I Cheated With /GOD In Minecraft Build Battle

my robot Guido challenged me to a build battle where the winner gets 10,000 diamonds but what he doesn’t know is that I can use the/ God command so the most powerful gods in Minecraft can help me win the first B build theme is Temple you’ve only got 5 minutes dear and 5 minutes is all I’ll need Guido right now the SL good command does not work because we need a Summoner now before the build battle begin I put this X on the round which has a liar in a chest and with this liar I can create the god Summoner beautiful a song worthy of the Gods wo it’s an angel sent from the heavens above oh she’s so cute wait what is she doing she’s got wa thanks hey what was that noise uh uh nothing uh crazy weather we’re having right H all right now we’ve got the Summoner the SL good command should work yes here we go as you can see we have a selection of a bunch of gods but most of them are locked apart from Medusa technically not a God but still I’m sure she’ll be very useful oh hi nice to meet you okay obviously we can’t look at Medusa so I’ve got this magic mirror if I place this down this is going to have to be how I communicate with her there we go now I can actually talk to her without being turned into stone listen Medusa a minute has already gone of this build battle and I buil absolutely nothing so do you think you could head over to Guido’s side and sabotage him all right and judging by the fact that she’s not in the mirror anymore she must have gone now I Can Begin work on my build hey looking good handsome no okay no we’ve got a build battle to win let’s use these blocks as a base and I am going to build a temple dedicated to Medusa hopefully she appreciates this I’ve even got these green glaze terra cotta blocks to give it more of a reptile feel I’m sure she’s going to like this although of course impressing Medusa is at the top of my priority list still I don’t want her to eat me H I like the painting on the left it really brings out my eyes but the one on the right seems more iconic this is a tough call I’m just so handsome in both of them H decision decision now it’s extremely important that Medusa sabotages Guido without catching his attention we do not want him to know that we’re cheating you know what how about I just keep both of them wait what was that hey is someone there I what I swear I built more than just this oh I don’t have time for this there we go this is looking awesome this really looks like a snake oh speaking of snakes Medusa must be back no Medusa what have you done no I’m frozen to the spot oh no no I can’t commend her and she’s just doing her own thing she’s not even helping with the build stop watching TV and help me oh this is useless she can’t hear me okay you know what new plan I just need to get to the top of one of those pillars oh this are Vines I need to get to the vines once I get to the top of those pillars I can jump off and break the stone even once I do this I’m only going to have 1 minute to do the rest of the build so fingers cross this [Music] works Medusa get off your lazy butt and help me finish this build that’s it take those blocks you stole from Guido and build this Temple up and this is one final finishing touch which is really going to catch Guido off guard uh oh hey Guido Steve what is this this is in a temple oh uh yeah I guess I misunderstood completely why don’t you give me a tour of your build first you know since it’s so great and everything so this is the main entrance to my temple as you can see I’ve got a bunch of steps leading Direct ly under a giant statue of my face yes I can see that very nice Guido which will lead you into my treasure room check out the paintings wow Guido I’ve never seen you in this light especially with hair what the heck yeah I got to say Guido this is very impressive but I do have a question what the heck happened here seriously dude did you forget about this I uh yeah I’m not really sure what happened my blocks just went missing H okay seems a little amateurish that you’d misplaced these blocks let’s hope that doesn’t come back to bite you in the butt shut it Steve you know what let’s just check out your side okay sure come on over now adventurous I buil this so it would be a big reveal for Guido just wait until he sees what I’ve made right now he thinks I spent all my time doing this but in reality if I do this command it will reveal my build in all of its Glory beh W in the Multiverse how did you have time to build all of this H what are you talking about guo this is just what I do so yes this is the front section of my temple as you can see we’ve got some nice gargoyles on the left and the right a giant snake in the center and that’s really a theme you’ll be seeing throughout there are snakes everywhere and if you step inside of my amethyst room you will find a throne worthy of a God so I’m