I got a World Record Speedrun on my First Try

this is Posh percent in this speedrun the goal is to Simply drink wine and eat cheese it’s the runner’s job to figure out which method of collecting these two items is the best and I’ve figured out a method so fast that it should give me world record problem is only 5.4% of runs will succeed before we get into that what’s the current record strategy you have two components wine and cheese Each of which have multiple ways to be obtained they can both be sold by the traveling cart but that’s banned we wouldn’t want this run to be one huge RNG check after all so then the next best strategy is to Just Produce it ourselves there’s a couple of steps in that plan for the wine you’ll need a keg and a fruit the fruit really isn’t an issue just plant a crop Forge it whatever however the crafting recipe for kegs are unlocked at level8 farming not only that but you’ll need at least level four foraging so that you can make tappers to collect the oak resin for the recipe that’s where the community center comes in for completing the Artisan bundle you can get a keg for free so instead of all of that now we just complete the spring forging bundle to unlock the Artisan bundle and from there unlock the fruit backat cave by earning 15,000 gold total then wait for enough fruits to complete the bundle moving on to cheese you’ll need a barn a cow and a cheese press for the barn and cow it’s as simple as needing 8,500 gold 350 wood and 150 Stone to afford everything you need to harvest milk you’ll have that much money anyway from unlocking the fruit back cave and you can buy materials with any extra money you have the cheese press is an issue though just like The Keg it’s locked behind a farming level six this time it also has a somewhat complicated crafting recipe including 10 hardwood and a copper bar so for that we’ll need to upgrade to the Copper ax and probably buy most of the copper ore we’ll need to make all of those bars you could get a cheese press from the animal bundle but to complete it you’d need some combination of very expensive Coupe and barn upgrades which would take even longer so crafting it manually it is with this plan the current best time is 54 minutes and 2 seconds by foxy Baff how do we beat that I’ll just show you the run and explain as we go start I know this is a bold choice but the very first thing we do is sleep all the way to Winter this is going to take 10 minutes on its own why are we doing this well I never went over the other ways that you can get wine there are quite a few you can get it from the statue of endless Fortune not a chance Leah or Elliot can give it to you as your spouse on New Year’s Eve that’ take way too long but then there’s one more method it can be gifted to you at the Feast of the winter star what are the chances well out of the 28 people that can give you a gift 21 of them can give you wine that’s already a 75% chance those 21 people have 14 different items they can give you wine being one of them that’s a 7.1% chance add those two chances together there is a 5.4% chance that we will get wine this is why we do absolutely nothing before sleeping straight to the Feast of the winter star because there is a 95% chance that we just wasted our time this is why no one else has done this route this is Pandora’s box once we do this once everyone else going for a better time will have to endure this same grind yet we must endure all right we’re we’re in go mode all right Penny here’s the rough part we have to remember penny is actually one of the better people to get cuz she’s right here I should have gave her wood all right Pam is a person that can give wine so the chances have increased so there it is 14 minutes 20 seconds in that’s our reset Point that’s what the problem’s going to be statistically only one in 20 runs are going to make it past this point so how many did it take [Music] me oh okay okay okay okay okay go okay everyone relax I was incredibly lucky to get it on my fifth attempt despite that luck it still took me over an hour to get there that completes phase one of the run now we need to get cheese just like with the wine there is another way to get it notably by trading it for an emerald at the desert Trader to reach the desert Trader though we’re going to have to pay jojamart 45,000 gold to repair the bus and so phase two of the Run begins okay so we need to remember to come back over here around 8:00 a.m. because we need to unlock the community center so now we go ham what you’re watching now is a more optimal clay farming pattern than what I’ve showcased in the past this pattern is much less chaotic and allows us to use up the entire Beach which is important because we only have 3 days until we can no longer use this method to get winter forgeblacksmith now that’s done we are able to buy the jojamart thing going to go ahead and sell what I have right now give it to me give it back it’s recoverable it’s recoverable I’m going to go ahead and buy membership okay buddy we got back to Clay farming and luckily the next day we were able to buy the wine back for a penalty of 800 gold we can relax all right let’s skattle 66 of each should be more than enough that is 42,000 so I did overshoot it a little bit but that’s fine now’s the easy part essentially now we get to take a little bit of a break bus if I had clicked the wrong thing there that would have been end of the run period now you may have caught it there’s still one thing missing the emerald after thinking about it for a while we can’t get deep enough in the mins for one we can’t go into the skull Cavern without the skeleton key there’s only one place we can go the Quarry this will be yet another luck check because there’s no guarantee to be an emerald node in the Quarry but before I did this run I ran it by the Valiant Sun who’s one of the mods for stardew Valley on speedrun.com just to make sure that everything was is good and I wouldn’t be breaking any rules but she told me that there’s a better way and before 1.6 it wouldn’t have been possible let me introduce you to the desert Festival this is a completely new Festival in 1.6 that takes place in the middle of spring but it only occurs once you have the bus unlocked during this Festival you want to collect as many Calico eggs as you can as they can be traded in for tons of unique prizes there’s a bunch of different ways to get Calico eggs at the the festival but the main intended way is to dive into the skull Caverns but what do you do if you don’t have the skull Caverns unlocked well they just let you in anyway so currently the desert Festival is going on in the desert ham is not attending the bus stop so we can go as early as we want ooh another option is I could see if I could get a mining and luck buff from there but basically skull Caverns open so we’re going to that’s not good no way no matter how many times we go in and out that will always be an infested floor today so my only option is to come back tomorrow we originally chose the 16th because Pam is attending the desert festival and since she’s not attending the bus we don’t have to wait until 9:30 to go to the desert since we have to come back on the 17th where she will be attending the bus that’s going to lose us some time I I do think that just stopped the record cuz just waiting for Pam next time is going to be that’s that’s probably where the time’s going to carry over straight up period we have to wait we have to get this quick and I think we can do it otherwise cringe I was so sure I was about to see another infested floor I was so sure of it we’re still not home free because we still need to find an emerald node and that’s by no means guaranteed not only will a long search start to hurt our time but if we don’t find one today that’s it the run is over we also have to make sure we don’t take more than four hits that’s another thing we get knocked out pretty easy Jade hold on nope now had a one in six chance to give us the emerald no such luck this is rough dude we got it faster when we were testing there it is okay and now we can unfortunately not trade that right now we have to wait until a Friday to trade it for a cheese girl speed it up what are we doing well good thing I made a little extra money since I had to go to the desert three times Emerald for cheese slurp the cheese slurp the wine done 5151 that’s it despite everything that beats the previous route by 3 minutes and that’s just the tip of the iceberg this was by no means a perfect run it wasn’t until after the fact that I found out that you could use the Y button to confirm going to sleep instead of clicking which allows you to input the command about half a second faster saving over 5 minutes throughout the run and all of that’s not to mention my mediocre clay farming no I think I lost it selling the wine and getting an infested floor on Spring 16th if I were to take a guess you could probably do this run in around 30 minutes so even though I got this time on my first completed run once anybody else gets past the ludicrous amount of luck checks they’re probably going to wipe me off the board sorry in advance by the way for ruining this category [Music]

