What Your Favorite Calamity Mod Boss Says About You! #terraria #shorts #gaming #gamingshorts

what your favorite Calamity boss says about you if your favorite boss is crabulon you absolutely love the music if your favorite boss is the devour of gods I respect you cuz it’s probably the most iconic boss of the clamity mod I’m not going to lie though it’s sad that this boss has been res spreaded and reworked like 500 times in the span of the mod’s lifetime if you’re favorite boss is the Supreme calamitus you’re either a big fan of the fight or well I won’t get into the other reason if your favorite boss is the exox you’re a masiss whenever I fight this boss I genuinely don’t know what’s happening half of the time this fight is just projectile hell if your favorite bosses yarn there’s a guaranteed chance that you pull the most woman if your favorite boss is Astro Marius please go jump off a bridge and do not talk to anyone again this is one of the worst bosses in the Calamity mod I hate it so much like God damn if your favorite boss is Boler Gast I mean cool I guess but it’s kind of just a budget PL Tera if your favorite boss is the desert Scourge you like the classics you’re respectable and I won’t judge you lastly if your favorite boss was a brimstone Elemental please go touch some grass and do something with your life I beg of you these statements are purely factual so say anything else and you’re wrong fall for more shorts like these


  1. Personally, I'm not a fan of DoG as a fight. As a concept and lore point, sure, cool as hell. DoG is just yet another worm fight but with only 2 valid hit boxes. Theres just too many damn worm bosses in Calamity and by the time im at DoG im just over it

  2. I got a take even hotter than the brimstone elemental and Yharon’s breath:

    Stained Brutal Calamity is the greatest boss theme in the history of gaming.
    You did not have to go THAT HARD making a 10 minute long death opera, with lyrics! For a MOD.

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