just going to sit myself right here while I await the results of my great Victory yes that’s 1 n Guido I I don’t well remember Steve it’s the first of five victories so I’ve still got plenty of time to win oh that seems like a rock solid plan Guido that’s right and I come on Guido let’s get you out of here back on over to your side you go oh watch the steps there you go buddy wouldn’t want to stay on my side would be a real shame for you to cheat that’s one round in the back and the next theme is Portal now I don’t want to build just a basic nether portal instead I’ve got this vision of a huge circular Gateway with a giant Godly hand reaching through from inside but I can’t build all of that in just 5 minutes so let’s go ahead and do the command again I don’t don’t think Medusa would be particularly helpful but hey maybe emus would be a good SH now emus is the God of Nature and hunting how is that going to help me I’m not really sure but still is there anything you could do to help ooh pretty oh what the heck was that what did that even do wait is someone there oh Hi friend more for me I guess wao this is awesome it looks like the animals are actually working on the build for me thank you so much timus let’s see we got a kangaroo we got whatever that thing is like a kodo dragon there’s a bear this raccoon is oh jeez looks like it want to bite my ankles or something like that uh oh come on guys slacking on the job really holy moly they built in no time timus this is awesome but I kind of want to sabotage Guido some more think I could borrow that bow so the theme is Portal huh well how about a portal with a space ring around it although it does kind of just look like a giant Donut oh it looks terrible but this is really the best I could do oh sweet the Ultimus bow she also gave me a growing Arrow this gives me an idea if I fire this the arrow itself is going to grow in [Music] midair wo wo w What in the Multiverse was that whatever it was it came from Seaside and I actually think it improve my build now now I can use this to my advantage oh no my build is ruined I sure hope nothing else happens Aus did you hear that it’s working and I’ve got another arrow with Guido’s name on it the ink Arrow I’m sure this is just going to put Black Blocks everywhere just completely ruining the vibe on his build oh yes that really made my build look like it’s suspended and S I’m playing Steve like a f here we go and the Hand should be done that looks pretty good right wait is that Guido celebrating what is he so cheerful about you know what it’s time for another growing Arrow whatever Steve says to me next I’m going to hit it right back come on come on yes dude this looks awesome oh this looks so good well done animals wait what the heck was that sound no oh no no no this isn’t good all the animals timus they’re all dead and now all I’ve been left with is this but it’s fine surely I can rebuild this 30 seconds oh gosh H let’s see was it something like this I don’t think it went out that far oh maybe it went oh no it was a circle what am I doing doing ah come on more vertical more vertical oh jeez I’m running out of time 5 4 3 2 one holy moly what is that weedo’s built some kind of space nebula and I’ve built well this what is this steeve oh it looked really cool at one point I promise you but then something went wrong and H I can’t really explain it anyway let’s see your side as you can see I have built an amazing Space Landscape we have the portal in the center as well as some nebulous colors around the outside a this isn’t even that good I just think Guido got really lucky you may have won this round Guido but I’ll be coming back with a vengeance at least I hope so the next theme is throne and honestly I thought timus was going to be a little more help than that like she was supposed to destroy Guido’s entire side no I need a God that can guarantee destruction someone like posidon the god of the seas now hold on a second Poseidon I am going to start on my throne and then I’m going to have you destroy Guido side ah stay right there do what I say okay back to building this Throne wo wo wo posidon what did you do now that’s the giant shark circling me you’re supposed to sabotage Guido not me no ah this isn’t good Poseidon seems to be enjoying this you know what I’ve got to get this shark over to Guido side and I think I know hell go go go I’ve got to build a ramp right now my idea is that the shark comes from behind hits the ramp and gets launched over to Guido’s side there we go that should be good enough now I’ve just got to move at the right time just building my Throne wait what the heck is that no notop what are you doing I’m just trying all my hard work well that sounds like it’s doing great hey Poseidon since you nearly already wrecked my build even though it was pretty lame you are going to help me now I’m going to build a