πŸ”΄β”‚Can we 100% Terraria?? (w Sipho) Pt 10β”‚πŸ”΄

now time to get all achievements I’m dehydrated shwy walks as if he shat his pants fat B nobody wants to party with nobody wants to party with fat bastard he sit down here alone with a party hat nobody wants to sit by him mo mo as in mo [ __ ] junk food MO is and mo cookies and milk MO is and mo hamburgers okay what achievement we need now we’re closing in I tell you let’s see how many achievements we currently have I’m gonna count one two three four five six seven this is a stupid ass way I have to count eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 retreating back to base couldn’t find the cookies 25 26 27 28 29 30 what up guys stop counting what’s up guys 33 34 35 36 [Music] 37 45 46 47 48 49 50 [Music] oh we inside do we’re doing good man what’s up guys 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 I need to get the sorcer sword oh dude I forgot we need to fight the Martians again9 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 oh wow we’re at exactly or at least I’m at exactly 100 achievements right now which means we have 15 left one two three four five six what am I a dumbass 1 two 3 4 five six 7 8 9 10 11 12 on a second now guys 14 okay I must have miscounted because apparently we need 14 more achievements or I need 14 more oh I have 98 out of a out of a well I I’m not looking through Steam because my steam one is broken that’s why I have to count manually in the game and it sucks this probably won’t be the last session because the fishing quests are going to be a long thing that I’m I’ll record it but I don’t know if you want to stream that I feel like that’ll be boring but any I mean we can do as many as we want while we play for instance right now where you at angly damn the pirate looks weird with a party hat on get it off his head I don’t like it I’m look at him quick R are you oh hold up Ro ho ro ho join blue team pirate at the party he’s gonna go to sleep right now or drown himself you know snap out of it man something is wrong there’s something very wrong I’m trying to go up I’m trying to go up here so I can uh let a um a UFO oh we spawn the pillars I don’t remember that why did we do that I don’t know I don’t remember doing that either okay what’s up Nick Master what’s Su brick when’s the last when is the last pegle stream um I don’t know yet oh my God I need to fish in the tundra it’s just overtaken by pillar enemies and I hate how you shoot them once and they teleport and my game is already lagging already freezing what the [ __ ] i’ like how with the best set of armor in the game these [ __ ] still do 200 damage I need caffeine if I’m going to do this I need caffeine give me a joint give me a caffeine give me a woman that is 5 fo 6 with blonde curly hair actually no not blonde I’m sorry brunette with blonde highlights what oh they killed everybody in the tundra awesome okay um your grandma’s on the phone nice is charer still being garbage no uh no well you you never had problems did you oh yeah you did recently um a little bit I thought they were talking about me from the video yeah I I I think they are oh well no I don’t live at that same place anymore I have a new internet provider which actually works but now now that that isn’t a problem my game now lags like freezes and [ __ ] it’s just always some [ __ ] I don’t know somebody cursed me one of you guys in the chat cast a spell on me I think I don’t have any battle potions okay well I I I swear to God if I don’t kill this pillar before this day is over and I don’t get the fish for the angler I’m that won’t be a good start that won’t put me in a good mood oh the probes don’t spawn while the pills are active are you freaking serious okay any any special for getting 30k um no but I do have plans for 50 two more get the pillar [Music] D all right cool now where is the lake that I was trying to fish at with these uh if you want to fish here it’s Mick this is the daily catch right here what is it ah it’s supposed to be some some ice tundra or something like that or not ice Tundra I don’t know it’ll be gold when you get it whoever gets it first has to whip out their Willie on stream oh [ __ ] I just got I meant whoever gets it second I didn’t mean to drink that did you just get it yeah I got it here Mr angler oh yeah give me he gave me an angler earring sup Hubert we should play Elden ring I am super down to do that I just need to find I’m not going to do it if well that sounded kind of like a spoiled brat thing to say I don’t want to play that game and put myself through it if the videos aren’t going to do well which I’m not blaming you guys cuz I just need to find a better thumbnail and title for them so I’m going to try to get my my first eldering video to pop off now with a new title and thumbnail that you p uh because you know Elden Ring’s popular right now since the new thing just came out and if I can get it to then I will definitely like me and itmi I’ve already recorded more footage on it I just haven’t uploaded it or edited it but I would be down to play that game and beat it I want to get good at it um okay we’re starting to get a lot of fishing uh accessories which is good for whenever we’re gonna do these fishing Quest something’s wrong sorry guys why am I only getting 10 cans and crap here do you need better bait [Music] um okay so let’s look at the achievements I know I need the cell phone but I can’t really get that unless come on do you drink caffeine itm currently um sooda counts does it make you half okay no that doesn’t really count like I’m talking like stronger caffeine cuz every time I take the first like three within the first five sips or gulps cuz I always gulp my drinks I instantly have to poop it like really yeah that’s I think that’s pretty normal let’s see is it normal to have to go poopy after I’ve drinken like half of a can of Monster Energy or coffee cuz it makes me have to poopy yes it’s normal both coffee and energy drinks caffeine is known to [ __ ] wrong with her all right um dude why why why did you why were you able to get it out of this thing and I can’t cuz I’m a better Fisher I remember why I uh spawn the pillars cuz we need to get the Stardust armor for the minion achievement I think that means we need to kill a moon Lord again too [ __ ] unless you have a lot of lumite bars do you uh I’m pretty sure I do yeah all right well we we both we need at least one member because we need the achievement for uh all n NS at once yeah that that one isn’t really too bad in fact we could um I’m sure we need more than the Armor though right the twins the twins have a uh have the good well I don’t think we we can just fight the Twins and we can get um those things the we need accessories yeah we do we need we do need the pygmy staff um because I just went why don’t know just don’t want you dude why can I not get this thing and you were able to this thing this game sucked it might be past time now well go go talk to the angler and make sure that that’s what you need maybe it’s it’s not different per person is it no I don’t think so oh yes yes what it’s what it’s saying what it’s saying do what I just did do what I just did is anybody home no no no you start like that but then you you have to hold it longer a little bit louder and then turn it into how’s that okay no repeat after me a that hurts my voice already how you you’ll never be a voice actor sorry to break it to you well I’m really glad I I can catch this freaking this fish what’s up Bonito what’s up what up man I’m dead I am so dead how am I not dead I’m dead this game suck so much I don’t yeah these fishing quests are going to be pretty fun why can’t that’s all have to do I I pillar dead wait that wasn’t last pillar right no thank you thank you Game what’s up Liam welcome to the stream when will the video be out um uh ccio ccio has videos out um of this world already thank you okay I was get I was getting worried I wasn’t going to be able to get it there for a second that would have been funny oh I got the uh Enchanted sundal like you that a I don’t even know how you get that but okay we got one more pillar and then Moon Lord’s going to spawn we’ll kill his ass hopefully oh I’m help me teleport to me this will be quick we only need to kill 50 and it’s it’s the hard one with the shotguns okay hold on no I can’t why why did this thing spawn again I I know you fought it I didn’t have anything to do with it yeah I I just told you why why cuz we need the I spawn it so we can get Stardust for the Summoner armor you ever just have a day where you’re Buy BPS and triceps are feeling nice and big and hard um sometimes just sit there and grab them pretend it’s someone else’s hand squeezing you and then you start to get all like [Applause] oh they’re drowning themselves of dumb asses good shot almost dead one more go I’m probably going to fall to my death here I’m good uh I believe the moon Lord will now spawn yeah we got a minute though got a minute though got a minute go what is that the start of a rap song yeah I guess got a minute though we’ve got a minute though we’ve got a minute though we’ve got a minute go okay okay here we go fighting Moon Lord once again let’s go right here uh eight gold you gold digging how much isari on PC like it’s like sub $20 isn’t it $10 I’m pretty sure think it’s 10 buy it for mitm what’s your Steam account I’ll gift it to you ah wake me up when the moon Lord spawns so Wake Me Up When Moon Lord spawns huh you didn’t wake me up the thing freaking woke me up yeah I figured he would laser well holy [ __ ] I went to outer space on accident okay I need the nurse what is going on why am I stuck in the sky this is a rust this is a rusty run Rusty run this is a rusty run you you have the rusty runs laser just sitting in his eyeball [ __ ] in his eyeball yeah give him pink guy I wonder if there’s a rare event where if you laser get the poop God damn my game froze he’s all the way up in the sky I cannot see if I get by laser I’m leaving his left eye is dead is it just his top eye now his pop eye no his right his laser oh I’m dead I my Mount gave out right as the laser came myth day four days dude take my money black Amy is is some reason I’m not saying anything but she does seem to charge more and just his core now see if we can get his core to not hide God I’m so laggy thank you movesen for the um I just got hit by double lasers love that dude my body is like Sam the nerdy slime is now the time okay okay okay you know what you just fight him on your own I can’t even get to you I’m being camped by like eight of his eyeballs every time I try to get through they form on the wall oh my God I guess I could you did not you did not just do that that’s nice this is this Rusty this is a rusty run here this is bad yeah I seen that actually [ __ ] this I three lasers in a row oh my God you better not how funny is that I just started bleeding because of that thank you moven for the $5 and happy early birthday everybody everybody wish everybody wish moven a happy birthday in the chat what is that don’t pick my thing up what this you see that on the ground piece of moon squid I’m coming that dropped like that just pooped out right where I died so it’s supposed to be mine and so don’t you oh who gives a [ __ ] about you uh where’s the treasure bag over there hopefully we have enough lumite between the two of us to make that armor I think we do what’s up Plantera when do I make a Zenith uh as soon as the Martians will spawn um I can I can fight fight them and get and get the uh the um the sword from that dude and then uh should be able to should be able to make it I’ve got all the [Music] other got all the other uh let’s see we need Stardust right yes yes Stardust helmet you might have to throw me some fragments or something I don’t know everything every all the ore and everything should be in the chest I’m going to go to the edge of the ocean okay try to get a fre you’re going to go edge at the ocean yeah have you ever edged of course I have have you why no point like it evidently feels better in the end in the end I thought the whole point was that you don’t come well like okay there a there’s a thing called edging yourself so we’re like what’s up Chloe what’s up average artist have 35 plat what the [ __ ] I gave you 10 of mine so I don’t want I don’t even want to hear no no in my ends not my piggy bank oh how many more achievements um 15ish yeah yeah about what’s the travel Merchant selling is travel Merchant in oh he’s here he is here we need stuff yeah yeah what what is it that we need I’m going to look uh stuff for the cell phone I think I swear if he leaves he’s up by Amy I think he’s trying to hit on her what okay okay okay uh he’s got a revolver stupid but I’ll buy it he’s got fancy dishes stupid but I’ll buy them and place them uh get the my manal we need