my wood holy I have more oh boy probably not going to have enough to finish this off but it was worth it in the long run and I still have enough 157 but I have no more fiber now let’s see this I need clay as well this and mixed seeds right I don’t have a lot all right all right let’s see how much can I make 48 all right well I can grow some more at least they do give you a lot though oh an eight okay blueberries yummy yummy don’t copyright [Music] me okay so I just sold 157 let me do the calculations calculator I need [Music] you I just made $78,500 right there wow thanks for cheese collie Pam thanks for the sein [Music] Emily if anybody new joins who’s interested in watching my streams tomorrow the stream is going to be a little bit later as I keep mentioning because tomorrow morning I’m going out with my my mom to do some stuff and then I’ll be back later in the day so if anybody’s interested in watching the stream stay tuned tomorrow these are ready whack whack and whack whack there we [Music] go pick it up damn it thank you a rock there that broke my fence of course it did all right time to do some fence actually I could do it right now fence repair boink fence repair completed now I got to get an amethyst and bring it to Mr dwarf boink uh yeah I lost a big chunk of my wood making all those uh tea saplings but it’s worth it in the end because I’m going to have 140,000 around or 148,000 whatever uh yeah and uh I’ll be able to uh upgrade my house which was the other major goal for this episode to try to get the casking things ready I am Mr dwarf and then tomorrow I got to go see Mr Crow bis hi bye Pam mines go over to this side and Mr dwarf who I can’t understand because I don’t have any of the I’m missing one [Music] scroll but I think that was him saying he loved it I think wow I got nothing [Music] there let me see loved gies yeah time to head back home actually head home grab my geodes and have uh Clint break them open dude [Music] have you unlocked the ginger Island no I haven’t yet I’m only on year two I don’t know how fast you can unlock Ginger Island [Music] but I have 75 gold worth of geodes to crash or Crush open crash open nice English chair uh not min’s town now go to the blacksmith kick processed Shields [Music] smash smash and smash do I have all these things already let’s see yep back home I go what’s going to be good after I get the house upgrade is that I can uh what is it I’ll still have $40,000 left and I plan to try and get Auto feeders not Auto feeders but the auto collectors which will cost around $50,000 uh what was I coming down here for the I don’t know my brain does that sometimes I’ll go somewhere and be like yeah I think it’s 25,000 though so 50,000 for [Music] two one of those goes in there okay and two of those going here I’m going to start selling these actually cuz they’re starting to pile up a tag I just cooked on journey to baring nice wait was that a bad or a good thing like you mean you got cooked alive [Music] or that’s why I was wasn’t saying anything ah I see I’m going keep three of these sell these sell these sell these these so [Music] so [Music] mhm there we go [Music] use the mini cell bin in my house and the rest of the stuff I could sell uh there we go I’m keeping the Precious Minerals like this stuff here because they’re needed for stuff in the future I just glitched out did you see my comment I just glitched out did you see my comment duhh what let me see I’m not on YouTube right now uh I didn’t see it no I didn’t see the glitch that you were talking about I mean there we go I didn’t water my blueberries [Music] ah if it weren’t for the tea leaves I wouldn’t have been able to get the upgrade in this episode probably [Music] oh I see I see [Music] [Music] I’m not seeing what you’re talking about like I say oh but uh also at the same time I don’t see what you’re talking about not really what do you mean I don’t see a glitched huh weird [Music] going need a good chunk of this actually not really I’ll wait till the end of the month before I calculate how much um soil I need or not soil but um fertilizer Oh I thought that was you like adding emphasis to your uh thing not emphasis but you know what I mean they’re sleeping but they’re making noise okay [Music] [Music] Timber see if that was real my house would be broken or a big part of my house would have broke I’ll do farm work till like 10 there we go Oh weird I doubled a rock when I broke it yeah I know I’m using a pickaxe sh I got some wild mushroom is growing it’s all right don’t worry about it did I grow anything in here I did my fruit trees I’ve not been checking up on them ah there we go moving back home then go to kobis tomorrow after