desert [Music] island and you are going to surround it with with water yeah that’s looking great okay now as a thank you I’m going to go ahead and grab some diamond blocks and I’m going to make a throne dedicated to you because that’s what kind of happens when you meet someone you do each other favors you don’t just set a giant shark on them okay I’m done talking about that let me get to work now I wonder how Guido’s getting on I hate my life [Music] what in the Multiverse I guess it’s full this might be the only chance I get to rebuild got to be fast oh it sounds like Guido thinks everything is going to go well now Poseidon well we have something to say about that [Music] right there I pretty much got it entirely rebuil wait what in the Multiverse is that it’s a [Music] tunami oh sounds like we had impact let’s go see the aftermath uh Guido this is your throne uh yeah it’s totally supposed to look like this um I mean it’s a chair well I guess you definitely stuck to the theme but it’s nothing compared to my Throne take a look at this we have got the tropical island and sitting on top a throne dedicated to one of the most powerful Gods posidon uh there was nothing in the theme about Poseidon where did that idea come from nowhere nowhere uh just you know my brain oh and that’s another victory for me Guido 21 hey maybe I’m building some momentum here I’ll win next time to see you yeah yeah sure you will buddy dude this is goinging so well what’s the next theme your efforts are futile mortal soon your robotic friend will dominate this contest and you will need my help is the Summoner talking it’s never done that before and that voice doesn’t exactly sound trustworthy wait where did that even come from let’s see here/ God uh has that symbol always been there if I use it maybe I can guarantee Victory but the voice did sound pretty evil so you know what we don’t need that voice we’ll use Aphrodite for the next build and here she is and it looks like she’s brought some angels along with her I am a goddess sent from the heavens above write an idea on this note and your enemy will fall in love ooh a magical note now that sounds awesome and whatever idea I write on this note will come to life so if I think of something ridiculously stupid that has nothing to do with the theme which is ether by the way then it will in sure that Guido loses this round now let’s see here what’s the dumbest build I could possibly think of something completely unrelated to The Ether oh I got it a dirt disco all right there we go dirt disco written down Lots in and W look at the little guy go that was cool here we go oh why did I think that would work this is so dumb but I don’t have any better ideas H wait what’s this what does this even say a dirt disco that is such a do oh it’s a beautiful idea yes a der disco would be perfect for this theme I’m going to start off by building a der dance floor and now we’ll place a barrier to protect the dancers on the Dance Floor I love J I love J I love J I love well sounds like the plan’s working myself and the angels have set up these giant clouds and the next step is to put buildings on top of the clouds themselves now I’ve got a couple of blocks here to help me achieve my vision I’m thinking we have a foundation of gold and then we’ve got these quartz pillars which look really cool and really fit the theme oh and I also had another idea what would trees look like if they were on clouds I mean it wouldn’t make sense to have leaves up there so maybe we can use these birch logs and kind of make like a cloud tree or something I know weird idea but still it’s probably better than Guido’s idea this dirt dance floor is working incredible but I’ve got to say I could really use some dancers hey thanks for your help guys this looks great come on get out of here we don’t want Guido to spot you oh I can’t wait to see Guido’s dark disco oh dude no way I didn’t actually think he’d do it oh this is insane uh Guido to me through this build thing that is yeah I mean this is certainly something woohoo yeah this is awesome but Guido what does this have to do with the ether uh what are the multiverses going on oh looks like his brainwashing wore off I don’t know Guido you tell me it looks like to me that you built a dirt disco what I’m going to build this what is going on what’s going on quo is that you should have built something like this welcome to the Heavenly Kingdom of The Ether we’ve got the quartz pillars the cloud trees and each of these little houses are themed in very specific ways like this one is I mean I don’t really know what I built here toilet this one has a nice lounging area check out the couch they have couches in The Ether they do now oh and did I mention one of the most important features the rainbow Bridges this is what connects each clown with and really forms this place into a community but now it’s