A game like Stardew Valley & Animal Crossing?! Let’s Check it out! – Go-Go Town First Look [LIVE]

hello hello excuse me not the crooky through right from the GetGo again o wrong screen wrong screen there we go how are we all doing REO hello over on Twitch uh silver Frost hello spy hermit hello Legend finin hello Min NOA hello over on YouTube side wolf Nations Lona how we all doing I think I’m missing people as well um because my chat screen is like uncaught wait what’s the opposite where like it’s gone it’s passed I mean I could I need to Tab out hello welcome in I’m so excited to try this I um I saw a trailer for this on Twitter I think it was like was it last week or the week before it was some sometime reasonably recently and I was like oh my goodness I need to play this game um and then managed to get my hands on a copy of it so uh thank you to the people behind goo town for allowing me to have a copy of the game not not sponsored just got a copy of the game uh to play and show off I’m so excited mate I’m really glad that your internet like went better than it could have I’m glad you have internet that didn’t come out right my words are all mesed up because I’m a bit like flustered I am some I mean uh late not late late really but like just been doing a lot for the past couple of hours it’s been a bit chaotic Cara hello tank hello Eric hello how you all doing I’ve also just um I got some like rehydration tablet things to like put in my water didn’t think through the fact that obviously this is like almost a liter and um usually you’d put all of those in like maybe 250 mil of water which it’s very weak I probably should have added squash to it or something cuz it’s not going to lie it’s kind of gross but I’m so thirsty so glad you can finally catch a live stream how have you been s hello first time uh being on time for you well welcome welcome in just did you reply my message I get a big buffer oh May oh no rore it’s early morning for you that’s rough you say as if you s p all night that is rough I’m sorry you haven’t slept well um hopefully the music volume’s okay I might turn it down a tiny bit there is music in the game and there is a streamer mode however I’ve had issues with it not to say Obviously like this is the same but like in other games I’ve had some issues sometimes where it’s like no copyright issues even if I use either a streamer mode or whatever so um I’m playing it save sis was visiting from Canada she’s home now oh my God I hope you had the best time sounds pretty good it it I don’t know how to like explain my excitement a game that kind of looks a bit like Animal Crossing and like elements of stardo that I think there is farming in the game um but we basically we’ve got a town to restore um I haven’t I deliberately haven’t like looked too much about the game other than like that one trailer which not going to lie I’ve forgotten most of and I did have to launch the game just to have I wanted a character to put on the thumbnail so that is all I’ve done but I like spammed through the dialogue so that I didn’t read anything Co hello better overall speed and download speed is more even not as much up not as much of up and down as speed oh my God I’m happy for you I’m happy it seems to be better counting for seag glass at the seaside real life foraging oh I love this I actually love this okay should we get started because I want to get started um I’m going to hit new game here because obviously I um ooh go with me let me just edit something um I just need to change the game audio track there we go we got anything yep okay we’re all good can I hear that can I hear that yes I I can hear that cool cool all right let’s do this right you H hop I’m over to YouTube well come and join us enjoy didn’t grab water book or lemonade which is almost as good I mean it’s tastier it’s tasty here I’m going to hit new game I know you can’t see the new game button isn’t the menu cute by the way I mean we’ve just passed the menu now no sign of them yet boss that’s an agent oh the duffel bag has landed I repeat the duffel bag has landed I think that’s us and I would like to say I would really love to not be stuffed in a bag welcome to town kid or should I say may oh that is a thing um when I was looking up about the character stuff I think there is a way to either there is a way to customize later or they need to implement it later but as you start the game your character is like randomized so if I didn’t like this I could just go back to the menu and like try and get a new one but I’m too lazy for that should I say who who stuffs some m in a duffel bag my agents are here to guide you every step of the way if you aren’t sure what to do tort to them don’t bother me report any bugs you find unless they have legs those you can squash yourself whoa talking about arriving just in time only have a few minutes left on the clock all I can offer you is the express M training package I’m pretty sure it’s the only type of training we offer how many mes have you tried to train it is a bit like Animal Crossing okay let’s start by repairing the statue you see those piles of stones right laying around they’re left over from the town Demolition and perfect for our first bit of training go forage and collect a bunch once you got enough deliver them to the construction storage in front of the statue I guess it’s the thing with the ooh forage foraging for rocks yeah who was Beach foraging I’m joining you in foraging but not on the beach requires three more okay cool oh look at my little basket I think I can zoom in look at the little basket oh my God my hair Blends in with the grass it’s so weird not to skip cut I I honestly I’ve come around to the cut scenes oh Tor store the stones you collected in constru storage yes yes oh c store store store I had them anyway look at it oh my God a ribbon we cut the ribbon so Merl is that a word that appearance of a basket It’s Magic dude I can’t believe you actually scrunched around in the rubble they couldn’t pay me enough to do that at least I get paid now that you got the concept of forage down let’s move on to building we got the spot right here to build on and boss isn’t even going to charge you for it you just need to craft a few bricks and planks to build the shop excuse me hello over in the YouTube side look like you’re in a bit of a bind kid you’re going to need help from town Co if you want to build out the town the ego Tech app you just installed will help you get that shop built that is very Animal Crossing you a pinat inspiration um I haven’t played that game so I don’t know you get that shot built and start earning Town co uh the town some money and help me by the mega yacht of my dreams use your phone tab purchase the started industry pack and get to building just remember the first pack is free but they’ll cost you in the future okay tap well that was a cute sound oh there’s there’s music playing that just confused me cuz I saw the word Michel up there I was like obviously not the same where am I going um ego Tech was that the one I completely forgotten everything oh there we go starter industry pack so there is research in here oh my goodness we have a lot to do we have a lot to do well we’ve bought it you think I’d like Viva Pinata maybe I have to have a look sloth I didn’t even notice that excellent you purchased the that sounded so evil you purchased the started industry pack but where does that equipment go well if you open your phone you’ll see we’ve installed a map app that will find that will help you find a way around on the right of the map you’ll locate the mining and Forestry zones once there open the build menu and build your new items my agents will be there to help should you need it I don’t forget you go inside the mine I hear there are lots of resources inside look at all the things I know I know okay um build inventory I5 select wait I just high-fived the okay right what are we doing start industry purchased are we do we have to buy anything else widgets what are all these I’ve already forgotten what I’m doing oh map map map wait oh no that’s a widget wait hang on hang on hang on map I think it was to do with a layout where where am I is that where I’m supposed to go is that me or is that where I’m supposed to go I guess that’s me yes cuz there’s the statue cool okay so craft planks inventory wait ground Stone oh build oh I forgotten how to craft stuff oh my God once you have enough bricks and planks place them on the construction okay I’ll figure this out let me go and collect some more stuff okay fed isn’t it fun you’re too used to looking at the rapid shipping menu that doesn’t look like a lot this is a good point right let me see if I can figure out this um wait oh wait do I have to research it egoe I have zero so maybe not I don’t know how to do anything I oh I didn’t want to drop it wait how did I does anyone remember what it said to craft oh no what if I can I talk to you again requires two more bricks two more planks I it said to craft it and I’ve forgotten how to do it it’s not build is it move oh my god when in doubt go Goblin mode I know your character is good at balancing yeah look at that look at that’s some skill anyway let me see if I can figure this out right it’s not there oh my God how do I do this tab it’s not in tab either right or am I being dumb Town pedia oh is in the town pedia building access the build menu with the b key nope that ain’t it foraging ego Tech inventory allows you to seal your items unless I have to put in my backpack Nisa hello welcome in never saw this game it’s new what’s my opinion so far oh my God I’m so excited about it also trying to figure out how to craft stuff because I got so excited about everything that I forgotten how to do anything that says the ground though why can I why am I not being why am I I might have to Google this your new J has a pretty color oh my God Nina thank you so much I’m doing a quick Google search where I’m just like having a second of being absolutely so dumb wait why don’t I look in the key bindes how am I how have I forgotten already does anyone remember build menu wait was it activate tools no building storage something above the statue might be there to craft wait what’s was it was it this cherron oh oh let’s just get distracted some more for a second there is a table saw oh hang on maybe I have to make this oh my how I have felt for a oh you can’t even see it hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on wait what if I no wait that’s the Terraria screen there let’s do that there we go hey I mean it was worth it um oh oh wow that’s a lot of color choices I mean I have brown eyes uh there’s like vampire teeth wait can you turn around so I can see your oh my God that smile is so cute ah there’s so many cute one oh my God what am I going to pick I think I’m going to go with this little one you wasn’t expecting to be scared is there any hair that like fits my vibe I have kind of like I mean not probably do it TR to see if there’s anything else no somewhere we can change the color yes I don’t have a Bard so we’re not going to do that oh my God now the thing is right I think I’m going to pick a hair color I want in real life because like I may maybe not that vibrant we do things in games that we can’t do in real life clothing I don’t want a hat I need my GL glasses give me my glasses and then oh my God there’s so many options eyes am M together adorable right and thank you what would I what would I wear oh my God look at the camera can you imagine having ha that vibrant I mean I’m wearing a t-shirt at the moment I would usually have a bag like this though so probably that and then bottoms wise uh oh it includes the shoes as well so I must take care of looking at the shoes I mean probably just probably not boots probably this yeah that’ll do and then colors anything is oh no it’s nighttime oh my God that’s cute I probably wouldn’t wear that color though I don’t I don’t want to be too pink let’s see what we can do with these colors feel like I’m wearing a dressing down though it’s giving PJs should we just go P I’m got to build the town as a mayor in my pj I mean it kind of fits with a fatigue right living