Testing 100 Minecraft 1.21 Myths

did you know that after this new trick you can enable a death touch in Minecraft or that you can make a flaming wind charge these are some of the many new 1.21 mids we’re going to be testing apparently wind charges can travel infinitely or so they say honestly these wind charges are so overpowered look at that I just blasted this sheep and if they truly can travel infin Gamers the potential is going to be insane so hold up I teleported myself to 0 just so we can truly see how far these things can travel so now all we have to do is right click to throw it and then go into spectator mode we need to catch up where is it okay there we go okay so yeah we could literally just watch it travel just like this or yeah we’re going to lose it bro there’s no chance I can keep up with this fast little dumb projectile okay sorry for calling you dumb he’s kind of cute what we can do though is actually click on him and there you go we have become the wind charging oh gosh wait it might be bugging out my game though Gamers what is going on dude we’re not even loading in the like chunks down below and now the sky is completely glitching wait this might mean because we’re traveling dude we’re traveling so fast we’re 1,200 okay wait this thing might actually be infinite so here’s the plan I’m going to leave this world running in the background and we’re going to check back on it later in the video so keep watching Gamers and put your guess down below honestly I’m thinking we’ll make it to maybe like 20K Max you can enable death touch to either be killed or killed so in 1.21 they added a bunch of commands specifically this one right here which if we do oh gosh wait what nothing happened but apparently hold on let’s go into survival mode now if we touch anything we what no no I’m a monster wait Pig no get don’t get close to me don’t get ow ow ow dude wait this is actually confirmed this is a real myth that means all we have to do is touch a villager and ow wait why did I take damage that time no you take damage yeah that’s what I thought hey hey I never thought a villager would be able to almost kill me but I guess this thing is literally confirmed underground structures can spawn in trees yeah this doesn’t make any sense but apparently when making a world if you go to super flat customized with a preset Overworld I know this is a lot Gamers but I did my research and if you go to the very end and change the biome from Plains to Forest boom and you create that world oh my gosh it makes a bit of a custom world it’s a super flat but with a forest biome come on underground structures spawning on trees there’s no way that’s real right I’m literally just going to fly really fast and I swear if I see any freaking underground structure taking a vacation above ground wait what oh my gosh oh my gosh there’s there’s a literal a purple dut a purple &em actually spawned wait is where’s the tree that I spawned on oh oh my gosh oh my gosh it literally did on a tree wait how is this real 1.21 just broke underground structures hold up if I do locate structure and let’s do like the stronghold there’s no way that thing spawns above ground right that’s ultra rare that shouldn’t happen what dude okay so myth confirmed and to think this entire structure came from this little tree mean wild wind charges can deflect arrows let’s set up the contraption okay if we stand right here and With the Wind charge shoot this it should there you go shoot an arrow at us apparently we can deflect it with the power of the wind it’s going to be pretty hard but like okay I totally missed come on we got this all I have to do is hit the arrow midair okay dude this is going to be very difficult there is no way I’m going to be able to okay come on I enabled hit boxes that might make it easier to like hit the o wait wait wait I think we got this wait wait dude that just did something that just did something did you guys see that the arrow was coming straight for me I moved ourselves a little closer let’s try that again oh oh I did it that was awesome we deflected this arrow with the wind charge okay confirm it’s just really hard Loki it might even be easier just to go like this yep there you go deflecting dropping an enchanted anvil will break a pot now honestly this is really weird because apparently an egg can break a pot what a snowball as well and then if I’m not stupid move Pig a firework can break multiple but then for some reason Minecraft logic and Anvil just okay yeah won’t do it what but now that all changes when you add density 5 to an anvil and honestly that kind of makes sense is it going to work we’re about to see theoretically the density 5 should make this Anvil a lot more uh dense who would have thought if I press that there you go and click the button