time to see if I’ve done enough to build the mighty ether against your disco stop talking about it I’m embarrassed oh 31 honestly Guido I’m really picking up some momentum here after the next round I’ll just be one point away from winning I can’t believe this is actually happening you’re up to something I just know it yeah yeah whatever you say ah man this is just too easy soon you will see when the gods no longer heed your call and the robot is dominating the competition you shall Bend to my will oh shut up I’ve clearly got the advantage here and I do not need you whoever the heck you are I’m Steve the adventurer and all I need is my/ good command ooh her face just for got a fire now the next theme is Mount Olympus and heras you’re not going to help me build it but you are going to help me wck Guido’s build what do you say oh jeez calm down he’s got serious anger issues now right here I’m going to build the base of Mount Olympus it’s a Giant Mountain where the most powerful gods live so it’s important that I build a good foundation so will you quit walking around you’re really distracting me thank you in fact if you want to make yourself useful you can put yourself right over here and I want you to send Fireball attacks over the wall to destroy Guido’s build okay great now get to work wow the sky is sure looking pretty today ah sounds like Guido’s build isn’t being disrupted at all okay change of plan dude can you try something a little more powerful that’s it use all of your fiery strength build up that tornado’s power and go obliterate Guido’s build hey nice job dude okay this guy’s really awkward oh what is it now a fire tornado oh no no don’t come any closer wait that actually made things much cooler Keep It Coming what he’s happy again her face this what the heck is going on why aren’t you doing anything I’m saying that’s right I’m talking to you don’t walk away from me young man you are useless you’ve done nothing since you got here you’re supposed to be helping me I should have just done this by myself your hair looks stupid nice outfit Leo God of flame more like God of lame her clothes look stupid big muscles no brains you are the worst God ever wao is that a me to okay listen dude I didn’t mean it I didn’t mean it her Fus what did you do don’t you walk away from me young man oh no that’s not good this is going to be embarrassing hello Steve how’s it going what is that what are you talking about dude this is M Olympus it’s just my rendition you think all those giant Gods could stand on top of Mount Olympus without breaking it a little this is this is a realistic version oh boy let me just go ahead and show you my side come on follow me okay Guido so I built an actual Mountain you know like we were supposed to and on top here we have this structure I bet you couldn’t have thought of anything like this I almost built exactly the same F oh never mind and check out these fiery red trees I had an awesome method for building them how did you build them honestly I don’t really know oh look I won no one saw that coming I’ll win next time Guido but maybe the voice was right maybe this is where Guido picks up some momentum and maybe I should have teamed up with them I’ve got to win this round okay let’s see who we’ve got now uh Hermes I was hoping for someone a little more powerful but he’ll just have to do the next theme is divine weapon and Hermes is nowhere to be seen oh what in the Multiverse that scared me uh thank you humies it might have been more helpful to actually have you come down here and do something but that’s okay just calm down Steve we’re still in this now what have we got here we’ve got a Hermes cap and hum’s Boots okay I am looking extremely strange wait what an artist’s easel this only appeared after I put the outfit on so it must have something to do with hermes’s power uh okay let’s just try to draw something here maybe something like this okay now what oh what the heck was that noise it sounded like wao so it looks like whatever I drawn that easel gets instantly built which means I have unlimited creativity here and if I’ve got unlimited creativity that means I can build whatever I want so for a Divine weapon I’m thinking like every weapon combined into one will start off with the gun or at least the shape of a gun and then at the bottom we’ll put some kind of like turret here there we go something like that on the side we’re going to have like a missile launcher so it’ll be kind of like a square and then we’ll put the missiles just loaded in like this oh and on the other side a chainsaw I’m sure that the gods would appreciate the chainsaw now some last extra details this is where the railing is separate the barrel just like this and this can go right there and of course we need to color it in a nice metal for the main box body different shades just to give it a little depth for the missiles