Can Harvest Moon Compete With Stardew Valley?

Back in the 90s and early 2000s, the farming sim genre was pretty much dominated by Harvest Moon. Fast forward a couple years though, and that’s not really the case anymore. Like it’s kinda crazy how different things are now compared to when this genre first started. Now, I’ve already talked about all this before, but to get everyone caught up… OKAY, so there was this game called Bokujo Monogatari right? It came out […] So Natsume started publishing the games in the west and […] So THEN Victor Interactive Software was acquired by […] And because of that we now have Story of Seasons and Harvest Moon… See, it”s not that complicated… Ok so look, basically we have the real Harvest Moon just with a new name. And uh… Fake ass Creme Betweens Harvest Moon? So, these two fought it out for a bit BUT eventually it was all for nothing. Because, in 2016 a little indie game called Stardew Valley came out of nowhere and pretty much effortlessly swiped the farming sim crown from both of them. Stardew Valley basically wiped these two off the map. So, is there even a place for either of these franchises in a post Stardew Valley world? Well, let’s take a look at each new entry from Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons to find out! Alright so, Harvest Moon: One World. Also known as: "Aw f***, I bought the wrong one…" Yeah, for those of you who don’t know Natsume’s Harvest Moon doesn’t really have the best track record with most of these games feeling like cheap mobile games that were made to fool people into thinking this is the same Harvest Moon you grew up with when it’s, ya know… [Glass breaks] it’s not. So, yeah I wasn’t feeling the best about paying… 50 F***ING DOLLARS FOR THIS S***?? And there’s already DLC? Alright… So, we start on the title screen with some classic royaltyfree.mp3 so you already know my expectations are through the f***ing roof. [Harvest Moon: One World Title Screen Music] What do they got me on hold…? [Title Screen music plays through phone] We then select our character, get some very basic customization options and we’re off to the races. Now, I’m guessing some s*** went down in the last Harvest Moon because this one takes place in some dystopian future or something. Like, there’s only like 3 people in this entire village and the only vegetable that exists here are potatoes. Also, no one seems to know how the hell seeds work. But, there’s this book right? That talks about all these other kinds of crops that existed in the olden days But, PSH those are just fairy tales you can’t tell me you actually think something called a… "CU CU mber" actually existed… But, the main character insists there’s gotta be more to life than just potatoes and…. …this guy… [Cow Moo] So, we set off to prove just that. Along the way you’ll also be testing this new invention the expando-farm. It’s an entire farm you can just… stuff in your pocket. Yeah, you can literally pick up your entire farm and just move it to a completely new area and this is basically what the entire game revolves around. Honestly, I thought this was such a stupid gimmick I mean, one of the main appeals of these types of games is growing attached to a small community as you build up your farm. If you’re constantly on the move you’ll never get the chance to experience that. But, the more I played… The more I started to really like this idea. Like, it’s exciting to move your farm to a completely new region and discover its unique elements. What are the people like here? What kind of crops do they grow? You may not be able to become attached to these areas like you do in other farming games but it keeps things fresh and is a really nice change of pace from the usual farming game setup. For example, in other farming games like Stardew Valley once you’ve seen everything the area has to offer that’s it… But here, once you grow bored of a village or someone in the village Yeah, go f*** yourself Branden You can just pack up and move somewhere new It’s such a unique approach to these types of games. However, while the idea definitely stands out the actual execution is… pretty awful. The world just…isn’t worth exploring. It’s all just a bunch of small villages connected by these super boring and linear paths. Also, you can only set up your farm in these very specific spots so like 99% of the world is just empty filler. There isn’t even much to the different regions with each feeling basically the same with a different regional coat of paint splattered on top. Same goes for the characters with none of them having any real depth at all which makes it hard to grow attached to any of them. Which speaking of characters it’s almost like they gave up halfway through with most of them being named things like "Strong Man" "Thoughtful woman" or who could forget "Friendly Man" He’s just too F***ING friendly The game is also a technical mess with a super choppy framerate people teleporting all over the place and these really weird graphicalglitches Like…yeah Yeah, that looks