the PJ life we’re going with it and the fact that it’s night time right said something about a table saw wait map I going to tell me anything oh it tells me the location of forage and stuff that’s kind of useful not kind of useful it’s very useful go to the mines oh yeah they said something about the mines didn’t they is this the mines I guess this is the mines where is the bike yeah oh here we go who oh was a bre you can drift in this thing let me speak to this mind’s person hello looking for bricks ah okay stone that can turn into bricks select the drill to tool to collect Stone from mining NES build The Foundry turn Stone into bricks right okay now I understand so oh no space build The Foundry B drill to Foundry oh there we go I understand the assignment now me just being dumb set recipe well I guess we know it’s going to be Bricks now we’re going for it and then I guess building the drill is probably a good idea so do I just build it anywhere slap it down and see what happens use oh oh is it like a charger oh my God that’s so cool oh I love that oh look at the little output on the bricks can you see it take discovered brick I need Okay so let’s go deliver these we figured out the bricks oh I left my bike forest for planks that would make sense mini NOA thank you can I use Vehicles oh we really can’t drive on the pavement they said no no Pavements wait so can I just just take that out of there no wait that’s not use Q take oh my God yes let’s go bricks delivered trying to drive on like enters drift I guess I’m like really wait let’s have a look where the forest actually is on the map can’t use the map don’t use things whilst driving map so I guess that’s the forest it was just below me and I just went all this way for literally no reason I mean it’s more excuse to drive the little truck right whose car is this I’ve just stolen it oh my God oh no I just want to I just okay we’re going to stop trying okay get out the vehicle get out the vehicle okay Forest Area oh there’s a new agent here hello need some planks yes I do build a chainsaw tour to collect wood from trees build a table saw to turn wood into planks now make like a tree and get out of here entry stationary I’m so confused cast lower than the bike it kind of feels like that that’s no material honestly yeah no wood oh I’ve left on the floor right build table saw boom we’ll put you here easy I would chop trees but there’s already wood on the floor they can carry stuff that’s true the bike can carry nothing I love this gives you slight my time at Porsche Vibes yeah discovered planks well now I can just like I think I’m just going to run Boondock Saints reference that one’s lost on me done cut the ribbon once construction is complete okay boom I’ve been trusted with sharp objects with the shadow of the building constructed you’re now up to your first decision is M I’m scared you want to see the chainsaw okay okay okay okay okay okay you need to decide what type of shop it will become interact with a blinking box to manage the shell select a fit out then select the recipes the shop will sell this is all you decision making is above my pay pay grade oh no oh no decisions no this is a better idea right let’s have a look at the chainsaw I’m not making a noise it’s not an aggressive train chainsaw which is kind of nice is there a garlic shop there needs to be sticking them in there literally just to make room in my backpack my back pack basket okay manage two fish outs available we’ve got the oh my God deep fried gut a shroom Kebab or oh my God pet rock Winden trinket and a jod ah I mean eventually I kind of want both anyway but what should I go for probably food right cuz like we like food here thank you for showing up the chainsaw you’re very welcome I think I’m going to go with the this colors randomized I like that we’re going with that two recipes well we can only pick the two that are available anyway unlock now what back oh no we’ve done it with that decision out of the way you’ll now need to stock the shop head back to the mining and Forestry zones to track down the goods you need oh I did not think that part through probably should have gone with the other one oh my God everyone’s saying pet rock we we’ll get a pet rock wait I wonder if I can change it you can store a lot of items on the okay manage how do I change this right so if I what if I un what if I take it off can I can I un can I can I change it now damn it no I can’t change it I was hoping I could change it beforehand okay mushroom and gut how am I going to get I guess it’ll be in the forest area oh look here wait are they donut looking I was going to say how am I going to cook but no the the donuts are literally nuts donuts with sprinkles but they also look like acorns pet rock needs no food might be a special type of pet rock I got to ask the rock if it need’s feeding maybe the mushrooms will be in here donut Bush what’s this fluff strub cute what are we going to do with that I’m going going to got a mushroom but how am I going to cook the mushroom damn let me drop I’ll come back I’ll come back I’ll go put it in the truck the pet rock can have a gun as a tree honestly feed your pet rocks peeps they deserve food too where did I put the truck I think it’s over here I just like left it abandon the poor thing let’s go back over there make a bed for the pet rock with fluff of course oh yeah absolutely a must I was hoping I could like RVE this up to the entrance over there but I guess not I was probably closer to where I was you must be able to inrease your basket size later on I think so I guess we’ll find out mushroom please I want to grab a few mushrooms cuz I imagine that like I’m going to do something with the mushroom is I need more than one oh my God frogs hi oh I can’t do anything let’s grab more fluff then and then we’ll get out of uh okay we’re not grabbing more fluff are we calling it rookie The Rock I mean it says I only need one of each but like better be safe than sorry you know how do I deliver stuff oh here we go I so it once oh no it’s here CFT craft or do I need to hang on let me get some stuff out of here I so if I want I want one of those and one of those let me just take one of each Q lovely craft oh oh wait I have to press the numbers this is a good thing I’ve got numbers on my mouse makes my life so much easier than having to figure out oh that’s a fun mechanic so can I now can I not put why can’t I put the mushroom in there or is it a different mushroom I think it’s a different mushroom they look different I just realized so the guts are done okay it’s a different mushroom kind of rude that you can’t interact with the Froggies maybe one day wait let me look on the map there’s something that might tell me cuz you know how there’s like some things unless the mushrooms are like other cave mushrooms instead of field mushrooms let me try in here we haven’t been in the mind yet Sunny M hello welcome in oh there there are mushrooms in here it’s these mushrooms oh look at the mining stuff going to try and avoid the purple goo for the moment we’ll come and look at the mines properly shortly one thing at a time mostly tired of myself cuz I get carried away I understand the assignment good news you’ve set up your first shop bad news the entire town was demolished there’s no one here to run the shop oh I forgot great news you just need to the train station to get people to visit town again it would just require a few bricks and planks to repair the train station you know the drill okay okie dokie I don’t think I’ve got either of these things on me right now so let’s go get some I think there should be some ready to go I think I’m just going to run cuz it’s not that far take how many do I need two two of them choo choo there only one though yeah let that do it h no I can wait it won’t take that long will it nope there it is it’s so satisfying like the taking the items animation it’s building petition to call it the tube tube is reserved for my horse the station is repaired you need to reopen it so Taurus can visit you can do that by switching the big lever over there you can also choose you can also close the station anytime it’s great for you when you want a nap so always I mean if you need some peace to carry out your duties yeah open open for business train now right oh my God it’s pink where have you come from how have you that train got here quick well as what as a few Taurus it looks like a potential town has arrived talking to Townes will help learn about what they want before they live here so go on over and introduce yourself as mayor so this one bordo interesting not down I’m thinking they trying to turn your luck around Vibe why thank you could be fun to stick around but there’s literally nowhere to stay if you can sort out how I’m staying invite or do I do maybe later I guess I do maybe invite BOS just donated this pass of land at no extra cost this is where we can build a house for our Towny the house will take you guessed it a few bricks and planks I’ll Le it in your capable hands May train portal very special train I shall forage for now where’s B where’s wo but that’s kind of funny uh I went the wrong way it’s over here why is it giving you random buffers now that’s odd is anyone else having this or is is it my end or is it uh is it internet let’s go grab the bricks nice okay cool I was just checking cuz I had I had an issue the the day where like um I was trying to watch something and it just wouldn’t work no matter what I did and it was only on like one video is that another train oh my God that’s another train maybe I should close the station if I close the station though aren’t the people trapped here now that the house is built we can add our new Towny to it interact with the mailbox out the front and select manage toties need homes before they can be assigned jobs okay hi your new home with housing organized you now have someone who is ready to work in town manage your shop and set them as a worker sweet oh my god oh okay bye okay bye train is now arriving and we got to get a phone notification did anyone hear the vibrate what a may your training is now complete there’ll be more to learn about town including fishing and farming zones you can build out those zones once you unlock the ego Tech packages for them you can also use the town Pia app on your phone there’s some useful information in there lovely oh my phone’s ringing never let them leave we like to see how all Town Co mares are doing we rank each M based on a number of attributes it’s not just who has the biggest ego wins but it sure does help Town Town better than all the other mes simple what okay oh Town rank entry tourist tracker entry calendar oh my God oh my God oh my God train arriving train AR there three trains today that’s a lot of trains Town rankings right let’s have a look so I guess these are all challenges let’s start at the top though no let’s start at the bottom we’re not we’re not even close to 10 star town uh what do I have to oh my God we’re we’re down here scum Ville uh no we’re goo town but the next one is scum I don’t really want to become scum Ville what does this even mean like what I mean there’s a score there tourist tracker oh wait scum Ville is another town it’s just that we’re go go town and there okay no ignore me I’m being dumb I thought it was like the ranks are like the name of the thing but like these are other towns these are other towns like I don’t know if they’re real or just like in the rankings but I guess we have to beat eventually Shining Star City we got to be better than scum though come on we got to do better than that tourist tracker I do some sightseeing ate some delicious oh lovely okay so um let’s make sure our shop is like nice and stocked I don’t know if I have to make all the things or um oh no Balo is doing it balo’s on it must have been worse than scum Ville discovered garbage give me all the garbage what do I do with it oh no putting it in the truck cuz I don’t know what to do it swingy wood you’re a fan of Dilly Dale let me have a look at let’s let’s have let’s have another brows of those names I’m pressing all the wrong buttons Crowder Cove slobbing ton kou Village big toe