Mikey Emerald vs JJ Diamond VILLAGE UNDER BED Survival Battle in Minecraft (Maizen)

well there were so many diamonds and emeralds in the mine now I can make myself a diamond armor well or equipment look here diamond and emerald now we’re rich I was so exhausted that I had to go to that mine yep I had to put the diamonds in my chest today we have been able to extract a lot of resources we will have to go to the mine again tomorrow listen JJ we dropped the same diamond and emerald where are they or am I imagining that we didn’t drop anything you’re right Mikey I remember exactly that I fell a Diamond H maybe the diamond rolled under the bed well or something what is it why there is a city under the bed I of course know that under the bed can be rubbish but this is the city it’s incredible you have a whole village under your bed lift up my bed do not under my bed is also a village it seems now I understand where the diamond and the emerald have gone they have taken our resources H I wonder when such Villages appeared under our beds before nothing happened well they do not seem to be evil it seems they have long lived here and what are we going to do with these Villages honestly it’s a bit like a dollhouse than a village looks like they spent our diamond and emerald to build a village please JJ do not destroy our village here take the diamond we took from you just don’t destroy our village this diamond will pay I don’t need a diamond you can live under my bed as much as you want we don’t bother me and I’m not bothering you you’ve evolved so well in such a short time you have such polite villagers why nobody comes out to meet me they took my Emerald hey hello you’re living under my bed you took my Emerald stop ignoring me you’re living under my house stop yelling here’s your Emerald we’re busy here so don’t distract us apparently the villagers under your bed are not very nice interesting how long have they been living under my bed I’d like to see what their Village looks like exactly JJ a good idea I want want to see what trees look like Through The Eyes Of The Midgets I will shrink and see how the small villagers live I have an ender pearl wait a minute Mikey why does he go to work and then he thinks he made it become small y well I’m also interested in how the little villagers live I have to follow Mikey interesting what he will do wo how beautiful it is here it is very cool I want to see the whole village I wonder what is here it’s like a spider where it came from in our house there are no spiders H run to your homes don’t get caught in a spider we or you won’t be able to walk what do we do now it’s a shame we don’t have golems in the derby how do I hate spiders they are so nasty why is this spider so big it looks very nasty I think the spider is gone the spider has woven a cobweb here I wish I had a sword I could have torn a web H I think I’ve got it all figured out the diamond Village is responsible they sent spiders to us we will get them back to attack hm H it looks so funny they really think it’s the diamond Village’s fault we need to get rid of the spider get out of here and stop scaring the little villagers wow this is a real War it looks very epic let’s Diamond villagers I’m sure you can beat the emerald villagers I know my Emerald villagers can win they’re stronger and bigger so I’m sure you can win how can you support an emerald Village they attacked a diamond Village just like that it’s not fair they attacked a diamond Village because they were attacked by a spider and if it is true that the diamond Village sent spiders we do not know the truth and if they ask them they will naturally say that they did nothing H I can’t just leave it like this I will help the diamond villagers what did you do JJ why did you interfere in their War they had to deal with it themselves you ruined everything you also with cheating you poured lava on my Village it’s a good thing that meanies have empty bucket we need to remove all the lava great The Village was practically not damaged it’s so good that the village is made of emeralds because of you JJ some villagers are going to get Burns now I put out the fire in the village so now the house will not burn be another minute I will save you I have the potions of recovery so I’ll fix you listen JJ Don’t Go Near the villagers again you’re not allowed to be here I don’t trust you anymore if you ever do anything to my Village again I will pour lava on a diamond Village H I did nothing wrong your Emerald Village attacked first so I was just helping protect the village well I was able to completely rebuild the emerald Village so now everything will be fine H H look JJ we made a statue for you you saved our village so you’re a hero now if there’s anything you need just tell me no way it’s that really small me it looks just incredible great thank you I will bring you more diamonds so you can expand your village how good that we went to the mine in the morning well that I did not immediately make myself armor I knew I’d need the diamonds I’ll get some more bread so you can have a feast I know you already