I Cheated With POKEMON in Minecraft Build Battle

today I’m cheating in a Pokemon Build Challenge against my friends but I can use sl/ evolve to turn paintings into giant Pokemon builds wow this Charmander looks amazing but I need to remove it before my friends see I’m cheating hey guys are you ready for this build battle my Pokemon build is going to be way cooler than yours you have 10 minutes good luck noob come on we need to build the greatest Pokémon ever wait axie we’re not going to build instead we’re going to draw wait what we’re going to draw Pokémon but we can’t win with a trolling is everything okay over there I don’t hear you guys building oh of course we’re building wudo why would we not this is literally a build challenge very interesting but you bet get those blocks moving or you’re going to lose actually be really quiet I don’t want Woodle to figure out that we’re cheating wait we’re cheating that’s right whatever I draw comes to life trust me it’ll definitely work no way this is never going to work we’re going to lose because of you no we’re not axi just give me one more second check it out I’m drawing Pikachu right now doesn’t this look exactly like Pikachu it looks okay but where are Pikachu’s eyeballs I’m adding them right now check it out his eyes are going to be right over here and they’re going to be really really cute Pikachu is one of the best Pokémon in the world mongle you’re missing the black tips on his ears oh gosh you’re right I need to add those right now I already know that wo’s going to lose this Build Challenge I see hey I heard that and I am not going going to lose my Pokémon’s already looking so adorable I bet woodles looks better it’s an actual statue it doesn’t matter how good your drawing is it’s still just a painting a this painting is going to be the best painting ever check it out I have Pikachu’s face and I just need to add his nose and oh my goodness that looks so cute okay but isn’t it supposed to spawn something in nothing’s happening don’t worry all I need to do is use SL SL evolve it actually worked that’s right check it out axi this painting just turned into the super cute amazing Pikachu statue wo Pikachu looks so cute I just want to poke his little nose what are you guys so excited about nothing you have to worry about wudo our build just looks really really amazing it can’t look that amazing you guys are the newbest builders ever ax I can’t believe this guy is talking he definitely doesn’t know what our build looks like yeah I bet his build is like three blocks wide and it’s poop brown exactly but ax do you believe me now that all of our drawings are going to come to life come on we should draw our second Pokemon so we can totally win this bill challenge okay but I think I could do a better drawing than you no way I’m a way better artist than you axie come on let’s have a competition to see who can draw Snorlax better I can draw Snorlax so good I just have to make his body like a massive log Snorlax is really funny because he kind of looks like woodo wait what I don’t look like Snorlax yes you do voodo hey why are you guys talking about drawing though what are you talking about we weren’t talking about drying I think you’re just hearing things yeah we never talk about drawing that stuff’s so boring maybe Mongo’s just trying to be a little nerd I knew he loves doing nerdy things like drwing hey I’m not a nerd woodo you better take that back nerd oh my goodness axi we definitely need to win the bill challenge now there’s no way I’m going to let this guy call me a nerd and win yeah we’ll see who’s a nerd woodo when we beat you you’re not beating me oh yeah voodo well guess what not only do we have a Pikachu statue we’re also adding a Snorlax I would be worried if I were you I don’t need to be worried about those Pokémon they’re like the newbest ones what do you mean Pikachu and Snorlax are the coolest exactly if you guys think Pikachu is super duper cool then hit that subscribe button right now we’re getting really close to a million subscribers subscribe but that doesn’t matter my painting is going to be better than yours no way axie check it out I’m already on the face of Snorlax what are you on well I’ve been on his gigantic belly for like 10 years oh my goodness are you serious you’re so going down axi look I just drew in his face and he looks so funny all he’s doing is sleeping all the time Snorlax probably has a belly button right yeah of course he does but ax I just realized your Snorlax doesn’t even fit the screen my Snorlax is beautiful I’m going to give him some drool too but a I think these paintings are perfect for our new build all I need to do is use SL SL evolve and wo axie check it out our drawings worked once again we have a huge Snorlax statue oh my gosh he’s so cute I might just take a nap on top of him look at him he looks so awesome he’s literally sleeping