finished… THEN there’s the DLC which I’d be fine with. But the fact that they spent time and resources on making this extra paid content instead of ya know… Polishing the actual game when it VERY MUCH needed it is just… baffling. I’m just…disappointed with this game. Because, I was initially having a decent time with it. Like I said, I have to commend them for trying something new here. But, it’s just not executed well at all. I’d love to see this idea fully realized in a better game and who knows maybe they’ll continue to refine it with future entries. But for now… I just want my 50 f***ing dollars back. Also, I love how if you type Harvest Moon in on the eShop Story of Seasons comes up. Like even Nintendo knows THIS isthe one you actually want. Which speaking of: Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town. HOLY S*** is this game boring… …at first. Yeah, this is just a problem that every modern Story of Seasons game has and unfortunately it doesn’t look like they did much to fix it here. They just take SO LONG to get going with all these super unnecessary tutorials shoved down your neck. It’s like they don’t respect the player at all and just assume you have no idea what farming even is. "The hell is this s***?" Once you get past all that though this is just a pretty standard farming game… and that’s exactly why I find it so disappointing. Now, don’t get me wrong I like this game, it just…. doesn’t do anything new or ground breaking. It’s all stuff I’ve seen before and most of it is stuff that’s already been done way better in previous entries. There’s also quite a few borrowed elements from other series like Stardew or Animal Crossing which is fine… But they just don’t add much to the overall experience. Like you start out in a tent on a deserted piece of land like in New Horizons you donate to a museum like in Stardew There’s even this Egg Festival which… …Yeah they’re not even trying to hide it. It just feels like they threw this stuff in because all of these other popular games are doing it so I guess we have to do it too… Which is a terrible way to design ANY kind of game. You see, something like Stardew Valley works so well because allof its systems are tied togetherin a meaningful way. Everything has a purpose which means you’re always making progress no matter how you choose to play. But here…that’s not really the case. Everything just feels so disjointed like…why should I donate these fish to the museum when I could just sell them? Why waste time on these minigames? Why do I have to scoop up these puddles every morning? Why should I talk to ANYONE when the most interesting thing they have to say is "The sun sure is bright" OH YA DONT F***ING SAY. "f*** that’s bright" [Sigh] I don’t know, this game is alright I guess. It just doesn’t do anything to really define itself. And because of that it ends up feeling pretty forgettable. Like, even though Harvest Moon: One World was a broken mess of a game I’ll at least remember it for its unique concept. But this? It’s just another Story of Seasons game. I see no reason at all to play this one over any of the other entries. Basically, Harvest Moon is the more interesting but broken game. And Story of Seasons is more polished, but doesn’t do anything noteworthy. So, back to my original question then. Do either of these franchises have a place in a post Stardew Valley world? Honestly, right now…no. Both of these games are 50 god damn dollars while Stardew Valley is over here for less than half of that and has been offering free content updates since 2016. With either of these games you’re literally paying double the price for what? 3D visuals…? But, just because they aren’t on the same level as Stardew Valley now doesn’t mean I think they should just throw in the towel. Competition in any industry is always a good thing it encourages innovation and gives consumers a choice. I’d love to see a world where the farming sim genre is just as competitive as any other genre with each series doing its best to out do the rest. But, right now your choices are just…Stardew Valley or…nothing and I find that to be pretty frustrating. I mean, Story of Seasons has been going for 25 years now, and this is all they have to offer? Like I said at the beginning of this, the farming sim genre is very different now compared to how it was a decade ago… But, Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons just…don’t seem to agree? It’s almost like they’re just ignoring the fact that Stardew Valley even exists. Neither of these games feel like they’re making any real effort to compete with it which doesn’t bode well for either of them. I mean, Stardew Valley was made by a single person while both of these games have entire studios behind them so…what’s their excuse? Stardew Valley isn’t going away and the more these two continue to drag their feet the more irrelevant they’ll become. There’s definitely potential here though, with both of these games. They just need to stop ignoring the elephant in the room and actually put up a fight…