that boom got it cool and he’s got a painting that we will put in Amy’s room that actually goes with something in my where’s the gun We Now counter tally counter and uh radar we got both of those don’t do it don’t do it what are you making that for we need to I think we already don’t do it I think I already made that I mean you can I guess maybe it won’t hurt but and stardust leggings okay so we have the Stardust armor for the Turtle for the minions PDA yeah no this is the thing to find uh this is the this is on the way to get the shell phone I think I already made it though is what I’m saying I mean I guess it won’t hurt to have two of them but we need a GPS uh we need a fish finder we need a goblin tech oh my God W that’s that’s quite a bit hold on I have a lot of it in my Piggy all right I I’m I’m going back to get I’m going back I need I need a freaking Martian probe thing to spawn that’s what I need at least I’m happy today what is that supposed to mean Jamie what was that supposed to mean what stage are we on uh we are in game we we got about 15 more achievements um which are some of them are going to take pretty long so thing we need what’s the worst NPC um probably the party girl the [ __ ] does she do other than just ruin the outfits of all the no no no my my okay for me Goblin Tinker for sure scamming ass scamming ass bastard he’s the best no but like he’s a scamming ass bastard okay but he’s not useless no he’s not useless he’s just well he’s worst as in he’s worst as in he takes all your money the most of your money so does Amy him and Amy both they probably um like the government yeah they’re running the Terraria government Goblin tinker and Amy uh so we need the next thing we need from the trading guy is or the last thing we need from him actually is a stopwatch and then once we get the stopwatch I have everything else we need other than the angler stuff that’s the hard stuff speaking of angler what you doing Billy you want me go to the sky Lake huh Billy where the [ __ ] me bait go I bet you made me quick stack it didn’t you why is there so much not fish stuff in the fishing chest huh look at me I’m not looking at you I’m talking I’m asking you what you what happens what happens if a harpy puts on a pair of Hermes boots I don’t know think about it herpes I was going to I was going to make an STD joke but I didn’t know if that was too far chunks come out of my nose when you said that all right I’m currently sitting in the space layer waiting for a martian probe the Box isn’t even man a damn are you useless Mr angler okay there we go okay um yeah the angler has the worst attitude out of all the NPCs I can tell you that he’s such a little stuck up yeah and and um TR is right man has legs but makes us do all the work the angler yeah yeah I I don’t know what went wrong in his life to make him the way he is obviously his parents are are gone so that doesn’t help but he is such an entitle little prick and I’m going to get a mod that allows you to kill him soon what was the Truffle there goes the Truffle I don’t know even what killed him what C’s defense my defense is 74 go to the ocean they spawn more frequently okay what other achievement can I work on other than fishing when I can and I guess kill we need okay one remember if a Blood Moon happens we need to go fishing we need to kill the old man’s Army we can do that at some point bet he was close to dying need to keep working on once I get the Zenith we can do that Zenith yeah how close are you I I’m just waiting for this Martian probe to spawn and then hopefully I can get the sword from they spawned a ton on the right side when I was by the ocean area yeah I do remember spaming okay we do need to get all the Slime pets to move in um I need to kill one more um type of slime yeah me too I’m guessing that’s a golden slime which that’s GNA kind of suck having to just oh yeah we’ll have to because we haven’t seen a golden slime on this world have we on these accounts I don’t think so we can look at how to try to get one of those as spon so most of the stuff is long-term stuff like the angler Quest or purifying the world or Zenith or the cell phone and then some stuff is just we have to wait for it like the blood moon I don’t understand how to get the drop a lure in a pool of lava because I did that a million times it wouldn’t give it to me they rewarded that achievement pretty badly I was doing the exact thing it told me to do and it just all right so I think next up we’re probably gonna fight the old man’s Army as itmi calls it once he gets the Zenith uh so that’ll be fun we died to it earlier but we’re in the end game now as I say what’s up Marlon how is my girlfriend how is everyone uh good everybody is good [Music] um if you break every dress and D go to giant tree and remove anything that prevents fall damage and when you respawn you should have what explain what what’s up cool person um what’s up skells how we doing good good congrats on 30k thank you thank you I guess I can get the minion stuff collected can ccio Des describe Amy in three words um hot [Applause] hot what’s one word for gold digger hot um freaky um scammy actually sexy freaky scammy kinky freaky scammy no sexy kinky scammy and then we’ll give you a bonus word sounds like at this point she basically is I God damn it what’s the word I’m thinking of masochist that’s the bonus word golden Slims only spawn in GI fix boy uhoh I wonder if I wonder that is not true let me make sure he’s not lying what about rainbow slimes I think we killed one of them oh he’s right I wonder I wonder if we have to kill them Rainbow Slime I killed one we both killed one what what’s up best David what’s up Charlie B what’s upin it says golden slime is not required oh no we already we already know what it is it’s the Crim it’s the Crimson slime we have to kill because we don’t have Crimson in this world cuz it says it’s not required for the achievement on the wiki the golden slime isn’t oh what do I think the best class is um Summoner was pretty fun I’m not going to lie um guess what Summoner melee wait uhoh guys why won’t this thing spawn it’s night time do they only SP teleport home in a second too um I don’t know have to look it up very top platform yeah apparently they spawn easier they spawn easier in space layer though what try using a battle potion I don’t have a battle potion fortunately what’s up L miles don’t say wamp W to me a bit late you you ain’t late man you ain’t late here we go oh yeah if you get that mount oh wait wait let me let me let me do let me do some damage to it I’ll allow it what Mount or the the Summoner thing thing those things what we we need we need a bunch of Summoner items and goodbye that was fun what’s it called um I’m not sure spawning again I got this SP made one oh it’s some sort of I mean you you’ll know it’s summons per twins of pa uh summons the twins to fight for you is what pair of eyeballs yeah oh I have that it’s not those are just little cosmetic pets not that not that craft another one hold on uh iron I can only make one more that is not it wrong thing okay here you go oh we got triplets we got triplets kill the what is this what is all right you sit down let your brothers do all the work you not need to be involved that was cool I didn’t get it me neither come on [Applause] dude God damn it well you know all the minion stuff so you got to tell me I mean I I will try my best but what it’s we get five minions just using the Stardust armor so what are some other items that can uh the pygmy staff um we can get a potion um that increases minion uh that’s just a Summoner potion um uh there’s also like a spider staff or spider spider armor we could just get that that’s not really that hard but we have to use a Stardust armor oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh don’t kill him yes just fight him up here it’s easier oh shoot okay stay a perfect spot to fight him what are you trying to get uh the sword from the the sword from the Martian guy dude this is hard up here we just go to the ocean not just sit still it’s better if it’s a flat area cuz then they all there’s no obstacle 16% chance from saucers so we just need to kill as many saucers as possible something just got me also confused so that’s pretty cool love being confused my favorite wait what are you trying to get it’s it’s a it’s a sword from the mar I I forgot what it’s called like sword called flux waver something like that oh inflex waiver yeah that one should be coming soon I I love being confused man my favorite my favorite type of um that and stone most annoying debuffs don’t worry I put down a banner there’s one on me ow my game froze I cannot tell What’s happen my game is freezing I have to wait 30 seconds so do not die get him get him get him n that would have been that would have been clutch if I would have got it right there d i clutch your balls another one I might actually die I died gosh dang it man try not to I don’t even see the thing it’s on it’s not on my screen why is he attacking your corpse I am so everything’s freezing just can you just warm wait we can’t Wormhole no he won’t follow me 10 seconds he he is out of the like he’s in the invisible area like I cannot attack him I’m dead dude he’s up in the [ __ ] sky that doesn’t even exist like I can’t hit him but he can hit me [ __ ] stupid ass there’s one you did K Dian waa oh oh my God yes he got let’s go let’s go this sword sucks I’m throwing it out trash Oh my god let’s go okay is that all you need for the Zenith yeah all right good then we can fight Old One’s Army here after this I’ve never had to freaking see that I want this going to be interesting should event should be God damn it of course one more had to come we do not need you I don’t know why my game cannot P like operate who farted okay okay let’s get ready you go craft Zenith and then let’s or I’ll throw it to you all it’s right in front of me a it’s mix crafting the Zenith bet you I bet you ruin I bet you mess it up somehow but you craft the worst Zenith ever made hey I’ve never held a Zenith either maybe it’ll make maybe it’ll give me some hairs on my chest if my game would stop freezing that would be awesome and I wait not I’m not going to use it yet is that expensive to reforge oh my God yeah how much like 5050 gold each okay here I’m GNA I’m going to let you swing it first all right I just got an achievement let’s W’s God damn it there’s no whatever I’ll just go swing it if if it if my game freezes when I swing this sword I will all right let’s go actually don’t think I knew what it like you can reach it wherever you want though yep let’s go oh that’s okay let’s let’s let’s let’s quit the freaking Fanfare let’s spawn the old man’s Army where’s the Fat Bastard W’s I can kill Empress of light the Zenith easily we we already got Empress light actually if you’re talking about day the old man’s Army let’s go what we’re going to kill this is an achievement we need fans the old man’s Army old old man’s army army Zenith party Z Zen party it’s starting it’s make it up here it’s okay I’m not worried I am CU I should defend two things at once clearing them out like nothing clearing them out like nothing oh start the next wave while you’re there all right how many waves this are there seven they said um yeah I think so I’m I I’m feeling I’m feeling so courageous I’m standing behind the portal cuz I know that I it won’t it won’t get past that it will starting this wave can I destroy plants ter with Zenith later okay I promise you have my word at right after this I’m going I’m going over there this day the beer house is not finished it’s true we we never got to finish that man next wave what are we on now wait four wait four oh no it’s about to get hard can you Circle these guys circle them like the the sword made is like like circling right but I was trying to see if like they could sit in the middle oh no all right next wave hell yeah next wave it’s about to get hard on this one I’m scared if I get a ogre over here you might have to come kill it cuz my thing doesn’t kill it that quick yeah well if I go one over here I mean yeah I tell you probably next wave I will cyone needs to learn how to organize if you kill the [ __ ] daytime gives you one of the good summoning weapons not sure oh that’s right all right fine we’ll try to kill day time all right wave [Applause] X oh you good over there I’m all good time for all right wherever Betsy comes out you go get Betsy I think maybe okay I’m going to spawn the next wave all right this is it fans if we defeat this wave we get the achievement 3 2 1 bets on me all right switch you just take Betsy I’ll kill everything down here I’ll tell you if I get overloaded did did you do any damage to it so at least you probably you would get the achievement right dude these little baby dragons are what [ __ ] us last