right now me me me me me me me I’m sleeping why are you guys so excited who wouldn’t be excited when they have a giant Snorlax statue woodo you’re so going down I’m not going down Snorlax is one of the most nubest Pokemon ever I bet you guys don’t have a meww that’s the strongest one ever oh my goodness a meww is really really insane wudo exactly but you noobs won’t be able to build them because you’re too dumb axie you know what that means that means we need a mwu we can’t let woodo beat us exactly if we make a Mewtwo I bet Wood’s de definitely going to admit that we want the bill challenge so come on let’s spawn in a Mewtwo behind our two gigantic Pokemon statues do you know how to draw Mewtwo um of course I know how to draw Mewtwo I’m going to draw Mewtwo so well no way I’m better at drawing than you all I need to do is draw Mewtwo’s big foot over here he has giant feet wait really I didn’t know Mewtwo is giant feet I thought he a tiny little ballerina no actually he also has a gigantic tail that I’m going to draw right over here waa Mewtwo is so cool exactly I bet voodo is going to freak out as soon as we spawn in this Mewtwo I can’t wait to see his reaction hey I’m not going to be freaking out by anything your guys’s bills are just too bad oh yeah voodo just don’t go running to your mommy when you see our builds okay I hope you have a diaper because of how amazing this build looks there’s no way little you don’t even know anything about Pokemon exactly our builds are way better than yours and everyone watching definitely agrees if you think axi and I are going to win this Pokemon Build Challenge then comment Pokemon right now comment Pokémon hey what’s your favorite Pokémon my favorite Pokémon is Charizard well I guess that makes sense cuz you like red my favorite Pokémon is Whooper cuz it looks like an axel a wait what whoopers are so silly axi I bet Wood’s favorite Pokemon is like a ditto or something a ditto really that’s right wudo you have such bad taste ditos are really cute though I like them see actually knows what Pokémon are the best no way voodo we’re making a Mewtwo right now and when you see it you’re going to cry my Mewtwo is so beautiful my Mewtwo is even better axie check it out I just put in the eye and oh my goodness what in the world did we draw mine is so much better yours looks like a blobfish combined with an axel and mine looks like a rat well I still think mine is better so we should use SL slash rolve on mine I really hope SL rolve works all I need to do is do this wo axie it worked look up real quick what in the world this is the coolest build ever check it out this literally looks like a legendary Mewtwo he has a bunch of rocks and stuff around him cuz he’s ready to attack his enemy Pokemons and look his tail is gigantic like my drawing I bet Mewtwo could take woodo and throw him across the world of course he could Mew look so scary and cool what do you guys talking about you guys built a Mewtwo that’s right wood and it’s way better than whatever poopy statue you have if I were you I would just quit the bill challenge already what are you talking about I’m not quitting the bill challenge I bet your Mewtwo looks super duper lame and trash are you serious there’s no way this guy just called our super amazing Mewtwo statue poopy and trash yeah let’s show him what poopy trash is I want to go prank woodo exactly let’s go see what his build this I just turn invisible real quick and what in the world look at this axi he built a tiny little Squirtle oh my gosh my squirtle and Pikachu look awesome they’re kind of cute actually but these are definitely not winning the bill challenge exactly it doesn’t matter if they’re cute look at our ones they’re way cuter and way more cool plus I bet he built this Squirtle cuz he thinks that’s him this Squirtle looks exactly like me he’s such a turtle wait what Woodle just wants to be a Pokemon oh my goodness axi come on how about we make this Squirtle look more like wudo to see what his reaction is we’ll just turn him from being a blue Pokemon to being a green one I’m going to give him a woodo mouth too oh my gosh Squirtle you’re transforming into a woodo Pokemon oh my gosh I always wanted to be a Pokemon wait what he’s happy let’s go say hello to the new voodo mine oh not ax we need to make make this Pokémon super smelly so what I’m going to do is add a bunch of poop everywhere e won’t that just make Squirtle look even more like woodo though that’s the point it’s going to be super stinky look I just put a bunch of poop behind him and then what I’m going to do is give him a giant nose oh my gosh wait what in the world um Woodle why in the world is your nose so long and why is there a big dooky poopy behind you look I also gave him a bunch of aelott ears now he looks super duper funny Oh I thought that was poop on his head oh no what am I supposed to do my woodo looks