I water and take care of my animals [Music] I thought I missed one nope they’re all pulsating okay actually I never checked for a queen of sauce episode today I don’t think living off the land item Spotlight keg the classic use for The Keg is to make grapes out of wine or wines out of grap or something like that who’s the next birthday after Willies on the 24th I’m going to bring him a c cucumber if I have any 7956 oh right because I sold a bunch of other stuff [Music] too I think this is my first time wow being in the 100 thousands hang on WOW [Music] hello you good morning have you spent any time with Veronica today no I haven’t because she sleeps and I can’t do anything else this is all it tells me good morning [Music] Duke so my crops outside are watered already I just got to go take care of my animals and head over to kobis and I’ll probably just fish for the rest of the day actually I have to go to Robins I’ll sell these one point I just caught a gold star rainbow trout with a bamboo Rod nice nice nice Harvest these I wish I’d be getting 20 from them no I’m only getting eight uh 19 I can’t count 24 in nice hello [Music] everyone [Music] milky everyone’s been pet there we go milk milk milk milk you’ve already been milked or you you’re just not producing milk there we go no I can’t milk a pig I caught another one [Music] nice two in a row nice uh what who did I not milk uhoh this is the confusing part now you okay good hello everybody I’m here to collect stuff today will be my last day collecting stuff too cuz now I’ll have autoc collectors by the end of the day I’ll be down to 10,000 gold after that though I’ll be broke not really brok but I’ll yeah Robin I’m on my oh no it’s aerobics today unless they don’t do aerobics on rain days I’ll have to check do they do aerobics on rain days I don’t think they do I’m three in a row nice keep one for a fish pond that’s all I got to tell you do they do aerobics on rain days no they don’t uh upgrade house yes tomorrow I should be finished in around 3 days so 24 25 26 so if they start at 24th yeah they’ll be done the 26th if I’m doing the math properly I don’t know math isn’t my strong suit like I say oh sck spot what this I gave one to Willie and one to Elliot okay [Music] morning what’s my time an hour 34 I’m going to go for another hour and then I’m calling it a stream everyone supply shop Auto Grabber boink boink hi J what giggle hi my nephew Shane has been staying at my place the last few months he helps me out with the chickens so I’m not complaining just open your door for no reason bye not like my character had a speed boost for now I don’t got to harvest from them no more one collector here in the corner and another collector right here point now all I got to do is pet them now I got to go to kobus ooh grape gold star R too nice hello kobis I am too sensitive to sunlight to go out on most days the conditions in here are perfect can’t to buy anything thanks for the Omni geode a void egg for $55,000 half my money for a void egg that I could turn into a void chicken to make void mayonnaise uh why not [Music] want to see what the special dish at Gus’s place is today I was supposed to check this out I have six days now skeletons I’m going to invite some okay accept the quest what do they need Ruby topaz Emerald Jade and Amethyst I have all those what’s this iron bar from Maru got it I got so much missions to do today yesh itchy back Maru works at the clinic I hope if not I get Rush all the way to the Carpenters iron bar is the very first one I’m going to pick off the list let me see so Ruby topaz Emerald Ruby topaz Emerald I think she said amethyst and Jade there we go and an iron bar [Music] the hell’s going on phone thank you what the hell [Music] phone Jesus my phone was acting weird for a moment there an iron [Music] bar all righty righty let’s go I didn’t I don’t think they’re ready yet I think the Watermelons will be ready by tomorrow mhm I think Emily is working at the saloon right now that’s where she works no she’s not surprisingly Emily oh cut scene with Emily nice come in junior I want to show you something better not skip it this time it’s my secret hobby I’ve been practicing for months now sit back relax and allow yourself to be carried away to a better place okay okay she going to dance for me her and the bird hey I mess with it okay that beat’s quite cool oh God my character’s tripping what is this music doing to me help H I don’t get to see these cut scenes when I play with my friends because time passes while you’re playing in m multiplayer while you’re in cutcenes [Music] [Music] hearts are appearing Emily you better not be catching feelings for me I’m married already