City sleepy Cove that sounds like very me Mango Valley oh my God I want to go there I love mangoes Northwood go mosty Hollow sounds awesome Tom Town happy Haven clock they have they’ve got cuter names as the as the as the rankings go up oh I love this I love this right so how do I get if I go to the ego Tech thing I’ve got 30 of these things I can’t remember how I earn them so do we start with decorations or maybe housing expand your town with Towny housing small shops four structures five recipes ooh storage probably want the storage right cuz we also want the other shop we want the one with pet rock in it basic service is a very narm motor bike garbage disposal oh okay we need that too bubble gun cleaning dirty objects okay we want all of this so if we start with we’ll start with small shops and we’ll do the housing one as well Zoom down only communicate through Zoom just the streets are like dead no one no one comes outside they’re all on Zoom other than maybe some delivery people you’ve just unlocked storage which may not seem like much now however workers and careers will only take and place items in Storage storage also helps with keeping your industries clean and tidy and you need that we’ve seen rude okay um I’m also going to unlock oh no I need 20 for that okay I need to wait then where do I want to put the storage I guess we want it somewhat Central right oh hello towy would you like to move here oh cake hello oh I’m so in your face I do apologize I was thinking this town might look nicer with a few changes perhaps we could work together on it if only you have the time of course sell 20 Pet Rocks okay well no problem maybe some other time I I want to help you I do I promise I can forage a stump do I have sandpaper hands we have current aims um we just kind of explored the game really so building shells let me look what’s oh Terri forming small storage I want this maybe we can put a storage thing here but I kind of want to put decorations there um oh tractor do I want to put this I feel like storage should be off like a side area we’ll start with that cuz now I can oh I can put storage everywhere right so like I can put a wood storage over here sandpaper hand sounds horri F honestly yeah cuz what if I went here and like can I sometimes I do things that make sense can I rotate it or does it not matter I I press the wrong button it probably won’t matter right better than having Salad Fingers so I can literally put wood in there but I’m going to need planks so um at least you’re not ripping apart whole trees with your bare hands and let them as floaties oh gosh let’s drive this over to the storage C and then I guess I’m going to can I only fit two mushrooms on me I guess so kind of want keep stuff separate uh I think there’s garbage in there as well okay fluff fluff and garbage I guess right let’s go get some uh question mark words bricks and planks train is now arriving really late train let’s grab some Stone pockets are not made to hold more than two mushroom one in each pocket Mushroom in each pocket literally fluffing garbage sounds like an indie band okay I filled that up what are trains do they bring visitors here and sometimes you might get Townes that want to stay let’s drop a tree it’s so easy I feel like like obviously once I got my head around like how the crafting works and stuff it’s so much easier to do anything grab some of them oh wait where am I going it’s here you’ve been wearing some of dresses a lot recently you’ve been woefully sad about holding your phone all the time you need to find dresses with pockets um if anyone has access to get this store get to this store or this brand I highly recommend um I think they’re mainly in the UK but there’s a brand called apricot when I used to work in London they were like the brand that I would I’ve just dropped that on the floor they were the brand of dresses that I would always get because they pretty much always have pockets um and like good pockets as well like oh my God is that a ghost are you okay can I talk to you oh my God someone left trash on the floor oh it’s cuz this is full oh I’ve got 30 again so I need to I need to let’s get some um garbage disposal as soon as possible can I speak to I guess I can’t speak to people who aren’t going to be townies so where am we going to build the garbage thing I guess we kind of want this like not right in town right bit more formal you think you want to dress from there but it’s bit more formal dress with no pockets but the Casual ones might they’ve got like quite a big variety I mean I haven’t shopped there in years but like when I did used to get stuff from there they used to have quite a big variety so if I exit here can I do the garbage disposal around this area trying to find a suitable maybe here what do you need a brick and a plank uh oh weeds Goodbye Oh my God that is aggressive weed removing you can buy pocket inss at Hobbycraft oh that’s pretty easy did a villager die or something I don’t know oh oh kind of awkward that it’s like facing there that that’s badly built forage attractor why not metal inot oh yeah this might be a problem okay hang on I think I can move buildings as well right I’ve got all the garbage yeah I think I need to be able to walk on this so I’m sure I saw a thing that said move unless I’m being oh wait hang on move okay note to self don’t Place anything like on the bottom areas maybe here I know but there’s like a bush in the way here make it fit make it fit maybe it needs to be near the Forest Area we’ll make this work maybe you can yeah you can move building you it’s all good it’s all good what about back here what was that going to put it out here into the truck we go with a backpack full of oh backpack full of trash Abby hello welcome in glad you make it to a stream I’m I’m glad you’re here glad you managed to find your way I don’t usually stream on Thursdays that is something I should probably point out don’t usually stream on Thursdays but um I really wanted to try this game I’ve got something else exciting coming on Saturday so um the variety slop was kind of Taken wait I just want to make sure it’s not going to I’m assuming it will only take rubbish yeah okay I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t going to throw the in away I think there might still be trash around let me go dispose of it somewhere where this stuff um oh there’s also another garbage in here as well apricot meets a lot of stuff they had they just have so many good dresses funny enough I can’t fit into them anymore but when when I could I used to love them Saturday’s going to be great cranberry’s already know what’s coming if you if you’ve seen the cranberry Club in Discord that’s all I’m going to say they’re all good but digging yourself a hole very much digging yourself a hole okay um I want to build the the next shop so hopefully I’ve got enough of that oh I can build roads out there that’s fine probably going to need another trash can soon right building shell maybe we’ll do it next to there since there’s one already here um I think I got some stuff at the truck I should have brought the truck yeah if you’re CR you can check Discord remember to hydrate thank you very much you wonder if there’s a way to spe do character up there is via other the means of Transport oops thank you Michael for dropping the link yes if you’re not already in the Discord get in there especially if you’re a granberry right let’s have a look obviously we want this one obviously we want wait this one obviously we want the metal nugget into GE well we want the pet rock as one of them duh wood into wooden trinket should we go for geod we’ll go for jods set work we don’t have oh my God look at all the They wolves or cats either way cute right hello Towny hello hook this town seems better days and everyone has a plan until they don’t you think you got what it takes craft bricks yeah maybe later I can probably do that what about you what do you need oh you’re still you still want the Pet Rocks okay let’s go make some more bricks it should still be um linked if you connect to your Discord account werewolves oh it could be werewolves let’s get Dr what is this thing kind of want to know you love werewolves I mean they look like they should be right you want to buy it now well um if if you do want to check the game out I would love if you could use the link that is either in the pin comment or the description uh pin comment pin pin pin chat message um would love if you could use the link to check it out I mean even if you if if you um just want to like literally just want to have a look at it thank you very much Michael I think is my pin message still there or is it gone those are some wild looking townies look at that they’re like um they’re literally like a little pack together so cute okay I need to get you ingredients um what am I doing again bricks have I made enough bricks yet where’s you 18 out of 20 oh my God so so close so close I’ve got so much mining to do for the Pet Rocks as well does that do it do I need to take them or is it like the act of putting it in there let me try again now we no no okay I need to actually put them in there just in mod mode and that was autopilot no it’s all good it’s all good hey it’s only 2 days until you can find out right I might have to slap these in a I’m so excited I mean we’re going to use the bricks anyway at some point right that should do it I’ll wait for one more to come out or two more right boom hi invite someone with initiative let’s hope you live up to it wow rude W discovered a hard hat lovely H move in we can change the color of the house oh my God that’s fun that’s fun so what do you now need I guess I’ll find out soon regular Stone and metal nuggets cool cool like you work there now I’m going to go take my bricks Michael saying autopilot about the cranberry thing oh no it was about the um the link for the game I think no space in storage well that’s rude how about like maybe I should just build more I will build more at some point I don’t have much money at the moment because I run out of things to sell I need to be selling the items so if I start with this ooh herbs and spice I guess I got that from one of the grut bushes that’s 92 Jane thank you so much for the twitch follow very much appreciate it floral backpack I need that right now I did I did I’m going to pick some more up though there is some more there’s there’s quite a lot of it around um so many guts for sale W and hello I’m going straight to see if I can get that floral backpack I needs it where do I look oh here how can I not pick the bunny one oh no but the floral one’s so cute the floral one’s more My Vibe but like no I need the bunny oh do I recommend it you’ve been enjoying dingham as well um so far yeah I mean how long have I been playing this like not even an hour so I am only not quite even an hour in but so far it is really fun the only thing I struggled with at the beginning is figuring out crafting my own fault for being too distracted to really pay attention but just explore bit and you find what you’re looking for eventually Stone let’s grab this one more node oh actually let’s go in the mines cuz then I can also get the metal things right um also I kind of want to know what this does I guess we don’t find that out yet oh no there’s the M I’m being dumb hey discovered metal nuggets oh I’m maxed out on the tech points can’t use phone with drill in hands don’t text and drill okay I’m going to put this back and then I’m just going to have a two-minute break to have a drink and stretch for okay I am back mini NOA no spoilers you thought the gay was caught out that’s really funny that would be really funny though if it was called that okay let’s do this look look at her is it on Steam it is on Steam it’s in Early Access as well um yeah multiplayers on their radar is just going to be like quite a while they’ve got like they’ve got a whole road map I think um in their like info and such they’re so cute oh my God those are that’s some working action the guts are very very cute also the one with the top hat or the one with the tongue the one with the tongue is so like fun but like Top Hat I’m not going to make any