come on come on come on what what but it has density 5 right why wouldn’t it what all right myth bust it this don’t make no sense and speaking of new enchants we got a new command baby boom that enables a TNT spawner but bionic that is a command block yes yes but when we place it down it turns into a deadly TNT spawner which apparently has never existed before and what better place to test it on some villagers ah yes they should subscribe hey hey buddy watch all J okay I’m going to pretend this is like one of my friends’ house I’m going to place this down and quickly save and quit cuz if you reload the world for some reason it shows the TNT oh my gosh let’s close the door and it should like summon ah yo it work oh my gosh no wait wait I’m going to place a bunch of these I’m going to place a bunch of these down la oh my goodness okay okay okay this this is crazy this is crazy now let’s relog and oh my gosh I can see all the TNT spawners dude check that oh my gosh bro this is actually crazy look at it look at it randomly it’s literally like a ticking Time Bomb it’s oh my gosh this could be a new way to troll your friends look at this thing dude this Villager has no idea this I don’t know how this is possible but it just is it literally renders the TNT inside of a mob spawner there is no way spiders are afraid of this cute little guy hello I’m an armad come on spiders they’re twice the guys all right let’s test this thing I’m going to summon a bunch of spiders right here and they seem fine wait they popped out of their shell what the he just ran away bro bro actually skedaddled what what let’s make a hole okay I’m going to summon a bunch of spiders right here like literally so much and now just a single armadillo oh my gosh look at them they’re freaking out they all are climbing out of the some are dying some are purposely dying to get away from this little cute guy the same guy who bottles up the second you move next to him dude I love this man oh come on grow up spiders you’re twice the size myth confirmed wind charges can knock off dripstone and if the myth was about taking a shower with dripstone it would be confirmed but let’s see I have a repeating command block right here just spamming drip Zone spawn so that we can go ahead and throw a wind charge and wa did you just see that wait a second instantly my thought is insane trap potential let’s spawn in some villagers let’s actually see if they do take damage I’m just going to summon a bunch of them no wait why is there children here okay wait a second if I literally just Ed a wind charge yo yo yo yo yo okay it didn’t seem like it damag St huh that’s actually really weird but we can purely see yeah that’s actually so weird I mean we can definitely see the dripstone falling maybe I’m just missing maybe I suck my aim okay wait that guy just adopted every kid what let’s try and snipe them come on oh my gosh oh my gosh okay that literally didn’t do anything that definitely hit the Villager I could be doing something wrong when it comes to the damage cuz the drip zone are definitely hitting the villagers so as long as you fix that bug there could be a way for like some insane trap potential myth confirmed armadillo seed will spawn you in front of armadillo I don’t know if that’s true I I think I spelled that right let’s just create new world and I swear if I spawn inside of a armadillo wait why inside of an AR never mind I meant in front of one but okay it seemed like myth busted dang it that would have been so cool if you did find an armadillo but oh hey yo wait a minute this kind of sucks in a good way we got one Epic Village here and then another Village okay no armadillo myth still busted but pretty Fire Seed apparently the seed Breeze spawns you on top of a trial chamber now honestly I’m going to doubt this because there’s actually just no way wait what okay gamer now you know if you want to find one of these things literally right under you you just do the breeze seed myth confirmed you can make a player launcher with just dispensers and wind Chargers I’m not going to lie I would be very disappointed if you can’t boom bam B There You Go Stone pressure plates and honestly we’re already so high up let’s see if it works oh my gosh oh my gosh yo who needs a rocket is right I like how you get this advancement if you get like eight blocks boosted in the air but we’re like literally going up by like almost 20 30 blocks dude this is crazy and if we put on an elytra and jump okay wait this might be the coolest way to literally begin an elytra run my confirmed apparently you can make a TNT cannon with with wind charges and call this masterpiece the blower explosion 9,000 okay I’m still working on the name but it looks like this farmer wants his place blown up oh oh is this your house oh oh