skull or aliens or skulls whatever bananas or moons uh starfruit o that was that was really good what did you think that was amazing that was amazing thank you a you’re exhausted you poor thing pH that was quite a workout yeah I could see that being quite a workout you poor thing I haven’t been this sweaty since I ordered the pepper platter at Abigail’s graduation Fiesta oh god well I’d better take a shower thanks for watching okay amily here thanks for the 1,000 gold now to go find Maru Maru you better be working at the clinic or I’ll cry you’re not working at the clinic I’m going to cry for crying out loud pi no okay I have two days to do it if I really need it o a sweet PE give me that sweet PE have to hurry up to the Carpenters before they close maruo let your mom close the shop I have your iron bar is it iron yeah [Music] Maru here you go oh perfect now I can continue the project that was working on thanks a bunch thanks for the 360 gold in return lus how you doing how have you been my young friend I’ve been good thank you that all you have to say to me okay ah that made Emily happy all the stuff I brought her today okay yeah okay that’s going to get annoying this tree’s got to go I don’t know why I planted a tree there in the first place oh if it would have gave me a seed I would have put it up here to be regrown but see now I can put this one up here where it’s not really in the way not that I think it is Bo I got 25 uh wood per tree nice oh ghost Runner too oh my God that game made me rage so much ghost Runner let’s check the Batcave nice fruits where do you too bat don’t eat the salmon [Music] be here we go I I was supposed to bring the uh Geo to my uh fish [Music] Sprint ah Omni geode this really makes us feel at home really I caught you in the mountain lake how does that make sense what I’m actually going to cry like what these are obviously not ready yet I have to go put this in the chicken chicken incubator there we go PP plop there we go now I’m going to get a void chicken from it uh oh these are ready [Music] 204 there we [Music] go I think I’ll eat these actually refill my uh bar why not there we [Music] go and this orange this gantosaurus [Music] [Music] yummy I was going to say for the rest of the episode I’ll fish but there’s still an hour I don’t want to fish for an hour of the episode plus tomorrow’s Wily’s birthday I have to check if I have any uh C cucumber if not I sold it all yes I do and I’m going to bring him in a you [Music] know surprised I didn’t get any uh hearts with dwarf for that [Music] I sold wine and I have to sell juice at some [Music] point yeah cuz over on this page you have the page of everything you’ve [Music] sold and I’m still missing a hell of a lot of [Music] stuff see this is a rabbit’s foot caviar these are the flowers here one of these is fairy Rose there’s spangle blue [Music] Jazz yeah anyway uh there’s also a page of the different minerals I’m almost done with the minerals [Music] page I think the most of these I found were like amethysts [Music] yeah anyway I’m glad you’re home it’s a good night to get under the cover and stay warm yep my Mutant carp they sell for a lot but I’m not going to sell them not even in my deepest moment of need oh I did not mean to smacky dog I thought I didn’t pet [Music] you how much slime do I have I can make another slime egg there you go I already have one don’t I one or two yeah I have two can be hatched in a slime incubator I don’t have a ridium [Music] yet what is my friendship with [Music] Willie really only one H after Willie cut scene nice after Willie the last thing is the dance of the moonlight jellies now we go into [Music] fall Wednesday Thursday Friday in 3 days on the 26th will be Friday and I’m going to go check the cart person after a couple days of ficient of course [Music] sleepy the one thing I sold or the two things I sold got me 217 back in total happy birthday Willie now to take care of the crops outside cuz I know it’s not going to rain two days in a row oh my God shut my mouth yes it will there’s Robin working on my house oh thanks Emily for red plate thanks Emily for the sewing machine thanks elus for the catfish hello be patient I still have a lot of work to do I’m being as patient as I can Robin as a matter of fact for you working so hard even though it’s only day one I’m going to buy you a plate a pasta guses on me I’m have to build another indoor grow pot because I want to grow star fruit on it oh yeah two days in a row of rain shock of shots wiie cut scene was weird ah cow I did not mean to smack you I’m sorry are you still a baby [Music] yes that’s time to milk my animals you don’t need to be milked apparently okay I milked