we’ll do them red and we’ll use that same red in the railings here a little on the minigun Min gun’s barrels chainsaw now let’s bring this Divine weapon to life no way it actually worked the chainsaw the missiles the turret oh my gosh it’s all exactly as I drew it hey it might look even better wonder how Guido’s getting along and my Divine weapon is is finished oh the walls are dropping I’m already done so this should be good all right here we go Guido how cute you’ve built an itty witty little baby spear that’s so adorable not I thought you were supposed to build something threatening this doesn’t look like a weapon it looks like something you’d want to tickle someone with oh yeah then let’s see how much better your build is this is a weapon truly worthy of the most powerful soldiers in m craft let me just start with the missiles right here just to you know weaken the enemy before you move in with the turrets or the main barrel of the gun or the chainsaw that’s right buddy this weapon is a weapon of mass destruction oh gosh oh the weapons supposed to be doing there yeah I I guess so although it does look like it’s overheating a little seems like your build was a little too hot to handle why you little get back here no oh it’s 3 three seems this battle is getting a little out of hand Guido has won two rounds in a row you know what must be done join me oh no I already told you I can win this by myself at least at least I think so so the next theme is sacred animal and I kind of kind of wish that Artemus was around here for this I mean she had a lot of sacred animals but we’re going to have to settle for whoever the next God is and it’s Aries the God of War okay that is literally the opposite of a cute fluffy animal well he is Fluffy I mean just look at that armor you there I challenge thee to a trial by combat wa wo w w calm down I know you’re the G of War but I’m not interested in fighting however I think I know someone who is check out the side of this wall my robot Guido will fight you very well I shall slay this mechanical Menace that’s right have fun good luck with that now I Can Begin work on my sacred animal a giant holy Eagle in dedication of the Gods oh this looks terrible it’s supposed to be a horse what in the Multiverse who the heck are you what is wrong with you I know it was lame anyway but still let’s settle this I shall slay me well sounds like Guido has met Aries I’d say my build is going pretty well I’ve got the wireframe of The Eagle right now just the skeleton but pretty soon I’ll be able to fill this up and make it look super Majestic besides guo is totally distracted there’s no way he’s going to get the advantage now I yes wait what is this I’ve never seen anything like this before it looks like fur all right this is really coming together but you know what would make this awesome a little bit of texture some kind of realism like if we could get fur or something but clearly there’s no such thing as fur blocks I can’t believe I got fur blocks they look so realistic and the best part Steve won’t be able to get them this is really going to enhance my fild there we go that’s actually looking pretty good uh What the heck is that what do you think Steve it’s my grizzly bear weo this isn’t an ordinary build what are these blogs fur blogs never seen them before no I haven’t seen fur blocks before this is so unfair how did you even get them a builder never Reveals His Secrets ugh whatever man his build looks so realistic and mine it just kind of looks lame in comparison anyway this is my uh my my holy Eagle um it’s got a wooden beak no fur uh aren’t Eagles supposed to be fluffy yes I know that Guido I didn’t think it was possible to make things fluffy in Minecraft those 10,000 diamonds are as good as mine oh there’s a single round away from Victory Last Chance oh you again um um um okay fine SL God and if I select the symbol wa that was there the whole time Hades that must have been the voice I was hearing Hades god of the underworld a pleasure to meet you uh hi it’s good to meet you too uh listen take some blocks the next theme is statue I won’t be needing those wa dude what the heck how did you do that so fast this is cool and everything but what about the [Music] Statue holy moly look at these guys they’re like little imps just flying around helping me out and I guess they’re the ones who are going to be doing all the building so I can just sit down relax and let the imps do their work beat them Guido and my statue is finally complete huh looks exactly like me wow this looks insane look at the eyes certainly a statue worthy of the Gods uh hey I could really use your help in the next round do you think you could kind of stick around and help me my skills are needed elsewhere mortal I’ll shall see you soon uh okay thanks again well that was ominous okay let’s see what Guido was built here what the heck