well guess what you’re going down I got the TNT setup right here we got the wind charges right here and actually hold on just to run a simulation if we press this let’s run a simulation so the power should go right about now wait how come the wind charge didn’t like explode right there okay there we go that’s what it’s supposed to do okay the chances of this going wrong is uh 100% but let’s see come on come on come on and go no I kill the cat not the house this is supposed to blow up a house not a cat okay let’s try that again come on come on come on come on come on blow the TNT blow the TNT all right myth busted you win okay now I’m checking in bro we’re at 177,000 blocks wait this is actually actually crazy this might actually just be infinite all right you know what I’m going to go and just say myth confirmed and maybe a world record freezes and wind charges can open up doors now I think this one’s definitely capped there’s no way this guy can open a door right come on go on try and open it come on bro what he just did he just did he just no no no no no no no oh my gosh he did it again it’s the bre it’s the wind charge okay wait why did you just go inside all right well if you can open the door you can get yourself out right oh that’s so true okay so myth almost confirmed can it open an iron door okay no it can’t but if we put a button yo all right seems true to me apparently you can Shear wolf armor so okay don’t worry Proto I haven’t betrayed you this is just a test subject you can just Shear off the what you that that’s how you take off the armor you shear it off myth confirmed as long as it doesn’t hurt the dog this one I’m not too sure if it makes any sense but apparently a dispenser if you put a brush in it you can actually brush an armadillo okay hold on let’s get a lever dude dude this makes no sense okay he escaped let’s spawn another one use the lever and then wait what what what’s going on wait it it it worked I just got armadillo scooted bro wait what so if I literally just go like this it actually brushes the armadillo how does that even work wouldn’t it just shoot the brush okay yeah that my my brain myth confirm hold on can I brush me wait why did poop come out hot skin store XP there’s no way I know obviously if we right click it with the XP bottle and break it yeah it can store XP bottles but like can it actually store the real orb I’m going to spam a crap ton of XP okay uh it doesn’t look like this actually worked hold on a second absorbed all the XP so theoretically if I break this okay no everything with a pot is a lie apparently you can clutch all fall damage with wind charges including dripstone there’s no way this works with dripstone right come on come on and clutch what I took no damage and I fell on dripstone if I literally jump I take damage but then going like this oh my gosh yeah negates fall damage myth confirmed know maybe I do get why spiders are afraid of armadillos cuz apparently there’s no way wait I gave one a spider eye and then if I give another a spider come on dude I’m trying to help you make babies there you go what they breed when you give them spider eyes myth confirm oh did I just stop them sorry sorry I won’t look did it work did it work did it work did it work did it work oh my gosh it worked bre confirmed apparently zins now hate armor stands and in order to test this we have a regular armor stand then we have one with armor then we have a humanoid one ripping a diamond sword this one imitates a player next we have one that is actually invisible he’s standing right there he’s you can’t see him and then we have a little child armor stand this one gets beat up by the hoglin bro I’m going to be so disappointed oh wait no not the per se but it’ll actually turn into a zlin in a few seconds sorry little one or big one I think he’s going to go for the normal armor stand I yep yep okay let’s see wait what he’s going for the player one what dude that is so interesting okay what if I summon another one which one will this one go for oh that one’s going for that one wait do they all just go for different ones wait this one’s also going for the iron one okay how about the regular one dude I am so wrong they’re going for the ones with armor okay what if I spawn a few on this side he’s getting the child no none of them are going for the invisible never mind this one’s going for the invisible oh wait are they ignoring it all right myth confirmed I didn’t know this was real freezes can’t be shot by projectiles now this is pretty easy to test let’s try the bow okay that is true can’t shoot a bow wao wait that Arrow will literally just bounce off of ow that would hit me how about a snowball okay same thing an egg I assume oh my goodness yeah wait if that’s the case uh yeah oh my gosh wait it works hold