the air wait did I try to milk you twice oh duh it’s in the thing [Music] wait what there we go Bo boing Bo wait I don’t even have to collect it all now I could leave it in there don’t don’t thank you I can’t put it back now son of a cracker fish all I got to do is pet you all now duckies and chickens and dinosaur cuz now I have this thing that collects the eggs for me [Music] [Music] I’ll put the thing over here hello dear the view from this window is inspiring don’t you think what window we don’t have a window here [Music] dear that window more likely yeah but [Music] [Music] what is my friendship with Robin right now no another one I’m low with no I passed her we Robin has five Hearts nity niceness wait I didn’t that didn’t count as talking to her [Music] outside okay I was seeing things I probably looked up Maru or Mary [Music] whoops wife you’re not in a good place move you’re in the doorway Willie where are you at the beach probably before I go to Willies I want to take a quick trip to kico Desert where is Pam Pam move come on faster yeah there we go that’s how you make a move yes I’m staying very dry thanks to my hat buy a couple of uh what is it couple starfruit seeds over here in the desert I think they’re like 100 a packet so I’ll buy like 10 which will be 1,000 [Music] coconut boinky [Music] boinky I don’t know how you feel about coconut but here have one I found one on the way in this looks wonderful thanks so much no problem well hello there if you see my friend Emily and town could you tell her I said hi I will thanks no problem [Music] 400 ouch okay I can buy Omni geode from you for a [Music] th no thank you good grief shirt wall Cactus Jade Hills extended [Music] let’s have a chat shall can’t of course okay 400 seed how long does it take these to grow 13 days obviously I’m not going to grow them outside I’m going to grow them inside we return to stard Rally not yet I’m going to go around and collect the uh cacti fruit and uh damn it there we go [Music] ganada cactus fruit uh gardening tool there you are I was like I was scrolling around looking for it and I couldn’t find it I can’t fish from here really game but I can fish from the other side that’s further okay that makes perfect sense it’s m gapes at the Desert Sun even in death it yearns for a taste okie dokie let’s go Jesus out of my way damn Rock now go grab two plates of pasta you hope they’re not like 600 bucks each I’ll cry a train is passing through stard Valley Gus I’ll be back which means Willie I’ll also be back which also also means Robin I’ll be back I don’t know why I went the long way I could have uh whatever character stops stopping randomly these usually drop things this one’s dropping Stone better not just drop like four or five Stone through me I’ll be mad at you if you do I’m running just as fast as this train almost okay geod I was about to say if you’re going to drop nothing but rock for me I’ll be pushed can’t break that seems impossible to budge oh this thing you have to bring or you have to talk to the wizard or get the Wizard’s friendship level up I think got a bunch of fiber godamn rocks and logs in my way I don’t no you’d have to look on her uh Wiki now go to Gus not Gus go to Clint not Clint Willies before he closes brain think of the right name please I’m my head oh I gave myself a headache oh I might have enough time to do another 3 4 days depends on how like schedule oriented they are kick the trash can don’t smash it with the hammer you fool you’re not Thor Willie Willie I made it just in time here you go happy birthday cuz he was just about to shut I collect everything on the beach that I see stop smashing [ __ ] you know what put the hammer away you fool the stuff on the beach is good to collect too cuz later on in the game you’ll need it for like speed grow uh and all that stuff Hello old Mariner glad the amulet worked out for you lad where do I get Gus for his birthday uh oh boy hang on I’m going to open up the wiki again uh Gus Gus loves sweet pea I think if you have extra Sweet Pea you can um bring him one if not then I don’t know he likes orange tropical Curry Fish Talk s cargo Diamond Oh I thought he loved it never mind you could bring him a sweet pee if you have any if I were you when you get your first diamond if you didn’t get it already I won’t I would wait to get it um I would wait to get the crystal machine where you could copy diamonds keep getting flashbanged by the game Robin here a plate a pasta this is for me wow I absolutely love it you’re [Music] welcome another Green Egg when am I going to get different colored eggs everything there’s sorted already tomorrow is going to be a geode opening day and then fish for