time Betsy is dead okay get down here they’re they’re attacking it the baby dragons are everywhere oh we did it whoa yeah let’s go okay Oh Betsy drops a treasure bag oh bie drops a melee weapon oh look I have a fat little idiot Betsy on me all right another achievement down old man’s Army down uh what’s next I think we get the minion one real quick maybe the what the minion achievement we just need to have all the oh I can write equipment oh oh oh that ain’t um Betsy Relic that’s new um oh oh oh I I got to go I got I got to go directly what is this rif up revolver little sick shooter um um okay what uh nothing I I am um okay you tell me what summon items we need now okay we need we need we need the pygmy staff and that is bought from the witch doctor I think you I think um I think you can buy that the jungle where is he know I think he’s home yeah Pig staff okay so how how does so okay so how how do you get the pygmy staff you guys uh I’m I’m I thought for sure it was um you could you buy from the witch doctor oh there’s planta okay planta bulb is hit [ __ ] wrong with you planta all right all right your job is to we have the Stardust armor which gives us five minions so we need to be able to hold four more and then I guess we need do we need a bunch of different staffs or something to spawn all the Minions or can you just Spam one staff a million times uh no no you you you you uh you can use the same staff okay so we need to be able to hold four more minions right now because the armor I have hold four or hold the arm have holds five we need nine so we need to be able to hold four more yeah so staff um we have a Summoner potion I don’t I don’t know no we don’t I don’t know how to craft it luckily you’re a pro Summoner oh I forgot how matter of fact I’m going to start digging canals in the world to purify the whole thing where’s the contaminator I need to see how far it shoots uh go buy one from the steampunker real quick and then go and then go take it immediately to the Shimmer why because you shim it and it gets better all right I’ll shim it let me shim that why am I only getting bad enchants on this thing holy crap what what powder do you spray uh Green Solution who sells that Dry Kill daytime Empress I need content to clip all right M thank you for the we will try to attempt day time um we will try to attempt daytime um who sells Green Solution uh steampunker oh did you did you Shimmer it yeah yeah so that’s that’s going to be horrible is is doing all this this crap I’ll dig a bunch of canals don’t worry starting at the ocean let’s see how far this thing shoots so shoot your whole screen well nothing over here is going to be corrupt so we’ll start there there is a potion there is a potion um that can show you um yeah we’re going have to dig so many of these [ __ ] yeah well like what what is what is a um gosh dang I cannot freaking think there’s a potion that that shows you all of the the uh corrupted you better spit it out corrupted blocks what do you mean it shows you like I’m pretty sure it like highlights or something D oh this [ __ ] game I swear to God it’s so laggy it’s so laggy it’s freezing my whole computer and then your voice cuts out now at night oh you have to get the pygmy pygmy okay at night time all right well it’s almost night time so fans we’re at the point right now where everything’s just a grindy thing like all the angler Quest we have to do 200 to get the achievement we have to purify the whole world so my theory is that if we just dig can get the if we just dig canals straight down and then we basically just shoot left and right go onto the next Canal we’ll be able to purify the whole world in well I wouldn’t say in no time but uh and then we’ve got other things like crafting a cell phone which we just have to get all the items for but the angler gives us half the items so we have to just wait um what are the things do we have I don’t even know we have to kill a crimson slime which we have to go in a different world for you have all the good bait don’t you maybe not sure warm hold me if you want it all right oh I can make a biome site potion with five grass seeds one Moonglow one blinkroot one fire Blossom can you make a summer potion yeah I’m sure we can I’m going to go try and get this daily Quest though really quick all right after that try to find out what items we need for the Summoner [Music] thing how’d you get an enchanted sword found it where the edge of the map I don’t remember you finding it um I think that that may have been whenever you got off right boom fishing Quest down all right now go now do it now where am I going remember to find out what items we need for the Summoner thing and to make a Summoner potion we need to be able to hold four more minions grass seeds just regular grass seed um how do I even get those oh God I guess then we’ll go up biom site I made 10 10 of those I can make some fishing accessory with moss too okay I can make the summoning potion but I need uh variegated lardfish and a moon glow where do I get the uh variegated lardfish I remember I remember having to do that um the that hey we we could uh I have we have uh blood moon things we could summon the blood moon try to fish oh yeah let’s kill that thing let’s let’s do that now because we can summon it kill the thing and then skip the blood moon someone that blow someone that what’s I’ve never killed this thing actually what’s it called I think we got to go to the ocean though okay um and I actually still have a fishing oh that kind of looks Neo we could do that oh and this this does a um [ __ ] all right this does a um uh it gives a good summoning too what Seaside crate is it a chance to get it this goty to spawn what’s his name oh no that Ain him no I don’t I think so he’s an actual boss can this dolphin shut up dude what was that why is there a clown is there a clown in the ocean here hear him to the left the Dolphin’s trying to eat my Rod or my bait pumping it he just [ __ ] my bait and left I caught a jellyfish that’s kind of shut your little [ __ ] ass up oh my God who’s that some sort of slime who are you it’s a new town slime I guess steamer dread dread I don’t know how to say that dadus that’s what we’re fishing for blood moons make me want to eat some hot Cheetos how about you [ __ ] off makes me want to drink some a lot of you think I care actually this is going to be a problem when the boss spawns isn’t it whatever you can come get in here with me if you actually don’t cuz then our rods will get confused come on dread nuts oh that’s is that no it a that was not no that was a blood worm or something I I don’t know I’ve never seen this guy I tried fishing him for how did I get hurt there’s a wraith dude my game is so laggy saw up Abigail you ever get my inventory again use the chum Caster what’s [Music] that are you sure we just fish form itm oh it’s a freaking fishing pole nice come on you that’s all you do why can’t we get him dread nuts ain’t spawning folks something’s wrong I just increased our fishing power not mine what the holy crap what you see that zombie shooting out of the water and crap no you tripping he’s the rarest thing to fish out of a Blood Moon oh boy we’ll get him we’ll get him we have another Blood Moon thing too so yeah keep getting these guys I’m sick of it whoever gets dread nuts to spawn whoever gets dread nuts to spawn has to shave my back oh use this holy crap there’s a lot of zombies crap down there it’s a it apparently it’s a better chance [ __ ] this thing can I get in there okay here you use that fishing pool instead better apparently 25% power but well I mean it apparently it’s a better chance for him to spawn with this let me look this up dread Nautilus yeah oh God he looks creepy really yeah so one says the 10% chance no way that’s crazy I feel like we should have got him by now what is this steamer doing steamer slime doing man like a bobber in the water man trying to help us I guess how the hell he ain’t spawn no one want to shave your back cipo every El says yeah I didn’t say anybody wanted to whoever [ __ ] him has to come on ring yeah I’m stick of the noises we’re doing something wrong except the wiki just say yeah just is in water during the blood moon 10% has a chance to spawn with a The Dread Nautilus is rarer than the other four blood moon fishing enemies spawning from only one out of 10 spawn attempts that’s crazy I feel I waste all my bait on this piece of [ __ ] what is that know I’m saying the bobber the steamer of slime is distracting me I can’t tell when my thing is bouncing is that a pet what the steamer no the thing above you that’s my that’s my Down syndrome Betsy how are we going to keep getting these guys and not him I know God damn it it’s all right I I’ll just stay right here oh okay we need to fast forward the day damn it have you seen that video uh sounds familiar what is it it’s like a old man’s opening the door and then his dog takes off running and he tries to grab it then it drags him down he falls down the stairs and Ys sham it and his wife comes out and he’s like eat the dog eat the dog it’s funny as hell all right I’m gon to share my screen with you ready it’s important see see it okay ask me are you all [Music] righty dog that poor old bastard okay we’re wasting time it’s night time oh it’s not yet what’s a sonar potion hold up what what it’s not night time don’t you lie how dare you what’s up Jay all right make it blood move it’s nice then huh oh able to catch what fish I’m checking can you go home steamer before I is that really um necessary though e the dog e the dog can you spawn it or is it not doable dude wait it’s becoming day again you skipped the entire night great work it’s Nick way to drop the ball how look at what this is this is a Str this is a strat you ski the whole night with the thing I think that’s what it does this is the Strat all right with this thing we’re going to dig these and then one of us will go down shooting the left side you’ll go down shooting the right side and then we’ll move on to the next Canal we have to do that across the whole world and it’s going to take freaking forever that’ll work though right theoretically I’ve been digging canal stop my God why the [ __ ] would you ever do that what purpose did that serve the dog e the dog do an impression of that how about that that serves a purpose sham it oh my God what oh no Sean teleport to me quick and you got to use your little r of Discord catch up steamer falling down the canal catch up to him he’s like halfway down oh no he caught himself damn it you’re getting closer I wanted to see him falling I don’t know how the little thing managed to you’re almost on he’s right here wait steamer what the hell are you doing go home you let us to anyway oh oh oh oh oh I say that was a enchant sword so can you get the Summoner thing started though for real I don’t know anything about it and you’re Pro Summoner apparently so back up all the back up all the trash to no there’s a dead man’s chest let me come let me come no I already clicked on it man did you get the achievement no why aren’t you supposed to get hurt by it I didn’t even get hurt get to die to it oh God damn it okay we do need to find a dead man we we can do that we can do that manually though can we not okay go go make some dynamite and come back where’s the and cuz we need the giant explosives I thought well I don’t know you can go craft some dynamite and then looky kind of trying to find another one huh I just empowered all our Villages villagers oh I forgot about that I didn’t know there was a thing what the looky kind of trying to find another one right now exploring through c yeah do not touch it if you do is that might be an annoying achievement to get eat the dog eat the dog eat the dog sorry all right back to digging canals for me and I’m stoned oh wait I kind of need this girl I think I killed her drop something how many achievements we got uh we got about 15 more so we got about 100 achievements oh I wonder if I could use a danger sense potion that would be good is that what you’re going to do right now look for a dead man’s chest I’m just yeah I’m just kind of going through the okay wait how dumb am I be much quicker to dig these canals with the uh with the uh celebration which you have [ __ ] get it here I’ll I’ll R why it do that just destroyed all the house okay um so we need a solar eclipse and then I’ll skip through it what so I can buy those Rockets I swear to God if those where did you put these fragments they hard mod material yeah they are danger s only shows explosives and boulders I don’t think so uh I’m pretty sure show huh no pretty sure it show you show you through the celebration no I didn’t right here oh okay thanks um all right do not let the cyborg get killed real quick Rockets Rockets rock rock Rockets Rockets I don’t think we’ll be