more brick deck cuz I don’t need to tongue all day fair enough okay right Tech points that’s what I was doing um egot Tech so I want basic decoration would be nice maybe we could probably start with doing that we do need more houses definitely need more houses uh we’ll buy that as well cuz we can and then I assume can we now unlock our requested to rank one so can’t of look anything until we increase our ranking so we we’ve now got 20 so I guess that’s part of it let’s have a look at the Town pedia I wonder if there’s some info in there that might tell us um leaderboard oh wait Town rank your town rank is a way for town code to Monitor and measure each Town’s May’s ability to manage their respective towns as your town rank raises you’ll also gain access to new teers in the tech Tre your backpack can hold a limited number of oh that’s backpack I want to know like what goes into it I guess we just like keep building stuff and see what happens let’s have a look so um should we bu we can make four more garbage bins I’m thinking one next to the train station would be wise cuz like I kind of get annoyed when I get off transport and there’s no bin slap one there um I will build a house soon I don’t want to build a bubble gum I don’t want a bubble gun yet I want things like this so barriers if we stick a fence here that’s cute and then what else can we go with oh that’s a small storage Ral where was it back there we go we can build exactly one bench where should I put the bench I don’t want to put it next to someone’s house that’s kind of rude maybe the bench can go like here and then I can put some decorations behind it for example a street light I feel like that would make oh wait no I can’t I can put it here there we go that makes sense to me oh I can put a few lights around I don’t know if I want to put too many lights down yet maybe I should though I mean I feel like one each side of oh no but I need to move that now hang on hang on hang on move boom uh cute rotate oh up up phone call hey kid don’t call me a kid that short joke what on you’re moving up the ranks time to book your challenge open up your calendar can book it wait what booking in a slot for a challenge calendar money making challenge earn the required amount during the challenge period to succeed or we can schedule it tomorrow or in 2 days should we schedule it I’m going to schedule it in two days Rich Uncle pet rock is everyone still like deciding on which pet rock there’s still some garbage in here okay I wonder if I can get someone to work at the garbage thing or if I have to manage it myself well in it goes Top Hat Rock might have good Financial advice that’s really funny an you hello look buddy I’m the I’m real tired and words are harder I’m supposed to ask you to do something before I’ll stay how about you just pay a w Fe and we call it a day how much money do I have 89 86 I guess I need to get some stuff ready each day is a blank canvas ready for a splash of spontaneity have room for happy accidents in this town what the heck is Happy accident I guess we’ll find out at some point I don’t have them at the moment um looks like we’re going to need more mushrooms and stuff let’s go get some more we left scum Ville behind we you did indeed okay what is this stuff nothing I can do anything with just yet what’s over here also this looks dangerous oh mining supplies oh loot even loot I need wood I guess not then BOS ah maybe it’s the thing I unlock later to do it’s kind of cool that you can forward to all the trash someone bought one there we go oh 178 we can pay I do need to get another house so I guess we’re going to just put the house next to this of the house ah I didn’t want to do that okay we would like one house please kind of want to move that sewer thing small house do I keep some like near the station I guess not we can move them we can have more in other places I like the idea of this area being but like I suppose I can put some houses here why not I’m going to put one here and then oh let me go get the stuff you hope we’re not having 20 babies they’re not my um oh wait what am I supposed to build here this oh wait that’s the house I just put down how is this confusing to me good grief I want to get rid of this log as well slipping but fixing your back rather than breaking it that is a happy accident this is so cute I love it do you know what I’m curious to see if or to know if this um runs well on the steam deck kind of want to play a lot of this game I guess I can store some bricks in there why not bra is now arriving I wonder if I can move my thing till tomorrow actually no cuz I want to I want to stock up on supplies first me saying I want to stock up on supplies in yet here I am building houses instead let’s open our new house maybe I just leave the other house for now cuz we don’t need to put it down just yet right store oh wait ghosts oh maybe they’re start night visitors maybe it depends on the time of day can I I don’t know how much this storage takes I guess we’ll find out let’s go mining can I okay we shall go get some metal is this a different type of gem mining I now have gems okay cool population of this town is wild they’re all two residents plus me as M there’re all visit all the people that come in here are all just visitors they’re all just tourists coming to visit the exactly two shops that we have I guess um if I just check the tech tree oh I’ve got my dread on my hand I’m assuming that I don’t have access yeah no I don’t have access to this until I get the actual challenge done so maybe I wonder if I can move my challenge can I un can I move it no I can’t I’ve got to wait I guess we’re going to just use the time to store some stuff up and get it ready so that being said let me go to storage I’m actually going to put two storage things here cuz then I can just slap all the stuff here when it overflows um I don’t think I want the gems to go ahead though magical imagination clean ghost they put the trash in the bin at least the ghost don’t let her interesting how different items take up different amounts of space as well that’s kind of cool get rid of all that litter I just need to get some more guts and other stuff why there so many ghosts so they come here like that yeah they all came on the same train I guess maybe they came from a ghost town I want to get over there wait there terraforming none of this unreachable loot oh my God it says loot what was that oh my God are they star sunglasses kind of want to know kind of want kind of want to see it kind of want to oh my God they are I still want to I still go back to glasses that I would probably wear the loot Goblin cannot be stopped are you again did you you the one that wanted money yeah invite cheers don’t forget to take a break okay could totally go for a nap on the couch about now I’m ignoring the other new Resident I don’t need any one yet all the loot wait can I go in the h no I can’t I was curious okay stuff for the other store the Goin giggle I’m parked so badly oh I of want to mes don’t park like this there we go I think that’s better kind of maybe not it’s not like I’m in the way of many things you know don’t you know valid items me loot loot oh no yeah ghost I imagine they are werewolves cuz they only come out at night too grab more mushrooms ooh loot what are you heart sunglasses cute cute I love just like finding the customization options out here I’m assuming that’s probably almost more mushrooms than I can carry Michael’s going ahead and go the game now by the way there we go stored more mushrooms let’s grab more Stones cuz like you know pet rock Oh Oh I thought almost drill that stone put your back I’ll also forward to this as well I really want to know what this thing is it’s just the thing that’s like providing power or something I don’t know okay we restocked it looks like they can take quite a lot of stock so you couldn’t help yourself I’m glad you grabbed it it is so cute it’s so fun I’m having a great time just get my stuff ready for my challenge I do regret not making it tomorrow but I suppose we have one more day to get like loads of stock I’m going to try and ignore some of the like other things that I really don’t need right now nice night for how wol why not give it a try I hear there are some yummy bones at the bottom of the river do you think you could fish one up for me I here it can be fished out of the deep forest the river in the deep forest oh maybe later oh I I’ll come back don’t worry please don’t eat me so I guess they werewolves they don’t counts that like River trash so many trains oh wait I maxed on money so maybe we close and just deal with stuff or maybe I try and see if I can finish building everything that I’ve got access to where’s the exit oh my God I’m lost okay no we’re good I’m full money this isn’t good I need to like I guess I just can place stuff and then I can move it later right build quick quick bu build stuff um decorative fence I guess I’ll put another couple of decorative fences here just cuz they look cuter oh no I can’t put one here that’s sad oh I ran out that’s why go back let’s do some more lighting perhaps we do I can rotate them with Q There we go I ran out I kind of want to put this wait how’d he go I press the wrong button back nope nope nope oh I’m being dumb hang on there rotate place got it oh it still says I can build one more why can’t I I can build a hedge that’ be cute where else can I put Hedges Maybe by this area here where’d it go oh it’s here here’s the house maybe few Hedges there we’ve got another couple of statues maybe we can have a little statue collect oh no we can’t for some reason we can’t build stuff in this little bit oh no I’ve ran out of money ignore me I’ve run out of money also this bins for maybe I need to put another bin here yeah you can’t you can’t have any more than a certain amount of savings spend I guess it like encourages you to like go around and find ways to spend it it looked like people were still buying stuff and I just like wasn’t getting anything so I think I was losing out by not spending it think we’re good on stock and stuff right now and what’s annoying is that I can’t spend the tech points at the moment but I’ve got to wait for the challenge so yeah it is my fault that I didn’t book it let’s have a look where you want mango never seen so many lights in one place before is it always this bright I think someone like me can fit in here yes yes you can your name is mango mangoes are great cheese hello welcome in there is always time for cheese in this game you could be a hund look at me my 100 gold you’re going to live here haven’t got any jobs for you just yet hopefully I can build another shop soon I don’t know what it’s going to sell though I could just get the other houses built I suppose I’m going to go put the herbs and spices away do we think they’re from the mango Town who knows um the the house is this way house time let’s cut that ribbon I love the fact that they’ve got solar panels on it oh my God it’s all so different to the other house I love that I don’t think I’ve got anyone that can move in no should we change the color do we have the match no this is cute they’re cute together there we go what do you want Bob each day is a blank canvas ready for a splash of spons do you have room for a happy oh wait oh of course it’s Bob literally the dude’s called BB this place looks okay oh well thank you an average counterfeit an average Joe quite literally an average show not looking for much it’s just a place to be a part of pay 15 coins yeah why not average Jo doesn’t get an average house so this is a very cute house do may I hope you have a good rest of your day and I hope um the internet continues to be okay oh my God Nina I’m so now that I know that I feel so so silly kind of want this but I also don’t want to like terraform just to get over there I wonder I can get a boat or something all right if I go back to build now hopefully I can build oh what’s this water bubbler generates a small oh okay I don’t want that at the moment flower Barrel yes oh my God adorable I really wish I could put them in front of the fences like I wish f didn’t consider themselves taken up an entire tile