The Butcher Comes to Stardew Valley! – Stardew Valley Gameplay HD

hello everyone happy Friday the 13th and to celebrate such a special day I’ve got a rather special video for you we’re gonna be looking at an amazing mod which turns your animals from something annoying and lovable into something delicious and valuable we are talking of course about the butcher mod the way this works is if you check your mail one day after going through your hundred years worth of mail you will get sent something this dear farmer mumps we know you are the proud owner of a farm animal congratulations actually Pam moved out years ago here in our world we love animals very deeply oh so do I this letters got me totally figured out but unfortunately they can’t breed so we are always looking to get more from other worlds we know you humans love meat and you might one day want to kill your animals for their meat don’t do that and they send me a meat cleaver well what am I to do with this I love all my animals so much and taking care of them it’s just so much fun I don’t know what I’d do without them delicious delicious animals so much like chopping down a mowing tree all you need to do is hit it a few times with a meat cleaver and it turns into me so far we are getting beef from the cows a no doubt and mutton from the lambs oh and as it turns out the button also comes from goats so I’m missing one animal the pigs those valuable truffle hunters are there is there meat more valuable than the truffles they produce licious line up the shot and kablamo pork for pork and a silver quality meat from the pig very nutritious and it is actually fairly valuable 1250 per one that is the same as a truffle this meat the silver quality is more than a truffle I won’t lie to you I already like this model way too much I’m just gonna have so much fun doing this again and again speaking of annoying animals well that’s a shame can someone make cat mod this one might be a little bony but the flavors really in the character it doesn’t let you swing it at humans that’s a shame but I know what you’re thinking kids are people you should be able to put you there no problem well let’s find out kids where are you oh you know what I might not have kids anymore might have to do something about that but for now let’s go back to the animals who we actually can butcher what I want to do at this point is so the animal products in the bin just to see their value overnight and is to see what happens and then we’ll get moving on to a little other project tomorrow not really sure why I’m wasting my time with this right now because they already know the value I just want to see it in this menu and we got a new cow okay that’s cool I kill to get one back it’s cool little rebate program I’ll take that little zany you’re gonna be delicious that’s a pretty good money considered farming of course because you’re farming meat which is all I’ve ever really done there’s a value of things broken down it is important to note that the value of butchering an animal is worth more than the animal itself that way you don’t lose money of course at this point you might be thinking well why not just buy animals and butcher them right away to double the money it’s basically a license to print money well unfortunately you cannot butcher little animals shame is too young to be turned into meat but your days are numbered little cow just you wait but apparently the better friends you are with the animal the better quality of the meat is because it hurts just that much more so what I’m gonna do is divide my animals into half and half I’m gonna have to slaughter you some more which is going to be a lot of fun and in this half is gonna be 24 animals that aren’t gonna get any love and these that are gonna get lots of love and we’re gonna compare the difference now by my math that means we need six of every kind of animal in every kind of barn now that I think about the math I don’t have to slaughter any animals I just have to readjust them so that I have all four types in this pen in all four types in that pen so I need to move a few cows over to the east and then a few other things over to the west and this is gonna get really confusing really fast so I’m just gonna skip this for you guys if you’re ever wondering how to move a cow you simply need to have enough barns to accommodate the new ones right click so you pet it and then you just click change homebuilding and then you can put it to one of the other ones as long as there’s space available there we go that seems like an adequate Pig tikal ratio I did put less in this barn because these are the animals I’m actually gonna take care of and I want there to be less of them now we need to do the Sheep to go ratio but I don’t want to do either this many sheep so let’s just cut the numbers down by a few and I’m sorry you are the weakest link goodbye oh I didn’t even mean to hit that one and you’re gone let’s do one more and this guy tough luck for you bye the three remaining sheep are gonna be the ones that I make friends with just for a little while then I’m gonna murder them now I got to move some of the goats that way I’m just gonna move three of them over maybe cut the numbers down by a few just because I don’t really like goats that much well I suppose that’s okay there’s five goats here and I believe there’s three goats and three sheep in the other barn which is a very nice goat two sheep ratio if you ask me there we go nice and easy to take care of speak of which I’m