able to skip through it matter of fact yeah we will if not then just go under ground and ignore it shab it eaty dog eaty dog eaty dog all [Laughter] right oh yeah this is way better we’ll we’ll have the whole world purified in no time except it does risk me destroying a dead man’s chest I suppose no it won’t because well it’ll destroy the explosives at least it will destroy yeah yeah so whenever we find a Dead Man’s Chest we need to strip naked and then open it yep here do you want to drink some uh uh do you want to drink what you want to drink a danger sense do eat dog uh for what so it’ll highlight any perhaps dude I wish I could fall faster in water the water is the only thing ruining this and making it take forever oh okay it it only shows the stuff around it okay that’s okay I I think it’s still um that’s still good let me through okay sorry everybody didn’t mean to yell I’m actually in a good mood today probably because I worked out before playing I did not mean to magic mirror these [ __ ] are swarming just try to not be at at home so the NPC don’t die okay what the there’s a moth run on me what the excuse you I am trying to do some work here why am I confused why am I still getting hate got 23 freaking seconds for for being confused I’d be kidding me so annoying I’m just going to wait pretty sure you can get the de Man Chest achievement if you use a dark trap setup a trap chest what do we plan on doing after 100% Terraria um thorum probably y y God damn you Monon leave me alone what God damn it Dam it what I hate the worst feature about this game and I will die on this hill is that whenever you are shooting a weapon and then you let go of the trigger press one on your keyboard to switch weapons half the time it just doesn’t switch Yeah cuz I was shooting the celebration I stopped shooting switched to my uh SMG thing in the house and started shooting it and it just stayed on the celebration the house was [ __ ] not fun how dare you the house yep you’ll see when you go home [ __ ] that I I don’t know why that’s a part of this game like why it this is going to take a long time what clearly clear clearly clearing all this eruption crap well don’t start doing that now but it will take a while but well I’m I’m getting a I’m getting a decent head start on on it here sure I’m like I said I’m also looking for a Dead Man’s Chest so if I see coruption crap I’m uh I’m spraying it what Achi SL Town that’ll be the last achievement what achievement are we are we trying to get um currently we’re just kind of doing a whole bunch of random stuff um one of the things include trying to find a Dem Man Chest waiting for Knight for blood moon and then we’re also cleaning a whole bunch of stuff as you can see obviously demon suck your own little demon dick and [ __ ] off I I really hope crystals don’t count as cuz that would [Applause] suck God the water just ruins everything you uh uh thank you I really sounded up yeah you hit 30k you’re going to become a member well thank you man uh diary dupe thank you man tou for the you two make biome secret potions for when you want to clear all the corruption Hollow um I do I do have those they’re biome sight potions I do have those uh with me but I haven’t been using them cuz it’s been pretty obvious here [Applause] I I don’t understand why the solar E clips last 10 times longer than any other event and what the [ __ ] killed me what was in the snow biome walking all right oh my God what no just the [ __ ] house is just destroyed and I do not want to have to take the time to fix everything can’t believe you can’t believe me can’t believe what you did to the poor house you didn’t put any effort to this okay oh c chant four unfinished house that’s what I’m saying well it’s going to look even worse now do I care no I mean I’m annoyed about it but it’s going to look like a chocolate Vanilla swirl now is what it’s going to look like oh just happened top of your mic yeah almost I went to go itch my shoulder and when I swung my arm around it I uh clotheslined my microphone still looking for this Dead Man’s Chest and there is no luck do happen that song was awesome yeah it was wasn’t it still looking for this dead Man Chest and there is no luck to happen okay you can finish the rest of the house I don’t feel like [Applause] it so update I’m digging canals and purifying the world whoa ankle of the I need that don’t I yeah it’s Mick is looking for a dead man’s chest and I’m fishing in between nothing exciting let’s make let’s get this party started with a little bit of his ass did I fart it’s MC um sometimes by the way Matthew spelled my name wrong so h I already I already know this freaking um Dead Man’s Chest is going to be difficult to find now now that I’m trying to find one oh no the button whenever you’re being good at least not whenever you’re being a terrorist pardon my [Music] English I already know this I already know this freaking Dead Man’s Chest is going to be difficult to find now that I’m trying to look for one yeah oh and not only did oh my my God Jesus opy what are you back there sneezing for yeah the house is destroyed dude all the crafting stations are gone all the rooms are gone this beer bottle got shattered guess I’m going to go back to digging canals I honestly might just sit back and listen to music while I do it cuz this is going to take hours here it’s m Oh no you’re streaming I I have a song that you have to listen to right might have heard before yeah it’s not I don’t usually like typ rap music very much but this is technically rap and it’s good I’m going to listen to it right now sorry let me rephrase that McCrae I I say that this mean young gentleman should be banished off this channel for good dude due to disrespecting our Lord McCrae wow um and it was a Dead Man’s Chest where nuh-uh you liar there was not [Music] [Music] oh oh I found one I found one I found one okay found a dead Man Chest yep all right remember do not touch that [ __ ] I’m going to come we’re going to both get naked we’re going to helicopter our Willies for 5 seconds and we’ll open it okay all right take your armor off you can leave your costume on wait wait hold on hold on I got penis cover uh get rid of there’s not a pressure plate right we just have to open it yeah yeah but give me hold on wait I wonder if we let’s let’s read the achievement carefully real quick it says it says dead men tell no Tales you were so preoccupied with wether not you could open the chest you didn’t stop to think if you should so let’s just open it right it’ll it’ll blow us up okay okay come over here with me are you naked no no defense I have four defense okay go ahead and open that [ __ ] your little friend out wait dude are you [ __ ] kidding me I didn’t get the achievement I didn’t either I wonder if I’ve already got it if you already have it and then I just let you open it and then get go check it’s okay I we can go back and I think we can uh we can’t rig it well the D trap there I think are you a good rigger man um um I said are you kidding me because I was about to say wait so I could store my stuff and right as I uh somehow my pause screen popped up so it covered the explosion so the video you’re not going to be able to see the explosion happen but I mean we didn’t get it so it doesn’t matter anyway you lied to me you did not find one look at the current state of the house yeah where’s all the stuff I I don’t know I really don’t know I maybe it fell down through here oh don’t tell me it fell to hell oh God you go down there you can go quicker with your little life hack I’m going I’m going to go see if I if already have this achievement yeah you better if you have it I will you have to go find another one for me if you have it after what you just did it’s called dead men tell no Tales it’s kind of got a long description so it stands out I think I’ve already got it I all right you’re in big trouble now that’s a that’s some I’m going back to listen to my music before I take all my anger out on you actually it’s not really your fault but it’s we’re going to say it is oh yeah I’ve got that all right I I’ll go for I’ll go find another one I’ll go find another one well no we can do that later you do the Summoner thing please oh the witch doctor night night it needs to be night time yeah and it was night time and you didn’t do it did you nope um I mean you can oh you can’t really help me build canals I guess no never mind oh I I got the ink I got the uh inkl with the wind I want to see what I can do with that really quick you make the terce spark boots well you can make boots that will get you to it terce Spark all right I’m listening to my music all I all how does that go what song um All I do every night all I see is strange clouds something like that something like that come on somebody in chat help me out there it’s a funky lyric all I do is see strange clouds it’s uh something like that where’s the guide I think it’s like all I do is oh i’ already I’ve already got the lightning boots okay I’ve already done that I need lava waiters and to do that to do that I need obsidian Walker walk water walking boots and I know I don’t have that I I could I could fish for water walking boots how do I how can I do that oh my God my armor is still off I was wondering why every was killing me this guy is trash everything was doing like 200 damage is okay what all right chat what I need to is there not an achievement to get every NPC together swear that was an achievement but I don’t think that’s what I asking me to get why walking boots in the [Music] jungle might have to go back there where’ the angler go how is he dead what when did The Angler die oh my God for I I am going to sit here and CH and talk to chat for a little bit so where while why we wait wet beard to got damn ped man I’m going to sit here and talk to chat for a while you’re going to sit and do nothing hey my favorite streamer how how is was my day today that’s a good that’s a good question to start off this little talk sesh you know what I mean that’s a good that’s a good little question to start off the talk sesh I am going to wait till night time so we can do the blood moon thing you found yours in the jungle in the water and maybe from water CH oh in any water chest okay I need Santa what would I rank each class in Terraria after a okay Noah Noah what’s up goddi okay so all right going just going through it um okay there’s not really that many classes Ranger that’s got to be like that’s got to be like C class for real there’s not really that great weapons the armor kind of sucks Mage although I’ve never played Mage it’s probably like b b tier um I disagree or agree I don’t care okay uh I think I think melee is a uh and I also feel like Summoner is also a because you could actually do a lot of damage but then at the same time you can also use like for instance like I could also use a Zenith while having all those minions and do that much more damage just say um see ranger melee Mage what what’s another class why am I it’s got to be another class though Rogue I’ve never played Rogue but it looks kind of fun it looks a lot like like Melee and ranged combined so without knowing anything about it I’m probably going to have to put it like B when am I [Music] eating two chips H speak of angler I could just go fish H is happening underground Hollow Man [ __ ] this might be good enough here what’s up Supreme I guess this isn’t good enough uh I did get it boom let’s go oops all right no have mic off I don’t know hello what up what’s wrong why you no talk I was deafened um are you about ready to do this Blood Moon yeah trying to get this freaking boss weome now you live with attempt number two of spawning dread nuts um dread nutus or something in case you were wondering the moon phase of waning gibbis I’m doing 615 damage per second this is 1577 coming at you live with it’s McCrae it’s McCrae what do you have to say to the radio listeners what’s going on everybody it’s McCrae here all right and INF CR Tri Ste on Spotlight we’re going to cut it there this is Runaway by Kanye West anyway um IM we could totally Rock a freaking radio radio show you know that you know how funny it would be I mean the same thing the same thing as a as a podcast you know not really well no not really but like but you’re still talking to Mike with people listening for like sure it’s not like you’re playing songs in between but oh well that’s what I’m going to do here where I live I think maybe for Ben and them are going to do it and then they said I can just come on with them whenever I want uh okay blood moon it yep here One V one me got big this breaking shortage turn PVP on dude I’m not even kidding my [ __ ] game froze right when we started fighting my God why does it do that [ __ ] it’s still freezing I think that was pretty evident that I didn’t really have to do anything