have bread but I’m sure you’ve never seen so much bread this is a gift for you for believing in me if you continue to behave well I will give such gifts listen Mikey are you uncomfortable with this how long has it been I resent you so I don’t want to talk to you I know you’re up to something so I’m going to sit here let’s see how you react I’m watching you JJ hell you don’t want to talk to me worse H I need to figure out how to get rid of the whole village I think I’ve got something I will go up to the second floor and put blocks of sand and then I will break the ceiling and all the sand will fall on the village it is a simple and treacherous plan we must hurry you have to break the ladder it’s in my way so now I have to put blocks of sand here I have to put a lot of blocks of sand to make sure the village is destroyed this part of the staircase bothers me I need to remove it in fact I think it would have been enough one block of sand but just in case I did so much I thought maybe he’s going to go to the bathroom we have to break the block what you did to JJ what you did to an emerald Village that you want to destroy it all the time I’ll break all this sand when I clean up everything you’ve done I’ll do the same to your village H let’s see if you like it or not how much sand is there did you break a ladder to put so much sand on the second floor well I dug up my Village good thing all the Herring was at home when the sand fell on them and no one was hurt what all your attempts at JJ you can never destroy an emerald Village because I’m guarding it if you come near this Village again I will break down the diamond Village put poison on it you also broke the ceiling I’m going to go upstairs and fix the hole I’m watching you don’t you dare do anything I think Mikey went to the third floor I’ll patch up the passage to keep him here he was very angry that I threw sand on his village all right I got to go downstairs I’m wondering how my Village is doing oh no don’t worry JJ I’ll take the TNT away H what great now I activate TNT and there will be nothing left of the emerald Village at all I wonder how I’m a very strong Golem great now it’s mine come on you little thief give me the TNT I made it on purpose why why are you so fast it’s annoying what so you wanted to blow up my house in Diamond Village what do you do Mikey first and then think good thing that Golem stopped you in time if you’d blown up the TNT but you would have destroyed not only my Village but your village would have suffered too H other than JJ’s right I’m not giving you the TNT good thing the Golem was able to stop you in time remember Mikey first think and then do not do the other way you understand me yep hm well how well my Village has developed in a short time by the way my Village is much more advanced than yours they already have iron tools we’ll see whose Village is better developed I need to break the cable you set here I’ll seal the window with blocks of fence it will be better and more beautiful now I’m sure Mikey won’t try to blow up my village with TNT on the window again well if I’m honest I’m a little tired I’m going to get some rest it’s a good thing the Golem took the TNT in time I love that you built a statue in my honor it’s very honorable I’m like some kind of superhero what’s that sound I’ll go check is that rats no way we don’t have mice in our house we have to go after her so I knew the mouse I didn’t get hurt hey wait I didn’t know mice could jump so high I had cheese in my chest it will be like bait H stop running the mouse I will not do you any harm look what I have it’s delicious cheese want to eat cheese here it is excellent I will lure the mouse to the emerald Village Mikey certainly does not expect anything of the kind H all right the mouse will fall right into this hole right into the emerald Village hey Mouse come here and see how much cheese there is you are sure to have enough for everyone well done I’m so initially that you like cheese now you need to jump down don’t be right here not high the mouse fell right on Mikey’s Emerald Village Mikey screaming so funny get out of here where in our house the mouse is and why it fell from the second floor I am so scared I do not like all the little rodents that Mouse fell right on my feet it’s very strange H this is so funny it’s totally worth it might be why you’re so afraid of mice they didn’t do anything to you I’m actually sure it’s the mouse that scared of you more than you are of her but watching you swing a mop while driving a mouse is very funny you can all calm down she’s outside I’m sure she’s not coming back to us anymore I want to confess I lured this mouse to the second floor so that it would fall on the emerald Village calm down Mikey it was funny H get out of here where in our house the mouse is and why it fell from the second floor I am so scared I do not like all the little rodents that Mouse fell right on my feet it’s very strange no offense to Mikey it was prank it was really funny well at least I really laughed what you know what JJ I’m sick of you you’re always making fun of