Harvest Moon once dominated the farming sim genre, but nowadays? That’s not really the case, with the surprise indie hit Stardew Valley claiming the farming sim crown in 2016. So, is there even a place for Harvest Moon or Story of Seasons in a post Stardew Valley world? Well, let’s take a look at Harvest Moon: One World AND Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town, each for the Nintendo Switch to find out!


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  1. The only harvest moon game I have played is "A wonderful life" for the GameCube but whenever I play or watch my brother play Stardew I just feel like it is such a ripoff. There are too many similarities between the games. I litterary found this video by typing "harvest moon ripoff" in the search bar. No hate to any game of course but I am trying to understand why I should buy Stardew when I can just play harvest moon which I already own instead.

  2. i prefer the old ones harvest moon games over stardew.. stardew just feels really bland to me for some reason, the only way i like to play it is with friends but my friends will only play for like three ingame days and then never touch it again.. also with nostalgia and their charm i find them much more entertaining 🙂

  3. I can’t put my finger on why, but Stardew Valley just never hooked me. I wanted to like it, but I just couldn’t.

    I still love old Harvest Moon games and enjoy Story of Seasons and Rune Factory. So I like the genre, but something about Stardew just rubs me the wrong way.

  4. sounds stupid….
    i actually really loved dragon quest builders 2 for most of the farming and crafting, fighting, story and etc.
    I was just wondering which game to get next.
    good funny jokes, nice editing and fantastic dedication to teach us the basics and plot of each game.

  5. I thought Stardew Valley was alone in the Genre, and had all others completely wiped out, then I played Rune Factory 4, and changed my mind. At the very least, Rune Factory 4 is worth playing alongside Stardew Valley. Although I've never played them other potential competitors for Stardew Valley may include; Rune Factory 5, Dragon Quest Builders 2, Animal Crossing Franchise, Harvest Moon: A New Beginning, Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns. Those last 2 are possibly the best / most feature rich games of the Story of Seasons Franchise, and are both for the 3DS. The list is based on reviews I've seen on these games, as well as all the other Story of Season / Harvest Moon games. I'd love to see Trio of Towns ported to the Switch, but I doubt that will happen…

    Edit: I heard somewhere that the reason why Pioneers of Olive Town sucked is because all the development effort was being put into Rune Factory 5. And Friends of Mineral Town is a remake of an older, simple Harvest Moon. It is supposed to be basic, simple Harvest Moon game, but I agree it's a bit expensive for that.

  6. Thanks for that video – i was trying to decide whether i should buy stardew valley for my new switch (i played it at the PC a lot) or harvest moon/ story of seasons. Sounded like a pretty clear thing to me which one gives you the most for ones money :'D

  7. I love harvest moon back to nature but very soon This game becomes repetitive and unbearable, and the game loses its ability to progress all version but Stardew valley very different

  8. A bit late to comment but your point of marvellous didn't innovative is true since the release/remaster of friend of mineral town and recently they announced a wonderful full life remake/remaster. Again I'm happy that a wonderful life is getting a remake since it's my childhood game but yeah it seems like marvellous didn't come with any new idea yet sadly

  9. I played Stardew but didn't give me the same feelings that the older Harvest Moon games give to me for some reason, I just couldn't relate very much to the characters or the world like I normally do, plus to me the graphics put me off, I just am not a fan off the old snes style graphics for this type of game. Properly because I played the older games so much but just didn't feel the same to me.

  10. I think one thing to consider is that Stardew Valley actually ends up feeling kinda… overfilled? Too overgrown? There is just so much content, so many methods to min-max and increase and everything gives you that feeling that "gotta get 1 more thing done". There is kegs and jars and fish ponds, tools to build and upgrade and manipulate everything etc…. while you technically don't "need" to rush through things, it is easy to get dragged into this feeling of needing to get more and more done and trying to max out everything. Having only played the older Harvest Moon games they were more… relaxed I feel? There was just less to do, less to min-max and thus less reason to rush everything. More of a chance to just chill, talk with people etc…

    I do love SV but I am also looking forward to playing the Friends of Mineral Town remake that I ordered recently.

  11. Stardew Valley is a great game. About a year after Stardew released on pc SoS Trio of Towns released in North America and it's a great game, too. I think it's even as good as Stardew Valley.

  12. The only vegetable is the potato..
    What is this Ireland before the famine..😑
    Look I'm Irish and i Do like my spuds .. but come on … we tryed that already .. and .. well it didn't go so well🙄

  13. Counter point, the bachelors and bachelorettes sipping the deaddification and wifeyfication juice. Mary’s metamorphosis into her final Marie form is something to be studied

  14. I have a weird take here but why is the camera so close ever since harvest moon 64? I love that stardew has a proper zoomed out perspective just like Harvest Moon SNES. I think SV is the REAL sequel to the og hm, and they are the only two of these kinds of games I like.

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