um I don’t think there’s anywhere else I want to put this stuff just yet supp I can decorate out here with them and maybe we can just oh no there’s a fence there so that’s like a tile counted isn’t it okay I don’t have anywhere logical to put these things right now I could fit some more benches in though let’s put a bench here I know I said I didn’t want to put one there it makes sense to put them like near the train station though is it called a bubbler in the UK I mean to me that looks like a water fountain really wish I could put a a thing there maybe we’ll put a bench outside this house as well to match and then so can I build I can build more shops let’s get another shop ready I guess we’ll keep it similar like the other one and then trash wise so we’ve got one there already can I put one I’m going to put one right in the middle here let’s grab some bricks and I need to get some more planks someone hello Miss lot of the first steps it’s okay I got confused right at the very beginning because I got so distracted by how amazing a lot of this is and just like really very much got lost for a minute think I think bubblers is a very specific region in the us thing what like would it what would it be appreciate you mayor oh I can just drop the drill on the chains are on the floor that’s fun or at least if I want to forge stuff at the same time I don’t have to like leave all right I think we’re on the day now if I check my phone no it’s tomorrow one more day oh yeah you can tell by the yellow I really wish I could change this that’s the only thing there’s so many Town pedia things in here let’s see what we are candle lady hello binge watching the videos the voice is great replay the videos and have them going while you play St thank you so much oh my God we’re at the top here so I wonder what happens when we go above 23 I guess we’ll find out I was H I have more by now never had anyone say in the UK anyway no it just sounds like um it reminds me of like a water Von DJ TJ hello I’m doing great thank you how you doing another shop bill I don’t know if I should um I don’t know if I’m going to fill it yet because like I want more types of shop I don’t want to put another the same thing here cuz I don’t think I can change it later yeah I’ve only got these two at the moment so no I mean technically I could do another crafty thing so we can sell the wood trink kits as well that the other thing I could do don’t if I want to though oh it looks like these Rock things respawn so maybe that’s what the giant drill is for it’s like creating new nodes Coast word for water fountain it did look like a water fountain that doesn’t make sense wonder how you unlock more store types um it’ll be through the ego Tech thing but I can’t unlock more until I’ve done the challenge which is the next game day so many rocks so I just want to like build up as much of a I suppose I could wait how much do I I think it said like make as much money as possible um if I go to my calendar I want to see if it has like a goal required amount I don’t know what the required amount is we’ll find out tomorrow so I just want to like try and stock up on some stuff ready you think it’s like Road Island I’m keeping my eye on the balance though cuz I wonder if like if I don’t have space for money I wonder if it counts me even making money but I guess we’ll find out tomorrow what’s this under construction I guess can I go in here I can it’s another entrance L find out what was in there another type of glasses lots of glasses there we go see the bike is super fast it’s just obviously you can only store what’s in your backpack you can however ride on like the Pavements and stuff oh no don’t leter I wonder if there’ll be like a way to set a worker to do trash probably in a higher tier but I don’t want to go through the tech tree yet cuz I think it pauses the game and I really want to get this um event done tomorrow bit of like Town building we can get ourselves some new residents and then there’s also like City management and stuff wonder if Michael’s finished the game yetc me that was a really poorly timed y I mean when is a y ever welcome uh I’m looking for metal so if I do that I can then forage for mushrooms okay that’s cool real it’s so cozy it’s super cozy it’s a reminder if anyone wants to check it out do go ahead and uh use the link in the pin chat message or in the description it would uh definitely help the channel out I can’t pick up that metal nugget and yes if you’re over on the twitch side uh thank you shiny Jewel there is a command as well go go town Coy day yes I’ve been so excited about this this stream is like oh I brought the drill with me oh my God look at that mustache I’ve been thinking about this all week am I liking it so far I’m adoring it so far it don’t Mee to figure out how to craft stuff that was a me problem if I’m honest enjoy your mushrooms so excited that stre me have you been playing it it’s so fun could put more storage outside for rocks and metal yeah I should the thing is they’re all in here at the moment like all my rocks of metal I’m playing with keyboard and mouse I’m a keyboard and mouse curly I do not enjoy playing games with a controller like at all going to cycle over to get some more I was hoping the guts would have respawned right now oh wait the money get off the bike build some things we can build another house let’s put it next to oh no we can’t uh where we going to put this house you can go here reminds you of Pokémon maybe we do build the bubble gun and just like have it ready so it’s got to be it can’t be in either of those places I don’t really want to put it in the back guard okay maybe I put it up up here like out the way I can do another shop shell no it says zero though unless the one is like I need to use the one I’ve got I don’t know I’m going to just build the trash can here for now where is it gone there just to like have it then if it happens to get full then we’re fine ah I’ve got room for flower baskets there we go Flower Basket Flower Basket um Flower Basket now these statues feel like it makes sense to put one next to a bench right maybe we’ll put one oh no we can’t put one there cool when you have the bike and can cycle around speed up yeah it’s it’s a lot I can’t remember where I’ve put it though that’s the problem I think it’s on the map right or is it wait where are we down there there’s nowhere right oh no I’m here there’s that I’ve left the bikes somewhere I just don’t remember where oh it’s there I can see it I can see it candle lady thank you so much for the 99 cent super sticker I have a description this his face with mouth wa I need to actually look at the sticker oh my God cute thank you so much I appreciate it welcome night friends who are you Mugsy give me the cash uh oh quite literally trying to mug me maybe later I’m too broke maybe um if some people buy some stuff I don’t know if I want this person in my town I’m going to leave them alone I don’t want them here kind of scary from The Fifth Element there’s so many references in this I don’t know oh no it’s so like lost on me H Worman hello how you doing should we um take out the stump with our hand bare hands again amazing Easter egg there there are few fun little Easter eggs in this oh looks like I need some stone for that statue over there bricks well we have plenty of those um I think I’ve got got some in the truck even we don’t actually have plenty anymore I’ve kind of used most of them highly recommend I might have to check it out new game what’s this it’s called go go town um you’re basically managing a town and it’s got like kind of a field of you know Animal Crossing building things there will be some farming later when I finish this Challenge and unlock farming and then like kind of City management you’re trying to like get new residence and find resources and craft and mine I’ve been doing some mining some foraging some taking out the trash there’s loot in this um you can customize your character with things that you unlock oh my god statue oh my God look at it it’s so cute oh my God look at it with my backpack full of garbage I can hear another loot box somewhere I think it’s the one that’s like up in the top Corner that I don’t really want to destroy I want to see if I can walk over here and like are there any people I can talk to or is this anyone I like unlock the area probably yeah I think I have to wait to unlock the area it’s forage in this old tractor here I can’t decide if I want to build another one of those crafty stores because the wood trinkets was another option for a recipe um that I haven’t got yet you’re going to buy this tomorrow car highly recommend highly recommend so now we just we just wait for tomorrow wait what does it say if I manage it oh we can change the color of the O that’s cute oh I really like that oh we can look so we can look at like how many people I guess come through that’s kind of cool oh my God it’s time and 100 coins build eat and go build oh we’ve done all that so we just need to earn 100 coins today that’s fine we’ve got this I’m going to build another statue wait I can build a statue here well we got to build a statue with the other Statue right highly recommend I canot recommend this game enough I kind of want to like do everything maybe we end up making this a thing on here for a while like this is is just the first we can have future streams if if you like what you see I can always keep streaming this on future weeks as well maybe this will be what we do on Mondays now that we finished Terraria 30 coins already there we go and we’re nice and stocked up still we still have a lot of room open it whoops I’m still carrying my drill cut the ribbon people witnessed it and they were happy okay that’s fun that would be amazing yeah maybe we’ll do it on Mondays that’d be a good thing to fill the Monday slot lovely it is fun I love it oh no where’s the bubble gun dirty floors are they like throwing up on the floor or something like what is the deal can I fit through here no regret putting this where it is now um let’s let’s go to the move tool let’s put this somewhere I can actually access it see what we can do with this town wait do people like the bubble gun or did they just like oh my God oh my God that’s so cute ghosts don’t get affected by look at the little bubble enjoy the bubbles bubbles for everyone we did it we did it I’m covered in bubbles and answering the phone tier one Tech got steam achievement well done what a huge success you now get access to the next level of town C goodies keep those profits rolling in we do what happens if I use the bubble oh I dropped it I just dropped it on the floor to answer my phone bubbles bubbles any bubbles no one wants these bubbles sad big sad okay we’ll just go put the gun back so in that case let’s get some stuff unlocked um start a farm absolutely oh look we’ve got more capacity for money now so we can have 500 gold and uh 120 attack points okay I remember what the official name for them so I’m going to call them attack points uh these require 45 55 60 okay oh there we go there’s some automation so we can uh add workers to the mining and Forestry I definitely want to do that so that we can go and do some farming so I guess we need to wait for we’ll start with a mining one I think we don’t there were not that many points to go we’ll let that do its thing wait can I now is there another shop type no didn’t notice if there was wait so if I go to Tech Tre Market store oh you can sell things from Market stores that’s fun start a decoration automate forry I just wanted to see if there are any new shop types so maybe what I’m going to do is I’m actually going to I’ll build the shop I’m going to make it a craft corner and this time ooh mango I’m going to have one as the geode and one is the wooden trinkets actually no we want Pet Rocks right we want more Pet Rocks why not more Pet Rocks we’ll go do the farming in a sec I just want to get started with the um wooden trinkets oh you can just click and use it okay that’s cool I found loot log backpack that’s adorable won’t lie we’re one point away from automating stuff here you go oh I guess like you can see the button light flashing