the rest of the [Music] time h [Music] [Music] [Music] now let’s see 10 clay 100 Stone and 10 refined quartz to make what I want to make [Music] [Music] there we go 10 of these 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 there we go ooh do I want to try to put a quality fertilizer on if I have any if not I can use regular one I just completed a bundle in the community center nice [Music] [Music] not got to water these every day [Music] put the damn rug down you know what as a matter of fact put the rug here so it’s centered nice a decorative trash [Music] can yeah did you fish in the fountain that’s where I usually get [Music] it and then no more birthdays to worry about for the rest of the month [Music] [Applause] yay the meteorite event now I have a meteorite on my farm until I get a gold pickaxe that’s 10,000 gold to upgrade my pickaxe yesh okay [Music] here thanks again so much for working on my farm this is for me wow I absolutely love it yeah you’re welcome thanks Willie for the chowder recipe battery Cobblestone path where did that come from here probably boink there we go battery pack battery pack battery pack battery pack where did the meteor land just gave g a birthday present nice way to go ah meteorite there you are all right I collect the melons sell these I don’t know if I’ll get exactly 10,000 for those but cuz I need 10,000 to upgrade my pickaxe to be able to smash open that [Music] meteorite boink water water these water [Music] [Music] those morning my voice cracked this house is a lot nicer than my old cabin I don’t miss it a you grew up there didn’t you [Music] though give me the cocon [Music] boink I’m going to sell half of all these there we go 17 I don’t think you can have 29 but yeah [Music] 40 of these there we [Music] go see the caviar the dinosaur mayonnaise I’m keeping all that stuff for later on [Music] [Music] I’m going to sell all my batteries yeah boink the sad thing about this grass now though is not this grass this spot here is all the ground’s going to start disappearing but eh I can fix that when fall comes around if it does I got to water my stuff too and take care of my animals I just placed 30 summer plants nice water the right spot please thank you [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] these are already [Music] nice oh my baby yeah I could [Music] wee we wee [Music] then tomorrow The Cask area opens up down here [Music] somewhere did I go say hi to my animals I don’t think I did I’m going to go do that now and then I’m going to go fish majority of the day you going to have kids in this game yes get back outside [Music] dumbass eventually your wife in the game after you get married will ask you for children and I have to head over to Mar’s which mne will more likely not be in oh my animals are going to hate me for the next couple of days oh well I should wait till tomorrow get all my money and instead of upgrading my I’ll upgrade my pickaxe and yeah I don’t need to milk any of you anymore I’m happy for that actually now I can do this no you go back there boink [Music] there we go I can to look at the community center from in here all I need is truffle and I’m done but then once I organize it yeah it’s [Music] gone how much is it per piece of hay 50 [Music] oh wow why is hey so expensive H I’m running low you know what I’ll use up the rest of my money now that I have to buy hay which probably won’t be a lot but there we go and then tomorrow I’ll just make my money back from everything I sold I had 80 some hay left in my Silo I’m going to add another 50 9 to it and it’ll give me like 130 some or [Music] more there we go now I have [Applause] [Music] 146 I have a dinosaur on my farm by the way that’s what this little thing [Music] is yeah you could get dinosaurs in this game when you find a dinosaur egg from fishing or digging it up don’t bring it to the museum right away unless you find another one cuz then once you get the there’s the coupe upgrade the big Coupe upgrade and then the deluxe Coupe upgrade after you get the big Coupe upgrade you should be able to um incubate dinosaurs what am I doing I have fion why am I going this way then hi bye Pam mines oh a grae a delicioso [Music] there we go caught a bullhead no I’m not going to be able to fish here for long cuz by 9: I go home usually a you [ __ ] sneaky Bast rainbow trout okay oh there’s bubbles up there that I can fish in all right I still got to it nice ah these [ __ ] fish are sneaky I hate them for that nope that works okay nope way too far half energy there we go there’s going to be a sturgeon it’s a [Music] sturon you almost got me there you sneaky fish [Music] there’s going to be a carp or a chub or something