I was so hoping that one of my favorite songs of all time would find its way to victory here and to be given to such a kind soul is icing on the pink cake! There are definitely a few surprises scattered throughout though! Enjoy! The Winner of Evelyn is What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong!! You can find the full Spotify playlist by following the link here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2bhmokSBL6BvDcdcHc7OIQ?si=6V-vPBGmTdyo6tv-il4klQ&pi=u-Y1AWVt2jTcWW

As always, please support the original artist for the above image by checking out Talkohlooey’s portrait mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/5269

It’s now time to make a playlist for the lovable(?) grouch that is George! What lies beneath that stoney exterior? What is it that Evelyn saw all those years ago? Perhaps your songs can fill in the gaps for me!

Pick a song you believe best represents George as a character, reminds you of him in some way, or one that you believe he would listen to on his own!

Now please be kind, be creative, and be having fun!

by PipPip-OiOi


  1. [16 tons by Tennessee Ernie Ford](https://youtu.be/RRh0QiXyZSk?si=62EheqLeN6dDkO1G) Essentially, it’s a song about being used up and thrown away by a mining company once you’re no longer useful. “You load 16 Tons what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt. St Peter don’t you call me cuz I can’t go I owe my soul to the company store…” Mining companies back then did not pay their employees with money. They paid them with tokens that could only be redeemed at the company store. A lot of times what they made wasn’t even enough to get by, so they had to start a line of credit with the store, essentially keeping them indebted to the store, ensuring that they would never leave.

  2. Sub-Mongoloid on

    [Old Man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKCiC-H2Xbg) – Neil Young

    More than just the title, George removes himself from the rest of pelican town making himself feel bitter but he is welcomed in to all of the events and is just as much a part of the fabric of the valley as anyone else. Just as the farmer comes onto the scene looking for love and acceptance they are not so different from George who has created a legacy of family despite his tragic past.

  3. AgentNewMexico on

    [You’re the Reason Our Kids are Ugly by Loretta Lynn and Conway Twitty](https://youtu.be/UkfTcSH5-L8?si=CIGY1UR6k2PXLhz7). It’s a song about a couple squabbling. But at the end of the day, it’s all in good humor and they do very much love each other. George may bicker with Evelyn from time to time, but he still loves her.

  4. heretoaskquestionsst on

    Leo Sayer- I love you more than I can say

    He’s a grumpy old man who I am sure has difficulty expressing his emotions to Evelyn, but she’s his whole world and takes care of him.

  5. Is it cheesy? Yes. Am I saying it anyways? Yes. Daughter’s Lament by Carolina Chocolate Drops. I cannot imagine the sheer terror at learning your father was in a coal explosion, the fear of what happens to your family should he not survive.

  6. Hurt – by Johnny Cash

    The Johnny Cash version of this music fits well with George, since it ends up being about an old man thinking about his life, at the end of it.

  7. I am once again recommending Hurt as performed by Johnny Cash for an old man in a chair. When I recommended it for Gil someone told me it fit better for George so here I am (though I do think it fits George as well of course, otherwise I wouldn’t be recommending it!) Very old man who seems like he has a lot of regrets and is pretty bitter at the world. It definitely fits better for low-friendship George, because once you get a couple parsnips in this guy he’s much friendlier!

  8. Megatron3898 on

    Married Life – Michael Giacchino (Up OST, 2009).

    Can’t think of anything better for a grumpy old man who loves nothing more than his wife.

  9. Captainsandvirgins on

    My Young Man – Kate Rusby. From Evelyne’s perspective about George,.

  10. Arabesque no. 1 – Debussy
    I feel like George would love (or at least, not complain about) the classical station on the radio

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