me or my Village they didn’t do anything to you in short now we will have such a fence you have enough space I will leave you most of the territory but wait it’s not fair then I won’t be able to pranks on you you do realize that I can still get you right trust Mikey I’ll find a way to destroy your village I’ll go up to the second floor there’s just a hole in the floor and then I can attack the emerald Village what what have you done it’s not fair I have an idea if you play by your own rules then I’ll do it too let’s see what you say to that I will also build a cage around my diamond Village so that you can’t do anything to my Village I’m sure you did all this on purpose so that I would relax and you attacked my Village I know what you want to do you can’t do it I’ve thought it all out here are the emeralds you should have enough so you can increase your village build some more beautiful buildings there’s no way you can get through my cage I put in a cool door technology believe me you can’t break it you or the people of your Emerald Village are not to go near the cage see I drew it so that even you understand now you can’t do it I know what you want to do so I put a fence around my Village too I’m watching your every move I know you’re up to something hm as for me you didn’t make a fence around your village but a cage you didn’t think this was my plan so you wouldn’t run away you built your own cage don’t make me laugh you couldn’t come up with such a plan what is that your enchanted diamond sword where did you get it from hm I bought it in my Emerald Village what they sold it to me for practically nothing they asked me to beat you by the way all this time you’re really following the plan my villagers came up with all your theories were right you locked yourself in a cave cage and if you get out of the cage I’ll hit you with a sword it’s very sharp so you’re going to love it I can just do that and that’s it now you can’t get me well good thing the door only opens when I’m trying to open it I have to hurry Mikey might try to break the metal bars H you have to hurry Mikey can understand everything and try to stop me great there’s Mikey he hasn’t noticed me yet I must not let Mikey hit me with a sword he has an enchanted sword he’s very powerful H in my diamond Village I bought TNT so I’ll put TNT under Mikey’s Emerald Village and blow it up and then I’ll resin to win it’s very simple I think one block should be enough for me now I have to run a cable of redstone dust I can blow up an emerald Village right now but I have another idea H I’m not sure I can but I want to try I want to run a cable to our house then I’m going to put a sign on the sign saying that this lever is destroying a diamond Village when Mikey activates the lever he’ll think the diamond Village is going to explode but the emerald Village is going to explode a simple but treacherous plan I must hurry because I have not been in the house for a long time he may suspect something H I hope I get the cable right I need to remember to put put in the signal amplifiers for the cable to work I imagine Mikey will be surprised when he realizes that he destroyed his village with his own hands I can’t wait to see it there’s still a little bit left I’ve almost got the cable home H we’ll have to get Mikey to see the lever but I got emeralds all right I’ve practically got the cable where it needs to be we need to be very quiet so Mikey doesn’t suspect anything you have to break the staircase they’re really bothering me I can’t put the cable on because of it I’m still in the house a little bit all right I’m done with the cable I put the lever in h good thing I have a brush I’ll draw that if I activate the lever the diamond Village will be destroyed I’m almost sure Mikey will fall for such an obvious trap although he can go check out where the cable goes but hope he doesn’t I hope while I was gone Mikey didn’t destroy my diamond Village too bad we have to fight I think the two Villages should unite but it’s too late especially since the emerald Village is its own fault they started it first and I’ll just finish it h great I finished drawing now I have to replace Mikey here I’ll take the emeralds out of the chest and make a path of emeralds that will lead to the lever great everything is ready now to hide and wait H I can’t wait to see Mikey blow up his village H where did the emerald come from did it fall out when I carried it excellent and here is the last Emerald what is it it says explode the diamond Village which is exactly what I needed JJ seems to have left when he gets home he’ll be very surprised great now we have to wait for the TNT to explode it was incredible Mikey was already excited to be able to blow up my Village well Mikey now you realize I’m smarter than you huh you didn’t even get the Charm Diamond Sword h

Mikey Emerald vs JJ Diamond VILLAGE UNDER BED Survival Battle in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg

Gummy Bear vs. Security – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vd-HMNSmSCs


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