I if if I telling you if my game didn’t free because I couldn’t get away from the Zenith well I guess it wouldn’t matter yeah because the Zenith can go across your whole screen uh was Wormhole quick [Music] it’s still freezing see why do we keep getting these guys don’t ask me this game sucks oh my God it my game is so laggy me get frustrated I’m going to get frustrated is my bait just not going to work ah thanks for the thanks for the tuna fish oh my God mhm I use a CH bucket that’s right there now if you fishing that what are we doing wrong I don’t think literally anything should I throw an anchor I got something I need for the cell phone somehow a seant oh yeah you can also get that from the angler from an angler Quest we got one yeah well we need the other two angler Quest items now are you sure we’re supposed to spawn through it at the ocean yeah did not say anything there he is he dead that was quick all right I got the staff you got staff infection I no I got the summon staff um okay how’d you get that from him how you Dr how you get the summ oh okay so now you just need to figure out the accessories we need just hold nine at once remember the armor I have can hold five so if you make a potion it did it again dude I it keeps not switching off the celebration I’m getting really sick of it not going to lie oh mo got killed by the mother okay what’s it looking like oh nothing is working over here man is working what are you doing uh I bought I bought the pygmies pygmy things um I bought um see bought um Tiki armor Ticky armor for what uh Max minions how many does that hold no way it holds more than the Stardust how much okay what does it say the Stardust does it holds five minions Al together oh we don’t need armor we need accessories or po I don’t know how the summon thing works that’s why I’m having you do it oh the B witching table too that’s another thing we need okay here I I got to right here you you have enough no no um I’m going to write this down though thanks Turtle dude I am getting bombarded with crap I’m going to write this down okay so someone’s throwing [ __ ] at you stest armor number one ah you just want your name to pop up in the vid NEC romatic skull scroll lagging in real life Pig me neomatic scroll scroll scroll necklace I am so sick of these guys man I might put some chick in the air fryer here soon we might make this a real goddamn party we might make this a real celebration God the like how is there that much water I’m literally in an ocean and it just keeps expanding I’m trying to get down here quickly hey did I hit the sewage system what is going on juding by the looks of the water I must have hid into the female sewage system okay so that’s that’s all we need that’s all we need there all right is that what you’re going to do don’t purify any more of the world because we need those biomes we’ll do that like all at once cuz we need those biomes for uh fishing I don’t want to get rid of them all yeah yeah I uh why are you hiccuping what have you gone and eaten I know no you know what you ate what’ you put in your body don’t act like the tavern keep and try to hide it oh it’s not that bad who died at the ocean anger well okay I’m taking my headphones off for a minute after that you better not be hiccup when I get back oh we get the necromantic scroll for the morning wood uhoh i’ probably be throwing all of that away unfortunately I really wish this Blood Moon just stop you know gosh dang the sword is so good you need the Hercules beetle to combine with an scroll for the per so two scrolls are needed oh okay yeah I’m I’m almost certain we’re going have to fight another uh there’s no way I kept any of that a a ho balling with a ton ofing do um why he go oh it’s cuz it’s a Blood Moon okay yeah it’s raining Turtles now that makes sense uh okay what’ you figure out while I was gone okay so um we okay so we need to we need to fight the uh pumpkin thing again fortunately pumpkin Medallion how do we get that uh you have to craft it with pumpkins hold on I think it’s pumpkins iron is that right iron I’m just going to check with the guide pumpkins oh hollowed and ectoplasm okay okay Hollow wherever they are and ectoplasma all right all right all right my chicken is in the air fryer I have to go shake it in like five minutes I have to shake it three minutes after that in 3 minutes again well we we need we need freaking we need the crafting stations cuz all of them are I don’t know where they are they got blown up they didn’t go to my inventory so they must have been quick stacked or something I have a seant you want that yep you no truth truth be told truth be told you do want the seant No No truth told where where is we need to figure out why’ you start that sent with truth be told question truth be told we need to figure out what what happened to all this stuff and we need to get everything back uh you do that I’m doing God’s work on the left side of the World let me let me send you a pick of what’s done on snap you can show the fans if you want check that out I’m climbing down the Lord’s ladder over there looks like the Monster Energy emblem kind of wait actually I have a monster right here let me compare it hm the only I mean yeah okay yeah I’m going to keep doing that uh I don’t know what crafting stations you need or where they went I really I bet they fell check oh yeah I told you I think they fell down the elevator go down to the bottom of that cuz that’s that’s would make sense cuz they’re not in my inventory or quick stacked they down there I don’t know yet truth truth be told where’d you go I’m going down there oh I’m on the blue team that’s why I can’t see you nothing well it’s not your fault but it is your problem a union job ever yeah that’s just every job ever isn’t it um well I guess not if you work for yourself what’s up barbari yeah have I ever shed why is this all in caps the one guy have you ever shed yourself on live stream or asleep he’s probably hysterically laughing when he typed that so that’s why he said all caps because he’s excited to send it uh oh I was about to answer that question like he ask me Nathan the angler yeah um I don’t I don’t even know what crafting things that we need you didn’t answer the dude’s question what the oh uh it’ll tell you yeah I know that that was a really big [ __ ] up and and honestly that was not my fault I pulled the trigger but technically if you want to get technical I didn’t pull the trigger I was trying to pull the trigger of my other weapon and then this one just started going off what are you doing by me get away oh angry did I finish pegle no um not yet he quit no I didn’t quit just haven’t he said he told me in private that he’s going to try to stop doing it slowly so you guys forget about it see see how quiet he is y totally see now he’s mad that I soled his plan how close are you being done with it uh I got to beat two more levels but like I said I was beating the one level and it took me to I didn’t even finish it in six hours on one one level I didn’t beat it for six hours you did one level for six hours what the hell’s wrong with you I don’t know have I ever hated ccio oh we we’ve had our fair share of uh of um nasty times but um nasty times the hell hold on if I die while I’m AFK I’m going to come back and slay [Music] you first thing you did was wrong first thing I did wrong was telling CYO I wanted to quit no I never said that I never said that tell to check his chicken 5 minutes just passed I think I think he just want hey McCrae how’s it going what are you working on for the h 100% at the moment uh right now um I actually just completed a fishing Quest um and um right now um we’re working on getting ready to clean clean the whole world of all of the um all of the uh corruption and everything um I’m also working on getting all the minion stuff and um yeah it’s uh it’s quite it’s quite the road it’s going to be it’s going to be very grindy from now on but wait I don’t need this I do need an anvil though is it just a mythal armor dude there’s some all right I’m slaying you switch teams now switch teams now and turn PVP on what I’m slaying you for what cuz I told you if I died while I was AFK I’d come back and you turn PVP on now don’t be a p word turn PVP on y the again I don’t worry I won’t spawn Camp you even though I know you would to me oh I would huh yeah don’t don’t start swinging till it’s fair game come to the arena don’t kill me right away actually I’m in my inventory I feel I feel like you’re about to no no no no no do not okay I’ll count it down and I won’t get a cheap shot or anything I’m trying to make sure I don’t have a better weapon for PVP I think this one fans right here I think it’s going to get it to make okay back off three wait wait my health oh that’s what I was going to say I can see it oh how can you see my health okay well I 3 2 1 man what the [ __ ] I’ll chlori bullet [Laughter] [Music] you oh my God I like how you magic mirr too that was the funny thing yeah I like how I like how it took two seconds to go through the animation I mean it wouldn’t have saved me but I was trying to see if I could stick the piranhas on you and if it would oh if I could just run away with the piranhas on you the the do it hold still you Green [ __ ] oh wait that doesn’t hold on let me get them all on you you’re you’re Invincible to them so that would have been you invincible to my rocket are you invincible to this oh you better back off red you’re dead I should it I I feel kind of bad cuz that is insanely op that is so stupid that’s what it’s made to be well right of course but like in the PVP scenario oh I don’t care by the way why can I not make a mythal freaking Anvil you need mythal I Anvil to make it on oh I didn’t know that Anvil I think at least yeah know I think you’re right I think you’re right like a Anvil [Music] right oh there we go okay that makes sense can I make a pumpkin Medallion now oh I can all right I made two just cuz all right all right we’re going to we’re going to fight this pumpkin pumpkin moon but while having PVP on so it’s going to be it’s we we can’t we can’t we can’t like we can’t fight I mean we could fight but we got to just my chicken [ __ ] it’s kind of an accident to be honest I didn’t really think it would kill him imagine being a person with a good amount of defense do we have all MCS yet no I don’t think so if we move the witch do to the Jungle you can get the Hercules beetle what’s that what’s up L miles okay I’m here that health bar is ugly you’re ugly oh TR Mo stopwatch please stopwatch please stop yeah what else what no what is what does that go with hold on where is the guide oh he’s up here go one tech oh metal deck Tor and DPS met yeah metal deck Tor and DPS meter we don’t have a DPS meter we have a tinker’s workshop more importantly oh how you make that you buy it from the Tinker buy from camera put that [ __ ] on put that bit on P me on oh yeah Goblin Tech achieved oh do you do you have a did you have a DPS meter yeah oh okay so now we just need a weather radio which I have in the fisherman’s pocket guide we don’t have that do we no way DPS me dude I I wish I can get the DPS meter okay it’s Mick if we get the fisherman’s pocket guide we can make the cell phone all right Matthew what kind of what kind of what kind of freaking question is this hey it’s mcart what are your tips on dating older women 80 plus what in the [ __ ] Matthew come on hey I ain’t saying ain’t nothing wrong with that but really I mean what what’s the point you know what I mean what’s the point yeah they gonna die right is that what you’re saying I mean you kink shamer how dare you I’ll be right back copper shortsword right now crumble and Ashes yeah if you do anything oh got to make it in the world somehow oh there we go okay I see that but you know for any other reason wish I SP this thing this world is become so unorganized again have I purified the whole world yet no no we haven’t just use honey bottles ink ink Shield I need the ink charm and I can almost actually get the ink charm but I need I need water walking boots this guy for real doesn’t have a DPS meter though which sucks oh I forgot [Music] oh I forgot so I need I need the Scrolls from the morning wood I need I need a couple of them I need two I think shouldn’t really be too bad man there’s a fire there’s a fire will we guys complete the beer bottle uh I want to for sure what uh for the ink charm I have everything but I need water walking boots to like to like really finish it no but I I mean I have I have almost everything I think I just need a we need to kill as many morning Woods as possible where are you in the arena hey none none of that none of that none of that none of that he walked into that hot hot hot my earri is really bad now morning wood morning wood morning wood morning wood morning wood okay do you