My first completed run, that is. Sounds like there’s got to be a catch right? Well, there is. I only have a small chance of actually being able to finish the run! Follow me as I show you the run, and the reasoning for each of my decisions!

0:00 – Intro
0:21 – The Existing Record
2:06 – Phase 1: The Wine
4:25 – Phase 2: The Cheese
6:29 – Phase 2.5: The Emerald

Thank you to theValiantSun! this video would’ve looked a lot different without their help!
Their Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/thevaliantsun

Here’s some of the songs you may not recognize:
Mario Paint – Mysterious
Raven – Jealous
Jaxius – The Montage
Vault Kid and Tellingbass – Late Night Coffee
HurricaneTurtle – Echoes

Here’s the lofi Stardew Valley music I use a lot:

🕹️ Stream Archives: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfYxeuIkNALOBeSpVEI4ipQ
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🐦 Twitter – https://twitter.com/Salmence100


  1. Instead of taking 10 minutes each run to sleep and hope you get wine, couldn't you of just put your seed into the stardew valley predictor at the beginning of each run and then just reset at the very beginning if it said you weren't going to get it? I feel like that would of been quicker

  2. You can manipulate the gift you get at the Winter Star festival based on the time you enter Town. In one of my save files (where I tried getting the tea set), I found that Abigail gifted me wine when I entered Town at 11:00. I got a Ruby when I entered Town at 9:00, Deluxe Speed Grow at 10:00, a Nautilus Shell at 12:00, and an Emerald at 1:00

    I'm not sure if this is consistent with all NPCs but its worth a shot if anyone is interested to try this method out.

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