nice [Music] tomorrow in the game is going to be my last day and then I’m calling it an episode cuz we’re almost at the 2 hour and a half mark of recording another chob [Music] give me that give me that carp don’t mind me that’s me scratching my foot on my dresser here we go 20 more minutes and I head home not really a lot to sell today since I like to keep some of my fish in case someone needs it I’ll just start heading home now because 10 to 9 why not wrong place Town sweet PE nice NTI niess another sweet PE nice kick and kick o Mission what’s the mission okay Haley I’ll bring you some seaweed tomorrow 60 Gold for seaweed that I pulled out of the ocean I’m pretty much getting 60 Gold for something I yanked out of the ocean for free I feel like I’m making a sucker out of some of these people except except for like Robin and all the people I pay good money to get stuff done with there we go that’s all the fish I’m selling three aridium carp because that’s all I got [Music] [Music] today itchy lip [Music] I have 104 of these I’m going to sell 52 of them cuz I’m starting to get over stocked on green algae even though I use it to make a fish pawns Sor I haven’t said much I so I’m going to say that I’m enjoying oh okay a thank you out of my way dog there we go more sweet PE to add to the [Music] collection B by [Music] time yeah racking in the dough nice 26 final day hold the onth it’s been fun watching you today a raining again I feel like it was raining 2 3 days in a row now it didn’t rain yesterday did it [Music] no wait a minute is my house done it should be yay my casking basement is done this is all I start with so let me see 2 4 6 8 10 [Music] 1133 I literally have enough pale ale here and enough to have one left over oh there we go 33 the very first one’s going to be the thing my wife gave me boink and now the rest is going to be pale ale they take a long time to age so it might take a couple of episodes but yeah there we go get my dog pets before I go out itchy eyeball hello it stays like this I really happy about my heavy duty boots yeah me too my purple boots my space boots o what are you requesting now let’s see three Omni geod I just brought three to the rainbow trout oh you bastards are asking for a lot pissing me off escargo thank you Willie thanks Evelyn for the cake oh Geo zomie G I wish I had Ginger Island unlocked cuz I could get those in the in the snap of a finger I’m going to start saving some of my actually no the gold blueberries I could save them for like seeds and mind making and all that weather report for tomorrow beautiful sunny day tomorrow so that’s what we look forward to next time when we come back but I’m not ending it right now but I mean like next time I come back on but tomorrow I’m I’m going to think about what I want to play I don’t want to just keep playing the same game over and over and over again got to go up my [Music] pickaxe wife you’re in my way I just got to get everyone pets since I’m glad I don’t got to collect from them let’s see how much hay do I need because I’ll go try to buy the rest of mar I need 110 how much is that going to cost me 5,500 I won’t have enough to upgrade my tool so I’ll have to go upgrade my tool first I’m only going to be left with 2,000 gold I didn’t pet my ducks duckies duckies and Dinos and chickens let’s see jota’s uh happiness ah three hearts soon going to start producing aridium level dinosaur [Music] aims or I could save it for next episode and just go buy the remaining wheat I think I’ll no I’m going to go upgrade why not my brain’s like yeah do it no do it don’t you [Music] know maxed almost maxed you’re asking for Omni geod again when I struggled to find three I could get them in 3 weeks cuz then Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday I could just buy one Omni One Omni One Omni for 900 which will be 333 obviously where am I going my brain is scattered I’m not going to go into cave CES last time it was Mayhem when I went in the caves to try to find Omni geod wrong [ __ ] place use your brain [Music] Jr upgrade tools golden pickaxe boink yep thank you sir well I got nothing else to do so let’s go fish for the rest of the day and then we’ll call it an episode [Music] [Music] spice Berry yummy [Music] yummy there we go full energy to go fish fing I might have to go back home cuz I didn’t harvest my hops I don’t think bus stopy itchy face I’m glad I came back cuz I was missing out of my hops it’s been 2 hours and 30 minutes yeah I know I’m going for one more day and then I’m done for the day Town mines [Music] now I have more of a chance to catch sturgeons cuz it’s [Music] raining if it takes 3 days my thing should be ready by the first of uh