want to die it looks it sure looks like you do oh my God hot as [ __ ] I got I got one of the Scrolls I got one of the Scrolls we need huh I got one it’s I got one it’s uh all right cool no it’s for it’s for the uh the summoning thing oh okay [Laughter] why am I killing these things I need the morning wood in the morning Woods be dead how the [ __ ] is there a ganet in here a g I think we could totally fight daytime in forus this bug keeps flying in my face h your aim I can’t even see you’re on my screen that was W no okay morning wood where are you where are you what’s up wo you you lowkey almost have me there I a I ain’t going to lie the amount of [ __ ] is insane wait what why why was the things not hitting you though for real I don’t know let make tur eater for man uh-oh uh-oh [Music] uh-oh I’m a assuming that we probably have two Scrolls but our telling it that it is holy [ __ ] the amount of crap on the ground you guys oh there’s a scroll let’s go I wanted to collect my stuff I’m going to kill you okay yeah okay so here we go um so that would probably be a fun series or not fun but good video If we’ beat the game but PVP was on the whole time yeah it would or we just play like infernum legendary mode with PVP enabled just to do the hardest possible thing I I am basically enabled on that because of the Tombstones that is true that is like on the vers of actually being impossible I feel like no we can do it I’m back did I buy the Hercules beetle I did not do I like the Zenith uh yes Zenith is pretty cool bit late GG on the Zenith thank you uh I need a freaking there’s not enough villagers near the current pile Oh my God cat started making out with me in the middle of the night huh my cat started making out T the [ __ ] um cuz I woke up walked in my mini fridge chugged a bunch of milk and then went back to bed so it was all over my mouth and I guess he wanted it and then oh my god derpling do derpling mpp4 the new derpling okay we we need we need uh we need Mr guide ah you figured out the Summoner thing here you got everything you need yet uh I believe so we will see but we we will see Garrett the guide Garr the guide does whatever Garrett guide does can he help you decide what to craft no we can’t [ __ ] you name is gar guide or Garrett guide oh this is okay so this is this is why we need the Hercules beo okay all right um so Hercules beater the Hercules beetle man and that is from Hercules beetle man is that NPC uh it’s m no the [ __ ] bottomless water bucket hell yeah oh that wait that’s actually huge it’s not that big dude look at all the [ __ ] swords up here see this you watch your goddamn mouth I’ll shoot you oh my God the armer uses a mini shark how did I never know that Jesus look at all the swords up here I know weird ain’t it let’s have a toast for the jerk offs bottomless water bucket put a swordfish trophy okay um you got all the summoning stuff or no uh I need I need the witch doctor to spawn currently hey witch doctor give us the magic words say it it’s ni say it uh Hey witch doctor give us the magic word you be the witch doctor you’ve heard the song before no I haven’t you’ve never heard the song where he’s like hey witch doctor give us some magic words and then the witch doctor’s like you go o e all of ping bang all right o e maybe I can do a song of that ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding D ding d d d I’m going to go continue to blow blowing up the world about hot as mother Funk what’s after that huh see if you’re a real fan it’s m s then what not next oh queen bee is now pissed again we get attacked what’s up best David you’re back’s going uh doing all right what’s up husky wow wi doctor while he’s in the jungle yeah I I just need a freaking spawn man and then I can go get those and I get that and then uh oops that’s got got to be that’s got to be pretty close what does that mean not this oh oh my God where am I stuck in it’s like a little or trap I got it I need a dollar dollar dollar is what I need hey hey you know that song I do I need a dollar dollar dollar is what I need if I share with you my stor would you share your dollar with me yeah yep yep yep I uh I think we can I think we can get it have you all heard of the game chain together um I think I just recently heard about that ner ner seven Roger that what is CPO doing um probably jerking it over there something I don’t I’ve never jerked while playing a game and I never will the closest I got is setting a vibrating controller on my crotch in the old the old days no I mean not that old like a week ago no no no I haven’t I haven’t done that in a while I I mean no I’ll I’ll set it there I’ll set it there but it it but it’s very rare that I’m it’s like a constant vibration now like what games was it that would make your controller controller just become a vibrator I remember like I remember uh it like glitch sometimes would it Black Ops 2 or at like the end of a game it would like just sit there and vibr for like 30 seconds do you remember that yeah yeah and You’ lean back put your hands behind your head and put it on your crotch yeah I think it was like specifically after Nuke Town whenever like it shows the ending cut scene yeah I in the nuke oh [Music] God that’s when we would do it yeah and then after a while just every time I heard that sound my body automatically would start to get horny because it was so used to the vibrator it’s not a problem anymore hey it’s mcxi and [ __ ] poo or whatever the other guy name is what’s the next game on the agenda um what is the next game on the agenda huh raft probably rafter Don’t Starve we’re probably going to decide within the next couple days after we finish all this make the drill Mount oh my God wait hold up that’s huge I I thought that was a thing swaty what was that one guy’s name Swiggity swiy BB booby booby Diggity doogy swiggy booty something like that yeah yeah what’s up it’s your boy swiggy swy I’m a cool slime I would rather be friends with the nerdy slime and the cool slime I agree with nerdy slime looks like he doesn’t even know how to talk so he wouldn’t be that annoying or but like he is that that really shy kid that does talk all the freaking time and you’re like oh my God shy kid that talks all the time isn’t that kind of a no no no like okay well like once he like once he opens up he will just like not shut up you know what I mean kind of those guys yeah I can’t believe you still haven’t found my Dead Man’s Chest after the [ __ ] you pulled I will be going hold on I’m just kidding working on I’m working on the minion I just need I just need the witch witch doctor to spawn so I can move Tang they should add a line of dialogue in this game where the witch doctor says that to make a petition or at least just he says o e o a ah okay come on now give me something kind of walls this smooth marble how do I get that from the painter M got to use marble blocks and craft it man it’s not fun I just use whatever though Hest seven Snow White and the Seven slimes what kind of wood is this oh B real be real sorry be real you got that right be real wood where is it where is the be real wood we don’t really have much ah [Music] there’s no way that’s right gosh dang it I did do one too much 5 4 3 2 1 too many you ever heard that song no sounds like absolute [ __ ] though kind of is Luke Holmes oh well sorry Luke God I could eat all day oh all right [Music] um can I do your quest for the day you little what’s the point of the pirate also he sells a cannonball never figure out how to shoot that he smells pirate outfits he sells a sail a parrot catcher pylons angle over by oh he is he is at the O okay you’re supposed to go on the sky today all St teleport to me already did it you little you did well yeah oh it’s almost night so you better hurry up H got all night no no it said resets at like 8:00 p.m. every night no don’t yep I’m just kidding I think it’s at Mid or not midnight but like 5:00 a.m. or something when it becomes day what do I think about waffles waffles are good tasty 30k let’s go dude um the phone start in the background Ang vest huh okay there we go dude why is the witch doctor not freaking spawned in yet you have to give him the magic words come on do it it’s m he didn’t spawn in all day give him the magic words it’s in order oh he is no he isn’t it’s make magic words please e ting tang bing bang they have to do it to the right tune though be in the song it’s going to be in the song bang how about that don’t lean back I can lean back if I want to I couldn’t hear it they cut out did not did well okay didn’t cut out but the quality was way worse because you’re were so far come on say the magic words e t bang okay it lagged that time again no all right I’m done song’s canceled fans do a por to the pig impression no not done done doing those for the remainder of my [Laughter] life what that’s how some the fans are going to feel about it they like it I don’t care what the ask ask chat if they like when you do a Porky the Pig impression oh they heard you so they’re going to answer it oh yeah good point answer is going to be no my friend said cipo is acoustic yeah I agree I’m really glad the the witch doctor spawned you know totally not just delaying everything well you know you could be um actually I don’t know what you could be doing to be honest dead man I could go look for a Dead Man’s Chest mhm which I will go do need I need the I need the the danger sense which I got then I also I’m going to use a teleportation potion well okay here we go what would you do with an i MC rapy what would you you think that could be a hard song would you do with an itm on take off all your armor don’t touch I’ll whip out oh let me my inventory is too full to whip my [ __ ] out okay I can now whip my [ __ ] out ah I see a chest it’s me H that’s weird uh why is that weird I just want what’s that why is there a spider what is that I didn’t spawn that tell me man anyway let me let me check the loot achievement get dead men tell no Tales guess what you don’t have to die but I did die you insane do not die but what look at where I’m at you didn’t see the message in chat that said CYO the saggy was did I just crash the Dead Man’s Chest you seem fine to me oh no it’s a laggy it’s a laggy oh something happened oh my what the it just caught the internet went out or something I don’t know that was weird I don’t think it was I don’t think it was me Jason’s at work he might have gone to the pool or something he asked me to check there but they weren’t there what’ you say SM you’re lagging uh it caught up but that was a huge lag Spike why are you making stuff up the fans said that they do like the fork of the pig impression by the way so you have to do it now actually no one even said anything so H looks like you got no fans um all right let’s go let me hear it not doing that when why do you not like doing it though oh always feel like I look like a like an idiot I was I’m always I’m always so down about it we both look like idiots so regardless of the Porky the Pig stuff so trust me you don’t got to worry about all that use the sun dial oh good point don’t do it work I don’t know why that just doesn’t work sometimes yeah I know I I think it’s like once a week but I feel like it’s definitely been a week since since whatever but okay so right now I’m going to go back to the Jungle I’m going to collect purification powder and I’m going to go down into hell and I’m going to try and find the tax collector I think that’s an achievement no we haven’t got the tax collector yet no hence forth you shall be known as tax [Music] collector what’s up with all the hooping jacks leave me alone you monsters do I have to be anywhere in in Hell or can I can I be like do I have to be anywhere in Hell or can I be anywhere no no no I I was going to like um do why I have to be at the outside of the map like outskirts or how does he spawn he just R does I think so anywhere works all right I’m going go back to the middle then of this platform yeah I got the purification powder for it need to make sure not to hit them of blink Roots is insane huh it’s weird how are you wearing armor infused with the power of sun and still take burn damage that’s a a very very good freaking point I am on the to get this tortured soul in in or down in hell he will spawn when I say it’s okay are you singing lord of the freaking yeah blowing up everything yall guys planning on to play thorium uh I believe so yep or infer him or something I’m not sure I wish I had battle potions I would help severely or help severely help dramatically dude I don’t even know killed him dude I didn’t even mean to he showed up right there and I he showed up on the edge of my screen huh has the well the freaking and we are back right itm back for what look at the goblin tinker’s name I you see that that’s what he said when he spawned in