on a second maybe we can do a trick shot or something so why is that actually so funny how the Pearl just bounces off I have a feeling we can break this so if I summon one right here and spawn an anvil that’s still a projectile wait it it does damage I mean is it more of a falling block maybe that’s why it works yeah cuz the breeze is definitely getting hit maybe the envil isn’t technically a projectile and wao did you guys just see that oh my gosh can he actually not Escape wait that is hilarious uh another myth you can trap a breeze with an anvil confirmed two minutes in one you can die wolf armor oh my gosh wait it actually works and it looks epic yo Proto I promise I’m not cheating on you see he already ran away he’s a bad dog and if that works if we can rename the wolf armor to Jeb uncore can you get the r rbow armor dog come here come here come here come here move tree okay we have Jeb underscore a man one day we’ll get rainbow armor you can put armor on baby wolves come here boy okay no busted unless I have this crazy Command right here that summons a baby wolf with a bunch of wolf armor on it and it just not work so using this Commander right here boom Oh My Gosh wait I’m on him what the heck and I can attack him what this is insane wait maybe the commander works on a breeze as well yo I’m riding a breeze right now yo check this out I’m now in survival mode is is he going to like glitch out or something dude he looks he looks weird he he’s acting really really weird right now hello I’m going to tickle you well myth confirmed Gamers apparently you can make boss trial spawners now this is actually extremely scary because if we do SL give bionic wither spawn egg oh my gosh we have a Wither spawn egg let’s put that in there in no freaking way okay that one works now an Ender Dragon spawn egg Bruh Bruh Bruh okay I’m ready guys oh my goodness no no no no no no B confirmed you can mine a trial spawner with silk touch okay this is going to take a long time M bro I had efficiency 10 I I embarrassed myself for nothing you can survive any Fall using a mace and hitting a mob okay no fall damage huh we’re about to test that yeah oh my gosh there you go yeah I didn’t take any fall damage and look how much damage we did to the Golem okay but now we’re going to test that on a different scale survival mode and ye oh my gosh okay I’m a th villion blocks upop come on come on come on and and boom I mean I didn’t fail yeah I just want to go again all right all right this is first try first try come on come on come on come on come on come on come on what what I missed dude okay it is so much harder than I thought come on okay yeah maybe this is a little Overkill I get it it’s it’s it’s just still awesome okay come on I got this i got this i got this i got this oh my gosh we got it challenge complete Overkill take that you bald man yep sorry about that we did it on our first food items trigger some sort of little animation in the creative menu okay I don’t know what this means I think if I literally just grab steak and then click on anything oh my gosh wait my meat is dancing my me is dancing wait why why does that happen it looks like if I click on anything at all even like my head slot yeah my food right here bottom right does like a little dumb animation all right myth confirmed I don’t know why we know this invisible potions just got a buff cuz apparently putting items on mobs now make them invisible except for the pig I guess okay that’s actually really odd if we try it on the camel what wait oh my gosh you’re able to actually ride an invisible mob not only that if I’m also invisible dude what this is extremely overpowered I I know why pigs didn’t get this update how about snow golems if I put them invisible yo I don’t know if you guys remember but but their pumpkins used to not be invisible but now they’re completely invisible myth confirmed wind Chargers can be punched back let’s see if that’s true okay I missed come on come on come on come on come on yes yeah I made it so that if we hit the target it says poop myth confirmed you can one shot the dragon with a mace come on come on come on come on come on I did it I did it I did it you can myth confirm you can use slow fall falling as an overpowered Strat with the mace okay here goes nothing we are now slowly falling but we’re still falling so technically the game should be able to still calculate unless it’s purely based on velocity if that’s the case I don’t know whatever we’re about to figure out cuz I’m about to slap his Bal dead okay never mind you have to risk your death you can super jump on slime blocks now okay that was just normal jump height with just using a wind charge normally but if we get on our little slime block trampoline which are already pretty bouncy we use it on this