Mikey PEPSI vs JJ COCA COLA Kingdom in Minecraft (Maizen)

huge Coke Kingdom and I’m the king of it how wonderful and I am the king of the Pepsi Kingdom and it is aund times better than yours do you really think that my Coca-Cola kingdom is worse than yours what are you doing well then we’ll have a war my kingdom has many of my subjects and they are all loyal to me and most importantly my kingdom is better than yours and we have more fun I’m a little better ruler than Mikey I’m smarter and stronger than him Listen to King JJ trouble has come to the center of the Kingdom what you better see for yourself H okay let’s go why did something happen today I don’t know but for some reason I have a very bad feeling H what is it there did the Golem catch the fellow Travelers what is going on here although I think I’ve already understood everything this is the subordination of the kingdom of Pepsi yes you’re right he wanted to blow up our kingdom I left him but by this point he had already blown up TNT what should I do with him H lock him in the dungeon I want this prisoner never to go free again okay I get you you will never see him again he’s going to be in jail for the rest of his life I knew Mikey would try to attack my kingdom I’ll go outside I think Mikey’s around H I know Mikey did it I need to say hi to him H what a beautiful wall I have I just went outside to check that my wall is in good condition like cracks no I know you did it you know this is war right you decided to blow up my kingdom I won’t forgive that you do realize that if we have a war you won’t survive I will do it again and again I will destroy your kingdom because I am the true king don’t make me laugh Mikey if you want to beat me you’ll have to come to my kingdom with a huge Army okay no problem I’ll do it what we need to warn the people of my kingdom I want them to help me defeat Mikey I have to hurry it seems all the vill have gathered in the Square it will be a good opportunity to declare war listen villagers Coca-Cola Kingdom I have bad news for you or well depending on which side look Pepsi Kingdom has declared war on us it wants to destroy our kingdom and all you evict their homes at this moment we must not be discouraged we need everyone to gather and be ready the kingdom of Mikey has declared war on us but he has not considered one thing we never give up listen villagers Pepsi Kingdom I have bad news for you JJ Kingdom has attacked us we can’t stand it an ambassador was sent to their Kingdom with gifts and they sent him to prison for nothing so we will attack the kingdom of Coca-Cola and take it for ourselves let them know what happens when our subjects are attacked gather at the entrance to the kingdom I see you’ve really gathered a whole Army do you think Mikey you have a chance against me the subjects of the Kingdom have been trained to fight since birth you can do it now and I’ll spare you and your people it’s your own fault you send Invaders with TNT into my kingdom Let There Be War raise your Shields and swords defend your kingdom H prepare for war no pity for the Invaders if you lose our kingdom will no longer exist we must stand until the very end you must defeat all the opponents I believe in you great so far everything is ridiculous my cell Skins are prepared very well they can beat everyone this is not the problem at all I believe you if you can beat me I’ll buy a bucket of ice cream as far as my plan goes JJ has no idea his kingdom is about to be destroyed prepare the Cannons now we will destroy the walls what is that TNT where did Mikey get the TNT gun how come I’m not going to get it if Mikey destroys the walls of my kingdom I lose I have to destroy somehow these guns with this weapon Mikey can really win I can’t let that happen oh no they not only destroy my wall they still shoot my soldiers I must stop it now I should have made that gun myself why didn’t I think of that H what do I do if I don’t come up with a plan then my warrior will lose we need to figure something out I thought that Mikey will soon run out of TN what do I do in my Army losses because the gun shoots not only at the walls but also at my Army you’re losing to JJ I thought this through from the beginning oh no I saw it in the movie it’s a super Gun there’s no way you can beat me did you think I didn’t have a secret weapon I’ll tell you a secret that’s not all I have a weapon against you if you want you can give up now I don’t mind think about it if you don’t surrender from your kingdom there’ll be nothing left stop talking Mikey if you think you can beat me it’ll never happen h I’m not giving up I admit you surprised me when you made the gun I also have one secret weapon I wanted to keep it but I guess I don’t have a choice you’re going to wish you’d never