actually gonna do that for the first time ever as I’m going along taking care of these idiots I am gonna take note of some of the items I’m talking a long way is I’m working through this progress and taking care of these idiots I am gonna take note of some of the animal products are giving me along the way so we can compare the values for example we have some goat milk 225 gold and the mutton it produces if it’s gold quality is 975 it’s worth considerably more but considering you don’t get any more goat milk after that because he turned it into meat is it really worth it in my opinion yes because you don’t have to take care of animals anymore you know what after one day of taking care of animals I’ve just got too many I’m not gonna do this many so sorry pork chop is I’m now going to call you and you get the axe I want three of each so this little piggy went to heaven well that’s the first day of love complete it’s gonna take a little bit while to get them up the hearts for now I’m just gonna sell a whole bunch of crap to get it out of the way but I am gonna keep the baseline products for now goats milk milk I’ll get a wool I’ll hold on to that then we can see basic values versus the most advanced butchering meats the value of things should you be curious I’ll lay them out or right here the pork is pretty valuable so far which is good because the pigs are also very valuable and that’s all from my stupid crap one thing I am also gonna do to make these animals happier is take the fence down on this side because that way they can be free-range a little bit I’ll be able to track them down there’s not too many of them and they can happily eat grass I’ll at least give them an opening up here and maybe one below that way they’ll still get out but there still be pretty easy to find and no I’m not gonna be putting them in the barn every night I’m simply gonna get up pet them every morning take their products if they have any and go back to bed they’ll still raise their heart level that way fairly quickly so won’t be a big deal one thing I am noticing right away is the animal products are already a lot more valuable I’m getting a lot of gold and silver quality despite their hearts not going up yet today we got our first half a heart that only took like 4 days so this is actually gonna take a while I was hoping it would be faster but I don’t think there’s any way I can cheat this either so I’m just have to put up with it well now that most of the animals are up to one full heart with exception of that idiot clearly he didn’t get much attention now that they’re here and I realized how much work this took I decided to look into it further and being better friends with your animals doesn’t give you better quality meat it just gives you more of it it probably does have a little bit of bearing on whether it’s gold or silver quality but you just get more meat so right here one heart I’m gonna slaughter a few things and let’s see how much meat we get from each individual animal first thing we want to do is get rid of any existing meat because that will skew the results now my favorite part one of every animal let’s take this little sheep like that and we got six muttons from that pretty good we’ll put those down here we’ll sell those at the end of the day to see what we get and now what else do we want uh we did a sheep let’s do a goat too even though it gives you the same thing mostly because I just want less goats now I believe this is a go and if it’s not I don’t care that one gave me only four now obviously a pig in a cow mr. pig six pork and a cow that was three regular three silver quality by the way and what is a cow gonna give us the counted pretty good eight meats total six regular one gold quality and one silver now let’s examine the value of all that we’ll throw everything in the bin well compare the animal meat value as compared to its product value so if we’re pretending we’re getting silver quality most days some things will go like that we’ll throw one of those in and the truffle is just a truffle so basically one animal product from every animal versus the meat this might be a little trickier to determine so if you’re doing this sheep the wool will give you 425 gold every day but if you slaughter that sheep instead you’ll get over five thousand gold and that’s really only ten animal products so it’s actually pretty worth it to slaughter these things so far you’ll get a huge amount of money instantly the cow actually maybe not so much even getting some of the higher quality stuff you’re looking at not even a thousand gold they’re just over eight hundred for slaughtering it when you get one hundred and fifty six gold today potentially more so you’re only getting five six days worth of money by killing your cow I know it’s fun but it’s hard to justify the goats I just go ahead and kill them go to dominar we can look at the value of those Hey however truffles 12:50 what does their meat sell for their meat if you’ve slaughtered one Pig at one heart you’ll get that much about 8300 gold so that’s only seven days worth of truffles and so it’s not worth it to slaughter your pigs let them find truffles truffles are easy to find you go pick them up you don’t have to do anything to the pigs it’ll always be iridium quality truffles as long as you’re forging skill is high enough generally what I’m seeing the value get a butchering your animals is really only a week to two weeks of animal products depending on a few factors so if you’re in a hurry