is that it’s me what’s wrong but you don’t have any arms or or pegs guo this is totally unrealistic I could have used spur blocks for my chest hair oh jeez shut up shut up shut up instead take a look at my build not only have I built the Statue itself but I’ve also done the landscape around it which really gives it this hellish Vibe yeah but who’s it supposed to be uh no one important certainly no one that uh helped me uh build this nope not at all come on Hades please let this work I have to win this round dude yes thank you Haiti I mean uh thank you uh me for building all of this uh sometimes you got to just you know pat yourself on the back man I’m really thought my build was good well it was good Guido but just not good enough and now whoever wins the next round wins the entire competition May the best builder win the final theme is kingdom and it’s very important that I Lay It All Out beforehand both myself and Guido are going to go all out here so my town or city or well Kingdom I guess has got to be much better and much more organized than his only one round away from Victory guo you got this wait who in the Multiverse are you oh right this kingdom is looking good going to have this done in no time wait is that 80s oh I knew he’d come back hey dude get down here help me build sorry mortal I only work with the best and your robot is far stronger than you are we will be winning this build battle and then destroying your world I don’t get the 10,000 diamonds right what in the Multiverse was the oh my gosh meteors ah Hades that traitor luckily they’re not destroying my build but they are pting me down I got to get in cover as long as Hades keeps firing them down I’m never going to win this build battle I need to use slash God one more time and this time I’m using the king of all gods Zeus No Zeus the god of the underworld is attacking I need your help here and now the gods are battling it out it’s just a straight face off against guo build versus [Music] build oh nice jump I knew you were up to something Steve you were cheating by using God this entire time that’s not important right now Guido we’ve both got our builds so let’s just see who’s is better welcome to the kingdom of Guido Topia these are the entrance Gardens and inside you will find my throne and that’s about it well at least your throne wasn’t eaten by a shark this time let me show you my side unlike you my kingdom is much more expensive and multi-leveled we’ve got stairs leading up to the main areas was reaching into the skies but one thing you don’t have is Interiors uh yeah I I guess you’re right well luckily you or I don’t choose the winner it’s up to the gods what and they chose me well of course they choose you you are the one that hired them no no Guido don’t be a s loser you’ll be the one that soore he’s taught me a few things wait what a

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This is Minecraft, but I cheat using /GOD! When Steve is challenged to a build battle with his best friend G.U.I.D.O Steve uses Minecraft’s most powerful gods such as Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, to cheat his way to victory! Can Steve cheat using Minecraft Gods to win the build battle? This is MINECRAFT BUT I CHEATED WITH /GOD!


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~ G.U.I.D.O Animation by: https://www.studiogoblin.co.uk/
~ Music/SFX by Epidemic Sound: http://epidemicsound.com
~ Minecraft builds by Ambient Creations: https://twitter.com/AmbientTeam

Follow our incredible voice cast:
Carimelle: https://estherchristova.carrd.co/#home
Cyrus Rodas: https://twitter.com/CyrusRodas
Dallis MacKenzie: https://twitter.com/Dallisaur
Corey Wilder: https://twitter.com/WilderCorey
Brooke Johnson: https://brookejohnsonvo.com


‣ GTA 5 DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/35VAw0f
‣ MINECRAFT DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/3mKfUOL
‣ ROBLOX DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/2HquZVz


Minecraft is an open world game that has no specific goals for the player to accomplish, allowing players a large amount of freedom in choosing how to play the game however, there is an achievement system. The gameplay by default is first person, but players have the option to play in third person mode. The core gameplay revolves around breaking and placing blocks. The game world is essentially composed of rough 3D objects—mainly cubes—that are arranged in a fixed grid pattern and represent different materials, such as dirt, stone, various ores, water, and tree trunks. While players can move freely across the world, objects and items can only be placed at fixed locations relative to the grid. Players can gather these material blocks and place them elsewhere, thus allowing for various constructions.

#Checkpoint #buildbattle #Minecraft



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