terrible it’s okay at least I have my Pikachu over here oh no he’s not getting away with having his Pikachu be normal I’m going to give him a mustache oh my goodness I’m going to add on to your mustache let’s just add on just like this and look now his Pikachu has a mustache wait a second what’s happening the Pikachu he has a poo stach somebody must be breaking me oh no axi he’s getting suspicious what do we do I’m going to get back whoever’s pranking me by building the ultimate Pokemon wait what wo’s building the ultimate Pokemon what could that be I don’t know we need to look very carefully at what he’s building it looks like it’s orange let’s see if they can build the greatest Pokemon of all time Charizard wait what he’s building a Charizard axi we need our own Charizard that’s my favorite Pokemon you’re right we need to go build Charizard before woodo does come on let’s just fly all the way over here and what I’m going to do is start drawing the most ultimate Charizard of all time I’m going to make sure this is the greatest drawing of all time yay come on don’t forget his fiery orange dragon body or his blue wings don’t worry I could never forget the details of my favorite Pokemon axie that’s good because I can’t really tell what you’re drawing yet wait what what do you mean this is the greatest drawing of all time check it out I’m drawing Charizard’s hands right now what that kind of looks like a Pikachu wait what no it’s not look I’m drying his legs too just like that and now it’s time for the ultimate thing of all time axi AKA his face so I just need to dry it in just like this and check it out wo okay but there’s no color yet of course there’s no color yet I need to add the color silly oh can you make him pink wait Charizard is orange not pink pink okay well can you make him black because it’s shiny as black no this is going to be a regular Charizard not a shiny one okay a but shiny Pokémon are so cool yeah they are really cool but wudo isn’t building a shiny so we don’t need to worry oh my gosh I’m going to make my Charizard a shiny let’s go wait what he’s going to make his Charizard a shiny one hexi that means my Charizard needs to be really really good in order to compete I told you oh my gosh if normal Charizard wants to beat shiny charizard our stat is going to have to be 10 times the size don’t worry I’ve got it covered all I need to do is just start coloring this really really well okay you are doing a really good job but where’s his blue wings oh my goodness axi you got to give me some time I’m trying my best to draw here draw faster okay fine hold on I just need to get the face in just like this and boom Charizard face is now colored which means I just need to focus on the wings and the wings are blue just like you said axie uh-huh but Charizard also has blue eyes oh gosh I need to add the blue eyes right now let me just add the blue eyes just like this and boom his eyes are now in that’s good are you almost done yes I am look I just need to add in the fin final details and our Charizard is going to spawn in let me just paint in these parts just like this and then I just need to put in Charizard’s eyes over here with the black part just like this and oh my goodness the Charizard painting is now complete Spa him in okay let me just do SL slash evolve wo look at that wait a second axie our Charizard statue spawned in and it looks so so sick he’s literally breathing out fire he looks so cool and scary I feel like he could swallow us h of course he could this is literally the greatest Pokémon of all time he’s the best looking statue we have so far look at him did someone say Charizard oh my gosh I can’t believe you’re still stuck on that wait what do you mean voodo are you saying you’re done with your Charizard statue already of course I am and now I’m building a Pokémon training facility Get Wrecked losers a Pokemon training facility we need that too exactly we can’t just win with statues if he has a super cool training facility we need an even better training facility but actually for this one we’re going to do it a little different what we need to do is build a Pokeball and then we can use SL SL evolve on that poke Poke Ball and we will get the best training facility of all time I just need to do this Commander right over here and the greatest Pokeball will be made wait what is this check it out axie I just built the base of our Pokeball now we need to build around it but I kind of need to see what a Pokeball looks like so let me just go over here real quick and actually check it out I have a Pokeball in my hand should I try catching you I’m not a Pokémon you can’t catch me axie I Choose You hiya no I’m being captured wait what it’s not working are you not a Pokemon I told you I’m an axel not a Pokemon oh my goodness did you really try catching axie I would have tried catching her too hey I’m not a Pokémon oh