when you don’t have enough stuff that’s cool okay so over to the farm I didn’t actually see what I get unlocked with this stuff I want to see if it’s like obvious here I guess we’ll find out bunny Pat pack bunny Pat pack is the one who are you oh it’s Joe sorry Joe what is that is that another min’s entrance is that loot there’s loot here Crown oh my God I think I might want to weather right let’s have a look what we can do here forestry Zone there we go hose real and farm plots and a scarecrow okay so let’s clear some land out first get all this sorted out get the stardew vibe going pour around this old tractor there we go we do have oh no that was an old tractor as well I thought it was going to be like a usable one okay we’ll do the plots first should we just go ahead and start in this corner we’ll go oh is that the range for the Scarecrow that is a big area so I’m assuming if I put that here I’ll be okay and the hose reel I’m going to put it in the middle cuz eventually obviously I want more stuff I’m watering nothing so I guess I have to oh manage potatoes that’s cool I guess I have to find more potatoes somehow zero seeds available I wonder how I find more maybe rumaging through here I didn’t even notice where I got it I guess I’ll find out over time the hose is cute isn’t it look at the wooden trinkets those are just as adorable as the pet rocks in my opinion oh we can now automate we’ll automate mining so we’ve got the metal bar let’s have a look metal ingots mining Zone time clock used for managing work workers the drill tool and mining light oh attaches to Cave walls large storage lovely okay did we check out farming we have we just planted some stuff making progress that last pack you unlocked has some new recipes in it you can now change what type of items your machines will outp put need something more than bricks or planks well you can set are you can ask set recipe on the table s h words set press be on the table saw or The Foundry to change what it makes if you’re feeling a bit greedy why not build multiple machines and have each one producing someone something different not someone good grief something different so can I build another one no I could I can build another drill tool though we’ll have another um we’ll put the clock here and the cave lights are going to go in the cave so let’s get a worker um Joe Joe is going to mine you go do that and I guess I’m going to need to build more St Market Store Market store you’re going to go where do I want to put it I’m going to put the market store next to the station I think that’s cute let’s go see what we need to make it oh my God this one trash can is a problem what do you want oh it’s Bob again Felicity do you know what the best animal in the world is baby cheaters I bet you weren’t expecting that I wasn’t did you know that Gruff rids are really good build Gruff rid I have no idea what that is I guess we’ll find out at some point everyone’s faite bin what my backpack oh no wait that one bin that everyone’s using I’m being dumb okay that just needs planks I think everyone’s too lazy to walk to the the bin it’s like three steps away although you know valid I’d probably be the same you can have this one plank oh I see we’ve got the little the rating in the corner so we’re number 45 on the list should we have a look at the rankings like actually look at them again we’re above crowded Cove I’m so glad that we’re at at this one now I’m excited to see what the next challenge is can I forage these or something or are they just going to grow back I guess so Mor trees no space rip right let’s start here fill that up any excess wood I’m going to go slap in the shop we are we’re going to be the best town in Town Co Town Co so much garbage let me speak to you again have we done anything 0 at 25 my canvas is not yet ready for Joy well I do apologize that might just be the smell of all the garbage that like phone vibration noise is like eily I mean obviously they probably literally used the sound of an actual phone vibrating but like my phone doesn’t my phone’s literally never on vibrate and it still throws me off excuse me I think it was three planks but I’ll take the other one out to make space um if we slap oh slap one in there need to find out where that dude’s going to take the stuff I guess I need to put the other storage down maybe I need to put storage in that zone perhaps Market store I don’t know what I’m going to sell here I haven’t really thought about that maybe the field mushrooms I’ll go put them in there do I have to water these again I think I have to water these every day that would make sense I just like lose track of time I wonder if I got seed yet oh tank I’m so sorry what like is there any clues to what happened right let’s put you in here oh I’ve got loads of room loads of room maybe the herbs and spices I can take a few of those maybe I can find seeds from foraging probably I didn’t notice them as like a can I set the prices or are they just kind of there I think they’re just there who are you oh oh oat cake what did you want again pet rocks oh yeah you can live here now nice oh cute oh my God a new outfit here you go there’s your home hasn’t been the healthiest ducky so either exhaustion or sheet oh I’m so sorry going to go chuckle this garbage away and then yeah maybe I just need to like forage around wait I wonder if the town pedia is going to tell me anything uh not construction garbage cleaning and repairing oh we we have to repair stuff building I don’t know I guess we’ll keep finding is that a new person Elliot water water I’m so thirsty do you know where I can get a drink around here build water bubbler okay I can do that that’s easy enough oh yeah that now’s a good time to build that now that I actually need the stuff here we go um I feel like I’m going to build it here there we go maybe I need to build another so where is it you no that’s Bob that’s Elliot invite that hits the spot you not even oh my God you like literally in my face I need to go and I think I set a house plot down somewhere and just like never built it so we’ll go do that got to go pick up my planks first I’m going to use the bike it’s quicker it’s so much quicker there’s another house it’s so far away from everything oh I don’t want to do that maybe I might have to move this where am I going to put this house maybe this one does want to go here I mean I don’t mind that it’s kind of like off alignment or do we want this house like right by the farm area maybe or might right by the fishing area I like that loot box going to grab this loot box and then I’m going to take a couple of minutes to stretch and hydrate I should not be long um at least we can pause time when we do this okay BRB I didn’t even notice what we got okay back in a second okay let’s get back to it right let’s get back on the bike they go muted yes I did okay I just had to check we have 71 points now so we could also automate the wood chopping let’s go ahead and do that oh love the bike Bell okay don’t run your people I’m so sorry can I apologize wait do I can I can I apologize oh my God no not my worker I wasn’t calling you I guess begin can I can I talk to you to say sorry okay I do apologize don’t run your Villages over that’s a thing that can happen I tried I tried to say sorry right let’s um also so we need to build another large storage right this look like a good little corner for it one here and if we go like one here maybe you’ll be able to take the stuff over there um if I set the recipe to how do I change it um two recipes available bricks there metal I don’t really know why I need much of this at the moment but we’ll find out you’ve run people over that was my first pitch I feel bad I need a brick for something and I can’t remember what it was I guess I’m going to put them down for now real comes when you play cor and run them all over together intentionally mean oh yeah that’s what I was doing timate forestry boom we need to the clock and also paper um and then 55 points for the next thing oh oh no I hope I’m not actually getting the hiccups I’ve put that in the wrong place okay clock that’s what I’m trying to build for clock I’m going to stick it I’ll stick it here wait I’ll put it there and then another chainsaw tool higher uh oat cake there we go where did you get the wood from D I ask I guess I guess I’m not going to ask oh it looks like he restocks the place as well I don’t think I’ve gone and done that yet you can high five chickens I haven’t seen any chickens yet I forgot what Felicity want oh Wendy you’re new o my feet are killing me I had to run and catch the train here it’s not even a leg day got anywhere where I could take off a load and Catch My Breath I’ve got loads of benches you should be happy what your hiccup remedy always swallow a spoonful of peanut butter I don’t really know I don’t really have a oh potatoes discovered potatoes I got a seed I got a seed we’re planting it I got way too excited oh wait I want that potato give me that back I was looking for the house I think it’s down here two residents available Wendy and Elliot there you go you play Rock Paper Scissors too oh my God what I didn’t even I need to go up to these people and see so select OT oh it’s because you’re in I’m not in Co-op so in Co-op you can do those things and at the moment Co-op is um only local co-op but they are they’ve got online on their rad as far as I’m aware it could be incorrect here but I’m looking forward to keeping up with the updates as well have I found a way to speed up time no have you I haven’t really had a need to other than like that one day but not there anymore okay 55 for decorations I love how I’m leaving fishing until last does it support through Steam remote play that I don’t know okay so I can’t build any of these I can build more roads if I want to I suppose I could F fill in some roads oh here we go paved Road oh I can make a Crossing as well that’s cool so that’s a Crossing I see okay oh I put a lamp post right on the end of that crossing that’s very inconvenient build some more roads up here does this cost any money no it doesn’t I can just build roads to my heart’s content oh my God fill the hole oh you can just drag okay that’s also easier I love it there we go um let’s also Road up here as well anywhere else I want to fill in probably around here maybe we can just like fix the place up a little with some roads that’s how you get around local co-op not all games have it that makes sense um pavement fill in that pavement I want some like regular oh no this is all actual grass anything that’s not got like stuff on it kind of want it to be grass although the the mud does add texture maybe I’ll leave some of it as is try now arriving oh my God new people who are you Lou too much garbage can get pretty stinky don’t you think you can only hold your NOS for so long I can stay and help you out if you find a place for a few bins around here yes tidy towns are happy to Town time to get to work and take out the trash is that your job now or is that like a thing I automate later Isaac hello you got a problem that needs solving I’m your man people tell me I’m a pretty helpful guy I’m not asking for much but a small amount of coin will go a long way how about it 25 oh yeah go on time to get started put me where you need help I will I don’t have any places wait oh just droing my potatoes on the floor I want to put these in storage for now cuz like I’m wondering if I can make make a shop for it later or something I do have two more large storages that I can build somewhere I don’t know where I want to put them at the moment so I’m going to not I do need to go and build those lamps somewhere it does still say wait what’s the plus here I guess I need to discover these later I just want to make sure I’ve got everything from every category down that I can before I H worry about buying new stuff which is now fishing first or no we’re going to do a decoration close to full gold yes oh there’s the gruff ride okay give me that so well a wishing well how very cute I’m going to put one here and one here um what is this a lookout it generates that as well a lookout for the town there’s not really a good