Terraria 1.4.5 Armours Revealed!

well I have to say June has been a very interesting month you may have seen that I started the month by letting you all know how to properly pronounced Terraria okay no more confusion going forward red went on holiday and made me temporary CEO of realogic once again during this time I was able to strike up a crossover with poor uh this is about as far as it went and following that this week Rel logic thought it was a great time to finally release that beta playthrough that we did last year and I’ve really loved seeing the reactions to that one so today we do have a brand new state of the game with some new spoilers but I’ve also just got a whole bunch more to talk about so as always let’s jump into it starting off them with the state of the game the first big announcement this month is that Terraria has now surpassed 58 million copies sold which does mean that Terraria is now the eighth highest selling game of all time moving on then realogic wrote in case you missed it the realogic team recently had the distinct pleasure to work alongside a massive Terraria fan Frank as we crafted his very own Terraria vanity set Frank is a 17-year-old teenager from Rockaway New Jersey who is battling a critical illness Frank declared to make a wish New Jersey that his one true wish was to have his own vanity set in Aria and we’re Beyond thrilled to make that a reality so to continue with what they wrote earlier this month we’ve been working closely with Frank to bring this vanity set to life from initial Concepts to various iterations to adding flavor text and more with all that being said we’re pleased to be able to reveal Frank’s vanity set which will be coming everyone’s way with the Terraria 1.4.5 update and here it is from concept to full implementation in Terraria this is Frank’s design I’m not too sure but I do believe in game it’s likely going to be called the heroics armor set which is very cool they did go on to say we’ve also included a brand new Shader inspired by the film Noir style of Frank’s design we haven’t fully sorted out how this will be toggled just yet but we will in time and here’s a look at that filter in action now it must be said Frank is a bit of a legend cuz not only is his armor set really cool I really really like this filter I’m so glad they’re adding this now Frank did leave a message that I wanted to include I was able to graduate high school with all of this going on so don’t worry I’m not going anywhere anytime soon obviously though Frank has clearly gone through a hell of a time but I do love that through the Make A Wish Foundation Frank and realogic have been able to collaborate on something which I legitimately think is really cool all right so moving on in the console section they spoke about changes to gamad and like controls in general I’m not going to dive into that in this video but if you do want to read more I’ll leave a link to it down below that being said though there is two new spoilers in this screenshot if you look closely at the armor stands you’ll see that there’s two new sets now as for the set on the left well it looks like a very iation of the mining set so potentially an upgrade in hard mode and you can see a brand new chlori helmet and based on the ones that we already have it’s quite likely if this isn’t a vanity set that it will be a Summoner helmet which is pretty cool because when you go up against plura like other classes you’ll be able to choose between hallowed or chlorified I do wonder where it sits in progression like how close will it be to hallow and how close will it to Tiki armor okay so real quick 49.1% of people that watched last month’s news video weren’t actually subscribed well like 50/50 now which is really impressive but I want to make that number as small as possible so if you are interested in Terraria news don’t rely on the algorithm get subscribed and that way it will make its way to your homepage in the mobile section they showed off two new types of bombs so this first one is a Freeze Bomb which can turn water into ice blocks now I haven’t had the chance to play Sky Block in Terraria before but we do know that we are getting a Sky Block secret seed but when I first saw this it made me think oh in Sky Block if you can dup water well you can then make ice blocks and then you’ve got infinite blocks as for the second bomb well the blast radius seems a little bigger than a regular bomb and you can see that it’s destroying hard mode ores which you can’t do with regular bombs so this will be really handy in hard mode moving on from the state of the game then these are some extra things I found someone wrote to red and said Journey mode characters being able to cancel debuffs please and Bre responded hm yeah someone wrote red I’m begging you please make the queen bee lava placeable with the rubble maker the trolling opportunities are Rems Reb responded M on r/ Terraria somebody posted a Terraria Seed where the spider biome infects the ho of Hell someone wrote please don’t give red any more ideas about seeds infested with animals with an exoskeleton and red responded I’ve got some news for you someone wrote to red and said I just found out the Trident increases movement speed underwater no hard mode upgrade for it besid Trident or something and RB responded it’s a shame we already have so many hard mode Spears that are boring hopefully by now you’ve had the chance to see the beta footage that was released the other day now that video was jam-packed with spoilers so just in case you haven’t watched it or you weren’t watching that closely I’m going to point out everything that was new in that video if there’s anything I don’t bring up it’s because the community already knew about it starting off then we do get to see the rainbow Boulder in action and you can see that it bounces across the screen not hurting players but specifically bouncing between chests and ores in the original video you can also hear a little sound effect every time the boulder touches something valuable there’s also Boulder rain which you get to see in action it’s pretty deadly and red gives us a look at the design of a special kind of Boulder I was able to include a small snippet of the brand new King Slime track which I’ll play for you now [Music] at this point in the video when I open my inventory you can see a brand new accessory obviously without direct permission from Rel logic I can’t tell you exactly what this item is but it does make me laugh because this is one of those things where I genuinely can’t remember what it is anyway so even I’m now looking at it wondering what it is Summoners are getting even more love because there’s a brand new whip called the star crash while Jim’s working on the Terraria quiz Ghar is firing out the killing deck weapon from the game dead cells which is funny because in the last state of the game people figured out that this would likely be a weapon in the update while I’m going by on a mine car you can see the Barnacles from dead cells being suspended in the air by these balloons now this one is especially funny to me because I didn’t notice it at the time while I was playing and I didn’t even notice it while I was editing the video together like the comments are what pointed this out to me once again I have a brand new accessory in my vanity slot and once we’re done with Skeletron Prime you can see that everyone’s damage is posted in the chat and finally terrari dotshop has a brand new design and I am so sorry about this one this is the ter e shirt and yeah it comes in two different flavors UK USA obviously this will be the one that I’m picking up i’ I’ve actually already ordered mine now as always if you do want to save some money and buy some official Terraria merch well code chippy will save you 15% that’s right as always this is an affiliate code so by using it you directly support the channel and by buying official Terraria merch you directly support Rel logic all right so that does it for today’s video thank you so much for watching and and I’ll see you in the next one peace

In today’s video we’ll be breaking down the latest Terraria news from the past month as we get ever closer to the release of Terraria Update 1.4.5! Let’s talk about new armour, weapons & more coming in the next update!

Check out the new Terraria merch and save 15% with code CHIPPY or simply head to http://www.Terraria.shop/chippy (affiliate)

Read the latest Terraria SOTG: https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/terraria-state-of-the-game-june-2024.136658/




  1. Perhaps the noire filter could be a vanity item similar to the don't starve one or the custom cursor from empress of light?

    It could even be a drop from the dungeon guardian? Maybe it could open up having a very rare drop from the dungeon which summons a dungeon guardian after skeletrons defeated?

  2. There are so many great things and new ideas coming to terraria in this update. I can't wait to explore and find new great things all around a new terraria world. This update is going to be epic!

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