wao wait a second that was pretty fast wo that was pretty high bro yo oh my gosh a trampoline in Minecraft it actually works you just have to time it perfectly and okay dude this is so crazy we’re jumping so high dude myth confirmed mobs can’t see through the new grates yeah I’m pretty sure if we summon a creeper and use glass okay yeah he still can’t see me it should be no different with the greates right let’s go into survival dude this block is so cool and oh my gosh the mobs are ignoring me wait they genely don’t even know I’m here I summon a creeper there and go on this other side is actually staring right at me and has no idea all right bet oh confirmed hello my dear Village I’m here with a new invention to power your entire village with uh uh infinite electricity okay listen if we place down these new bulbs apparently once you like give them power oh my gosh that’s it I don’t know if a certain variant like differs this one is Wax By the way boom bam it actually works that is so cool and if you want to power them off you just do it again infinite electricity man’s biggest enemy the iron door but apparently the new trial keys can open them up honestly just cuz they’re keys I don’t think that’s going to work Y no it doesn’t work Y no all that beauty for nothing the oozing potion works on players for those who don’t know if you use the oozing potion on a mob it is now infected with oozing you can see the Slime particles and if you kill it it should summon okay yeah it works perfectly on mobs let’s ooze ourselves there you go we have oozing for 3 minutes now if we do/ kill oh my gosh wait it actually works on players what myth confirmed you can now control time with this special command SL tick okay yeah we know this one’s real yeah myth confirmed Time Is Now Frozen if you smack mobs look at them they just dance instead of blowing up stuff with TNT now I think it’s more fun to place a flint and steel and do tick rate 2 million and watch the forest burn okay I’m really evil an armored wolf can survive a warden yeah I I’m sorry I have no hope for you dude I swear this is true okay I’m going to summon the warden he can like tank the hit or something oh gosh okay the warden’s going to go after the dog there’s no way the wolf armor is that good wao wait watch oh my gosh yo dude it tanked like three or four hits that is myth confirmed who knew the wolf armor was actually good you can put channeling on a mace to become Thor now of course you can do that on a trident smack a mob and there you go you’re literally basically Thor more like an electric Poseidon but can we do that on a mace okay dude you can’t normally do this so honestly we’re lowkey breaking the game if this works I’m going to summon another creeper and then yeah okay it killed him but I didn’t see any Thunder yeah myth busted and now I’m dead a shield d shows the wind charge okay let’s do this come on come on come on I would have fallen into the lava if this was false myth confirmed fog skeletons are slower to reload than normal skeletons okay let’s see come on shoot me there you go and all right he still not reloading still not reloading wait what that took forever dude I can easily sneak up on him wait I thought these things were supposed to be so annoying but if they take so long to reload dude they’re easy let’s try that now with a skeleton okay he shoots me now he is already reloaded yep no this is literally already so slow and you can just tell yeah you know maybe these things aren’t so tough after all it takes him 40 years to reload Grandpa cats apparently like to be brushed no not not you Gollum cats love being brushed in real life but if we summon one in Minecraft apparently they added wait they didn’t even let me brush them hey no come back I’m trying to brush you yeah anytime I try and brush them it just cancels no I just wanted to brush my cat he’s so cute if you learned something in this video subscribe

Testing 100 Minecraft 1.21 Myths

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  1. 9:15 Yes bonc, Wind charges Emit a Redstone signal when colliding, which causes the force of the launch to power the door, thereby opening it. Same thing happens with trapdoors, dispensers, Redstone lamps, and anything that needs a Redstone current to activate it. 🤓

  2. It has been 100+ comments of me commenting you and im still waiting for an pin📌

    Bonc pls pin this comment ive almost commented on all ur videos😢

  3. Robotic you're going to make movies❤😂🎉🎉😢😮😢😢😢😢😢😢😮😅😊😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🫥🫥🫥🫥😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  4. You and I broke the laws of God & Jesus paid the price. With the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. Romans 10:10

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