vantage point maybe I mean in front of the statue kind of seems a bit redundant maybe here we’ll put one here as well why not and then ooh wooden barrier so there’s some cute fences I need to be strategic about these cuz like they kind of end up taking an entire decoration tile something like that and then maybe something by this house perhaps maybe in front of it like a front garden does it give me any bonuses I think it does but I don’t entirely know oh there’s the rides so should I just have like a whole section that’s got just like rides in it the ride Zone let me go and fix this little area up maybe it helps raise your rank it probably does I mean it says 52 now probably should have paid more attention um no we’ll go with Hedges so we’ll do one there and one there and maybe oh I ran out of money rip rip my money yeah don’t fall off into the holly bush not a good idea I don’t recommend that there we go we cleared out loads of stuff I’ve got so much wood oh my God I need to make some planks and Bricks so are you just not making planks for me I guess you’re making some planks give me that right I can go and put the N over here I guess I do have to take the stock myself maybe planks are done and let me go and figure out bricks do I have sand as a ground type I don’t I’ve only got dirt and grass I think at the moment um so if I go back into the inventory and go recipe bricks there do I have to do this myself I guess so uh I which is fine fine by me oh there’s a brick in there okay not recommended childhood experience in there not into a holly bush absolutely not there’s the brick witness the building of the I forgot what this is the well it’s a wishing well there we go oh there you go so you’re taking the bricks for me let me EMP it no space Oh it’s because I’m taking stuff I’m not storing stuff whoops what a donut did not mean to do that you’re stocked up for a while so I’m going to go put this back maybe not on the floor so if I go in here if I go build I can put the things here why not why not trying to figure out where oh wait what oh there we go there’s there’s one there’s two so I guess these walls work like that okay no I understand now I just couldn’t like make out where some of the lights were it only attached to certain places though so it looks like I’ve got to attach it to these walls there we go there’s some lights I do actually want to see if I can test the roads that would be really funny there’s our nice wishing well oh my God wait can I get off it no oh my God I’m stuck on this until further notice we now know we’re going to health and safety test all of them see even if the May would even use the ride you know that it’s fine it’s safe it’s good also you can say that you also rode the rid as the is me question mark that was that well okay I do want to build more Pavements here ooh Cobble path I don’t to see what that’s like can I put it here supp to go like that’s very cute oh these cost money these cost money and I’ve spent all it’s also kind of like up on a ledge but that’s okay have I got any house base left no no I don’t I’m full full on townies right it is so cute isn’t it fishing let’s go build the fishing stuff oh wait I haven’t got any money I put it when I can garbage so much garbage to rank 42 discovered how did I discover the Octo sausage where have I got that from I’m concerned how have you got over there potatoes oh I see so they grow better if I seed grow better if I water them I suppose watered at least I don’t have to go all the way back right path Cobble Road give me one of the oh I can’t put it where the Scarecrow is that’s fine I’m now hungry so who’s fishing like what there’s a fishing house here but like oh I guess it’s like any of the other buildings right okay let’s have a look at the fishing situation so fishing rod stand feel like putting it there crab pots ooh yes um how do I is it this way or this way can I put it where can I put it I have to go in a specific area does it have to be by a beach let me try rotating it different ways no no in the water maybe fully in the water requires fishing zone I’m in the fishing Zone definitely in the fishing Zone oh it’s the money I’m too poor I haven’t got enough money I out of money can I place it on top of the path oh that’s a good question I wasn’t sure if it was going to outl the hose oh let’s um go through here first of all we’re going to store the potatoes sell a few things over here cuz our Market store is empty wow so much for sale what was I doing again oh yeah I was moving I can oh it deleted the path so no maybe I get rid of these Cobble paths then oh no but I Wast so much money well oh no I get it back I get it back it’s all good maybe I’ll keep that a little bit up there just for the novelty okay well I got some money back I’m going to put some metal ingots up for sale who are you oh it’s fisty and who are you Sandra hey there isn’t this the most exciting place ever I’d love to bring extra cheer can I join P 100 coins oh maybe maybe later shops all doing good at the moment yes they are you’re doing fine probably could do with some more stuff soon oh look mushrooms um why where have you got planks from I guess I’ll transfer them places there we go bricks will go in the storage over here can I buy the fishing stuff now I should be able to yeah I was just trying to sort out some of the storage things and making sure the stores were still stocked right crab pots let’s try that again wait what’s this seaf converter refines fishing items into various food products oh that’s awesome okay all right there we go there’s the Crab Pot this makes more sense I can afford both and now we just got to wait for enough money for the food converter so I guess we press F to fish oh I can see the fish in the water I don’t I know when they’ve definitely been F deep SE cutlet oh my God I got one oh my God there’s so many fishing spots down here oh phone call next challenge Maybe Hey kid well done you’re moving up the ranks time to book your challenge open up your calendar up and book in a slot okay um this time we’ll do it wait what is the challenge I’ll schedule it tomorrow challenge O2 so much info can I go back and see it nope we’re going to find out tomorrow lower lower there we go um have we got enough money yet I shall wait for that you can now fish up the bone for the wolf I probably could yes um there was a sort button oh I can just go between oh that’s so much easier there was a way to sort it right no store never mind I just want to wait until I can put the food converter thing down and then I’ll do it oh wait fishing rod I want to make sure I water my potatoes whoops train is now arriving yes hurry the train up I need I need more gold actually we should hydrate while we wait for it or unless I wonder if that’s like one of our store things whoops whoops I’m dropping stuff wait that is that a chicken fish did anyone see that there we go got enough money now I’ve got to put the fishing run back first so Seafood converter requires OCTA worst right what do I do with this deep sea Cutler do I just go sell it on the market store I guess um let me put these planks away maybe I take this one Herb in Sp look at it oh it’s so sad with the like dead eyes right now we can go try see if we can go get our war friend even if they’ve not got any more houses need to fix up this area too oh there’s a herb and spice on the floor or at least I can actually still pick stuff up with the fishing rod on my hand I can’t forage or whatever but if there’s ground items oh it’s so dark it matter where I fish is it those things fish I can he the real wood frame what do I do with that that actual garbage I guess I have to wait until I get the bone unless it’s a specific spot should we look around I wanted to see if it was kind of obvious where it might come from deeper in the forest maybe is oh maybe it’s in this bit there’s another cave entrance here or like log entrance maybe it’s around here does it tell me where I am no wait no signal that’s not ominous at all that’s not terrifying in the slightest waa those are some giant mushrooms junk fishing spot maybe we’ll try here so I guess otherwise a bone would be junk right what was that tree swing oh like this look at it wait get that Ed oh oh my God Lyn hello how you doing going to lose my mind what’s that one large toad St group oh those are decorations okay oh they’re they’re literally just decorations going to need to check for trash soon sparkly gem dust what is that what is that I guess we’ll find out soon oh I can see like the amount of space that they take up on my backpack I just realized what those little cubes mean maybe I just have to get lucky for the bone I don’t know I’ll try one more I don’t think I’ve got room though looking at my backpack that was just a piece of trash okay let’s get out of here it this way I’ve no sense Direction in here at all okay we made it out in one piece not that I think any thing would have happened but you know I want to go put my fishing rod back I don’t know what to do with this junk though oh no the trash is not too bad there we go right I think I need to go I’m going to build another storage there trying to remember where it was there I’m thinking I’m literally just going to have all my storage in this little Zone here maybe I’ll go from the back or out well the garbage I’m going to I’m going to actually dispose of be the best town ever we’re working on it we’re working on it oh no it is almost full is it my first time playing this yes it is my first 2 and 1/ half hours so far we got some potatoes ready kind of want them all to be done on the same day though I wonder if they rot if I don’t oh I am littering I’m fully littering okay there we go oh my God I’m so nervous about what the challenge is going to be does my phone say what time it is it does day 6 11:00 p.m. so we’re going to find out what our challenge is soon more potatoes and seeds maybe I can sell a couple of potatoes here so my seeds don’t seem to take up an inventory slot which is kind of nice it would be nice to have something recycling wise wouldn’t it I guess we’ll see what happens I also don’t know how long to wait on these Camp pots or how to wait what is that was that a do I just see something in the water I don’t know ra Harvest discovered crab oh let’s not drop the crab on the floor I’ve done it again stop pressing Q oh my God 250 gold we built oh that’s it just 250 gold okay cool I’m I’m cool with that that’s fine I don’t think we have anything to worry about we’ll check all the stores make sure they’re all stocked up I should be able to just like restock based on um all the automated stuff anyway potato SE are funny cuz you grow potatoes with potatoes literally here me um we’ll make some more planks as well why not right I might have to move this storage there we go uh plant potato get more potatoes doesn’t it work if you like cut them into pieces as well is the other cheat cat it’s just like using garlic to multiply garlic right can I press R to all there we go oh wait all the way around you just need an eye of the potato yeah you just need to like I mean pay attention to like what part of the potato right but 54 gold come on reduce faster take some mushrooms take some metal let’s do some more metal ingots hey at least it’s the correct keyboard this time oh yeah update on the the keyboard thing we made sure to remove the device completely to prevent keyboard mishap again that was so funny maybe I can go and by uh go and find some gems myself I want to know what this does I guess it’s just decorative used to work on a potato farm oh I love that backpack full of gems I love it unless you going slap all of these on the market store wait can I build a second Market store oh my God I can um maybe we’ll put one here then there we go do I have any more lighting options or like available no maybe I need to move a light um I think I’ve got one that’s kind of like oddly placed somewhere maybe this one actually no I’ll take this one um move cuz it is kind of like right in the middle of the path there we go not quite as poorly lit anymore I might move this fence as well I can put this here and this here feel like it makes more sense