pegle is harder than in in front of and thorum combined who hold your horses pal I’ve done about a quarter of the world for the canals Jesus sitting here with a pillow on my lap this whole time am I what’s wrong with me kind of feminine to be honest nothing wrong with that man nothing wrong with that you know just you do you you know it’s feminines you you like your favorite part of these games is organizing stuff and cleaning I think it’s s fying so H okay that’s fine just I’m not are disagreeing but it’s feminine try to speedrun umia that’d be that’d be pretty good I always do and itm hates it I just like I don’t always I just like to be prepared I I hate I hate like I hate like rushing and then dying if we don’t need to you know what I mean well I hate over preparing if we don’t need to so it looks like we’re at a stalemate guess we just have to settle this with a speedrun um oh check checkmate silver silver Knight says uh C was a cat by the way so maybe the pillow for his cat I hold on I heard something about me having a cat yeah that that that should that should just explain it all that to do with anything that’s what I thought I uh I thought it was pretty self-explanatory what cats are I don’t want to say it what they’re gay Jesus oh it’s a corrupt mimic Red Alert I can actually hear you better now while I fight this never mind I really can’t dude why can’t one of these guys spawn again awesome I cannot stand this piece of [ __ ] game sometimes dude there he is it’s not working oh you oh yeah it is he’s fighting that was quick his name’s Ronald oh yeah his last name is also McDonald Ronald McCrae Ronald mccon what up Ronald you should dress up as M Mr McDonald’s uh Mr McDonald dude what happened in the freaking house again man yeah did you not hear me get pissed no I was sitting in there organizing my inventory I’m clicking in my inventory and it for some reason shoots my gun and yet you don’t fix it I fixing that [ __ ] plus we had this combo you like doing that kind of stuff not when it’s not when it’s I just did it again dude I’m in my inventory moving stuff and it shoots oh my God not whenever it’s what not whenever it’s uh like mandatory it’s like it’s like it’s like whenever somebody tells you to some tells you to do something that’s why I didn’t want to do it cuz the game is apparently telling me I have to keep blowing the house up and killing it or and uh fixing it so I refuse so you should too otherwise this game is going to take control of our lives right all right Mr Tax Collector that’s the government yeah but he actually helps us what does he do how me he so whenever you whenever you go to reforge crap you and remember we we deal with this on the legendary mode whenever you reforge stuff you go to him and then you get like some of that money back so why is he the tax collector I don’t know and I think I think just over time he generates money from the reforges I don’t even boy open a scoy the most inappropriate painting in the game this is the progress where right now fans going on how many achievements do we have already um actually let me let me double check here let me double let me double check let me double check we are at I’m at 101 out of 115 me let me see what the next the next one is I’ve Tak the ter spark boots um might as you might as well just freaking send me those over man feed every type of slime there is have all the possible NPC living in my world oh fly kite on a windy day oh it’s a windy day right now isn’t it saying a golden fishing rod angler will give it to us oh really like on the 50th Quest I think is it a windy day today m don’t think so why do the water look like urine what is going on it’s all yellow is that a desert thing okay the thing I don’t I don’t think it’s a windy day oh I don’t think it is either my bad my bad my bad what gave you the idea that it was a windy day well I’m the the kite is straight up there so oh well maybe it is no it didn’t give me the achievements so I don’t know thought you already got it no I didn’t get that one yeah I knew I knew the music changed and like you can hear like the sound effects but AR palm frond what we should play a Family Feud game I agree what would be a good te to Speed Run not sure what um good game speedrun um of course like think outside the box P pegle speedrun there we go old you might think you’ve peaked this seen you haven’t the real one’s far too mean the water down one the one you know was made up centuries ago they made it sound all whack and corny yes it’s awful blasted boring Twisted fiction sick addiction will gather around children Zarate listen binging binging [Music] binging binging binging can we get much higher what is that oh Raven die you’ll never take me alive whoa whoa whoa why am I hurt for we gather around CH runs up at l [Music] that [Music] okay the C will stream uh he’s not he’s not streamed in a long long time right I think I will soon maybe after this play through I’ll do a quick solo series little quickie yeah thank God Mr witch idiot witch dick which dick is witch how are we going to end this series by the way like getting every achievement yeah but like are we going to like do a do a uh um a uh uh a what do you call that like a grand finale I have no idea chat do you guys have any recommendations for that get the Frog it’s on the right what do you mean did you no did he blow it up no blow it up I don’t I don’t I don’t hear him no more do you not have all the summon stuff yet well I think I do all right I’ll come up with the Armor after this and we can check I don’t I don’t see him no more chat I don’t see the Frog no more how do you need a frog I I don’t know was it was it a was it a special one purification frog what do you mean all right put this armor on and all the other things and see if you can get nine minions yeah that is an achievement fans and we need it and we need it now um did you do it the heck’s going on 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 you need one more oh potion potion potion got it you got it all right throw me all this [ __ ] throw me all this [ __ ] throw look at this aura look at this Aura of stuff a all right so there’s that there’s that there’s that there’s this this and this and then equip everything else the hell oh those are leggings I have to hit this bewitching table uh yeah well yeah four five 6 78 9ine yay okay sorry for that I was just excited okay we’re getting close closer yep yep yep um so what’s what’s next I need to look what is next all right let me let me look um I’m taking the Terrace Park boots tell me the Terrace Park boots really quick I’m not I’m not trying to freaking holding me real quick we’ll just take the easy way out there uh-oh okay okay another achievement down all right uh go next what’s next defeat every SL type of slime have all the possib possible NPCs um living in the world you have all the NPCs um I think we’ve got to be close I think I accidentally unlocked that achievement when I logged into another world to get all the uh the costumes early on oh really yeah because it says I already it’s not telling me I need it so I must have accidentally got it okay what she what NPC are you missing did we kill the groom um yeah oh the groom was doomed oh the princess we don’t we don’t have that I don’t know you get the princess after getting all the other NPCs what else you missing it SM um oh you’re talking to me uh angler uh the ink Shield what the like I need I need the ink ink oh I’ll just start to you what what was what was the other thing that I was missing for the ink oh that was oh the um I’ve almost got it all I’m almost certain with these I need uh the counter curse mantra so silence and curse silence and curse silence curse so that’s how do I what nothing that’s the boring way out I still I still kind of lowkey want megaphone and the nzar oh that’s right right so the megaphone is dropped the pixie dropped that no they maybe they dropped the clock maybe I can’t remember who drops the megaphone Pixies green jellyfish dark red mummies green jellyfish where do I freaking find those at Ocean I guess you see what this guy has how is the thing celebration shooting when I have this equip I does not make sense how that happens sometimes giant curs skulls oh okay those are in the dungeon I’ll just go there that sounds that seems pretty easy nzar is kind of nzar is kind of hard to grind for my so just get two Megos the one in the Shimmer uh okay [Music] um where’s Mr Angi gold fish trophy yeah just kill two Pixies I’m might have to have to find I’m going have to I don’t know where I don’t think we have any surface Hollow anymore do we maybe this is oh yeah I just need Z Pixies now what’ you say I just need zap Pixies what are you saying zap Pixies oh oh it’s a fast fast clock you want a slow clock no I need a megaphone kind of tend to go home and get up some water candles what you need your megaphone didn’t you get the achievement yeah I did I did I guess I don’t really need it but I don’t there is I feel like there’s not really much me look what achievements are left here did you not get you have the achievement drop a lure into a pool of lava no actually I meant to go I meant to go try and do that yeah try to figure that one out because I tried it a million times it would not work maybe they want the the Flaming fishing rod but I don’t know why they don’t just say that you can look up how to collect all the Slime pets cuz I know there’s a bunch of stuff you have to do to get them to spawn sounds kind of fun all right let me go let me go and try and fishing yeah try to figure that BS out I know I’ve done this before it’s m well you might think you Peak the scene you haven’t the real one is far too mean the watered down one the one you know oh rare frog that spawns In the [Music] Jungle the Mystic frog okay I’m I guess I’ll have to use use Health to to upgrade bug net and Catch Hell [Music] Critter use hell Critters oh I have to get that yeah I guess that makes sense we should have plenty of heal to dude oh my God man D I cannot stand this p piece of [ __ ] I don’t understand how me clicking in the inventory keeps making it [Music] shoot hate my [Music] life more importantly if that happens again I I don’t even know what to threaten this game with it ain’t going to be good what [Music] to think I did all that and may I say not in a shy way oh no oh no not me I did it say it it’s SM H what’s wrong why you groaning and grunting when I asked you to sing the lyric I don’t know I don’t want to sing it you to do is say my way M or no not mistakes regrets I did what I had to [Music] do I’m going to get killed yep I figured these things are dangerous when I’m blowing all the ground up why can I not craft it’s stupid dude I don’t think I have any of the stations on me I need I need a hell Forge that’s why where how do I even make that uh you need a furnace and a bunch of health stone or I think I I want to everything disappeared oh I need obsidian I’m I’m looking forward to watching the footage back and seeing where everything went whenever it ble got blowed okay all right thank you guys cuz I was about to go down the hill and do that you’re about to go down to Hell and burp in the devil’s face yep look at all the canals I’ve dug so far fans it’s pretty cool huh a lot of elbow grease a lot of hard work I’ll send it to make a pick so you can see it how achievements do I have left uh about 10 these willing cactuses are everywhere they still hurt which doesn’t make any sense why did you forget your happy thought it’s Mick what what did you do no idea to be honest you forgot your happy thought that’s what how did I just take oh my freaking starboard wasn’t on there okay that makes sense every time I go through the house I feel like my weapon’s just going to randomly shoot just for the F of it and I get scared all right I need to catch lava Critters huh catch them lava Critters me catch them lava craters catch them lava craters That’s My Cry whenever you get a lava Critter you have to say I got lava Critter hey I will you say it I am not in that mood why what why are you in a bad mood not in bad mood except you keep blowing up the house and I’m the one who has to fix [ __ ] on purpose I’m the one who has to fix it you don’t have to well what about The Crafting stations and everything H okay well that’s true I just I mean I feel like if they get blown up they should be right there I don’t understand this do they have like a chance to not drop when they get blown up I haven’t a clue okay well now that you got that off your chest you’re in a better mood so will you sing the song when you find one no it’s maked for the fans I have to go like this I don’t understand how there’s so much water underground sometimes it’s not even funny all right I got that achievement oh okay I’m coming okay what do I need take do you