fought against me the activation lever is near my Throne we need to get there very quickly before Mikey destroys the walls of my kingdom H if I’m honest I didn’t think I’d ever be able to activate it well thanks to Mikey I’ll know how it works I hope the lever works now I have to launch a Mentos rocket with one such missile I can destroy the whole Kingdom Mikey himself is to blame he started it and I will finish it wait sir the missiles are not ready we have to do all the necessary tests the missile is too dangerous to use I don’t care if I don’t activate it Mikey’s Kingdom will be destroyed our kingdom could get blown up too H it’s late I’ve decided everything now I can win I’ll never lose to Mikey if I can win with this weapon it’ll be worth it I press the button hope the rocket goes off all right the missiles are headed straight for Mikey’s Kingdom it’s going to hit the troops directly I might as well have won all right the missiles are almost here H what is that like a rocket where did it come from it fell right on my soldiers oh no there are people in My Kingdom why enter such a force what was the rocket I even heard from here explosion I think I won H it was a very easy Victory I wonder how my soldiers are doing we should go check on them I knew it would be a good idea too bad I didn’t have time to change the coordinates of the rocket it was necessary to make the rocket fall directly on the kingdom of Mikey well most of the Warriors Pepsi kingdom is destroyed now our powers are equal again H how dare you do this it was not fair I will surely destroy your kingdom it will not even leave a brick h if our Warriors are equal in strength then no one will win I have to make sure that my kingdom wins I will secretly sneak into the Pepsi Kingdom and set off an explosion if Mikey used TNT then I will too all right now we need to get some TNT I’ll blow this Tower so I can get inside the Kings great I have to hurry Mikey can replace me I think he’ll definitely not expect me to attack him I I hope one TNT is enough to make the tower fall Mikey himself is to blame well the tower fell for all I know there’s a secret passageway into Mikey’s Kingdom somewhere he started it all first and I’ll finish it all I will sneak into Mikey’s Kingdom and blow it all up while Mikey is busy fighting my Army I will destroy his throne and then I will win H all right this is Pepsi which means there’s a sewer above me that’s how I get into Mikey’s Kingdom Mikey should have set up cameras here he’s not exactly expecting me to enter his kingdom through the sewers great isn’t there anyone here H I think I’m wrong Mikey’s got guards posted in the city I’m going to have to act very quietly and carefully I should have brought my invisibility potion so I could go quietly at first I just wanted to destroy the kingdom but first I have to defeat all the guards good thing I have a bow I can beat all the guards quietly without making a fuss H there are more guards than I thought I can’t beat them all I just don’t have time surprisingly I have not been noticed yet I thought the guard would immediately understand what is happening here that’s why I train my Warriors to defend their Kingdom H how many Pepsi guards are there I thought I could beat them alone but but it would take too long H I need a weapon to defeat several guards at once I think I invent it I will use TNT fine I’ll drop the TNT in here it’s a good thing I took the TNT out of the house I think this is the center of his kingdom so there are so many people it’s a great place to use TNT H at one time I can defeat so many Pepsi Warriors H well I must wait in the same Spirit until Mikey noticed me good thing I got that super bow I will destroy the Army Pepsi Warriors and soon no one will come to his Aid here it’s a simple but treacherous plan I don’t think I can do it for long sooner or later he’s going to understand so far Mikey has not realized that I am destroying his army single-handed I’ll blow up all these houses most of the Army is right here when these houses blow up Mikey’s going to lose most of his backup the explosion was stronger than I thought well I have a lot of super TNT well that’s what the potion is I’ll take them I’ll need them I will install super explosives on houses little by little I will be able to destroy Mikey’s Kingdom he doesn’t even know that something is happening to his kingdom H I wonder what Mikey’s doing right now I’d sneak into my kingdom and try to destroy him from the inside I think there’s something wrong here why nobody stopping me at first I thought I just wasn’t noticed but I use super explosives and Mikey’s not here yet he’s either in My Kingdom right now trying to destroy him H it doesn’t matter I want to take all the resources from this house I need them