like that what’s the second bar yeah they’re re search points um I can’t spend them at the moment because I’m waiting for this challenge to finish only thing I’m worried about oh no it’s 4:17 we’ve got loads of time what do I need I think I need planks I should have them there we go cut the ribbon so where’s the ghost that Witnesses glad we’ve got a bit of everything for sale so far we’re halfway there maybe should carry on with fishing in the meantime believe it or not I wonder where I can get wait what’s that that over there hello oh I wish I could jump oh trick look how cool of a m i Am yeah someone literally cheering me on that’s so funny oh my God how funny they’re waving at me and everything I’m going to leave my skateboard here I thought I just abandoned my um fishing rod on the ground for a skateboard very me this know where it still is I see a Loot Crate that’s what you’re talking about wait what I think I missed something I also missed what I just unlocked as well I got so confused think we have nothing to worry about with this money challenge you bring chilling around town doing tricks for like 10 minutes in front of your villager fans I love that OCT there we go there’s one oh that’s a literal octus fishy spot right okay wait I wonder if the flag means that the crabs are there yes okay I understand now that sounds really silly but let’s go stick these crabs on this door over here fresh crabs there’s the sausage right um try and sell it does it take two I guess it takes two here we go store more things to sell I thought I saw something on the fishing sign I was incorrect yeah that just says regular fishing spot so I guess Octor is specific other one like this one oh okay the fishing spots go away you need to save manually right okay thank you we’ have now saved didn’t even know that oh it’s turns into rocks that’s interesting these come up pretty pretty often I’m just so used to Autos saave now I forget that manual saving is a thing that exists I’m very glad cuz I probably would have just like left without even thinking about it come on eight more gold someone buy some things oh there there we go they heard me tier two and the phone is ringing and my backpack’s full of garbage well done what a huge success you’ve now got access to the next level of town C goodies keep those profits rolling in least I can save at any time this is also true true you don’t have to like wait for a certain like time of day or whatever okay oh we’ve got more of a cap for our Tech points and our money as well so OT Tech automation Farm yes oh my God more crops more crops more crops must automation fishing probably a must expanded fit outs oh my God yes more shops expanded forestry mining garbage collection Services must oh my God all of these are a must really more houses I think I need more houses too so I’m going to start with right more housing and more fit outs can’t do more fit house yet but we do we definitely need more housing cuz we’ve got more people than houses right now and that’s obviously a problem get this truck out the way so I can build more things I think there’s like a new style Apartments it has four townies can we put them where am I going to put them I think I want to put them here just kidding I can’t uh oh I guess it’s cuz there’s a road there and I could change it if I want to I suppose we can put some stuff behind I haven’t really done put anything over here I feel like apartments behind a train area Mak sense to me yeah we’ll we’ll stick some apartments here um I’m going to put one here and one literally right next to it and then I’m going to do like a smaller Road situation because I still need a pavement oh I need to get rid of the leaves something like that let’s have a look what we need metal bars and planks okay let’s do this so I can fix the pavement Boom the leaves look kind of nice there though they’re like breaking up the pavement though I have some gardens around the edge of the apartment just so it’s not just like all buildings you know oh maybe what I’ll do um only the illusion of like a front garden here’s your little grass patch that’s all the garden you get oh my God bubble bubble machine quick there’s dirt oh so he just stuff in there was that stuff on the ground um the roads are day and I need to clean them bubbles bubbles you littered I think that’s very rude how freaking dare you put this back okay um metal planks and metal PL metal bars and planks oh in that case give me those and those SP gut jelly frosting everywhere me I still need two more metal bars and all the planks maybe this is where I do actually need the truck now oh I didn’t mean to do that oh well get in don’t run over our resident here let’s have a look oh that’s a lot of planks and we’ve got metal bars in here I guess we’ll take some of this out as well we you could change the color of the truck that would be cute I did see a green truck somewhere else I think I could use that one too there’s more than one truck I’m pretty sure right apartments one apartments two cut that rope ribbon not rope and oh it looks like okay so maybe if I change this then roads and now I can still put pavement here like so you join this pavement up anyway there we go right let’s have a look who we can put in here Isaac and Lou and then we don’t have any more residents yet I want to change the color of I don’t like this green there we go and I also don’t like this brown I want them matching no I’m happy with that so far we’ve now got enough points to do things with so let’s jump out the truck um garbage collection service I want to prioritize that and then expand of fit outs get it oh my God fishing chip shop I’m so excited right let’s see who we can invite let’s energize and turn it up and Arch planning for expansion I can help deploy your resources to capitalize maintenance office oh Bob we got a one happy accident I still would need to know what I did to cause this or what I need to do to cause it B it’s like your turn is off to a good start let’s celebrate with the high five did you I know you’ve got it in you give me on a high five okay I have to hit maybe later and then hey no not you go away aha begin there we go wait come back invite come live here now that’s what I’m talking about it would be cool if like with the skateboard for example I could have like um put in my backpack yeah fish and chip shop I need to I need to get that going immediately I guess I can put the fishing chip shop somewh near the fishing area oh no wait I can put it here I feel like I need to like relay out some of the stuff okay let’s have a look I can put two more shops so I think I’m actually going to put them I’m going to put them like this cuz I might eventually be able to put ones either side of those as well bre some planks yes we are we will be I at least need to build the vision chip shop though I must see what we can get done in the time at least if I build these they’ll be ready to go one and two and also I think I want to make this like a dirt path down the middle feel like that makes sense cut those ribbons make sure to save I AB will do and the fish and chip shop I’ll put nearest to the fish cuz I feel like that makes sense so oh Book Nook and Fish and Chips shop ooh okay who’s going to work here feel like Elliot is giving fish and chip shop so fish and chips duh fish potato and paper room oh I need to make paper and that’s very very involved I’m going to use this and then for this who’s giving booknook I feel like Ana and then pick that out and recipe wise I think oh we’ve literally we can just book book and book book is all we sell so I think can I set the paper here right yeah a St lives on the beach and his friends with Willie so it’s funny I put him on the fishion Chip Shop actually yeah that’s a good point that’s kind of funny they don’t have anything to put in there at the moment but we will get there oh it’s funny cuz it’s next to the Bookshop as well you’re right cuz of the whole like obviously him being a writer I think I set off some OCT to worst oh we’ve got one exactly one cool Co cool cool oh I guess we need to make make more I have to make it another time uh crabs I guess I need to start maybe saving these let’s go put them away and then I think we’ll call it there cuz um we’ve just done a couple of like significant things it was definitely I mean it actually I’m disappointed to say it wasn’t oh wait I need this back and then next time we’ll look at some of the new automation options there we go you can sell exactly one item I always do think yeah completely on purpose completely on purpose look at all these people okay well I had a lot of fun let me hit save if you enjoyed the stream today don’t forget to hit the like button it does help us out a lot if you’re thinking about checking out the game please do uh please do so via my link either in the description or the pinned chat message and um if you’re on Twitch side there is the command exclamation point goo town if you want to check it out as well um but yeah I maybe we’ll make this a thing so perhaps it can be our Monday stream slot now let me make sure I’m paused so we’re not like passing time for no reason and uh next thing you’re going to see is Saturday oh by the way the video for this week is going to be delayed by a day just CU I’ve got so much going on um for the tmen challenge that is but yeah I I hope to uh see you Saturday if you can make it something very exciting I will put the stream thing up either tomorrow or also maybe it might be Saturday morning and then you can see what it is but I think you’re all going to love it so hopefully I’ll see as many of you as I can then bye

Check out the game here: https://lurk.ly/J9xnKa
Thank you to Go-Go Town for providing me a copy of the game!
I’m so excited to check out a game that’s like a hybrid of Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing with some city management thrown in! We’re the new mayor of Go-Go Town, let’s make this place the next best destination for all the loot goblins out there!

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4. We are a safe place for all communities. Racism, sexism or any form of discrimination and hatred will be an instant permanent ban. No questions asked.
5. Do not mention viewer count in the streams. Whilst we understand people get excited over the viewership numbers, we have ultimately decided that pointing this out in the stream is detrimental to the stream in the long run. We want to focus on the people, not the numbers. Your message will be deleted if you mention viewer numbers.
6. Mods have final say. We are here to protect the Community but also Emma, if we feel you have broken any of the above rules, we will remove/timeout/ban if we feel it is warranted to do so.
7. Please do not tell Emma to stream a different game whilst she is streaming. If she is streaming a game, she has a plan in place for that days stream and will not change just because someone in chat says to. If you have a suggestion for a game, please put it in streaming-discussions
8. Do not shout out or call out lurkers. Lurkers are a major part of the backbone of the stream and most people just want to watch and relax and not get called out as this may make them feel uncomfortable.
9. Do not spam the same message over and over again. If a message has been missed, repeating once should do the trick! We will delete further repeated messages.
10. Enjoy yourself ❤️

Vlog Channel: @emmalutionIRL
Twitter: https://twitter.com/emmalutionYT
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_emmalution
Discord: https://discord.gg/wj9umZFRWy
Business enquiries: emmalutionyt@gmail.com

Music by DemonGummies:
– [Spotify] https://open.spotify.com/artist/186Z7vh8tdbrO3V9ZZIMoJ
– [SoundCloud] https://soundcloud.com/demongummies
– [Youtube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKRR_uODeDynIGUnPscb6MA
– [Instagram] https://instagram.com/demongummies
More Music by GameChops:
– Stardew & Chill – Coffee Date & Dj Cutman: https://gamechops.com/stardew-and-chill/
– Our New Horizons – Helynt & Dj Cutman: https://gamechops.com/our-new-horizons/

#gogotown #earlyaccess #cozygames

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