to get some money slaughter those animals if not you make up that money within two weeks and then they’ll continue producing after that so it’s really unlimited money in that sense but that leads me to another train of thought and a new idea now I know it looks like I’m just loitering my animals and I am but we gotta start fresh a fresh start new and improved animals so each one of these has to die and I’m gonna have a lot of fun doing it now I feel like there’s a few hiding out somewhere nope was I really don’t do that for you animals I guess I did solder a few yesterday I mean I’m just having so much fun with it Marnie I need several of the most lovable animals we’re simply gonna start fresh taking order the value of every animal and seeing the value of it the value of that investment once they grow up and we can slaughter them so 1,500 cow 4,000 goat 8,000 sheep 16,000 Pig Marnie do you like steak thank you this looks nice I guess she had no idea that was one of the lovable animals she sold to me only a few weeks ago it is worth noting by the way that you can also do the coop animals the chickens the rabbits all that sort of stuff I just didn’t want to cover the whole mod in this video someone wants to play with it you’re free to explore that it’ll be a whole new experience for you anyways here are my new animals so I’m gonna actually pet them every day so they grow up as fast as possible and then we’ll slaughter them as soon as they’re ready actually I changed my mind we’re not gonna pet them every day I’m just gonna sleep through this cuz it’s even faster and I normally wouldn’t pet them every day anyway because it’s me the problem was now checking the animals every day is I don’t know how long they take to grow up it’s been one week already and the goats grown up the pig is not I guess a go grows faster the sheep is ready to go where’s my cow get out of the way sheep all right well the cows here doing a good workout like the form good technique I’ll leave her to do her thing and I just need that pig to grow up where’s that pig that little pig just doesn’t want to grow up I think they might actually take twice the amount of time as the other animals because what they produce is so much more valuable that would make sense to me so we’ll just give it another few days we’ll go tell this Saturday which will be two weeks from when I started officially now two weeks since I started with the baby pig it should be grown up now if it’s not then I’m gonna have to wait even longer ah perfect so that was two weeks from when I started might have been faster I didn’t check on it the days during the week and if you actually pet the animals and take care of them did you grow up faster anyways let’s see what kind of return we get on our investment whoops I was aiming for the cow sorry about that mr. pig and one sheep and what am I missing one goat where’s my goat in hiding ah found him look he’s got some milk you ready to be milked oh no milk weird so after simply being grown up which took a few weeks they gave me four pork five beef and seven buttons total that was four and three between the two animals I probably should have separated the mutton a little better being that both animals produce me the same thing despite costing different amounts looking at the value not very good the pork only gave me five thousand and those pigs definitely cost more than that that pig cost me sixteen thousand so so that’s got to be the heart level of the pig you definitely want to make friends with it before you slaughter it because well obviously same with the cows they give you five beef only worth five hundred gold he paid fifteen hundred he only made a thirty your money back I mean you did get to get rid of your cow but you didn’t make your money back buttons same thing again you pay eight thousand for sheep and four thousand for goat so you only make forty five hundred fifty back so if you get a slaughter them make sure you’re friends with them first but let’s pretend they gave us gold quality meat let’s see the value of that hey cool I got my tractor inside selling a single gold item of everything obviously a lot more valuable the mutton worth two thousand gold by themselves the beef one fifty the pork eighteen seventy five so obviously it’s a big step up as soon as it hits gold quality obviously they could give you multiple of these they absolutely shared once you slaughter them I really like this butcher Maude it’s been a lot of fun a whole other dynamic to play with lots of fun makes you some money if you do it right if not you lose money like any good mod and like I said you can also do the coop animals so chickens rabbits or whatever you might want to play with that like I said I’m not gonna cover in this video cause I want to leave you guys something to play with it you can’t see already if you do want to see it down the road I might do it but for now I’m just gonna continue doing this look at all these hungry animals trying to eat the grass well I’m hungry too so I’m gonna eat them so I hope you like this one thank you all for watching

This amazing mod brings an entire new mechanic to play with.. Murder! We now have the option to turn our animals into meat for a healthy profit. I like this idea because I can make money off animals with as little effort as possible now! More amazing Stardew Valley gameplay with my commentary as always! Have fun playing butcher on your own farm!
Butcher Mod –


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