maybe I can find here diamond armor or something or this is all part of his plan maybe it’s all a trap it’s not like I know Mikey he couldn’t have come up with such a complicated plan maybe he didn’t notice I was trying to destroy his kingdom there are useful potions and some food I’ll take only food now I don’t need potion great I did everything I wanted I blew up several homes in the Pepsi Kingdom now I have the advantage how nice that I have a hook I can climb over walls I have to go back to my kingdom hope now my Coca-Cola Army will cope I stole food now my Army can last long longer if they eat delicious they will be easier to win listen Coca-Cola villagers I brought you pumpkin pie this pumpkin pie I can steal from Mikey I think you will really like it this is an unusual food it makes you stronger when you eat all of it you can easily beat Mikey I will feast in your honor you can eat whatever you want and remember if you can win I’ll buy you all ice cream so beat Mikey H okay thank you we just got really hungry now we’ll be full and you can easily beat Mikey you will surely be able to defeat the Army Pepsi Warriors I already feel that I am getting stronger though I have not eaten food yet fine if it helps you I’ll be only happy while you are fighting Mikey I once again wet his lock I’m going to put TNT in there and I’m going to destroy his lock H the fight is already going whole day I think it will be over soon now the troops on each side are the same but soon the attachments will come they can easily defeat Pepsi Army H I have to make so Mikey doesn’t get reinforcements I will destroy all his soldiers when they come out of the barracks H still good that I have a hook first I’m going to get inside the house I’m going to take all of Mikey’s resources maybe I can find something useful here I wonder what Mikey’s doing now I have to break the bars H great I could get into the house and nobody even saw me I thought there’d be security at the house apparently Mikey’s running out of army I took all the resources that were here now I have to get to work I can defeat all the Pepsi Warriors I must hurry H I have to beat them all as fast as I can the more I can beat the less soldiers there are to come to Mikey’s Aid still good that I I know how to use hook I need to kill Pepsi villagers they are here more than I thought h fine the more I can beat the Warriors the better I hope I don’t run out of arrows now although it is unlikely well like there are no more Pepsi Warriors seems I could beat all H the reinforcements great now I can totally win I’ll also destroy the sewers and if the city doesn’t have running water no one will want to live here the first thing I will destroy is the sewer then I will proceed to destroy the other buildings at first I thought it might be some kind of plan but it was easier than I thought Mikey just didn’t notice that I secretly broke into his castle I can totally destroy Mikey’s Kingdom but I’m not going to do that because when I win the kingdom I will and I’m going to have to rebuild it all here although if the kingdom suffers too much I will not rebuild it I want to give away the golden blocks that I found my army they deserve it I think they’ll be pleased listen villagers I see you liked my food so I brought you more gifts this is the gold I stole from Mikey and I decided to give it to you because I couldn’t have won it without you I brought not only gold but also iron so you can make yourself some armor or weapons thank you JJ now we will definitely win you are very kind I’m sure the other kings are not so generous that’s you I’m I’m glad you like living in My Kingdom I can’t talk anymore I have to finish what I started doing I will destroy Mikey’s Castle I use a hook and get to the throne of Mikey how good that I could beat most of the Pepsi guards now I will not be disturbed H I think he’ll notice me apparently I’m lucky before destroying the throne I want to take things out of Mikey’s trunk H I came practical there is very little left H is that Mikey did he go to the castle I must hurry I have almost reached there is still a bit left well it’s like the throne room somewhere there should be a chest I wonder what I can find in it where is this chest I have to hurry hope Mikey doesn’t come back now H all right here’s the chest first I’ll take the diamond sword it’s the most useful of all resources now I can arrange the TNT I think the explosion will be very strong great the explosion was even more powerful than I thought I destroyed Mikey’s throne room there was nothing left of the throne room now I have one

Mikey PEPSI vs JJ COCA COLA Kingdom in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg

Gummy Bear vs. Security – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vd-HMNSmSCs