Minecraft Guess Who 19

does your block spawn naturally in the Overworld no okay that does that does I’ve already decided what your block is is your block blue or purple no and this is great is your block craftable yes okay he you’re getting way too close I have three okay well I guess I’ll just throw it out there from what I thought yours was at the beginning is yours the red nether brick wall no no okay that’s a bummer block block of bamboo no oh dang it okay now you’re too closed is your block lime shulker box no is your block a lime shulker box no oh okay got to think this through you’re not doing this again okay bro what are you doing okay you do like that block but you didn’t choose it this time what in the is your block Gran it no no is your block purple concrete yes let’s go

#shorts #minecraft #funny #memes
This is Minecraft Guess Who a game where me and my friend try to guess the block that the other chose! We can either ask each other questions to narrow the search or just randomly guess any block on the board! We take turn asking questions/guessing, and once one of us correctly guesses the other person’s block, we win! If you do enjoy this short, make sure to like and subscribe because that helps me out a ton! Enjoy the best series on YouTube!
credits to _gerg on YouTube for the formatting of the game!


  1. What recipe is for purple concrete? I see that it is created after purple concrete was placed next to water, which i think it isnt in the recipe book.
    Edit: Purple concrete powder is craftable, i didnt mean it isnt craftable so dont misunderstand

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