fall [Music] give me that Bullhead [Music] oh he almost got me a sneaky fish give me that chub why can’t all Carper fish catches be like that just stay at the bottom and let me catch you you know didn’t I oh wait I had to get seaweed for Haley might be too late now I could try but bust off why did I say it like that I could try Jesus I think she goes home soon yeah I was like I remember accepting it and saying I I have tomorrow to do it too W move you’re not in the right spot the one golden seaweed that I have I’ll bring it to her move in my way but still you’re in my way please don’t copyright me I haven’t watched one of your vids all the way through before I know well not a lot of people do it because I don’t usually stream this long but I’ve been given hints by other of my YouTube Friends saying like oh you should stream longer cuz that’s how you attract an audience I said okay don’t tell me Haley went home I’m want to be sad if she went home cuz her home is shutting literally soon and I went the long way around of course I did I just made it woo what’s this great everyone has their Stone now close your eyes and take slow deep breaths focus on your lungs visualize the pure energy flowing into your body with every breath and when you exhale feel all the tension and negative energy flowing out leaving you more and more relaxed with every breath now open your heart to the vibrational frequency of your stone do you feel anything nope I do [Music] relaxed ah Haley’s [Music] sleeping oh God looks like the gemstones were put to good use haly Lee are you home I missed my opportunity come out here wow ask and you shall receive here oh that’s exactly what I needed he I’m so happy she will heart me forever if I bring her seaweed okay well now I have another fan I guess all right really no point to go back to that spot to fish so I’m going to head home put all this stuff away and get ready to start ending the episode after I sleep of course I was wondering why Haley wasn’t talking and she was sleeping in the cut scene I’m like oh okay [Music] it’s been fun it has it has been we have a bunch of battery packs tomorrow in the game that one wasn’t struck though this one right here the one down here was struck W move you’re in my way again it’s like she doesn’t on purpose oh junior is going out let me just stand in the doorway [Music] yeah oh I also have nine extra hey nice I’ll put it in the machine can you get out of the doorway [Music] Jesus 139 looks like I didn’t sell anything so I’m going to be left with the exact amount of money wait a minute what oh no here’s where I planted my radishes I was going to say where did I plant my radishes they’re all here they should be ready by tomorrow which we’ll have to wait for the next episode going to head inside wife again you’re in the door can you move please thank you another chocolate cake add that boink [Music] boink what should I get Maru for her birthday let’s see do you have strawberries gold bar iron bar I think wait let me look at her um let me look at her Wiki before I get off here um Maru Mar not Mary Maru oh my God phone I’m going to throw you stop being Derpy Maru stardo these are her loved gifts she likes battery pack cauliflower cheese collie Diamond dwarf Gadget gold bar aridium bar Miner treat pepper poppers radioactive bar rhubarb pie and strawberry but let me see her Lov her liked gifts uh [Music] gifts uh these are her loved gifts liked gifts she likes shantell copper bar iron bar magma cap moral Oak resin pinear purple mushroom quartz radioactive or if you have any of those bring it to her I don’t know what to tell you if you don’t but [Music] but yeah [Music] yeah did I water these today yes I [Music] did wrong thing wrong [Music] thing I think I brought everyone gifts this month did I yeah I brought him him him I think I skipped Alex because I didn’t have the complete breakfast yeah I brought everyone gifts this month I [Music] think all righty then that’s going to do it for me from this episode of stardew Valley I hope everyone who came enjoyed I know uh Lance enjoyed cuz Lance said he enjoyed uh thank you all for watching please leave a like comment and subscribe if you want more things like Games reaction videos Vlogs challenges and PlayStation 5 videos hit the Subscribe button make sure it’s gray not red cuz if it’s red you’re missing out on my content and how you know subscribed to see a big old Bell icon if you’re next to my channel name and logo hit that and you’ll get notified and when I upload and I’ll will see you guys and girls in the next one thank you Lance again and as the French like to say or avoir and w [Music]

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