have any other bait in your inventory uh no okay so take take this C real hey take it easy gold thanks for coming to the stream dude what’s my favorite game of all time um got to say Modern Warfare 3 was top tier back in the day for me nothing’s happening it’s Mi oh okay something happened I got the achievement you’re on fire you’re on fire stop drop and roll wonder if I can catch anything though okay did you see my Snapchat did did you like it [Music] uh-huh oh shoot start do not tell me I forgot to turn the Euros on bumo bumo ask if you like Terraria I like it yeah I like it enough I did miss the Euros today awesome what time is Copa okay it’s at 5 oh my God okay why is that happening I don’t know but you know what you do whenever that happens yep then you go talk to the angler hello angler no no not the new Mo not the new Modern Warfare 3 the 200 uh 2011 version gosh dang 13 years ago man man believe that I was 10 when that game came out MW3 Xbox MW3 Xbox uh 360 themed one okay why is there a Party in the jungle and everybody’s invited I should put a little text on the stream that shows uh completed achievements I agree um except now that this is almost over but um but in the future for something yes I I agree all Cod care all cares about what well all Cod All cares about money not a Happy fan base true yep hopefully Treyarch prove us wrong with this next game but very Treyarch usually actually does a good job Cold War was fun that was her last game Black Ops 4 was the only try game I didn’t like yeah so I have high hopes for and and they’ve had a long time to work on Black Ops 6 compared to normal so I have High Hopes I’ve only ever been disappointed once by Treyarch I remember whenever we thought Cold War was actually pretty bad yeah I think I thought that for like the first week and then I got used to it um should I start uh cleansing no we need to have all the biomes for the fishing we have to going have to cleanse after all the fishing quests oh well we can make our own little biomes I don’t want to do that it just takes more time and it’ll be satisfying to do it all at once I feel like all right Mr Angy what do you have the catfish he wants you in this yeah teleport to me I’m getting [ __ ] swarmed and they the thing will not get fished up I’m getting sick of it I’ve gone through like five bait already and there every line breaks why is my space bar bar doing that it just launched me seaweed ah how late are you um I mean stream streams stream’s getting a little uh little old but um I’ve been hitting trick shots at you with my uh bobber watch this after I catch one come on all right watch this Bang to 6 why is this one so hard to find I don’t know I usually get it in like the first five I got [ __ ] off Another Broken line do you have um do you have fishing uh potions no I don’t usually need them though whenever all I’m doing is fishing I’ll get decked out and all the fishing gear and stuff which will be soon enough joa cola this is stupid my it’s crazy it’s taking this long I’m almost out of [Music] bait sorry I’m I can’t kill mcdin I don’t have the good gear what hey man got to just got to just suffer through it you know till you get a good run look at these things above me bro yeah this is so goddamn dumb finally got it oh I and I just got it that’s insane we got it that synchronized together trout monkey new achievement new achievement trout monkey give me another bottomless water bucket I don’t need two of those if give me one bottomless water bucket and then I’m good for life okay wait oh I think I put the wrong thing in the chest somehow what how did I do that I did oops uh tell CYO to give the JoJo Cola to the dryad you get a you get a town slime okay fine I think didn’t we already do that I thought we already did that um no unless you did it without telling me I don’t know feel like I feel like how dare you do without telling me now I’m upset no I don’t I don’t know if I did that or not okay I’m uh look back at my achievements really quick okay I got to defeat every single type of slime get all get all the NPCs fly a kite on a windy day obtain a golden golden fishing rod uh angler uh angular quest uh cell phone anger Quest find all the Slime pets and move the men Ang and then purify everything where did my joa Cola quick stack to where have you been putting it um it’s not in consumables it’s not in fishing material now who’s the shitty organizer now apologize uh throw it to me please I’m not even in the chest oh okay so that being said here you go dryad good luck getting golden fishing rod I gotta I’m going to look up some things here real quick my God would you throw it to her how to get golden fishing rod oh after uh after completing 30 quests in har mode okay from did not give me it did not make a Town slime I kept throwing it to her she wouldn’t pick it up so I put it in her inventory and then it just did nothing whatever you can look at the Town slime achievement now if you want it’ll if you look look up how to get all Town slimes it’ll tell you how to get each one I know one of them’s like throw a copper shortsword at a blue slime or something like that pretty sure that’s one of them okay there is one two three four five six 7 eight okay so I know we have the nerdy I know we have the cool uh do we have the clumsy one is there a picture of them all I want to see a picture of them all oh transferring a blue s into a squire slime yeah I think that’s the guy that you got to throw oh here offer short sword at B dropping a copper Helmet or a copper shortsword okay who’s the best expert in the game I will I will find this guy [Music] immediately as ASMR can you hear that mhm yeah I mean it’s ASMR but it’s so loud that it’s kind of actually annoying yeah I remember I remember that’s how it was all right I’s got to find a blue blue slime be too bad teleport to me teleport me are you serious yeah y oh wait that’s a pumpkin never [Laughter] mind okay sorry there’s a green slime on me that didn’t make you mad did it okay like blue ones are common one I know and then now but whenever we’re going to need one there’s not going to be one made a clip of cipo nice what what oh must have just landed on one tell us have to take the dry OD talk to the drive with the he already did that didn’t work man I I want to say we’ve already done that though you want me to talk to her and do what I threw it at her she didn’t pick it up I sold it to her nothing happened oh wait no okay whoa whoa teleport to me quick teleport to me quick oh you missed it wait she gave me there was like a cut scene that just played and then I got something called star drop oh yeah where are you that is that is it’s an Easter egg from some game I think where are you well I’m just going to use it without you yeah that’s fine a wait wait wait that’s not a town slime that’s a God damn it who told me to do that and wasted my time and gave me a pet that I didn’t want they said it was a town slime right no I don’t think so oh okay I thought the whole time I was going to get a town slime from it and that was still pretty epic okay still no blue slime as soon as we’re as soon as we want one oh finally hello little bu what pick it up there we go he refuses to pick it up no he he’s got it now little what’s he doing he’s sitting there with it out of his mouth pretty much it’s hanging out of his mouth yeah nearly oh I got to see this I mean not not quite but it it’s that the right angle looks like a cigarette oh I’ve got to see this oh my God I’m sorry you guys what’ you do I I was on face cam that whole time that’s okay for how long for like a minute oh my bad my bad my bad my bad doesn’t look at all near his mouth he is a jolly little bastard pleas still I got confused you oh but it gives you a pet did give me a pet thank you uhoh don’t worry pal it’s no big deal wait if I kill this guy the freaking Tower spawn I forgot you want to do that that was that’s a shame I found the pillars ah I’ll be fun wonder how quick I wonder how quickly I can kill the moon Lord at least it’s only 50 so it’s not like a huge waste of time yeah one why did it go down to 50 must that must be a new update okay Epic no no all right now let’s see all right now I’m going to go back to I know we got nerdy slime cool slime Elder slime which we are not doing yet clumsy slime oh we found uh near floating islands in the space layer which must be shot down I feel like do we already do that shoot what down shoot what down um I think it the the clumsy slime I think I think I feel like we already did that this gun I I [ __ ] hit I’m done yeah I got I got the pink slime out of the sky with the ball oh you did okay what did you destroy in the house this time nothing why why you accusing sorry I I I forgot forgot about the face cam again but that’s okay um I’m I’m still why do you keep going to face cam well because I’m just I’m sitting on the internet I guess it doesn’t really matter that much oh you wor the porn’s going to pop up yeah yep that’s it moves in after throwing a sparkle slime balloon into Shimmer what is that sparkle slime balloon Sparkle slime balloon the heck is that sparkle is a hard mod Noel novelty cons consumable item one of players how do I get it oh okay that’s easy I don’t think I don’t think we I don’t think we even have it there’s no way we got it okay that’s that’s an easy one I need to go need to go find some Hollow need find a Gela and Crystal or a couple y’ all see any yet I don’t freaking see any these crystals there’s one saw one there’s one what that should that should probably be good enough fish Surly slime during the blood moon I know we already got that dude accidentally but um uh we got that guy hold on got to take out this pillar you know what I’m going to do the pillar and queen slime at the same time no it’s it’s never it’s never been done before I know pretty crazy [Music] [Applause] [Applause] ah I’m overwhelmed with pain a [Music] okay oh I don’t even have to I don’t to this thing um it’s what you hear that what am I supposed to be hearing nothing you left or right when it got there you’ll see in a second just wait here what you want to talk about it’s going to be pretty epic oh here you go here you go what oh no hold on bety oh she’s in Rage man she’s in Rage she is not happy come get me ter was real I tried to ride her like a bowl all right I got to I’m going to go to the Shimmer I got to Shimmer one of these and it spawns a slime his name shampoo wow that’s cool how do you feel about the Boulder Boulder rain and 1.4.5 what’s that I heard of that all right next um how many Town slimes you got and how many do you need total we got we got one two three four five what’s the Mystic oh the on the Mystic frog and the jungle surface dble with a life form analyzer okay so that’s going to be that’s going to be the next hardest one and then after that it’s the town slime so Town slime or the uh the mayor [Laughter] yeah that it’s Canon that he is the mayor of slime Town that’s what he [Applause] is doesn’t he look like a mayor wait I wait wait is this him that’s not him no the Mystic Frog’s like pink oh I think God help oh these are the freaking shotgun guys no all righty okay so whoa look this disturbing photo what dog the dog it eat it out eat it out sh it that’s a funny video okay well um I’m about ready to take a break for a little bit um I got pool tonight okay was lucky trying to find this Mystic frog I don’t see him though almost all the canals have been built built but you know yeah and when we get on next time we could do we could do the purify right away pretty much no we can’t cuz we have to fish oh you okay I see speaking of which what do you want you want a Scorpio fish caught in the desert is there even water in the desert I don’t know actually it’s probably hollowed right now it is hollowed well good thing I have an infinite water bucket what’ you do with that uh it’s in the tools chest what’s up sword what’s up man welcome to the welcome to the stream for the first time um I don’t see him okay well um I think uh why is this [ __ ] hollowed uh I’ll do good man uh except um you’re you’re you’re little late to the stream this time um you know that’s okay just try to change in the future you know come come early next time but uh no I’m just kidding but uh I am going to end the stream look at this these jelling old fellas up here man um um but um there’s a um all right well I’m G I’m gonna take a break um all right everybody thanks for coming to stream like always and um tomorrow uh if if you don’t want to are you gonna are you g to try and play terrari tomorrow probably okay well if we don’t play terrari I’mma I’m going play pegle I’m going try and beat that stupid game all right so stay tuned for that everybody and uh we’ll see you in the next one bye man

join me!




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