How To Play – Stardew Valley The Board Game

hi i’m jeff kornberg and on this episode of the dragons tomb i’m going to be teaching you how to play stardew valley the board game in this game players take on the role of villagers who have just moved to the island of stardew valley and are trying to make it the best place to live to set up have each player pick a villager and place them by their home then give everyone their own inventory board next put all the fish tokens into this blue bag all the fossils into this gray bag and place six rocks onto open spaces stardew valley takes place in real time which means whatever date and time it is in real life it’s also that date and time in the game there’s a deck of cards for each season take whichever one applies to the season you’re currently in and place it next to the board now you’re ready to start playing the object of the game is to customize the island in whichever way you’d like make friends and collect as much stuff as possible this is isabel the resident services administrator when you sit down to play each day place her in the community center then flip over the top card from the season deck to reveal her daily announcement this will be different each day but will generally give you updates on the island such as if there will be shooting stars tonight what the weather is like if a new resident is moving in or if you’re lucky what isabel has recently been watching on tv once the announcement is done the game becomes an open sandbox where you can do as much or as little as you’d like with countless actions available you can move to any of the tree spots to shake the tree and collect wood and fruit place anything you pick up into your inventory however you only have a limited amount of spaces so make sure you don’t carry around too much to earn money you can go visit tom nook who runs nook inc you can buy and upgrade buildings from him and he also collects things from animals for each wooden fruit he collects from you you earn one coin once you reach 10 coins you can buy a fishing rod shovel or watering can with the fishing rod you can go to one of the island’s many fishing spots and try to catch a fish for some reason some animals on the island are your anthropomorphic friends while others are realistic animals that you hunt and sell when you go fishing have someone else hold the blue bag for you as soon as they start to slightly shake it you have two seconds to reach into the bag and pull out a random fish sometimes you’ll get a fish while other times you’ll get garbage with the shovel you can go around to the six rocks on the island and collect stone from them however each day you can randomly pick one rock to give you eight coins instead of stone you can also use the shovel to go to any diggable spot on the island and unearth fossils to do this reach into the gray bag and pull one out once you’ve collected any fish or fossils you can sell them to tom nook for five coins each or you can choose to donate them to the island’s museum this is blathers the museum’s curator you can give the items you collect to him and he’ll put them on display for you once you start to fill up the museum you can place this extension to the side of the board and continue to donate there as you collect more and more things as you play and begin to earn larger amounts of money you can use it to buy decorations for your house go to this space to talk with timmy and tommy animals you can buy things from every day you can flip over four cards from this item deck these are what timmy and tommy are selling and you can purchase each one for 15 coins at first whenever you buy an item you’ll only be allowed to place it around your house however each time you collect 200 coins you may go to tom nook and buy a home upgrade when you do this pick a new room shown at the top of the board you may now begin placing and arranging items there as you play you’ll also want to become friends with the other animal villagers on the island you may go to a villagers home and reveal an animal from this animal deck the revealed character now lives here and you can come visit them whenever you’d like if you visit someone across 50 different days you finally become one of their best friends you can now take a photo of them with your phone and put that photo on display in your home if you’re ever playing after 6 pm on a saturday you’re in for a treat because that’s when celebrity musician kk slider comes to perform place kk in the center of town have a few of the townsfolk gather around then grab the rulebook and slowly read this page which lists all the people who worked on the game repeat this every saturday because the game takes place in real time all buildings and homes other than your own are closed between 10 pm and 8 am however if you change the clocks in your actual house you can time travel and experience a time of your choice within the game and those are all the rules there’s no official end to the game and no way to win or lose so just relax explore and enjoy your time at stardew valley all in all this game is a blast to play i loved obsessively working on my island every day for seven months then forgetting about it and not playing again for half a year only to check in and discover that weeds had grown everywhere and all the villagers were upset with me which made me not want to play anymore

In this game tutorial, you’ll learn how to play the real-time board game “Stardew Valley: The Board Game.”

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  1. Not what I was looking for, misleading title. Make an appropriate title and get more positive feedback and likes. Dislike. Fun video though.

  2. This video is in bad taste. It's a first result and when searching for rules of this game and i get a video that is making fun of the game?
    I seriously don't understand what was the creator trying to achieve with this.
    Remove the tag of a tutorial or put down the video. A definite dislike for this.

  3. Like others, I find your video funny but I was looking for a How to play video before going to my friend’s house who has the game. I stumble into your video first, listen to it all and felt confused. I played both video games (Animal Crossing and Stardew valley). You should really change your title (like others said before) for fake, joke or Satire. I put a dislike. Even though you seems like a really good youtuber, that waste a time for the only 15 minutes break I had to learn the game in my day, cost you a subscriber. It was a fake and not announced that way. Very misleading. 👎🏻

  4. This confused the heck out of me. Never played SDV but have played AC. My buddy tells me we’re playing this game for our weekly board game night and goes through lengths to tell me it’s not like Animal Crossing.

    Watched this video and immediately text him “wtf are you making me play?”

    Funny, but just put a damn disclaimer somewhere lol

  5. this isn't funny enough to be satire?????????? what a weird way to bait someone to a video and waste their time like?????? at least be funny then maybe he wouldn't have been flooded with dislikes

  6. This is some fake and misleading shit. If you are actually trying to learn to play Stardew Valley the board game – THIS IS NOT THE RIGHT VIDEO.

  7. I report this video for its misleading content. A simple change in its title would have spared my time. I realised I've been pranked only at the end of the video when the absurdity hit its peak. I came here to know how to play this game, not for a satire. Thank you

  8. No no no, you don't do this. Advertising your video as a real how to play when it's a fake. Dislike and you lost a possible subscriber

  9. I legit looked at this and thought it included Animal Crossing characters and thought it was a perfect game for my son. I also thought it was an open world game. I have since bought the game and realise this is not the game. I was so confused until coming back here and reading the comments. It would have been helpful for you to have put in the title that this was satire. I am giving it a dislike because of this.

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