you better help me with this cuzz I’m doing all the work well actually if you were a Pokemon you would be a really cool one really I think i”d be pretty cute too wait a second check it out we built a Pokeball exactly like the real one this looks so awesome yeah but what is it going to turn into when we use SL slash evolve it’s going to turn into the best thing ever all I need to do is use SL SL evolve wait a second actually look this Pokeball just turned into this huge Pokemon facility that we can use oh my gosh but if we want a Pokémon Arena we’re going to need some Pokémon to capture you’re right axie there’s all sorts of different Pokémon I bet wo’s Pokémon training facility doesn’t have all of them that’s right so let’s see we should start with the best area ever water oh my gosh water type Pokémon are so cool all we need to do is just put down some water blocks just like this and then what I can actually do is use some real water as well I’m going to add some sand too cuz water Pokémon really like the beach I’m going to put down some fences to make sure our Pokémons don’t escape and so they’re taken care of that sounds great but what kind of water Pokémon do you like well we’re obviously going to spawn in our first starter Pokémon and that is going to be Squirtle Squirtle I love Squirtle but my favorite one is rooper so I’m going to spawn in a shiny woer wait a second look at this Squirtle he looks so awesome maybe we should talk to this Squirtle instead of vooodo from now on that sounds like a good idea hey you can’t talk to a squirtle instead of me I’m irreplaceable oh yeah voodo well guess what we’re going to spawn in another water type Pokémon you guys are spawning in Pokemon how are you doing that we’re not telling you voodo instead we’re going to keep spawning in different types of Pokemon oh my gosh it’s a Vaporeon it’s so cute exactly ax but now that we’re done with the water Pokémon we should move on to the next area aka the best type of Pokémon aka the fire types wo let’s make this area look super fiery exactly axi I’m going to add these fire Coral blocks over here just like this no way these Pokémon are going to look super awesome yep all I need to do is just get some flint and steel and put some fire around the fences just like this and axi do you want to know what the first Pokémon I’m going to spawn in is um is it a Pikachu no it’s a CH B oh my gosh look at him well then I’m going to spawn in my own Pokémon which is Vulpix wo Vulpix is so cute actually I’m going to spawn in a growth oh my gosh well then I have to add another dog which will be Flareon oh my gosh it’s so fluffy I just want to stick my face in its tail we have so many fire type Pokémons but we need to impress wudo even more and win this build challenge for good so actually I’m going to make an area where we can spawn in as many Pikachu as we want want wo is this going to be the lightning area that’s right axie we’re going to spawn in all of the different Pikachus over here let me just do this Command right over here and then I can also spawn in some Raichu as well are you spawning in Pichu too that’s so cute check it out we have Pichu Pikachus and Oso Raichu look at this Pikachu it looks a bit strange actually that’s a jolon not a Pikachu oh whoops I think I made a typo there’s only one last section we can have and this section is going to be one of the coolest too do you know what the other starter Pokemon is other than squirto and Charmander axi uh is it Mewtwo no Mewtwo is not a starting Pokémon the next one is called a Bulbasaur wo I love Bulbasaur they look so tasty wait what you can’t say that look I’m going to spotted so many of them and they look so awesome they’re so cute what other grass Pokémon can we have oh I know I want a little Caterpie wait what a Caterpie those look so silly no they kind of remind me of woodo hey I’m not a Caterpie I’m more of a Metapod well lucky for you woodo we have that too exactly but actually look at all these cute Pokémon we have we can’t let any of them get hurt we need them to evolve and be super duper cool giant Pokemon okay we need a bunch of healing stations then okay all I need to do is just search up healing and look actually we can have a bunch of different healing machines over here that way all of our Pokémon get taken care of yay I can also put a PC down so that we can go look at all our Pokémons wo these PCS looks so awesome axie of course they do I’m just that amazing at building come on let’s also add a mini Pokemon store that way all of our different Pokémon can get whatever they want over here axie oh yeah that’s a great idea check it out I’m going to add all of the different medicines and also rare candies oh do you think if I eat a bunch of rare candies all become super powerful axie you probably shouldn’t eat any rare candy you’re just going to evolve into a giant Axel yeah it it looks so awesome I don’t know about all that trust me I think I definitely should eat some rare candies no ax you definitely shouldn’t come on what I’m going to do is add some different types of trees in here to really make this area look super duper cool don’t you think that’s an amazing idea yeah and look at this Poké ball rug I added doesn’t it look so so good yeah it looks so awesome let’s just say wudo is totally doomed I’m not doomed what are you talking about wodo we literally have the best build of all time if this doesn’t mean you’re doomed then I don’t know what it means then what does it mean come on tell me wo I just said it means you’re doomed come on axi I’ve had enough of this guy how about we capture some of the Pokémon that we looked at earlier that’s such a good good idea I want a Whooper I’m going to get myself a Bulbasaur just like this and oh my gosh I threw a master ball at it is it going to capture is it going to capture it’s a master ball of course it’s going to capture actually check it out I have my first Pokemon which is a Bulbasaur oh my gosh that is so cute but wait a second I just realized I can go ahead and pick the world’s greatest Pokémon what am I doing let me spawn in a Charizard just like that and then let me just capture this and then what I can do is also spawn in a Mewtwo over here as well actually check it out I’m getting the world’s best Pokémon that’s so cool did you know that you could ride on some Pokémon too no way that is so awesome but actually I want a legendary Pokémon tell me what the best legendary is the best legendary is meute because it’s super cute okay fine I need to spawn in a MW as well out let me just do this and oh wao that Mew kind of looks like you axie yeah it does look like me I’m just out of adorable but ax I’m not done there check it out I’m going to spawn in a super legendary Pokemon AKA a right CRA I just need to use my master ball and wo I’m capturing it wa what the heck okay then once I capture my Pikachu we’ll be all set come on how about we use our Pokémon and we go over to wo’s site to see what he’s doing that’s a great idea maybe we can mess with him a little too oh you guys are finally here to see my build that’s right wodo I’m here with my buddy Pikachu and we’re here to see your build wait a second what is this well this is a brand new type of Pokemon called a Woodle it’s basically a woodo and a turtle combined I don’t think this is a Pokemon more like a goofy Manon no it’s not anyways come over here this is my Pikachu but it’s my idea of a brand new Pikachu he’s uh gained a couple years old and now he has a big mustache and he’s super old wait a second forget the Pikachu what is this supposed to be uh how dare you ask who this is supposed to be you should know who this is It’s Charo that is not Charizard that looks like fart zard okay fine it’s a Charmander so it’s a little baby and he doesn’t have wings but it’s still the goat bro it looks like a lizard and hold on a second is this supposed to be your Pokemon training facility yeah but this isn’t a poke ball it’s a woodo ball that’s why I put a Big W on the front Okay voodo I think I’ve seen enough it’s time for you to come over to our side and see these amazing builds what in the world is that a giant Pikachu that’s not all voodo we also have a giant Snorlax oh my gosh Snorlax that’s right that’s right Ludo look how much bigger all our statues are are you scared of our Charizard uh why does your guys’s Charizard looks so fat no it doesn’t I’m going to feed you to our Charizard right now I think you already had plenty to eat with that big belly but wait a second is that Mewtwo over here that’s right mudo this is a literal Pokemon statue of meww oh my gosh that looks so cool we’re not done just there voodo look back over here this is our training facility you guys actually built a giant training facility oh my gosh this is crazy you know why it’s crazy why woodo because we’re so much better than you that’s right admit that we won already no because I’m going to use my Bulbasaur to attack your Pokemon uh this is literally going to do nothing to my Mewtwo over here wudo let’s fight listen okay let’s cut the nonsense I know that you guys have been cheating the whole time I heard you wait what you heard the fact that we were drawing in our Pokemon statues and using SL slash evolve oh gosh we have to take drastic action get in the Poké ball no you guys get in my explosions oh no run aie thank you guys so much for watching the video If you enjoyed the watch your video on the screen and don’t forget to subscribe bye-bye

Mongo and Wudo are doing a build battle except Mongo is cheating with POKEMON Builds! Does Mongo win? Watch to find out!

This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip!

#Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod


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